Role of Mindfulness Training On Psychological Capi
Role of Mindfulness Training On Psychological Capi
Role of Mindfulness Training On Psychological Capi
Original Article
Introduction: Given the novel and applied nature of mindfulness techniques and due to the
importance of psychological capital on the lives of students, this study aims to investigate the role of
mindfulness education on psychological capital of students of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences.
Methods: This study uses semi‑empirical method with pretest and posttest to study two groups of
students of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences with the help of five‑factor mindfulness questionnaire
and psychological capital questionnaire with acceptable validity and reliability in eight sessions. The
Address for Correspondence: results were gathered after three months and analyzed using student’s t‑test. Result: The results of
Miss. Rahele Samouei,
comparison between the average posttest score of test and control groups showed no significant
PhD Student of Health Management
in Disasters, Social Determinants difference between the two groups. Conclusions: Given the fact that the effectiveness of these
of Health Research Center, Isfahan types of interventions has been confirmed by various studies, by controlling executive limitations
University of Medical Sciences, before educational interventions, it is possible to achieve better results.
Isfahan, Iran
E‑mail: Key words: Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, mindfulness, psychological capital
© 2015 International Journal of Educational and Psychological Researches | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 293
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Psychological capital is an optimistic, growing, structured, attitude, depression, and anxiety.[9] In another study
complex, and continuous psychological state, which leads by Azargoon et al. (2008) on students of University
to many traits such as self‑sufficiency, having the necessary of Isfahan, they reported a meaningful decrease in
self‑esteem and trying for success in challenging problems, mental rumination and depression of students after
optimism, creating positive ways for success in present and teaching mindfulness. [14] Abdi et al. (2009) in their
future, persistence in pursuing goals and understanding study investigated the relation between personal and
the necessity of changing the method for reaching these psychological characteristics and conscious attention
goals, resilience, endurance, and ability to return to the to the present in students. According to their findings,
starting point when dealing with difficult problems and there were meaningful relations between conscious
challenges.[6,7] attention to the present and personality characteristics
of psychosis, physical components of general health,
Given the importance of positive psychology and anxiety and insomnia, defects in social functioning, and
psychological capital in success and mental health of depression.[15] In a study by Beirami and Abdi (2010) titled
individuals, understanding the factors affecting and “Investigating the effect of teaching mindfulness‑based
improving psychological capital is of great importance. In techniques in reducing exam anxiety in students,” the
this regard, mindfulness is a novel method for forming results showed that group mindfulness sessions can lead
and improving psychological characteristics of individuals, to remarkable reduction in exam anxiety in students.[16] In
and many studies investigate the effects of mindfulness another study, Esfahani et al. (2010) reported that MBCT
on people. leads to meaningful reduction of suicidal thoughts in
depression patients and that these results are persistent
The results of a study by Tizdel et al. (2000) in a 1‑year in two 3 months follow‑up periods.[17] Azargoon and
period showed the effects of mindfulness based on cognitive Kajbaf (2011) in their study reported that teaching
therapy on reducing depression and other psychological mindfulness is effective in decreasing dysfunctional
factors.[8] Warren Brown and Ryan (2003) in a study, called attitude and automatic thoughts in students with
“Mindfulness and its role on psychological capital,” reported depression.[18] Hashemi Nosratabad et al. (2011) in their
that mindfulness precedes self‑management behaviors and study investigated the effects of psychological capital
positive excitement states.[5] Schulman (2004) had students on mental welfare and their results showed that people
of University of Pennsylvania to undergo teachings based with higher psychological and social capital have better
on mindfulness‑based cognitive therapy (MBCT) in order mental welfare.[19] Nissi and Rahimi (2011) investigated
to prevent stress and depression. After a 1‑year period, the relation between psychological capital and positive
the results showed that these teachings had meaningfully emotions, mental welfare, job performance, and job
reduced stress, anxiety, depression, and other negative commitment. Their findings showed that the proposed
attitudes.[9] pattern fits the empirical data.[7] Bahadori Khosroshahi
et al. (2012) in their study discovered that psychological
Schoner and Lawlor (2010) in their study of 246 preteen capital and its components can meaningfully
students discovered that teaching mindfulness can predict changes in psychological welfare.[20] Golpour
meaningfully improve optimism and self‑concept in the Chamankoohi et al. (2012) in their study reported
participants.[10] James and Miller (2011) conducted a that stress reduction method based on mindfulness is
study on 57 HIV patients and reported that mindfulness effective in improving mindfulness and assertiveness,
is related to self‑efficacy in all factors.[11] In another and decreasing exam anxiety.[21] Ahmadvand et al. (2012)
study, Felton et al. (2013) studied counseling students in a study reported that mindfulness is a powerful
and reported that teaching mindfulness is effective in predictor for mental welfare.[22] Also, Yousefian and
increasing self‑confidence and reducing stress, and self‑pity Asgharipour (2013) reported that both group therapy
in the participants.[12] Kuyken et al. (2013) in their study based on mindfulness and cognitive‑behavioral therapy
on 522 teenagers between ages 12 and 16 reported that are effective in increasing self‑esteem.[23]
in a 3 months follow‑up period, teaching mindfulness
can meaningfully increase the psychological welfare of the Given the fact that compared to the past, today’s students live
participants while decreasing stress.[13] in a more competitive environment with more challenges
and pressures and due to the importance of students as
Kavyani et al. (2006) in their study and after a 3 months future working force of the society, it is important to
follow‑up period reported that MBCT is effective in understand the factors affecting psychological capital of
decreasing negative automatic thoughts, dysfunctional these students in order to improve their resilience under
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pressure and accountability. Therefore, this study aimed calculated to be 0.97 and 0.08, respectively. The reliability
to investigate the effects of teaching mindfulness on of the questionnaire was determined using Cronbach’s
psychological capital of students of Isfahan University of Alpha, which was calculated to be 0.85.
Medical Sciences.
In this study, five study groups were selected from majors
Methods of audiology, speech therapy, orthopedics, physiotherapy,
healthcare management, and medical librarianship. All
Study type
groups underwent the pretest and then received related
This is a semi‑empirical study using pretest, posttest, and
teachings in eight sessions. These teachings included
control group conducted on students of Isfahan University
discussions, group activities, role playing, individual
of Medical Sciences (Department of Management and
tasks, group tasks, and homework. In the control group,
Medical Informatics and Department of Rehabilitation
only brochures about scientific information unrelated to
Sciences) in the year 2013.
psychology were distributed in order to benefit those in
the control group from the study process. Three months
The statistical population of the study consisted of all
the students of Department of Management and Medical after the last session, posttest was conducted. Teaching
Informatics and Department of Rehabilitation Sciences; sessions were carried out by a psychology lecturer.
due to differences in class schedule and educational
The guidelines for teaching sessions were arranged using
program of the students, it was not possible to use simple
a pamphlet titled “Guide for teaching basic mindfulness
sampling method or to determine a fixed time when all
skills.” The teaching sessions consisted of 8, 2 h long
students can participate in eight study sessions. Therefore,
sessions which were held once or twice every week. In
cluster sampling method was employed by simultaneous
these sessions, participants learnt different methods for
selection of five groups of students from two departments
to four majors whom were then randomly divided to study connecting with their bodies, thoughts and emotions and
and control groups. how to concentrate on tasks and accept their bodies and
emotions without judgment.
Data gathering was carried out using five‑factor
mindfulness questionnaire (FFMQ) and psychological Each session was started with a brief description about
capital questionnaire (PCQ). mindfulness and the importance of living in the present.
The techniques thought in these sessions included
The FFMQ was normalized in 2004 by Bauer. This muscle relaxation during sessions, concentrating on
questionnaire contains 39 questions and five‑factor present, experiencing inside and outside, thought faulting,
including describing feelings and happenings with words, recording 3 min of thoughts, mindful breathing, mindful
attention to internal emotions and external phenomena, diet, and mindfulness during mindful activities. At the
doing works and activities with awareness, acceptance end of the each session, homework related to the covered
without judgment, and lack or reaction to internal techniques was assigned.
experiences. The total score of this questionnaire is
the sum of all scores. The α coefficient for factors of Data analysis was carried out using SPSS‑18 software
observation, description, acting with awareness, and (SPSS Inc. Released 2009. PASW Statistics for Windows,
acceptance without judgment was 0.91%, 0.84%, 0.76%, Version 18.0. Chicago: SPSS Inc.) and student t‑test for
and 0.87%, respectively. The reliability retest scores for each independent group.
observation, description, and acting with awareness
and acceptance without judgment were calculated to Results
be 0.65%, 0.81%, 0.86%, and 0.83%, respectively. Table 1 shows the scores for psychological capital components
The questionnaire also had acceptable reliability and in control and study groups. As shown in Table 1, there is no
validity.[9] meaningful distinction between the average psychological
capital score of control and study groups.
The PCQ was designed by Luthans and contains 24
questions and four factors of hope, resilience, optimism, Discussion and Conclusions
and self‑efficiency. The reliability and validity of these
factors are confirmed. Chi‑square test score of these two The results of this study showed that teaching mindfulness
tests is 24.6 and statistical values of Comparative Fit Index was unsuccessful in increasing the average psychological
and Root Mean Squared Error of Approximation were capital score of the students.
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Table 1: Average scores of psychological capital It is recommended for other researchers to consider the
components for control and study groups above‑mentioned limitations and repeat this study for
Group Component Average SD t‑test Significance level other groups of students because according the feedback
Study Self‑efficiency 18.16 2.49 0.82 0.36 from the participants during eight training sessions, the
Control 18.75 2.23 results were satisfactory and various scientific studies point
Study Hopefulness 17.42 2.59 1.74 0.19 to the effectiveness of this intervention.
Control 18 3.21
Study Resilience 17.19 2.03 1.22 0.27
Control 17.78 2.47 Financial support and sponsorship
Study Optimism 17.08 2.69 1.46 0.23 Nil.
Control 17.87 3.1
Study Psychological 68.73 7.19 1.97 0.16
Control capital 71.3 9.31
Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts of interest.
SD: Standard deviation
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