Analog Integrated Circuits & Technology (EC 305) : Differential Amplifier With Passive Load and Its Detail Analysis
Analog Integrated Circuits & Technology (EC 305) : Differential Amplifier With Passive Load and Its Detail Analysis
Analog Integrated Circuits & Technology (EC 305) : Differential Amplifier With Passive Load and Its Detail Analysis
A report on:
Differential amplifier with passive load and its detail analysis.
Submitted By:
Manzil Hoque (18-1-4-069)
The objective of this report is to discuss about differential amplifier with passive load. Differential
amplifiers are the basic building block in the analog circuit design. The characteristics of the differential
amplifier are measured by differential gain, Common mode Rejection Ratio, and Gain-Bandwidth product.
In this report a high-performance differential amplifier is designed using different approaches and a
comparison is made between them. This work presents the optimized architecture of a differential amplifier.
As we know, the design and analysis of differential amplifiers makes extensive use of the material on single-
stage amplifiers. We will follow the study of differential amplifiers with examples of practical multistage
amplifiers, again in both MOS and bipolar technologies.
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1. Introduction
The differential-pair or differential-amplifier configuration is the most widely used building block in
analog integrated-circuit design. For instance, the input stage of every op amp is a differential amplifier. Also,
the BJT differential amplifier is the basis of a very-high-speed logic circuit family, A difference amplifier is
one that responds to the difference between the two signals applied at its input and ideally rejects signals that
are common to the two inputs.
There are two reasons why differential amplifiers are so well suited for IC fabrication: First, as we
shall shortly see, the performance of the differential pair depends critically on the matching between the two
sides of the circuit. Integrated-circuit fabrication is capable of providing matched devices whose parameters
track over wide ranges of changes in environmental conditions.
The second reason for preferring differential amplifiers is that the differential configuration enables us to bias
the amplifier and to couple amplifier stages together without the need for bypass and coupling capacitors such
as those utilized in the design of discrete-circuit amplifiers. This is another reason why differential circuit are
ideally suited for IC fabrication where large capacitors are impossible to fabricate economically.
The differential pair works properly for a certain range of VCM known as input common-mode range. The
highest value and the lowest value of VCM is given as,
If Vid is increased beyond √2VOV, iD1 remains equal to I, vGS1 remains equal to Vt +√2VOV and vs increases
correspondingly. Similarly, the entire bias current can be made to flow through Q2 keeping Q1 off by
varying Vid in the range
To use differential amplifier as linear amplifier Vid is kept small. Thus, current in one transistor increase by ΔI
proportional to Vid and current in another transistor decrease by same amount.
2.3 Large-Signal Operation
In the drain currents iD1 and iD2 in terms of the
input differential signal vid=vG1–vG2. The
derivation assumes that the differential pair is
perfectly matched and neglects channel-length
modulation (λ = 0). we simply assume that the
circuit maintains Q1 and Q2 in the saturation region
of operation at all times.
Figure 5 The MOSFET differential pair for the purpose of deriving the
transfer characteristics, iD1 and iD2 versus vid = vG1 – vG2.
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Figure 8.8 Small-signal analysis of the MOS differential amplifier. (a) The circuit with a common-mode
voltage applied to set the dc bias voltage at the gates and with vid applied in a complementary (or balanced)
manner. (b) The circuit prepared for small-signal analysis. (c) An alternative way of looking at the small signal
operation of the circuit.
Here, VCM denotes a common-mode dc voltage within the input common-mode range of the differential amplifier. Typically, VCM is
at the middle value of the power supply. The amplifier output can be taken either between one of the drains and ground or
between the two drains. In the first case, the resulting single-ended outputs vo1 and vo2 will be riding on top of the dc voltages at
the drains, This is not the case when the output is taken between the two drains; the resulting differential out put vod
(having a 0-V dc component) will be entirely a signal component
Thus, another advantage of taking the output differentially is an increase in gain by a factor of 2 (6 dB). However, that although
differential outputs are preferred, a single ended output is needed in some applications.
Effect of 𝑹𝑫 Mismatch:
The common-mode voltages at the two drains will no longer be equal when the two drain resistances exhibit
a mismatch 𝛥𝑅𝐷 . If the load of 𝑄1 is 𝑅𝐷 and that of 𝑄2 is (𝑅𝐷 + 𝛥𝑅𝐷 ), the common mode gain is
(2𝑅 𝐷 ) ( 𝑅 𝐷) .
The lower end of the range is determined by the need to provide a certain minimum
voltage across the current source I to ensure its proper operation. Thus,
A small signal can switch the current from one side of the BJT differential pair to the other means
that the BJT differential pair can be used as a fast current switch.
Transfer characteristics of the BJT differential pair assuming α=1 is shown,
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Here gm transconductance of Q1 and of Q2, which are equal and given by,
Just like in the MOS case, the output voltage signal of a bipolar differential amplifier can be taken
differentially (i.e., between the two collectors, vod = vc2 – vc1). The differential gain of the differential
amplifier will be
For the differential amplifier with resistances in the emitter leads (Fig. C), the differential gain is given by
P a g e | 10
The voltage gain is equal to the ratio of the total resistance in the collector circuit (2RC) to the total
resistance in the emitter circuit (2re +2Re).
The circuit is equivalent to the two common-emitter amplifiers shown below where each of the two
transistors is biased at an emitter current of I/2. The finite output resistance REE of the current source will
have no effect on the operation. The equivalent circuit in above figure is valid for differential operation only.
If we take the common-emitter transistor fed with +vid 2 as the differential half-circuit and replace the
transistor with its low-frequency, equivalent-circuit model. In evaluating the model parameters r , gm, and
ro, we must recall that the half-circuit is biased at I2. The voltage gain of the differential amplifier is equal
to the voltage gain of the half-circuit—that is, vo1(vid 2).
The input differential resistance of the differential amplifier is twice that of the half-circuit—
that is, 2rπ . Including ro will modify the gain expression as Ad = gm (RC || ro )
Figure: (a) The differential amplifier fed by a common-mode input signal vicm. (b) Equivalent
“half-circuits” for common-mode calculations.
The common-mode gain will be,
Figure: (a) Definition of the input common-mode resistance Ricm. (b) The equivalent common-mode
5. Conclusion
The differential-pair or differential-amplifier configuration is the most widely used building block in
analog IC design. The input stage of every op amp is a differential amplifier. There are two reasons for
preferring differential to single- ended amplifiers: Differential amplifiers are insensitive to interference, and
they do not need bypass and coupling capacitors. In this report, we have done the analysis of a differential
amplifier to determine differential gain, differential input resistance, frequency response of differential gain,
and so on is facilitated by employing the differential half-circuit, which is a common-source (common-emitter)
transistor biased at I/2.Also, the different topologies of differential amplifiers have been discussed and
analyzed in terms of gain, gain bandwidth product, and CMRR.
[1] Microelectronic circuits by Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith 6th edition