Liquidation Value
Liquidation Value
Liquidation Value
Value Resolution
CONTENTS From Chairperson’s Desk _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2
IBBI Updates
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4
Orders _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9
• Supreme Court
• High Courts
• National Company Law Appellate Tribunal
• National Company Law Tribunal
• Special Courts
• Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India
Corporate Processes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 16
• Insolvency Resolution
• Liquidation
• Voluntary Liquidation
Individual Processes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 21
Service Providers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 21
• Insolvency Professionals
• Information Utility
• Registered Valuers
• Complaints and Grievances
Examinations _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 24
Building Ecosystem _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 24
“Due to the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, nearly `3.5 lakh crore have also been recovered by
the banks and other institutions.”
Hon’ble President of India in this address to the Joint Session of Parliament on January 31, 2020
ÞlkfFk;ks] vktdy insolvency vkSj bankruptcy code IBC dh bruh ppkZ gksrh gS] ysfdu ;s flQZ bruk iSlk okil vk;k] mruk
iSlk okil vk;k& ogka rd gh lhfer jgrh gSA ysfdu oks mlls Hkh vkxs gSA vki lHkh ;s csgrj tkurs gSa fd dqN fLFkfr;ksa esa /ka/ks
ls ckgj fudyuk gh dbZ ckj le>nkjh ekuk tkrk gSA ;s t:jh ugha dh tks daiuh lQy u gks jgh gks] mlds ihNs dksbZ lkft'k
gh gks] dksbZ xyr bjknk gks] dksbZ ykyp gks; ;s t:jh ugha gSA ns'k esa ,sls m|fe;ksa ds fy, ,d jkLrk rS;kj djuk vko';d Fkk
vkSj IBC us bldk vk/kkj r; fd;kA vkt ugha rks dy] bl ckr ij v/;;u t:j gksxk fd IBC us fdrus Hkkjrh; m|fe;ksa dk
Hkfo"; cpk;k] mUgsa ges'kk&ges'kk ds fy, cckZn gksus ls jksdkAÞ
Hon’ble Prime Minister in his address at the centenary celebrations of Kirloskar Group on January 6, 2020
Þeqfä dk ;s vfHk;ku d‚jiksjsV oyZ~M esa Hkh pykA IBC cukdj geus Status Quo cnyk vkSj gtkjksa djksM+ #i, dh okilh
lqfuf'pr djus ds lkFk gh] eqlhcr esa Qalh daifu;ksa dks ,d ekxZ Hkh fn[kk;kA ojuk gekjs ogka one way Fkk ----- vk rks ldrs Fks
ysfdu fudy ugha ldrs Fks geus fudyus ds fy, Hkh volj iSnk fd;s gSaAß
Hon'ble Prime Minister in his address at Global Business Summit by Economic Times on March 6, 2020
From Chairperson's Desk
The Art of Value Maximisation in CIRP
A unidirectional approach is antithetical to value maximisation, while higher level of information
adds value to value maximisation.
Through this Column I have been attempting to explain the several systems, customer base, and brand value. There is no denition of RV in
features of the Code that drive value maximisation. Value, however, is a the Indian context. The US Courts have dened reorganization value,
misnomer and has several context specic shades and colours in the equivalent of RV in the US context, as the present value of future
commercial world. One needs to tread carefully while aiming to maximise anticipated earnings of the CD. RV intuitively means the amount paid
the value in a corporate insolvency resolution process (CIRP), as under a resolution plan that results in the resolution applicant acquiring
unidirectional approach may yield sub-optimal outcomes. The following complete ownership and control of the assets of a CD as a going concern.
may help in appreciating some of the dynamic aspects in practice. In this sense, RV equals EV.
Value ≠ Price: The Code envisages maximisation of ‘value’, and not However, in common parlance, RV refers to the amount of money a
maximisation of ‘price’. The value improves if business is continued and its resolution applicant puts on the table for resolution of a CD as a going
assets are used more efciently. Efciency may improve from a change of concern. It is less than EV to the extent the resolution plan allows pre-
management, technology, or product portfolio; acquisition or disposal of resolution shareholders to continue with the CD, post-resolution. It is
assets, businesses or undertakings; restructuring of the organisation, more than EV to the extent the resolution plan provides for purposes,
business model, ownership, or balance sheet; strategy of turn-around, such as, infusion of funds to rehabilitate / scale up the business post-
buy-out, acquisition, or takeover; and so on. The Code, therefore, resolution, over and above settlement of all claims. It varies from EV
envisages a resolution plan to provide for anything and everything, subject depending on the strategy of resolution. For example, if a resolution plan
to applicable laws, that maximises the value of assets. It provides for CIRP converts all claims to equity, RV could be zero. Many other factors,
whereby a collective body of creditors, namely, committee of creditors including market imperfections, contribute to RV diverging from EV.
(CoC) and resolution applicants interact with one another to arrive at a LV ≠ Realisable value: LV is estimated realisable value of the assets of
resolution plan that maximises the value of the assets of the CD. For this the CD if it were liquidated on the insolvency commencement date (ICD).
purpose, the CoC applies its mind on the feasibility and viability of While taking a decision whether to accept a resolution plan, one often
resolution plans and capability as well as credibility of resolution considers LV as the default outcome. This is based on the premise that at
applicants. The Code does not envisage a sale whereby a buyer pays a sum least LV would be realised on liquidation. Very simplistically, consider
of money, called ‘price’, to the seller in exchange of the CD or its assets. If three dates: CIRP commences on March 31, 2019, liquidation process
it were so, the CD could be simply placed on an auction platform and sold commences on March 31, 2020 after failure of CIRP, and sale proceeds of
to the highest bidder to maximise the price. liquidation estate is realised on March 31, 2021. The LV is 200 on the ICD.
CD ≠ Claimants: Though the Code envisages maximisation of value of As value usually declines with time, it may reduce to 195 by March 31,
assets, the CoC, at times, has a dilemma, whether the resolution plan 2020 and further to 190 by March 31, 2021. If cost of realisation is 3 and
should maximise value of the assets of the CD or realisations for claimants cost of redeployment is 2, net realisation is 185. The NPV of realisation of
or both. Differently put, whether to maximise the interests of the CD or 185 on March 31, 2021 is 180 on March 31, 2020, when resolution plan
of claimants? Infusion of funds to the CD may improve the value of assets is considered and rejected. Hence the realisable value is 180, while
but may not improve realisation for a claimant. Similarly, a lower hair cut LV is 200.
improves realisations for a claimant but may not improve value of assets. The above nuances demonstrate that decisions involving values cannot be
Thus, maximisation of value for claimants may not always maximise the straight jacketed as either black or white. One does not decide in favour of
value of the assets of the CD and vice versa. Further, claimants are not a X because A exceeds B. Such decisions require tremendous commercial
homogeneous lot. A resolution plan may yield different realisations for wisdom and cannot be scrutinised ex-ante to determine if it is
different claimants. Thus, a creditor has further dilemma whether to appropriate. That is why the Code empowers the CoC to take
maximise realisations for the class of claimants he belongs to or for all commercial decisions, after application of mind, and keeps such decisions
claimants. beyond judicial scrutiny. It does not prohibit approval of a resolution plan
Yet another dilemma is whether to maximise value for shareholders who where RV is less than EV or even LV, or rejection of a resolution plan
do not submit a claim during the CIRP. A resolution plan typically provides where RV exceeds LV or even EV.
for the amounts payable to claimants. This is based on the premise that by The CIRP of United Seamless Tubulaar Pvt. Ltd. is instructive in this regard.
the time a CD gets into CIRP, its equity is zero or negative. This premise The CoC and subsequently the Adjudicating Authority (AA) approved a
may not always hold good. A default, which is the trigger for CIRP, does resolution plan that provided for an upfront payment of `477 crore. On an
not necessarily mean that the value of equity is completely eroded. appeal, the NCLAT directed the resolution applicant to modify the plan to
Recognising this, the Code entitles the shareholders to receive the increase upfront payment to `598 crore, which is the average liquidation
balance sale proceeds of liquidation estate after all claims are fully satised, value. On further appeal, the Supreme Court, in Maharashtra Seamless
and does not mandate a resolution plan to cancel the existing shares. Limited Vs. Padmanabhan Venkatesh & Ors., observed that there is no
Withdrawal of large number of applications for CIRP, before or after provision in the Code or regulations which prescribes that the RV has to
admission, and satisfaction of all claims in full in some CIRPs evidence this. match the LV and that the object behind prescribing the valuation process
Resolution value (RV) ≠ Enterprise value (EV): Sans technical is to assist the CoC to take an appropriate decision on a resolution plan. It
niceties and nuances, EV means the present value of future anticipated reiterated that once a resolution plan is approved by the CoC, the AA
earnings of the CD, which one is willing to pay to acquire it as a going- ought to cede ground to the commercial wisdom of the creditors rather
concern, along with its work force, operational plants, licenses and than assess the resolution plan itself.
Distinguished Speakers
The following distinguished speakers delivered talks and interacted
with the ofcers of IBBI:
Date Distinguished Speaker Topic
31-01-20 Hon'ble Mr. V. P. Singh, Member (Technical), NCLAT My Brush with IBC
05-02-20 Hon’ble Mr. B. S. V. Prakash Kumar, Member (Judicial) & Adjudication Orders
Acting President, NCLT
06-02-20 Hon’ble Mr. Ashok Kumar Mishra, IBC
Member (Technical), NCLAT
20-02-20 Dr. Arghya Sengupta, Research Director, Lions on the Throne: The
Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy Supreme Court of India and
Judicial Independence
Administrator. This is the rst FSP admitted for resolution under the Most of these corporate persons are small entities. 368 of them have paid-
Insolvency and Bankruptcy (Insolvency and Liquidation Proceedings of up equity capital of less than `1 crore. Only 67 of them have paid-up
Financial Service Providers and Application to Adjudicating Authority) capital exceeding `5 crore. The corporate persons, for which details are
Rules, 2019, which were notied on November 15, 2019. The available, have an aggregate paid-up capital of `3370 crore (Table 18).
Administrator has the same duties, functions, obligations, responsibilities,
Table 18: Details of 669 Liquidations (Amount in ` crore)
rights, and powers of an IP undertaking a process under the Code. The Details of No. of Paid-up Assets Outstanding Amount Surplus
CIRP is ongoing. Liquidations capital debt paid to
Voluntary Liquidation Liquidations for which 202 660 2971 18 18 2758
Final Reports submitted
A corporate person may initiate voluntary liquidation proceeding if majority Ongoing liquidations 467 2710# 1605# *
of the directors or designated partners of the corporate person make a Total 669 3370 4576 *
declaration to the effect that (i) the corporate person has no debt or it will be *For ongoing liquidations, outstanding debt amount is not available.
# Paid up capital and assets of 368 and 352 cases, respectively, are available.
Summary of Outcomes rescued at these stages. Only a few companies, who fail to address the
distress in any of these stages, reach the liquidation stage. At this stage, the
(a) The rst order objective of the Code is rescuing life of a CD in distress.
value of the CD is substantially eroded, and hence some of them are
It has rescued 221 CDs till March, 2020 through resolution plans. They
rescued, and others liquidated. The recovery may be low at this stage, but
owed `4.13 lakh crore to creditors. However, the realisable value of the
recovery in early stages of distress is much higher, and it is primarily
assets available with them, when they entered the CIRP, was only `0.96
because of the Code.
lakh crore. The Code maximises the value of the existing assets, not of the
assets which do not exist. Under the Code, the creditors recovered `1.84 (e) The Code endeavours to close the various processes at the earliest. It
lakh crore, which is about 191% of the realisable value of these CDs. Any prescribes timelines for some of them. The 221 CIRPs, which have
other option of recovery or liquidation would have recovered at best yielded resolution plans by the end of March, 2020, took on average 375
`100 minus the cost of recovery/liquidation, while the creditors days (after excluding the time excluded by the AA) for conclusion of
recovered `191 under the Code. The excess recovery of `91 is a bonus process. Similarly, the 914 CIRPs, which ended up in orders for
from the Code. Recovery is incidental under the Code. Yet, the recovery liquidation, took on average 309 days for conclusion. Further, 69
for FCs, as compared to their claims, is about 46%. This only reects the liquidation processes, which have closed by submission of nal reports till
extent of value erosion by the time the CDs entered CIRP. March 31, 2020, took on average 270 days for closure. Similarly, 202
voluntary liquidation processes, which have closed by submission of nal
(b) Although the Code has rescued 221 CDs, it has sent 914 CDs to
reports, took on average 315 days for closure.
liquidation. It is important to note that the CDs rescued had assets valued
at `0.96 lakh crore, while the 879 CDs (for which data are available)
referred for liquidation had assets valued at `0.36 lakh crore when they Individual Processes
entered the CIRP. Thus, in value terms, around three fourth of distressed The provisions relating to insolvency resolution and bankruptcy relating
assets have been rescued. Of the CDs rescued, one-third were either to personal guarantors (PGs) to CDs came into force on December 1,
defunct or under BIFR, and of the CDs sent for liquidation, three-fourth 2019. As per the information received from IPs, three applications have
were either defunct or under BIFR. been led under these provisions, before the AA by the end of March,
( c) Of the total CDs ending up with orders for liquidation, data in respect 2020. One application has been led by a PG under section 94 of the Code
of 879 CDs are available. These had an aggregate claim of `5.16 lakh in Amravati Bench of the AA and other two applications have been led by
crore. Unfortunately, they had assets, on the ground, valued only at `0.36 the creditors under section 95 of the Code in Ahmedabad bench of AA.
lakh crore. Many such CDs did not have any job or asset when they
entered the IBC process. Till March 31, 2020, 69 have been completely
liquidated. These had outstanding claims of `10,402 crore, but the assets
Service Providers
valued at `108 crore. These included Ghotaringa Minerals Limited and Insolvency Professionals
Orchid Healthcare Private Limited, which owed `8,163 crore, while they An individual, who is enrolled with an IPA as a professional member and
had absolutely no assets and employment. has the required qualication and experience and passed the Limited
(d) A distressed asset has a life cycle. Its value gradually declines with time Insolvency Examination, is registered as an IP. An IP needs an AFA to take
if distress is not addressed. The credible threat of the Code, that a CD up an assignment under the Code with effect from January 1, 2020. IBBI
may change hands, has changed the behaviour of debtors. Thousands of made available an online facility from November 16, 2019 to enable an IP
debtors are settling defaults at early stages of the life cycle of a distressed to make an application for AFA to the IPA, and an IPA to process such
asset. They are settling when default is imminent, on receipt of a notice applications electronically. The details of IPs registered as on March 31,
for repayment but before ling an application, after ling application but 2020 and AFAs held by them, IPA-wise, is presented in Table 20. A
before its admission, and even after admission of the application, and geographical distribution of IPs as on March 31, 2020 is presented in
making best effort to avoid consequences of IBC process. Most CDs are Figure 1.
21 Insolvency and Bankruptcy News
Table 20: Registered IPs and AFAs as on March 31, 2020 (Number) Table 22: Distribution of IPs as per their Eligibility
City / Region Registered IPs IPs having Authorisation Eligibility No. of Ips
for Assignment Male Female Total
IIIP of ICSI IPA of Total IIIP of ICSI IPA of Total Member of ICAI 1507 135 1642
Member of ICSI 460 88 548
New Delhi 366 230 65 661 251 158 49 458
Member of ICMAI 150 12 162
Rest of Northern Region 301 167 45 513 207 120 30 357
Member of Bar Council 178 21 199
Mumbai 343 118 32 493 220 75 26 321
Managerial Experience 440 18 458
Rest of Western Region 216 93 30 339 140 66 22 228
Total 2735 274 3009
Chennai 116 78 11 205 61 56 7 124
Rest of Southern Region 294 163 46 503 193 107 37 337 The Regulations provide that an IP shall be eligible to obtain an AFA if he
Kolkata 171 34 17 222 123 19 13 155 has not attained the age of 70 years. Table 23 presents the age prole of
Rest of Eastern Region 50 18 5 73 30 13 3 46 the IPs registered as on March 31, 2020.
Total Registered 1857 901 251 3009 1225 614 187 2026 Table 23: Age Prole of IPs (Number)
Age Group (in Years) IIIP ICAI ICSI IIP IPA of ICMAI Total
≤ 40 220 72 4 296
Figure 1 : Geographical Distribution of IPs as on March 31, 2020
> 40 ≤ 50 660 317 46 1023
> 50 ≤ 60 596 244 60 900
JAMMU & > 60 ≤ 70 355 241 134 730
3 PRADESH > 70 ≤ 80 22 24 7 53
PRADESH > 80 ≤ 90 3 3 0 6
82 1
1 ASSAM > 90 1 0 0 1
149 661 Total 1857 901 251 3009
In accordance with the Guidelines for Appointment of Insolvency
Professionals as Administrators under the Securities and Exchange Board
BENGAL of India (Appointment of Administrator and Procedure for Refunding to
CHHATTISGARH the Investors) Regulations, 2018, IBBI prepared the panel of IPs having
AFAs for appointment as Administrators during April - September, 2020
and shared the same with SEBI. Table 24 presents zone wise number of
IPs empaneled for the period from April- September, 2020.
3 PRADESH Table 24: Zone-wise Number of IPs in the Panel
Zone No. of Ips
New Delhi 169
1 Mumbai 96
TAMILNADU Kolkata 63
Chandigarh 61
Chennai 58
Hyderabad 53
Of the 3014 IPs registered till date, registrations of four IPs have been Ahmedabad 45
Allahabad 40
cancelled after due disciplinary process and registration of one IP was
Bengaluru 24
cancelled on failing to full the requirement of t and proper person Jaipur 19
status. The registrations and cancellations of registrations IPs, quarter Cuttack 14
wise, till March 31, 2020 are presented in Table 21. Kochi 12
Table 21: Registration and Cancellation of Registrations of IPs Amravati 5
Quarter No. of Ips Total 659
Registered Cancelled Registered at the
End of the Quarter Replacement of IRP with RP
Jan - Mar, 2017 96 0 96 Section 22(2) of the Code provides that the CoC may, in its rst meeting,
Apr - Jun, 2017 450 0 546 by a majority vote of not less than 66% of the voting share of the FCs,
Jul - Sep, 2017 561 0 1107 either resolve to appoint the IRP as the RP or to replace the IRP by
Oct - Dec, 2017 217 0 1324
another IP to function as the RP. Under section 22(4) of the Code, the AA
Jan - Mar, 2018 488 0 1812
shall forward the name of the RP, proposed by the CoC, under section
Apr - Jun, 2018 71 1 1882
Jul - Sep, 2018 154 1 2035
22(3)(b) of the Code, to IBBI for its conrmation and shall make such
Oct - Dec, 2018 253 1 2287
appointment after such conrmation. However, to save time in such
Jan - Mar, 2019 170 1 2456 reference, a database of all the IPs registered with the IBBI has been
Apr - Jun, 2019 203 0 2663 shared with the AA, disclosing whether any disciplinary proceeding is
Jul - Sep, 2019 128 0 2791 pending against any of them and the status of their AFAs. While the
Oct - Dec, 2019 124 0 2915 database is currently being used by various benches of AA, in a few cases,
Jan - Mar, 2020 99 1 3009 IBBI receives references from the AA and promptly responds to the AA.
Total 3014 5 3009 Till March 31, 2020, as per updates available, a total of 826 IRPs have been
An individual with 10 years of experience as a member of the ICAI, ICSI, replaced with RPs, as shown in Table 25.
Table 25: Replacement of IRP with RP as on March 31, 2020
ICMAI or as an advocate enrolled with a State Bar Council or an individual
CIRP initiated by No. of CIRPs
with 15 years’ of experience in management is eligible for registration as
Where RPs have Where RP is
an IP on passing the Limited Insolvency Examination. Table 22 presents been appointed different from the IRP
distribution of IPs as per their eligibility (an IP may be a member of more Corporate Applicant 230 98
than one Institute) as on March 31, 2020. Of the 3009 IPs as on March 31, Operational Creditor 1229 431
2020, 274 IPs (constituting about nine per cent of the total registered IPs) Financial Creditor 1172 297
are female. Total 2631 826
Registered Valuer Organisations Figure 2 : Geographical Distribution of RVs as on March 31, 2020
The Registered Valuer Organisations (RVOs) are frontline regulators for
registered valuers. They provide the institutional arrangement for JAMMU &
oversight, including the development and regulation of the registered 5
valuers (RVs). They grant membership to valuers, who comply with the 73 UTTARA KHAND ASSAM
eligibility requirements as provided in the Rules, conduct the educational HARYANA DELHI
93 225
courses in valuation and provide the training for the individual members. RAJASTHAN
17, 2020, there are a total of 12 RVOs as on March 31, 2020. IBBI meets GUJARAT
MDs / CEOs of RVOs on the 7th of every month to discuss the issues arising
from the valuation profession, to resolve queries of the RVOs and to guide PRADESH
Companies Act, 2013 and the Code. The details of RVs, RVO-wise, as on 598 TELANGANA
March 31, 2020, is given in Table 28. In addition, there are 12 entities 20
IBBI, in association with ICSI IIP, organised a webinar on “Case study of
successful resolution of Ruchi Soya Industries Ltd.” on March 20, 2020.
Dr. M. S. Sahoo, Chairperson, IBBI, in his address, discussed the trying
Meeting of the Working Group on Individual Insolvency, times for humanity in the wake of outbreak of COVID-19 and enhanced
January 22, 2020 role of IPs as care givers for distressed companies. Further, the webinar
featured a detailed discussion on CIRP of Ruchi Soya Industries Ltd. with
Workshops and Webinars practical experience sharing by the resolution professional involved with
IP Workshops the matter and his team. Approximately 14,000 viewers participated in
the webinar.
IBBI has been organising Advanced Workshops for IPs with the aim to
Peer Review
impart specialised and in-depth level learning through a classroom, non-
residential mode. In continuation of these efforts, it organised the two IBBI, in association with ICAI RVO, organised a peer review workshop on
Advanced Workshops, the 5th and 6th in the series, for IPs during the February 14, 2020 to share a review of valuation reports.
quarter on the theme 'Forensic Audit and Valuation'. It also organised four
workshops for IPs on the recently notied provisions relating to Advocacy and Awareness
insolvency and bankruptcy of PGs to CDs as detailed in Table 35.
Table 35: IP Workshops
IBBI organised several advocacy and awareness programmes during the
Sl. Date(s) Theme Place Partnership No. of
quarter on its own and in association with stakeholders or was associated
with, if any Participants with stakeholders in organising such programmes.
1 05-01-20 Rules and Regulations Mumbai 89
Programme for Income Tax Department
2 12-01-20 for Personal Jaipur 33
3 18-01-20 Guarantors to CDs Kolkata ICAI 49 With a view to increase the awareness and understanding of the
4 25-01-20 Hyderabad 77 provisions of the Code among income-tax ofcers, IBBI organised 45
5 24-01-20 to 25-01-20 Forensic Audit and Chennai IIIP of ICAI 37 awareness programmes at various locations across the country during the
6 07-02-20 to 08-02-20 Valuation Hyderabad IPA of ICMAI 3 last quarter.
Other Programmes
In partnership with IBBI, various stakeholders organised advocacy and
awareness programmes as presented in Table 36.
Table 36: Advocacy and Awareness Programmes
Sl. Date Place Programme Partnership
1 31-01-20 Kota Awareness IPA of ICMAI
2 08-02-20 Hyderabad Workshop Jawahar Lal Nehru Institute of
Banking and Finance, Hyderabad
3 15-02-20 Kochi Awareness
4 22-02-20 Jaipur Awareness
5 29-02-20 Mumbai Awareness IPA of ICMAI
6 29-02-20 Hyderabad Awareness
7 29-02-20 New Delhi Colloquium
8 29-02-20 Kolkata Conclave EIRC of ICAI
Mr P.K.Malhotra at the seminar on MSMEs & IBC at Seminar on MSMEs & IBC at New Delhi, March 6, 2020
New Delhi, March 6, 2020
Disclaimer: This Newsletter is meant for the sole purpose of creating awareness and must not be used as a guide for taking or recommending any action or decision, commercial or otherwise.
The reader must do his own research or seek professional advice if he intends to take any action or decision in any matter covered in this Newsletter.