03 - Jacking Oil System

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GT24/GT26 Jacking Oil System Operation Training Module ALSTOM Power (Switzerland) Ltd ALSTO M ALSTOM Spat Jacking O1| System ‘Wereseeve al rights inthis dacuent ant in the information contne thee, Repro tion, use ordre to hind pts without enpess authority ty fobidden CCopyrioh"by ALSTOM Power 2002 "kisi te a All plant-sjecific values an stings stated in this document re for information ony they tuctobjctbe chang daring commissioning ofthe pt Foe final values and setings please refer tothe Customer Operation & Maintenance Mant Power Pian Training Center| oven Page2 ALSTOM Soot Jacking Ol System Table of Contents Noneton Vales oe om oe Pretoue Lining ae oo = 7 ” Pressure Macoutg. Emergency Sabon = ” Protection and Faull Causes. Power Plant Tilring Cente, §———————____ — Pages ALSTOM araweres ‘Operation Jacking Oil System Training Module Objectives ‘Upon completion ofthis sttion, the trainee mast e able to: 1 Explain by heart the purpose 1 List tbe major components. 1 Describe the purpose of the non seu valves 1 Dest hw th jacking il syst protected fom overpesae 1 isthe operating conitions requiring the jacking ol sytem to oper, 1 List the conditions whch must be ufiled before the jacking ol system can sa. 1 Liste probable canses ofthe "Moto Control Center- No Ready" alan, 1 Liste checks which mst be made inthe jacking ol system ding oor baring penton. PowerPlant Tealring Center Page 4 ALSTOM Graweres ‘Operation Jacking Ol System ‘System Purpose and Scope Figure 1& ‘Simplified Diagram “Two jacking il systems ae incl in the sua black ofthe gas eurboset ‘ MBVS) jacking oil system forthe yas tabine ad generator. sa MAVS9 jacking i stem forthe IP and LP steam tine ‘The jacking il pstem supplies high-pressure cio the bearings where it forms Iydrosttsll lobe ol fil betien journal and lower bearing sel stand ra ow ‘tational sped ofthe rotor. This moans iting the shal enstring the eomplete eparain of {the ovo metalic surfaces, dus enabling he rotor to ‘Assoon athe rotor tus at higher sped the i film wll be formed hydkodynanscally ‘enabled bythe design ofthe bearing the bearings clearance and the spi! abe oi. The {Jacking of sytem shen switched of "The jacking oi system mus alvays operate when the rotors at low sped that i rng 1 Stay ofthe gasturboset to redce the starting torque, sm shutdown of the gs turbot, 1 taming gear and hyaslic rotor baring option, 1 offline compres clsning af the OT, 1 fastcosing ofthe GT, 1 rotor ning with SSD, eg motor rll uring commissioning, 1 route e shaft by hand fiom inside the exaust as plenum, daring boroscone inspection, Generally the jacking il system must be in operation as long asthe rotor sped i alow 90% ofthe nominal ped "The jackie ol system is normaly ot in servien ‘During complet stands of he turbos. 1 Aerie SSD is dsconnecteddrng star. ‘The major components ofthe jacking ol ystems ofthe gastos ‘AC nitor driven jacking ol pumps MBBVS0 APDOI, 1 nor-eum vale, 1 press limiting valve MBVS0 DPODI, 1 piping, safety and monitoring equipment Power Pant Traning Center Page S ALSTOM Gperston acking Ot Syatom System Description Jacking Oil Pump Figure 1& ‘The AC moter driven jacking i pump MBVSO APOOL isa pressure compensate axil= ‘Simplified Diagram ston pump with variable displacement swashplate design a installed on the top plate of fe labe ol unk “Thistype of pump aways 1 Muntain constant pressure by the pumps internal pressure contol vate MBV'0 ‘AOD farther i 1 lschurges the jacking il exactly atthe eure flowrate, without excess i owing through the pest iting valve MBVS0 DPOO}, “he discharge pressure ofthe jacking il pump —F the pressure of the jacking ol stem = isadjusted by the iernall installed posereconl valve MBVSO AAC. ‘Te high-pressure jacking oil eters the bouings ofthe gastos and geertr though a ble in the lowest part ofthe lower bearing shell an fils the pocket proved nhs are, ‘Te esata force in the pocket are its the oar of the urbe ener spectively, ‘Te comet it ofthe shaft can be verified by measuring the lift by means o dial distance _puge, Compare the measure value with theif ecorded ding Commissioning. lithe two AC mor driven ube oi pump should fi the AC motr driven jacking oi ‘imp and the emergency lube ol amp ae star untill together. to sappy el 3s ‘te urbset is shuting down Flow Control Valves igure 1 & ow contol valves MBVSO AAOIO/ 020/030 / O40 ae installa upatream of ach easing ‘Simplified Diagram ie the supply Tins from the jacking ol pump. These valves are othe two-dietiona low ‘nil type turing sup il bck into theo an Daring commissioning theo flow tiroogh each valve is ajusted ut the correct oto it is achieved and then hy tock. Non-return Valves, Nomsctum valves MBDI4 AAODI, MBD21 AAOOI, MKDIT AAGOL. MIKD21 AAQOE, ae inaaled upstream in ech jour bearing saply line o prevent oil bak flow. Addons, ‘osetum valves M30 AAOI1 021 031/041 ate belonging to the gastbosel ae itlled downseam of the Now ceneal valves also preventing bck ow. PowerPlant Training Center nee Page 6 craweres ALSTOM Operation Jacking Ol System Prossure Limiting Valve “The pressure iting valve MBVSO POOL pets the system ram overst. Pressure Measuring sur inctor MBV50 CP009 installed permanent, presse pnt MBYSOCEOI sows measurement during commissioning ad maintenance aris not eqsppd wih an instrument, Pressure garg for lc india ae sven each ofthe ies down ream ofthe flow conta vas Operation Je general the system shall be operate in accordance with th Pant Operation Concept orto star, the preselection of component a al elvan valve position hive 0 be checked withthe i of he mama “Preparation Check Lint por Sta Startup ‘Simpitied Diagram Before te jacking oil system can be sare he ellowing conditions must be fled: 1 Any maintenance is competed andl work permis ar withdrawn or canceled 1 The opoating made ofthe ga urost his been sled frome, normal cperation rotor baring: compessor cleaning fast cooing '= Function Greup (FG) lbe ol onl pressure in the distribution stm MBVA0 is above the preset level ‘When the above conditions are uid, EGATROL' sequential start program anomaly su the jacking oi pump). Power Plant Training Center ALSTOM craweres (Operation Jacking O1| System Shutdown Dring «tonal shutdown ofthe gas ust the jacking ol pump sas atomically by 8 ‘gna ron the sequential shutdown program ale the bine rotor speed has dropped below preset percentage ofthe ated spe, ‘When the rtar as coo down, the Pueton Gra (EG) rotor baring can be shut own by the opecabe and thn the jeking oil pumps) ne switches FE. Emergency Situations Inanemeigeey situation the same procedure applies ss daring normal eas tuboset shutdown, During shadow ofa wiped tbost, the presse in he ube oil dsbtion sytem wil pethaps dp. The emerzeny lube cil pamp is stared automatically bythe EGATROL. contol sytem when the pressare in the abe oil dsebution system dps blow a preset Tit. Ifthe BGATROL como system should fl de rotor mus be mansined tming ding the ool down period. The jacking ol pomp. is started by hand in he Human Machine Interac. However his pump start isteach unt the minimum ite oleate is supple by ‘the main eremerpeney lube il pump. Therefter the rotor baring cat besarte Protection and Fault Causes General ‘The EGATROL contol and supervises the rose. Am merck prevent the jacking oi sysiem fom sting anesthe lobe il pumps ae ‘supplying pressurized oil. This protection is past of EGATROL. “Ther ar wo alarms ined from he jacking ol system tothe FGATROL, bt thet are lain the Meter Contol Center (MCC) rom non-fnctionng AC motes, Power lant Training Cantor Page 8 ALSTOM ‘Spersion Jacking Oi System Maltunctioning and possible causes MCC not Ready Possible causes: 1 Breaker nt switched on 1m Thecrmal protection has responded. 18 One or mere fas ae how, Required Action: Investigate ul the soure ofthe problem is found, Take the action necessary to eu he ‘mitt normal operation Monitoring Equipment Pressure Monitoring Pressure gauge MBV'S0 CPOI monitors locally the pressure afte the jacking ol pam. Pressure gnuge MBVS0 CPO1OW020, MBV61 CPOIO and MBV62 CP020 monitor lol ol pressure ate the lw cont valves Periodic Checks Dring operation of the jacking oi system, taken walk down atleast once per shift -t0 check or 1 The pres indzaton on the presse gauges. 1 Leaks inthe bi pressure piping, '8 Noise, abnormal vibration and temperate in pumps, motos ain piping. Power Plant Training Center § — Pageo ALSTOM Gperston sacking Oi! System Summary “his section discusses theeking il stem and is operation las with poss caues, which mast be ete sts hecks which operating pone mast J wen system isinoperation ‘To coe that you understand the material covered review eich ofthe Objectives ‘eae. PowerPlant Training Center Page 10 ALSTOM _ ‘Spenton Jacking 0 Systm Figure 1: Typical Jacking Oil System Power Plant Tiining Center — Page 17 Graveras Jacking Oil Systom ‘Operation ALSTOM Jacking Oil System ‘Simplified Diagram Derived from HTCT319 678 Power Pian Training Contor age 12 ALSTOM Spersion sacking Of System Designation of Parts Derived from HTCT 690 985 Var. 12 KKS-No. Designation Maio HP steam turbine Mapi0 IP steam turbine Macto LP steam turbine MaDtt Jour bearing shot Mapi2 ‘Journal bearing shel Mapai ‘ourrmal bearing shot Map21 Asoo Non-rotum valve MaD3t Journal bearing shot Map21 AAgo1 Non-return valve Mapai Journal bearing shot Maat AAoo1 "Non-tetum valve Mak70 “Turning gear supply 'MAaK70 APoot “Turning gear ol pump MAKa5 APOOT Hand pump (notin diagram HTCT 319 678) mavso sacking ol system, steam turbine MAVSO AROO? Pressure contol valve MAV50 AROOS Pressure contol valve [MAV50 A008 Non-return vaie MAV50 A009 Non-tetur valve ‘Mavs0 AEQ01 Motor to jacking oll and tuming gear at pumps ‘avso AEo02 Motor to jacking of pp ‘MAO AHOD ‘Stands heater, moto fo pump MAVS0 APOOT ‘avs atone Stands heater, motor to pump MAVSO APOO2 -MAV50 APOO1 Jacking 0! pump, AC-motr ven Mavs0 APO02 acing oll pump, AC-motor driven Maso CPOt1 Measuring point for pressure avso cPor2 Measuring point for pressure Mavs0 DPoo1 ‘Constant pressure valve Mavs2 aRoot iow contra valve Mavs2 cPoo1 ‘Measuring pont for pressure Mave ADOT Flow canta valve mavsa cPoo1 Measuring point for pressure MaVs4 AAOOT Flow conto valve ‘MAVS8 POD Measuring point fr prossuro ‘weas0 Gas turbine ‘weA80 Compressor Mp0 10 Turbine bearing perdestat Mpo11 Journal bearing shell BOTT Asoo Non-rotum valve Power Plant Training Contor — Page 13 ALSTOM Gr2ware6 Operation Jacking OW System Designation of Parts (continued) Mep20 ‘Compressor bearing pedestal Meat Journal bearing she Mep21 AAoos Nonretumn valve Meo22 “Thrust bearing shel! Mevio Lube ei storage system MeV10 BBOOt Tank Maver Lube ol forwarding systom (not in HTOT 319 678) ‘Maves APoot Main tube ol pump 1 (notin HTCT 319 678) Mavi APOO2 Main ude ol pump 2 (notin HTCT 319 678) maven Emergency lube ol eystom (not in HTCT 319 678) Mevz2 APoOt Emergency ibe oil pump (not in HTCT 319 678) maven Lube oil distribution system ‘evo slacking ol system MBVS0 AAoD2 Pressure contol valve BVO AAOtO Flow conto valve MBvs0 AGT Non-retum valve MBVS0 AAQ2O Flow contro valve Bvs0 AAG21 Non-etum valve MBv50 AHOO1 ‘Stancil heater, motor to purnp MBVSO APOOt ‘MBv50 AHoo2 Stands heater, motor fo pump MBVS0 APOO2 MBv50 APOOT ‘Jacking oll pump, AC-motor diven MBVv50 APOO2 Jacking ol pump, AC-motor driven MBvs0 CP009 Measurement of pressure Mevs0 CPOt0 Measurement of pressure Mavso GPot1 ‘Measuring point fr pressure Mavs0 CPot2 ‘Measuring point fr pressure ‘Mavs0 CPo20 Measurement of pressure ‘MBvso DPoo1 Pressure limiting valve ‘Bvt AAOo1 Flow conto valve MBv6t cPoto “Measuring point for pressure ‘weve2 AAO Flow control valve eyez cPo2o Measuring point for preseure evo Lube ol retum system MaKas0 Gerrerater M0 Exoter MKDI0 Beating pedestal, generator chive end MKort ‘Jounal beating shel, generator drive end MKD11 Ago: Non-return valve MKo20 ‘Beating pedestal, generator nonctve end Moat Journal bearing shel, generator non-ve end Mxoat Ancor "Nor-roturn valve Power Plant Training Contor Page 14

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