Generic Name: Indications: Adverse Effects
Generic Name: Indications: Adverse Effects
Generic Name: Indications: Adverse Effects
Generic Name: Stimulates beta receptors in Indications: Adverse Effects: Monitor V/S. and check for cardiac
epinephrine lung. o Asthma dysrhythmias
o Bronchitis nervousness, tremor,
Brand Name: Relaxes bronchial smooth o Emphysema vertigo, pain, widened Drug increases rigidity and tremor in
Injection, OTC nasal muscle. o All cardiac arrest, anaphylaxis pulse pressure, patients with Parkinson’s disease
solution: o Used for symptomatic hypertension nausea
Adrenalin Chloride Increases vital capacity bradycardia. Epinephrine therapy interferes with
BP, HR, PR o Relief of bronchospasm occurring Side Effects: tests for urinary catecholamine
Dosage/route: during anesthesia headache
1 mg IV of 1:10,000 Decreases airway resistance. Avoid IM use of parenteral suspension
o Exercised-induced bronchospasm
solution q 3-5 min; double Contraindications: into buttocks. Gas gangrene may occur
dose if administering Contraindicate in patients with angle-
via ET tube closure glaucoma, shock (other than Massage site after IM injection to
anaphylactic shock), organic brain counteract possible vasoconstriction.
Classification: damage, cardiac dilation, arrhythmias,
Beta2 Adrenergic Agonists coronary insufficiency, or cerebral Observe patient closely for adverse
arteriosclerosis. Also contraindicated in reactions.
patient receiving general anesthesia with
halogenated hydrocarbons or Notify doctor if adverse reaction develop
cyclopropane and in patients in labor If blood pressure increases sharply,
(may delay second stage) rapid-acting vasodilators such as nitrates
or alpha blockers can be given to
Some products containing sulfites and are counteract
contraindicated in patients with sulfite
allergies except when drug is used for
serious allergic reactions or in other
emergency situations.