Question Bank: UNIT:1 Combustion Thermodynamics

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Applied Thermodynamics 10ME43



1. Define:

a. Stoichiometric air-fuel ratio

b.Enthalpy of formation
c. Adiabatic flame temperature.
d.Enthalpy of combustion
e. Combustion efficiency
f. Theoretical air and excess air
g.Higher calorific value and lower calorific value.
(10 Marks, Dec/Jan.2010, Dec. 2012/Jan.2013, July 2013, Dec.2014).
2. A sample of fuel has the following percentage composition by weight.
Carbon=83%, Hydrogen=11%, oxygen=3%, Nitrogen=2%, Ash=1%
i) Determine the stoiciometric air fuel ratio by mass.
ii) If 20% excess air is supplied, find the percentage composition of dry flue gases by volume.
(10 Marks,Jan.2013)

3. Coal with the following mass analysis is with 100% excess air. C = 74%, Hz = 4.3%, S = 2.75,
N2 = 1.5%, Hz0 = 5,5%'02 = 5%, Ash = 7%.• find moles of gaseous products if 100 kg of fuel
are burnt.
(10 Marks, Dec. 2012)
4. Find the stoiciometric air for the combustion of gaseous propane (C3H8) on mass basis and molar
(10 Marks Jun.2012)

5. 4.4 kg propane gas is burnt completely with 3.0 kg-mol of air. Find the excess air and the molar
analysis of the dry combustion products.

(08 Marks, Dec. 2013)

6. The products of combustion of an unknown hydrocarbon Cx Hy have the following composition

as measured by an Orsat apparatus: CO2= 8.0%, CO = 0.9%, 0'1. = 8.8%, N, = 82.3%.

i) The composition of the fuel ii) The air-fuel ratio

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Applied Thermodynamics 10ME43

iii) The percent excess air used and

iii) Dew point temperature of the product if the total pressure of the product is 1.01325
(10 Marks,Dec.2012)

7. The products of combustion of hydrocarbon fuel of unknown composition have the following
composition as measured on dry basis:

CO2 = 8%, CO = 0.9%, O2 = 8.8%, N2= 82.3%. Calculate:

i. Air fuel ratio

ii. Composition of fuel on mass basis

iii. The percentage of theoretical air on mass basis.

7. Calculate the air-fuel ratio of burning of propane (C3H8) with 130 percent theoretical air.
(10 Marks June.2014)


1. Derive an expression for air-standard efficiency of limited pressure cycle.

(10 Marks Jan.2013)

2. With the help of P- V and T-S diagrams, derive an expression for the air standard efficiency
of a diesel cycle. (Dec.2014/Jan.2015)

3. Compare the Otto and Diesels cycles, on the basis of same compression ratio and same heat
inputs, with the help of T-S and P-V diagrams. ( Dec.2011, July.2012, Jan.2014)

4. The pressures on the compression curve of a diesel engine are at 1/8th stroke 1.4 bar and at
7/8th stroke 14 bar. Estimate the compression ratio. Calculate the air standard efficiency and
mean effective pressure of the engine if the' cut-off occurs at 1/15th of the stroke. Assume
initially air is at 1 bar and 27°C.

(10 Marks, Jan.2013)

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Applied Thermodynamics 10ME43

6. A four stroke, four cylinder petrol engine of 250mm bore and 375mm stroke works on the
Otto cycle. The clearance volume is 0.01052m3• The initial pressure and temperature are
1bar and 47°C. If the maximum pressure is limited to 25bar, find the following:
i) Air standard efficiency
ii) Mean effective pressure.
(10 Marks, Jun/Jul.2012)

7. The following data refers to an ideal sterling cycle with ideal regenerator. Pressure,
temperature and volume of the working medium at the beginning of the volume of the cycle
are 1110 of the initial volume. The maximum temperature attained in the cycle is
700°C.Draw PV and T-S diagrams. Calculate.

i. The net work.

ii. Thermal efficiency with 100% regenerator efficiency.

iii. Thermal efficiency without the regenerator.

(10 Marks, June.2013)

8. A petrol engine works on Otto cycle under ideal conditions. The initial pressure before the
beginning of compression is l0lKpa at 340K. The pressure at the end of heat addition
process is 2.5mpa. As per the details furnished by the manufacture engine has stroke length
twice the bore. Engine bore is 300mm and clearance volume is 4 x l0-3m3. Determine:

i. Compression ratio

ii. The air standard efficiency

iii. The mean effective pressure

(10 Marks, Jun.2014)

9. An engine of 250mm bore and 375 mm stroke works on constant volume cycle. The
clearance volume is 0.00263 m'. The initial pressure and temperature are 1 bar and 50°C. If
maximum pressure is 25 bar, find:

i) Air standard efficiency of cycle

ii) Mean effective pressure. (10 Marks, Dec.2014)

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1. List out the methods used for measuring friction power of an IC engine. Explain motoring
test. (06 Marks, Jan.2014)

2. Explain Morse test. (04 Marks, Jan.2014)

3. Describe the principle of conducting Morse test on IC engines (04 Marks, Dec.2014)

4. During a trial of 60 minutes on a single, cylinder on engine having cylinder dia. 300 mm
4toke 450 mm and working on two stroke cycle, the following observation were made.
Total fuel used = 9.6litres
Calorific value of fuel = 45000 kJ Ikg
Total number of revolutions = 12624
Gross mean effective pressure = 7.24 bar
Pumping mean effective pressure = 0.34 bar
Net load on brake = 3150 Newton.
Diameter of brake drum = 1.78 m
Diameter of rope = 40 mm
Cooling water circulated = 545 liters
Cooling water temperature rise = 25°C
Specific gravity of oil = 0.8

Heat carried away by the exhaust gases = 15% total heat supplied.
Determine IP, BP and mechanical efficiency. Draw up the heat balance sheet on minute
(10 Marks, Jan.2013)
5. Derive an expression for the optimum pressure ratio, for the maximum network output, in a
Brayton cycle. What is the corresponding cycle efficiency?
(06 Marks, Dec.2014)
6. What are the methods of improving the efficiency of Brayton cycle?
(10 Marks, Dec.2013)

7. A single cylinder four stroke diesel engine works on the following data:

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Cylinder bore = 15cm, stroke = 25cm, speed = 250 rpm, area of indicator diagram = 6cm3,
length of the indicator diagram = 9m, spring constant 7.5 bar, brake specific fuel
consumption = 0.24 kg/kWhr, calorific value =42000 kJ/kg, diameter of brake wheel = 70cm,
rope diameter = 3.5cm, brake load.= 40kg. Calculate i) brake power ii) indicated mean
effective pressure iii) Indicated power iv) Mechanical efficiency v) Indicated thermal
efficiency. (10 Marks, Dec.2014)

8. In a reheat gas turbine cycle, comprising one compressor and two turbines, air is compressed
from 1 bar, 27°C to 6 bar. The highest temperature in the cycle ,is 900°C. The expansion in
the first stage turbine is such that the work from it just equals the work required by the
compressor. Air is reheated between the two stages of expansion to 850°C. Assume that the
isentropic efficiency of the compressor, the first stage and the second stage turbines are 85%
each and that the working substance is air. Calculate the cycle efficiency,
(10 Marks, Jun.2014)

9. The following data were obtained from a Morse test on a 4-cylinder, 4-stroke cycle SI engine
coupled to a hydraulic dynamometer, operating a constant speed of 1500rpm.

Brake load with all four cylinders firing = 296 N

Brake load with cylinder No.1 not firing = 201 N

Brake load with cylinder No.2 not firing = 206 N

Brake load with cylinder No.3 not firing = 192 N

Brake load with cylinder No.4 not firing = 200 N

The brake power in kW is calculated using the equation BP = WN/42300,where W is the brake
load in Newtons and N is the speed of the engine in rpm. Calculate i) Brake power ii) Indicated
power Hi) Friction power iv) Mechanical efficiency.

(10 Marks, Jun.2014)

10. Draw neat line diagram and T-S diagram for the following G.T. cycle.
i. Regeneration
ii. Inter cooling
iii. Reheating (10 Marks, Jun.2014)

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11. Air enters the compressor of an ideal air standard Brayton Cycle at 100 kPa, 300K with a
volumetric flow rate of 6m3/S. The compressor pressure ratio is 10. The turbine inlet
temperature is 1500K. Determine.
a. The thermal efficiency.
b. Work ratio.
c. Power developed. (08 Marks, Jan.2014)

12. During a test on a single cylinder 4 stroke oil engine the following observations were made
Bore = 30cm, stroke = 45cm, duration of trail = 1hr, total fuel consumption = 7.6kg calorific
value of fuel = 45,000 kJ/kg, total revolutions made = 12000, mean effective pressure 6 bar,
net brake load = 1.47 kN. Brake drum diameter 1.8m rope diameter 3cm. Mass of jacket
cooling water circulated = 550kg water enters at 150C water leaves at 600C. Total air
consumption 360kg room temperature 200C, exhaust gas temperature = 3000C. Calculate:
i) Indicated and brake power; ii) Indicated thermal efficiency; iii) Mechanical efficiency;
iv) Draw the heat balance sheet on minute basis. (12 Marks, Jan.2014)

UNIT : 4

1. With a schematic diagram, explain the working of reheat vapour power cycle and deduce an
expression for cycle efficiency. (10 Marks, Jan.2014)
2. Draw neat line diagram and T-S diagram for the following-vapour power cycle.
i. Practical regenerative Rankine cycle with close feed water heaters.
ii. Practical regenerative Rankine cycle with open feed water heaters.
(10 Marks, Jun.2014)
3. A turbine is supplied with steam at a pressure of 32 bar and a temperature of 410°C. The
steam then expands isentropically to a pressure of 0.08 bar. Find the dryness fraction at the
end of expansion and thermal efficiency of the cycle. If the steamIs reheated at 5.5 bar to a
temperature of 410°C and then expanded isentropic ally to a pressure of 0.08 bar, what will
be the dryness fraction and thermal efficiency of the cycle? (10 Marks, Jan.2014)

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4. Discuss the effect of i) Boiler pressure and ii) Condenser pressure, on the performance of a
Rankine cycle. (10 Marks, Dec.2014)

5. Explain the working of the regenerative Rankine cycle with one feed-water heater.
(10 Marks, Jan.2012)

6. In -a reheat cycle, steam at 500°C expands in a HP turbine till it is saturated vapour. It is then
reheated at constant pressure to 400°C and then expanded in a LP turbine to 40°C. H the
maximum moisture content at the turbine exhaust is limited to 15% find, i) the reheat
pressure; ii) the pressure of steam at the inlet to the HP turbine, iii) the net specific work
output iv) the cycle efficiency v) the steam rate. Assume all the ideal processes.
(10 Marks, Jan.2013)
7. Steam, from a-boiler enters a turbine at 25 bars and expands to condenser pressure of 0.2 bar.
Determine the Rankine cycle efficiency neglecting pump work,

a. When steam is 80%dry at turbine inlet.

b. When steam is saturated at turbine inlet.

c. When steam is superheated at turbine inlet.

d. Represent above 3 processes on same T-S diagram. (10 Marks, Jun.2014)

8. Sketch the flow diagram and the corresponding temperature-entropy diagram of a reheat
vapour cycle and derive an expression for the reheat cycle efficiency. What are the advantages
gained by reheating the steam between stages? (10 Marks, Jun.2012)

9.Derive an expression for the efficiency of a Rankine cycle with the help of neat sketches.
State the advantages and disadvantages of reheating and regeneration over a simple
Rankine cycle. (10 Marks, Jun.2012)

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1. Show that for a multistage compressor Z=( )1/x where Z=stage pressure ratio, x = number

of stages, overall pressure ratio. (10 Marks, Jun.2013)

2. What are the advantages of multistage compressor? (06 Marks, Jan.2013)

3. Air at standard atmospheric conditions is compressed and delivered to a receiver of 0.4 m

diameter and 1 m long until a final pressure of 10 atm is reached. Assuming ideal conditions
with no valve pressure drops, compute the power needed to drive the compressor for (i)
isothermal compression, (il) polytropic compression with n = 1.32. Assume that the receiver
temperature is maintained atmospheric throughout and fiPing takes place in 5 min.
AtmOspheric temperature is .25°C. Also calculate isothermal efficiency of the compressor.

(10 Marks, Dec.2014)

4. What are the draw backs of a single stage compressor for producing high pressure? How are
these overcome by multistage compression? (10 Marks, Dec.2014)

5. Derive an expression for the condition for the minimum work input, required for a two stage
compressor, with perfect inter cooling. (10 Marks, Jun/July.2014)

6. Derive an expression for work done in a reciprocating air compressor.

i. Without clearance. ii. With clearance. (10 Marks, Dec.2013)

7. Derive the expression for the work done for a single stage, single acting reciprocating
compressor with clearance volume. (10 Marks, Dec.2012)

8. Two stage, singl acting reciprocating air compressor, with complete intercooling atmospheric
air at 1 bar and 15°C, compresses it polytropical1y (n = 1.3) to 30 bar. H both cylinders have
the same stroke; calculate the diameter of the lIP cylinder. The diameter of the LP cylinder is
300mm. (10 Marks, Dec.2013)

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9. What is the purpose of multistage in reciprocating compressor? How does it affect.

i. Mechanical efficiency.
ii. Volumetric efficiency. (10 Marks, Jun.2013)

10. A single cylinder, double acting air compossor is required to deliver 100 m3/min of air at a
mean piston- speed of 500ml min measured at 1 bar and l5oC. The air is delivered at 7bar.
Assume a clearance volume of 1I15th of swept volume per stroke. Find volumetric efficiency,
speed, bore, stroke for the following two cases.
i. If ambient and suction conditions are same.
ii. If ambient and suction condition are different. Ambient presser - 10 bar,

Ambient temp, = 15°C, Suction pr. = 0.98bar, Suction temp = 30°C. Assume L/D = 1.25.

(10 Marks, Dec.2013)

11. Discuss applications of compressed air, and derive an expression for the volumetric efficiency
of reciprocating air compressor13. Obtain an expression for volumetric efficiency of a single
stage air compressor in terms of pressure ratio; the clearance ratio, and the index of expansion,
and explain the effect of clearance on the volumetric efficiency. (10Marks, Jun.2012)

12. In a 2-stage air compressor, the work out is found to be 350 KJ/-kg of air. It is used to
compress Ikg. of free air from 1bar pressure and 32°C initial temperature. The value of n = 1.3
and R = 0.287 kJ/kgoK. Find the intermediate pressure.

(10Marks, Jun.2012)


1.With a neat block diagram and T-S diagram, explain how inter-cooling increases thermal
efficiency of gas turbine plant.
(10 Marks, Jun.2013)

2. With a neat sketch, explain the working of Ram Jet.

(10 Marks, Jun.2014)

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3. In a gas turbine plant working on Brayton cycle with a regenerator of75% effectiveness, the air at
the inlet to the compressor is at 0.1 MPa, 30°C,the pressure ratio is 6 and the maximum cycle
temperature is 900°C. If the turbine and compressor have each anefficiencyof80%, find the
percentage increase in the cycle efficiency due to regeneration.
(10 Marks, Jun.2013)

4. Explain the effect of superheat and sub cooling on the vapour compression cycle with the help of
T-S and p-h diagrams. (10 Marks, Jun.2012)

5. With a neat sketch, explain the working of vapour absorption refrigeration system.

(10 Marks, Jun.2013)

6. In a saturated vapour compression refrigeration cycle operating between an evaporator

temperature of -IO°C and a condenser temperature of 40°C, the f sub enthalpy of the
refrigerant, Freon-12 at the end of compression is 220 kJ /kg. ease Show the cycle on T-S and
p-h planes. Calculate i) COP ii) refrigerating capacity and compressor power assuming a
refrigerating flow rate of 1 kg/min. (10 Marks, Jan.2012)

7. Draw neat PV and TS Diagram for reversed Brayton cycle. (10 Marks, Jan.2012)

8. Show that COP reversed Brayton cycle = 1/ [Rp ] Rp = pressure ratio γ = Cp/Cv remains same
during expansion and compression process (10 Marks, Jan.2013)

9. Derive an expression for the work output of a gas turbine in terms of pressure ratio and
maximum and minimum temperature T3 and T1. Hence show that the pressure ratio for maximum
specific work output is given by,

Rp= (10 Marks, Dec.2014)

10. In an open cycle gas turbine plant air enters the compressor at 1 bar and 270C. The pressure after
compression is 4 bar. The isentropic efficiencies of the turbine and the compressor are 85% and

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80% respectively. Air fuel ratio is 80: 1. Calorific value of the fuel used is 42000 KJ /kg. Mass
flow rate of air is 2.5 kg/So Determine the power output from the plant and the cycle efficiency.
Assume that 'Cp' and γ to be same for both air and products of combustion.
(10 Marks, Dec.2013)

11. Explain with a neat sketch, the difference between open and closed cycle gas turbine.
(10 Marks, Jun.2013)

12. The air enters the compressor of an open cycle constant pressure gas turbine at a pressure of 1bar
and temperature 20°C. The pressure of the air after compression is 4 bar. The isentropic
efficiencies of compressor and turbine are 80% and 85% respectively. The air-fuel ratio used is
90 : 1. The flow rate of air is 3 kgs/s. C.V = 420000 kJ/kg is used Cp = 1.005 kJ/kg K, γ = 1.4
assume CP and r remains same for air and gases.
a. Power developed
b. Thermal efficiency of the cycle. (10 Marks, Dec.2014)

UNIT: 7 & UNIT: 8


1.With a neat schematic diagram, explain the working of steam jet refrigeration.
(10 Marks, Dec.2013)

2.A Freon-12 refrigerator producing a cooling effect+of 20 kJ/s operates on a vapour compression
cycle with pressure limits of 1.509 bar and 9.607 bar. The vapour leaves the evaporator dry
saturated and there is no under cooling. Determine the power required by the machine. If the
compressor operates at 300 rpm and has a clearance volume of 3% of stroke volume, determine
the piston displacement of the compressor. Assume volumetric efficiency of compressor as 88%.
Properties of Freon – 12:

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(10Marks, Dec.2014)

3.Define: i) Relative humidity ii) Specific humidity iii) Dew point temperature iv) Enthalpy of
humid air v) Degree of saturation. (10 Marks, Jun.2014)

4.With a schematic diagram, explain the summer air conditioning system, for hot and wet weather.
(10 Marks, Jun.2012)

5.With a neat schematic diagram, explain the working of winter air conditioning system. Represent
the processes on psychometric chart. (10 Marks, Jun/Jul.2013)

6.For a hall to be air-conditioned, the following conditions are given:

Outdoor conditions: 40° DBT, 20°C WBT, required comfort condition 20°C WBT, 60% RH.
Seating capacity of the hall is 1500, amount of outdoor air supplied = 0.3 m 3/min per person. If
the required condition is achieved first by adiabatic humidification and then by cooling,
estimate i) the capacity of the cooling coil in tones and ii) the capacity of the humidifier in
kg/h. (10 Marks, Jun.2014)

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8.For a hall to be air conditioned, the following conditions are given:

Out door condition = 40°C DBT, 20°C WBT
Required comfort condition 120°C DBT. 60% RH
Seating capacity of the hall = 1500 .
Amount of outdoor air supplied = 0.3 m /min/person
If the required condition is achieved first by adiabatic humidification’ and then bv
cooling, estimate: i) capacity of the cooling coil in TOR, ii) capacity of the humidifier in
kg/h, iii) condition of air after adiabatic humidification.
(12 Marks, Dec.2014)

9.With a neat sketch, describe clearly the working of a Bell-Coleman cycle.

(08 Marks, Dec.2014)

10. What do you mean by refrigerant, refrigeration and refrigerator? Explain with a neat sketch,
working principle of vapour absorption refrigeration system.

(10 Marks, Jun2012)

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11. Find the least power or a perfect reversed heat engine that makes 400kg of ice per hour at -
8 C from feed water at 18OC. Assume specific heat of ice as 2.09 kJ/ kg°K and latent heat as

334 kJ/kg.
(10 Marks, Jun2012)

12. A sling psychrometer reads 40°C D.B.T and 28°C W.B.T. calculate the following.
i. Specific humidity. . ii. Relative humidity
iii. Vapour density in air iv. Dew point temperature
v. Enthalpy of mixture per kg of dry air.
(10 Marks, Jun.2013)

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