M Tech Thermal and Fluids Engineering
M Tech Thermal and Fluids Engineering
M Tech Thermal and Fluids Engineering
As the energy and process sector in India is in a boom, the need of the
hour is engineers with strong background in thermal and fluid sciences capable
of carrying out conceptual design. The program is aimed at providing sufficient
theoretical, computational and experimental knowledge in the thermal and fluid
sciences. It also encapsulates simulation and experimental skills applied to IC
engines, power plant, aerospace and gas turbines research. The program is
designed to equip students to perform design related to linear and nonlinear
steady state/ transient heat transfer, steady and unsteady fluid flow, multiphase
flows, fluid structure interactions viz., estimation of thermal and pressure loads
and coupled field analysis. The program provides required numerical simulation
techniques for design and analysis of equipment like gas turbines and
accessories, steam turbines and reactor pipes, heat exchangers, compressors,
turbines, pumps, propellers, rotor stator interactions, flow separators, inlet
manifolds, volutes, turbo chargers etc. The course also introduces the student to
experimental techniques like flow visualization, combustion diagnostics, particle
characterization and other recent imaging techniques adopted in the field of
thermal research.
First Semester
Course Type Course LTP Credits
16MA619 FC Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3 0 0 3
16TF601 FC Advanced Fluid Dynamics 3 0 0 3
16TF602 FC Advanced Heat Transfer 3 0 0 3
16TF603 FC Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics 3 0 0 3
16TF604 FC Experimental Methods in Thermal & 0 0 1 1
Fluids Engg.
16TF605 SC Seminar 001 1
16TF606 SC Fuels and Combustion 300 3
16HU601 HU Cultural Education* 000 P/F
Credits 17
Non-credit course
Second Semester
Third Semester
Fourth Semester
Total Credits 66
List of Courses
Foundation Core
Subject Core
Vector and Tensor Analysis (Cartesian and Curvilinear): Orthogonal coordinate systems,
Transformation of coordinate systems; Paths and line integrals, Fundamental theorems
of calculus for line integrals, vector fields and gradients; Double and triple integrals,
Iterated integrals, Change of variables formula, Applications to area and volume, Green's
theorem, Two-dimensional vector fields and gradients; Surface Integrals; Parametric
representation of a surface, Fundamental vector product and normal to a surface,
Stokes' theorem, Curl and divergence of a vector field, Gauss' divergence theorem;
Algebra of Cartesian Tensors, Index notation, Isotropic tensors, Invariants of a
tensor.Fourier series, Fourier transforms, Laplace transforms, applications.Review of
ODEs;Laplace & Fourier methods, series solutions, and orthogonal polynomials. Sturm-
Liouville problem; Review of 1st and 2nd order PDEs. Similarity transformations for
converting PDEs to ODEs. Solution of PDEs, Special functions.Linear systems of algebraic
equations, Systems of Differential Equations.Review of probability concepts, random
variables – one and two dimensional probability distributions and densities. Expectations
and Chebychev’s theorem, population and sampling distributions, central limits theorem,
point and interval estimation, confidence intervals, Calculus of variation.
1. Munson B. R., Young D. F. and Okiishi T. H., Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics. 6th
Ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
2. Cengel, Y. A. and Cimbala, J.M. Fluid Mechanics – Fundamentals and applications,
Tata McGraw Hill, 2008.
3. White, F. M., Viscous Fluid Flow, 3rd Ed., McGraw Hill.2006.
4. White, F. M., Fluid Mechanics, 5th Ed., McGraw Hill.2003.
5. Kundu, P. K., and Cohen, I. M., Fluid Mechanics, 4th Ed., Academic Press. 2008
Fourier’s law, thermal conductivity of matter, heat diffusion equation for isotropic and
anisotropic media, boundary and initial conditions. One-dimensional steady-state
conduction through plane wall, cylinder and sphere.Conduction with thermal energy
generation, heat transfer from extended surfaces, radial fins and fin optimization;
Multidimensional- steady-state heat conduction; Transient conduction – lumped
capacitance method and its validity, plane wall and radial systems, semi-infinite solid,
anisotropic conduction, numerical solution of conduction problems: FDM and FEM
Review of viscous flow. Hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layers, Laminar flow heat
transfer to developed and developing flow, laminar forced convection in pipe and ducts
with different boundary conditions,external flows. Laminar Natural Convection, natural
convection in Enclosures, heat transfer correlations.Turbulence modelling, Heat transfer
in turbulent boundary layers, Eddy diffusity of heat and momentum, turbulent flow
through circular tubes and parallel plates with heat transfer,analogies between heat and
momentum transfer,Turbulent free convection from vertical surface,turbulent heat
transfer correlation. Boiling and condensation heat transfer – correlation and
Kinetic theory of gases, basic assumption, molecular flux, equation of state for an ideal
gas, collisions with a moving wall, principle of equipartition of energy, classical theory of
specific heat capacity, Equations of state, thermodynamic property relations, residual
property functions, properties of saturation states.
1. Goldstein, R. J., Fluid Mechanics Measurement, 2nd Ed., CRC Press. 1996.
2. Eckert, R. G. and Goldstein, R. J., Measurements in Heat Transfer, 2nd Ed.,
Springer. 1986.
16TF605 SEMINAR 0- 0- 1- 1
The student will be given some advanced topics in the field of fluid flow and heat
transfer. He/she shall extensively refer literature (min. 3 hrs in a week) and prepare a
properly formatted seminar report. He/she need to present the work at the end of the
semester. The valuation will be based on viva-voce during the presentation and content
and organization of the report.
Classification- Specific work- Representation of specific work in T-S and H-S diagrams-
Internal and external losses – Euler’s equation of Turbo machinery-Ideal and actual
velocity triangles-Slip and it’s estimation-Impulse and reaction type machines-Degree of
reaction-Effect of outlet blade angle on blade shape-Model laws, Specific speed and
Shape number-Special features of hydro, steam and gas turbines-Performance
characteristics of turbo-machines- Thin aerofoil theory-Cascade mechanics.
1. Hoffman, J.D., Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists, Marcel Dekker,
2. Mathews, J. H., Numerical Methods, Prentice Hall, 1994.
3. Hilderbrand F.B., Introduction to Numerical Analysis, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1988.
4. Boyce W.E. andDiprima R.C., Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary
Value Problems, Wiley, 1977.
5. Jain M.K., Iyenger S.R.K. and JainR.K., Computational Methods for Partial
Differential Equations, New Age International, 1994.
Dynamic similarity and scaling; Types of measurement devices & techniques; Errors in
Measurement and its Analysis: Causes and types of experimental errors, systematic and
random errors; Uncertainty analysis, computation of overall uncertainty, calibration.
Experiments in Water Channel: Visualization of flow over streamline and bluff bodies-
vortex shedding from bluff bodies (like circular cylinder)-study of vortex streets.
2-D laminar flow over bluff bodies (Hele-Shaw flow)-construction of flow net (velocity
potential lines and streamlines).Numerical visualization of flow over bluff bodies using
Ansys/Algor Software-comparison of numerical flow patterns with experimental ones.
1. Goldstein, R. J., Fluid Mechanics Measurement, 2nd Ed., CRC Press. 1996.
2. Doeblin, E. O., Measurements System Application and Design, 5th Ed., McGraw
Hill, 2004
3. Marangoni R D and Lienhard J H, Mechanical Measurements by Beckwith T G, 6th
Ed., Prentice Hall. 2006
4. Eckert, R. G. and Goldstein, R. J., Measurements in Heat Transfer, 2nd Ed.,
Springer. 1986.
5. Barlow Jewel B., Rae William H., Pope Alan, Low speed Wind Tunnel Testing, 3e,
Wiley, 1999.
1. Sinnott R. K., Chemical Engineering Design, Coulson & Richardson’s series, Elsevier,
2. Serth. R. W, Process Heat Transfer-Principles and Applications, Elsevier, 2007.
3. Kern D, Q, Process Heat Transfer, McGraw-Hill, 1965.
4. Shah R K and Sekulic D P, Fundamentals of Heat Exchanger Design, John Wiley and
Sons, 2002.
5. Kays W M and London A L, Compact Heat Exchanger, Krieger Publishing Company,
Students will be assigned an M.Tech project by the end of the first semester.
He/she shall extensively study (min. 6hrs in a week) the research already carried out in
the in the field of their thesis work. The student shall bring out the current status of the
problem, clearly indicating the shortcomings and gaps in understanding. He/she shall
prepare a properly formatted seminar report giving all of the above details. He/she need
to present the work carried out at the end of the semester. Credits will be awarded
based on the viva-voce during the presentation and the content and organization of the
The students shall visit industrial units connected with their curriculum and present
reports about the plant design, equipment, instrumentation etc.
Classification of system of PDEs: parabolic elliptic and hyperbolic; Boundary and initial
conditions; Overview of numerical methods;
Numerical Grid Generation: Basic ideas, transformation and mapping, unstructured grid
generation, moving grids, unmatched meshes.
Advanced Finite Volume methods: FV discretization in two and three dimensions, SIMPLE
algorithm and flow field calculations, variants of SIMPLE, Turbulence and turbulence
modelling, illustrative flow computations, Introduction to turbulence modelling, CFD
methods for compressible flows.
Commercial software FLUENT and CFX – grid generation, flow prediction and post-
processing.Validation methods for CFD analysis.
Introduction: Ideal and real fluids, the concept of boundary layer, Navier- Stokes
equations, the limiting cases of large and small Reynolds number, energy equation.
Laminar Boundary Layer Equation: Two dimensional equations, displacement and
momentum thickness, general properties of the boundary layer equations, skin friction.
Similarity Solutions: Wedge flow and its particular cases, flow past a cylinder, two
dimensional inlet flows in straight channel.
Approximate Methods: Karman-Polhausen methods, numerical methods.
Symmetrical Boundary Layers: Circular jet, body of revolution, Manglers transfixion.
Boundary Layer Control: Different methods of boundary layer control, flow over a flat
plate with uniform suction.
Turbulent Boundary Layer: Two-dimensional equation, Prandtl’s mixing layer Karman’s
hypothesis universal velocity distribution, flow over a flat plate, skin friction drag.
Thermal Boundary Layers: Two-dimensional equations forced flow over flat plate at zero
in advances, natural flow over a vertical plate.
Origin, examples and character of turbulence, Reynolds stress, energy relations, closure
problem, phenomenology, eddy viscosity. Statistics. spectra, space-time correlations,
macro µ scales, statistical theory of turbulence, locally isotropic turbulence,
Kolmogorov’s hypothesis, correlation method, spectral method, turbulence diffusion.
Numerical Turbulence modelling, one-, two- and multiple equations for turbulence
modelling, Reynolds and Favre averaging, RSM, Large eddy and DNS methods.
1. Tennekes H. and Lumley J.L., A first course in Turbulence, MIT Press, USA, 1972.
2. W.D, Comb Mc, the Physics of Fluid Turbulence, Oxford University Press Inc, New
York, 1990.
3. Stephen.B.Pope, Turbulent Flows, Cambridge University Press, UK, 2000.
4. Davidson P.A., Turbulence: An introduction for Scientists and Engineers, Oxford
University Press Inc, New York, 2004.
5. Batchelor G.K., The Theory of homogeneous turbulence, Cambridge University
Press, UK, 1993.
Basic equations of gas dynamics: Introduction, Isentropic flow ina streamtube, speed of
sound, Mach wavesand Mach cone, Effect of Mach number on compressibility.
One dimensional Isentropic Flow: Governing equations, stagnation conditions, critical
conditions, maximum discharge velocity, isentropic relations.
Shock Waves: Normal Shock waves, stationary normal shock waves, normal shock wave
relations in terms of Mach number, Hugoniot Equations; Oblique Shock Waves: Oblique
shock wave relations, reflection of oblique shock waves, interaction of oblique shock
waves, conical shock waves.
Expansion Waves: Prandtl-Meyer flow, reflection and interaction of expansion waves,
flow over bodies involving shock and expansion waves; Linearized
twodimensionalsubsonic flows; Prandtl-Glaurt/ Goethert
transformation,Linearizedsupersonic flow; Ackeret's theory.
Variable Area Flow: Equations for variable area flow, operating characteristics of nozzles,
convergent-divergent supersonic diffusers, flow separation, contour optimization, bell
nozzle, new nozzle concepts.
Adiabatic Flow in a Duct with Friction: Flow in a constant area duct, friction factor
variations, the Fano line.
Flow with Heat addition or removal: One-dimensional flow in a constant area duct
neglecting viscosity, variable area flow with heat addition, one-dimensional constant
area flow with both heat exchanger and friction;
1. Zucker, R. D. and Biblarz, O., Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics, 2nd Ed., John
Wiley & Sons. 2002
2. Anderson, J. D. Modern Compressible Flow, McGraw Hill. 2004
3. Liepmann, H.W. and Roshko, A., Elements of Gas Dynamics, Dover
4. Rathakrishnan, E., Applied Gas Dynamics, John Wiley & Sons, 2012
5. Hoffmann, J. D., Gas Dynamics, Vol 1&2, 1985.
6. Shapiro,A.H. The Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow,Vol.
I& II,The Ronald Press Co, New York.
7. Oosthuizen, P.H., and Carscallen, W.E., Compressible Fluid Flow McGraw-
Hillinternational editions, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.,Singapore.
8. Babu V. Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics Ane Books India, Chennai.
9. Chapman A.J. and Walker W.F. Introductory Gas Dynamics Holt, Reinhart
andWinston, Inc. NY, USA.
10. Sutton George.P &Biblarz Oscar, Rocket Propulsion Elements, John Wiley & Sons
Inc., 2001
Introduction: Vibration, Mode Shapes; Flow around bluff bodies- Vortex shedding and
induced vibrations- Fluid Elastic excitations and instabilities- Galloping, ovalling and
turbulence induced vibrations- Interference effects- Jet switching- Vibrations of fluid
conveying conduits and flexible tubes- Wave induced vibrations-Wake structures
associated with flow-induced vibrations.
Some practical problems: Tube bundle vibrations in heat exchangers and nuclear
reactors- Vibrations of stacks and other tall structures, transmission line vibrations-
Methods of suppressing flow-induced vibrations. Bio-fluid mechanics.
Methods of producing cold: thermodynamic basis, first and second law analysis.
Review of Solid and fluid properties at low and cryogenic temperatures- Liquefaction
systems: Open and Closed cycles; Effect of component efficiencies as performance of
different liquefaction cycles- Cryogenic refrigerators; Recuperative and Regenerative
cycles - Effect of irreversibilities on system performance; Micro-miniature and miniature
cryo-coolers for space and defence applications. Thermal stratification in cryo tanks,
cryo tank insulation.
1. Boyle, G., Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future, 2nd Edition, Oxford
University Press, New York, 2004.
2. Aldo V Rosa., Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Processes, 2nd Edition, Elsevier
Inc, USA, 2009.
3. Boyle, G., Evertt, B and Ramage, J., Energy Systems and Sustainability; Power
for a Sustainable Future, Oxford University Inc., New York, 2003.
4. Craddock, D., Renewable Energy Made Easy: Free Energy from Solar, Wind,
Hydro power and other alternative energy sources, Atlantic Publishing Group Inc.,
5. Wengenmayr, R., Buhrke, T., Renewable Energy: Sustainable Energy Concepts
for the Future, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co, Germany, 2008.
Basics equations of Fluid Mechanics, Inviscid flows, Steam function, Velocity potential,
Two-dimensional incompressible flows: laplace’s equation, its solutions, Flows over
aerofoils: Conformal transformation, thin airfoil theory. Introduction to finite wings:
Prandtl’s lifting line theory. Effect of boundary layer separation on flow over airfoils.
Introduction to bluff body aerodynamics: flow over circular cylinders, effect of geometry,
dynamic effects, unsteady aerodynamics.
1. Anderson J.D. Aircraft Performance and Design, WCB McGraw Hill, 1999.
2. McCormick B.K.Aerodynamics, Aeronautics and Flight Mechanics, John Wiley and
Son Inc., 1994.
3. Warren.F.Phillips, Mechanics of Flight, John Wiley & Sons Inc, New Jersey, 2010.
4. Zdravkovich, M.M., Flow Around Circular Cylinders, Vol. 1: Fundamentals. Oxford
University Press, Oxford, England, 1997.
5. Zdravkovich, M.M., Flow Around Circular Cylinders, Vol. 2: Applications. Oxford
University Press, Oxford, England, 2003.
Introduction: Measurement and its classification by physical characteristics, direct and
inferential measurement, on- and off- line measurement.
Static Characteristics of Instruments: Error, accuracy, repeatability, drift, threshold,
backlash, hysteresis, zero-stability, static, coulomb and viscous friction, live zero,
suppressed zero, working bind.
Sensor and Transducers: Classification, principles and applications, interpretation of
performance specification of transducers.
Building Blocks of an Instrument : Transducer, amplifier, signal conditioner, signal
isolation, signal transmitter, display, data acquisition modules, I/O devices, interfaces.
Process Instrumentation: Working principles of transducers/instruments employed for
the measurement of flow, level, pressure, temperature, density, viscosity, etc. and their
merits and demerits.
Data Acquisition and Signal Processing: Systems for data acquisition and processing,
modules and computerized data system, digitization rate, time and frequency domain
representation of signals, and Nyquist criterion; A brief description of elements of
mechatronics, modular approach to mechatronics and engineering design. Introduction
to LabView and Matlab for data capture and analysis.
Process Control
Introduction: The concept of process dynamics and control, review of Laplace transform
methods, Laplace transform of disturbances and building functions, dynamic model
building of simple systems.
Linear Open Loop System: Physical examples of first order systems and their response
for step, impulse and sinusoidal inputs, linearization of non linear models, response of
first order system in series, examples of second order systems and their response.
Linear Closed Loop System: The control system and its elements, closed loop transfer
functions, transient response of simple control systems, concept of stability and use of
Routh-Hurwitz test for stability.
Controllers: Modes of control action, control system and its closed-loop transfer function.
Root Locus Method : Root locus treatment, response from root locus and its application
to control system design.
Frequency Response: Introduction to frequency response, Bode diagrams of simple
systems, Bode stability criterion, control system design by frequency response, use of
gain and phase margins.
Energy scenario, Overview power plants, Types of power stations, Economy and thermal
schemes of power stations.
1. Suryanarayana, N.V., and Arici, O., Design and Simulation of Thermal Systems,
McGraw Hill. 2001
2. Jaluria, Y., Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems, 2nd Ed., CRC Press. 2007
3. Bejan, A., Tsatsaronic, G., and Moran, M., Thermal Design and Optimization, John
Wiley & Sons. 1995
4. Saravanamuttoo, H.I.H., Rogers, G.F.C., Cohen, H. and Straznicky, P.V., Gas
Turbine Theory, 6th Ed., Pearson Prentice Hall. 2008.
5. H. Cohen, Gas Turbine Theory, 4th Edition, Longman, 1998.
Nozzle design: Flow through nozzle, Real nozzle, Equilibrium and frozen flow, Adaptive
and non-adaptive nozzles. Thrust vector controls, Rocket performance parameters. Solid
propellant rockets, Grain compositions. Design of grain. Liquid propellant rockets,
Injector design, cooling systems, Feed Systems: Pressure feed and turbo-pump feed
system. Heat transfer problems in rocket engines.
1. Siegel R and Howell J. R., Thermal Radiation Heat Transfer, 3rd edition, Taylorand
Francis, 1992.
2. Modest M. F., Radiative Heat Transfer, McGraw-Hill, 1993.
3. Ozisik M. N., Radiative Transfer and Interactions with Conduction and Convection,
John Wiley & Sons, 1973.
4. Arunn Narasimhan, Elements of Heat and Fluid Flow in Porous Media, CRC Press,
Taylor & Francis Group, 2012.
1. Tennekes, H., and Lumley, J.L., A First Course in Turbulence, MIT Press,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 1972
2. Pope, S.B., Turbulent Flows, Cambridge University Press, 2000.
3. Ferziger, J.H., and Peric, M.,Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics, Springer,
4. Schlichting, H., and Gersten, K., Boundary Layer Theory, Springer, 2000.
5. Wilcox, D.C., Turbulence Modelling for CFD, DCW Industries, California, USA,
Goff and Gratach method of calculation of moist air properties, mass transfer and
evaporation of water into moist air, theory of psychrometer, correlation of w.b.t. with
temperature of adiabatic saturation, Lewis number, construction of h.w. psychrometric
chart. Review of refrigeration and air conditioning load calculations.Two phase flow, flow
regimes, maps, two-phase pressure drop in evaporator and condensers.
Vapour compression, multiple evaporator and compound compression system with and
without inter cooling, dual compressors, cascade systems, vapour absorption system-
analysis, solid carbon dioxide, principle of production, three stage system with water and
flash inter-cooler, pressure snow chambers, regenerative liquid, binary system.
Water cooled and air-cooled condensers, performance and heat transfer processes in
evaporative condenser, flooded and dry expansion type evaporators, liquid chiller,
overall performance of evaporators, capillary tubes, system design factors, pressure and
temperature distribution, ASHRAE simplified calculation procedure, expansion valves,
operation and performance calculation of thermostatic expansion valve, application of
constant pressure expansion valve.
Basic concepts of reactor physics, radioactivity. Neutron Scattering. Thermal and fast
reactors. Overview of nuclear reactor systems.Sources and distribution of thermal loads
in nuclear power reactors.
1. Todreas, Neil E., and Mujid S. Kazimi. Nuclear Systems: Thermal Hydraulic
Fundamentals. Vol. 1. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis Inc., 1990.
2. Glasstone, S. and Sesonske, A., Nuclear Reactor Engineering, Springer, 1994.
3. LewisE. E., Nuclear reactor Safety, Wiley Interscience, 1977.
4. TongL.S. and TangY.S., Boiling heat transfer and Two-phase Flow, Taylor and
Francis, 1997.
5. CollierJ.B. and ThomeJ.R., Convective boiling and condensation, Oxford Science
Publications, 1994.
6. WallisG.B., One dimensional two-phase flow, McGraw Hill, 1969.
7. Richard T. Lahey and Frederick J. Moody, The Thermal-Hydraulics of Boiling Water
Reactors, Second Edition, American Nuclear Society, 1993
8. JonesO.C., ed., Nuclear Reactor Safety Heat Transfer, Hemisphere, 1981.
9. M. M. El-WakilNuclear Heat Transport, 1978.