Sketchbook Ideas 100 Props PDF
Sketchbook Ideas 100 Props PDF
Sketchbook Ideas 100 Props PDF
Use this giant list as creative “sparks” for drawing your characters in entertaining poses and
situations. Each item has been carefully chosen for its potential to give you multiple pose ideas.
For example, using a flashlight: Your character could be shining it under their chin while telling a
scary story around a campfire; or making shadow puppets; or signaling for help. Or maybe just
trying to see in the dark — how might you draw that pose differently if your character is lost, or
playing a nighttime game, or searching for something valuable?
Use this list as a springboard for entertaining poses and situations, and then have fun drawing!
This list is from the Pose Drawing SparkBook by Cedric Hohnstadt, a super-charged sketchbook
designed to help you put more life and personality into your poses. The project is currently
accepting backers on Sharing this list with your friends will help spread the
word and get the book published. More info at