Volumen 11 Middle-Magdalena Basin
Volumen 11 Middle-Magdalena Basin
Volumen 11 Middle-Magdalena Basin
Vol. 11
Luis Fernando Sarmiento
MIDDLE Magdalena Correcciones 6 Abr21.indd 1 21/04/12 15:01
Department of Geology
Geovany Bedoya Sanmiguel, MSc.
Project Manager
Carrera 49 No. 7 sur 50, Avenida Las Vegas
Tel: (57-4) 2619330
Medellín - Colombia
December 2011
Technical Sub-director
Chief Geologist
5 Catatumbo, CAT 3
Pedraza, P.E., 3Y. Ramírez 136 86
6 Cesar - Ranchería, CR 3
Mesa, A.M., Rengifo, S.E. 160 86
13 Tumaco, TU 1
Marín-Cerón, M.I.,1 G.M.Sierra 80 46
14 Upper Magdalena, UM 3
Roncancio, J.H., 3M. Martínez 182 104
15 Vaupés - Amazonas, VA 13
Kroonenberg, S., 13C.V. Reeves 104 74
Chapter Petroleum Systems (in each
Mora, C., 14P. Parra, 14D. Sanabria, 14W. Guzmán
24 2.1 Mesozoic rifting history of the MMB
29 2.2 Late Cretaceous to Cenozoic history of the MMB
54 4.1 North-Western MMB domain.
56 4.2 South-Western MMB domain.
56 4.3 Central MMB domain.
56 4.4 ECB foothills domain.
60 4.5 Girardot southern domain
60 4.6 Structural Cross Sections
82 6.1 Structural maps
92 7.1 Petroleum systems
96 7.2 Source rocks and hydrocarbon charge
96 7.2.1 Source rocks
96 LA LUNA Fm.
100 Rosablanca Fm.
100 Paja Fm.
100 Tablazo Fm.
100 Simiti Fm.
100 Umir Fm.
101 7.2.2. Hydrocarbon generation and expulsion
101 La Luna Fm. source rock interval.
105 Paja-Tablazo Fms. source rock interval.
105 7.2.3. Hydrocarbon migration, accumulation and preservation
107 7.3 Reservoir rock and petrophysical evaluation
Annex 1. Oil and gas fields
Annex 2. Oil and gas production
1.1 Location Exploration activity increased during the 1950s when 119 exploratory
wells were drilled resulting in 20 discoveries, 9 of which delivered significant
The Magdalena Valley Basin is the present day intermountain basin reserves. The Palagua field was the largest discovery. During this decade
separating the two eastern branches of the Colombian Andes: the Central the discovery of the Buturama field with 6 MBOE in the western part of
Cordillera to the west and The Eastern Cordillera (ECB) to the East. The the basin opened a new Cretaceous Structural Play in the Rosa Blanca
Magdalena River runs along the Magdalena Valley from south to north; Formation. Additional reserves have been discovered in the Cretaceous
following the downstream river flow, the Magdalena Valley has been Rosa Blanca Formation and other Basal Limestone Group formations (IHS,
divided into three basins: Upper Magdalena Basin, Middle Magdalena 2009).
Basin (MMB) and Lower Magdalena Basin. The MMB is located west of
the ECB approximately between the latitudes of Bogota and Bucaramanga During the 1960s more exploratory wells were drilled than in the
(Fig. 1). previous decade, yet the success ratio decreased. 158 wildcat wells
were drilled resulting in only 16 discoveries. Among these, only 11 were
The Ibague right-lateral fault zone and the Girardot fold Belt are the commercial. Intercol made the second largest discovery in the basin,
geologic boundaries between the Upper and Middle Magdalena Valley Provincia field with 372 MBOE, first field with reserves in the Paleocene
(MMB) Basins (Porta, 1966, Fig. 2) Lisama Fm. The first gas/condensate discovery was the Opón field with 36
MBOE. It is one of the 4 gas/condensate fields in the basin (IHS, 2009).
Except for local exposures of Mesozoic or Paleogene strata in most of
the MMB, mainly in the eastern foothills, Neogene rocks and Quaternary During the 1970s, ten operating companies acquired 36 2D seismic
sediments crop out (Fig. 2). surveys totaling 2446 km and also acquired 1 gravity survey. Ecopetrol
acquired most of these data with 9 surveys and 1344 km of 2D seismic.
1.2 Exploration History Exploratory drilling decreased in this decade with only 44 wells drilled. Of
8 discoveries made only 3 were commercial, but small (1-10 MBOE) to very
A century-long history of exploration of the MMB has delivered small (< 1 MBOE) (IHS, 2009).
significant results: one giant field (La Cira-Infantas) and several billion
barrels of reserves discovered to date, among many crude oil and natural During the 1980s, 23 operating companies acquired 48 2D seismic
gas fields. The following synthesis narrates some of the most noteworthy surveys with a total of 6414 km and also acquired 3 gravity/magnetic
events in this success story (Fig 3). surveys. Again Ecopetrol acquired most of these data with 7 surveys and
2165 km of 2D seismic, but it was Petrobras who acquired the single largest
The first drilling activity took place at the beginning of the century survey with 515 km in the Sogamoso contract. The first 3D seismic survey
encouraged by reports of oil seeps near Barrancabermeja. In 1918, Tropical in the basin was acquired by Shell during this decade (La Rompida area).
Oil Company made the first discovery: the Infantas field with 259 Million These efforts resulted in 106 wildcat wells drilled and 25 discoveries made,
Barrels Oil Equivalent (MBOE) of recoverable reserves, and 5th largest field 12 were later developed. Four medium size fields were discovered (IHS,
in the basin. From 1920 to 1950, 106 exploratory wells were drilled resulting 2009).
in 10 commercial discoveries. Although some wells reached down to 3000
m depth, most wells were shallow (approximately 1500 m). In 1926 the During the 1990s exploration activity decreased and only 40 2D
La Cira field was discovered, only giant field in the basin with 572 MBOE seismic surveys were acquired with a total of 4880 km. 23 operating
recoverable. Other big fields larger than100 MBOE each were discovered companies acquired these data. Once again Ecopetrol acquired most of
during these three decades (1920s, 30s and 40s). During the 1940 decade these surveys (8) with a total of 1422 km of 2D seismic. Also 4 3D seismic
16 a major exploration drilling exceeded that of the previous three decades surveys were acquired during this time. Exploratory drilling decreased
combined. Most discoveries on this time were in the Oligocene reservoirs back to 1970s levels with only 44 exploratory wells drilled resulting in 5
of the Mugrosa and Colorado Formations. Two discoveries were in Eocene discoveries. Only one small field was developed (IHS, 2009).
In 2005 Ecopetrol drilled the wells Cagui-1 in the Playon block, Norte-1 and Payoa West ST-01 drilled by Petrominerales, Lisama Norte-1
Guariquies-1 in the Lisama block and Silfide-1 in the Fortuna block all being ST-5 drilled by Ecopetrol and 3 truly exploration wells Primavera-1 drilled
discoveries with small size reserves. In 2006 from 9 exploratory wells, 3 by Solana in Guachiria block, Popa-1 drilled by Grantierra in Rio Magdalena
near field exploration wells were successful: Lisama 158-ST2P drilled by block. In 2009 from 10 exploratory wells, 6 were successful: Chuira-1,
Ecopetrol in De Mares area, and San Mateo-1 and Corazon West B drilled Colon-1 ST, Remanso Norte-1, Remanso-1, Iguasa-1 drilled by small
by Petrosantander in Carare-Las Monas area. In 2007 from 9 exploratory companies are in production tests, and Morpho-1 drilled by Ecopetrol was
wells drilled, 3 exploration wells were successful: the near field exploration suspended. In 2010 from 11 exploratory wells, 5 were successful: 2 wells
well Payoa West drilled by Petrominerales, the Aureliano-1 well drilled by are in extensive production tests Isabel-1 ST drilled by Fenix Oil and Gas
Emerald in the Fortuna block and the Acacia Este-1 well drilled by Kappa and Querubin-1 drilled by Ecopetrol in Tisquirama block. The other 3 wells
in Las Quinchas block, these wells are in production tests. In 2008 from 14 with hydrocarbons were suspended. In 2011 (up to May 31) the only well
exploratory wells, 5 were successful: 3 near field exploration wells Corazon drilled in the basin, Rosablanca-2 is dry (ANH, 2011).
Table 1 shows the exploratory wells reported by ANH (2011) as Table 2. Number of exploratory A3 wells in the MMB and number of successful
“producers” or in production tests since 2005. wells declared by ANH (2011) as “producers” for the period 2005 - 2011. For
this period the calculated success rate is 44%.
For the period of time 2005-2011 (up to 31 of May 2011) of 57
exploratory wells A3 drilled, 25 have been declared by ANH (2011) as
producers (Table 1), which gives an exploration success rate of 43.86%. Successful
(Table 2). This high success rate in the flat MMB is the result of 3D seismic, A3 %
Year A3
however the volume of reserves per discovery is small. exploration Success
2005 3 3
2006 9 3
2007 9 3
20 2008 14 5
2009 10 6
2010 11 5
2011 (May
1 0
Total 57 25 44%
Data from ANH (2011)
Table 1. Exploratory A3 wells in the MMB declared by ANH (2011) as “producers” or in production tests for the period 2005 - 2011.
The composite geologic history of the MMB started in the Mesozoic. 2.1. Mesozoic rifting history of the MMB
Its evolution is linked to the origin of the Colombian Andes, which are
the product of interactions among the South American, Farallon (Nazca, The following summary of the Mesozoic history of the MMB has
Cocos) and Caribbean plates, (Fig. 4). been taken from Sarmiento-Rojas (2001). During the Triassic and Jurassic,
tensional/transtensional stresses, probably set off by break-up of Pangea
The Mesozoic history was characterized by a magmatic arc in the and later related to backarc extension, produced lithosphere stretching
Central Cordillera, bordering an Andean-type margin; and rifted sub- and generated narrow (< 150 km wide) rifts, in the sites of the present
basins with independent subsidence histories to the east. Compressional day MMB and the western flank of the ECB. During the Early Cretaceous
deformation of the Central Cordillera and the MMB started during the Late tensional/transtensional stresses probably related to backarc extension
Cretaceous. Although the MMB probably includes a Paleozoic history, little
is known about the Paleozoic, which the petroleum industry has outcasted
as part of the economic basement.
produced new episodes of lithosphere stretching and generated a wide became inverted during the Cenozoic Andean orogeny. However the less
(> 180 km wide) system of asymmetric half-rift basins in the area of the subsiding horst blocks of the MMB area were not inverted and remain in
ECB and the easternmost MMB. Reduced thickness of Lower Cretaceous a low structural position compared to those of the ECB. Not all Mesozoic
strata deposited in horst blocks in the MMB compared to those of the ECB extensional faults were inverted. The oblique orientation of the ECB
grabens suggests less subsidence in the MMB area relative to the ECB area grabens relative to the Mesozoic magmatic arc of the Central Cordillera
(Sarmiento-Rojas, 2001, Fig. 4). may be the result of oblique slip extension during Mesozoic, or may have
been inherited from the pre-Mesozoic structural grain (Sarmiento-Rojas,
Cretaceous rifts were wider and more asymmetrical than Jurassic rift 2001).
basins. During the Early Cretaceous, the western side of the ECB probably
developed by reactivation of an earlier normal fault system inherited from Figure 5 from (Suarez 1996) shows the Late Jurassic to Early
Triassic-Jurassic rifting. Lateral changes in Mesozoic sediment thickness Cretaceous synrift evolution of the basin along a northern regional cross
suggest that the reverse and thrust faults that now define the western section of the basin.
borders of the ECB were largely controlled by former normal faults that
Figure 6. (continuation of figure 5: Tectono-sedimentary evolution of the MMB along a section through the Yarigui and Provincia fields.
Modified from Suarez (1996). During the late Eocene alluvial fan deposition from the Central Cordillera orogen and fluvial sedimenta-
tion occurred in the MMB. During the Oligocene to early Miocene the regional foreland basin started to break apart. Meanwhile, fluvial
sedimentation continued in the basin. During the middle Miocene, west-verging shortening related to inversion of the ECB west flank
occurred simultaneously with fluvial sedimentation. Since the Late Miocene, with uplift of the ECB, the MMB became an intermontane
basin where fluvial sedimentation occurred.
2. 2. Late Cretaceous to Cenozoic history of the MMB Cenozoic strata of the MMB accumulated during exhumation of
the Central Cordillera and ECB. Paleodrainages were oriented towards
During the Late Cretaceous post-rift thermal subsidence generated the east (Figs. 6 and 7) Paleocene alluvial fans and older rocks were tilted
a regional sag basin covering the area of the present day MMB, ECB and as the Central Cordillera propagated eastward during the early Eocene.
LlABs. During the Late Cretaceous the accretion of an oceanic plateau in Central Cordillera deformation slowed down and erosional retreat became
western Colombia (Nivia, 1987) drove extensive rock uplift and exhumation dominant since the Middle Eocene. The contact between the Central
in the indenting and buttressing rocks of the Central Cordillera (Villagomez Cordillera and MMB shifted westward, as the residual pediment (the
and Spikings, 2010) starting an orogenic compressional deformation front LKCU) was onlapped by Middle Eocene to Neogene alluvial plain strata.
in this mountain range. This started a compressional regime in the regional The internal geometry of these strata was controlled by deformation of
MMB-ECB-LlAB sag basin. the ECB foothills (Fig. 9). In the southern part of the MMB growth strata
reveal a first episode of ECB deformation during the Middle Eocene to
During the Paleocene to middle Eocene, compressional deformation Oligocene. Uplift of the ECB’s western margin is indicated by diversion of
and uplift of the Central Cordillera generated a regional foreland basin fluvial paleoflow towards the north (Gomez, 2001).
covering the area of the present day MMB, ECB and LlAB (Cooper et al.,
1995). This compressional deformation front generated east-verging AFTA data (Figs. 10 and 11) and flexural modeling indicates that the
deformation in the area of the present day MMB and local, west-verging Central Cordillera reached paleoaltitudes between 1.5 and 3 km at the
deformation in the area of the present day western foothills of the ECB as present day site of the western border of the Honda sub-basin during the
demonstrated by Restrepo-Pace et al. (2004). Late Cretaceous to early Eocene (Gomez, 2001)
During the Late Eocene to early Oligocene, the orogenic front Since the Late Oligocene, increasing shortening rates generated total
originated in the Central Cordillera migrated east producing local inversion inversion of the Mesozoic extensional basin of the ECB, which was uplifted
of Mesozoic extensional grabens in the area of the ECB, disarticulating the as a mountain range separating the MMB and the LlABs.
original, regional foreland basin into smaller compartments.
During the Middle Miocene to Pliocene, Andean deformation and
The following summary of the Late Cretaceous to Neogene history of uplift separated the ECB from the MMB, which became an intermontane
the MMB has been taken from Gomez (2001). Major phases of deformation basin. Neogene subsidence of the MMB resulted from flexural subsidence
in the Central Cordillera and MMB are pre-Middle Eocene (Late Cretaceous of the lithosphere produced by topographic loading during uplift of the
to Early Eocene) as constrained by the presence of a Late Cretaceous- ECB, as indicated by eastward thickening of the Neogene continental
Cenozoic angular unconformity (LKCU, Figs. 6 to 8 and Figs. 9 and 10). This sedimentary record in the MMB (Sarmiento-Rojas, 2001). During the
unconformity postdates a period of east-verging transpressional shortening Late Miocene and Pliocene, northward directed fluvial channel belts of
in the MMB. However in the central and northern MMB (east of the San the MMB migrated west, as formation of the ECB thrust belt progressed.
Lucas Range) the structure underneath the LKCU is highly suggestive of Pliocene ECB uplift caused eastward tilting of the MMB and partial erosion
strike-slip deformation. Paleocene and older rocks are deformed below of Neogene strata (Gomez, 2001).
the LKCU, whereas less deformed Middle Eocene to Neogene strata onlap
this surface. During the Middle Eocene a period of large-scale erosion of Understanding the nature and evolution of sedimentary
Paleocene and older rocks on the Central Cordillera and the MMB took environments is of particular importance in the MMB. The basin endured
place and overcame tectonic uplift of the Central Cordillera. The pre-existing drastic environmental transitions: From continental to marine during
structure and topography was smoothed out and the residual pediment the Mesozoic and then back to continental in the early Cenozoic, in the
(the LKCU) was simultaneously onlapped by Middle Eocene to Neogene presence of vigorous -and virtually permanent- tectonic activity. As a 29
strata. In most of the MMB this surface continues as the present slope of result, sedimentary strata include a suite of source and reservoir rocks
the Central Cordillera. The LKCU formed by progressive eastward uplift of appropriate for accumulation of hydrocarbons. A brief review is presented
Figure 9. Seismic lines with Upper Oligocene to lower Middle Miocene growth strata along the Provincia anticline. The relationship between growth and post-growth
strata changes from (a) angular to (b) conformable towards the southern plunging tip of this fold. These geometries resulted from sedimentation contemporaneous with
fold-limb rotation. From Gomez (2001).
Figure 10. Chronology of structural deformation of the MMB and western flank of the ECB,
based on thermochronology, growth strata and other deformation indicators. From Gomez (2001).
Figure 11. Results of an apatite fission track analysis (AFTA) conducted for 21 outcrop rock samples from the entire stratigraphic column –from Precambrian to Qua-
ternary age- of the Santander Massif in the ECB to the Nuevo Mundo Syncline in the MMB. From Duddy et al. (2009). “Constraints on the onset of cooling derived
from AFTA data in individual outcrop Bucaramanga Transect, Colombia. Assuming that the results from all samples represent the effects of synchronous heating, three
Cenozoic post-depositional thermal episodes are revealed, numbered 1 to 3 in the figure. In addition, the AFTA results reveal four thermal episodes (numbered 4 to 7)
in the provenance terrain(s) for the post-Cretaceous sequences, three of which coincide with the Cenozoic post-depositional episodes. An additional Cenozoic prove-
»» nance episode (numbered 7) is observed for the Real formation. Samples from the Paleogene La Paz and Lisama formations require an episode at some time between
32 70 and 45 Ma (numbered 8), which overlaps the stratigraphic age of these units, and therefore it is uncertain whether this event occurred after, or prior to, deposition.
Analysis of vitrinite reflectance data is underway to help resolve this uncertainty” (Duddy et al., 2009).
AFTA results “reveal evidence for three paleo-thermal episodes, with significant cooling beginning at some time in the Paleocene (65 to 60 Ma), Early Miocene (20
to 18 Ma) and Middle Miocene (12 to 9 Ma). These cooling episodes must have involved kilometer-scale erosion at these times for any geologically reasonable range
of geothermal gradients. The Early Miocene episode is pervasive across the region, being observed in rocks of Precambrian to Early Cretaceous age in the Santander
Massif, east of the Bucaramanga and Suratá Faults as well as in sediments of Triassic to Oligocene age in the MMB. Evidence for the Middle Miocene episode is
revealed only in some samples from the Santander Massif. Importantly, the products of these Miocene erosional episodes are detected in the thermal history of the
provenance terrains(s) for the Quaternary Bucaramanga terraces. Evidence for the Paleocene episode is restricted to some Mesozoic sediments of the MMB, but is also
clearly seen in the thermal history of the provenance terrains(s) for the Cenozoic sediments of the MMB (Lisama, La Paz and Colorado Fms)” (Duddy et al., 2009).
Understanding the nature and evolution of sedimentary The late Albian-early Cenomanian brought about a relative tectono-
environments is of particular importance in the MMB. The basin endured eustatic level fall recorded by a generalized shallowing upward facies trend
drastic environmental transitions: From continental to marine during within the Simiti Fm.
the Mesozoic and then back to continental in the early Cenozoic, in the
presence of vigorous -and virtually permanent- tectonic activity. As a In the late Cenomanian, Turonian and Coniacian times (Figs. 12 and
result, sedimentary strata include a suite of source and reservoir rocks 15) the tectono-eustatic base level reached its Mesozoic maximum. The
appropriate for accumulation of hydrocarbons. A brief review is presented sea flooded the entire northwestern corner of South America and dark
below, touching on the most significant sedimentary elements and events gray shales were deposited from Venezuela to northern Peru. (Thery, 1982
that shaped MMB’s stratigraphy in Fabre, 1985a, 1986).
3.1. Early Cretaceous syn-rift sedimentation A relative tectono-eustatic base level rise during the late Cenomanian
(Villamil, 1993) induced a slight deepening of the basin and a notorious
The following summary of the Cretaceous MMB stratigraphy has decrease of detrital supply to the basin. This event led to basin starvation
been taken from Sarmiento-Rojas (2001). Late Jurassic to Valanginian and slow deposition of black laminated shale or micritic limestones of
fluvial sedimentation took place over the ECB (Giron Gp., Los Santos Fm.) pelagic organic rich facies in distal parts of the basin (La Luna Fm). The
and possibly in the MMB. The first Cretaceous facies deposited in the MMB maximum flooding surface located at the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary
were mainly sandstones (Tambor, Fm., Morales et al., 1956) deposited in is characterized by a highly fossiliferous concretion horizon (Salada
fluvial environments (Renzoni, 1985a,b, c; Clavijo, 1985; Vargas et al., 1985; Member) within La Luna Fm (Villamil, 1993). From the Middle Turonian to
Laverde and Clavijo, 1985; Galvis and Rubiano, 1985; Etayo-Serna and the late Coniacian, a gradual progradation and shallowing upward during
Rodríguez, 1985). Later, tidal and shallow water marine shelf carbonates deposition of the Pujamana Member of the La Luna Fm. was driven by a
(Rosablanca Fm, Morales et al., 1956; Cardozo and Ramirez, 1985) were relative tectono-eustatic level fall (Villamil, 1993).
deposited during the Valanginian-Hauterivian, followed by shallow marine
shales (Paja Fm) during Hauterivian-Barremian time (c.f. Etayo-Serna et During the Santonian, Campanian, Maastrichtian and Paleocene
al., 1976). Although transgression progressed from the center of the east (Figs. 12 to 17) general regression and progradation were recorded by
Colombian basin, two periods of relative sea retreat occurred, during the outer shelf to transitional coastal plain facies (upper La Luna Fm., Umir
Hauterivian and Aptian (Rolón and Carero, 1995; Ecopetrol et al., 1994; Fm and Lisama Fm). Regression did not occur continuously but was rather
Figs. 12 and 15). made up of minor transgressive events recorded by fine-grained siliceous
and phosphatic facies (Föllmi et al., 1992; Plaeners Fm, Olini Gp, upper La
Later during the Aptian, a relative tectono-eustatic sea-level rise Luna Fm.)
occurred as suggested by deeper marine facies of the upper Paja Fm
(Forero and Sarmiento, 1985; Ecopetrol et al., 1994; Rolón and Carrero, During early (?) Maastrichtian time eastern Colombian -in the area
1995). During the Aptian, dark grey to black mudstones were deposited of the ECB- was filled by the littoral quartz sands of the Arenisca Tierna Fm
regionally in a dysoxic shallow marine shelf (Figs. 12 and 15). (Fabre, 1985a) with more distal mud facies in the MMB (Umir Fm). At the
latitude of the southern MMB, gradual uplift of the Central Cordillera west
3.2. Cretaceous post-rift sedimentation of the basin supplied clasts of metamorphic rocks that were accumulated
by nearshore fluvial systems in a braided delta (Maastrrichtian Cimarrona
During the middle to late Albian, a rise in relative tectono-eustatic Fm, Gómez and Pedraza, 1994). Maastrichtian unroofing of the Central
level (Villamil, 1993; Etayo-Serna, 1994) was recorded by upward Cordillera sourced quartzite and chert pebbles of Paleozoic and Cretaceous
36 deepening from the shallow water environment of the Tablazo Fm to the age respectively, to braided delta systems of the Cimarrona Fm., which
deeper Simiti Fm. (Figs. 12 and 15). prograded over upper Cretaceous marine shelf shales (Gomez, 2001).
Figure 12. Regional stratigraphic Wheeler diagram of the ECB, MMB and LlAB neighboring Basins. Horizontal axis represents horizontal distance and vertical axis
represents geologic time in million years. Early Cretaceous sedimentation was confined to an extensional basin limited and compartmentalized by normal faults. Late
Cretaceous sedimentation occurred during thermal subsidence and included a regional area outside the original extensional basins. In general, Cretaceous sedimenta-
tion is a transgression-regression cycle that started with continental deposits followed by a marine transgression, which reached its maximum extent during the maxi-
mum eustatic sea level during Cenomanian Turonian and Coniacian times. Minor tectono-stratigraphic cycles occur within this major cycle. During Paleocene time
coastal plain and fluvial sedimentation ended the transgression-regression cycle. Paleogene coastal plain to fluvial sedimentation was only preserved in the Sabana de
Bogota-Tunja Sogamoso axial region of the ECB. No Cenozoic sediments were preserved in the flanks of the mountain range, where Cretaceous and Jurassic rocks
are cropping out. These areas are interpreted as inverted grabens. Cenozoic fluvial to coastal plain sediments are preserved in the neighboring MMB and LlABs, where 37
they contain several productive reservoirs. Modified after Etayo (1985a, 1994), Geotec (1992, 2000), Cooper et al. (1995), Gomez (2001), Sarmiento-Rojas (2001) and
Mora et al. (2010).
Figure 13. Two stratigraphic Wheeler diagrams of the MMB. The top diagram is for the northern MMB at the latitude of the Infantas paleo-high. The lower section is
for the southern area at the latitude of the Honda fault. From Gomez (2001). Hiatus associated to the LKCU separates Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene regressive facies
sequences from the Middle Ecoene to Neogene, onlapping continental facies. Middle Eocene to Neogene rocks contain a record of unconformities and correlative con-
formities associated with Central Cordillera deformation (La-Paz Esmeraldas unconformity) and deformation and folding of the ECB (growth unconformities). Ages of
the Los Chorros and La Cira fossil horizons correlate with global seal level highstands at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary and the early Middle Miocene respectively.
Figure 14. Overlapping age assignments of the Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic units of the MMB summarized as bars. The thicker bars represent the preferred inter-
pretation of depositional ages. From Gomez (2001). Geologic time scale after Berggren et al. (1995, 1998) and Gradstein et al. (1995).
Figure 15. Maps illustrating the paleo-facies distribution during Cretaceous times without palinspastic restoration. From Sarmiento-Rojas
(2001). During the early Cretaceous (Berriasian to Aptian) syn-rift sedimentation was restricted to grabens limited by normal faults. Late Creta-
ceous sedimentation was more regional during a post-rift thermal subsidence phase enhanced by a maximum eustatic level.
42 Figure 17. Maps illustrating the paleo-facies distribution of the MMB and ECB during Paleogene time, without palinspastic restora-
tion. CC: Central Cordillera; ECB: Eastern Cordillera; FB: Floresta Basin; LlAB Llanos Basin; MMB: Middle Magdalena Valley; NM:
Nuevo Mundo syncline. Notes:
1) Coeval craton-sourced detrital zircons (Nie et al., 2010; Saylor et al., 2010)
2) Coeval Central Cordillera-sourced detrital zircons (Nie et al., 2010; Saylor et al., 2010)
3) Eastward paleocurrents (Moreno, 2010; Saylor et al., 2010)
4) Craton-sourced, quartz-rich sandstones (Cooper et al., 1995)
5) Wedgetop basin inferred from Cantagallo sandstone informal unit (La Paz Fm. in the subsurface of the MMB, Gomez et al., 2005)
During the early Paleocene fluvial, mud-dominated sedimentation prevailed in the MMB with detrital supply from the Central Cordillera, eastern part of the ECB
area and western LlAB area. In the area of the ECB and northwestern MMB coastal plain sedimentation prevailed while in the northern ECB marine sedimentation
occurred. At locations with number 1 Nie et al. (2010) and Saylor et al. (2010) reported coeval, craton-sourced detrital zircons suggesting that the basin axis dividing
areas sourced by detritus from the Central Cordillera and the craton was located west of these locations. This interpretation suggests that the basin was a single fore-
land basin in the early Paleocene.
During the late Paleocene, active uplift of the Central Cordillera sourced alluvial fan deposition in the western border of the MMB area. Eastward, a fringe of fluvial,
sand-dominated sedimentation took place in the MMB area, followed by fluvial, mud-dominated sedimentation in the southeastern ECB area. In the eastern and north-
ern parts of the ECB and westernmost LlAB, coastal/alluvial plain sedimentation prevailed and lagoon/estuarine sedimentation occurred in the more distal basin axis
located in the LlAB foothills area. Northward, toward the Maracaibo basin, marine sedimentation occurred. At locations with number 2, Nie at al (2010) and Saylor
et al. (2010) reported coeval, Central Cordillera-sourced detrital zircons. At locations with number 3 Moreno (2010) and Saylor et al. (2010) reported eastward paleo-
currents. At location 4 Cooper et al. (1995) reported craton-sourced quartz-rich sandstones. According to this figure the basin axis limiting areas dominated by eastern
and western detrital sources was located approximately in the eastern border of the ECB.
During the middle Eocene, uplift and deformation of the Central Cordillera orogenic front advanced eastward in the MMB area. This orogenic front sourced allu-
vial fans in the MMB area and a small basin limited by the Cantagallo fault, where the Cantagallo sandstone was deposited in the Magdalena Valley area. Eastward,
in most of the basin including the MMB, ECB and westernmost LlAB areas, fluvial, sand-dominated sedimentation prevailed. However, this interpretation includes a
forebulge area (number 6) with non-deposition located at the eastern border of the ECB, which compartmentalized the basin. This forebulge divided areas dominated
by eastern and western detrital sources. At location 7 Saylor et al. (2010) reported northward paleo-curents. At locations with number 9 Horton et al. (2010) and Saylor
(2010) reported Central Cordillera-sourced detrital zircons in the Regadera and Picacho Fms. At location with number 8 Cooper et al. (1995) and Parra et al. (2009a)
reported eastward and northeastward paleo-currents. At location 10 Horton et al. (2010a,b) reported absence of Central Cordillera-sourced detrital zircons in the Mi-
rador Fm. Northward, in each of the two basin compartments, distal sedimentation was represented by coastal/alluvial plain facies. In the northern LlAB foothills
lagoonal estuarine facies were probably connected to marine facies in the Maracaibo basin area. Gomez (2001), based on growth strata AFTA data, interpreted active
deformation in the Villeta and Arcabuco anticlines, the Usme and Fusagasuga Synclines, and exhumation in the Santander Massif during this time. Integration of these
data suggests that the regional foreland basin started to break apart.
During the Early Oligocene, sedimentation in the MMB onlapped a previously uplifted area. Alluvial fan and fluvial deposition sourced from the Central Cordillera
occurred in the western border of the MMB. In the MMB location 11 recorded an up-section shift from westward to northward paleo-currents (Gomez et al., 2005b). »»
Arrival of ECB-sourced detritus into the MMB (Nie et al., 2010) suggests an active uplift area in the western flank of the -ECB. Gomez (2001), based on growth strata
AFTA data, interpreted active deformation in the Villeta (location 14), Provincia, Lisama, Los Cobardes anticlines and Nuevo Mundo syncline. This interpretation as-
sumes that these uplift areas compartmentalized the basin into a western (MMB area) and an eastern compartments. Fluvial, mud-dominated sedimentation prevailed
3.3. Paleocene directions, which laterally change to mudstones from west to east (Gomez
The basin was completely full of sediment by the end of the early
Paleocene (Sarmiento, 1993) when paralic mudstones of the Lisama Fm Detrital source areas. Sandstone composition changes from quartzitic
were deposited but are only preserved in the cores of synclines (Figs 8, 12 and sub-lithic in the Upper Cretaceous shales and Cimarrona Fm., to lithic
and 13). in the La Seca and Hoyon Fms, with an increment of sedimentary (siliceous
siltstone, chert, sandstone) and metamorphic (quartcite, schist, phyllite,
The following summary of the Paleocene stratigraphy (Figs. 12 to gneiss) grains at the expense of monocrystaline quartz. The Hoyon Fm.
14 and 17), has been largely taken from Gomez (2001). The Lisama Fm also contains clasts of grainitoid intrusives and volcanic rocks (Fig. 18).
in the Nuevo Mundo Syncline (northern MMB) recorded regressive Detrital clast composition and eastward directed paleocurents categorize
sedimentation with coastal and alluvial plain environments of deposition. the Central Cordillera as a detrital source area. These units constitute the
It contains distributary mouth bar and delta plain deposits (Ramirez, “record of complete morphological transformation from low gradient
1988, in Gomez, 2001). Sandstones and mudstones of the upper Lisama marine settings into subaerial piedmont areas. This process was genetically
Fm. recorded meandering fluvial channels, overbank deposits and alluvial linked to eastward propagation of Central Cordillera uplift during the first
paleosols, whereas coal seams recorded poorly drained swampy areas. The stage of formation of the LKCU” (Gomez, 2001).
“composition of the sandstones reflects unroofing of the basement and
Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the Central Cordillera”. Large volumes of The Cretaceous-Paleocene sedimentary record ended with a
sediment input relative to accommodation space correlate with regression diachronous, major-rank unconformity: the Late Cretaceous Cenozoic
from marine to continental environments in the MMB. Marine influence Unconformity (LKCU), which encompasses the MMB and ECB foothills.
increased northward as indicated by marine fauna. No alluvial fans were This “surface resulted from Late Cretaceous-Early Eocene progressive
preserved in the northern part of the basin, probably as a result of later uplift of the Central Cordillera, such that the margin between this range
cannibalization of piedmont deposits. “The Lisama Fm and older rock units and the adjacent foreland basin moved smoothly eastward. Basinal
were deformed below the LKCU as a result of Early Eocene propagation of accommodation increased relative to Cretaceous accomodation and large
the Central Cordillera compressional deformation front into the northern sediment input caused regional sea retreat” (Gomez, 2001).
MMB. Erosion of 3 to 4 kms of sedimentary section occurred according to
thermal history constraints” (Gomez 2001). Saylor et al. (2010) performed detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology,
sandstone petrography, facies analysis and palaeocurrent measurements
In the southern MMB, La Seca Fm correlates with the Upper from a Mesozoic-Cenozoic clastic succession of the Floresta basin (part of
Maastrichtian to Paleocene Guaduas Fm of the Sabana de Bogota region. the axial Tunja Sogamoso region of the ECB). Based on these data, they
According to Gomez (2001), subsurface data shows that the Hoyon Fm suggested that the Floresta basin existed as part of a laterally extensive,
conglomerates constitute a lateral facies equivalent of the upper La Seca Fm. unbroken foreland basin connected with the proximal, western MMB since
the mid Paleocene to the late Eocene, when it was isolated by uplift of the
The Hoyon Fm., which is restricted to the southernmost part of the western flank of the ECB (Saylor et al., 2010, Fig. 17). The MMB therefore
basin, is composed of two major coarsening upward fluvial to alluvial fan became an independent basin from the ECB in the Late Eocene.
conglomerates, separated by a mudstone level, with E-NE paleocurrent
Figure 18. Mineral composition of the Upper Cretaceous to Cenozoic sandstones of the southern MMB. Maastrichtian to Paleocene
increase in amount of sedimentary grains reflects continuous exposure of Mesozoic rocks in the expanding front of the Central Cordillera.
Middle Eocene to early Middle Eocene increased amount of monocrystalline quartz reflects deeper erosion levels of metamorphic and ig-
neous rocks of the Central Cordillera. Increased percentages of sedimentary grains, plagioclase and volcanic components in upper Middle
Miocene to Pliocene rocks reflect major ECB uplift and volcanism in the Cauca Valley west of the Central Cordillera. From Gomez (2001).
3.4. Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene sedimentation The following summary of the Paleogene stratigraphy of the MMB
has been taken from Gomez (2001). (Figs. 12 to 14, 16 and 17).
Sediments of this age in the MMB are dominantly continental and
poorly fossiliferous (Figs. 12 to 14, 16 and 17). From bottom to top, Northern MMB. Sedimentary onlap on the Late Cretaceous Cenozoic
units include: the Chorros Gp (La Paz, Esmeraldas Fms) and the Chuspas Unconformity (LKCU) was initiated with the La Paz and Esmeraldas Fms.
Gp (Mugrosa and Colorado Fms). In the southern Honda sub-basin, the The Middle-Upper Eocene La Paz Fm. is restricted in extent to the eastern
Hoyón and San Juan de Rioseco Fms have a similar stratigraphic position part of the basin with a correlative alluvial fan deposit associated to activity
as the Gualanday Gp. However, in the Honda sub-basin, Porta (1965, of the Cantagallo fault (Cantagallo sandstone informal unit, Gomez, 2001).
1966) showed that the conglomeratic Hoyón Fm pinches out and fully
disappears toward the south and east of the Guaduas syncline and thus, it La Paz Fm. This unit accumulated east of the Infantas paleohigh,
is not a northward lateral continuation of the Gualanday Gp of the Upper formed during the Early Eocene. “Ammalgamated sandstones were
Magdalena Valley. deposited in the main fluvial channels, which wandered across the
alluvial plain and transported sediment toward the Maracaibo basin”.
Some authors include the Hoyon Fm within the Eocene Oligocene The Cantagallo alluvial fan “accumulated sandstones west of the Infantas
megasequence. However, according to Gomez (2001), the Hoyon Fm paleohigh within the Central Cordillera catchment area. The area between
conglomerates constitute a lateral facies equivalent of the upper La Seca the western alluvial fans (Cantagallo sanstone) and the eastern alluvial
Fm. (Paleocene), and interpretation adopted in the present text. In the plain was an area of erosion and sediment bypass”. The upper La Paz Fm.
southern Honda sub-basin, the Santa Teresa Fm, which lithologically recorded migration and avulsion of the main meandering-channel within
overlies these units, is chronostratigraphically similar to the uppermost areas of maximum subsidence of the alluvial plain rather than a decrease
Chuspas Gp of the Middle Madgalena Valley (La Cira fossiliferous shale of regional accommodation space (Gomez, 2001).
horizon, Nuttal, 1990).
Esmeraldas Fm. This Upper Eocene-Lower Oligocene unit is
The Eocene-Oligocene record (Figs. 12 to 14, 16 and 17) is composed broadly distributed and separated from the underlying La Paz Fm by an
of cross-bedded sandstones, locally conglomeratic (fluvial channel), unconformity in the northern part of the basin. “The subtle unconformity
variegated to red mottled siltstones and mudstones (alluvial plain, lakes, between the La Paz and Esmeraldas Fms recorded tilting of the terminal La
and palaeosoils), of dominantly fluvial to lacustrine origin. Conglomeratic Paz depositional surface that resulted from mild reactivation of the Infantas
intervals in the western border of the basin resulted from alluvial fan uplift”. The Esmeraldas Fm. onlapped the La Paz and LKCU unconformity,
deposition coming from the Central Cordillera. Three major units with and buried the Infantas paleohigh.
different sandstone /mudstone ratios are recognized, each one limited
at the bottom by an unconformity. Each unit was deposited during a The Esmeraldas Fm “represents a high gradient piedmont deposit in the
continuous increase in accommodation space/sediment supply ratio that western side of the basin that changed westward to the lower gradient flood
ended with lacustrine sedimentation (Ecopetrol-ICP, 1996). Lacustrine plain and channel deposits of the Nuevo Mundo syncline. Paleoflow data
facies are fossiliferous, green to black shales with fresh to brackish water indicate northward fluvial flow toward the Maracaibo basin” (Gomez 2001).
mollusks and locally glauconite (e.g. top Mugrosa Fm, Morales et al., 1956).
Three of these fossiliferous shales lie at the top of each unit: (1) The Chorro Detrital source areas. High percentages of sedimentary grains in
Group (sand-rich La Paz and Esmeraldas Fms); (2) The Mugrosa Fm (mud- the lower La Paz Fm suggest that a “vast area of Cretaceous marine rocks
rich); and (3) the Colorado Fm (mud-rich, deposited in a meandering fluvial was exhumed during Early Eocene propagation of the Central Cordillera
to lacustrine environment, Ecopetrol- ICP, 1996). Sand-rich units were in the northern part of the basin”, demonstrating that Jurassic rocks
46 deposited predominantly by braided fluvial systems and mud-rich intervals sourced rhyolites and red beds into the conglomerates of the lower part
predominantly by meandering fluvial systems (Jordan and Gomez, 1996). of La Paz Fm. (Fig. 19). The area of exposed Cretaceous rocks decreased
Mud-rich facies were developed especially during maximum base-levels. during deposition of the Esmeraldas Fm. Some areas of the ECB may have
Maximum thickness occurs near the EC foothills (Morales et al., 1956) supplied Cretaceous and Jurassic detritus as well (Arcabuco anticline and
and decrease considerably or reduce to zero on palaeo-highs that were its continuation into the Santander Massif, Gomez, 2001).
episodically active during sedimentation (e.g. Chucurí-Casabe, Cáchira),
and topographically separated discrete sub-basins (e.g. Cantagallo-Yariguí;
Cross et al., 1996a,b).
Figure 19. Mineral composition of the Upper Cretaceous to Cenozoic sandstones of the northern MMB. The composition of Paleocene rocks
reflects erosion of Mesozoic sedimentary rocks and crystalline basement of the Central Cordillera. Increased amount of sedimentary grains
in Middle and upper Eocene rocks reflects the large exposed area of Mesozoic sedimentary rocks of the Central Cordillera. Subsequent deep
erosion and pedimentation of the Central Cordillera were recorded by an increase of monocrystalline quartz and feldspar until the early
Miocene. Uplift of the ECB supplied sedimentary clasts during the Middle to Late Miocene. From Gomez (2001).
Mugrosa Fm. This unit is composed of medium grained sandstones Mugrosa and Colorado Fms. detrital source areas. The ratio of
with sigmoidal surfaces and interbedded varicolored mudstones, deposited potassium feldspar to plagioclase in these formations is approximately 3
in meandering rivers. Its upper section presents fining upward sand- to 1 and both make up 15 to 30% of the sandstone composition. Lithic
mud sequences, and preserved small-scale sedimentary structures. The grains (5-15%) are chert, metamorphic and igneous grains and the rest
Mugrosa Fossil Horizon caps the unit and contains fossils of fresh-water is monocrystalline quartz that predominates over polycrystaline quartz »»
mollusks fish, crocodiles and turtles (Stirton in Gomez, 2001). (Mesa, 1995 in Gomez, 2001, Fig. 19). “High percentages of feldspar in the
Mugrosa and Colorado Fms. sandstones reflect deeper levels of erosion
Southern Honda sub-basin. San Juan de Rio Seco Fm. In the western of the Perija Range appear to form a single structural trend in restored
flank of the Guaduas Syncline this unit consists of two sandy members position (Gomez, 2001).
separated by a muddier member, with paleoflow directions indicating
northward sediment transport. The conformable character of the San Late Oligocene to Early Miocene deformation northeast of the MMB
Juan de Rio Seco Fm. bedding and regional eastward thickening pattern may have been linked to incipient strike-slip motion of the Santa Marta-
are modified by synorogenic geometries that border the western flank Bucaramanga fault. “The ECB-Perija Range-Santander Massif structural
of the ECB. “Stratal growth geometries are consistent with sedimentary barrier closed the connection between the MMB and the Maracaibo Basin
accumulation contemporaneous with progressive limb rotation of the and caused a major diversion in fluvial drainage towards the SE across a
Villeta anticline forelimb” (Gomez, 2001). “Growth unconformities reflect hilly landscape in the ECB” (Gomez, 2001).
episodes in which folding first created displacement of depocenters
towards the west. Later, fluvial sedimentation onlapped back towards During deposition of the Mugrosa Fm., large accommodation space
the east as accumulation rates overcame uplift rates. Westward jumps of explains the excellent preservation observed in sedimentary structures.
anticlinal axial surfaces and large growth unconformities mark periods of “The Early to early Middle Miocene was also a time of eustatic sea level
contemporaneous folding and non-deposition over the Villeta anticlinorium rise, which also contributed to the tectonically enhanced accommodation
forelimb” (Gomez, 2001). of the MMB”. “Adjustment of the MMB gradient profile to eustatic sea
level rise was registered by early Middle Miocene lacustrine deposits of
Santa Teresa Fm. This unit is a fining upward succession of mudstones, the Santa Teresa Fm. in the southern part of the basin and the La Cira fossil
fine-grained cross-laminated sandstones and gray mudstones with horizon in the northern part of the basin, both of which contain slightly
mollusks of brackish affinity and sapropelic organic matter. The overlying brackish water mollusks” (Gomez, 2001).
portion of the San Juan de Rio Seco and the Santa Teresa Fms. overlapped
the ECB folds as deformation slowed during the Early and early Middle Cretaceous rocks of the Cachira arch remained exposed to erosion
Miocene (Gomez, 2001). prior to burial by the onlapping upper Colorado Fm. Only at this time was
a connection established between the MMB and the Lower Magdalena
Southern Honda sub-basin detrital source areas. Sedimentary grain Valley. (Gomez 2001).
abundance is contrasting across the LKCU in the southern Honda sub-basin.
Below the LKCU, sedimentary grains abound. Above this unconformity, Southern Honda sub-basin. The boundary “between the Central
only scarce sedimentary grains occur. Polycrystaline quartz and low-grade Cordillera and the southern MMB moved progressively westward since
metamorphic clasts jump in abundance across the LKCU, largely replacing the Middle Eocene as sedimentary fill onlapped the eroded surface of
sedimentary lithics. Upward from the LKCU in the San Juan de Rio Seco Paleocene alluvial fans and Central Cordillera pediment” (LKCU). Erosion
and Santa Teresa Fms the fraction of monocrystalline quartz increases at took over expanding deformation in the Central Cordillera. Increase of
the expense of polycrystaline quartz and metamorphic fragments (Gomez, monocrystaline and polycrystaline quartz abundance in the San Juan de
2001, Fig. 18). Rio Seco and Santa Teresa sandstones reflects erosion of deeper high-
grade metamorphic and granodiorite intrusive rocks. Erosion of syn-rift
3.4.1. Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene basin evolution. Jurasic rocks added monocrystaline quartz to these formations.
The following summary of the Paleogene evolution of the MMB has Middle Eocene to Oligocene folding in the ECB was related to
been largely taken from Gomez (2001). partial inversion of Mesozoic normal faults. These folds blocked eastward
drainages from the Central Cordillera at the end of the Cretaceous and
48 Northern MMB. “Two major basin adjustments occurred during Paleocene, changing direction to the north during the rest of the Cenozoic.
deposition of the upper Mugrosa and Colorado Fms. Paleoflow directions During the Middle Eocene to Oligocene, sedimentary environments in the
changed towards the southeast and deformation occurred in the ECB southern part of the basin varied from alluvial fans to the west to alluvial
foothills”. Initial stages of tectonic inversion of Mesozoic normal faults were plains to the east with meandering fluvial channels (San Juan de Rioseco
concomitant with deformation of the Los Cobardes, Lisama and Provincia Fm). ECB structures restricted the location of channel belts closer to the
anticlines. In restored position (after restoration of the Bucaramanga fault) eastern side. The Santa Teresa Fm. recorded progressive emplacement of
the Late Oligocene Early Miocene foothills of the ECB continue north into lacustrine and marginal marine environments in the southern MMB as a
the Perija Range. The La Salina fault west of the ECB and the Tigre fault result of Middle Miocene global sea level rise. Excellent preservation of
fine-grained sediments and sedimentary structures in the San Juan de Rio difference between these units is the presence of andesitic and dacitic
Seco and Santa Teresa Fms. suggests high accommodation space. Crustal pebbles in the San Antonio Fm. and their absence in the Cambras Fm. The
thickening under the ECB and sediment loading produced basin subsidence Los Limones Fm. consists of bioturbated red mudstones and interbedded
in the MMB. Development of the Villeta anticlinorium into the surface of cross-bedded sandstones (Gomez, 2001).
the southern MMB raised the local base level facilitating vertical stacking
of alluvial plain facies. Tectonic subsidence was further enhanced by early The San Antonio Fm. is a coarsening-upward unit of conglomeratic
Middle Miocene eustatic sea level rise after Paleogene deformation of the sandstones, clast-supported conglomerates deposited in fluvial braided
Villeta anticlinorium ceased (Gomez, 2001). channels and a few beds of mudstone deposited as passive channel fills
or flood plain sediments. Paleocurent data indicate northward paleoflow.
3.5. Neogene Morales et al. (1956) reported a Miocene age based on fossil leaves and a
horizon of small gastropods found in the Velasquez oil field. “Sandstones
Most of the Neogene sedimentary facies in the basin are continental contain high percentages of feldspar and sedimentary grains. Volcanic input
and highly variable in thickness (Figs. 12 to 14 and 17). In the MMB major is suggested by zoned plagioclase, hornblende, volcanic grains, biotite and
Neogene units include the Miocene Real Gp. (Mesa Fm.) deposits, which heavy minerals. Gravels are composed of chert and siliceous mudstones
unconformably truncate early structures, evidencing deformation and and metamorphic lithics” (Fig. 18). “Granitoid igneous clasts increase
erosion (Morales et al., 1956; Guillande, 1988). According to Jordan and upward. Contemporaneous volcanism is indicated by andesitic and dacitic
Gomez (1996) the bases of the Honda and Mesa units vary spatially from pumices, tuffs and agglomerates within the formation. Metamorphic and
conformable to angularly unconformable. This geometric variability, along igneous grains came from the Central Cordillera and sedimentary grains
with strong thickness and facies variations, suggests both palaeogeographic from the ECB” (Gomez, 2001). At other localities sandstones have been
and tectonic controls on their accumulation. described as characterized by a predominance of plagioclase and volcanic
rock fragments with more plagioclase than K-feldspar and non-undulatory
Northern MMB. The following summary of the Neogene stratigraphy quartz, pyroxene and other mafics as secondary components (Hathon and
of the MMB has been taken from Gomez (2001). Espejo, 1997). Morales et al. (1956) reported hornblende, augite and a
large amount of igneous and volcaniclastic material. These sandstones
Late Middle Miocene to Late Miocene Real Gp. The Real Gp. base fall into the magmatic arc provenance field in a quartz, feldspar, lithic plot
varies from conformable to angularly unconformable. In basinal areas the (Dickinson, 1985). Rare plutonic grains suggest a dissected arc provenance.
Real Gp lies conformably, while on eroded crests of Late Oligocene-early Fresh volcanic fragments indicate a near detrital source inferred to be the
Middle Miocene folds in the eastern part of the basin, as the Provincia Miocene age volcanics that partially blanket the Central Cordillera (Hathon
and Lisama anticlines, this Group sits on an angular unconformity. On and Espejo, 1997). Palaeocurrent data also suggest dominant eastward
a stratigraphic column of the Real Gp. measured by Gomez (2001), flow of sediments (Rubiano, 1998). There is also evidence of alternate
excluding its lower section, this unit consists of cross-laminated friable detrital source areas located in the ECB in conglomerates that contain black
sandstones, conglomerates, mudstones and minor-order fining-upward chert, mudstones and coal fragments (Morales et al., 1956). The Real Gp.
facies successions in an overall coarsening upward trend. The upper reaches a maximum thickness of 3600 m near the ECB but thins westward.
section of this unit contains thick beds of reworked volcanic material Thinning over the Cachira palaeo-high suggests little subsidence in this
with no internal structure. The unit represents a braided fluvial system. area, which was deforming simultaneously with deposition of the Real Gp.
Paleocurrent data indicates northward paleoflow. Detrital composition of
sandstones includes sedimentary grains (21-30%), potassium feldspar (5- Pliocene Mesa Fm. This unit lies unconformably over the Real Gp
7%), plagioclase (2%), low grade metamorphic lithics (2%), polycrystalline (Figs. 12 to 14). In the Honda sub-basin, the unconformity is angular. The »»
quartz (1-2%) and traces of hornblende (Fig 19). Igneous and metamorphic Mesa Fm. is Early Pliocene in the Honda sub-basin (radiometric age 3.5 to 49
grains indicate provenance from the Central Cordillera, while sedimentary 4.3 Ma: Thouret,1988; palynology: Dueñas and Castro, 1981). Thicknesses
grains came from the ECB, probably sourced in the Los Cobardes anticline reach up to 575 m. (Morales et al., 1956). Porta (1965, 1966) reported
dacitic and andesitic tuffs: the upper Lumbi member which consists of Southern Honda sub-basin. Sedimentation of the Honda Gp. between
volcanoclastic sandstones and conglomerates with dacitic, andesitic, 12.7 Ma to 6.2+-8 Ma. overlap in time with the age of ECB cooling events
granodioritic and metamorphic clasts, and tuff interbeds. Detrital sources revealed by apatite-fission track analyses and vitrinite reflectance data
are the volcanoes of the Central Cordillera and their crystalline basement. from the Guaduas syncline (Fig. 10 ). Gomez (2001) interpreted that cooling
The Mesa Fm was deposited in alluvial fans, fluvial streams and transient resulted from erosion of 3 to 4 km of Honda sediments in the Guaduas
lakes (Gomez, 2001). syncline area. Cretaceous rocks of the uplifting “Villeta anticlinorium to
the east may have been exposed to erosion during the Late Miocene as
3.5.1. Late Middle Miocene to Late Miocene basin evolution. indicated by Cretaceous clasts of the San Antonio Fm”. (part of Honda Gp).
Synorogenic Honda sediments accumulated in the broad paleo Guaduas
The following summary of the Neogene evolution of the MMB has syncline but further deformation and structural uplift during the latest
been taken from Gomez (2001). Miocene removed the Honda Gp in the Guaduas syncline area (Gomez,
Northern MMB. During the “late Middle to Late Miocene,
paleodrainage directions changed to the north as a result of progressive This episode of ECB “deformation was contemporaneous with
confinement of the MMB between the Central and ECB Cordilleras, and continued westward onlap of the pediment surface that resulted from
the Cachira high was completely onlapped by the upper Colorado Fm”. The retreat of the Central Cordillera front”. “The fluvial system axis of the
Central Cordillera supplied metamorphic and igneous clasts and the ECB southern MMB was forced to migrate from its Middle Eocene-early Middle
supplied large percentages of sedimentary clasts to the Real Gp (Gomez, Miocene position to a location west of the evolving ECB thrust and fold
2001). belt”. Sandstones and conglomerates of the Cambras and San Antonio
Fms. (Honda Gp.) represent channel belt deposits. Braided channels are
The Real Gp was also deposited in the area of the ECB west foothills interpreted for the San Antonio Fm. “Metamorphic and igneous clasts
(i.e. Nuevo Mundo syncline). However, further south this unit was later of the San Antonio Fm were sourced from the Central Cordillera, while
eroded from the ECB foothills during younger Pliocene to Recent intense sedimentary grains were mainly sourced from the ECB” (e.g. Villeta
deformation. Detrital source areas of the ECB probably included the Los anticlinorium). Plagioclase, volcanic clasts and hornblende were derived
Cobardes anticline, Santander Massif and central ECB. Epiclastic deposits from pyroclastic accumulations in the Central Cordillera. Granodioritic
may have been derived from pyroclastic accumulations further south in plutons of the Central Cordillera also contributed hornblende to these
the southernmost MMB (Gomez, 2001). deposits” (Gomez, 2001).
Describing the overall structure of the MMB is somewhat challenging, Cenozoic unconformity. In the NE part of the basin, transpressional faulting
given the spatial variability observed across distinct regions of the basin. is represented by the Bucaramanga fault. This late event also affected the
Not only strike-parallel and strike-perpendicular contrasts are evident western flank of the ECB. Table 3 shows the tectonic deformation events
in the MMB. Structures above and below the LKCU are also markedly that affected the MMB.
different. A description of structure, based on structural maps and surface
exposures, is presented below. The following structural domains (Fig. 20) characterized by their
stratigraphy, structural styles and deformation ages are recognizable in the
The geological map shows two distinct areas: 1) the flat to undulated basin (Cordoba et al., 2001):
low elevation area of the MMB, where Neogene unconsolidated to partially
consolidated sediments with important volcanic input and Quaternary 4.1. North-Western MMB domain.
alluvial sediments are cropping out. 2) the eastern area or western foothills
of the ECB where both Paleogene and Neogene deformed sedimentary This domain extends north of the latitude of La Cira oil field along the
units and deformed Cretaceous sedimentary units are crop out to the western flank of the MMB and eastern flank of the Central Cordillera (Figs.
east (Fig. 2). A structural map of the basin and a subcrop below the LKCU 20 and 21). In its western part the Cretaceous units have been partially
unconformity are shown in figures 48 and Fig. 8 respectively. eroded with a greater hiatus toward the west below the angular LKCU
unconformity. It is characterized by a wide east-dipping monocline with
Several important deformation events affected the basin: 1) During NNE trending transtensional normal faults of dextral oblique displacement,
the Triassic and Jurassic, tensional/transtensional stresses, initially related most of which have a fault plane dipping toward the ESE and show
to the break-up of Pangea and later to backarc extension, generated downward displacement of the ESE (Fig. 21). These faults are sub-parallel
normal faults with oblique-slip displacement that have been reactivated to the extensional faults delimiting the Mesozoic grabens of the ECB. This
and modified by later events; 2) Transtensional dextral faulting typified fault trend is also present in the Serrania de San Lucas (Fig. 21). The fault
by the Palestina Fault and most likely associated to late Jurassic oblique planes of some of these faults, especially those to the east, seem to rotate
subduction (Beltran and Romero, 1992); 3) Late Cretaceous-early Eocene, from SE to NW, acquiring a semi-helicoidal shape (Beltran and Romero,
dextral, east-verging, transpressive to compressive deformation affecting 1992). Their plan view, lateral displacements near the Palestina fault,
mainly the sedimentary rocks below the Upper Cretaceous Cenozoic angular normal displacement in the MMB and reverse displacement near the ECB
unconformity. This early event also affected rocks of the Central Cordillera; and Bucaramanga fault (Beltran and Romero, 1992), are all supporting
and 4) Cenozoic, west-verging, compressive to transpressive deformation evidence for partial inversion of these faults towards the east (close to the
affecting sedimentary rocks both below and above the Upper Cretaceous ECB) where they have compressional and dextral strike-slip components.
Table 3. Chart of tectonic deformation events that affected the structural domains of the MMB at different times.
54 Late Cretaceous - Positive flower structures
East verging shortening
Paleocene in a transpressive regime
shortening. Dextral shortening (Restrepo-Pace).
Oligocene Early Normal faults partially inverted Normal faults partially inverted
West verging compressive to transpressive deformation
Mocene towards the east of the province. towards the east of the province.
WNW-ESE compression
West verging compressive to
Late Miocene reactivated Late
transpressive deformation
Paleocene structures
Figure 20. Structural domains of the MMB (From Cordoba et al., 2001):
The North-Western MMB domain is characterized by a wide, east-dipping homocline with
NNE-trending transtensional normal faults with dextral oblique displacement and fault planes
dipping toward the ESE. These faults show partial inversion towards the east, close to the ECB
where they have compressional and dextral, strike-slip components.
The South-Western MMB domain is characterized by an east-dipping, homocline with normal
faults of small displacement affecting pre-Cretaceous and Cenozoic rocks.
The Central MMB domain is characterized by opposite vergence of thrust and fold belts form-
ing a structural convergence zone resulting from two deformation events: Late Cretaceous-early
Eocene compressive to dextral transpressive deformation with eastward vergence related to the
Central Cordillera, and Cenozoic compressive to transpressive deformation with westward ver-
gence related to the western flank of the ECB. »»
The ECB foothills domain is characterized by west-vergent thrusts and folds resulting from Ce- 55
nozoic compressive to transpressive deformation with westward vergence related to the western
flank of the ECB.
These faults mainly affect Cretaceous and older sedimentary units 4.2. South-Western MMB domain.
and locally a relatively thin Cenozoic sedimentary section. They may have
originated as normal faults during early Mesozoic generation of extensional This domain is bounded to the west by the Central Cordillera, and
basins, and were later reactivated with strike-slip movement associated to the east by the frontal thrust faults of the southern foothills of the ECB
to the dextral Palestina fault, and were finally tectonically inverted (in (Fig. 20). In this domain, most of the Cretaceous sedimentary record has
part or in full) toward the ECB (Beltran and Romero, 1992). This structural been eroded with a greater hiatus toward the west below the angular LKCU
style also affected Jurassic rocks of the Serrania de San Lucas to the west, unconformity while the Cenozoic sedimentary section thins westward.
where the Cretaceous has been eroded. Seismic images from the MMB The domain is characterized by an east dipping homocline with normal
reveal that these faults also affected the Cretaceous section. These faults faults of small displacement affecting pre-Cretaceous and Cenozoic rocks
have generated productive traps in their hanging-wall blocks (Totumal, (Figs. 37 to 39 and 41 in Seismic interpretation Chapter 6). These faults
Buturama, Peñas Blancas, Casabe, Galán, Cantagallo, Llanito, Las Garzas, probably have a similar origin as the normal faults of the North-western
Cristalina, Sogamoso, and other oil fields). MMB domain, and some of them may have been inverted (i.e. Gomez,
2001 interpreted east-verging reverse faults affecting basement, Fig. 23).
Some of these faults were reactivated during the Cenozoic as normal faults
probably due to lithospheric flexure.
This central domain includes the Cachira paleo-high below the LKCU
unconformity, where the La Cira-Infantas oil field (Figs. 20 and 34) is located.
It is bounded to the north and south by the Bucaramanga and Cambao faults
respectively. Deformation in this domain includes the Jurassic to Paleocene
sedimentary section. This domain is characterized by opposite vergence
of thrusts and fold belts (Figs. 33 to 35 in Seismic interpretation Chapter
6) forming a structural convergence zone. This unusual configuration
resulted from two deformation events: a Late Cretaceous-early Eocene,
east-verging, compressive to dextral transpressive, deformation related
to the Central Cordillera, and a Cenozoic, west-verging, compressive to
transpressive deformation related to the western flank of the ECB. The
southern portion of the Cachira paleo-high was formed by structural
convergence among the east-vergent Cachira fault and the west-vergent
Infantas fault. These low angle reverse faults originated a pseudo-triangle
zone with a deformed core of Cretaceous rocks. North of the La Cira-
Infantas oil field -near the Sogamoso field- the paleo-high is relatively wide
(about 20 km). East-vergent faults generated major folds in the eastern
side of the paleohigh. The Cachira paleo-high was fossilized by the LKCU
angular unconformity, compartmentalizing the basin during the Middle to
Late Eocene, when the high was exposed and later reactivated by Cenozoic
56 deformation generating the largest traps of the basin (Cordoba et al.,
Figure 22. Location maps for the structural cross sections of the MMB shown in figure 21. From Gomez (2001). 57
58 Figure 23.Two structural cross sections of the MMB. From Gomez (2001). a) Southern cross section, b) Northern cross section. See description of these
cross sections in the text.
faults in a structural relay pattern truncated by the Bucaramanga fault. between the Salinas and the Dos Hermanos Thrust. These NE-SW trending
Upper Cretaceous rocks are cropping out thrusted over Cenozoic rocks structures contrast with younger N-S structures, suggesting rotation of
preserved in the core of synclines (Nuevo Mundo, Rio Minero, Guaduas the stress field. Cortes et al. (2006) documented changes in compressive
and Jerusalen). This domain is characterized by west-vergent thrusts tectonic stress directions from NW-SE to WNW-ESE from the Oligocene to
and folds (See regional cross sections Figs. 23 to 25 and Figs. 41 to 45 the Late Miocene, based on paleostress determinations from detailed field
in Seismic interpretation Chapter 6) derived from Cenozoic compressive data. Several structures related to this event remain concealed beneath
to transpressive deformation related to the western flank of the ECB. the LKCU unconformity, and synkinematic sediments are preserved locally
In the ECB, fault-related folds are restricted to the foothill areas (Teson within some of these thrust sheets. Later, during the late Miocene, thick-
et al., 2011). These thrust faults are possibly rooted in inverted normal skin wedges formed at the thrust front. In this area, thrust polarity reversed
faults originally formed during Mesozoic extension of the ECB area. Within (toward the hinterland) during the latter event, and Paleogene structures
this domain, some faults have detachment levels within the sedimentary were reactivated. Additionally, the LKCU unconformity surface was folded
cover (thin skin deformation) forming imbricated structures, and locally and incorporated into north-plunging folds, and Cretaceous extensional
triangle zones and possibly duplexes. Restrepo et al. (2004) claimed that faults were inverted. Late Miocene structural reactivation and exhumation
deformation began in the late Paleocene– early Eocene time, in the form of the hinterland area occurred in a break-back thrusting sequence.
of a west-vergent, forward-propagating fold-and-thrust belt, based on (Restrepo et al., 2004).
local detailed geological mapping and seismic interpretation of an area
Figure 24. Central cross section of the MMB. From Gomez (2001) The following description is taken from Gomez (2001). See description of this cross section in the text.
4.5. Girardot southern domain the eastern flank of the Guaduas syncline and constrain the timing of initial
deformation of the ECB in the southern MMB (i.e. forelimb of the Villeta
This domain approximately represents the southern boundary with anticlinorium) ” (Gomez, 2001).
the Upper Magdalena Valley. It constitutes a transfer zone along the right
lateral strike-slip Ibague fault (part of the east vergent Calarma thrust Northern section “crosses the MMB from the Cantagallo fault to the
system bordering the Central Cordillera) and the west vergent Cambras Nuevo Mundo syncline to the west and east, respectively. Folds in the
thrust system related to the ECB. In the western flank of the ECB and its ECB foothills formed due to slip on the La Salina fault system below them.
foothills over the southern MMB, Cortes (2006) identified two structural From east to west, the La Salina fault ramps across Cretaceous rocks and
styles: (1) positive flower structures formed in a transpressive regime, has a footwall flat in the Upper Cretaceous rocks, which splays into two
which affected rocks older than late Paleocene and were unconformably ramps across Paleogene sedimentary units. The ramps, as preserved in the
covered by post–late Paleocene sediments, and (2) compressive structures footwall, are listric. The Lisama anticline is a hanging wall fault-propagation
formed during the late Miocene–Recent Andean phase. Recent WNW- fold associated with the westernmost leading thrust ramp, which has its
ESE compression reactivated Late Paleocene structures, which affected tip in the Mugrosa Formation. An upper time limit for the formation of
local Andean structures. In the western margin of the ECB, the Cambao the Lisama anticline is set by its position underneath undeformed beds of
thrust takes up most of the displacement, whereas the Bituima fault takes the late Middle-Late Miocene Real Group. The age of this event is better
only a minor fraction. To the south, this relationship reverses, suggesting constrained by wedges of Upper Oligocene to lower Middle Miocene
complementary behavior among the Bituima and Cambao faults, as well growth strata flanking the backlimb of the Lisama anticline. Growth strata
as a transfer zone. This observation explains the southward termination of of the same age are also found at the backlimb of the Provincia anticline
the Guaduas syncline as a structure related to the Cambao fault, whereas (10 km to the north), and the forelimb of the Los Cobardes anticline.
the Bituima fault increases its displacement southward, generating the
Girardot fold belt, which in turn takes over the structural position of the The Nuevo Mundo syncline is bounded to the west by the second
Guaduas syncline (Cortes, 2006). splay of the major La Salina fault system, and is known locally as the La
Salina fault. This splay is comprised of a hanging wall flat above a footwall
4.6. Structural Cross Sections ramp. This is the youngest ramp of this thrust system, as it cuts across beds
of the Real Group and it is not folded by the underlying Lisama anticline.
The regional aspect and distribution of different structural domains The eastern flank of the Nuevo Mundo syncline corresponds to the forelimb
discussed above are illustrated through several regional cross sections of the Los Cobardes fault-bend anticline” (Gomez, 2001).
taken from literature (Figs. 23 to 25, location of sections in Fig. 22)
complemented with regional interpreted seismic lines (Figs. 30, 32, 33 Figure 24 from Gomez (2001) shows a section of the MMB. The
and 41 in Seismic interpretation Chapter 6).Figure 23 from Gomez (2001) following description is taken from Gomez (2001). This section “shows two
shows two sections across the MMB. The following description is taken Plio-Pleistocene faults rooted in the basement. The westernmost fault is
from Gomez (2001). a low-angle thrust that ramps across Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks, has
its tip in the Mugrosa Formation, and merges with a steeper ramp that
“Southern cross section crosses the ECB foothills and corresponds to cuts across the basement further east. Two hanging wall anticlines are
a modified version of a section by Namson et al. (1994, in Gomez, 2001). associated with this fault. The Guayabito anticline, to the west, is a leading
The ECB thrust and fold belt at this locality is composed of the Honda, fault-propagation fold, whereas the Opon anticline, to the east, is a fault-
Cambao and La Salina faults, from west to east, which ramp up from bend fold that formed in response to the change in dip of the underlying
detachment surfaces within Cretaceous and Paleogene sedimentary units. fault ramp. The La Salina reverse fault is the youngest tectonic feature in
60 Hanging wall anticlines are associated with the leading edges of the Honda this section”. “It cuts the Opon anticline and has an approximate throw
and Cambao faults. The western flank of the Guaduas syncline is a hanging of 8 km” (Gomez (2001) The ECB foothills consist of two superimposed
wall flat above the Cambao fault, whereas the eastern flank corresponds thrust and fold belts of Late Oligocene to early Middle Miocene (Lisama
to the forelimb of the Villeta anticlinorium. The latter is a fault-bend fold, anticline, see Fig. 23) and Pliocene (Guayabito, Opon anticline) ages. Both
which is cut by the La Salina fault (also known as Bituima fault in the generations of folds are truncated by out-of sequence faulting” (Gomez
southern MMB). Growth strata of Middle Eocene to Oligocene age fringe (2001).
Figure 25. Structural cross section of the ECB foothills domain. From Gomez in Cordoba et al. (2001). This section passes -from east to
west- through the Opon syncline, the De Armas syncline, the Landazuri anticline and the Los Cobardes anticline. This section includes a
thrust and fold belt in the ECB foothills domain. According to the interpreted section the Los Cobardes and Landazuri anticlines are the
expression of basement uplifts limited by high angle reverse faults involving basement. Gomez in Cordoba et al. (2001) interpreted structural
repetition of Cretaceous units below the western flank of the Landazuri anticline, assuming a constant thickness of Cretaceous units in the
Landazuri anticline and below the Opon syncline. Taking into account that the Cretaceous in the ECB is thicker than in the MMB, as dem-
onstrated by stratigraphic columns compiled by Sarmiento-Rojas (2001), an alternative interpretation (without assuming structural repetition
of Cretaceous units below the western flank of the Landazuri anticline) is to consider greater Cretaceous thickness units below the Landazuri
anticline in the hanging wall of the La Salina fault. In this case, thickening of Cretaceous units would imply that these units were deposited in
a graben limited to the west by this reverse fault (which was a Cretaceous normal fault, now inverted). Such increase in Cretaceous thickness
east of the La Salina fault is observed in other structural cross sections (e.g. Cooper et al., 1995, Repsol YPF et al., 2002). West of La Salina
fault, thinner Cretaceous units extend into the MMB and are truncated to the west by the LKCU unconformity. Below the Neogene units
cropping out in the flat area of the MMB, a thin-skin wedge is interpreted forming a duplex filling a triangular zone between these Neogene
units and the La Salina fault. 61
Gravimetric and magnetometric data are particularly useful to reveal of data acquired by the ANH from years 2007 to 2010, plus information
buried, large-scale structural trends and massifs, as well as for mapping available at Ecopetrol (Rey et al., 2008).
basement topography. A recent, multi-year, airborne gravity and magnetic
acquisition program led by Colombia’s Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos 5.1. Basement Map
(ANH) has supplied the local industry with high-quality data collected and
processed with state-of-the-art technology. Figures 26 and 27 show the Figure 28 shows a depth map to the top of economic basement
Bouguer gravity and reduced-to-pole magnetometric anomaly maps of the calculated by Ceron (2004) from the Bouguer gravity anomaly map and
MMB, compiled by Graterol and Vargas (2010). a structural map of the Rosablanca Fm (Cordoba et al., 2001), calibrated
at several wells and basement outcrops in the Central Cordillera (Ceron,
For the gravimetric map (Fig. 26) theoretical gravity values were personal communication). According to this interpretation, the top of
calculated from IGSN71 and WGS84 and densities of 2.67 g/cm3 and 1.03 the economic basement (pre-Cretaceous rocks) mimics the top of the
g/cm3 were respectively used for corrections in land (rocks) and ocean (sea Rosablanca Fm. These maps clearly show the systematic increase in
water) (ANH, 2010). Local minimum values are observed which represent basement depth to the east suggesting a flexurally tilted crust. The map
maximum thickness of the sedimentary column in the basin. also shows the Cachira paleohigh forming an arch with an approximate N-S
orientation in its southern part and NNE in its northern part.
The total magnetic intensity map reduced to the pole (Fig. 27)
represents a compilation (COLMAG.DAT Magnetic Data Base of Colombia)
Most seismic data acquired to date over the MMB correspond to Figure 35 from Cordoba et al. (2001) shows an interpreted seismic
relatively old vintage (over 10 years old), regional 2D lines, while recent, section across the Central structural domain. Note the Cachira paleohigh
three-dimensional data are largely restricted to producing oil fields. Luckily with Mesozoic rocks truncated by the LKCU unconformity and east-verging
good seismic data quality is normally achieved. Figures 30 to 45 show reverse faults.
typical seismic lines for each of the structural domains of the MMB. See
Figure 29 for location. Figure 36 from Lopez and Morales (in Cordoba et al., 2001) shows
an interpreted seismic section of the Central structural domain. Note
Figure 30 from Ecopetrol et al. (1998) shows two interpreted seismic east-verging reverse faults affecting the Cretaceous below the LKCU
sections of the Northwestern structural domain. Note the monocline with unconformity (although one of them was later reactivated), decapitated
normal faults affecting Cretaceous units. Some of these faults have been by the younger west-verging Lebrija fault.
reactivated by transpression as reverse faults or small flower structures.
Figure 37 from Ecopetrol et al. (1998) shows a regional interpreted
Figure 31 from Ecopetrol et al. (1998) shows two interpreted seismic seismic section of the Southwestern structural domain. Note homoclinal
sections of the Northwestern structural domain. Note the homocline with structure with normal faults, some slightly inverted.
normal faults affecting Cretaceous units. Some of these faults have been
reactivated by transpression as reverse faults or small flower structures. Figure 38 from Ecopetrol et al. (1998) shows a regional interpreted
seismic section of the Southwestern structural domain. Note gentle
Figure 32 from Ecopetrol et al. (1998) shows a regional interpreted homoclinal structure with normal faults and absence of Cretaceous
seismic section of the Northwestern structural domain (left side) and the rocks.
Central structural domain (right side) of the basin. On the left side normal
faults, one of then reactivated by transpression, are evident. On the right Figure 39 from Cordoba et al. (2001) shows an interpreted seismic
side, note both east-verging and west-verging faults in the Cachira high section of the Southwestern structural domain. Note homoclinal structure
truncated by the LKCU. This fault pattern suggests interplay between two with a normal fault that creates potential closure.
systems of reverse faults with opposite vergence and/or positive flower
structures. On the extreme right, note three west-verging reverse faults, Figure 40 from Cordoba et al. (2001) shows an interpreted seismic
one of them affecting Cenozoic units above the LKCU. section of the Southwestern structural domain. Note Cenozoic sedimentary
units onlapping the pre-Cretaceous economic basement.
Figure 33 from Ecopetrol et al. (1998) shows a regional interpreted
seismic section of the Central structural domain. Note the Cachira-Infantas Figure 41 from Ecopetrol et al. (1998) shows a regional interpreted
paleo-high truncated by erosion below the LKCU, affected by east-verging seismic section of the Southwestern (left side) and ECB foothills (right
and west-verging reverse faults. This fault pattern suggests interplay side) structural domains. Note homoclinal structure with normal faults on
between two systems of reverse faults with opposite vergence and/or the left side, and the fold-and-thrust belt on the right. Compare the great
positive flower structures. Cretaceous thickness east of the La Salina reverse fault, with the reduced
thickness of these units in the western part of the section. This contrast
Figure 34 from Garavito and Ballesteros (in Cordoba et al., 2001) suggests that the La Salina fault system is rooted on a normal fault that was
shows an interpreted seismic line across the La Cira-Infantas giant oil field inverted during the Cenozoic. Note also thick-skin wedge with a duplex
in the Central structural domain. Note both east-verging and west-verging structure filing the triangular zone beneath the Arrugas thrust fault and
reverse faults. Note the west-verging Infantas reverse fault displacing the western Cenozoic units.
70 Cenozoic units. Below this fault, the anticline folding Cretaceous,
potentially fractured reservoir units (La Luna, Tablazo and Rosablanca Fms) Figure 42 from Ecopetrol et al. (1998) shows two interpreted seismic
may define a prospective trap in a Cretaceous play, with a local source rock sections of the Southwestern (left side) and ECB foothills (right side)
and very short migration distance. structural domains. In the foothills domain note the west-verging thrusts
faults and the flower structure drilled by the Beltran-1 well.
Figure 30. Two interpreted seismic sections of the Northwestern structural domain.
Figure 32. Regional interpreted seismic section of the Northwestern structural domain (left side) and the Central structural do-
main (right side) of the basin.
Figure 33. Regional interpreted seismic section of the Central structural domain.
Figure 37. Regional interpreted seismic section of the Southwestern structural domain.
Figure 38. Regional interpreted seismic section of the Southwestern structural domain.
Figure 41. Regional interpreted seismic section of the Southwestern (left side) and ECB foothills (right side) structural domains.
Figure 42. Two interpreted seismic sections of the Southwestern (left side) and ECB foothills (right side) structural domains.
Figure 43 from Morales (in Cordoba et al., 2001) shows an Figure 44 from Cordoba et al. (2001) shows an interpreted seismic
interpreted seismic section of the ECB foothills structural domain. Note section of the ECB foothills structural domain.
west-verging reverse faults and splays of the Provincia fault forming the
Provincia anticline, where reduced thickness of the T2 to T3 (Mugrosa and Figure 45 from Morales, in Cordoba et al. (2001) shows an interpreted
Colorado Fms.) Paleogene units up to the Middle Miocene unconformity seismic section of the ECB foothills structural domain. Note thick-skin »»
on the crest of the fold indicate growth strata deposited simultaneously wedge with sub-thrust anticline at the Agata-1 location.
with west-verging shortening.
Figure 45 Interpreted seismic section of the ECB foothills structural domain. Modified from Morales, in Cordoba et al.
6.1. Structural maps deformation. These rocks were buried by Middle Eocene to Neogene strata
during Central Cordillera pedimentation.
The plan-view geometry of the MMB reveals the sigmoidal outline
of the basin controlled by the Palestina and Bucaramanga faults in the Figure 49 from Geotec (1993) shows structural contours at the top of
north, as well as internal complexities related to regional structures such the Basal Limestone Gp. (Rosablanca, Paja and Tablazo Fms.) in solid lines
as the Infantas Paleohigh. Regional structural maps of various significant and isopach contours in dashed lines.
interfaces are shown in Figures 46 to 52
Figure 50 from Geotec (1993) shows structural contours at the top of
Figure 46 from Reyes et al. (1998). The time structural contour map the El Salto and La Luna Fms. Structural contours at the top of these units
to the top of Rosablanca Fm. shows three systems of reverse faults: two of in solid lines and isopach contours in dashed lines.
them with the same NE-SW orientation in the central part of the basin (La
Cira Infantas, Casabe fields) but with opposite vergences. The third fault Figure 51 from Geotec (1993) shows structural contours at the top of
system has N-S orientation and vergence to the east. the Lisama Fm.. Isopach contours in dotted lines. Structural leads exist in
the hanging wall of thrust faults.
Figure 47 from Reyes et al. (1998). Time structural map at the top
of the La Luna Fm. This map shows fewer faults than the Rosablanca Fm Figure 52 from Geotec (1993) shows structural contours at the top of
structural map because many faults affecting this formation do not extend the LKCU unconformity (continuous lines). Isopach contours of the Chorro
upward to the La Luna Fm. and Chuspas Gps. are shown in dotted lines. Outcrops of the continental
Chorro (La Paz and Esmeraldas Fms.) and Chuspas Gps. (Mugrosa and
Figure 48 from Gomez (2001). Structural contour map to the LKCU Colorado Fms.) sandstone reservoirs are represented in light green. Source
unconformity , and distribution of Paleocene and older rocks beneath rock subcrops below the LKCU unconformity are shown in blue. Structural
the LKCU. Large areas of Paleocene and Mesozoic sedimentary rocks traps exist both in the hanging walls and footwalls of thrust faults, as well
were exposed during early Eocene propagation of Central Cordillera as in structural closures associated with wrench faults.
Figure 50. Play Map of the El Salto and La Luna Fms. From Geotec (1993).
The play area for these potential fractured reservoirs is represented in dark
green. Outcrops of these units are represented in light green. Structural con-
tours at the top of the group are in continuous lines and isopach contours in
dotted lines. Local or very short migration distance is required for this play.
Figure 52. Play Map of the Chorro Gp. (La Paz and Esmeraldas Fms.) and
Chuspas Gp. (Mugrosa and Colorado Fms.). From Geotec (1993). Outcrops
of these continental sandstone reservoir units are represented in light green.
Source rock subcrops are represented in blue. Structural contours at the top of
the group are in continuous lines and isopach contours in dotted lines. Struc-
tural trap opportunities exist both in the hanging walls and in the footwalls of
thrust faults, as well as in structural closures associated with wrench-related
7.1. Petroleum systems Major top-seal rocks are shale intervals above productive or potential
reservoir rocks. Cretaceous top-seal rocks are marine shales (Paja Fm, Simiti
No basin in Colombia allows more complete petroleum system Fm. Villeta Gp., or lateral equivalents) or coastal plain (Umir Fm.) rocks.
characterizations than the MMB. Source and reservoir rock outcrops, Cenozoic seal rocks are coastal plain (Lisama Fm.), lacustrine, estuarine or
wellbores, fluid samples and oil seeps all contribute information to fluvial mudstones within the La Paz, Esmeraldas, Mugrosa and Colorado Fms.
illustrate the various elements of effective and hypothetical petroleum
systems. The summary below synthesizes results from many studies that Two petroleum systems (Fig. 54) have been proposed in the basin
contributed to the current state of knowledge. (Garcia et al., 2003):
Figure 53 modified from Etayo (1985a, 1994), Geotec (1992), La Luna - Mugrosa (!)
Cooper et al. (1995), Ecopetrol and Beicip (1995), Geotec (2000), Gomez
(2001), Sarmiento-Rojas (2001) and Mora et al. (2010) shows a regional Paja-Tablazo - Mugrosa (.)
stratigraphic cross section of the ECB and neighboring MMB and LlABs.
Petroleum system elements have been highlighted in different colors. The La Luna-Mugrosa (!)petroleum system is composed of source
rocks of the La Luna Fm., which geochemically correlate with crude
Major marine oil-prone source rocks (dark blue in Fig. 53) are oils found in reservoirs of the Mugrosa, La Luna, Umir, Lisama, La Paz,
organic-rich, fine-grained, pelagic limestone and shale units deposited Esmeraldas, and Colorado Fms. The Mugrosa Fm. contains the greatest
during the Aptian-Albian (Paja-Tablazo Fms. in the MMB and Hilo Fm. volumes of hydrocarbons known in the basin. Mora et al., (1996) included
Villeta Gp. in the ECB and their lateral equivalents) and Cenomanian- the Rosablanca Fm. with the Paja and Tablazo Fms as main source rocks,
Turonian (La Luna Fm. in the MMB, Villeta Gp. and Chipaque and La which constitute the Calcareo Basal Gp. Considering the hydrocarbons
Frontera Fms. in the ECB and their lateral equivalents). These intervals reservoired within these Cretaceous units, these authors alternatively
approximately coincide with two global anoxic events. A third marine proposed the Calcareo Basal Gp (.) petroleum system. Figure 55 from Mora
source rock interval is the Coniacian-Santonian (upper Galembo member et al., (1996) shows the events chart for this petroleum system. The Paja-
of La Luna Fm. in the MMB, Conejo Fm. in the ECB and lateral equivalents). Tablazo - Mugrosa (.) and Calcareo Basal Gp (.) are considered hypothetical
Additionally, in the MMB the limestones of the Rosablanca Formation petroleum systems due to the lack of specific oil-rock geochemical
(Valanginian-Hauterivian) have been reported as possible source rocks. correlations (Magoon & Dow, 1994).
The red line is the top of the over-mature zone. Rocks below this line
are over-mature at present time, but were mature sometime in the past. Figure 72 (from Gems Ltda, Petroleum Systems Chapter 9) shows the
The green line is the top of the mature zone. Rocks between the green timing of elements and processes of the proposed petroleum systems. The
and red lines are now in the oil generation and expulsion window. The red line corresponds to the curve of burial.
yellow is the top of the immature zone. Rocks between the yellow and
green lines are immature at present time. Minor gas-prone source rocks
are Campanian-Maastrichtian or coastal plain or paralic organic rich
mudstones and coals (Umir Fm.)
Figure 53. Regional stratigraphic section or Wheeler diagram of the ECB, MMB and LlAB neighboring Basins. Horizontal axis represents horizontal distance and
vertical axis represents geologic time in million years. Petroleum system elements have been highlighted in different colors. After Etayo (1985a, 1994), Geotec
(1992), Cooper et al. (1995), Geotec (2000), Gomez (2001) and Sarmiento-Rojas (2001).
Figure 55. Event chart for the Calcareo Basal Gp. (Rosablanca, Paja, Tablazo Fms.) petroleum system of the MMB. Modified from Mora et al. (1996). The original
chart assumes mainly Paleogene and partially Neogene hydrocarbon charge (modified by the author using petroleum system model results by Garcia et al., 2001). Trap
formation in Cretaceous reservoirs started during the Paleocene (structures cut by the LKCU unconformity) and continued during the Cenozoic (Cenozoic deforma-
tion). New volumetrical data from petroleum system models of the ECB suggest that the main period of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion occurred during Paleo-
gene time and probably since the late Cretaceous. New data from growth strata, thermo-chronology and other tools show that deformation and structural trap formation
started since Paleogene time (Trap formation bar with question mark in the figure added by the author). Therefore, accurate reconstruction of hydrocarbon charge and
trap formation timing is essential as an exploration tool not only for the ECB but also for the neighboring MMB and LlABs.
7.2. Source rocks and hydrocarbon charge a middle to outer marine shelf. Total organic content in this unit varies
between 0.3 to 12.25% but most values are between 1.0 and 6.4%. The
7.2.1. Source rocks average 2.6% TOC content corresponds to a very good to excellent source
rock. The central area of the basin has very good present TOC values that
Oils were generated by marine, dominantly carbonate-rich, source are average values for the whole basin (2 to 4%, Fig. 57). Free hydrocarbons
rocks with variable siliciclastic mud content. Figure 56 and table 4 from S1 pyrolysis peak at 7.46 mgHC/g. Kerogen is type II (marine origin with
Mora et al. (1996) show oil families and their correlation to source rocks. oil generation capacity) with minor amounts of type I and III kerogens.
Petroleum source are the Rosablanca (Valanginian - Barremian), Paja Organic petrography maceral content averages 76% of amorphous organic
(Barremian – Middle Aptian), Tablazo (Late Aptian- Middle Albian), Simití matter, 16% vitrinite, 8% liptinite and traces of inertinite. Present-day
(Middle Albian - Cenomanian), La Luna (Early Turonian - Santonian) and generation potential pyrolysis S2 values peak at 21.93 mgHC/g, but the
Umir (Campanian - Maastrichtian) Formations. Among these source original potential must be greater. Maturity data (Fig. 58) indicates that the
rocks, the main source rocks units are two stratigraphic intervals, which La Luna Fm is in the early oil generation window (0.76% Ro at Torcoroma-1
approximately correspond to maximum flooding surface distal facies of the well) from the Opon field (located in the central part) to the north. To the
Paja-Tablazo and La Luna Fms. The following summary has been extracted south of this field up to a few km north of the Escuela-1 well, maturity
from Cordoba et al. (2001) reaches the gas generation window (1.03 % Ro at the Mugrosa-3 well, 2.5%
and 2.0% Ro at the Agata-1 and Escuela-1 wells respectively). South of the La Luna Fm. Escuela-1 well, maturity decreases reaching immature values (0.49% Ro)
in the Tocaima-1 well located in the south end of the basin (Cordoba, et
This unit consists of calcareous mudstones and planktonic al., 2001).
foraminifera biomicritic limestones accumulated in anoxic conditions in
Table 4. Geochemical correlation between oil families and source rocks of the MMB. From Mora et al. (1996).
Oil family/Source
La Luna Fm. Simiti Fm. Tablazo Fm. Paja Fm. Rosalbanca Fm.
Isotopes Biomarkers
Isotopes Biomarkers
»» B
Chromatography Chromatography Chromatography
Figure 56. Map of oil families of the MMB and their geochemical corre-
lation with petroleum source rocks of the basin. From Mora et al. (1996).
Figure 57. Organic richness map of the La Luna Fm. source rocks, expressed as
percentage of total organic carbon. From Cordoba et al., in Rojas (2002).
Figure 58. PPresent day thermal maturity maps for the two source rock stratigraphic intervals: the Aptian-Albian (Paja-Tablazo Fms. and lateral equivalents) and Rosablanca Fm. an inner marine shelf. Total organic carbon varies between 0.48 % and
4.74%, with average values between 2 and 3.5%. Regular to poor organic
This calcareous unit consists of packestones, grainstones and richness values (0.55 to 0.63% TOC) occur in the NE part of the basin.
wakestones interbedded with mudstones deposited in a shallow marine However, good organic richness values are seen over most of the basin
shelf to intertidal marine environment. Organic richness varies widely (1 to 4.74% TOC). Cimitarra-1, Puntapiedra-2, Sabalo-1K and Casabe-199
due to variations in depositional environment and maturity. Total organic have excellent organic richness values (4.2 to 4.74% TOC). The Tablazo Fm.
carbon values range from 0.3 to 5.4%. At the center of the basin, TOC primarily contains lipid material, corresponding to type II kerogen with HI
values between 0.59 and 0.85% pyrolysis hydrogen index values between values between 100 and 600 mg HC / g TOC.
104 and 136 mgHC/g and S2 pyrolysis values between 0.54 and 0.9 mgHC/g
indicate a poor remnant generation potential. In the north of the basin, Average maceral content is 60% of amorphous or fluorescent organic
TOC values range from 1.01 to 2.4% and present day maturity >1 up to 1.6% matter, 7% liptinite, 20% vitrinite, 7% inertinite, and 7% solid bitumen
Ro (gas generation window) indicates an excellent original organic richness indicating a mixture of II and I kerogen types. Current generation potential
which decreased due to past generation of hydrocarbons. Present day (S2 pyrolysis average value 2.18 mgHC/g) is poor for most of the basin, due
remnant organic richness increases to the E and SE. Organic petrography to its high maturity level (Fig. 58). Samples from some wells have moderate
analysis show average maceral composition of 53% of amorphous organic potential (2.66 and 4.37 mgHC/g in the Cascajales-1 and Reposo-1 wells).
matter, 7% liptinite, 20% vitrinite, 7% inertinite and 13% solid bitumen, The best potential is found in the northern part of the basin (5.6 and 5.97
indicating a mixture of I and II kerogen types. In most of the basin the unit mgHC/g the Preludio-1 and Bandera-1 wells respectively) where generation
is overmature, with maturity increasing to the south. In the north of the potential remains. Vitrinite reflectance data indicates late mature to
basin, the unit is in the oil generation window (0.75 t 0.94 % Ro) but some overmature zones. The lowest maturity levels have been reported in the
wells are in the gas generation window (1.44 to 1.6 % Ro). In the south the Morales-1, Torcoroma-1 and Norean-1 wells (Cordoba, et al., 2001).
unit is highly mature (Ro > 2.0%) (Cordoba, et al., 2001). Simiti Fm. Paja Fm.
This unit consists of carbonaceous, black to gray shales deposited
This unit consists of shallow-marine, calcareous mudstones and on an outer marine shelf. The TOC percentage of the Simití Fm. varies
shales with limestone interbeds and abundant carbonate concretions. To between 0.55 and 12.08% with an average of 2.6, characterized as very
the north facies are more carbonate rich. Present-day average total organic good. Remnant generation potential from S2 pyrolysis peak is fair (0.42
carbon varies between 0.74 and 8.95% with average values between 2 and mgHC/g in Bosques-1 well to 6.21 mgHC/g in Pital-1 well). The Simiti Fm.
3% indicating a good organic richness. This large variation is due to facies primarily contains lipid material, corresponding to type II kerogen with HI
variability and maturity variations. In the center of the basin (Cascajales-1, values between 100 and 600 mg HC / g TOC. Hydrogen index values lower
Infantas-1613, Casabe-199 and Sabalo-1K wells) average organic richness than 300 mgHC/g would indicate type III kerogen, but maturity data near
content is good to very good (2.75, 2.61, 2.57 and 1. 43 % TOC respectively). the end of the oil generation window and organic petrography maceral
Organic petrography analyses show that average maceral composition is composition indicate predominance of marine kerogen type II. Present-day
63% amorphous or fluorescent organic matter, 7% liptinite, 18% vitrinite, generation potential of this unit is fair to poor due to its thermal maturity,
6% inertinite, and 6% solid bitumen indicating a mixture of II and I kerogen which is near the end of the oil generation window in the SW part of the
types. Present-day oil generation potential (S2 pyrolysis average value 0.68 basin and at the beginning of the oil generation window in the northern
mgHC/g) is poor over most of the basin, due to high maturity levels (Fig. 58). and NW parts of the basin (Cordoba, et al., 2001).
In the northern part of the basin the unit is least mature, but reached the oil
generation window (0.62% Ro en the Sogamoso River area). In the central Umir Fm.
part of the basin, maturity data (Ro 1.3, 1.24, 1.3 and 0.94 in Casabe-199
well, Cascajales-1 well, Las Monas anticline and Rio Lebrija river-San Vicente This unit consists of gray mudstones with thin siltstones interbeds,
respectively) indicate that the unit reached the end of oil generation window. fine-grained sandstones and thin coal beds deposited in inner marine
Organic richness increases to the east and south (Cordoba, et al., 2001). shelf to bay of lakes and coastal plain environments. Organic richness
varies between 0.67 % TOC in the Cocuyo-1 well up to 6.72% TOC in the Tablazo Fm. Cascajales-1 well. Present-day generation potential evaluated from S1
pyrolysis data suggests poor (0.23 mgHC/g) to very good (2.46 mgHC/g)
This unit consists of calcareous, fine-grained, fossiliferous sandstones, generation potential, increasing from west to east. Hydrogen index varies
fossiliferous limestones and interbedded black mudstones deposited in
between 173 to 299 mgHC/g suggesting predominance of kerogen type III. lower Real Gp. in the north), burial was continuous in the other sector of
Maturity data indicates the beginning of the oil generation window (Tmax the basin at this time. 4) Source rock burial during deposition of the Real
pyrolysis from 422 to 442C). Thermal maturity increases to the south and Gp. This event buried the northern and central basin but was interrupted
SE (Cordoba, et al., 2001). in the foothills by incipient erosion. The times of beginning, peak and end
of hydrocarbon expulsion from the two source rock intervals are shown in
7.2.2. Hydrocarbon generation and expulsion figures 59 and 60 for each sector of the basin (Garcia et al., 2003). Maps
in figures 61 and 62 show presence of the two major source rock intervals
The following summary has been mainly extracted from Garcia and hydrocarbons expelled at different time intervals.
et al., (2003). Different tectonostratigraphic sectors of the basin are
characterized by dissimilar burial, thermal, hydrocarbon generation and La Luna Fm. source rock interval.
expulsion histories:
Times of beginning, peak and end of hydrocarbon discharge from
MMB’s burial history is characterized by 1) continuous burial of the La Luna Fm. vary spatially over the basin area (Figs. 59 and 61).
source rocks form their deposition until 53 Ma. when they reached Petroleum generation occurred very early in the ECB, later occurred in
their maximum depth. This burial event was common –but uneven the foothills and central sectors of the MMB, while no La Luna expulsion
in magnitude- to all sectors of the basin, 2) erosion of Late Cretaceous has occurred in the northern sector. The longest period of expulsion
and Paleocene rocks during the middle and late Eocene. This event only occurred in the foothills and axis of the ECB where generation recently
affected the northern and central sectors but was more prolonged in the ended. In the western edge of the Cordillera, source rocks were quickly
northern sector, 3) a hiatus from 40 to 15 Ma. was only recorded in rocks exhausted as a result of high temperatures reached in this sector. (Figs.
from the northern sector (absence of the Chorro and Chuspas Gps and 59 and 61) (Garcia et al., 2003).
Figure 59. Diagram showing the onset, peak and end of hydro-
carbon expulsion times of the La Luna Fm. for areas and points
where hydrocarbon generation and expulsion were modeled.
The light blue area represents hydrocarbon expulsion time
intervals in prospective sectors. White areas represent sectors
without hydrocarbon generation. From Garcia et al. (2003).
Figure 60. Diagram showing the onset, peak and end of hy-
drocarbon expulsion times of the Paja and Tablazo Fms. areas
and points where hydrocarbon generation and expulsion were
modeled. The light blue area represents hydrocarbon expulsion
time intervals in prospective sectors. White areas represent
sectors without hydrocarbon generation. From Garcia et al.
Figure 61. Maps of of expelled hydrocarbon volume per unit area from the Turonian-Coniacian source rock (La Luna Fm. and lateral equivalents) during three time
intervals (1) between the onset of expulsion and 50 M.a. (pre-Eocene and earliest Eocene) the area of the ECB was mature and generated more than 200000 bbl./acre
104 Figure 62. Maps of expelled hydrocarbon volume per unit area from the Aptian-Albian source rock during three time intervals (1) between onset of expulsion and
50 M.a. (pre-Eocene and earliest Eocene) the area of the ECB was at the oil generation and expulsion window and expelled more than 200000 bbl./acre; the western
foothills of the ECB and southwestern part of the MMB were also mature and expelled between 100000 and 200000 bbl./acre. Volumes of expelled hydrocarbons
decreased in the MMB toward the NW. In the Northwestern part of the MMB Aptian source rocks were immature (2) between 50 and 16 Ma. (Eocene to early Mio-
cene) the Aptian source rock in the area of the ECB was over- mature and became exhausted. The western ECB foothills and most of the MMB area expelled less than
100000 bbl./acre and the northwestern part of the MMB remained immature (3) between 16 Ma. and today (Post-early Miocene) the area of the ECB was over-mature.
Most central and southern MMB areas did not expel hydrocarbons, possible because Aptian source rocks became exhausted. An area in the NE MMB expelled less
than 5000 bbl./acre of hydrocarbons and the northwestern part of the MMB is still immature. From Garcia et al. (2003). Paja-Tablazo Fms. source rock interval. of expulsion, and the occurrence of multiple Cenozoic structural events
that modified the geometry and seal efficiency of early accumulations (Fig.
Early stages of expulsion from this source rock interval, took place in 63). Only oil expulsed over the last 40 Ma. could have been trapped within
the western edge and axial zone of the ECB, and the central MMB, while Paleogene reservoir units that formed favorable structures during late
later stages occurred in the MMB foothills (in contrast to La Luna). In the stages of basin deformation. While this oil represents only a small fraction
northern sector, expulsion was restricted to a young and very short period of the total volume expelled, mass balance calculations demonstrate that
(Figs. 60 and 62). The longest period of petroleum discharge from this this amount largely exceeds oil volumes discovered to date. Such estimated
formation occurred in the foothills, where the end of generation is fairly surplus of expelled oil is likely to be found in the foothills area and eastern
recent. A similar situation probably happened in the deepest areas of the limit of the basin, which benefitted from virtually all expulsion events from
central sector (e.g. Santa Lucia pseudo-well). On the western edge and the two main source rock intervals. The probability of hydrocarbon charge
axis of the ECB, source rocks were quickly exhausted. In the north, only a decreases towards the west and north of the basin, where potential traps
small period of expulsion occurred, restricted to points of local influence need to be charged by lateral migration from the foothills and by small
(Garcia et al., 2003). Table 5 shows the result of a mass balance calculation volumes discharged recently from the Paja-Tablazo interval (Garcia et al.,
performed by Garcia et al. (2003). According to this result, 16000 MBOE 2003).
are expected in the most probable case for future discoveries in the MMB.
Geochemical data from MMB oils indicate a mixture of at least two
7.2.3. Hydrocarbon migration, accumulation and preservation pulses of generation, separated by a period of intense biodegradation
(Rangel et al., 1996; Ramon, et al.,1997; Mora, 2000; Garcia, et al., 2001).
Rocks of the Paja-Tablazo source interval began to generate and expel This mixture may have resulted from pre-Eocene hydrocarbon generation,
oil since the end of the Cretaceous over what is now the western edge of which was subjected to alteration due to widespread exhumation of
the ECB. Small crude oil volumes were also expelled from these rocks over the sedimentary sequence. Exhumation probably exposed most existing
the last 10 Ma within the central and northern MMB. Most expelled oil accumulations to washing and biodegradation. During the Oligocene and
was probably lost given the absence of reservoir units available at the time Miocene, important oil volumes were expelled from the foothills and
Table 5. Results of a mass balance calculation of expelled, trapped, discovered and expected oil for future discoveries in the MMB. Different scenarios are for di-
fferent migration and trapping efficiencies. Volume for future oil discoveries is equal to total producible volume assuming a recovery factor of 25%, subtracting the
volume of oil produced. From Garcia et al. (2003).
Garcia et al. (2003)
MMB & Ecopetrol (1998) Pessimist case Most probable case Optimist case
ECB (Mora
CALCULATION Expulsion time Expulsion time Expulsion time
MMB ECB 16-0 Ma. 50-16 Ma >50 Ma 16-0 Ma. 50-16 Ma >50 Ma 16-0 Ma. 50-16 Ma >50 Ma
Volume of expulsed oil 582,1 627 136 116 1377 2824 116 1377 2824 116 1377 2824
Migration and trapping 10 or 20 7 7 7 0 0 7 5 0 7 5 1
efficiency (%)
Volume of trapped oil 64 43,9 9,5 8,1 0 0 8,1 68,9 0 8,1 68,9 28,2
Volume of recoverable oil »»
(MMBOE 25 % recovery 15,8 11 2,4 2 0 0 2 17,2 0 2 17,2 7,1 105
Total producible volume
eastern MMB reaching ancient oil accumulations and restocking them (3) lateral migration from La Luna in the eastern end of the basin (Garcia et
with younger and lighter fresh oils, as suggested by abnormal presence al., 2003). The relative importance of lateral migration increases westward
of normal paraffins in highly biodegraded crude oils (Garcia et al., 2003). from the foothills.
Oil volumes expulsed mostly from the foothills enriched 7.3. Reservoir rock and petrophysical evaluation
accumulations in light oils, increasing API gravities and decreasing relative
sulphur content. Opposite decrease in API gravity and increase in sulfur The wide diversity of MMB reservoir rocks is uncommon for a single
to the west have been explained by changes in source rock type but can basin. These include clastic and chemical (calcareous), marine through
also be associated to a relatively greater fraction of biodegraded oils in the fluvial, Mesozoic through Cenozoic rocks with primary and secondary
western side of the basin (Garcia et al., 2003). porosity and fracture permeability. This astounding reservoir abundance
was obviously inherited from the eventful geologic history described above.
Oils discovered in the SW tract of the basin (Velásquez, Teca and A sample of the major reservoir’s petrophysical qualities is presented next.
Cocorná fields, among others) are heavy and highly biodegraded. Given
the absence of source rocks in the area, these oil pools must have been The main MMB reservoirs are Paleogene sandstones of the Chorro
charged via lateral hydrocarbon migration. The ECB foothills and eastern (La Paz, Esmeraldas Fms.) and Chuspas Gps. (Mugrosa, Colorado Fms.),
MMB combine the most favorable conditions for hydrocarbon charge: which are excellent reservoirs rocks of average porosities from 20% to 25%
Much of the crude oil was expelled long after sedimentation of the main and permeabilities from 500 to 1000 mD (Table 6). Figure 64 from Suarez
reservoirs; erosion did not exhume foothills rocks as in the western (1996) shows a stratigraphic cross section of Cenozoic facies showing
basin; and tectonic processes formed structures early in the Cenozoic high and low potential reservoir and seal units. Porosity values reported
(Oligocene?), which allowed favorable timing of all elements of the from oil producing fields range from 10% to more than 20%. Net-to-gross
petroleum system. Oil discovered in the central, northern and western sand thickness ratios (N/G) vary between 5% to over 50%. Sandstones of
parts of the basin resulted from a combination of (1) vertical migration the Neogene Honda Gp. may also be locally efficient reservoirs as well
from Paja-Tablazo source rocks that recently generated oil, (2) possible as sandstones of the Paleocene Lisama Fm. Fractured limestones of the
vertical remigration from accumulations in Cretaceous and Paleocene Cretaceous Rosablanca, Tablazo and La Luna Fms., and sandstones of the
structures which were filled by crude oils expelled before the Eocene, and Late Cretaceous Umir Fm. are secondary low-quality reservoir units.
Colorado Fm. Caipal, Casabe, Galan, La Cira-Infantas, Nutria, Peñas Blancas, Peroles, Tesoro, Velasquez Fields 9 to 25 % 500 to 1000 mD
Bonanza, Caipal, Casabe, Ermitaño, Gala, La Cira-Infantas, Nutria, Palagua, Peñas Blancas, Peroles,
Mugrosa Fm. 9 to 26 % 500 to 1000 mD
San Luis, Tesoro, Velasquez Fields
Lisama Fm. Provincia, Las Monas, Tisquirama, Lebrija, Los Angeles Fields <1% to 20% 5 to 500 mD
Tablazo Fm. San Pablo, Buturma-2-5, Crisol-1, Cascajales-1, Sabalo-1K wells <1% to 15 %
<1% to 13 % most
Rosablanca Fm. Barbacoas-2A, Qda Roja-1, Buturama-1-2-5 , Crisol-1, Cascajales-1, Norean-1, Reposo-1 wells
values < 3%
mD: milidarcies
Figure 64. E-W stratigraphic cross section of Cenozoic units of the MMB above the LKCU unconformity. From Suarez (1996). The section passes through
the Yarigui-1 and Conde-1 wells. Note in yellow the La Paz, Esmeraldas, Mugrosa and Colorado Fms. with alluvial fan and fluvial channel high potential
reservoirs and regional claystones at the top of these units with regional top seal potential. The Neogene Real Gp sandstones (in orange) have low reservoir 109
7.3.1. Chorro Group. (La Paz and Esmeralda Formations) crevasse splays and flood-plain environments. Channels are the best
reservoir facies with porosity averaging 16.7% and permeability averaging
Figure 65 shows a facies distribution map of Chorro Gp. reservoirs. 409 mD (Suarez, 1996). Compositionally sandstones are litharenites,
Sedimentation started with alluvial fans sourced from the paleo-Central feldspathic litharenites, lithic arkoses, arkoses, sublitharenites, subarkoses
Cordillera and northeast-oriented, braided and meandering fluvial and quartzarenites according to Folk (1974) classification. Detrital
systems (Chorro facies). High N/G estimates in low sinuosity facies (> 50%) sources are interpreted as metamorphic and volcanic rocks of the Central
define NNE oriented trunk channels (Suarez, 1996; Geostratos, 2000), as Cordillera. Local exposures of reservoir quality rocks reveal fluvial channel
documented by paleocurrent data (Geosearch, 1995). These trunk channels facies; texturally submature, very fine to very coarse sandstones with
might have been topographically controlled at the eastern border of the predominance of fine to medium sand grain size. (Escobar, 1996).
basin by the incipiently inverted western flank of the paleo-ECB. Some
local paleohighs segmented the basin and were episodically active during Early diagenetic siderite, carbonate, and silica cementation
sedimentation (e.g. Sogamoso, La Cira and Cachira Highs) as evidenced by reduced primary porosity. However, the main reduction of porosity was
truncation and onlapping patterns (Cross et al., 1996a, b). Sand-rich units due to mesogenetic compaction, which produced deformation and re-
were predominantly deposited by braided fluvial systems (Laverde et al., accommodation of ductile lithic grains. Kaolinitization inhibited silica
2005). precipitation.
Table 7 summarizes petrographic descriptions of 83 rock samples Porosity (Fig. 66) is primary and secondary with dominance of
from outcrops and well cores of the most important reservoirs of the secondary porosity resulting from grains and cement diagenetic dissolution.
MMB, analyzed by Escobar (1996). Mineral composition, abundance and
porosity are referred to whole rock. Esmeraldas Fm. Compositionally sandstones are sublitharenites,
litharenites, feldspathic litharenites, and lithic arkoses, according to Folk
Most reservoir quality rocks are fluvial channel sandstones sealed by (1974) classification. Detrital sources are interpreted as high and low
interbedded mudstones and shales. Texturally they are submature, very grade metamorphic rocks of the Central Cordillera, and minor Cretaceous
fine to very coarse, moderately sorted sandstones with predominance of sedimentary rocks of the ECB (Escobar, 1996).
fine to medium grain size. Locally, some conglomerates are also effective
reservoirs. Grains are tabular to equidimensional in shape and roundness Early diagenetic siderite, pyrite, silica and carbonate cementation
varies between angular to well-rounded. Porosity depends primarily on reduced primary porosity. However, the main reduction of porosity was
sandstone maturity, degree of compaction and chemical diagenesis. In related to mesogenetic compaction, which produced deformation and re-
the Llanito oil field, porosity ranges from 18-23% while in the Colorado accommodation of ductile lithic grains. Silica cementation is common in
field ranges from 10 -12%. Permeability varies considerably due to a coarse-grained sublitharenites and carbonate cementation is frequent in
mixture of primary and secondary porosity, variations in clay content, and fine-grained litharenites.
heterogeneous sorting.
Porosity (Fig. 67) values reach up to almost 20%. Primary porosity
La Paz Fm. In the Provincia field, the La Paz Formation is interpreted predominates over secondary porosity.
as a fluvial system composed of braided trunk channels, minor channel
Figure 65. Facies map distribution of the Chorro Gp reservoirs (La Paz and Esmeraldas Fms.), Mugrosa Fm. and Colorado Fm. From Laverde et al. (2005). Chorro
Gp. sedimentation started with alluvial fans sourced from the paleo-Central Cordillera and northeastward-oriented, braided and meandering fluvial systems (Chorro »»
facies). The high N/G estimates in the low sinuosity facies (> 50%) define NNE-oriented trunk channels (Suarez, 1996; Geostratos, 2000), documented by paleocur- 111
rent measurements by Geosearch, 1995. These trunk channels could be topographically controlled at the eastern border of the basin by the incipient inverted western
flank of the paleo-EC. Some local paleohighs compartmentalized the basin and were episodically active during sedimentation (e.g. Sogamoso, La Cira and Cachira
Table 7. Summary of petrographic descriptions of the main Cenozoic producing reservoir units of the MMB. Compiled from Escobar (1996), who analyzed 83 rock
samples from outcrops and well cores. Mineral composition, abundance and porosity are referred to whole rock.
La Paz Fm Esmeraldas Fm
Sand-type Folk (1974) classification Litharenites, feldspathic litharnites, lithic arkoses, arkoses, sublitharenites, subarkoses and quartzarenites Sublitharenites, litharenites, feldspatic litharnites, lithic arkoses
Mature, very fine to medium-coarse grained sandstones. One immature sandstone sample.
Texture Submature, very fine to very coarse sandstones with predominance of fine to medium sand grain size.
Angular equidimentional to tabular grains
(0 to 23% in thin sections) Primary and secondary with dominance of secondary porosity resulting from
Porosity (0 to 16.5% in thin sections) Primary porosity predominates over secondary porosity.
grains and cement diagenetic dissolution.
Monocrystalline and
25 to 77 % (average 53%) Monocrystalline quartz predominates. Quartz (32 to 57%, average 45%). Monocrystalline/polycrystalline quartz ratio is 4.5
polycrystalline quartz
Feldspar (0 to 22.5 % average 10%) Feldspar, and dominantly K-feldspar and subordinate amount of plagioclase (0 to 14%, average 8%) K-feldspar and less abundant plagioclase
(9 to 26% average 16%) Lithic rich sandstones contain dominantly metamorphic grains.
Lithic grains (0 to 39%, average 13.4%) Igneous volcanic grains predominate.
Lithic-poor sandstones contains dominantly sedimentary lithics.
Framework grains
Deformed and altered volcanic (rhyolite, andesite) and plutonic (granite) fragments
Igneous lithic grains Heavily altered. Igneous volcanic grains predominate.
may be present.
(< 1%) Zircon, leucoxene, tourmaline, and less abundant garnet. In addition to
Accessory minerals (<1%) Include zircon, tourmaline, garnet, magnetite and sphene. the same minerals found in the La Paz Fm there is also pyroxene, esphene,
rutile, phosphate, cianite.
Ductile grains (<1% to 15%, average 2.4%) Include mica (muscovite, chlorite and biotite) and mud intraclasts. (0.3 to 11.4%) Muscovite, biotite, chlorite (0.2 to 6.8%) and mud intraclasts.
Matrix (0 to 6%) Clay and sporadically silt matrix. (3 to 13%.) Clay minerals matrix.
(1.3 to 45%) Composition is variable, most commonly kaolinite (2.5%) and less abundant carbonates and
Cement (6 to 26%) Carbonate or silica. Clay mineral cements are common but not important.
iron oxides.
Reservoir Unit
(3.3 to 23.5 % average 10%) Most abundant are igneous volcanic grains,
(6.5 to 28% average 18%) Igneous volcanic grains are the most abundant. (6 to 22.5% average 17%) Mainly metamorphic grains
followed by sedimentary. Less abundant and metamorphic grains.
Less abundant sedimentary rock fragments (mainly chert, however some Sedimentary rock fragments are scarce (chert, siltstone and sandstone), although some Sedimentary (mainly chert) rock fragments. Near the bottom,
volcanic grains may be misidentified as chert.) volcanic grains may be misidentified as chert sedimentary and igneous rock fragments are 6%.
(Maximum clay matrix content is 13%) Its composition is kaolinite. In some samples
(2 to 14.7%) Detrital clay kaolinite-illite and less abundant smectite. (0 to 11.7%) Clay in almost all samples. Occasionally silt.
matrix seems to be pseudo-matrix resulting from compaciton of mud intraclasts. »»
(0 to 18%) Mainly present in samples without matrix. Dominant cement is (7.2 to 26%) Carbonate (calcite, Fe-calcite, siderite or dolomite) or silica. Quartz
(7 to 18%) Kaolinite and in some samples carbonate or
carbonate but kaolinite and chlorite are common. Ankerite and Fe-calcite have overgrowths and pyrite patches are irregularly distributed. Clay mineral cements are
Figure 66. Histogram of porosity values measured from thin section analysis from reservoir sand-
stones of the Cenozoic La Paz Fm. of the MMB. From Escobar (1996).
Figure 67. Histogram of porosity values measured from thin section analysis from reservoir sand-
stones of the Cenozoic Esmeraldas Fm. of the MMB. From Escobar (1996).
Figure 65 shows a facies distribution map of Chuspas Gp. reservoirs. Porosity varies from 0 to 20%, (Fig. 69) and primary intergranular
During Mugrosa Fm. and Colorado Fm deposition, westward migration of porosity predominates. Some samples without porosity show calcite
western frontal structures of the paleo-ECB forced creation of additional cementation or compaction of ductile grains occluding previous pores.
accommodation space to the west and shifting of trunk fluvial channels. Some samples without primary porosity show secondary fracture or
Secondary channeling and overbank deposition occurred in the rest of the dissolution porosity.
basin. N/G estimates in the eastern border shows lower ratios (<20%) in
comparison with over 30 % in the central and western basin. In addition,
the fluvial system evolved from low sinuosity channels at the base of each
fluvial tectono-sequence to a highly mature fluvial system at the top (La
Cira shale ponded sedimentation domain) (Laverde et al., 2005).
Both primary and secondary porosity (Fig. 68) result from diagenetic
dissolution of grains and cement.
7.3.3. Honda Gp. Reservoir rocks are submature, poorly to moderately sorted siltstones
to fine grained sandstones. Compositionally these rocks are mainly
Reservoirs consist of thick porous sandstones and conglomerates feldspatic litharenites but other rock types of the Folk (1974) classification
with limited potential due to lack of effective seals. are also present. Detrital sources include sericitic schists, quartzites and
green rocks and subordinate gneiss, volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the
7.3.4. Lisama Fm. Central Cordillera. Rounded grains of quartz and heavy minerals evidence
longer transport distances or reworking of Cretaceous sandstones (Escobar,
Minor sandstone reservoir comprises sand intervals interbedded 1996).
with silty claystones and gray shales. Porosity ranges between 4% and
25%. The Lisama Formation forms reservoirs in the Provincia, Las Monas, Porosity (<1% to 9.6%) is mainly primary (Fig. 70). Lowest porosity
Tisquirama, Lebrija and Los Angeles fields. Thickness may vary due to values are secondary in litharenites. Diagenesis included mechanical
erosion. In much of the central MMB, the Lisama Formation has been compaction, which was moderate to intense. Chemical processes slightly
severely thinned or removed. Where preserved, sandstones in the affected these rocks.
upper section display good oil shows and adequate to good reservoir
properties. Porosities range from 10% to 20% and permeabilities from 5 Table 8 shows some petrophysical data for the main producing
mD to 500 mD. Cenozoic reservoir units of the basin.
Figure 70. Histogram of porosity values measured from thin section analysis of reservoir sand-
stones from the Paleocene Lisama Fm. of the MMB. From Escobar (1996).
Table 8. Summary of petrophysical properties of Cenozoic reservoir rocks of the 7.3.5. Rosablanca and Tablazo Fms.
MMB. From Cordoba et al. (2001).
Reservoir rock quality for Cenozoic lithostratigraphic units Fractured limestones of these units are productive in the northern
Formation Thickness Net sand (%) Producing fields Porosity part of the basin such as the Buturama field. Fractures are dominantly
(feet) (%)
vertical, possibly resulting from bending stresses during folding. Porosity
Mesa Fm. 300 - 1200 ------ ------ ------
ranges from 1% to 3% (Cordoba, et al., 2001).
Bonanza 25
Real Gp. 900 - 3900 50
Totaré (Honda) 25
Tables 9 and 10 from Cordoba, et al., (2001) show porosity data for
Caipal 24
the Rosablanca and Tablazo Fms.
Casabe 20
Galán 23
7.3.6. La Luna Fm.
La Cira - Infantas 20
Colorado Fm. 900 - 4500 50 Nutria 9
Fractured limestones of the Pujamana Member are minor reservoirs
Peñas Blancas 24 in the northern part of the basin (Buturama, Totumal and Tisquirama fields
Peroles 18 and Olivo-1, Catalina-1 and Cocuyo-1 wells). Average porosity is only 1%
Tesoro 16 (Cordoba, et al., 2001).
Velásquez 25
Bonanza 26 Table 11 from Cordoba, et al., (2001) show porosity data for the La
Caipal 24 Luna Fm.
Casabe 24
Ermitaño 24 7.3.7. Umir Fm.
Gala 12
La Cira - Infantas 18 Shallow marine to tidal flats and delta sandstones are productive in
Mugrosa Fm. 150 - 1800 50 Nutria 9 the San Luis and Totumal fields. Reservoir quality is generally poor with
Palagua 22 porosities ranging from 1% to 3% (Cordoba, et al., 2001).
Peñas Blancas 18
Peroles 16 7.4. Seal rocks
San Luis 5
Tesoro 13 The Cretaceous stratigraphy of the basin contains laterally continuous,
Velásquez 25 thick marine shales and mudstones of the Paja, Simiti, Pujamana member
Colorado - Lower
of La Luna, and Umir Fms. that constitute good to excellent regional seals
Nare y Nare Norte 25
Mugrosa Fms. to hydrocarbon accumulations in Cretaceous rocks.
Cantagallo 20
Corazón 18 Cenozoic rocks are fluvial sandstones interbedded with fluvial flood-
Garzas - Cristalina 23 plain mudstones. These interlayered mudstones may act as seals for
La Paz Fm.
Opón 10 petroleum accumulations within the sandstones. However, because of their
Provincia 16 lateral and vertical variability, these intraformational seal facies are only
Yariguí 14 of local efficiency. Regional seal potential is associated to mudstone and
Liebre 14 claystone units deposited during continuous increase of accommodation 117
Esmeraldas - La Paz Fms. 150 -3000 80
Santa Lucía 21 space/sediment supply ratio that ended with lacustrine sedimentation.
Lacustrine facies are fossiliferous, green to black shales with fresh water
Table 9. Matrix porosity of the Cretaceous fractured limestones of the Rosablanca Fm. in the MMB. From Cordoba et al. (2001).
Porosity measurements in outcrop Porosity measurements in well core Porosity evaluation from Porosity estimation from thin
samples samples well logs sections
Control point Ф (%) Control point Ф (%) Control point Ф (%) Control point Ф (%)
San Gil/Charalá 2,3 Qda. Roja 1 13,5 Noreán 1 6 Casabe 199 0,5
Crisol 1 2,6
Ф (%): porosity
Note: decimal separato r is a dot
Table 10. Matrix porosity of the Cretaceous fractured limestones of the Tablazo Fm. in the MMB. From Cordoba et al. (2001).
Control point Ф (%) Control point Ф (%) Control point Ф (%) Control point Ф (%)
Table 11. Matrix porosity of the Cretaceous fractured limestones of the La Luna
Fm. in the MMB. From Cordoba et al. (2001).
Control point Ф (%) Control point Control point
(%) (%)
La Renta/San
Catalina 1 3 Buturama 4 7,5 1
Cantagallo 14 6
7.5. Traps. These traps are common in the Central MMB domain.
Superposition of structural events generated multiple episodes of 4. Anticlines associated with west-verging thrusts. Fold and fold-
trap formation, modification and destruction. In addition, the shallow thrust traps developed during the Cenozoic. Some folds may have been
marine, lacustrine and fluvial environments that deposited reservoir rocks initiated during the Oligocene-Lower Miocene and were later accentuated
present plentiful stratigraphic trapping opportunities across the Cenozoic during the Miocene- Pliocene. Traps include:
record. Therefore, structural, stratigraphic and combined structural-
stratigraphic traps may all be explored for in the MMB, and are succinctly a) Anticlines associated with Upper Miocene-Pliocene west-verging
described below. thrusts. These are present in the north central part of the basin, from the
La Cira -Provincia Trend to the east.
7.5.1. Structural traps
b) Hanging wall anticlines associated with inverted normal faults.
1. Anticlines above steep faults. These structures may correspond The majority of traps trend north or northwest along faults having the
to forced folds above earlier, totally or partially inverted extensional or same orientation.
wrench faults, often cut by secondary normal faults on fold crests. Many
secondary normal faults trend east-west, segmenting structures, and c) Anticlines with four-way closure. Anticlines may be open with
suggesting extension along fold axes (Casabe and Llanito fields). Normal gentle dips or may have steep west-dipping limbs and have the appearance
faults with wrench motion, characterize the western margin of the basin. of fault propagation folds (Colorado field).
Associated traps occur along these normal faults, some of which show
evidence of inversion tectonics. Drape folds or forced folds occur above d) Anticlines on the hanging walls of thrust faults. Thrusts may cut
slightly inverted faults. Anticlines with four-way closure may be present gently-dipping east limbs of folds, with a steeper western limb (Bonanza
(Buturama field). This type of traps is common in the North-Western MMB field) or lie close to the axial plane of the fold (Opon field). Fold-forming
domain thrusts may have originated as Paleogene structures reactivated during
the Miocene-Pliocene (Chucuri field). Alternatively, thrusts and their
2. Traps associated to normal faults. This type of traps involves associated folds may be entirely Miocene-Pliocene in age.
accumulations against large, down to the east normal faults in the western
side of the basin. Some of these faults changed their relative motion to e) Some traps may occur in the footwalls of thrusts, in footwall
include a strike-slip component. The majority of these traps are associated synclines (Payoa Oeste, Sabana fields). This type of traps is common in the
with normal dip-slip or oblique-slip faults. Traps trend north or northwest. central and eastern parts of the basin.
Beds often have a monoclinal dip formed by drag against the fault. Faults
may have been active throughout the Cenozoic. Trap types include: a) 5. In the ECB foothills domain, fold-and-thrust potential traps may
Monoclines bounded by normal faults (Ermitano-Caipal, Velasquez fields) include:
and b) Footwall uplifts related to extensional faulting (Gala Este field). This
type of traps is common in the South-Western MMB domain. a) Anticlines associated to triangular zones and duplexes.
3. Anticlines associated to thrusts with opposite vergence. Oil in the b) Sub-thrust structural inversion of earlier normal faults.
La Cira field is trapped in a faulted anticline, with production coming from
the downthrown (west) side, and the fault forming the lateral seal on the c) Slight relay folds due to Andean reactivation of ancient faults with
120 east side (Dickey, 1992). According to Dickey (1992) the La Cira structure a strike-slip component.
was formed during post- Paleocene/pre-Eocene deformation, when
the Cretaceous was eroded on the crests of two symmetrical anticlines. d) In addition to the different types of folds, potential traps include
Oil migrated along the LKCU from source areas to the east, entering closures against normal, inverted, and reverse faults, that require faults to
the structure prior to faulting. This explains the presence of dead oil in be lateral seals.
formations on the east side of the fault. Subsequently, the entire structure
was uplifted and faulted in the Late Miocene or Pliocene. Some faults may 7.5.2. Combined and stratigraphic traps
have begun to form as early as Oligocene and then continued to be active
through the Miocene and Pliocene, with fault motion shifting to strike-slip. Traps with a stratigraphic component include fold closures, hanging
wall anticlines or footwall fault closures, combined with fluvial channel These plays have low risk of hydrocarbon charge considering the
sandstones which shale out laterally (Lilia, Nutria fields). Stratigraphic short migration distance from excellent source rock intervals and the early
elements are onlaps and pinch outs derived from Paleogene deformation, beginning of structural traps.
in which reservoir sands pinch out against Paleocene-Eocene uplifts.
Figures 49 and 50 show play maps for the Rosablanca, Tablazo, El
Unconformity Trap. Pure stratigraphic or combined traps with fold Salto and La Luna Fms of the basin.
closures, hanging wall anticlines or footwall fault closures, combined
with unconformity truncations. This type of traps is present in the Toqui- Anticlines in Cenozoic fluvial channel sandstones and conglomerates
Toqui field where truncation occurs against the Miocene unconformity.
Reservoirs are fluvial and marine sandstones of the Lisama Formation with Anticlines in Cenozoic fluvial channel sandstones and conglomerates
interbedded sealing shales. Traps are faulted monoclines with reservoirs of the Chorro (La Paz and Esmeraldas Formations) and Chuspas (Mugrosa
truncated by the Paleocene-Eocene unconformity. An important condition and Colorado Formations).
of this trap type is the presence of shales on top of the unconformity to
provide a permeability barrier to the reservoir truncated below. Structural Proven by most of the important productive fields in the MMB. Fold
elements include faulted monoclines with clastic depositional lenses of and fold-thrust traps initiated during the Paleogene (Oligocene) and were
channel-fill sandstones pinching out against overbank and alluvial plain later accentuated during the Miocene- Pliocene. Trap types have already
mudstones. To date these traps are only represented by non-commercial been described:
1) Anticlines associated with Oligocene to Pliocene thrusts. Some
Paleo-karst topography produced by dissolution of Cretaceous with strike slip components
carbonate units (Rosablanca, Tablazo, La Luna Fms.) near the Cretaceous-
Cenozoic angular unconformity. These carbonate traps require Chorro 2) Hanging wall anticlines associated with inverted normal faults.
Gp. shales immediately above the unconformity to provide top seal. No These traps include:
discoveries are associated to this potential trap type.
a) Anticlines with four-way closure.
7.6. Plays
b) Anticlines on the hanging walls of thrust faults.
The following, proven play types, as demonstrated by discoveries, c) Anticlines above steep faults.
are recognized within the basin:
d) Some traps may occur in the footwalls of thrust faults, in footwall
Anticlines in Cretaceous fractured limestones or Upper Cretaceous synclines (Payoa Oeste, Sabana fields) or in anticline-syncline associations
sandstones (Infantas field).
Proven reservoirs are fractured micritic limestones of the Rosablanca Normal fault closures in Cenozoic fluvial sandstones and
and Tablazo Fms. (proved in the Totumal and Buturama fields). Potential conglomerates
reservoirs are limestones of the Caliza El Salto and La Luna Fms. Other
potential reservoirs are Upper Cretaceous sandstones of the upper Umir Normal fault closures in Cenozoic fluvial sandstones and
Formation. Traps are anticlines on the hanging walls of west-verging conglomerates of the Chorro and Chuspas Gps. This Play is the second »»
thrusts. They include: major play in the MMB, involving accumulations against large, down-to- 121
the-east normal faults in the western part of the basin. Some of these
1. Anticlines with four-way closure, such as the Buturama field;
Combined Stratigraphic Structural traps in Cenozoic fluvial Figure 52 shows a map of the Chorro (La Paz and Esmeraldas Fms.) -
sandstones and conglomerates Chuspas (Mugrosa and Colorado Fms.) play.
Traps are fold closures, hanging wall anticlines or footwall fault Combined Stratigraphic Structural traps in Upper Cretaceous or
closures, combined with channel sandstones which shale out laterally Paleocene sandstones, or Cretaceous fractured limestones
(Lilia, Nutria fields). Fluvial channel sandstones and conglomerates of
the Eocene-Oligocene Chorro and Chuspas groups (Esmeraldas, La Paz, a) Purely structural traps as those described above in sandstones of
Mugrosa, and Colorado Formations) may provide the reservoir element. the Umir or Lisama Fms, or faulted monoclines with reservoirs truncated
Stratigraphic configurations are onlaps and pinch outs derived from by the Paleocene-Eocene unconformity. An important requirement of this
Paleogene deformation, in which reservoir sands pinch out against play is the presence of Chorro Group shales on top of the unconformity to
Paleocene-Eocene uplifts. Other types of traps are: provide a permeability barrier for the reservoir truncated below. Figure 51
(in page 87) shows a play map for the Lisama Fm.
a) sand pinch-out and truncation by the Miocene unconformity
(Toqui-Toqui field). b) Paleokarst produced by carbonate dissolution of Cretaceous
carbonate units (Rosablanca, Tablazo, La Luna Fms), close to the Cretaceous-
b) faulted monoclines with clastic depositional lenses of channel-fill Cenozoic angular unconformity.
sandstones pinching out against overbank and alluvial plain mudstones.
The Middle Magdalena Valley is considered is a mature basin from 8.1.3 Seal rocks
the exploration point of view. A total of 6473 wells in 51 fields have been
drilled, of which La Cira-Infantas is notable for being the first gigant field The stratigraphic intervals with a higher muddy percentage are
discovered in Colombia. The Basin produces oil and gas (Figure 71). associated to the Paleogene Lisama, Esmeraldas, Mugrosa and Colorado
Formations. Additionally, some Cretaceous units, such as the Simití and
The geochemical evaluation of crude oils, extracts, and rocks, and Umir Formations, have enough thickness and lateral continuity to serve as
their integration with structural and stratigraphic information, allows to seal rocks for the Cretaceous reservoirs (Mojica, 2009).
identify the elements and processes needed to evaluate the presence of
petroleum systems in the Basin.
In the Middle Magdalena Valley Basin there have not been recognized
any source rock of Cenozoic age.
The main reservoirs of the Basin are associated mostly with middle
Eocene to lower Miocene sandstones. In the reservoirs of the Oligocene-
Miocene Mugrosa and Colorado Formations continental sandstones are
dominant. They are of fluvial origin and have a mean porosity of 10 to 20
126 %, and a permeability of 10 to 1000 md.
Figure 71. Localition of fields, wells, and geochemical data in the Middle
Magdalena Valley Basin.
The Middle Magdalena Valley Basin bears six different types of traps: For the site modeled in the Basin, the hydrocarbons generation
associated to the Basal Calcareous Group (GCB), began in the late Aptian,
Folds related to the thrusting of the Eastern Cordillera, located in whereas for La Luna Formation it began in the Campanian. Two peaks of
the eastern margin of the Basin, and formed during the Andean Orogenia hydrocarbon expulsion are present, the first one for the GCB in the early
between the middle and late Miocene. Santonian, and the second one for La Luna Formation in the early Miocene.
Two critical moments are considered by the overburden of hydrocarbons
Folds related to the thrusting of the Central Cordillera, located in of the GCB and La Luna Formation, and the second one by overburden of
the western margin of the Basin, and formed during the Maastrichtian to hydrocarbons of La Luna Formation.
the Paleocene. This folding propagated from the basement towards the
middle Eocene unconforminity. 8.2 Events Chart
The fractured Cretaceous successions located north of the Figure 72. depicts the elements and processes of the proposed
Basin. These consist of folds related to the pre-Andean Orogenia. The petroleum systems.
reservoirs are the limestones of La Luna, Tablazo, and Rosa-Blanca
Formations, whereas the regional seal rocks are the mudstones of the 8.3 Source rock properties
Umir Formation.
8.3.1 Organic matter content
Folds related to strike-slip faults, with vertical flault plains, located
on the western margin of the Basin, besides NE-SW dextral faults. The Percentage values of total organic carbon (%TOC) for La Luna
reservoirs are the sandstones of La Paz, Esmeraldas, and Mugrosa Formation are in the 0.3 to 12.25% range, with an average of 2.6%, which
Formatoins, whereas the seal rocks are the muddy levels of the Colorado qualifies this unit as a good to excellent source rock. TOC for the Simití
Formation. Formation varies between 0.55 and 12.08%, with an average of 2.6%,
which qualifies this unit as a very good source rock.
The stratigraphic traps correspond to sandstone bodies that pinch
out against the seal rocks.
The Basal Calcareous Group has TOC values between 1 and 9%, which 8.3.4 Hydrocarbon generation potential
qualifies this unit as a very good to excellent source rock.
La Luna Formation shows excellent characteristics as a hydrocarbon
8.3.2 Organic matter quality source rock, as represented by the quality and quantity of its organic matter,
with values that reach 38 kg of HC/ton of rock (Figure 75). Conversely, the
La Luna Formation mostly contains a kerogen type II, which qualifies Simití Formation locally shows a petroleum potential in the good to very
the unit as an oil producer. Moreover, some samples reach hydrogen index good range, with values close to 25 kg HC/ton of rock.
(HI) values above 600 mg HC/g TOC, which correspond to a kerogen type I
(Figure 73). The Basal Calcareous Group presents organic matter whose quality
and content is very good. Furthermore, bearing in mind that maturation
The Simití and Tablazo Formations contain mostly lipid material that in some areas was high, the original content of organic matter might have
corresponds to a kerogen type II, with a HI between 100 and 600 mg HC/g TOC. been larger for this Group.
8.3.3 Thermal maturation of organic matter
In Figura 76 a synthesis of the main geochemical properties of the
Maturation values of organic matter from the evaluated source rocks source rocks of the Basin is presented. These values are the average of
indicate that for La Luna and Simití Formations they are at the final phase regional data.
of the oil generation window, whereas for the Tablazo Formation it is in the
late mature to over-mature stage (Figure 74). 8.4 Crude oil properties
Figure73. Modified Van Krevelen diagram for the stratigraphic succession of the Figure 74. Tmax vs HI for the stratigraphic succession of the Middle Magdalena
Middle Magdalena Valley Basin. Note that most values correspond to a mixture Valley Basin. Note how maturation values for La Luna Formation correspond to
of kerogens type II and III. the oil generation window.
Based on the geochemical results, the crude oils of the Basin can be
divided in at least five families, i.e. VMM 1 to VMM5, all of them of marine
origin (Figure 79).
Table 12. Synthesis of geochemical properties of crude oils of the Middle Mag-
dalena Valley Basin.
Figure 77. API Gravity vs Sulphur % for the stratigraphic succession of the
Middle Magdalena Valley Basin. Note how crude oils vary between heavy to
According to the geological evolution model for this sector of the Basin,
VMM 4: Crude oils of excellent quality, with an imprint of a mixture of the base of the sedimentary succession, i.e. the Hauterivian-Barremian
crudes. They probably resulted during a first marine carbonate pulse, followed interval, reached a maximum burial depth of 12400 feet during the late
by a second one, marine siliciclastic, of a higher degree of thermal evolution. Miocene – Pliocene, and a maximum temperate of 375°F (Figure 82).
VMM 5: Crude oils of the best quality in the Basin. They are correlated A variable heat flux history was used with values between 80
with a source rock accumulated in a marine siliciclastic environment. mw/m2 for the Aptian, up to 50 mw/m2 for the present. Based on the
geochemical information of the regional and local rocks in the models, two
8.4.3 Crude oil – rock correlations source intervals, i.e. the Rosa Blanca and Tablazo Formations of the Basal
»» Calcareous Group (GCB), and La Luna Formation, were included. Results
130 According to biomarker ratios and their isotopes, the analyzed of the simulation indicate that both intervals reached maturation levels in
parameters for rock extracts and crude oils, point to indicate a major the hydrocarbon generation range of dry gas (%Ro>1.35, Figure 83), i.e.
influence of a marine carbonate depositional environment (Figure 80), hydrocarbon expulsion processes for the GCB occurred in the Cretaceous
represented by the large C35/C34 Hopanes, and Ts/Tm ratios, and the very (85-75 Ma), and the Oligocene (30-23 Ma), associated to the accumulation
low content of Oleananes. On the other hand, the low Pristane/Phytane of La Luna, Umir and Lisama Formations for the Cretaceous, and Mugrosa
ratio reflects the anoxic character of the depositional environment. In this for the Oligocene. The accumulation of the Mugrosa, La Cira and Real
way, the best crude oil correlations occur in the extracts of La Luna and Formations gave rise to the expulsion processes for La Luna Formation in
Paja-Tablazo Formations. the late Oligocene - early Miocene (16-5 Ma, Figure 84).
La Luna-Mugrosa (!)
Paja-Tablazo (.)
Figure 79. δ 13C Saturates vs % Saturates diagram for crude oil families from Basal Calcareous Group (.)
the Middle Magdalena Valley Basin. Note how the five crude oil families of the
Basin are clearly differentiated. Figure 85 depicts the geographic distribution of the petroleum
systems and the location of the pseudo-well were modeling was done.
Figure 81. Location profile of the pseudo-well over the seismic line
Figure 82. Maximum burial curve for the Middle Magdalena Valley Basin.
Note how the maximum burial occurred during the Pliocene.
Figure 83. Vitrinite reflectance (%Ro) profile through time. Note how the Figure 84. Hydrocarbon expulsion processes for source rocks of Middle Mag-
Basal Calcareous Group, and La Luna Formation reached the oil and dry dalena Basin. Note that for the Basal Calcareous Group and La Luna Formation
gas generation window. this was reached during the late Cretaceous and early Miocene, respectively.
The MMB is one of the most prolific oil and gas-producing basins to fill available traps require lateral migration from source rocks located
of South America, and contains several productive fields in Colombia’s eastward.
petroleum history, including the giant and long-lived La Cira-Infantas.
Most producing fields are structural traps in Cenozoic fluvial reservoirs. Deformation of Cretaceous units below the LKCU unconformity
Exploration potential exists in the less explored southern areas, in wrench started before the Eocene, constructing early traps available for ensuing
related structures in the west, and in the foothills. Additional potential hydrocarbon charge. Structuration of Paleogene units above the Cretaceous
exists in stratigraphic traps, often overlooked in favor of structural traps. Cenozoic (LKCU) unconformity occurred later, but in the MMB foothills
Additional opportunities remain in the less explored southern areas, in and Provincia area evidence points to Paleogene onset of deformation and
wrench-related structures in the west, and in the foothills. Neogene growth of structures. This history implies some risk of adequate
timing in traps with Cenozoic reservoirs. However, the existence of several
Based on the similarity of the MMB foothills structural domain with producing fields from Paleogene reservoirs suggests that timing is not a
the highly productive LlAB foothills, the MMB foothills represent high critical risk factor on most of the basin. In the MMB foothills, late -possibly
exploration potential for light hydrocarbons, favored by potential large Neogene- stages of trap birth and growth imply greater risk of timing.
structures, presence of stacked reservoir rocks, proximity to the main oil Basin-wide models of hydrocarbon generation, expulsion and migration
kitchen and effective migration and charge. Examples of producing fields timing, or regional age constraints on trap forming and deforming tectonic
in the MMB foothills include Guando and Opon. However, exploration risk events, may not apply at the prospect level. Therefore high geological risk
in the MMB foothills is higher than anywhere else in the basin. Difficulties is associated with timing. A prospect-specific understanding of structural
to obtain good seismic images, greater structural complexity, and high risk deformation and trap formation times, as well generation, expulsion and
associated with burial diagenetic effects on the quality of reservoirs are migration times is necessary to mitigate this risk.
all critical risk factors, as well as petroleum migration and trap formation
timing. Most hydrocarbon-producing reservoirs are Paleogene fluvial
sandstones with good petrophysical properties, which were drastically
Cretaceous plays present an important potential for future reduced with increasing depth along the eastern part of the basin and
discoveries considering that the Cretaceous basins contain (1) excellent the foothills due to diagenetic burial effects. These sandstones contain
source rocks (probably the best in Colombia), (2) potential reservoirs abundant, ductile, clay grains resulting from alteration of feldspar or
adjacent to or near source rocks minimizing migration distance, and (3) unstable lithic fragments, making these sandstones highly susceptible to
early structuring in the basin history that ensures hydrocarbon charge and compaction and other diagenetic effects, that might drastically reduce
trap timing. The relatively modest volumes of hydrocarbons discovered or fully destroy their primary porosity and permeability. This high risk of
to date in Cretaceous plays may just represent the tip of the iceberg. reservoir quality may become a critical factor in deep portions of the basin.
Examples are the Buturama and Totumal fields, as well as small Cretaceous On exploration of a specific prospect in these areas, this issue should be
reserves in Cantagallo-Yarigui and other fields with dominant production carefully addressed.
from Cenozoic reservoirs. A critical factor for these Cretaceous plays is
reservoir rock quality. Cretaceous reservoirs are known to include fractured limestones.
Their primary porosity, usually low, was almost completely destroyed by
The Cretaceous stratigraphic column of the MMB contains several cementation and other diagenetic processes. Therefore, the quality of
source rock units, but the best ones are in two excellent Cretaceous, these potential reservoirs involves a high degree of risk. In exploration
oil-prone, source rock intervals: The Aptian-Albian (Paja Tablazo Fms.) of a specific trap with a Cretaceous potential reservoir, fracture
and the Turonian-Santonian (La Luna Formation). No risk is associated patterns, intensity, distribution and other reservoir properties should be
136 to the presence of source rock. The older interval started to generate quantitatively analyzed.
hydrocarbons since the Late Cretaceous and the younger one since the
Paleogene. Petroleum generation and expulsion started in the SE part In the MMB potential reservoir rocks are commonly overlain by
of the basin. Successive stages of maturation, generation and expulsion shale or mudstone intervals that provide potential vertical seal rocks.
occurred in NE-SW oriented strips that migrated through time towards Cretaceous clay-rich marine shales are more ductile than Cenozoic flood-
the NW. At present, source rocks in the NW part of the basin remain plain mudstones, which probably imply better top seal quality. In general,
immature. Therefore, hydrocarbon charge could fill available traps in the risk associated to the existence of a vertical seal rock is low, except for
SE part of the basin through short-distance migration routes. In the NW potential shallow traps with Neogene reservoirs. In the foothills structural
part of the basin, where source rocks are immature, hydrocarbon charge domain, however, intensive structural deformation and exhumation may
have induced natural fractures and eroded potential seal rocks, reducing source rock potential. Areas where these rocks have attained adequate
overall sealing capacity, and thus implying exploratory risk. Trap integrity maturity are prospective for oil-shale or gas-shale resources. Major studies
preservation, influx of meteoric waters and biodegradation of hydrocarbons are needed to define their real potential.
are all important issues to consider in evaluation of shallow traps.
Coal resources in the uppermost Cretaceous Umir and Paleocene
The majority of producing fields in the MMB are anticlines and normal Lisama Fms. may deliver additional hydrocarbon volumes in the MMB.
fault closures, some of which are associated to unconformity surfaces or These units may be secondary gas-prone source rocks with gas-shale
combine a stratigraphic component. Over the last few years, the use of 3D potential. In addition, coalbed methane resources entrained in these coal
seismic data has improved operators’ ability to accurately map not only seams and their proximity to existing transport infrastructure justify their
structure, but also the stratigraphic architecture of traps. Pure-stratigraphic evaluation and exploration.
traps may in fact represent a significant portion of the yet-to-find resources
for the whole basin. Mapping campaigns, specifically designed for exploration
of stratigraphic traps, may prove fruitful in the future.
Sedimentary units in the MMB foothills have been affected by
a complex and long history of deformation that provided multiple I acknowledge EAFIT University and particularly Oscar Geovany
opportunities for formation of structural traps. For a specific trap, Bedoya and Fabio Cediel who kindly invite me to participate in this project.
understanding its structural deformation history, including trap-forming or German Yury Ojeda read and significantly improved the manuscript.
enhancing vs. trap-destroying events, may contribute to alleviate trap risk. However the mistakes are my fault. Gems Ltda wrote the Petroleum
Trap and hydrocarbon preservation in the foothills are important issues to Systems Chapter, which was added by the editor after I had finished the
be borne in mind. Another issue for appropriate trap risk analysis in the rest of the manuscript. Elias Gomez kindly supplied some original figures
foothills is the occasional difficulty to obtain good seismic images. Rough about the paleogeography of the basin. Andres Mora kindly sent me his
topography, variable and steep dips, and complex surface geology all play publications. Orlando Gonzalez helped me with the “exploration history”,
against seismic imaging in the foothills. Therefore, structural mapping shared some of his concepts resulting from a long experience in exploration
based on poor quality seismic data usually includes high uncertainty and and reviewed and improved the “final statements”. Many concepts and
aggravates trap risk. Accurate geological fieldwork, where possible, always information I learnt from my colleagues at Ecopetrol where I worked many
helps to constrain this risk. years. Thanks to Ecopetrol and all of them. I also appreciate comments
from my colleagues in this project.
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