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Rabi' ul-thany 05, 1442/November 20, 2020 Issue No.



Friday Bulletin
The Weekly Muslim News Update

'BBI should address rights abuses'

Proposals to address the human rights rights of Kenyans. Muslim position on the Building Bridges
violations should be incorporated in the More so, it is important that the BBI road- Initiative which is being fronted by Presi-
Building Bridges Initiatives (BBI) to safe- map should be open for amendments to dent Uhuru Kenyatta and the former Prime
guard the rights of citizens, Muslim lead- include views from various stakeholders Minister Raila Odinga as a panacea to
ers have said. as this will contribute to ensuring that the solve the persistent conflicts which often
They emphasized that human rights abus- final document captures the diverse aspi- arise during election time.
es notably extra judicial disappearances rations of all Kenyans. “Muslims have been the most affected
and killings have been a growing concern These sentiments were put forward dur- by extra judicial disappearances and kill-
for the community and there is a need for ing a virtual conference to discuss the Continued To Page 2
stronger laws to protect the inalienable

CIPK call on the government to fight graft

The Council of Imams and Preachers of
Kenya (CIPK) called on the government to
place more concerted efforts in the fight
against corruption and injustices in the
country as a measure to clamp down on
the run away corruption to improve on the
The call comes after Director of Public
Prosecution Noordin Haji said that Tax-
payers have lost Sh224.5 billion in three
The national chairman Sheikh Abdalla At-
eka, asked Kenyans to work with the gov-
ernment and anti-corruption institutions to
fight graft and cautioned that the peace-
meal approach by the government in tack-
ling corruption will not translate to an end
to the trend unless the government shows
the will and commitment to crack down on
corruption and injustices.
“We must tackle the festering wound of
corruption particularly the heightened
looting from public coffers by those en-
trusted with public resources. This can be
achieved by we working with the govern-
ment and anti-corruption institutions in the President Uhuru Kenyatta(LEFT) receives a report on the fight against corruption
fight against graft,” said Sheikh Ateka from DPP Noordin Haji (RIGHT)at State House last week. The report indicated
Speaking to the Friday Bulletin, Sheikh At- that Taxpayers have lost Sh224.5 billion in three years and also shows that
eka said the recent reports of corruption cases worth Sh157 billion were registered between January 2018 and June this
in public offices were against the princi- year.
ples of hard work, honesty, integrity and
the rule of law and called on the Ethic and President Uhuru, while receiving the re-
The DPP's report, which was handed to
Anti-Corruption Commission to probe the port on Monday, asked the DPP to focus
President Uhuru Kenyatta on Monday,
corrupt deals involving various projects on state officers misusing public resourc-
shows that cases worth Sh157 billion
and procurement system and also to ex- es.
were registered between January 2018
pedite an independent forensic investiga-
and June this year. The other Sh67 billion He said successful prosecutions will in-
tions to find the “missing” funds in order
worth of cases were recorded in 2017 and spire Kenyans' confidence in the war
build and retain taxpayers’ confidence.
before. Continued To Page 2

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The Friday Bulletin NATIONAL Rabi' ul-thany 05, 1442/November 20, 2020

CS Magoha announce schools to reopen on January 4

Education Cabinet Secretary Professor ing in schools, and that authorities are Grade 4 learners will also transition to
George Magoha has announced the full drawing important lessons from the partial Grade 5 in July.
reopening of schools for all learners on reopening in October. “We are confident The full-scale reopening of schools in
January 4, 2021. we will remain in the right trajectory to find January follows a presidential directive
the winning formula that will ensure our issued during the State of the Nation Ad-
According to CS Magoha, the national
learning institutions are safe for our learn- dress on November 12 when President
government is committed to ensuring
ers and teachers,” he stated. Uhuru Kenyatta instructed Magoha to re-
schools reopen successfully, with safety
of learners and teachers prioritized. Class Prof Magoha further said 4-year-olds due view the 2021 academic calendar within
8 and Form 4 students reported back to to join pre-primary will do so in July 2021. two weeks.
school on October 12 in preparation for
Kenya Certificate of Primary Education
and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Edu-
Covid-19 surge: Governor Kingi threatens to close down
cation examinations in March 2021. places of worship
Speaking on Monday after meeting edu-
cation stakeholders, Prof. Magoha said Kilifi County Governor Amason Kingi down places of worship, he will take that
all schools will be fully reopened for in- has threatened to order the closure of drastic action to protect the lives of peo-
person learning adding that this will apply mosques and churches in the county for ple.
to PP1 and 2, Grades 1, 2 and 3, Classes flouting COVID-19 containment meas- “I don’t’ wish to close up churches and
5,6 and 7, Forms 1, 2 and 3 learners who ures. mosques but if we continue to see reck-
will also be starting their second term on This comes as the County on Sunday No- less behaviour then we will be forced to
that day. International schools will also be vember 15, recorded 139 new infections shut them”, he warned.
opened on 4th January 2021. which was the highest in the coastal re- He also threatened to order a cessation
gion. of movement in the County to fight the up-
The second term will then end on March
Speaking on Monday in Kilifi, Kingi surge currently being witnessed. “I will not
19 2021. He said that all learners except
warned religious leaders to ensure their stand back and watch as covid-19 cases
Class 8 and Form 4 candidates will pro-
congregants strictly abide by health safety continue to rise. No, we might even order
ceed on a seven-week holiday to allow
rules in order to flatten the covid-19 curve a cessation of movement if people will not
the administration of KCPE and KCSE
especially in Malindi town which he said follow guidelines to flatten this curve”, he
exams. “Grade 4 and incoming Form 1
is experiencing an upsurge of Covid -19 added.
(Class 8 graduates) learners will stay at
cases. At the same time governor Kingi suspend-
home as other learners complete their
Kingi said on Monday, 20 cases of cov- ed all sporting activities in Kilifi County in-
Term 3,” a statement issued by the edu-
id-19 were reported in Malindi stating that cluding football games.
cation ministry further indicated.
as much as he would not wish to close
Pre-Primary 1 and 2; Grade 1, 2 and 3;
Class 5, 6 and 7; and Form 1, 2 and 3
learners will start their Term 2 on Janu- BBI should address rights abuses
ary, 4 2021 and end on March 19, 2021
together with the Grade 4 and candidate Continued From Page 1
classes (Class 8 and Form 4), he said. ings and the executive and the judiciary ests should also be captured in the Build-
CS Magoha assured Kenyans that the have done little to bring this to an end. ing Bridges Initiative to ensure that their
government is determined to ensure a We need stronger laws to be incorporated rights are protected.
safe reopening and resumption of learn- in the BBI that will address these human In their assessment of the report, the Mus-
rights violations,” said the National Mus- lim Technical Team said matters of devo-
Fight graft, Gov't told lim Leaders Forum (NAMLEF) chairman
Abdullahi Abdi during a virtual conference
lution have not been aptly captured and
this will hinder development in the coun-
Continued From Page 1 held on Wednesday and convened jointly ties. “Counties have no control over land,
against corruption. by NAMLEF and the Supreme Council of parks, forests, mineral wealth as these
According to the report, 238 cases were Kenya Muslims (SUPKEM). important resources are in the hands of
concluded of which 20 were dispensed of Abdullahi further pointed out that BBI was the national government. “People in Coast
as at June 2020; 103 in 2019; and 115 in not cast in stone and it should be open and North Eastern region have no share
2018. for amendments from other stakeholders of national resources in their respective
In the last two and half years, seven CSs to make it better for the nation. “As Ken- areas. Residents of Mombasa are not
and PSs were charged for corruption yans, we have a sovereign right to criti- benefitting from the port,” said Abubakar
while 11 governors and senior county offi- cize the process and propose changes. If Zain said in his analysis of the BBI report.
cials were also arraigned. At least 22 chief changes are not acceptable, then it can The leaders say there is a need to relook
executive officers of government agencies set a dangerous precedent which is not again at the proposed hybrid presidential
were charged, seven MPs, five MCAs and good for the country,” the NAMLEF chair system which they said does not provide
one deputy county commissioner were said. adequate checks and balances and could
charged with corruption.
“If we don’t allow proposals to refine the see Kenya returning to the era of an impe-
DPP Haji said on Monday he was confi- documents and admit critical views from rial president.
dent they have made progress in the graft
other stakeholders, we will be setting a Last week, the chair of the Eldoret based
fight with an average conviction rate of
63.16 per cent. “This (number of cases stage for a divisive and contested referen- branch of the Council of Imams and
in court) was a clear illustration of the dum,” he added. Preachers of Kenya Abubakar Bin called
concerted efforts put by the office in col- On his part, the SUPKEM chair Hassan for the incorporation of the Kadhis’ Court
laboration with other stakeholders in the Ole Naado said Muslims have been part of Appeal in the Building Bridges Initiative
fight against graft for the three years,” the of the constitutional change process and saying that this will address the prevail-
DPP said. will remain a critical player towards the ing challenges of dispensing justice in
According to the report, the conviction rate quest to ensure good governance. He the courts which are constitutionally man-
has increased from 37 per cent in 2018 to emphasized that Muslims are important dated to deal with matters related to mar-
63.1 per cent in the first half of 2020. stakeholders in the country and their inter- riage, divorce and inheritance.

Page 2
The Friday Bulletin DA'WAH Rabi' ul-thany 05, 1442/November 20, 2020

How Allah dealt with those who insulted His Prophet

By Ahmed Hammuda
Insulting God and His Prophets is not an
invention of the contemporary world. For Abu Lahab then said: “Son, by Allāh, I do (sall Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “Allāh
eons, forgotten losers of old have levelled not feel safe from (the manifestation of) stood between you and what you sought to
abuse at the Divine and His notable repre- that supplication.” do.”(Tafsir Ibn Kathir)
sentatives on Earth, not least of all at the They both took off until they reached a land Abu Huraira reports that Abu Jahl asked
Prophets of God. near al-Shām full of lions. Addressing his his friends whether the Prophet Muham-
It is undoubtedly clear that the champions travelling group, Abu Lahab said: “By the mad (sall Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) ‘places
of paltry ideologies that reduce man to a right of my age and position, that man (Mu- his face on the ground’ (in sujūd) in their
measly composition and movement of hammad) supplicated against my son that presence. They answered in the affirma-
chemical compounds cannot salvage their I do not feel protected from, so gather your tive. He said: “By Lāt and `Uzza! If I see
philosophical wreckage except by scorn- belongings and go to that monastery and him doing that, I will trample his neck or
ing those who know life’s greater purpose. put my son in the middle of your belong- smear his face with dust.”
Despite its laïcité, France stands as the ings and surround him.” They did as he Abu Jahl approached the Messenger (sall
“most depressed nation on earth” and has ordered. Moments later, a lion approached Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) as he was in sujūd
the highest suicide rate western Europe. and roamed around the camping group, and pressed ahead to step on his blessed
Scorning definitely distracts from confess- sniffing and searching until he hopped on neck. On nearing, Abu Jahl stumbled back
ing that others may be right. top of their caravan and jumped directly with glaringly wide eyes, petrified and look-
Many Prophets were killed, crucified, or in- onto ‘Utbah, vigorously attacking him until ing as if he were repelling something with
sulted, yet they are in bliss and their lega- he ripped his head off. Abu Lahab said: “I his hands. It was said to him: “What is the
cies remain. Their killers or scorners are, knew that he would not escape the suppli- matter with you?” He said: “I saw a ditch
at best, dust, awaiting a much longer chas- cation of that man.” of fire, terror and wings had emerged be-
tisement and humiliation in the Hereafter. In his book Thail Mawlid al-‘Ulamā’, Al- tween me and him.” Allāh’s Messenger
The history of the final Prophet, Muham- Kettāni mentions that during the era of the (sall Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) would later
mad (sall Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam), is re- Caliph al-Hākim, there emerged a man say: “If he were to come near me, the an-
plete with how his scorners faced abysmal who called himself Hādi al-Mustajībīn (the gels would have torn him to pieces!”[Sahīh
and humiliating ends whilst his immaculate Guide of the Accepters) who would call to Ibn Hibbān]
status was forever preserved. Allāh has the worship of the ruler. It was said that he ‘Abdullah bin ‘Abbās (radhi Allāhu ‘anhu)
promised: “Surely We will be sufficient for insulted the Prophet (sall Allāhu ‘alayhi wa reported that a group of the leadership of
you against the mockers…” (Al-Qur’ān sallam) and spat at the Qur’ān. When he Quraish gathered in the Hijr (the Sacred
15:95) entered Makkah, its residents complained House) and vowed by their idols (Lāt,
During the international phase of the to its Emir, but the latter defended the man Uzza, Manāt, and Isāf) that if they were to
da’wah, the Prophet (sall Allāhu ‘alayhi wa and sought to excuse him by claiming he see Muhammad (sall Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sal-
sallam) wrote to invite both Khosrow (of was repentant. The people insisted that lam), they will collectively kill him. Fātimah
Persia) and Caesar (of Rome) to Islam. such a sin cannot be made up by mere (radhi Allāhu ‘anha) was made aware of
Both abstained from accepting the mes- repentance. They gathered in the Haram, their plan and rushed to her father, the
sage. Caesar, however, honoured the let- collectively beseeching Allāh. Thick dark Messenger (sall Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam),
ter and emissary of the Prophet (sall Allāhu smog filled the atmosphere then cleared, weeping. He said: “O daughter, bring me
‘alayhi wa sallam). Allāh strengthened and leaving over the sacred house a bright water for ablution.” He then washed and
stabilised the Kingdom of Caesar. Khos- ray, visible day and night. This persisted entered the Masjid. When the leadership
row, on the other hand, tore apart the let- until it was brought to the attention of the of Quraish saw him, they lowered their
ter and mocked the Messenger (sall Allāhu Emir of Makkah, who summoned Hādi al- heads and avoided making eye contact;
‘alayhi wa sallam) and his emissary. The Mustajībīn and executed him. not a man approached him. The Prophet
Prophet (sall Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) later In other instances, Allāh protected His (sall Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) advanced,
said: “Khosrow has just torn apart his own Messenger (sall Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) knelt, and filled his palm with dirt and threw
dominion.” through imperceptible barriers, through it at them, exclaiming: “May these faces be
A short time later, Khosrow’s son, Kavad angels, and through fear thrown into the deformed.” The narrator of this event said
II, killed his father to take over the throne. hearts of those who intended to cause him that everyone in the vicinity of that pelted
Through successive ignominious defeats harm. It was reported that Ghawrath bin al- dirt was killed years later on the Day of
at the hands of the Byzantines and the Hārith, who was a polytheist, vowed to kill Badr.[ Musnad Ahmad;]
Muslims in the Caliphate of ‘Umar (radhi the Prophet (sall Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) Allāh protected His Messenger from scorn-
Allāhu ‘anhu), Khosrow’s empire was in- whilst the Prophet was sleeping under a ers by diverting insults to other than his
deed irreversibly torn into pieces. palm tree with his sword hung up on it. noble self. The Prophet (sall Allāhu ‘alayhi
Abu Lahab and his son ‘Utbah were once Ghawrath held a sword over the head of wa sallam) used to say: “Does it not as-
preparing to head for al-Shām (the Le- the Prophet (sall Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) tonish you how Allāh protects me from
vant). Before they left, ‘Utbah promised: and threatened: “Who will protect you?” the abuse and curses of Quraish? They
“I will (first) go to Muhammad and mock The Prophet (sall Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sal- abuse Mudhammam and curse Mudham-
his Lord.” ‘Utbah approached the Prophet lam) answered: “Allāh!” Jabir, the narra- mam, while I am Muhammad (and not
and daringly said (invoking a Qur’ānic pas- tor, says: “The sword fell out of his hand Mudhammam).”[Bukhari] Ibn Hajar ex-
sage from Surah al-Najm out of mockery): and the Prophet (sall Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sal- plains: “The disbelievers of Quraish would,
“I have disavowed the one ‘who got close lam) picked it up and said: ‘And who will out of sheer hate, insult the Prophet using
and drew near, and was at a distance of protect you’? The man replied: ‘The best Mudhammam (the lowly one) other than
two bow lengths or nearer.’” Hearing his of the two who grabbed (the sword).’ The his name, Muhammad (the praised one)…
mockery of Allāh’s words, the Prophet (sall Prophet asked: ‘Do you bear witness that but Mudhammam is neither his name, nor
Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) invoked: “Allāh, none is worthy of worship besides Allāh is he known by it, and thus their insults
send upon him a dog of your dogs,” and and that I am His Messenger?’ The man were naturally diverted away from him!”
turned away. said: ‘I promise to not fight you, nor to as- On other occasions, Allāh would alter the
sist anyone who fights you.’ The Prophet laws of nature in defence of his Prophet
‘Utbah returned to his father who asked:
let him go.” In other narrations, the Prophet (sall Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam). Zaynab
“Son, what did you say to him?” ‘Utbah re-
had given him the sword on the man’s re- bint Hārith presented meat that she had
lated the account, then Abu Lahab asked:
quest and, on grabbing it, his hands shud- packed with poison to the Prophet (sall
“And what did he say back?” He replied:
dered and he dropped it. The Prophet Continued To Page 9
“Allāh, send upon him a dog of your dogs.”
Page 3
The Friday Bulletin WOMEN Rabi' ul-thany 05, 1442/November 20, 2020

Lady Aishah: The Prophet’s beloved wife

By Sheikh Ahmad Kutty
`A’ishah, the mother of the faithful, exempli- The experiences of the early years of ciprocated this love.
fies the character of a Muslim nurtured from Islam left vivid impressions on her ex-
an early age in a pristine Islamic environ- The Prophet’s love for her was not purely
tremely sensitive consciousness and based on his physical attractions to her
ment. helped shape her character and per- which we have no reason to doubt, but even
Having been educated by the best of all sonality. From a very young age she ac- more so it was due to the role destined
teachers, the Messenger of Allah (peace quired a firm faith in Islam and a keen to her as an unbroken link in the chain of
and blessings of Allah be upon him), she spirit of sacrifice for truth, as well as a transmission of the Prophetic legacy.
serves as a role model for the perfection that deep revulsion for infidelity and pagan
Muslims can aspire for and attain. The unique signs of this role were ex-
pressed in the fact that he received revela-
It is actually a multifaceted role that the life Her Marriage tions from Allah while he was with `A’ishah,
of `A’ishah provides us with. They range As a Mother of the Faithful, `A’ishah was this was not the case while he was with any
from the private to the public and from the the only virgin that the Prophet (peace of his other wives.
domestic to the scholarly. and blessings of Allah be upon him) ever Also, `A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with
A Role Model married. her) was singularly known to have been a
Among these roles was the ever important Her marriage to him was inspired by Al- conduit of divine mercy as her trials and
one of being a Mother of the Faithful and lah. The Prophet’s marriages cannot be tribulations and her attitude of self-surren-
as such, she manifested the best of Islamic detached from his mission; they had the der merited the revelation of several verses.
ideals as outlined in the Qur’an. Generosity, dual function of uniting the Arabs into a These verses are enshrined in the Qur’an
selflessness, honesty, and the pursuit of jus- single nation, as well as transmitting leg- to serve as inspiration for all generations to
tice and truth were among the ideals more acy of his knowledge and wisdom to the come.
prominent in `A’ishah’s character. posterity as stated in the Qur’an. The sahabah often recognized the divine
As a student, she rose from an intelligent `A’ishah by both her nature and her nur- grace manifested through her as some of
youth, with a critical and probing mind to ture was the most qualified to fulfill this them testified explaining the verse concern-
a highly effective and successful teacher, role of being an authentic transmitter of ing tayammum which had been revealed in
scholar and jurist. She held firm and bold the Prophet’s legacy -a fact confirmed by connection with an ordeal faced by `A’ishah.
views in all of the vital areas of Islamic the statements of scholars, past and the It is significant that Allah extols her purity,
knowledge such as tafsir, hadith, fiqh, Islam- present. And she did this by living her modesty and piety for all to recite (see the
ic history, nuances of Arabic language, etc. formative years at the Prophet’s side. verses in Surat An-Nur especially: An-Nur
One of her hallmarks was being courageous A Beloved Wife 23: 26).
and forthright in expressing these views. `A’ishah’s deep love for the Prophet, Lady Aishah: Assertive Jurist and Activ-
`A’ishah’s assertiveness, confidence and (peace and blessings of Allah be upon ist
outspokenness for standing up for what she him) caused her to be jealous of his Aishah’s character is nowhere best ex-
believed to be true and right explodes the other wives as her heart was singularly pressed than in her firm and resolute atti-
stereotype prevailing even among Muslims attached to him. The Prophet (peace and tude in facing one of the greatest of all trials
today of the “rightful” role for Muslim women blessings of Allah be upon him) also re- she ever faced in her life: the false accusa-
Continued To Page 6
– that of being a silent witness
prevented by her femininity from
participating in the real life of the
Her unparalleled insight into the
daily life of the Messenger of Al-
lah as well as the independence
of her thought and character
brought her life into sharp focus
from other personalities of the
Her Early Life
While `A’ishah’s full name was
`A’ishah bint Abi Bakr as-Siddiq,
she was more commonly known
as `A’ishah bint as-Siddiq as well
as “as-siddiqhah bint as-siddiq”
(the truthful daughter of the
The Prophet (peace and bless-
ings of Allah be upon him) nick-
named her Umm `Abdullah
because of her special care for
her nephew `Abdullah ibn az-
She grew up in a pure Islamic
environment. Both her parents
had embraced Islam early in
the Prophet’s mission. As she
states, “since my age of discern-
ment, I was conditioned on see-
ing my parents practicing only

Page 4
The Friday Bulletin YOUTH Rabi' ul-thany 05, 1442/November 20, 2020

Do not despair: Islam tells what success really is

Maaria Zain
While it may be confusing to witness first ing and oppressing his people and despite cross fires over matters that are dubious,
hand this unity in perception of Muslims the smear campaign against him, he suc- all due to the curse of the modern mind-
and non-Muslims with respects to suc- ceeded against the tyrant, who was later set of success, this is a resounding call for
cess, it’s important to take a step back killed while this same man and his people new Muslims to not despair.
with reassurance with what success really escaped his persecution once and for all.
True success. The same way you came to Islam, many
means to Allah – because in all honesty, born Muslims aren’t particularly practicing
that’s the only definition that is really worth – A man who was persecuted for speaking just because they come from Muslim fami-
to ponder upon. the truth, ostracized, boycotted against, lies. In fact, coming from a Muslim family,
Consider these leading examples of suc- was a target of assassination, and thrown growing up in a Muslim community, im-
cess: out of his house, only to become the leader bued by Muslim “cultural” nuances, rather
of the most of Arabia, but still lived a medi- than religion, can be very confusing for
– A young boy who was thrown into a well ocre life, rested on a “date-palm” mattress,
out of overwhelming jealousy of his sib- many of these same families. It also takes
made out of fiber, is seen as the most suc- that certain spark of iman to light in their
lings, sold to slavery, bought by a man with cessful person, of all times, regardless of
a seductress for a wife, cast into prison hearts to know when things are wrong and
generations, until the Day of Judgment. for them to revert back to the Quran and
for many years (for no wrongdoing of his
own), but continued to plough his love and How else can one define success? Sunnah.
fear for Allah, regardless of the circum- Granted, these are amongst those of the – Make du’a for them. The same way you
stances he was in, and was later made a highest caliber of success, according to know that Islam is the complete and per-
Ruler of the Land, yet remained humble the Quran and Sunnah, but a deeper study fected way of life, you should also know
throughout. into the successful lives of Muslims, will that du’a is the weapon of the believer. Of
That is success – not to mention, many show that the definition of success spans course, this doesn’t work without effort, so
decades later, he willingly forgave his sib- far and wide, and includes many “worldly” keep making gentle da’wah with what you
lings who had wronged him. forms of success, as long as they are not already know about Islam so Muslims who
purchased for the price of success in the have strayed away from the Quran and
– A young girl who was dedicated to Is- Hereafter. Sunnah will find their way back.
lam from a young age, and later went on
to conceive a baby on her own (by will of There is nothing wrong in getting a good – Always look out for good companions in
Allah), retreated to a secret place in order education, a high paying job, a successful those who are practicing by the Quran and
to birth, lending her hopes and prayers in career, and being recognized for worldly Sunnah. While the ummah is divided on
Allah’s hands alone, and returned to her success, provided they do not compromise many things, there are still many Muslims
people to confront a conservative society one’s remembrance of the world to come. who stick closely to the principles of the
with a baby born “out of wedlock,” well Balancing both is the key of success for deen. Seek them out, attend their classes,
knowing the risk of persecution. everyone – and this needs to be realized spend time in the Masjid.
by all Muslims – whether born into Islam, Allah sends good company to those who
Yet she persevered. This is success. and those who come to Islam in their life- seek out for good company to please Him.
– A young man who was thrown out of his times. Be a part of the wider and diverse commu-
own home, after nearly being burned by We Are All Part of the Ummah nity to keep the spirit of da’wah burning.
his villagers for spreading da’wah. He trav-
elled wide and far without much success in While it may be disheartening to see Mus- – Always work to improve your own under-
his mission. lims arguing against each other with re- standing of Islam to avoid falling into the
spects to halal and haram, and getting into waylay trap of the “contemporary” thought
As one of the most intel- and definition of success.
ligent people alive, he
made a du’a for an um-
mah of the righteous,
while building the Ka’bah
and was honored as the
Imam of Nations – all this
after being tested relent-
lessly by Allah, being
asked to leave his family
in the desert, and later to
sacrifice his own kin. Yet
he passed. This is suc-
– A man, wanted for
murder, running through
the desert with tattered
clothes and broken
shoes, repenting to Allah
for his mistake (that had
led to the death of an-
other), was awarded an
honest job, a pious wife,
and security in an un-
known land. This is part
of his success.
But later, he was ordered
back to oppose the ruler
who had been persecut-

Page 5
The Friday Bulletin OPINION Rabi' ul-thany 05, 1442/November 20, 2020

Securitising Covid-19 regulations enforcement misplaced

By Hussein Khalid
We were aptly warned of it by health of-
ensure Covid-19 regulations are fully ad- The pandemic has social, economic, and
ficials and told that it would be worse than
hered to by all, including politicians. political as well as security considerations
the first. So far, it has lived up to expecta-
It has been slightly over a week since and enforcement of any guidelines must
tions and the situation looks grim.
the unit began operating and already, hu- bring on board all the stakeholders.
In Kenya, as in with the rest of the world,
man rights groups such as HAKI Africa Reducing Covid-19 to a security issue
record numbers of infections and deaths
are receiving high numbers of complaints alone is not only detrimental to the con-
are being reported. Hospitals are full be-
from wananchi of unlawful arrests, har- tainment of the pandemic but will also
yond capacity as more and more rush to
assment, corruption and torture all in the cause unnecessary fear and distress to a
get medical attention. Home-based care
name of enforcing Covid-19 regulations. population already suffering from the dis-
is being encouraged and local remedies
As human rights defenders, our experi- ease.
are being employed by many to treat the
illness. ence on the ground is that security agen- If left to continue to operate as announced,
cies, particularly the police, have time SEU will cause more harm than good to
Thus far, it would be unfair not to com-
and again failed to enforce the regula- Kenyans. It is possible that the unit could
mend the government, particularly the
tions and instead used them to harass, replicate Nigeria’s SARS, which has been
Health ministry and other stakeholders
intimidate, torture and even kill Kenyans roundly condemned for massive human
for the work done in dealing with the Cov-
in the name of enforcement. rights violations, extrajudicial killings and
id-19 pandemic.
It is public knowledge how people have enforced disappearances.
While we are appalled by the corruption
suffered during this pandemic at the We have numerous cases presently be-
and mismanagement of Covid-19 funds,
hands of security agencies. There are fore court where police have been ac-
we are also cognisant of the fact that con-
numerous cases of wanton violations, cused of using excessive force. To ignore
siderable steps have been taken by the
which include the killing of 13-year-old these cases and again place the respon-
government to curb the spread of the vi-
Yassin Moyo. sibility of enforcement on the same offic-
rus and promote the health and safety of
Besides violating human rights, thus far, ers is not only insensitive but also encour-
police have also applied double stand- ages impunity by the police to continue
However, as we commend the positive violating rights.
ards in enforcing the regulations. They
steps taken, the recent announcement by
have time and again prevented civil so- Kenyans have been steadfast so far in
the President of the formation of the Spe-
ciety groups from holding peaceful pro- their efforts to fight the pandemic. The
cial Enforcement Unit deserves singling
tests against Covid-19 millionaires. government and politicians should com-
out and condemnation for being one of
But they have allowed politicians to hold plement these efforts by ensuring sound
the worst anti-Covid-19 decisions made
massive rallies in outright violation of the policies and practices are in place to tack-
so far.
directives. Politicians have in the past le it.
As human rights groups and individuals
few weeks held rallies and public meet- The pandemic will only be overcome by
working at the grassroots in various parts
ings across the country, which have di- pulling together and involving everyone in
of the country mostly affected by Cov-
rectly contributed to rising infections in ensuring good health, safety and security
id-19, we have received the announce-
the second wave. for all.
ment with apprehension and worry.
As human rights organisations, our call to Hussein Khalid is the executive direc-
SEU comprises of officers from the regu-
the Executive has been not to securitise tor of Haki Africa,human Rights group
lar police, NGAAF and Inspectorate (from
Covid-19. based in Mombasa
the counties). These entities are meant to

Continued From Page 4

The Prophet’s beloved Wife
tion of adultery. but Allah, no matter how great that worldly faithful, who had stipulated one third of her
power facing them may be! estate to her Jewish brother.
When confronted with the situation she be-
came extremely saddened and depressed Strong Advocate of Justice When the Caliph thought it was against
and yet she never cowered or stooped low. Thanks to her assertiveness, Aishah al- the dictum of the Prophet (PBUH), Aishah
Instead, she firmly stood her ground trust- ways stood up to what she thought was rejected that. She obliged him to fulfill the
ing in Allah alone until she was vindicated. unjust, unethical and false. wishes of Safiyyah.
While she had full confidence that Allah Once she heard that some individuals Another example of her forthrightness is her
would reveal her innocence, she never con- were finding faults with Abu Bakr after his answer to those who forbade women from
sidered herself so great as to be worthy of death. She gathered these people and visiting cemeteries.
being vindicated by a direct revelation. spoke to them about his achievements as Correcting Misconceptions about Wom-
When finally an entire surah was revealed, everyone would readily recognize. Then en
numerous verses of which were directly she asked them plainly which one of his
actions they were critical of. None of his On her visit to Makkah, when she stopped
related to her story and extolled her purity, by the grave of her brother, someone ob-
modesty and piety, she refused to rise up detractors had anything to say.
jected to her; he asked how come she was
and thank Allah’s Messenger. Instead she She also stood up to Caliph Mu`awiyah
visiting his grave when the Prophet had for-
simply said, “I thank only Allah!” and vocally criticized his policies which
she deemed unjust and therefore un-Is-
bidden women to do so.
By this she did not mean to be rude to the
lamic. She replied, “The Prophet had forbidden
Prophet, rather she meant never to attribute
the source of her relief to any other than the Defending the Rights of a Jew both men and women from visiting graves
Source itself, which is Allah and Allah alone! in the early years of Islam. He lifted that
It was because of her strength of charac-
prohibition later.”
This should serve as a perfect example for ter that she made the Caliph implement
all Muslims, men and women. They should the will of Safiyyah, the mother of the In other words, in her sound understanding
not fear anyone but Allah. If they do so, they
will not cower themselves before anyone Continued To Page 8
Page 6
The Friday Bulletin Rabi' ul-thany 05, 1442/November 20, 2020

So Trump is (almost) gone, but let’s hold the fireworks…

By Zimarina Sarwar
Recently saw much of the world transfixed cies anyway? right who, before now, would never dream
by the US elections and its every twist What if the most amoral and destructive of making it into the mainstream narrative.
and turn of ballot counting and the pre- War on Terror neo-cons that existed in the The dominance of social media – and ar-
pared accusations of fraud. Many could Bush/Cheney era operated with more sub- guably the tender age of its most active
not resist relishing the Twitter tantrums of tlety under Obama? users – skews the discourse to present
a man-baby narcissist slowly facing the What if the Middle East’s insecurity, the Trump as a ‘break’ in US foreign and do-
demise of his chokehold on power. Many destruction of Iraq, and the worldwide tor- mestic policy. We think in soundbites and
‘former aides’ wasted no time in lambast- ture regime (with official kidnapping eu- memes; our memories do not go back very
ing their former Commander-in-Chief on phemistically known as ‘rendition’) were far. Trump himself provides enough fodder
live TV. Loyal Republicans fled faster than not hallmarks of Trump at all? to be perpetually ridiculed and mocked
rats escaping a sinking ship. Apparently, by any adult with an IQ over 70. But all
What if it was Barack ‘The Drone’ Obama
the first family of the White House are im- the noise and banter aside, we expose a
who authorised the slaughter of thou-
ploding in a game of finger-pointing and reductive way of thinking that lends itself
sands of innocents at the hands of fighter
blame. more to an ahistorical viral tweet rather
jets and drones operated from the US by
It’s hard not to feel a little bit gleeful at than reasoned critical analysis.
men casually having a cup of coffee as
the thought of Trump’s inner discord. Put their ‘precision strikes’ rained death on The Bush/Cheney administration were
bluntly, it is rare for a single person to the heads of Yemeni civilians? What if it the masters of ‘executive power’ trans-
embody the very worst and most ugly of wasn’t Trump at all who began ‘assassi- gressions and authoritarian articles that
human traits with such efficiency. Trump nation by drone’ for US citizens that were gave them the right to violate congres-
has effectively become a caricature for denied due process? sional statutes. The abuse of this power
an age, discourse, and politics that have meant they could spy, detain, or even kill
Trump is not a never-before-seen monster
left every sensible human asking: how on anyone (even Americans) as long as it
who is evil incarnate and a living breath-
earth did this happen? seemed ‘helpful’ in the fight against terror-
ing threat to all decency. In many ways,
The answer to this question is as multi- ism. Obama’s administration prosecuted
his predecessors did a fantastic job of not
faceted as it is depressing. even more whistle-blowers than Bush and
only paving the way for how US policy
One of the scariest things about this elec- Trump put together. By many counts, the
deals with the Muslim world, but also for
tion is that, with a record turnout of 66.9% worst authoritarian excesses occurred
setting it in stone.
(the highest in 120 years), almost half under Obama, well before Trump’s presi-
This is by no means an exoneration of dency.
of the voting public still wanted more of Trump. He bought his own unique chal-
Trump. With an opponent as thoroughly Language became a weapon of war well
lenges as his migrant separation poli-
unsuited to the position as Trump was, it before Trump. A ‘War on Terror’ is an ab-
cy effectively put children in cages, he
is still highly likely that Biden’s victory was stract and vague semantic umbrella that
characterised Mexicans as drug dealers,
a gift from COVID-19. Trump’s car crash can cover whatever you want to push,
criminals and rapists and told fellow US
handling of the pandemic effectively made squeeze and shove under it.
congresswomen (and people of colour)
his election a referendum on the pandem- to go back to their countries. He casually Trump may be almost gone, but let’s keep
ic. One wonders how the Democrats could categorised whole nations as vile exple- a level head about the system we are deal-
have had such trouble in putting together tives. The poison of Trump’s presidency ing with and what we can expect more of.
a rational, strong, and appealing case probably will not be seen immediately. It The fireworks won’t be in the celebratory
against Trump. How was the election not lies in the normalising of hateful and racist after-parties, but in the silent explosions
a total landslide but instead ‘on a knife’s rhetoric and the emboldening of the far- and careful analysis of what will continue
edge’ as votes were being counted? to play out under the skin of power.
Only the ‘greatest nation on Earth’ could
have trouble deciding whether to re-elect
Australian troops unlawfully killed 39 Afghans
a fascist into the most powerful seat in the
country. Australian Defence Force Chief Gen-
diers be investigated by police for possi-
But let’s stop there. eral Angus Campbell said Thursday the
ble charges, including murder.
shameful record included alleged instanc-
It is too easy to criticise the chest-beating The chief was announcing the findings of
es in which new patrol members would
jingoism of Trump and the abomination of a four-year investigation by Paul Brere-
shoot a prisoner in order to achieve their
his narcissism and attitudes towards wom- ton, a judge who was asked to look into
first kill in a practice known as “blooding.”
en, immigrants, ‘native’ non-Whites, and the allegations and interviewed more than
other marginalised groups. It is easy to A shocking Australian military report into
400 witnesses and reviewed thousands of
think of Trump as an aberration between war crimes has found evidence that elite
pages of documents.
the savvy progressive politics of Obama Australian troops unlawfully killed 39 Af-
ghan prisoners, farmers and civilians. “To the people of Afghanistan, on behalf
and the solid gentleman and statesman of the Australian Defence Force, I sin-
that Biden promises to be. Australian Defence Force Chief Gen-
cerely and unreservedly apologise for
What if Trump’s policies towards the Mus- eral Angus Campbell said Thursday the
any wrongdoing by Australian soldiers,”
lim world were actually on par – or even shameful record included alleged instanc-
Campbell said.
more favourable – compared to those of es in which new patrol members would
shoot a prisoner in order to achieve their He said he’d spoken directly to his Af-
Obama and Bush Jr. before him? What ghan military counterpart to express his
if, under the blustering rhetoric, Trump first kill in a practice known as “blood-
ing.” He said the soldiers would then remorse.
did no more than his predecessors to en- “Such alleged behavior profoundly disre-
gineer clandestine coups, entrap young plant weapons and radios to support false
claims the prisoners were enemies killed spected the trust placed in us by the Af-
Muslims into manufactured terror plots, ghan people who had asked us to their
run disinformation campaigns, and securi- in action.
Campbell said the illegal killings began in country to help them,” Campbell said. “It
tise the civilian population with draconian would have devastated the lives of Af-
legislation? 2009, with the majority occurring in 2012
and 2013. ghan families and communities, causing
What if, under the cringe-worthy slogan- immeasurable pain and suffering. And it
eering, Trump simply openly stated Ameri- He said some in the Special Air Service
would have put in jeopardy our mission
can exceptionalism as his priority rather encouraged “a self-centered, warrior cul-
and the safety of our Afghan and coalition
than seduce the population with a liberal ture.”
partners.” (TRTworld)
silver tongue and enact those same poli- He said the report recommended 19 sol-
Page 7
The Friday Bulletin Rabi' ul-thany 05, 1442/November 20, 2020

The Prophet’s beloved Wife

Continued From Page 6
the lifting of the ban was applicable to both of inheritance- who can surpass Aishah.” have a mahram (male relative) to travel,
men and women; there is no evidence to Aishah served as a teacher of teachers Aishah asked rhetorically, “Can everyone
suggest that it was only applicable to men. after the Prophet (peace and blessings be find a mahram?”
Her confidence in the inherent justice of upon him). She would correct those who Conclusion
Islam enabled her to exercise many other were teaching in the Prophet’s Mosque Aishah’s life is especially remarkable when
interjections into commonly held assump- and answer those who came to her seek- examined with the lenses of contemporary
tions about women’s roles in the Muslim ing rulings, advice and opinions based on times. Surrounded by current examples of
community. her expert knowledge. Muslim women around the world not per-
One such interjection was her wish not to Her thorough mastery of fiqh enabled her mitted to fully actualize their God-given
be left out of performing Janazah prayers to exercise independent ijtihad in matters potentials, Aishah’s life in the 6th and 7th
of fiqh. She used to offer rulings based on century is a beacon to the inherent justice
(often reserved for men only in the minds
her ijtihad as testified by al-Qasim during in Islam.
of many Muslims – even today).
the time of Abu Bakr, `Umar and `Uthman She was reared with authentic Islam from
She often sent orders to bring the janazah as well as after them until she died. her earliest memories. She grew up to be
and place it inside the Mosque itself so that
The independence of her ijtihad meant that a woman who was confident, assertive and
the wives of the Prophet (peace and bless-
she sometimes confidently held views con- an active participant and leader of her so-
ings of Allah be upon him), could also of-
tradicting the views of other companions ciety.
fer the prayers, at a time when ordinarily
Janazah was performed outside the pre- and scholars. When someone asked her Simply put, Aishah lived a life outstanding
cincts of the mosque itself. if it was always necessary for a woman to in its dedication to the cause of Allah and
His Messenger.
An Active Participant in All Aspects of
Islamic Life
Aishah serves as the best role model for
women’s activism in Islam. She never was
held back from full participation in any as-
pect of Islamic life even after the death of
the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah
be upon him).
During his life she accompanied the Proph-
et even to the battle fields to perform es-
sential duties.
She led the war against `Ali because of her
mistaken judgment. At the time she thought
she was going out to exact justice for the
caliph `Uthman who had been martyred
unjustly; she thought that `Ali was harbor-
ing his murderers.
Later on, she regretted her choice to have
waged the war. But the point is that, ac-
cording to her, the role of women in Islam
was not confined to the home. Instead,
women play an active role in Islamic life.
Due to her own sound faith and Islamic
character, she recanted not her activ-
ism but her stand against `Ali. Because
of this she thought she had become less
worthy of being buried beside the Prophet
(PBUH). So, she preferred to join her own
sisters (i.e. other wives of the Prophet in
Her Legacy of Scholarship
Aishah’s sound scholarship in Islamic dis-
ciplines such as tafsir, hadith, fiqh, history
of Arabs and Islam, Arabic language and
medicine was proverbial among Compan-
ions and successors as numerous testimo-
nials bear witness.
Even the great Companions of the Prophet
such as Abu Bakr and `Umar as well as
other wives of the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) would refer to her
as the final resource person in these disci-
plines. Abu Salamah ibn `Abd al-Rahman,
one of the seven famous jurists of Madi-
nah, said, “I never knew of anyone –who
had such thorough knowledge of the tra-
ditions of the Prophet, nor sound under-
standing of fiqh in any issue, that Muslims
would need to know nor of any verse and
when and where it was revealed or of rules
Page 8
The Friday Bulletin Rabi' ul-thany 05, 1442/November 20, 2020

UN, NGOs call for the protection of Palestinian olive harvesters

UN Agencies and International NGOs have trees and produce. recent years, most applications have been
urged Israeli authorities to protect Palestin- Twenty-five Palestinians were injured, over rejected for various bureaucratic reasons,
ian olive harvesters and their property from 1,000 olive trees were burnt or otherwise such as failure to prove land ownership.
Israeli settlers. damaged, and large amounts of produce Ahead of this year’s season, concerns
In the statement, the agencies further called were stolen. In some incidents, Israeli were also raised with the Israeli authorities
upon Israeli government to abide by its ob- Security Forces intervened in clashes be- over potential COVID-19 transmission at
ligations under international law to facilitate tween Palestinians and settlers, including their overcrowded offices, where Palestin-
timely and sufficient access of Palestinians shooting tear gas canisters and rubber bul- ians must submit permit applications.
to their olive groves, to protect Palestinians lets, resulting in the injury of olive harvest- In response, some procedural easings
and their property from violence, damage ers, and forcing them to leave the groves. were recently announced: A longstanding
and theft, to ensure Israeli Security Forces As in previous years, the Israeli authorities limit on the number of times farmers can
protect farmers, and to hold perpetrators of allow farmers to reach their farmland near access land beyond the Wall was lifted on
crimes accountable. certain settlements just 2-4 days during 24 October, 17 days into the season, fol-
In the first weeks of the olive harvest sea- the entire season, citing the need to pre- lowing protracted legal action.
son, United Nations Office for the Coor- vent friction with settlers. This not only un- The annual olive harvest is a key economic,
dination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) dermines the productivity of the trees and social and cultural event for Palestinians.
reported 33 incidents where Israeli settlers Palestinian farmers’ ability to harvest them, Settler violence and access restrictions un-
attacked Palestinians or damaged their but also fails to prevent settlers from van- dermine the safety and livelihoods of many,
dalizing trees when the farmers are away. which is more concerning than ever during
To access olive groves behind the Wall, the current economic crisis, brought about
How Allah dealt with those farmers must obtain special permits. In by the pandemic.

who insulted His Prophet It took a century to build, COVID-19 closed Athens first
Continued From Page 3
Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam). On placing the It took Athens a
meat in his mouth, and without swallowing century to open
it, he said: “The bone is telling me that it is a mosque for the
poisoned!” On inquisition, Zaynab admitted Muslim commu-
to poisoning the meat. Allāh would trans- nity.
form the hearts of the Prophet’s enemies to Surviving legal,
friends on their first direct interaction with political and fi-
him. The starkest example of this is in the nancial challeng-
story of Abu Sufyān bin Hārith, the Proph- es, the Athens
et’s milk-brother who loved the Prophet dream mosque
during his childhood but became a stern opened earlier
enemy following the prophethood. Abu this month, only
Sufyān would frequently insult the Prophet to close in less than a week due to the
and his companions, but rather than humili- ments and disused stores.
coronavirus pandemic.
ate him, Allāh softened his heart to Islam. Around 70 venues operate as unofficial
Located in Votanikos district, the mosque,
Abu Sufyan said: “Allāh put Islam in my prayer sites. Though 10 of those venues
which has neither minaret nor dome, was
heart, so I travelled with my wife and child have secured permits to continue operat-
meant to be completed in 2017.
until we reached al-Abwa’. I covered my ing, the remainder must either obtain per-
As the second wave of COVID-19 hit the mits or close.
face and approached until I was face to
world, restrictions immediately limited the
face with the Prophet (sall Allāhu ‘alayhi Among those now permitted is the Greek-
mosque designed for around 350 worshi-
wa sallam). When he saw me, he turned Arab Educational and Cultural Center,
pers to only 13 at a time.
away, so I repositioned myself so that I was which opened in 2007.
facing him again.” The narrator said: “Abu Then, the day after the mosque’s first Fri-
Despite restrictions, some Muslims see
Sufyan kept following him (the Prophet) day Prayer, Greece went back to a nation-
the mosque opening as a shift in attitudes
everywhere he would go… until Abu Su- al lockdown, forcing the mosque to shut
of the Greek government.
fyan said: ‘By Allāh, the Messenger shall down completely for now.
Muhammad Shabir Dhama, a 60-year-old
give me permission (to speak to him) or I “My feelings are split in two. On the one
restaurant owner from Pakistan, was posi-
will take my son’s hand and die of hunger hand I feel incredible relief and happi-
tively beaming when interviewed on the
or thirst.’ When the Messenger (sall Allāhu ness — finally we have a mosque we can
mosque’s grounds on the day the lock-
‘alayhi wa sallam) heard of this, his heart pray in,” Mohammed Zaki, the mosque’s
down was announced.
softened towards him and he allowed him 55-year-old imam, said in the courtyard
before an early-afternoon call to prayer “I have no words,” he said, wearing prayer
to enter.”
on the day the new lockdown was an- robes, a face mask and protective shoe
Subhān Allāh, the One who humiliates the coverings. “I’d like to say a big thank you
scorners of the Prophet in this life before nounced, The New York Times reported.
to the Greek government and to everyone
the next, averts their insults to useless His joy was tempered both by the COVID-
who helped make this happen.”
caricatures or objects, and transforms the related restrictions and the fact that doz-
ens of makeshift mosques in the capital However, some are not satisfied, includ-
heart of the Prophet’s haters to become
were now likely to close. ing the head of the Muslim Association of
humbled at his door begging for his par-
Greece, Naim Elghandour.
don! His mockers fail to reduce from his “It’s a huge problem,” Zaki said. “We are
veneration. They are like sloths who spit at not 10 or 20 people,” he said, referring to “It looks like a warehouse or an oversized
the sun: dirtied by their own splutter. They the roughly 200,000 Muslims who live in kiosk,” he said. He also took issue with
are tarnished in this life before more humili- Athens. “Where will all these people go?” lettering on the building saying “Education
ation in the next. “Surely those who offend and Religious Affairs Ministry.”
“I hurt for those who come to pray and are
Allāh and His Messenger are condemned turned away,” he added. “They’re saying, ‘Muslim, you’re not
by Allāh in this world and the Hereafter. He equal,’ showing them it’s controlled by the
Tens of thousands of Muslim migrants
has prepared for them a humiliating pun- state,” he said.
live in the greater Athens area. They have
ishment.”[ Al-Qur’ān 33:57] been using informal prayer rooms in base-

Page 9
The Friday Bulletin NATIONAL Rabi' ul-thany 05, 1442/November 20, 2020

UNHCR donates camels worth Sh10 million to staff of Alinjugur camp

The United Nations High Commission toralists and the camels that are highly ments of Kenya and Somalia, and UN-
for Refugees (UNHCR) has donated 156 valued will help them settle as they also HCR signed a Tripartite Agreement for the
camels worth Sh10 million to 78 support explore other forms of livelihoods. voluntary repatriation of Somali refugees.
staff in Alinjugur camp in Fafi constitu- “These members of staff worked as clean- Subsequently, UNHCR and partners draft-
ency, Garissa county in a move aimed to ers, guards and grounds men were not ed an operations plan for a pilot project to
boost their livelihood and economic em- earning very much so may not have saved support the return process under the aus-
powerment. much. The donation will come in handy. I pices of the Tripartite Commission, estab-
According to area Member of Parliament want to thank UNHCR whom I personally lished under the Tripartite Agreement.
Abdikarim Osman, the camels donation persuaded to consider the gesture for ac- Since December 2014, Somali refugees
was a form of severance package to the cepting my proposal,” he said. have voluntarily been returning to their
workers following the closure of the camp The legislator urged the beneficiaries not home country leading to the closure of
last year. to sell off the animals but instead take several camps among them Kambioos
Speaking during the handing over cere- care of them so that they can provide milk refugee camp that was closed on 31st
mony on Tuesday, Osman welcomed the for sale and consumption to their families. March 2017 and Ifo 2 refugee camp was
gesture by the UN humanitarian organiza- He further urged the UN body to extend closed on 31st May 2018.
tion saying it will go a long way in helping the same gesture to other camps that This has seen operations in the 3 main
the families of the affected staff pick up have been closed in the vast Dadaab refu- camps of Hagadera, Dagahaley and Ifo
their lives after losing their jobs. gee camp. scaled down with several humanitarian
The MP said that the affected staff mem- On November 10th 2013, the Govern- agencies closing their offices.
bers from the local community were pas-
Government urged to reduce current wage bill
The government has been called upon to wage bill supporting the present numbers of the COVID-19 pandemic, the SUPKEM
cut down the current high wage bill by re- of legislators stressing that it was high chair said the country has limited resourc-
ducing elective positions in the constitu- time the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) es which must be utilized to respond to
tion. cut down on elective positions instead of pandemic and related health emergency
The call was made by Mandera Supreme increasing them. as well as a resulting economic meltdown.
Council of Kenya Muslims (SUPKEM) "There is no reason why we should have He said the BBI report requires "serious
branch chairman Abdi Majid Khalif who such a large number of legislators. This panel beating" before it is passed and
emphasized the need for radical reduction will be a big burden to the tax payers who suggested strengthening of devolution
in the number of elected representatives. are reeling from a huge wage bill. We as and putting stringent measures to curb
Speaking in Mandera over the weekend, Kenyans do not want more government corruption in the public sector.
Khalif noted that the expansion of the but better government”, he said. The SUPKEM official added that even as
Senate to 94 members and National As- With the country’s economy on its knees commendable efforts in fighting corruption
sembly to 360 will be a big burden to the owing to the heavy debt burden currently have been made by President Uhuru Ken-
tax payers who are reeling from a huge plaguing the country and adverse effects yatta and anti-corruption agencies, more
needs to be done.
IDs to cease operation by December 2021 Khalif urged all Kenyans to read the docu-
ment, saying every person should be giv-
The government will replace national lenges of lost files, long queues, and wast- en a chance to air out their views on the
identification cards with Huduma cards, age of time by ensuring provision of effi- document launched in mid-last month.
with IDs becoming obsolete by 12th by cient services to citizens.
December 2021. “There is an enemy called the file which AYAH OF THE WEEK
Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiangi we are trying to get rid of in public ser- O believers! When the call
and his ICT counterpart Joe Mucheru on vice. The days of lost files, long queues
to prayer is made on Friday,
Wednesday led the rollout of the issuance and wastage of time instead of providing
of Huduma cards in Kiambu and Macha- efficient service to citizens will be a thing then proceed diligently to
kos counties respectively ahead of a na- of the past,” Matiangi said. the remembrance of Allah
tionwide exercise set to commence on Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Matiangi and leave off your business.
December 1. noted that citizens will be notified via SMS That is best for you, if only
The anticipated issuance comes a month on when and where to pick their cards and you knew.
after President Uhuru Kenyatta and First they will be given a month from the date
Lady Margaret Kenyatta received their of notification to collect their cards. “Ken- (Quran 62:9)
Huduma cards during the Mashujaa day yans will be glad to note that the process
fete at Gusii Stadium in Kisii. of distribution of the cards will continue
over the duration of a year in line with the
Speaking in Kiambu, CS Matiangi noted
that the realization of the Huduma Card period provided for in the law,” he added. The Messenger of Allah, peace
is the strongest testament on the govern- Matiangi further reassured Kenyans that and blessings be upon him,
ment’s commitment to enhance service data in the Huduma Card will be confiden- said, “Whoever says when he
delivery. “The Huduma Namba, a fully tial and that government has taken all the leaves his house, ‘In the name
Kenyan-funded and developed solution, necessary technical and legislative meas- of Allah, I trust in Allah for
will operate as the primary source of data ures to make it secure.
there is no power or might but
on every citizen and foreigner. This inte- The Huduma Namba mass registration
grated database will enable the use of bi- exercise was rolled out last year in April,
with Allah,’ then it will be said
ometric data to identify people and assist and Kenyans of at least 18 years will be to him that you have been suf-
them in accessing Government service,” required to have the Huduma Namba, ficed and protected, and the
the Interior Cabinet Secretary said . while children who have attained six years devils will be far from him.”
He said the card will eliminate the chal- will receive a minor’s Huduma Namba.
(Sunan al-Tirmidhī)
Page 10
The Friday Bulletin NATIONAL Rabi' ul-thany 05, 1442/November 20, 2020

YMA support Garissa police to tame COVID-19

The Young Muslim Association
(YMA) has donated equipment to
the Administration police staff in
Garissa County to support COVID
19 response efforts.
The consignment which included
500 re-usable surgical masks, 10
spray hand pumps and 20 litres
of Jik were handed over to the
Inspector by the Young Muslim
Association (YMA) Administrator
from Head office Rashid Gatimu
and a Representative from YMA
Education Management Board,
Sabri Farouq, at the event held in
The items were donated by Young
Muslim Association Chairman
Altaf Ganatra to help in the fight
against the spread of novel coro-
Speaking on Thursday last week
during the handing over event,
YMA Administrator Rashid Gatimu
observed COVID19 pandemic
has posed a great challenge to
healthcare globally and that the
donation by YMA was made in a
bid to ensure the fight against the
spread of the deadly virus COV- Young Muslim Association (YMA) Education Management Board member Sabri Farouq
ID-19 is enhanced. hands over donations to the Head of Administration Police in Garissa Hassan Loho.
“In the fight and control of spread
of Corona Virus, YMA is at the ties we do as we make sure all the protocols set itarian services as part of its mandate of
forefront in educating and sensi- aside by the government are strictly adhered to,” giving back to the society.
tizing local communities on the said Rashid.
In partnership with other development
Covid19 pandemic and we are He assured the Administration Police fraternity of partners, YMA organized a COVID 19
committed to promoting health fully support from the association especially dur- training in Garissa for security officers
and other humanitarian services ing these hard times of Coronavirus pandemic and to create awareness on the curbing the
in its bid to serve humanity. We do added that YMAN will continue partnering with spread of the deadly disease.
not compromise at all in all activi- other like-minded organizations in offering human-

Nairobi to host Islamic mass marriage event tomorrow

In a unique event, 25couples are expected wedding ceremony. We also have people “From the response received from across
to take part in a mass marriage ceremony in so-called come we stay unions and they the country, this is a social problem which
in Nairobi. The marriage event will be held have come out to regularize their unions needs to be urgently addressed by com-
tomorrow at Kiambiu slums. under Islamic law,” said Sheikh Abdullatif munity leaders,” said Ali Khalid from Al-
The event is organized by Da’wa Centre Abdulkarim, the chairman of Family Re- Ameen Masjid Juja Road
based at Masjid Salaam in South C and source.
various da’wa groups in Nairobi with sup-


port from Family Resource Centre and the
office of the Kadhi of Nairobi.
Apart from facilitating the marriage event,
the couple will receive a marriage certifi-
cate, gifts and a waleemah, the marriage LOCATION: 3RD FLOOR JAMIA PLAZA
feast will also be organized for those in SIZE: 1,200 SQ FT
A pre and post counseling sessions have
also been organized for the couples to (SHOP),SIZE:129 SQFT &SIZE 2,050 SQFT
provide them with advice on nurturing
happy marriages.
According to the organisers, the need for ALL APPLICATIONS ADDRESSED TO:
the mass wedding event came after the SECRETARY GENERAL
realization that many young people were
eager to marry but were beset with chal- JAMIA MOSQUE COMMITTEE
lenges in organizing weeding ceremonies. P.O. BOX 100786 00101 NAIROBI.
“Some of them have kept out marriage
due to the high expenses of organizing a EMAIL:

Page 11
Safeguard measures for our Students
Ummah Foundation as one of the major stakeholders in matters how it works and warn them before hand to be aware of dan-
concerning education and with a capacity of more than 600 stu- gerous sites and appropriate behavior looks on video calls. They
dents who are under our Education Bursary System, is deeply con- should establish working rules together on how, when and where
cerned about their welfare and how they are coping with this stay to use the internet. In liaison with security agents parents should
at school and home period warranted by the Covid-19 pandemic. encourage their children to keep hot lines handy and be able to
Most parents, lack the capacity to establish a routine structure that report abusive cases whenever they come up to mitigate online
can be followed online, radio or Television by the students. risks. They must advice their children to know that sharing pic-
They have lost patience and their relationship is characterized with tures and other personal information is not acceptable in access-
brutality, chaos and endless quarrels. ing digital learning.
We found out that most parents use very inhumane methodologies Last but not least, we would like our parents to be in touch with
to realize results and in the end there are no measurable results their children’s learning facilities. They should be in touch with
at all. They don’t allow their children to talk freely, drawing stories online teachers and be able to ask questions and guidance for the
and open activities in their compounds or houses that can help to benefit of their children. Parents can form online groups that can
open discussions. . help support each other at this time of need and make the home
Ummah Foundation through various forums have always advised schooling programs successful.
parents to take all the precautions and be instrumental at this As we all make our daily routine supplications to Allah, to erase
abnormal time of our history where parents must play the role of this corona virus from the face of the earth, let’s not forget that it
teachers, doctors, counsellors and most importantly caring parents. is an extra ordinary time that calls for extra ordinary measures.
Parents should take their time to know how to teach or encourage From the look of things, full school reopening as undoubtedly an-
their children to learn. They can start with shorter learning sessions nounced by the Cabinet Secretary will resume in January 2021
and make them progressively longer. They can build up from there but safety measures should be the priority as we brace for harder
and within several sessions combine with online or television time times ahead to overcome the Covid 19 challenges. May Allah
with some other offline activities that make them acquire knowl- keep us all safe.
edge interestingly. Contact us:
The government sponsored digital platform provides an excellent Ummah Foundation
forum for our children’s learning, allowing them to take part in play Village plaza, 2nd Floor, Ngara Rd
and be in touch with their peers but increased accessibility to inter- P.O.Box 58717-00200 Nairobi
net can bring heightened risks for our children’s safety, protection Tel: 020-2680610/13
and privacy. Parents should therefore be very privy to this fact and Mobile: 0734-845277
discuss internet issues with their children to let them comprehend


The Friday Bulletin is a Publication of Jamia Masjid Committee, P. O. Box 100786-00101 Nairobi, Tel: 2243504/5 Fax: 342147
E-mail: Printed by Signal Press Limited-Lords House-Tom Mboya Street

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