Unit 3iat1ak 1
Unit 3iat1ak 1
Unit 3iat1ak 1
3. What is MMI?
Man-Machine Interface
The Man-Machine Interface is technically where the human and the machine may
interact. It is the area of the human and the area of the machine that interact during a
given task. Interaction can include touch, sight, sound, heat transference or any other
physical or cognitive function. The goal of human-machine interaction engineering is to
produce a user interface which makes it easy, efficient, and enjoyable to operate a
machine in the way which produces the desired result.
4. What is ADC and DAC ? Give one application of ADC and DAC.
An analog-to-digital converter ADC:
An analog-to-digital converter (abbreviated ADC, A/D or A to D) is a device that
converts a continuous quantity to a discrete time digital representation. An ADC may
also provide an isolated measurement.Typically, an ADC is an electronic device that
converts an input analog voltage or current to a digital number proportional to the
magnitude of the voltage or current. They are used in a wide variety of industrial
measurement applications. ADCs are suitable for a wide variety of sensor-conditioning,
energy-monitoring, and motor-control applications.
1. What are all the Basic components of Computer Based Measurement and
Control System and Explain.
Figure 1.4 Digital computer used for process control; note the use of ADC and DAC
for computer to Input and output matching.
A block diagram of computer based process control system is shown in Figure 1.4. As
shown in Figure 1.4(a), the controlled variable which is the output of the process, is
measured as a continuous electrical signal (analog), and converted into a discrete-time
signal using a device called Analog-to-digital-converter (ADC). This digital signal is fed
back to a comparator (digital) and compared with the discrete form of the set point,
which is the desired value, by the digital computer; this produces an error signal e. An
appropriate computer program representing the controller, called control algorithm, is
executed which yields a discrete controller output. The discrete signal is then converted
into a continuous electrical signal using a device called Digitalto-analog-converter
(DAC), the analog signal is fed to the final control element. This control strategy is
repeated at some predetermined frequency (time division multiplexed with other
control loops and other associated activities) to achieve the closed-loop computer control
of the process. Figure 1.4(b) is a block diagram of the computerized control system
explained above.
2. Consider a hot air blower system. How does the computer based control
system is employed to control the process.
Figure 1.5 A hot air blower system – example process taken up for computer based control
The figure 1.5 above is the schematics of a process where a centrifugal fan blows air
over a heating element and into a tube. The hot-air temperature at the output is measured
and by say, a thermocouple, which, through signal conditioner, generates a proportional
voltage signal to temperature. The output temperature in this process may be increased
or decreased by varying the heater current. The air-inlet valve opening and closing for
flow of air into the blower is adjusted by means of a reversible motor. The motor
operates at constant speed and is turned on or off by a logic signal applied to motor on /
off control.
3. Draw the Schematic diagram of a process control computer interfaced with
various field devices and Explain it in detail.
Figure 1.6 above is the general schematic diagram of the process discussed above being
controlled by a Computer based mechanism. The information regarding the measured
value of air temperature and fan inlet valve position is obtained in the form of analog
signal. An analog to-digital converter is used to convert the analog signal into digital
signal before it is fed to the computer. The status of fully open or fully closed position of
the fan inlet valve is obtained in the form of digital signals. For the output generated by
the computer, digital -to- analog converter is used to send control signal in analog form
to the motor control.
Explain it in detail. Refer the shared notes in Google class room
4. What are all the popular analog interfaces applied with digital computers.
Explain it’s function with relevant diagrams
There are a variety of interface cards which have been developed and added to the
computer system to connect to different measurements inputs of process parameters;
these are put to signal conditioning to convert to appropriate signal capable of interfacing
with digital computers. The interfaces are:
• Analog interfaces
• Digital interfaces
• Pulse interfaces
• Real-time clock
• Standard (bus) interfaces
Read 1.7 article from the shared Unit 3 Notes.