Balram Vishwakarma Final
Balram Vishwakarma Final
Balram Vishwakarma Final
Enrollment No: 858/16
This report prepared by her is original and has not formed a basis for the award of any other
Date: ………………..
“RECRUITMENT & SELECTION.” is record of original and independent study carried out
by me under the guidance of Dr. ABHILASH BABU submitted in the partial fulfillment
of the requirement of the Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University for the award of
I further declare that this report prepared is the original study conducted by me and has
not been submitted earlier for the award of any other Degree / Diploma by Babasaheb
Place: Lucknow
6th Semester
A project Study Of Human Resource Branch
Research methodology
This project aims the finding out and analyzing the hiring
process in the organization.
1. This project will help to get the
practical knowledge in employee
hiring in the organization.
P eople form an integral part of the organization. The efficiency and quality of its
people determines the fate of the organization. Hence choice of right people and
placing them at right place becomes essential. Hiring comes at
this point of time in the picture. Hiring is a strategic function for HR department.
Recruitment and selection form the process of hiring the employees. Recruitment is
the systematic process of generating a pool of qualified applicant for organization
job. The process includes the step like HR planning attracting applicant and
screening them. This step is affected by various factors, which can be internal as well
as external. The organization makes use of various methods and sources for this
Selection is carried from the screen applicant during the recruitment process. There
is also some specific process is involved. By the way of conducting preliminary
interview and conducting the various test , if required reference check and further
final interview is conducted. During the process there are certain difficulties and
barriers that are to be overcomes.
People are integral part of any organization today. No organization can run
without its human resources. In today’s highly complex and competitive
situation, choice of right person at the right place has far reaching implications
for an organization’s functioning. Employee well selected and well placed would
not only contribute to the efficient running of the organization but offer
significant potential for future replacement. This hiring is an important function.
The process of hiring begins with human resource planning (HRP) which helps to
determine the number and type of people on organization needs. Job analysis
and job design enables to specify the task and duties of hobs and qualification
expected from prospective job, job analysis, and job design helps to identify the
kind of people required in an organization and hence hiring. It should be noted
that hiring is an ongoing process and not confined to formative stages of an
organization. Employees leave the organization in search of greener pastures,
some retire and some die in the saddle. More importantly an enterprises grows,
diversifies, take over the other units all necessitating hiring of new men and
women. In fact the hiring function stops only when the organization ceases to
The word ‘recruitment’ has many meaning and plays an important role. Employees
leave the organization in search of greener pastures- some retire some die in saddle.
The most important thing is that enterprise grows, diversifies, and takes over other
units-all necessitating hiring of new men and women. In fact recruitment functions
stop only when the organization ceases to exist. To understand recruitment in
simple terms it is understood as process of searching for obtaining applications of
job from among from which the right people can be selected. To define recruitment
we can define it formally as it is a process of finding and attracting capable
applicants for employment. The process begins when new recruit are sought and
ends when their application are submitted. The result is a pool of applicants from
which new employees are selected. Theoretically, recruitment process is said to end
with receipt of application in practice the activity extends to the screening applicants
as to eliminate those who are not qualified for job.
3. Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number
visibly under qualified or job application;
4. Help reduce the probability that job applicants, once recruited selected, will leave
the organization only after a short period of time;
5. Meet the organizations legal and social obligation regarding the composition of its
6. Being identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate
7. Increase organization individual effectiveness in the short term and long term;
8. Evaluate the effectiveness of various recruiting technique and sources for all types
of job applicants.
There are a number of factors that affect recruitment. These are broadly classified
into two categories:
1. Internal factors.
2. External factors.
The internal factors also called as “endogenous factors” are the factors within the
organization that affect recruiting personnel in the organization. Some of these are:-
The size of the organization affects the recruitment process. Larger organization
finds recruitment less problematic than organization with smaller in size.
2. Recruiting policy
The recruitment policy of the organization i.e. recruiting from internal sources and
external sources also affect the recruitment process. Generally, recruitment through
internal sources is preferred, because own employees know the organization and
they can well fit in to the organization culture.
3. Image of the organization
Image of the organization is another factor having its influence on the recruitment
process of the organization. Good image of the organization earned by the number
of overt and covert action by management helps attract potential and complete
candidates. Managerial actions like good public relations, rendering public service
like building roads, public parks, hospitals and schools help earn image or goodwill
for organization. That is why chip companies attract the larger numbers of
4. Image of the job
Like internal factors, there are some factors external to organization, which have
their influence on recruitment process. Some of these are given below:-
1. Demographic factors
Labor market condition i.e. supply and demand of labor is of particular importance
in affecting recruitment process, if the demand for specific skill is high relative to its
supply is more than for particular skill, recruitment will be relatively easier.
3. Unemployment situation
The rate of unemployment is yet another external factor its influence on the
recruitment process. When the employment rate in an area is high, the recruitment
process tends to simpler. The reason is not difficult to seek. The number of
application is expectedly very high which makes easier to attract the best-qualified
applications. The reserve is also true. With low rate of unemployment, recruiting
process tend to become difficult
4. Labor laws
There are several labor laws and regulations passed by the central and state
governments that govern different type of employment. These cover working
condition, compensation, retirement benefits, safety and health of employee in
industrial undertakings.
The child Labor Act, 1986; for example prohibits employment of children in certain
5. Legal consideration
Present employees:
Promotions and transfer from among the present employees can be good
sources of recruitment. Promotion implies upgrading of an employee to a higher
position carrying higher status, pay and responsibilities. Promotion from among
the present employees is advantageous because the employees promoted are
well acquainted with the organization culture, they get motivated and it is
cheaper also. Promotion from among the person employees also reduces the
requirement of job training. However, the disadvantage lies in limiting the choice
of the few people and denying hiring of outsiders who may be better qualified
and skilled. Furthermore, promotion from among present employees also results
in inbreeding, which creates frustration among those not promoted. Transfer
refers to shifting an employee from one job to another without any change in
the position/post, status and responsibilities. The need for transfer is felt to
provide employees a broader and carried base, which is considered necessary for
promotion. Job rotation involves transfer of employees from one job to another
job on the lateral basis.
Former employees:
This is yet another internal source of recruitment. The existing employees refer
to the family members, friends and relatives to the company potential
candidates for the vacancies to be filled up in the organization. This source
serves as the most effective methods of recruiting people in the organizations
because refer to those potential candidates who meet the company requirement
known to them from their own experience. The referred individuals are expected
to be similar in type in the race and sex, for example, to those who are already
working in the organization
Previous applicant:
This is considered as internal source in the sense that applications from the
potential candidates are already lying with organization. Sometimes the
organization contacts though mail or messengers these applicants to fill up the
vacancies particularly for unskilled or semiskilled jobs.
The organization has more knowledge and familiarity with the strengths and
weaknesses of its own employees than of strange on unknown outsiders.
o Economical recruitment
In case of internal recruitment, the organization does not need to spend much
money, time and effort to locate and attract the potential candidates. Thus,
internal recruitment proves to be economical, or say, inexpensive.
o Improves morale
This method makes employees sure that they would be preferred over the
outsiders as and when they filled up in the organization vacancies.
o A motivator
o Limited choice:
Internal recruitment limits its choice to the talents available within the
organization. Thus, it denies the tapping of talents available in the vast labor
market outside the organization. Moreover, internal recruitment serves as a
means for “inbreeding”, which is never healthy for the future organizations.
o Discourage competition:
In this system, the internal candidates are protected from competition by not
giving opportunity to otherwise competent candidates from outside the
organization. This in turn, develops a tendency among the employees to take the
promotion without showing extra performance.
o Stagnation of skills:
With the feeling that internal candidates will surely get promoted, their skill in
the long run may become stagnant or obsolete. If so, productivity and sufficiency
of the organization, in turn, decreases.
o Creates conflicts:
Employment exchanges:
Employment agencies:
This method of recruitment can be used for jobs like clerical, technical, and
managerial. The higher the position in the organization, the more specialized the
skills or the shorter the supply of that resources in the labor market, the more
widely dispersed the advertisement are likely to be. For instance, the search for
a top executive might include advertisements in a national daily like AL-Ahram
newspaper. Some employers/companies advertise their post by giving them post
box number of the name of some recruiting agency. This is done to particular
keep own identity secret to avoid unnecessary correspondence with the
applicants. However the disadvantage of these blind advertisement, i.e., post
box number is that the potential job seekers are the hesitant without unknowing
the image of the organization, on the one hand, and the bad image/ reputation
that the blind advertisement have received because of the organizations that
placed such advertisements without position lying vacant just to know supply of
labor/ workers in the labor market, on the other. While preparing
advertisement, a lot of care has to be taken to make it clear and to the point. It
must ensure that some self-selection among applicant take place and only
qualified applicant responds the advertisement copy should be prepared by
using a four-point guide called AIDA . The letters in the acronym denote that
advertisement should attract Attention, gain Interest, arouse a Desire and result
in Action.
However, not many organizations mention complete detail about job positions in
there advertisement. What happened is that ambiguously worded and broad-
based advertisements may generate a lot irrelevant application, which would, by
necessity, increasing the cost of processing them.
Professional Associations
Very often, recruitment for certain professional and technical positions is made
through professionals association also called ‘Headhunters’. Institute of Engineers,
etc., provide placement service to the members. The professional associations
prepare either list of jobseekers or publish or sponsor journal or magazines
containing advertisements for their member. It is particularly useful for attracting
highly skilled and professional personnel. However, in Egypt, this is not a very
common practice and those few provide such kind service have not been able to
generating a large number of application.
Campus Recruitment
This is another sources of recruitment whereby the rival firm by offering terms and
conditions, try to attract qualified employees to join them. This raiding is a common
feature in the Egyptian organizations specially at communication field.
Besides these, walk-ins, contractors, radio and television, acquisitions and merger,
etc., art some other sources of recruitment used by organization.
Like the internal source of recruitment, external sources are mixed of advantages
and disadvantages
o Open process
With the large pool of applicants, it becomes possible for organization to have
talented candidates from the outside. Thus, it introduces new blood in the
With the large pool of applicants, selection process becomes competitive. This
increases prospects for selection the best candidates.
As the external members are supposed to be more trained and efficient. With such a
background, they work with the positive attitude and greater vigor. This helps create
healthy competition and conductive work environment in the organization.
However, the external sources of recruitment suffer from certain disadvantages too,
these are:
o Expensive and time consuming:
As candidates some outside the organization, they are not familiar with tasks, job
nature and the international scenario of the organization.
Existing employees are not sure to get promotion. This discourages them to do the
hard work. This, in turn, boils down to decreasing productivity of the organization.
The traditional philosophy of recruiting has been to get as many people to apply
for a job as possible. A large number of jobseekers waiting in queues would
make the final selection difficult, often resulting in wrong selection. Job
dissatisfaction and employee turnover are the consequence of this. A persuasive
agreement can be made that matching the needs of the organization to the
needs of the applicants will enhance the effectiveness of the recruitment
process. The result will be a workforce which is likely to stay with the
organization longer and performs at a higher level of effectiveness. Two
approaches are available to bring about match:
Realistic job preview provides complete job related information , both positive
and negative, to the applicants. The information provided will help job seekers to
evaluate the compatibility among the jobs and their personal ends before hiring
decisions are made. RJPs can result in self selection process- job applicant can
decide where to attend the interviews and tests for final selection or withdraw
them the initial stage. Research on realistic recruiting shows a lower rate of
employee turnover in case of employee recruited through RJPs, particularly for
more complex jobs and higher level of job satisfaction and performance, at the
initial stage of employment. RJPs are more beneficial for organization hiring at
entry level, when there are unemployment. Otherwise the approach may
increase the cost of recruiting by increase the average time it takes to fill each
Job Compatibility Questionnaire:
Recruitment planning;
Strategy Development;
Recruitment Planning:
The first involved in the recruitment process is planning. Hire planning involves
to draft a comprehensive job specification for the vacant position, outline its
major and minor responsibilities; the skills, experience and qualifications
needed; grade and level of pay; starting date; whether temporary or permanent;
and mention of special condition, if any, attached to the job to be filled.
Strategy Development:
Once it is known how many with what qualification of candidates are required,
the next step involved in this regard is to device a suitable strategy for
recruitment the candidates in the organization. The strategic considerations to
be considered may include issues like whether to prepare the required
candidates themselves or hire it from outside, what type of recruitment method
to be used, what geographical area be considered, for searching the candidates,
which source of recruitment to be practiced, and what sequence of activities to
be followed in recruiting candidates in the organization.
This step involves attracting job seeders to the organization. There are broadly
two sources used to attract candidates. These are:
Internal Sources
External Sources.
Given the considerable involved in the recruitment process, its evaluation and
control is, therefore, imperative. The costs generally incurred in a recruitment
process include:
Salary of recruiters;
Cost of time spent for preparing job analysis, advertisement, etc;
Administrative expenses;
Cost of outsourcing or overtime while vacancies remain unfilled;
Cost incurred in recruiting unsuitable candidates.
Direct Method;
Indirect Method;
Third Party Method.
Brief descriptions of these are follows:
Direct Method:
In this method, the representatives of the organizations are sent to the potential
candidates in the educational and training institutes. They establish contacts with
the candidates seeking jobs. Person pursuing management, engineering, medical,
etc. programmers are mostly picked up the manner.
Sometimes, some employer firm establishes with professors and solicits information
about student with excellent academic records. Sending the recruiter to the
conventions, seminars, setting up exhibits at fairs and using mobile office to go to
the desired centers are some other methods used establish direct contact with the
job seekers.
Indirect Method;
The experience suggests that the higher the position to be filled up in the
organization, or the skill sought by the sophisticated one, the more widely dispersed
advertisement is likely to be used to reach too many suitable candidates.
Sometimes, many organizations go for what referred to as blind advertisement in
which only Box No. is given and the identity of the organization is not disclosed.
However, organizations with regional or national repute do not usually use blind
advertisements for obvious reasons.
Though there has so far not been evolved any formula such that makes recruitment
program necessitates having certain attributes such as:
An ethically sound fool-proof telling an applicant all about the job and its position,
the firm to enable the candidate to judiciously decide whether or not to apply and
join the firm, if selected.
Selection is the process of picking individuals (out of the pool of job applicants)
with requisite qualifications and competence to fill jobs in the organization. A formal
definition of Selection is:
“ It is the process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify
those with a greater likelihood of success in a job.’’
Recruitment and selection are the two crucial in the HR process and are often used
interchangeably. There I, however, a fine distinction between the two steps. While
recruitment refers to the process of identifying and encouraging prospective
employees to apply for jobs, selection is concerned with picking the right candidates
from the pool of applicants. Recruitment is said to be positive in its approach as it
seeks to attract as many candidates as possible. Selection, on the other hand, is
negative in its application in as it seeks to eliminate as many unqualified applicants
as possible in order to identify the right candidates.
Second, cost incurred in recruiting and hiring personnel speaks about volumes of
the selection. Costs of wrong selection are greater.
Until recently, the basic hiring process was performed in a rather unplanned
manner in many organizations. In some companies, each department screened and
hired its own employees. Many managers insisted upon selecting their own people
because they were sure no one else could choose employee for them as efficiently
as they themselves could. Not anymore. Selection is now centralized and is handled
by the human resources department.
In recent years, HR specialists have found out new methods of selection. These
approaches are deemed to the alternatives to the traditional methods of selection.
Selection practices in hiring skilled and managerial personnel are fairly well defined
and systematically practiced. Particularly in hiring managerial personnel and
executives, a lot of professionalism has come in, thanks to the realization that these
individual are difficult to come by and no effort is too excess to attract
them. Specialist agencies to available whose services are retained for hiring technical
and managerial personnel. Merit and not favorite, objectivity and subjectivity will be
the criteria for such selections.
4. A forecast of the capabilities required on a given data in the near future in the
light of the business plans.
5. An inventory of the existing human resources.
6. An analysis of the internal environment and the external scenario and their
influence that are envisaged during the inverting period.
7. A summary of the kinds of action required achieving the desired capabilities.
8. A comprehensive plan to implement these actions.
9. A monitoring schedule and system for ensuring proper progress.
This component establishes the basis for future actions in the plan. The inventory
will cover the number and type of person required with identified job positions and
will take into consideration the educational background, work experience and age
group. Most of the inventory data should be available in the existing personal files.
The future requirement and current resources should be established before future
actions are determined. Internal and external factor, which may influence the plan
most, are to be identified and analyzed.
This includes, eminent retirement, transfers and promotions and terminations and
other charges that effect the current personal population. On this basis, taking into
consideration the pervious trend, the HR Department prepares a Manpower
turnover statement. Anticipation changes in the external environment that affects
the business any internal change of direction in the business itself.
Recruitment policy of any organization is derived from the personal policy of the
same organization. In other words the former is a part of the latter. However,
recruitment policy by itself should take into considerations the government
reservation policy, policy regarding sons of soil etc., personal policies of other
organization regarding merit, internal sources, social responsibilities in absorbing
minority sections, women etc. Recruitment policy is like enriching the organization’s
human resources serving the commodity by absorbing the weaker sections and
disadvantaged people the society, motivation the employees through internal
promotions, improving the employee’s loyalty to the organization by absorbing the
retrenched or laid-off employee or dependents of present former employees etc.
The following factors should be taken into consideration in formulating recruitment
policy they are:-
Government policies.
Personal policies of other completion organizations.
Organization’s personal policies.
Recruitment sources.
Recruitment needs.
Recruitment cost.
Selection criteria and preference etc.
The plan is segmented with identified responsibilities the steps to be taken for
achieving the goal in the required time. This should include succession planning for
personal to move from their present positions to the desired positions in the period
of time. HR department has the major responsibility for co-ordination of the
business. Copies of the sanctioned manpower strength and manpower budget will
be available with the various Hoods and the HR department. Implementation of the
manpower plan entails a variety of control measures to ensure compliance by all
sections of the organization. The control measures include the requisite system
enveloping either number and quality if new incumbents or internal transfer.
Department’s feedback is at specified time period on the progress of
In the event of no suitable candidates being located from within the organization
an external search may be undertaken via the under mentioned sources, the in-
house data bank, in which the forced applications of potentially good candidates are
maintained, may be scanned.
Other means like campus recruitment for junior level requirement and head
hunting for senior level requirements may be restarted to.
The interview panel comprises of the head of the concerned department, another
member of the same department and a senior level manager from the HR
department additionally. Every member of the interview panel has to fill in the
interview rating from them are:-
Head of the section, then factory manager (GM), final the head of director (H.O.D).
Main things taken into consideration while selecting the candidate are:-
Basic qualification.
Technical qualification.
Job experience.
Specialized working area.
For selecting lower level employees such as cad operators, labors, production
seniors etc. the preliminary test is conducted. The candidates who scores higher
marks are called for interview.
In interview many things are asked and decided such as:-
Candidate’s recruitment on temporary basis or contract basis.
After confirmation of all these things final decision regarding giving appointment
letter is taken and at last letter of appointment is given.
While selecting middle or top level employee’s job experience is main element and
interview is given most importance. As top level employee is going to manage
people in the organization his personal skills are also given importance with his
technical knowledge. While selecting top level employees many things are taken into
consideration such as:-
Abilities to understand the people,
Abilities to handle the people,
Generally top level employees are selected on long period contract basis.
Recruitment and selection are getting very much importance these days in the
organization. It is very critical thing to evaluate the human resources.
It is a systematic procedure that involves many activities. The process includes the
step like HR planning attracting applicant and screening them. It is very important
activity as it provides right people in right place at right time. It is not an easy task as
organization’s future is depends on this activity. If suitable employees are selected
which are beneficial to the organization it is at safe side but if decision goes wrong it
can be dangerous to the organization. So it is an activity for which HR department
gets very much importance.
Recruitment and selection procedure and its policies changed as per the
Its importance also gets changed as the organization changed.