Glossary: Programmable Logic Controllers: Industrial Control Glossary 1
Glossary: Programmable Logic Controllers: Industrial Control Glossary 1
Glossary: Programmable Logic Controllers: Industrial Control Glossary 1
Accuracy – The closeness between the value indicated by a measuring instrument and the
corresponding true value. Sensor accuracy is based on US NIST (NBS) standards.
Accumulated value – The number of counted events or timed intervals from a reference time or
event mark.
Actuator – A device connected to an output module, which is able to regulate the behavior of a
controlled process variable.
Alternating current (AC) I/O – An I/O module that converts AC signals originating or received
by a field device to appropriate PLC processor logic level signal.
Alarm (process alarm) – A warning that process values exceed the process alarm setting, a
fixed value independent of set point.
Algorithm – A procedure for problem solving, which is characterized by its time and space
complexity as function of the problem size.
Analog device – An apparatus that measures or generates a continuous signal, typically voltage
or current. Its accuracy depends on the resolution of the apparatus.
Analog input module – An input circuit that employs an analog-to-digital converter to map
measured continuous signal to a digital count that can be used by the processor.
Analog output module – An output circuit that employs a digital-to-analog converter to map
processor generated digital count to continuous signal that can be used by the connected analog
Analog signal – A continuous signal that changes smoothly in a defined range, rather than
changing suddenly between certain levels as in digital signals.
Analog-to-digital (A/D) converter – Electronic hardware that converts an analog signal like
voltage, electric current, temperature, or pressure into a digital number that a computer can
process and interpret.
Anti-reset windup – A feature of the PID controller that prevents the integral component (reset
action) from operating when the controlled variable is outside the proportional band.
Binary – A base-2 number system used in digital computers to represent information, data, and
program code.
Binary bit – The smallest unit of information in the binary numbering system. Also known as
binary digit, which can carry a value of either 0 or 1.
Block diagram – A method used to represent the functional blocks and decision points of a
system or an algorithm.
Boolean data type – A data type that stores the state of a single bit to either 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON).
Boolean algebra – A mathematical system that expresses logic functions and associated logic
Byte – A group of 8 adjacent bits categorized as one unit during the processor’s three operations:
fetch, read, or write cycles.
Calibration offset – An adjustment to eliminate the difference between the indicated value and
the actual value.
Cascade control – Control in which the output of one controller is the set point for another.
Celsius – Formerly known as centigrade, a commonly used temperature scale in which water
freezes at 0°C and boils at 100°C.
Central processing unit (CPU) – The very large integrated circuit that controls all PLC
activities. It also manages all hardware and software resources and interfaces.
Clock – A circuit that generates timing pulses, which are used to synchronize the PLC,
computer, or digital system operations.
Closed loop – A control system that utilizes feedback from the process to regulate the system
Programmable Logic Controllers: Industrial Control Glossary 3
Coil – A presentation of the PLC output, which, when energized, changes the status of the
associated contacts.
Contact – A presentation of the PLC input or logic condition, which controls the propagation of
current through the ladder logic network or rung.
Control mode – The output form or type of control action used by a controller to control a
process: ON/OFF, PI, PID, or Manual.
Controlled variable – The process variable that is regulated in time and kept near the set point
or desired value.
Dead band – A region selected around the set point where control is withheld.
Dead time – The amount of time that it takes for the controlled variable to start changing after
the controlling variable changes.
Debug – The process of locating and correcting errors in software, hardware interconnections,
configurations, and communication.
Deviation – The difference between the value of the controlled variable and the set point.
Digital device – A device that accepts and processes discrete electric signals.
Digital signal – A signal that changes suddenly between certain levels, typically 0 (OFF) and 1
Direct action – An output control action in which an increase in the controlling variable causes
an increase in the controlled variable.
Programmable Logic Controllers: Industrial Control Glossary 4
Digital-to-analog (D/A) converter – An electric circuit that converts binary count to continuous
analog signal.
Distributed control – A method of control that divides a large system into a number of
integrated subsystems.
Done bit – A bit that is set to 1 once the instruction completes its task, such as reaching a pre-
defined preset value.
Down counter – A counter that starts at a preset value and counts down to 0.
Download – Loading data (configuration or programs) from one computer to another networked
intelligent device such as HMIs and PLCs.
Edit – The process of ladder logic program modification to eliminate errors, change system
operation, or optimize code.
Emergency shutdown (ESD) relay – A relay that associated contacts use to inhibit electric
power flow to control system PLC in an emergency situation.
Energize – Physically connect electric power to a device in order to initiate an action such as
running a motor.
Error signal – A signal proportional to the difference between the actual process variable and its
desired value.
Ethernet – A common network protocol that uses Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision
Detection (CSMA/CD) access control.
Exclusive OR (EXOR) – A logic element producing a true output only when its two inputs are
different values.
Execution time – The total time required for the completion of a program, an instruction, or a
sequence of instructions.
Fahrenheit – The temperature scale that sets the freezing point of water at 32ºF and its boiling
point at 212ºF. The formula for conversion to Celsius is: ºC = 5/9 * (ºF – 32).
Programmable Logic Controllers: Industrial Control Glossary 5
Feedback – A correcting signal fed back to the controller to produce desired regulation of the
Flowchart – A graphical representation of the steps, events, sequences, calculations, logic, and
decisions used in an algorithm.
Force function – An instruction that allows the operator to override the processor logic and
control the state of a device.
Function keys – Graphical keys on a computer or HMI, or hard keys on a panel or keyboard,
which can be programmed according to a predefined operator user interface protocol.
Gate – A logic circuit with one or more inputs and one output. The output is a function of all
gate inputs.
Ground – A conducting connection between a circuit or equipment chassis and the earth ground.
Hardwired – Connected by electrical wires or cables.
Hex-decimal – A base-16 numbering system, which uses the digits 0 to 9 and A to F to represent
decimal values from 0 to 15.
Hysteresis – A band of change in a controlled variable around the set point requiring no control
Image table – A PLC dedicated memory area for input/output data. Ones and zeroes represent
I/O on and off conditions, respectively.
Programmable Logic Controllers: Industrial Control Glossary 6
Input scaling – Converting input readings to the engineering units of the process variable.
Input type – The type of signal that is connected to an input, such as a thermocouple or a switch.
Integral – The function in a PI or PID controller that adjusts the controlled variable based on its
error history.
Interlock – A mechanism for preventing one output device or input action from being on while
another is on.
I/O address – A unique number assigned to each input/output device that corresponds to the
device’s location in the rack enclosure.
I/O module – A plug-in assembly, which contains two or more identical input or output circuits
that provide the connection between a processor and the connected devices.
I/O scan time – The time required by the processor to monitor all inputs and control all outputs.
I/O update scan – The process of revising the bits in a PLC’s I/O tables, which are based on the
latest results from reading the inputs and processing the outputs according to the control
Junction – The point where two dissimilar metal conductors join to form a thermocouple.
Jump instruction – A conditional or unconditional deviation from the sequential execution flow
of a program.
K – A measure used to express memory size in bits, bytes, or words. One K is equivalent to
Programmable Logic Controllers: Industrial Control Glossary 7
Label – A name given to a membership function.
Ladder diagram – A graphical set of instructions that represents relay logic control systems.
Ladder relay instructions – Computer codes that implement relay coils and contacts and their
corresponding functions in a PLC.
Latch instruction – The first half of an instruction pair, latch and unlatch. The PLC latch
instruction energizes a specific output or internal coil until de-energized by the matching unlatch
Least significant bit (LSB) – The bit that carries the least weight in a byte or a word of arbitrary
Local area network (LAN) – A system of hardware and software that allows smart devices to
communicate and exchange data within a small geographical area.
Logic diagram – A drawing that uses interconnected AND, OR, and NOT logic symbols to
graphically convey a system’s operation or control.
Logic level – The voltage magnitude associated with the 0 and 1 states in a digital binary system.
Loop tuning – The process of determining the proportional, integral, and derivative constants
that will allow a PID controller to perform optimally.
Manual mode – The mode in which the user observes the process and sets the output.
Mode – Auto, manual, or remote. In auto mode, the controller calculates the output based on the
error behavior. In manual mode, the user sets the output. In remote mode, the controller is
actually in auto mode but it gets its command from another controller.
Master control relay (MCR) – A hardwired or software relay instruction that will de-energize
its associated I/O devices when the instruction is de-energized.
Programmable Logic Controllers: Industrial Control Glossary 8
Memory – The part of a programmable controller that stores data, instructions, and the control
Memory map – A diagram showing a system’s memory addresses, as well as which programs
and data are assigned to each section of memory.
Most significant bit (MSB) – The bit representing the greatest value of a nibble, byte, or word.
Most significant digit (MSD) – The digit representing the greatest value of a byte or word.
Motor starter – A special relay designed to provide power to motors, consisting of a contactor
and an overload relay connected in series. The contactor relay de-energizes under overload
Motor control center – A control system utilizing variable speed drives by regulating voltage,
current, or the frequency supplied to the motors.
Move instruction – A PLC instruction that moves data from one location to another.
Nested branch – A branch that begins and ends within another branch in a ladder logic network.
Node – A station, such as a personal computer, a PLC, or an HMI, that is connected to a network
and can communicate through the network.
Noise – Unwanted electrical signals that usually produce signal interference in sensors and
sensor circuits.
Nonvolatile memory – Memory designed to retain its stored information while the power source
is turned off.
Programmable Logic Controllers: Industrial Control Glossary 9
NOR – A logic gate which produces a 1 (on) output only when both of its two inputs are held at
the 0 (off) state.
Normally closed contact – A contact that is conductive only when its operating coil is not
Normally open contact – A contact that is conductive only when its operating coil is energized.
OFF-DELAY timer (TOF) – An electromechanical relay with contacts that change state after a
predetermined time from the point where power is removed from its coil.
Offline programming – The safest mode for developing PLC programs, in which the operation
of the processor is stopped and all output devices are switched off.
ON-DELAY timer (TOD) – An electromechanical relay with contacts that change state after a
predetermined time from the point where its coil is energized.
Online – The state of being in continuous communication with the PLC processor.
Online programming – The mode in which a PLC processor and a programming terminal are
able to make program changes while the processor is running.
ON/OFF control – A method of control in which the controller acts as a switch, turning the final
control element either ON or OFF.
Open loop control – A control system that does not receive process feedback.
Optical isolation – A state in which there is no electrical continuity between two electronic
networks; they are connected through a light emitting diode and a photoelectric receiver.
OR – A logic operation that produces a 0 (off) output only when both inputs are held at 0 (off).
Output image table – The area of a PLC’s memory where information about the status of output
devices is stored.
Output type – The type of PLC output, such as relay, voltage pulse, or analog.
Programmable Logic Controllers: Industrial Control Glossary 10
Overflow – A condition exceeding the defined range for a number representation, a timer, or a
counter preset value.
Overload relay – A special type of relay designed to protect devices like motors by disrupting
power flow under excessive overload conditions.
Overshoot – The amount by which a controlled variable exceeds the set point before reaching a
steady state.
Over-damped response – A controlled variable response that overshoots the set point and then
slowly settles back to it.
Parallel circuit – A circuit in which two or more connected components or contacts are
connected to the same terminals.
PB – Proportional band.
PC – Personal computer.
Peripherals – External devices, such as printers, disk drives, recorders, or other devices that are
connected to a PLC.
PID control – A three-mode control action in which the controller has proportioning, integral
(reset), and derivative (rate) action.
Power supply – The unit that supplies the necessary voltage and current to all the circuitry of a
Precision – The closeness of a setting, indication, calibration, or control to the actual value of
the quantity being measured, usually expressed as a percentage of full scale.
Process variable – The thing you are trying to control, such as temperature, pressure, flow,
composition, pH, etc. Also called the measurement.
Program scan – The PLC processor executes and resolves every network/rung of the ladder
logic program during each program scan.
Proportional band – The area around the set point where the controller output is neither fully
ON nor fully OFF for the entire time cycle; PB = 100/Gain
Rack – Housing used to hold modules and associated interconnections.
Random access memory (RAM) – A memory system allowing random access of any location
during read, write, or fetch cycles.
Range – The area between two limits in which a quantity or value is quantified, represented, or
measured. Usually described in terms of lower and upper limits.
Read-only memory (ROM) – A memory system allowing random read only of any location.
Information is written in the ROM using a special device before use.
Relay contact – A relay contact is either normally open or normally closed relative to its coil de-
energized state.
Remote I/O – An I/O system located at any distance from the processor, with which it
exchanges information through a communication medium.
Remote set point – A feature that allows set point setting from a remote location.
Programmable Logic Controllers: Industrial Control Glossary 12
Resolution – The smallest quantifiable increment in a range of values defined for a given signal
or entity.
Response time – The time duration required for a process or a device to respond to a change or a
Retentive timer – A timer which counts when it receives power and maintains its count when
power is lost.
Rung (network) – A group of PLC instructions that controls an output, modifies storage values,
or performs other functions.
Sampling rate – The rate at which input data is polled for information.
SCADA – Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition; a type of industrial control system.
Scan time – The time required to update / activate an output connected to a PLC. It includes the
updating of I/O image tables, execution of the program, and all diagnostic tasks.
Step response – The system’s response to a sudden change in the controlling variable.
Steady state – A state in which the error in a process control system is zero or within the error
dead band.
Storage bit – A memory bit that can be set or reset but is not associated with any input or output
Subroutine – A program that executes only when it is called on by the PLC logic, which helps
implement structured programs by eliminating code repetition.
Programmable Logic Controllers: Industrial Control Glossary 13
Tag – A unique text name assigned to a variable or a data constant stored in a memory area.
Terminal address – The text address assigned to a particular input or output point connection.
Thermocouple – The junction of two dissimilar metals, which has a voltage output proportional
to the difference in temperature between the hot and the cold junction connected to the sensor.
Time base – A time unit generated from the microprocessor clock and used by the PLC timer
Transitional contact – A contact programmed to be on for one program scan for every selected
transition from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0.
Transmitter – A primary device that translates a process measurement into a current, voltage, or
pneumatic signal.
Truth table – A table listing the truth value of a given output as function of all input variables
state combinations.
Unlatch instruction – The second half of an instruction pair, latch and unlatch. The PLC unlatch
instruction emulates the unlatching function of a latching relay.
Undershoot – The amount by which a controlled variable falls below the set point before
reaching steady state.
Up counter – A counter that counts up, typically from 0 to the preset count value.
Validation – The process of validating and correcting input measurements and user inputs based
on user-defined rules.
Variable data – Numerical information that can be altered during program execution.
Volatile memory – A memory structure that loses its content once power is removed.
Watchdog timer – A timer that is reset with every scan and monitors the processor operation.
Word – A group of adjacent bits treated as one unit, typically measured in 2 or 4 bytes.
Zone – A section of PLC ladder logic program that can be enabled or disabled by a control