Resume Paaleon Molluscs in Estuaries-Terestrial (RAW)
Resume Paaleon Molluscs in Estuaries-Terestrial (RAW)
Resume Paaleon Molluscs in Estuaries-Terestrial (RAW)
The shells of molluscs is a very important thing, because Molluscs shells grew by
acceration. When their shells going through accerations, the layer of their shells
record information about their surrounding environment throughout their lifetime. The
study of incremental growth patterns in the hard part remains of organisms that grow
by accretion are called Sclerochronology. The acceration of shells speed, can also
determined what season they went through. The acceration will slow down if the
temperature of their surroundings are cold.
Besides all of that, Molluscs can also be usefull in the development of age models.
These will be used to place the palaeoenvirontmental in chronologic context (in
order). The example of the methods is (ESR) elecron spin resonance dating. This
method is used to measuring the amount of radiation that one sample has been
exposed to over time (Smart, 1991).