Amelogenesis Imperfecta: Therapeutic Strategy From Primary To Permanent Dentition Across Case Reports
Amelogenesis Imperfecta: Therapeutic Strategy From Primary To Permanent Dentition Across Case Reports
Amelogenesis Imperfecta: Therapeutic Strategy From Primary To Permanent Dentition Across Case Reports
Background: Hereditary enamel defect diseases are regrouped under the name “Amelogenesis Imperfecta” (AIH).
Both dentitions are affected. Clinical expression is heterogeneous and varies between patients. Mutations
responsible for this multigene disease may alter various genes and the inheritance can be either autosomal
dominant or recessive, or X-linked. Until now, no therapeutic consensus has emerged for this rare disease.
Case presentation: The purpose of this article was to report treatments of AIH patients from childhood to early
adulthood. Treatment of three patients of 3, 8 16 years old are described. Each therapeutic option was discussed
according to patients’ age and type of enamel alteration. Paediatric crowns and resin based bonding must be
preferred in primary teeth. In permanent teeth, non-invasive or minimally invasive dentistry should be the first
choice in order to follow a therapeutic gradient from the less invasive options to prosthodontic treatments.
Conclusion: Functional and aesthetic issues require patients to be treated; this clinical care should be provided as
early as possible to enable a harmonious growth of the maxillofacial complex and to prevent pain.
Keywords: Amelogenesis imperfecta, Dental care, Operative dentistry, Paediatric dentistry
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Toupenay et al. BMC Oral Health (2018) 18:108 Page 2 of 8
Severe hypoplastic phenotype leads to morphological Surprisingly, no increased incidence of caries has been
anomalies seen on radiographic examinations. No reported.
pain is associated with this AI, although some slight
thermal sensitivity may sometimes be reported [5]. Case presentation
– Hypomature AIH (type II) consists of a defect in Case report 1
matrix protein degradation. In enamel, which is the A three-year-old girl was referred to the Reference
most calcified structure in the organism, proteins Centre of Rare Diseases in Paris. Her medical history
must be degraded and removed to achieve final was noncontributory. According to her mother, she
crystal growth. In type II, enamel appears white or complained with pain while eating, moderate sensitivity
brown, without translucency. Hardness during during tooth brushing and above all poor aesthetic as-
probing and thickness of enamel layer are normal. pect of her teeth. Intraoral examination revealed a
However, enamel breakdown often occurs. On hypoplastic AIH with yellow teeth and rough surfaces
radiographs, enamel opacity is decreased especially (Fig. 1a). Brown extrinsic discoloration was seen in the
near the enamel dentin junction. This type of AIH is hypoplastic area. Enamel was reduced in thickness and
the mildest form and frequently undiagnosed. severely hypoplastic, giving the idea of a false microdontia
Aesthetics is the first cause of consultation [6]. with multiple diastemas. Molars were the most affected
– Hypomineralized AIH (type III) is the most severe teeth showing reduced crown height. In addition, anterior
AI form. Enamel mineral content is reduced causing open bite was noted without thumb sucking. Treatment
pain while masticating, and brushing. Gingivitis and was planned following 3 objectives at this age:
periodontal diseases have been described, with large
amounts of dental calculus. Teeth are very sensitive Pain prevention and treatment
to temperature and brushing. Enamel is dark yellow Protection of dental tissue integrity in order to
or brown. On radiographs, enamel and dentin may maintain occlusal function and limit dental biofilm
reach the same radiodensity [7]. Anxiety has often retention
been reported in these patients due to permanent Restoration of smile aesthetics.
dental pain [8].
On primary molars, the choice of treatment was
Other dental anomalies may be associated with AI [9]: stainless steel crowns (3 M™ ESPE™) because the oc-
taurodontism [10], pulp stones, delayed tooth eruption, clusal morphology was lost (Fig. 1b). This way, verti-
anterior open bite or craniofacial anomaly [11, 12]. cal dimension was slightly increased and maintained.
Fig. 1 4,5-year-old patient affected by hypomineralized AI. Clinical examination revealed pain during brushing and hot and cold sensitivity, open bite
whithout digit sucking. a–c Enamel was yellow to brown, easily chipping, with loss of dental morphology. d, e Oral surgery was realized under local
anesthesia through four visits. Stainless steel pediatric crowns were realized on primary molars, and direct composite restorations were done in
anterior teeth
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The incisors and canines were isolated with a rubber anxious about dental care for this reason. Oral clinical
dam and direct dental composite restorations were exam showed a mixed dentition, with eruption of per-
placed (Herculite, Kerr [13, 14] with ER2 adhesives manent incisors and first molars. Hypomineralized AI
Optibond SL). Teeth were not prepared; we etched was diagnosed (Fig. 2a). Enamel was dark yellow in per-
with 35% Phosphatidic acid for 30 s, rinsed for 30 s manent teeth and brown in primary teeth. Some enamel
with air and water. Then teeth were air dried, adhe- breaks were observed in posterior teeth. A severe open
sive was applied with an applicator tip, excesses were bite was observed, associated with only occlusal con-
removed with air before polymerization for 45 s. Af- tacts on first permanent molars and second primary
fected enamel was not removed but bonding was dir- molars. Maxillary bone showed insufficient transversal
ectly applied to it. As enamel surface appeared rough, growth. Facial and oral functional exams revealed buc-
a flow composite (Tetric Evoflow, Ivoclar) was applied cal breathing and nocturnal snoring explaining the ec-
and served as intermediate material. Its higher fluidity topic maxillary lateral incisor eruption in the vestibular
and wettability would allow penetrating enamel area. The patient was referred to the otorhinolaryngol-
roughness (Fig. 1b). Because tooth morphology of an- ogy department to investigate obstructive sleep apnea
terior teeth was not severely altered, “Odus” molds syndrome. The panoramic radiograph showed a reduc-
were not useful to offer a correct restoration. Com- tion in the enamel thickness as well as a similar X-ray
posite resins were applied in one layer. Finishing and density between hypomineralized AI and dentin
polishing were achieved with abrasive discs (Sof-lex/ (Fig.2c). The patient showed very low self-esteem be-
3 M ESPE). Patient follow-ups were done 6 months cause of her poor appearance. She reported bullying at
and 1 year after treatment. Composite sealing and school and didn’t want to smile.
oral hygiene were controlled. Multidisciplinary treatment objectives taken into
account at this age were:
Case report 2
An 8-year-old patient referred to the Reference Centre – Preservation of tooth integrity and vitality of
of Rare Diseases, Paris. Her medical and familial history permanent teeth emerged in the oral cavity
revealed no etiologic explanation. Her main complaint – Non-invasive rehabilitation that allowed evolution
was extreme sensitivity to hot and cold and she was during growth
Fig. 2 8-year-old patient with hypomineralized AI. a Oral examination revealed brown enamel with severe breakdown in primary teeth. Patient
history shows pain while eating, brushing and also breathing. Aesthetic complaint was high because of laughing at school. b Composite veneers
and complete composite crowns were realised on anterior permanent teeth and posterior primary teeth respectively. c panoramic radiograph
revealed severe reduction of enamel layer
Toupenay et al. BMC Oral Health (2018) 18:108 Page 4 of 8
Fig. 3 Hypoplastic amelogenesis imperfecta associated to open bite patient (a): 9 years old was treated by an orthodontic treatment at 13 years
old (b). At the end of the treatment, indirect composite restorations were realized with veneers on anterior teeth and full composite crowns on
premolars (c: 16 years old). Stainless steel crowns had been previously realized on the first permanent molars at the age of 7. View of the patient
5 years later (d)
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Nanohybrid indirect composite (Premise Indirect Sys- Previous studies regarding bonding to AI enamel were
tem, Kerr) was used with dentin and enamel shades contradictory and varied with AI types [18, 19]. Some
mimicking the clinical shade (A3 shade was used cervi- authors suggest complete enamel etching with sodium
cally, A2 in the core and A1 in the incisal edge). Each hypochlorite rinsing (5% during 1 min) in order to re-
layer was polymerised. Rigorous polishing was done in move residual enamel proteins, especially in hypomature
order to obtain shiny surfaces (Tool kit, Kulzer). The forms [20–22]. In vitro studies showed a decrease in
restoration was bonded using dual cured composite bonding strength [23] while some others observed simi-
resin (Variolink Esthetic, Ivoclar™ Vivadent™) taking care lar rupture strength values to healthy enamel ones. This
to separate each proximal contact with metal matrix. latter may be explained by an increase of bonding area
Carefully polishing was made especially at the gingival due to the microporosity of the affected enamel. Bond-
border with a Touati bur. The patient was very satisfied ing on dentin is also different. Indeed, dentin in AI pa-
with the aesthetic appearance. She did not report any tients is more mineralized than usual, looking like
trouble with mastication. She was followed every reactional dentin with obliterated tubuli [24].
6 months. Oral hygiene and integrity of the restoration In mixed dentition, rehabilitation must be done as
were scrupulously monitored. Direct composite was ap- soon as teeth erupt. Treatment main goals should be the
plied 3 years later, on the cervical part of the crown be- preservation of tooth integrity and vitality [25]. Paediat-
cause gingival maturation occurred. She had only ric crowns can be easily performed on first molars with-
difficulty to control calculus deposition on the lingual out tooth preparation, especially indicated when teeth
part of mandibular incisors. Five years later, the restora- are painful or hypoplastic. Orthodontic elastic spacer
tions were still satisfactory (Fig. 3d). was used to separate teeth. In other cases, only prophy-
lactic care may be enough. In hypomineralized forms,
Discussion and conclusion glass ionomer cements on occlusal surfaces were effi-
Guidelines for AI treatment have been established by cient in preventing pain and allowing temporizing until
AAPD (American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry) [15]. teeth eruption was achieved. Clinical follow ups should
Factors such as age, socio-economic conditions, AI type be planned every 6 months if new teeth erupt and every
and severity have to be taken into account in treatment 9–12 months in stable periods. Orthodontic treatment is
planning. Patients’ first appointment usually corre- not contraindicated in AI patients. Brackets’ bonding
sponded to establishment determining the age of pri- can be made with glass ionomer cements. Open bite
mary, mixed and permanent dentitions (that is 4, 8 and prevalence is increased in AI patients. Treatment is
13 year-old, respectively), and the two main demands often long and might need orthognatic surgery. In mild
were pain and aesthetics [16]. These patients suffered AI forms (without any pain or important hypoplasia),
from reduced quality of life, social integration difficulties definitive rehabilitation should be planned only at the
and loss of self-esteem [17]. Oral hygiene and rigorous end of the orthodontic treatment. In other cases, pri-
follow-up are recommended. Hypomineralized enamel mary restoration could be done before orthodontic treat-
showed progress alteration with time because of its soft- ment and reassessed at the end of the treatment.
ness. Composite fillings can limit this degradation. Den- In permanent dentition, different treatments from re-
tal rehabilitation is still important to improve oral health storative to prosthetic rehabilitation have been reported
in children. Rough enamel is associated with dental in the literature [26] (Table 1). Nevertheless, no consen-
plaque retention, increasing gingival inflammation and sus between several case reports has been reached. Be-
pain. Hypomineralized enamel is the most severe form: fore adhesive dentistry and full ceramic material arrival,
once occlusion is established, teeth wear quickly inducing prosthetic treatment with ceramic crowns was done on
large tissue losses. Patients describe eating difficulties and all teeth. This kind of treatment is no longer recom-
pain when temperature changes. Thus, efficient tooth mended today for young adult. Most aesthetic results
brushing cannot be achieved / tooth brushing cannot be were obtained with fixed prosthodontics and all
effective. By contrast, hypoplastic AIs mainly present un- ceramic restorations showed good success rates [27].
sightly teeth complaints, while in hypomineralized type, However, teeth, especially anterior teeth, have to be
local anesthesia is required for dental scaling. devitalized, which decreases their longevity. Veneers
Treatment should begin as soon as possible according were also done on anterior teeth in order to preserve
to patient compliance in office dental care. For very dental tissues [28–32]. Their major disadvantage is
young patients, general anesthesia may be necessary. their cost and the fact that their placement is time
Stainless steel crowns were indicated in primary teeth consuming [30].
with hypoplastic or hypomineralized AI in order to re- Some authors proposed overdenture treatments [33]. In
duce tooth sensitivity and restore enamel loss. Compos- this case, occlusion and aesthetics were restored quickly.
ite restorations were indicated for all primary teeth. This kind of treatment is an option in mixed or
Toupenay et al. BMC Oral Health (2018) 18:108 Page 6 of 8
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