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Fifth International Conference on the Geology of the Tethys Realm, South Valley University, January 2010, P.




S. A. Helal* and M. Abd El-Wahab**

*Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University, Fayoum , Egypt
**National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Red Sea Branch, Egypt

Fourty six surface samples representing the recent marine sediments in the mangrove ecosystem of the Egyptian
Red Sea are treated for their Ostracoda content. These samples are collected from Wadi Gemal and Abu Ghoson areas.
Fourty eight ostracode species have been identified, belonging to twenty eight genera and fourteen families. The
percentages of the most common Ostracoda genera are Xestoleberis (42.11% at Wadi Gemal& 29.6% at Abu Ghoson
respectively), Ghardaglaia (11.1% and 24.23%), Loxoconcha (9.57% and 11.88%), Quadracythere (11.4%and 8.43%),
Hiltrmannicythere (2.5% and 5.82%) and Loxocorniculum (6.59% and 2.23%). These genera represent more than three
quarters of the whole present assemblage in the sites. The studied fauna show a clear Indo-Pacific affinity with rare
Mediterranean and cosmopolitan elements. The presence of such species is attributed to passive migration.

Mangrove forests are important environmental element and ecologically significant habitat. Two species of
mangrove trees have been recorded from the Egyptian Red Sea coast; Avicennia marina and Rhizophra mucronata
(Zahran, 1965). The former one dominates the study area. The mangrove represents mosaic habitats containing both hard
and soft ones. So, it provides living space in many parts of the world for more than 2,000 species of fish, invertebrates and
epiphytic plants (Hamilton & Snedaker, 1984).
The present work aims to study the Recent Ostracoda, as a part of the invertebrate community, from mangrove
environment of the Egyptian Red Sea coast. This study is mainly directed to: 1. Explore the Ostracoda population in the
mangrove ecosystem. 2. Identify and systematic study of the recovered Ostracoda, as this work is the first in this item
along the Egyptian Red Sea coast. 3. Throw some light on the environmental relations and probable role of Ostracoda in
the mangrove ecosystem. 4. Study the zoogeography of the Ostracoda faunal assemblage.
The study area comprises two mangrove sites which is the largest occurrences of mangrove trees along the
Egyptian Red Sea coast (Fig. 1). The first one, Wadi El Gemal Site, is situated in the south of Marsa Alam at lat. 24° 40\ 37\\
to 24° 41\ 13\\ N and Long. 35° 05\ 18\\ to 35° 04\ 57\\ E. The second one, Abu Ghoson area (El Qalaan site), is located at 40
Km south Wadi El Gemal between lat. 24° 21\ 29\\ to 24° 21\ 32\\ N and Long. 35° 18\ 23\\ to 35° 18\ 13\\ E.

Material and Methods

For collecting representing samples, each site of the two studied areas was subdivided into four transects and forty
six surface bottom sediment samples were collected (18 samples from Wadi El Gemal and 28 samples from Abu Ghoson,
Fig.1). Sediment samples were collected by grab sampler and some of them collected by pushing steel boxes into the
sediment to obtain about 1/2 kg of sediment samples. These samples were collected in Jan. 2004. The oceanographic
parameters affect the shore environments and simultaneously have the impression on the shore communities. The
oceanographic parameters were measured using Hydrolab Instrument (model Surveyer4, 1997) and the obtained results are
introduced in Table 1.

Environmental Situation of the Mangroves

Mangroves are among the few plants able to live in a salty marine environment. They thrive in shallow, calm,
nutrient rich environments. Mangroves protect reefs from terrestrial sediments and provide shelter among their roots for
juvenile reef fish, such as snappers .They have indirect value in controlling coastal erosion and contributing to shoreline
accretion (Chapman, 1977). These forests are extremely important ecologically and environmentally for the continued
existence and maintenance of coastal fisheries, for the shoreline protection, a refuge for wild life including birds, for
sediment stabilization; and to a minor extent mangroves provide forage for camels and other live stock as well as used as
fire wood (Madkour & Mohamed, 2005).
Mangrove communities suffer from natural and human induced stresses .Globally, mangroves are destroyed by
natural phenomena (cycles, tidal waves, eustatic sea level changes, coastal erosion, hypersalinity) and anthropogenic
inputs (Odum and Johannes,1975, Saenger et al 1983). Human induced stresses, including overgrazing, solid waste
disposal, overfishing, urbanization and changes in hydrological patterns threaten the survival of mangroves in Egypt. Loss
of mangroves will not only deplete the resources available within their boundaries, but also would affect the productivity of
offshore waters (Madkour & Mohamed, 2005). Moreover, oil industry, coastal engineering projects, reclamation,
aquaculture and dredging of estuaries and the intertidal zone can destroy mangrove directly or indirectly through changing
wadi courses and drainage patterns. For preventing or reducing the harmful effects of all these hazards all mangrove
forests in Egypt are declared as protectorates by the laws no.102/1983,4/1994 and by Egyptian Prime Ministerial Decrees
no. 1067/1983, 642/1995 and 143/2003.
56 S. A. Helal and M. Abd El-Wahab

Environmental Relations and Probable Role of Ostracoda in Mangrove Ecosystem.

The actual role of Ostracoda in the mangrove ecosystem was not fully understood. In the following paragraphs, we
will try to discuss some key notes about this role. As we see above, the mangrove forests are shallow, sheltered, calm and
considerably high productive environment. Consequently, Ostracoda must be of that forms adapted to photic, shallow, low
energetic and nutrient rich environment. Algae and sea grasses are important elements in this community. Hence, phytal
and plant dwelling Ostracoda are abundantly present.
Ostracoda have evolved a wide variety of nutrition systems including filter feeding and deposit –feeding (Pokorny,
1978). In captivity, most forms will live on a diet of algae, tomatoes or raw potatoes as well as on crushed snails, copepods
or fresh raw meat (Morkoven, 1962). Recent marine benthic forms tend to be either crawlers or burrowers. They are filter-
feeding on detritus or on diatoms, foraminifers and small polychaete worms. Such Ostracoda thrive best in muddy sands
and silts or algae and sea grasses (Brasier, 1979). Some forms prefer vegetal substances, mainly algae such as Ulvaceae
and diatoms. Paradoxostominae are known to suck the juices of water plants; the mouth in this group is especially
adopted as a sucking organ for the purpose. Other forms seem to be omnivorous. Decaying vegetation as well as small
animals forms a large part of their diet. Thus they act principally as scavengers (Morkhoven, 1962). The scavenger
Ostracoda, through its nutrition habits, will consume and disturb the excess accumulation of the organic matter. This will
Zoogeography and Taxonomy of the Recent Marine Ostracoda in the Egyptian Red Sea Mangrove 57

share in preventing the change of the environment to euxinic conditions. Normally, other biota support this role especially
the burrowers, filter-feeding and deposit-feeding organisms. Beside Ostracoda, the environment is inhabited by rich
communities of benthic forams, mollusks, bryozoans, echinoderms, craps, fishes, sea turtles, algae and sea grasses.
The community structure of the Ostracoda in the study area supports this view. All the recorded Ostracoda species
are of the forms adopted for shallow, sheltered, and vegetated environments. The most common Ostracoda are
Xestoleberis (42.11% at Wadi Gemal& 29.6% at Abu Ghoson respectively), Ghardaglaia (11.1% and 24.23%), Loxoconcha
(9.57%and11.88%), Quadracythere(11.4% and 8.43%), Hiltrmannicythere (2.5% and 5.82%), Loxocorniculum (6.59% and
2.23%), Paranesidea(3.4% and 1.74%), and Neonesidea (2.63% and 1.52%) in descending order. Mangrove trees, algae and
sea grasses are commonly present allover the study area. The plant dominant environments not only introduce feeding but
also offer protection for Ostracoda. According to Benson(1961),marine salt- marshes grasses such as the turtle
grass(Thalassia) of Florida and the Gulf Coast and the eel grass(Zostera) of the Pacific Coast offer protection for ostracode
populations. These Ostracoda are absent in the intervening bar spots. Moreover, the type of algae and sea grasses
determine the associated ostracode species. Benson(op.cit.) noted that a filigreed coralline algae growing in a tide pool
can teem with species of Xestoleberis and Cyhtere, whereas a neighboring different type of alga may be associated with
numerous individuals of Loxoconcha or Hemicythere. Ostracodes living on or near green algae commonly are different
from those of brown algae.
In the study area, the algae and sea grasses are widely distributed. At Wadi Gemal area, the macro algae were found
at a depth of 50-60 cm, in scattered pattern. The creeping green algae such as Caulerpa racemosa was found in small
aggregations covering vast areas of the sandy substrata and some dead corals as well. Also, small quantities of the green
algae Halimeda tuna were found in between branches of corals. Seagrass species were found as spots forming large
meadows, growing in sandy mud substrate such as Halophila stipulacea and Halodule uninervi. The seagrass Halophila
stipulacea was the dominant species forming separated patches. At Hamata area, the green algae forms a low dense mat
that covered some of the swamp floor. Cystoseira myrica, Sargassum dentifolium and Turbinaria triquetra appeared
forming scattered vegetation. The sea-grass vegetation was very limited, only a few spots of Halophila stipulacea were
found in the sandy depressions around the corals. Also, the seagrass Thalassia hemprichii forms small scattered patches
that occupied wide areas of the sandy flat.
In this study, it is generally noted that the samples with higher percentages of Ostracoda, are those associated with
algae and sea grasses(e.g. samples C3,C4,E1,E10,D3,D4,and D5). The patches occupied with the turtle sea grass Thalassia
hemprichii, and Halophila stipulacea have yielded dense communities of Ghardaglaia triebeli, followed by
Hiltermannicythere rubrimaris, and Sclerochilus rectomarginatus. The areas with the green creeping algae Caulerpa
recemosa have yielded dense communities of Xestoleberis spp. followed by Loxoconcha spp. and Loxocorniculum
spp.(e.g.samples A2, B3,and C4). The scattered vegetations of Cystoseira myrica, and Sargassum dentifolium are inhabited
by many Xestoleberis spp., Ghardaglaia triebeli, Hiltermannicythere rubrimaris, Miocyprideis cf. spinulosa and
Alocopocythere reticulata (e.g. samples D5,and D6).The presence of Turbinaria triquetra is accompanied with fairly high
number of Callistocythere arcuata, Ghardaglaia and Hiltermannicythere(e.g. sample D6). Also, this is associated with less
abundant occurrences of Callistocythere arenicola, Neonsidea spp., Paranesidea spp., and Trieblina sp.
The substrate exerts a strong influence on benthic Ostracoda. It has often been observed that the size, shape and
sculpture of benthic Ostracoda broadly reflect the stability, grain size and pore size of the substrata (Brasier,1979). Coarse-
grained sediments, like clean sands or oolites, support only a small ostracoda population, whereas mud-mixed sands and
pelitic sediments usually have a larger and much more diversified ostracode fauna(Pokorny′,1978). They are scarce in
Globigerina oozes and more scarces in euxenic black mud, evaporites, well sorted quartez sands and calcareous
sand(Brasier,1979). Generally, mangrove sediments in the study area are composed of a combination of biogenic and
terrestrial materials. Biogenic materials are either developed in situ or coming from the Red Sea landward migration,
whereas terrestrial materials are derived from the hinterland old rocks and transported to the sea by different agents of
Mangrove sediments of the investigated area are composed basically of slightly gravelly muddy sand, whereas fine
sand fractions are the most dominant in the intertidal zone. sediments are characterized by being poorly sorted, nearly
symmetrical to Mangrove coarse skewed, and mesokurtic to leptokurtic fine sand. This reflects the trapping of fine material
by plants and supply of coarse material by mollusca particles. Wadi El Gemal downstream is distinguished by abundance
of sand fraction and relatively high mud content. The relatively high content of mud is due to the influence of terrigenous
influx. Hamata area is characterized by high biogenic sand fraction, low mud and gravel content, respectively. In this study,
it is generally observed that samples with gravelly muddy sand substrata are inhabited with dense communities of benthic
ostracodes(e.g. samples D9,D8,D5,E10,E9,E8,C3,C4,and B5).
The samples with gravelly sandy mud substrata yielded poor benthic Ostracoda communities (e.g. samples F3, F4,
G1, G2, and G3). Moreover, the sandy muddy gravels are very poor to totally barren from ostracoda. The recorded
carapaces are mostly reworked or badly worn (e.g. samples W1,W2, and W3).

As the Red Sea is a northerly directed arm of the Indian Ocean, the ostracode fauna shows a clear Indo-Pacific
affinity. Bonaduce et al. (1983) stated that "In fact, many genera are in common with the Indo-Pacific area: Loxoconchella,
58 S. A. Helal and M. Abd El-Wahab

Australoecia, , Saipanetta, Alocopocythere, Bishopina Moosella". Bate, 1971 noted that ten species are in common with the
Red Sea and another arm of the Indian Ocean, the Persian Gulf( Abu Dhabi lagoon). These species are Xestoleberis
rhomboidea Hartmann, X. rotunda Hartmann, X. multiporosa Hartmann, Neonesidea schulzi (Hartmann), Loxoconcha
ornatovalvae Hartmann, Aglaiocypris triebeli(Hartmann), Hemicytherura videns aegyptiaca Hartmann, Paradoxostoma
longum Hartmann, Cytheroma dimorpha Hartmann and Alocopocythere reticulate (Hartmann). All these species are
recorded in the present study except Hemicytherura videns aegyptiaca Hartmann which is absent in our material.
Furthermore, Bate (op. cit.) showed that these species entered both regions (Red Sea and Persian Gulf)from the Indian
Ocean independently. Bate (1971) collected species common to the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf from shallow water
sediments off Bagamoyo, Tanzania (East Africa). Helal and Abd El-Wahab (2004) recoded 14 species present in both the
Red Sea (Safaga Bay) and the Persian Gulf(Abu Dhabi lagoon). The majority of the recorded fauna belong to the Indo-
Pacific realm. Out of 48 species, 41 species are of Indo- Pacific affinity., 3 species are Mediterranean and 4 species are
cosmopolitan. A brief account on the zoogeography of each taxon has been given in the following table (Table. 2).

Table 1. Oceanographic parameters measured in Jan. 2004 at Wadi El Gemal and Qalaan site.
Sample No. Temp. Do TDS Eh SPC
Depth in cm. o Bottom Facies Salinity% pH
C mg/L g/L mv Ms/cm
W1 80 20.16 Coarse sand 12.29 7.17 8.48 13.14 348 20.65
W2 120 19.32 Medium sand 25.75 5.84 8.08 25.79 370 40.56
W3 80 24.66 Sandy gravel 40.02 7.43 8.31 38.28 343 50.02
A1 Beach 24.95 Biogenic coarse sand 40.57 7.29 8.42 30.70 334 60.45
A2 50 25.08 Biogenic coarse sand 40.33 8.42 8.45 38.49 334 60.05
A3 50 24.89 Biogenic medium sand 41.12 8.69 8.96 39.16 337 61.16
A4 40 24.5 Biogenic medium sand 41.14 8.59 8.48 39.18 338 61.18
A5 40 24.6 Mixed coarse sand 41.16 8.62 8.46 39.21 339 61.22
B1 Beach 25.18 gravelly sand 40.75 7.15 8.41 38.79 338 60.42
B2 50 25 Biogenic coarse sand 40.66 8.16 8.54 38.79 339 60.57
B3 50 24.95 Biogenic coarse sand 41.33 9.36 8.48 39.33 340 61.43
B4 40 24.98 Biogenic medium sand 41.31 9.60 8.49 39.32 345 61.46
B5 40 24.51 Biogenic medium sand 41.4 9.55 8.50 39.40 345 61.53
C1 Beach 24.59 Gravelly sand 41.26 7.83 8.47 39.29 332 61.40
C2 50 22.86 Biogenic muddy sand 41.49 9.48 8.50 39.43 339 61.65
C3 50 21.75 Biogenic medium sand 41.5 9.72 8.51 39.45 336 61.61
C4 40 23.18 Biogenic medium sand 41.61 9.43 8.52 39.53 345 61.75
C5 40 23.68 Biogenic coarse sand 41.52 8.90 8.53 39.47 345 61.64
D1 Beach 20.25 Biogenic coarse sand 40.42 6.01 8.42 38.75 270 60.43
D2 80 20.29 Biogenic coarse sand 40.44 6.00 8.64 38.81 271 60.73
D3 100 21.9 Biogenic medium sand 40.72 6.43 8.50 38.80 270 60.72
D4 100 20.46 Biogenic medium sand 40.61 6.25 8.51 38.68 278 60.50
D5 120 20.51 Biogenic medium sand 41.06 6.18 8.53 39.05 307 60.98
D6 140 20.28 Biogenic medium sand 41.17 5.89 8.53 39.11 310 61.18
D7 70 20.52 Biogenic fine sand 41.26 6.07 8.53 39.23 312 61.27
D8 30 20.64 Biogenic fine sand 41.28 6.55 8.53 39.25 313 61.32
D9 30 21.83 Biogenic medium sand 41.32 6.42 8.54 39.26 315 61.34
D10 20 23.23 Biogenic medium sand 41.00 7.71 8.57 39.07 278 61.02
E1 Swamp 22.38 Medium sand 41.42 6.60 8.55 39.39 324 61.60
E2 Swamp 22.39 Muddy sand 41.35 6.69 8.55 39.33 322 61.48
E3 Swamp 21.97 Muddy sand 41.30 7.43 8.55 39.32 318 61.40
E4 Swamp 22.44 Muddy sand 41.06 6.64 8.54 39.06 316 61.06
E5 Beach 22.02 Mixed gravelly sand 41.22 7.24 8.53 39.22 313 62.21
E6 Beach 21.63 Mixed gravelly sand 41.31 6.40 8.51 39.29 311 61.37
E7 20 22.42 Biogenic medium sand 44.29 5.24 8.46 41.80 322 65.36
E8 20 20.13 Biogenic medium sand 43.12 5.5 8.46 40.80 310 63.80
E9 30 20.11 Biogenic medium sand 43.10 5.40 8.44 40.60 309 63.70
E10 50 20.15 Biogenic medium sand 43.15 5.43 8.42 40.40 309 63.60
F1 Swamp 20.11 Muddy sand 43.10 5.30 8.40 40.60 308 63.50
F2 Swamp 22.44 Muddy sand 44.13 5.86 8.40 41.71 325 65.18
F3 Swamp 23.68 Muddy sand 44.54 6.12 8.43 42.01 325 65.69
F4 Swamp 23.67 Muddy sand 44.52 6.18 8.45 42.20 328 65.70
G1 Swamp 26.69 Muddy sand 45.29 7.96 8.48 42.70 330 66.71
G2 Swamp 26.65 Muddy sand 45.28 7.90 8.40 42.60 330 66.70
G3 Swamp 26.63 Muddy sand 45.27 7.86 8.38 42.50 330 66.69
G4 Swamp 26.61 Muddy sand 45.26 7.81 8.36 42.40 330 66.65
Zoogeography and Taxonomy of the Recent Marine Ostracoda in the Egyptian Red Sea Mangrove 59

Table 2. Zoogeography of the recorded Ostracoda in the Red Sea mangroves

Geographic niche Authors
Paranesidea fracticorallicola Indo-Pacific, Persian Gulf, Red Sea Maddocks1969, Bonaduce et al.1983
Paranesidea fortificata Indo-Pacific, Red Sea Bonaduce et al.1983
Paranesidea sp.2 Red Sea Bonaduce et al.1983
Hartmann1964, Bate1971, Bonaduce et al.1983 ,Helal& Abd El
Neonesidea schulzi Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, Red Sea
Neonesidea sp.1 Red Sea Bonaduce et al.1983
Triebelina jellinki Cosmopolitan Malz& Lord1988
Triebelina sertata Cosmopolitan Teeter1975, Malz& Lord1988
Hartmann1964, Bate1971, Bonaduce et al.1983 ,Helal& Abd El
Ghardaglaia triebeli Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, Red Sea
Pontocypris sp. B Bate Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf , Red Sea Bate1971 and Helal& Abd El Wahab2004
Leptocythere arenicola Red Sea Hartmann1964, Bonaduce et al.1983
Callistocythere arcuata Red Sea Bonaduce et al.1980, Bonaduce et al.1983
Callistocythere cf. C. litoralis Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea Ruggieri1974, Hartmann1964, Bonaduce et al.1983
Caudites levis Red Sea Hartmann1964, Helal& Abd El Wahab2004
Alocopocythere reticulata Red Sea, Persian Gulf , Oman Gulf Hartmann1964, Bate1971, Paik1977
Tuberculocythere sp.1 Red Sea Bonaduce et al.1983
Quadracythere borchersi Red Sea, Mozambique Hartmann1964&1974, Bonaduce et al.1983
Ruggieria?danielopoli Red Sea Bonaduce et al.1976, Bonaduce et al.1983
Hartmann1964, Bonaduce et al.1983, Helal& Abd El
Hiltermannicythere rubrimaris Red Sea
Moosella striata Red Sea Hartmann1964, Helal& Abd El Wahab2004
Lankacythere sp. Red Sea Bonaduce et al.1983
Cyprideis litoralis Cosmopolitan Hartmann, 1964
Cypridies torosa Cosmopolitan Guillaume et al.,1985
Miocyprideis cf. spinolusa Cosmopolitan Kollmann1960, Gramann1971, Helal& Abd El Wahab2004
Loxoconcha idkui Mediterranean Sea , Red Sea Hartmann1964
Loxoconcha ornatovalvae Red Sea, Persian Gulf Hartmann1964, Bate1971
Loxoconcha sp.1 Red Sea Bonaduce et al.1983
Loxoconcha n. sp.A Bate Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, Red Sea Bate1971, Helal& Abd El Wahab2004
Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, Red Sea Hartmann1964, Bate1971, Helal& Abd El Wahab2004
Loxocorniculum aff .L.
Red Sea Hartmann1974, Bonaduce et al.1983
Loxocorniculum sp. 1 Red Sea Bonaduce et al.1983
Paracytheridea aqabaensis Red Sea Bonaduce et al.1976, Bonaduce et al.1983
Paracytheridea remanei Red Sea Hartmann1964, Helal& Abd El Wahab2004
Paradoxostoma breve Mediterranean Sea , Red Sea Hartmann1964, Bonaduce et al.1983
Paradoxostoma parabreve Red Sea Hartmann1964
Paradoxostoma longum Red Sea, Persian Gulf Hartmann1964, Bate1971
Paradoxostoma punctatum Red Sea Hartmann1964
Cytherois gracilis Red Sea Hartmann1964
Sclerochilus rectomarginatus Red Sea Hartmann1964
Cytheroma dimorpha Red Sea, Persian Gulf , Oman Gulf Hartmann1964, Bate1971, Paik1977
Abditacythere subterranea Red Sea Hartmann1964
Xestoleberis ghardaqae Red Sea Hartmann1964
Xestoleberis multiporosa Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, Red Sea Hartmann1964, Bate1971
Xestoleberis simplex Red Sea Hartmann1964
Hartmann1964, Bate1971, Bonaduce et al.1983 , Helal& Abd El
Xestoleberis rhomboidea Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, Red Sea
Hartmann1964, Bate1971, Bonaduce et al.1983 , Helal& Abd El
Xestoleberis rotunda Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, Red Sea
Xestoleberis rubrimaris Red Sea Hartmann1964
Cytherella cf. punctata Persian Gulf, Red Sea Bate1971, Helal& Abd El Wahab2004
Cytherelloidea sp. A Bate Persian Gulf, Red Sea Bate1971, Helal& Abd El Wahab2004

The present taxonomic work led to the identification of forty eight Ostracoda species belonging to twenty eight
genera and fourteen families. Occurrence and brief systematic study are given for each identified species. Tables (3 and 4)
show the taxonomic list, the total numbers of the studied species, percentage and their occurrence in the study area.
Table 2 shows the occurrence elsewhere.
Order: Podocopida Müller, 1894.
60 S. A. Helal and M. Abd El-Wahab

Suborder: Podocopina Sars, 1866.

Superfamily: Bairdiacea Sars, 1888.
Family: Bairdiidae Sars, 1888.
Genus: Paranesidea Maddocks, 1969.
Paranesidea fracticorallicola Maddocks, 1969. ( Pl. 1, Fig. B ).
1983 Paranesidea fracticorallicola Maddocks.- Bonaduce, Ciliberto, Minichelli, Masoli& Pugliese, p.477, fig. 3: 7-9.
Occurrence: This species is widely distributed allover the study area.
Paranesidea fortificata (Brady,1868)
1983 Paranesidea forcticata (Brady).-Bonaduce, Ciliberto, Minichelli, Masoli& Pugliese, p. 477, fig. 3: 4- 6.
Occurrence: This species is only represented by one carapace in Wadi Gemal (A2).
Paranesidea sp. 2 BCMMP, 1983. ( Pl. 1, Fig. A ).
1983 Paranesidea n. sp. 2 Bonaduce, Ciliberto, Minichelli, Masoli& Pugliese, p.477, fig. 3: 10-13.
Occurrence: This species is recorded from several samples in both Wadi Gemal and Abu Ghoson but it is generally rare
and represented by only one carapace in most samples.
Genus: Neonesidea Maddocks, 1969
Neonesidea schulzi (Hartmann, 1964). (Pl. 1, Fig. D)
1964 Triebelina schulzi n. sp. Hartmann, p.44, pl.4, 5, figs.14- 22 .
1971 Neonesidea schulzi (Hartmann).-Bate, p. 246, pl. 1, fig. 1i.
2004 Neonesidea schulzi (Hartmann).-Helal & Abd El-Wahab, p.83, pl.1, fig. 2.
Occurrence: This species is widely distributed in the study area and represent the highest population recorded from
samples E10 and D7 (23 and 17 carapaces respectively).
Neonesidea sp. 1 BCMMP, 1983. (Pl. 1, Fig. C, E )
1983 Neonesidea n. sp.1 Bonaduce, Ciliberto, Minichelli, Masoli& Pugliese, p.478, fig. 4: 6-9.
Occurrence: This species is generally rare in the study area. It is recorded from one sample in Abu Ghoson area (E10) and
in Wadi Gemal from seven samples( A3,A5, B1, B2, B3, C4 and C5). In all these samples, it is represented by one or two
carapaces only.
Genus: Triebelina Van den Bold,1946
Triebelina jellinki Malz & Lord, 1988
1988 Triebelina jellinki sp. nov. Malz & Lord, p.68, pl. 1, figs. 8-10; pl. 2, figs. 8-9.
Occurrence: This species is very rare and represented by only one carapace in Wadi Gemal.
Triebelina sertata Triebel, 1975. (Pl.1 ,Fig. G )
1975 Triebelina sertata Triebel.-Teeter, p. 422, Text-fig. 31.
1988 Triebelina sertata Triebel.- Malz & Lord, p.66, pl.1, figs. 1-7.
Occurrence: Although Triebelina sertata is recovered from eight samples in Wadi Gemal, it doesn't exceed four carapaces
in any sample. In Abu Ghoson area, it is found in one sample only.
Superfamily: Cypridacea Baird, 1845
Family: Paracyprididae Sars, 1923
Genus: Ghardaglaia Hartmann,1964
Ghardaglaia triebeli Hartmann, 1964. ( Pl. 1, Fig. f ).
1964 Ghardaglaia triebeli n. sp. Hartmann, p.41, pl.6-9, figs.23- 40.
Occurrence: Ghardaglaia triebeli is one of the dominant species in the study area.
Family: Pontocyprididae Müller, 1894
Genus: Pontocypris Sars, 1866
Pontocypris sp. B Bate, 1971
1971 Pontocypris sp. B. Bate, p.264, pl.1, fig.1h.
2004 Pontocypris sp. B Bate.- Helal& Abd El-Wahab, p.83, pl.1, fig.4.
Occurrence: This species is very rare and represented by only one carapace (sample E5).
Superfamily: Cytheracea Baird, 1850
Family: Leptocytheridae Hanai, 1957
Genus: Leptocythere G.O.Sars,1925
Leptocythere arenicola (Hartmann, 1964 ). ( Pl.1 , Fig. I )
1964 Leptocythere (subgen. Callistocythere) arenicola n. sp. Hartmann, pl.12, figs.52-57, pl.13, figs.58-59.
1983 Leptocythere arenicola Hartmann.- Bonaduce, Ciliberto, Minichelli, Masoli and Pugliese, p.478.
Occurrence: This species is mainly founded in the lagoon facies of Abu Ghoson area. Rare occurrences are also recorded
from the inertidal zone of Abu Ghoson and Wadi Gemal areas.
Genus: Callistocythere Ruggieri, 1953
Callistocythere arcuata BMMP, 1983. ( Pl.1 , Fig. H )
1983 Callistocythere arcuata Bonaduce, Minichelli, Masoli and Pugliese.- Bonaduce, Ciliberto, Minichelli, Masoli and
Pugliese, p.478, fig.6: 1-3.
Occurrence: This species is widely distributed in the lagoon and swamp facies of Abu Ghoson area.
Zoogeography and Taxonomy of the Recent Marine Ostracoda in the Egyptian Red Sea Mangrove 61

Callistocythere cf. C. litoralis(G.W. Müller, 1894). ( Pl.1 , Fig. J )

1964 Leptocythere cf. litoralis (G. W. Müller).-Hartmann, p.64, pl. 11, figs.46-51, pl.13, fig. 60.
1983 Callistocythere cf. C. litoralis (G. W. Müller, 1894).- Bonaduce, Ciliberto, Minichelli, Masoli and Pugliese, p.481.
Occurrence: This species is generally rare and represented by only one or two carapaces in five samples (three samples in
Abu Ghoson and two samples in Wadi Gemal).
Family: Hemicytheridae Puri,1953
Subfamily: Orionininae Puri, 1974
Genus: Caudites Coryell & Fields, 1937
Caudites levis Hartmann, 1964. ( Pl.1, Fig. M )
1964 Caudites levis n. sp. Hartmann, p. 117, pl.55, figs. 311-316.
2004 Caudites levis Hartmann.- Helal& Abd El-Wahab, p.84, pl.1, fig.7.
Occurrence: Caudites levis is commonly present in the study area except the swamp facies of Abu Ghoson where only one
specimen of this species was recorded from sample F4.
Family: Campylocytheridae Puri, 1960
Genus: Alocopocythere Siddiqui, 1971
Alocopocythere reticulata (Hartmann, 1964). (Pl. 1, Fig. O )
1964 Bradleya reticulata n.sp.Hartmann, p.108, pl.46, fig.269; pl. 47-49,figs.274-288.
1971 Alocopocythere reticulata (Hartmann). - Bate, p. 246, pl. 1, fig. 2PP.
2004 Alocopocythere reticulata (Hartmann).- Helal& Abd El-Wahab,p.85, pl.1, fig.8.
Occurrence: This species is commonly present in Abu Ghoson area. It is exceptionally rare in Wadi Gemal and recorded
from two samples only (one carapace for each).
Family: Cytheruridea Mueller,1894
Genus: Tuberculocythere Colalongo& Pasini, 1980
Tuberculocythere sp.1 BCMMP, 1983. (Pl. 1, Fig. L)
1983 Tuberculocythere n. sp.1 Bonaduce, Ciliberto, Minichelli, Masoli and Pugliese, p.485, fig. 7: 12.
Occurrence: This species is generally rare and only recoded by four carapaces in four samples at Abu Ghoson area.
Family: Trachyleberididae Sylvester-Bradley, 1948
Subfamily: Trachyleberidinae Sylvester-Bradley, 1948
Genus: Quadracythere Hornibrook,1952
Quadracythere borchersi (Hartmann, 1964). (Pl. 1 , Fig. K )
1964 Hemicythere ? borchersi n.sp. Hartmann, p.119, pl.56, figs.318-221; pl.57, figs.322- 323; pl.58, figs.324-330.
1983 Quadracythere borchersi (Hartmann).-Bonaduce, Ciliberto, Minichelli, Masoli and Pugliese, p.478.
Occurrence: Quadracythere borchersi is one of the most dominant species and occurs in all samples except two samples
in Wadi Gemal(A4&W3) and three samples in Abu Ghoson(F3,G1&G2).
Genus: Ruggieria Keij, 1957
Ruggieria ?danielopoli BMP, 1983. (Pl. 1, Fig. N)
1983 Ruggieria ? danielopoli Bonaduce, Masoli and Pugliese(BMP).- Bonaduce, Ciliberto, Minichelli, Masoli and Pugliese,
p.482, fig.6: 4-8.
Occurrence: This species is only recorded from the lagoon facies at Abu Ghoson area.
Genus: Hiltermannicythere Bassiouni, 1970
Hiltermannicythere rubrimaris (Hartmann, 1964 ). (Pl. 2, Fig. M )
1964 Cythereis ? rubrimaris n.sp. Hartmann, p.115, pl.54, figs.306-310; pl.56, fig.317.
1983 Hiltermannicythere rubrimaris( Hartmann).-Bonaduce, Ciliberto, Minichelli, Masoli and Pugliese, p.481.
Occurrence: This species is one of the most dominant species in the study area.
Genus: Moosella Hartmann, 1964
Moosella striata Hartmann, 1964. (Pl. 2, Fig. N)
1964 Moosella striata n. sp. Hartmann, pl. 46, figs.270-273; pl.50-51, figs.289- 297.
2004 Moosella striata Hartmann.- Helal& Abd El-Wahab, p.87, pl. 1, fig.16.
Occurrence: Moosella striata is widely distributed in the study area with higher density in Wadi Abu Ghoson.
Genus: Lankacythere Bhatia& Kumar, 1979
Lankacythere sp. BCMMP. ( pl. 2, Fig. O)
1983 Lankacythere sp. Bonaduce, Ciliberto, Minichelli, Masoli and Pugliese, p.482, fig.6: 9-12.
Occurrence: This is a very rare species and is represented by only one carapace in Wadi Gemal(sampleB3), and three
carapaces in Wadi Abu Ghoson(sampleD2).
Family: Cytherideidae Sars, 1925
Subfamily: Cytherideinae Sars, 1925
Genus: Cyprideis Jones,1857
Cyprideis litoralis (G. S. Brady, 1868). (Pl. 2, Fig. D, E )
1964 Cyprideis litoralis (G. S. Brady) .- Hartmann, p.46, pl.10, figs.41-45.
62 S. A. Helal and M. Abd El-Wahab

Occurrence: This species is recoded from the swamp facies at Abu Ghoson area. Only two carapaces are recorded from
Wadi Gemal (sample A2).
Cypridies torosa (Jones, 1850). (Pl. 2, Fig. A, B, C)
1985 Cypridies torosa (Jones).- Guillaume, Peypouquet& Tetart, p.342, figs.1-2.
1985 Cypridies torosa(Jones) Boukhary& Guernet, p.36, pl.2, fig.11.
Occurrence: This species is widely distributed in the swamp facies at Abu Ghoson area. It is also recorded from one
sample at Wadi Gemal (sample A1).
Genus: Miocyprideis Kollmann, 1960
Miocyprideis cf. spinulosa (G. S. Brady, 1868). (Pl.2, Fig. F )
1868 Cytheridea spinulosa n. sp. G. S. Brady, p. 182-183, pl. 8, figs. 1-6.
1960 Miocyprideis spinulosa (Brady).-Kollmann, p. 178, pl.18, figs.12-13, Pl.19, fig.16.
1971 Miocyprideis cf. spinulosa (G. S. Brady).-Gramann, p.124, pl.15, figs.8-10.s
Occurrence: This species has restricted occurrences in Abu Ghoson as it is recoded from the central part of the lagoon
and the eastern part of the Swamp. It is very rare in Wadi Gemal and only one carapace is recoded from sample C3.
Family: Cytheridea Baird, 1850
Subfamily: Loxoconchinae Sars, 1825
Genus: Loxoconcha Sars, 1866
Loxoconcha idkui Hartmann, 1964. (Pl. 2, Figs. I )
1964 Loxoconcha idkui n. sp. Hartmann, p.55, pl. 18, figs.83- 85; pl. 19, figs. 86- 91.
Occurrence: This species is widely distributed in both Wadi Gemal and Abu Ghoson area.
Loxoconcha ornatovalvae Hartmann, 1964
1964 Loxoconcha ornatovalvae n. sp. Hartmann, p.58, pl. 20, figs. 92- 100.
Occurrence: It is one of the most common species allover the study area.
Zoogeography: Red Sea (Hartmann,1964).
Loxoconcha sp.1 BCMMP, 1983. (Pl. 2, Fig. G )
1983 Loxoconcha n. sp. 1 Bonaduce, Ciliberto, Minichelli, Masoli and Pugliese, p.489, fig. 9: 1-4.
Occurrence: This species is rare and only recorded from two samples(C4&W3) in Wadi Gemal.
Loxoconcha sp. A Bate, 1971. (Pl. 2, Fig. H )
1971 Loxoconcha sp. A Bate, p. 246, pl. 1, fig. 1, l .
Occurrence: This species has a localized distribution and present only in the lagoon facies of Abu Ghoson area.
Genus: Loxocorniculum Benson and Coleman, 1963
Loxocorniculum ghardaquensis (Hartmann, 1964). (Pl. 2, Fig. I)
1964 Loxoconcha ghardaqensis n.sp. Hartmann, p.52, pl.15, figs.67-72; pl.16, figs.73- 76; pl.17, figs.77-79; pl.18, figs.80- 82.
1971 Loxocorniculum ghardaquensis (Hartmann).- Bate, p. 254.
Occurrence: This species is widely distributed in the study area.
Loxocorniculum aff. L. algicola (Hartmann,1964). (Pl. 2, Fig. L )
1983 Loxocorniculum aff. L. algicola (Hartmann).- Bonaduce, Ciliberto, Minichelli, Masoli and Pugliese, p.489, fig.8: 5-8.
Occurrence: This species is widely distributed in Abu Ghoson area but generally rare in Wadi Gemal .
Loxocorniculum sp.1 BCMMP, 1983. (Pl. 2, Fig. K )
1983 Loxocorniculum n. sp. 1 Bonaduce, Ciliberto, Minichelli, Masoli and Pugliese, p. 486, fig. 8: 1-4.
Occurrence: This is a widely distributed species in Wadi Gemal and the lagoon facies of Abu Ghoson area.
Family: Paracytherideidae Puri, 1957
Subfamily: Paracytherideinae Puri, 1957
Genus: Paracytheridea G. W. Müller, 1894
Paracytheridea aqabaensis Bonaduce, Masoli& Pugliese, 1976. (Pl. 3, Fig. A)
1983 Paracytheridea aqabaensis Bonaduce, Masoli& Pugliese- Bonaduce, Ciliberto, Minichelli, Masoli and Pugliese, p.482,
fig. 6: 13.
Occurrence: This species is rare and represented by only one carapace(sample C4) at Wadi Gemal.
Paracytheridea remanei Hartmann, 1964. (Pl. 3, Fig. B)
1964 Paracytheridea remanei Hartmann, p.65, pl.23, figs.114-120; pl.24, figs.121-124.
Occurrence: This is a rare species and is recoded from three samples in Wadi Abu Ghoson(one carapace for each), and
from three samples in Wadi Gemal.
Family: Paradoxostomidae
Subfamily: Paradoxostominae
Genus: Paradoxostoma Fischer,1885
Paradoxostoma breve G. W. Mueller, 1894. (Pl. 3, Fig. D)
1964 Paradoxostoma breve G. W. Mueller.- Hartmann, p.83, pl.36, figs.204-209.
Occurrence: This species is recorded from the lagoon facies at Abu Ghoson area.
Paradoxostoma parabreve Hartmann, 1964. (Pl. 3, Fig. F)
1964 Paradoxostoma parabreve n. sp. Hartmann, p.84, pl.38, figs.222-225; pl.39, figs. 231-233.
Zoogeography and Taxonomy of the Recent Marine Ostracoda in the Egyptian Red Sea Mangrove 63

Occurrence: This is a very rare species and only one carapace is recorded from sample(A5) in Wadi Gemal
Paradoxostoma longum Hartmann, 1964. (Pl. 3 , Fig. C)
1964 Paradoxostoma longum n. sp. Hartmann, p.87, pl.37, figs.210- 216.
Occurrence: This species is common in the lagoon facies at Abu Ghoson and is rare in Wadi Gemal (only one carapace
from sample B5 and another from sample C2).
Paradoxostoma punctatum Hartmann, 1964. (Pl. 3, Fig. G)
1964 Paradoxostoma punctatum n. sp. Hartmann, p.89, pl.39, figs.226- 230.
Occurrence: This species is represented by one carapace in Wadi Gemal, sample(A3).
Genus: Cytherois G. W. Mueller ,1894
Cytherois gracilis Hartmann, 1964. (Pl. 3, Fig. K)
1964 Cytherois gracilis n. sp. Hartmann,p.91, pl.40, figs.234-239; pl. 41, figs.240-241.
Occurrence: Only one specimen of this species was recorded from Wadi Gemal area, sample C4.
Genus: Sclerochilus G.O.Sars,1866
Sclerochilus rectomarginatus Hartmann, 1964. (Pl. 3, Fig. I)
1964 Sclerochilus rectomarginatus n. sp. Hartmann, p.93, pl.41, figs.242-243; pl. 42, figs.224-250.
Occurrence: This is a common species and nearly found in all samples except the western part of the mangrove swamp of
Wadi Abu Ghoson( samples F2, F3, F4, G1, G2, G3 and G4). It represents the closest conditions in the study area
Subfamily: Cytherominae
Genus: Cytheroma G.W.Mueller,1894
Cytheroma dimorpha Hartmann, 1964. (Pl. 3, Fig. J)
1964 Cytheroma dimorpha n. sp. Hartmann, p.96, pl.43, figs.251- 255; pl.44, figs. 226- 259.
Occurrence: This species is only recorded from the middle part of the lagoon in Wadi Abu Ghoson.
Genus: Abditacythere Hartmann, 1964
Abditacythere subterranea Hartmann, 1964. (Pl. 3, Fig. E)
1964 Abditacythere subterranea n. sp. Hartmann, p.100, pl.45, pl. 260- 268.
Occurrence: This species is recorded from the middle part of the lagoon in Wadi Abu Ghoson and from the intertidal zone
at Wadi Gemal.
Family: Xestoleberididae Sars, 1928
Subfamily: Xestoleberidinae G. O. Sars, 1928
Genus: Xestoleberis G. O. Sars, 1866
Xestoleberis ghardaqae Hartmann, 1964. (Pl.3, Fig. M)
1964 Xestoleberis ghardaqae n. sp. Hartmann, p.71, pl.27, figs.142-148; pl. 28, figs.149- 153.
Occurrence: Xestoleberis ghardaqae is common in the study area.
Xestoleberis multiporosa Hartmann, 1964. (Pl.3, Fig. Q )
1964 Xestoleberis multiporosa n. sp. Hartmann, p.69, pl.25, figs.132-134, pl.26, figs.135- 141.
Occurrence: This species is common in Wadi Gemal but it is less common in Abu Ghoson area as it is recorded from three
samples only.
Xestoleberis simplex Hartmann, 1964. (Pl.3, Fig. P )
1964 Xestoleberis simplex n. sp. Hartmann, p. 80, pl.25, figs.125- 131.
Occurrence: This is a very dominant species as it is recorded from most samples in both Wadi Gemal and Abu Ghoson area.
Xestoleberis rhomboidea Hartmann, 1964. (Pl.3, Fig. O )
1964 Xestoleberis rhomboidea n.sp. Hartmann, p.75, pl.32, 33, figs.177-186 .
1971 Xestoleberis rhomboidea Hartmann.-Bate, p. 246, pl.1, fig.1, b; pl.2, fig.1,2 b.
2004 Xestoleberis rhomboidea Hartmann.- Helal& Abd El Wahab, p.90, pl.1, fig.17.
Occurrence: This is one of the most dominant species in the study area.
Xestoleberis rotunda Hartmann, 1964. (Pl. 3, Fig. L )
1964 Xestoleberis rotunda n. sp. Hartmann, p.81, pl. 24, figs.162-163; pl.29, figs.156-161; pl. 28, figs.154,155 .
1971 Xestoleberis rotunda Hartmann.- Bate, p. 246, pl. 1, fig. 1c.
2004 Xestoleberis rotunda Hartmann.- Helal& Abd El Wahab, p.90, pl.1, fig.18.
Occurrence: This is one of the most dominant species in the study area.
Xestoleberis rubrimaris Hartmann, 1964. (Pl. 3, Fig. N )
1964 Xestoleberis rubrimaris n. sp. Hartmann, p.77, pl. 34 & 35, figs.187-203.
Occurrence: This is a rare species and is recorded from only three samples in Wadi Gemal (sample A2,B2&B3).
Suborder: Platycopina Sars, 1866
Family: Cytherellidae Sars, 1866
Genus: Cytherella Jones, 1849
Cytherella cf. punctata Brady, 1868. (Pl. 3, Fig. H)
1971 Cytherella cf. punctata Brady.- Bate, p. 246, pl. l, fig.1u.
2004 Cytherella cf. punctata Brady.- Helal& Abd El Wahab, p. 90, pl.1, fig.19.
Occurrence: This species is very rare (one carapace is recorded from Wadi Abu Ghoson, sample D1).
64 S. A. Helal and M. Abd El-Wahab

Genus: Cytherelloidea Alexander, 1929

Cytherelloidea sp. A Bate, 1971. (Pl. 3, Fig. R)
1971 Cytherelloidea sp. A Bate, p. 246, pl. l, fig.1s.
2004 Cytherelloidea sp. A Bate.- Helal& Abd El Wahab, p.90, pl.1, fig.20.
Occurrence: This species is very rare (one carapace is recorded from Wadi Gemal, sample A2).

Table 3. Distribution Chart of Ostracoda in Wadi El Gemal area

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 W1 W2 W3 Total %

1 Ghardaglaia treibeli 7 10 2 2 14 1 4 1 2 7 21 75 33 4 2 7 3 195 11.1

2 Quadracythere
2 15 11 5 1 6 10 5 13 35 7 18 49 19 1 4 201 11.4
3 Hiltermannicythere
2 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 5 20 4 1 44 2.5
4 Neonsidea schulzi 1 3 3 2 5 4 3 1 1 2 8 2 1 36 2.0
5 Paranesidea
4 3 1 1 4 5 1 5 2 2 4 9 5 1 2 3 52 3.0
6 Paranesidea n.sp.2 2 1 1 1 1 6 0.34
7 Triebelina sertata 1 4 2 3 2 1 2 1 16 0.91
8 Triebelina jellinki 1
9 Paranesidea
1 1 0.06
10 Loxocorniculum aff.
1 1 2 0.1
11 Loxocorniculum
8 18 8 3 4 3 3 2 3 5 1 2 2 62 3.53
12 Loxoconcha
26 12 5 2 2 16 1 4 9 13 28 29 1 6 2 156 8.9
13 Loxoconcha idkui 1 2 2 2 2 9 0.5
14 Loxoconcha n.
2 1 3 0.17
15 Caudites levis 8 7 1 7 3 5 6 17 17 2 2 1 76 4.3
16 Cytherelloidea sp.
1 1 0.06
17 Moosella striata 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 16 0.91
18 Leptocythere
1 1 1 1 4 0.23
19 Sclerochilus
9 2 1 1 5 2 6 3 1 5 5 4 3 1 48 2.73
20 Neonesidea
3 1 1 2 1 1 2 11 0.63
21 Lankacythere
1 1 0.06
22 Paradoxostoma
1 1 0.06
23 Paradoxostoma
1 1 0.06
24 Abditacythere
3 1 4 0.23
25 Paradoxostoma
1 1 2 0.1
26 Callistocythere cf.
1 1 2 0.1
27 Paracytheridea
1 2 2 5 0.28
28 Alocopocythere
1 1 1 3 0.17
29 Cytherois gracilis 1 1 0.06
30 Paracytheridea
1 1 0.06
31 Xestoleberis rotunda 10 17 5 2 6 9 1 3 28 28 58 82 8 4 5 12 278 15.82
32 Xestoleberis
8 6 7 2 4 11 2 2 14 10 28 64 6 1 1 166 9.45
33 Xestoleberis simplex 6 4 1 6 12 18 39 28 3 1 2 2 122 6.94
34 Xestoleberis
20 2 8 1 8 13 30 44 3 129 7.34
35 Xestoleberis
4 1 3 1 1 3 3 9 8 2 1 36 2.05
36 Xestoleberis
6 2 1 9 0.51
37 Loxocorniculum
6 10 8 4 2 4 4 3 2 4 1 2 1 1 52 2.96
38 Cypridies littoralis 2 2 0.1
39 Cypridies torosa 3 3 0.17
Total 61 171 77 3 57 11 46 99 19 55 135 144 328 322 70 12 94 42 1757
Species no. per
14 23 18 2 18 8 14 20 11 15 17 19 19 22 19 7 15 13
Zoogeography and Taxonomy of the Recent Marine Ostracoda in the Egyptian Red Sea Mangrove 65

Table 4: Distribution chart of Ostracoda in Abu Ghoson site

66 S. A. Helal and M. Abd El-Wahab

plate 1
Fig.A :Paranesidea n.sp.2 BCMMP,1983 ; LVC, ♂,sample no. A1 . Fig. B: Paranesidea fracticorallcola Maddocks,1969; LVC,♀, sample no.
A1 . Fig. C,E: Neonesidea n.sp.1BCMMP,1983; C,RVC; E,LVC, ♂, sample no. A2 . Fig.D: Neonesidea schulzi (Hartmann,1964); LVC , ♂,
sample no. A1 . Fig. F: Ghardaglaia triebeli Hartmann,1964 ; RVC , ♂, sample no. D7 . Fig.G :Triebelina sertata Triebel,1948; LVC , ♂,
sample no. A1 . Fig. H: Callistocythere arcuata BMMP,1980, LVC , ♂, sample no. D2 . Fig.I: Callistocythere cf.C.littoralis (G.W.Mueller,
1894) ,LVC , ♂, sample no. D6 . Fig.J : Leptocythere arenicola Hartmann,1964 ; LVC ,♀ sample no. D2 . Fig.K :Quadracythere borchersi
(Hartmann,1964) ; RVC, ♀, sample no. C5. Fig. L: Tuberculocythere n.sp.1 BCMMP,1983; RVC, ♂, sample no. A3. Fig. M : Caudites levis
Hartmann,1964 ; LVC , ♂, sample no. A3 . Fig.N: Ruggieria(?) danielopoli BMP,1976; RVC, ♂, sample no. D7.
Fig. O: Alocopocythere reticulata (Hartmann,1964) ; DVC, ♂, sample no. D6.
Zoogeography and Taxonomy of the Recent Marine Ostracoda in the Egyptian Red Sea Mangrove 67

plate 2
Figs.A,B,C: Cyprideis torosa B(Jones,1850); A, LVC, ♂; sample no.F2; B, C, morpho type with hollow tubercles; B, RVC; C, RVC, ♀;
sample no.E2 . Figs. D, E :Cyprideis littoralis (G. S. Brady,1868); D, LVC, ♀, sample no.E2; E, RVC, ♂, sample no.D7 . Fig.F : Miocyprideis
cf spinolusa (Brady,1868); RVC, ♀, sample no. D 4. Fig.G : Loxoconcha n. sp.1 BCMMP,1983; RVC, ♂, sample no. A 3.
Fig. H :Loxoconcha sp.A Bate,1970; LVC, ♀ ,sample no.D7 . Fig.I :Loxoconcha idkui Hartmann,1964; RVC, ♂,sample no. A 3 .
Fig. J: Loxocorniculum ghardaquensis (Hartmann,1964); LVC, ♀ ,sample no. A 1. Fig. K :Loxocorniculum n. sp.1BCMMP,1982; LVC, ♀,
sample no. A 1. Fig.L :Loxocorniculum aff.L. algicola (Hartmann,1974); RVC, ♂ ,sample no. A 1 . Fig. M: Hiltermannicythere rubrimaris
(Hartmann,1964); LVC, ♂ ,sample no. D 4. Fig. N: Moosella striata Hartmann,1964 ;RVC, ♀; sample no.B5 . Fig.O :Lankacythere sp.
BCMMP,1983 ; RVC, ♂ ,sample no. D2.
68 S. A. Helal and M. Abd El-Wahab

plate 3
Fig. A: Paracytheridea aqabaensis BMP,1976; LVC, ♀, sample no. E 1. Fig. B: Paracytheridea remanei Hartmann,1964; RVC, ♀, sample
no. E 2 . Fig. C: Paradoxostoma longum Hartmann,1964; RVC♂ ,sample no. C 2. Fig. D: Paradoxostoma breve G. W. Mueller,1894; RVC,
♂ ,sample no. A 5. Fig. E: Abditacythere subterranea Hartmann,1964, LVC,♀, sample no. C 2 . Fig. F: Paradoxostoma parabreve
Hartmann,1964; RVC, ♂, sample no. A 3. Fig. G: Paradoxostoma punctatum Hartmann,1964; RVC, ♀, sample no. E 5 . Fig. H: Cytherella
cf. punctata Brady, 1868; LVC, ♀, sample no. E 1. Fig. I : Sclerochilus rectomarginatus Hartmann,1964; RVC, ♂, sample no E 5.
Fig. J : Cytheroma dimorpha Hartmann,1964; LVC, ♀, sample no. D 6 . Fig. K: Cytherois graclis Hartmann,1964; RVC, ♂, sample no. C 4 .
Fig. L : Xestoleberis rotunda Hartmann,1964; RVC, ♂, sample no. A 2 . Fig. M: Xestoleberis ghardaqae Hartmann,1964 ;LVC, ♀; sample
no. A 2 . Fig. N : Xestoleberis rubrimaris Hartmann,1964 ; ♀, RVC , sample no. A 2 . Fig .O:Xestoleberis rhomboidea Hartmann,1964 ; RVC
, ♂; sample no. D 2.. Fig.P :Xestoleberis simplex Hartmann,1964; RVC, ♀; sample no. A 1. Fig. Q: Xestoleberis multiporosa Hartmann,
1964; RVC, ♂; sample no. A 1. Fig. R: Cytherelloidea n. sp. 1 BCMMP, 1983 ; RVC, sample no. A 3.
Zoogeography and Taxonomy of the Recent Marine Ostracoda in the Egyptian Red Sea Mangrove 69

Mangroves are shallow sheltered environments dominated by phytal elements. The inhabitants will be, normally, of
those taxa characteristic for such environments. The recorded ostracoda are represented by benthic, phytal and shallow
water forms. The percentages of the dominant genera are Xestoleberis (42.11% at Wadi Gemal& 29.6% at Abu Ghoson
respectively), Ghardaglaia, (11.1% and 24.23%), Loxoconcha (9.57%and11.88%), Quadracythere(11.4%and8.43%),
Hiltrmannicythere (2.5% and 5.82%) and Loxocorniculum(6.59% and 2.23%).
The present association is composed mainly of Indo-Pacific faunal elements with some endemic species. Rare
Mediterranean and cosmopolitan species are recorded. These taxa may be transported to the studied area by the birds,
since mangrove trees serve as nesting sites for migrating birds. Ships, floating woods and derived algae and other plants
are another possible reasons. Migration between the Red Sea and Mediterranean is a known phenomenon. Generally, it is a
unidirection migration from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean via the Suez Canal(Lessepsian migration of Por,1978. Anti-
Lessepsian migration is rare but currently cited (for more details, refer to Por,1978; Fouda& Abu Zeid,1990; and
Kandeel,2002). Deciding whether the Mediterranean species introduced in the study area through anti-lessepsian migration
or through passive migration need more investigations along the migration route (i.e. along the northern parts of the Red
Sea, Gulf of Suez and the Suez Canal).

The study of 46 surface bottom sediments samples collected in Jan. 2004 from two mangrove sites in the Egyptian
Red Sea , 18 samples from Wadi EL Gemal and 28 samples from Abu Ghoson , revealed the detection of somewhat
diversified Ostracoda community. 48 podocopid and platycopid Ostracoda species belonging to 28 genera and 14 families
are identified. They are represented by benthic, phytal and shallow water forms. The percentages of the dominant genera
are Xestoleberis (42.11% at Wadi Gemal& 29.6% at Abu Ghoson respectively), Ghardaglaia (11.1% and 24.23%),
Loxoconcha(9.57%and11.88%), Quadracythere(11.4%and 8.43%), Hiltrmannicythere (2.5% and 5.82%) and
Loxocorniculum(6.59% and 2.23%). Zoogeographically, the majority of the identified fauna showed an Indo-Pacific affinity.
Some species of Mediterranean and cosmopolitan affinities (3 and 5 respectively) are recorded. This phenomenon was
attributed to passive migration.

Bassiouni, M. A., 1970, Falunia( Hiltermannicythere), a new subgenus from the Gulf of Naples, and related fossil forms,
Revista Espaniola Micropaleont., 2 (2): 117- 130.
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