The Friday Bulletin 915..
The Friday Bulletin 915..
The Friday Bulletin 915..
Friday Bulletin
The Weekly Muslim News Update
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The Friday Bulletin NATIONAL Rabi' ul-thany 05, 1442/November 20, 2020
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The Friday Bulletin DA'WAH Rabi' ul-thany 05, 1442/November 20, 2020
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The Friday Bulletin YOUTH Rabi' ul-thany 05, 1442/November 20, 2020
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The Friday Bulletin OPINION Rabi' ul-thany 05, 1442/November 20, 2020
who insulted His Prophet It took a century to build, COVID-19 closed Athens first
Continued From Page 3
Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam). On placing the It took Athens a
meat in his mouth, and without swallowing century to open
it, he said: “The bone is telling me that it is a mosque for the
poisoned!” On inquisition, Zaynab admitted Muslim commu-
to poisoning the meat. Allāh would trans- nity.
form the hearts of the Prophet’s enemies to Surviving legal,
friends on their first direct interaction with political and fi-
him. The starkest example of this is in the nancial challeng-
story of Abu Sufyān bin Hārith, the Proph- es, the Athens
et’s milk-brother who loved the Prophet dream mosque
during his childhood but became a stern opened earlier
enemy following the prophethood. Abu this month, only
Sufyān would frequently insult the Prophet to close in less than a week due to the
and his companions, but rather than humili- ments and disused stores.
coronavirus pandemic.
ate him, Allāh softened his heart to Islam. Around 70 venues operate as unofficial
Located in Votanikos district, the mosque,
Abu Sufyan said: “Allāh put Islam in my prayer sites. Though 10 of those venues
which has neither minaret nor dome, was
heart, so I travelled with my wife and child have secured permits to continue operat-
meant to be completed in 2017.
until we reached al-Abwa’. I covered my ing, the remainder must either obtain per-
As the second wave of COVID-19 hit the mits or close.
face and approached until I was face to
world, restrictions immediately limited the
face with the Prophet (sall Allāhu ‘alayhi Among those now permitted is the Greek-
mosque designed for around 350 worshi-
wa sallam). When he saw me, he turned Arab Educational and Cultural Center,
pers to only 13 at a time.
away, so I repositioned myself so that I was which opened in 2007.
facing him again.” The narrator said: “Abu Then, the day after the mosque’s first Fri-
Despite restrictions, some Muslims see
Sufyan kept following him (the Prophet) day Prayer, Greece went back to a nation-
the mosque opening as a shift in attitudes
everywhere he would go… until Abu Su- al lockdown, forcing the mosque to shut
of the Greek government.
fyan said: ‘By Allāh, the Messenger shall down completely for now.
Muhammad Shabir Dhama, a 60-year-old
give me permission (to speak to him) or I “My feelings are split in two. On the one
restaurant owner from Pakistan, was posi-
will take my son’s hand and die of hunger hand I feel incredible relief and happi-
tively beaming when interviewed on the
or thirst.’ When the Messenger (sall Allāhu ness — finally we have a mosque we can
mosque’s grounds on the day the lock-
‘alayhi wa sallam) heard of this, his heart pray in,” Mohammed Zaki, the mosque’s
down was announced.
softened towards him and he allowed him 55-year-old imam, said in the courtyard
before an early-afternoon call to prayer “I have no words,” he said, wearing prayer
to enter.”
on the day the new lockdown was an- robes, a face mask and protective shoe
Subhān Allāh, the One who humiliates the coverings. “I’d like to say a big thank you
scorners of the Prophet in this life before nounced, The New York Times reported.
to the Greek government and to everyone
the next, averts their insults to useless His joy was tempered both by the COVID-
who helped make this happen.”
caricatures or objects, and transforms the related restrictions and the fact that doz-
ens of makeshift mosques in the capital However, some are not satisfied, includ-
heart of the Prophet’s haters to become
were now likely to close. ing the head of the Muslim Association of
humbled at his door begging for his par-
Greece, Naim Elghandour.
don! His mockers fail to reduce from his “It’s a huge problem,” Zaki said. “We are
veneration. They are like sloths who spit at not 10 or 20 people,” he said, referring to “It looks like a warehouse or an oversized
the sun: dirtied by their own splutter. They the roughly 200,000 Muslims who live in kiosk,” he said. He also took issue with
are tarnished in this life before more humili- Athens. “Where will all these people go?” lettering on the building saying “Education
ation in the next. “Surely those who offend and Religious Affairs Ministry.”
“I hurt for those who come to pray and are
Allāh and His Messenger are condemned turned away,” he added. “They’re saying, ‘Muslim, you’re not
by Allāh in this world and the Hereafter. He equal,’ showing them it’s controlled by the
Tens of thousands of Muslim migrants
has prepared for them a humiliating pun- state,” he said.
live in the greater Athens area. They have
ishment.”[ Al-Qur’ān 33:57] been using informal prayer rooms in base-
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The Friday Bulletin NATIONAL Rabi' ul-thany 05, 1442/November 20, 2020
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Safeguard measures for our Students
Ummah Foundation as one of the major stakeholders in matters how it works and warn them before hand to be aware of dan-
concerning education and with a capacity of more than 600 stu- gerous sites and appropriate behavior looks on video calls. They
dents who are under our Education Bursary System, is deeply con- should establish working rules together on how, when and where
cerned about their welfare and how they are coping with this stay to use the internet. In liaison with security agents parents should
at school and home period warranted by the Covid-19 pandemic. encourage their children to keep hot lines handy and be able to
Most parents, lack the capacity to establish a routine structure that report abusive cases whenever they come up to mitigate online
can be followed online, radio or Television by the students. risks. They must advice their children to know that sharing pic-
They have lost patience and their relationship is characterized with tures and other personal information is not acceptable in access-
brutality, chaos and endless quarrels. ing digital learning.
We found out that most parents use very inhumane methodologies Last but not least, we would like our parents to be in touch with
to realize results and in the end there are no measurable results their children’s learning facilities. They should be in touch with
at all. They don’t allow their children to talk freely, drawing stories online teachers and be able to ask questions and guidance for the
and open activities in their compounds or houses that can help to benefit of their children. Parents can form online groups that can
open discussions. . help support each other at this time of need and make the home
Ummah Foundation through various forums have always advised schooling programs successful.
parents to take all the precautions and be instrumental at this As we all make our daily routine supplications to Allah, to erase
abnormal time of our history where parents must play the role of this corona virus from the face of the earth, let’s not forget that it
teachers, doctors, counsellors and most importantly caring parents. is an extra ordinary time that calls for extra ordinary measures.
Parents should take their time to know how to teach or encourage From the look of things, full school reopening as undoubtedly an-
their children to learn. They can start with shorter learning sessions nounced by the Cabinet Secretary will resume in January 2021
and make them progressively longer. They can build up from there but safety measures should be the priority as we brace for harder
and within several sessions combine with online or television time times ahead to overcome the Covid 19 challenges. May Allah
with some other offline activities that make them acquire knowl- keep us all safe.
edge interestingly. Contact us:
The government sponsored digital platform provides an excellent Ummah Foundation
forum for our children’s learning, allowing them to take part in play Village plaza, 2nd Floor, Ngara Rd
and be in touch with their peers but increased accessibility to inter- P.O.Box 58717-00200 Nairobi
net can bring heightened risks for our children’s safety, protection Tel: 020-2680610/13
and privacy. Parents should therefore be very privy to this fact and Mobile: 0734-845277
discuss internet issues with their children to let them comprehend
The Friday Bulletin is a Publication of Jamia Masjid Committee, P. O. Box 100786-00101 Nairobi, Tel: 2243504/5 Fax: 342147
E-mail: Printed by Signal Press Limited-Lords House-Tom Mboya Street