Astm d1876 2001 Standardpeel
Astm d1876 2001 Standardpeel
Astm d1876 2001 Standardpeel
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1 author:
Zainab Raheem
Baghdad University College of Science
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This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
The accuracy of the results of strength tests of adhesive bonds will depend on the conditions under
which the bonding process is carried out. Unless otherwise agreed upon by the manufacturer and the
purchaser, the bonding conditions shall be prescribed by the manufacturer of the adhesive. In order to
ensure that complete information is available to the individual conducting the tests, the manufacturer
of the adhesive shall furnish numerical values and other specific information for each of the following
(1) Procedure for preparation of the surfaces prior to application of the adhesive, the cleaning and
drying of metal surfaces, and special surface treatments such as sanding, which are not specifically
limited by the pertinent test method.
(2) Complete mixing directions for the adhesive.
(3) Conditions for application of the adhesive, including the rate of spread or thickness of film,
number of coats to be applied, whether to be applied to one or both surfaces, and the conditions of
drying where more than one coat is required.
(4) Assembly conditions before application of pressure, including the room temperature, length of
time, and whether open or closed assembly is to be used.
(5) Curing conditions, including the amount of pressure to be applied, the length of time under
pressure, and the temperature of the assembly when under pressure. It should be stated whether this
temperature is that of the glue line, or of the atmosphere at which the assembly is to be maintained.
(6) Conditioning procedure before testing, unless a standard procedure is specified, including the
length of time, temperature, and relative humidity.
A range may be prescribed for any variable by the manufacturer of the adhesive, if it can be assumed
by the test operator that any arbitrarily chosen value within such a range or any combination of such
values for several variables will be acceptable to both the manufacturer and the purchaser of the
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D14 on
Adhesives and is the direct responsibility of D14.80 on Metal Bonding Adhesives. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 02.02.
Current edition approved Oct. 10, 2001. Published December 2001. Originally Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.06.
published as D 1876 – 61 T. Last previous edition D 1876 – 00{1. 4
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.01.
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri May 23 05:59:10 EDT 2008
Downloaded/printed by
Antony Newborough (CERN) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
D 1876 Discussion—Flexible has different meanings in dif- adherends properly prepared and bonded together in accor-
ferent peel tests, such as “T”, 180-degree, floating-roller, or dance with the adhesive manufacturer’s recommendations.
climbing-drum. The angle between the members varies with Specially prepared test panels 152 mm (6 in.) wide by 305 mm
the type of peel test. (12 in.) long, but bonded only over approximately 241 mm (9
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: in.) of their length. Test panels of these same dimensions may
3.2.1 flexible, adj—indicates that the adherends shall have also be cut from larger, fully laminated panels.
such dimensions and physical properties as to permit bending NOTE 3—Direct comparisons of different adhesives can be made only
them through any angle up to 90° without breaking or cracking. when specimen construction and test conditions are identical.
3.2.2 T-peel strength, n—the average load per unit width of NOTE 4—Clad aluminum alloy 0.81 mm (0.032 in.) thick conforming to
bond line required to produce progressive separation of two Specification B 209, Alloy 2024-T3, has been found satisfactory as an
bonded, flexible adherends, under conditions designated in this adherend for structural adhesives. Canvas, coated fabrics, plastics films,
test method. and metal foils have also proven to be satisfactory adherends for use with
specific adhesives.
4. Apparatus NOTE 5—It is not essential that the two adherends be alike, either in
material or thickness. They shall, however, be capable of being bent
4.1 Tension Testing Machine, capable of applying a tensile through any angle up to 90° without breaking.
load having the following prescribed conditions:
4.1.1 The machine and loading range selected that the 5.2 Cut the bonded panels into 25–mm (1–in.) wide test
maximum load on the specimen falls between 15 and 85 % of specimens (see Fig. 1) by a means that is not deleterious to the
the upper limit of the loading range. bond. The 76–mm (3–in.) long unbonded ends bent apart,
4.1.2 The rate of movement between heads essentially perpendicular to the glue line, for clamping in the grips of the
constant under fluctuating loads. testing machine.
5.3 Test at least ten specimens for each adhesive.
NOTE 1—It is difficult to meet this requirement when loads are
measured with a spring-type or pendulum-type weighing device. NOTE 6—Within the limitations imposed by Note 3, other specimen
widths may be used, provided the test machine grips are of ample width
4.1.3 The machine equipped with suitable grips capable of to apply the load uniformly across the width of the adherends.
clamping the specimens firmly and without slippage through- NOTE 7—For obtaining a gripping area on specimens that are com-
out the tests. pletely bonded, one end of the bonded specimen may be chilled in dry ice
4.1.4 The machine shall be autographic, giving a chart that until the adhesive becomes brittle, and then the adherends may be
can be read in terms of inches of separation as one coordinate carefully pried apart. The technique will not work for all adhesives and
and applied load as the other coordinate.
4.1.5 The applied tension as measured and recorded accu- 6. Conditioning
rate to 61 % of any reading when calibrated in compliance 6.1 Condition specimens for 7 days at a relative humidity of
with Practices E 4 requirements. 50 6 2 % at 23 6 1°C (73.4 6 1.8°F), except where the
4.2 Conditioning Room or Desiccators—The conditioning adhesive manufacturer may specify such an aging period to be
room or desiccators (Note 2) shall be capable of maintaining a unnecessary or a shorter period to be adequate.
relative humidity of 50 6 2 % at 23 6 1°C (73.4 6 1.8°F).
NOTE 8—Conditioning is not required for laminated assemblies con-
NOTE 2—A saturated solution of calcium nitrate will give approxi- taining only metal adherends, unless specified as a part of the bonding
mately 51 % relative humidity at the testing temperature. procedure by the manufacturer of the adhesive.
5. Test Specimen 7. Procedure
5.1 Laminated test panels (see Fig. 1) consist of two flexible 7.1 Clamp the bent, unbonded ends of the test specimen in
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri May 23 05:59:10 EDT 2008
Downloaded/printed by
Antony Newborough (CERN) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
D 1876
the test grips of the tension testing machine. Apply the load at 9.1.4 Average thickness of adhesive layer after formation of
a constant head speed of 254 mm (10 in.)/min. the joint, within 0.025 mm (0.001 in.). The method of
NOTE 9—This speed will cause separation of the bond at a rate of 127 obtaining the thickness of the adhesive layer shall be described
mm (5 in.)/min. including procedure, location of measurement, and range of
7.2 During the peel test make an autographic recording of
load versus head movement or load versus distance peeled. 9.1.5 Complete description of the test specimens, including
7.3 Determine the peel resistance over at least a 127-mm dimensions and construction of the test specimens, conditions
(5-in.) length of the bond line after the initial peak. used for cutting individual test specimens, number of test
panels represented, and number of individual test specimens,
8. Calculation 9.1.6 Conditioning procedure prior to testing,
8.1 Determine from the autographic curve for the first 127 9.1.7 Type of test machine and crosshead separation rate
mm (5 in.) of peeling after the initial peak the average peeling used,
load in pounds per inch of the specimen width required to
separate the adherends. It is preferred that the average to be 9.1.8 Method of recording load and determining average
determined from the curve with the use of a planimeter. load,
9.1.9 Average, maximum, and minimum peeling load values
NOTE 10—In case a planimeter is not used, the average may be
calculated as the average of load readings taken at fixed increments of for each individual specimen,
crosshead motion. For example, the load may be recorded at each 25-mm 9.1.10 Average T-peel strength in pounds per inch of width
(1-in.) interval of head motion (or each 12.7-mm (0.5-in.) interval of bond for each combination of materials and constructions under test,
separation) following the initial peak, until at least ten readings have been and
9.1.11 Type of failure, that is, cohesive failure within the
9. Report adhesive or adherend or adhesion to the adherend, or combi-
9.1 Report the following information: nation thereof, for each individual specimen (see Terminology
9.1.1 Complete identification of the adhesive tested, includ- D 907).
ing type, source, manufacturer’s code number, batch or lot
number, form, etc., 10. Precision and Bias
9.1.2 Complete identification of adherends used, including 10.1 Precision and bias for this test method is being devel-
material, thickness, surface preparation, and orientation,
oped and will be available by September 2004.
9.1.3 Description of bonding process, including method of
application of adhesive, glue-line thickness, drying or precur-
11. Keywords
ing conditions (where applicable), curing time, temperature,
and pressure, 11.1 adhesive bonding; flexible adherends; T-peel strength
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at
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Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri May 23 05:59:10 EDT 2008
Downloaded/printed by
Antony Newborough (CERN) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
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