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Mark N. Frolick and Thilini R. Ariyachandra

The creation and execution of sound business strategy is essential to today’s enterprise. Busi-
ness Performance Management (BPM) offers organizations an IT-enabled approach to formu-
late, modify, and execute strategy effectively. This article describes Business Performance
Management, presents a framework for BPM, and discusses the potential drivers, barriers, and
critical success factors for a BPM implementation.

HE SUCCESSFUL EXECUTION OF BUSI- In an effort to provide clarity to the indus-

T ness strategy is a well-recognized re-
quirement for an organization’s survival
try, a BPM standards group was established in
2003. They define BPM as a set of integrated,
in the hypercompetitive marketplace. closed-loop management and analytic process-
However, most organizations continue to es, supported by technologies, that address fi-
struggle with the management of strategic im- nancial and operational activities. BPM helps
plementations. A simple and systematic ap- businesses define strategic goals and measure
proach to monitor and control the execution of and manage performance against those goals
strategic goals still eludes them. Business Perfor- (Whiting 2004). Simply stated, BPM can be de-
mance Management (BPM) enables an organiza- scribed as a series of business processes and
tion to effectively monitor, control, and manage applications designed to optimize both the de-
the implementation of strategic initiatives. velopment and the execution of business strat-
MARK N. FROLICK is Business Performance Management is one egy (e.g., see Eckerson, 2004).
a professor of MIS in of the hottest topics in industry today (Miranda BPM involves an array of integrated opera-
the Williams College of 2004). Gartner forecasts that 70 percent of For- tional and analytical processes that accomplish
Business at Xavier tune 500 companies will have implemented two sequential tasks (Iervolino 2004). First, it
University and the BPM solutions by the end of 2006 (Kelly 2005). facilitates the creation of strategic goals by stip-
holder of the Western
IDC estimates the overall market for BPM appli- ulating specific objectives and key perfor-
& Southern Chair in
cations will grow at an annual compound rate mance indicators that are meaningful to the
Information Systems.
of 10 percent per year until 2007. organization. Second, it supports the subse-
Nevertheless, much confusion remains as quent management of the performance to
THILINI to what comprises BPM. Whereas some view those goals. The objectives and indicators are
ARIYACHANDRA is BPM as a narrow concept that applies to plan- then associated with operational metrics and
an assistant professor
ning, scheduling, and budgeting practices in linked to performance incentives, which lead
of MIS in the College
business, others discuss it in the context of leg- to effective strategy execution throughout the
of Business at the
University of
islation such as the Sarbanes–Oxley Act. The is- organization.
Cincinnati. She can sue is further compounded by the fact that The purpose of this article is to provide or-
be reached at BPM is also known and identified by other ganizations with an understanding about BPM
thilini.ariyachandra names, such as corporate performance manage- and its potential value. First, we introduce the ment and enterprise performance management. historic background of BPM and differentiate
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TABLE 1 The Historic Evolution in Decision Support

Decision support A computer-based support for management decision makers who are dealing with
system (DSS) semistructured problems (Keen and Scott Morton, 1978)
Executive information A computer-based system that serves the information needs of top executives
system (EIS) (Turban, Aronson, and Liang, 2005)
Data warehouse (DW) A subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, and nonvolatile collection of data in
support of decision making (Inmon, 1992)
Business intelligence A broad category of applications and technologies for gathering, storing,
(BI) analyzing, and providing access to data to help enterprise users make better
business decisions (Turban, Aronson, and Liang, 2005)
Business Performance A series of business processes and applications designed to optimize both the
Management (BPM) development and the execution of business strategy

BPM from business intelligence. Next, a frame- broadening the realm of EIS and enhanced ac-
work for BPM is described. Finally, the drivers, cess to and manipulation of rich data.
barriers and critical success factors for BPM are Concurrently, the amount of rich data re-
discussed. quired for decision making vastly increased
with the dominance of the digital economy.
Severe strains were placed on organizations’
information processing abilities to meet chang-
Similar to other past trends in information sys-
ing information demands. Business intelligence
tems, BPM has evolved over several decades
(BI), another phase in the progression of DSS,
(see Table 1). Its roots can be traced to the in-
provided the needed technology to improve
troduction of decision support systems (DSS)
decision making. It includes the entire infra-
in the early 1970s (Power, 2003). The first DSS
structure (e.g., data warehouses) and analytical
was directed toward helping managers make
tools (e.g., OLAP) required to integrate and an-
key decisions. Since then, its functionality has
alyze the growing accumulation of organiza-
been repackaged, new technology has become
tional data.
available; and DSS solutions are used to sup-
Although BI offers the tools necessary to
port decision making at any level within an or-
improve decision making within organizations,
it provides no systematic means of planning,
Executive information systems (EIS)
monitoring, controlling, and managing the im-
evolved from DSS to specifically address the
plementation of strategic business objectives.
needs of senior executives. EIS is an informa-
BPM provides a means of combining business
tion delivery mechanism that utilizes both in-
strategy and technological structure to direct
ternal and external information sources to
the entire organization toward accomplishing
address the information requirements of senior
common organizational objectives. At present,
management (Watson and Frolick, 1993). An
many organizations are embracing this concept
EIS provides electronic dashboards, a graphical
of BPM as the next logical step in the evolution
user interface that offers an intuitive arrange-
of DSS.
ment of key measures customized for senior
executive needs. Furthermore, it grants senior
management the ability to drill down to the lev- BI VERSUS BPM
el of detailed data required. Although many use the terms synonymously,
However, gaining access to the rich data re- Business Performance Management is distinct-
quired to support dashboards and drill down ly different from business intelligence. As de-
functionality was challenging. Organizational scribed previously, BI is the technological
data was contained mostly in disparate data solution that enables a company to consolidate
sources that required coordination to provide a and leverage the vast masses of data in organi-
single integrated view of data in the enterprise. zations to improve decision making (Clayton,
Implementing a data warehouse offered a solu- 2005). Whereas BI provides the IT infrastruc-
tion to the data integration issues of an EIS. A ture and applications required to implement
data warehouse is a specially prepared, inte- BPM, BPM includes a business process that le-
grated repository of data for organizational de- verages BI (Miranda, 2004).
cision making. Data warehousing along with The majority of past BI applications and
online analytical processing (OLAP) began BPM can be further differentiated in terms of
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scope, type of data, type of decision support strategically aligned business operations. Each
provided, and orientation of application. Most of the four processes is described here.
BI implementations have a narrow scope limit-
ed to one or more departments or functional
areas (Kelly, 2005). BPM has a much broader In the strategize step we identify what the or-
scope that is focused on the entire enterprise. ganization wants to achieve. This step de-
Because the data stored and analyzed is gener-
scribes a course of action employed to identify
ally historical, most BI applications support
business strategy; to discover key value drivers
strategic and tactical decision making. Alterna-
required to attain the strategy; and to generate
tively, BPM solutions have timely data that pro-
metrics to measure business performance over
vides support for operational decision making
time. For example, the establishment of a cus-
in addition to strategic and tactical decision
tomer-centric business strategy may lead a
making.As such, BPM solutions are proactive in
company to identify high customer satisfaction
helping organizations improve their ongoing
as a key driver of business value. Consequently,
business operations and processes, whereas BI
a customer satisfaction index is a basic metric
solutions have a reactive orientation that facili-
of customer satisfaction that would enable
tates decision making based on archived data.
business performance assessment. This step is
Although BI and BPM are two distinct con-
considered the “breakthrough” step to perfor-
cepts, vendors are blurring the lines of solu-
mance management, which creates perfor-
tions that support them both. A framework for
mance metrics that are tied to business
understanding the set of ideas, conditions, and
assumptions that determine how to approach
However, generating performance mea-
BPM is described next.
sures that are tied to strategic value drivers can
be challenging. Organizations often struggle to
THE BPM FRAMEWORK identify metrics that accurately capture
The BPM framework is composed of four core progress on organizational goal attainment
processes (see Figure 1). These four key steps (Politano, 2005). The measures used to capture
are the foundation for designing, implement- business value drivers are commonly known as
ing, and managing BPM: key performance indicators (KPIs) (Moncla
and Gregory, 2003). Strategy mapping is cur-
1. Strategize
rently a popular method used to identify busi-
2. Plan
ness value drivers, which leads to the
3. Monitor and analyze
discovery of the KPIs; both concepts will be
4. Take corrective action (BPM Standards
described in the next section.
Group, 2004)
By establishing KPIs that are linked to busi-
The first two steps represent the formulation of ness drivers and overall strategy, the strategize
business strategy, and the last two steps define step defines and reaffirms the missions of the
how to modify and execute strategy.These four organization. It shapes the activities in each
core processes form a closed loop that captures step of the BPM framework that follows and it
business strategy, which is then translated into is by far the most important step in any BPM

FIGURE 1 The BPM Framework

In the planning step we develop a program of
action on how to carry out the business strate-
gy. This step allows managers within different
functional units to set goals, design projects,
and develop budgets to support corporate
strategy. A primary outcome of the planning
Take corrective Plan process is a detailed plan or budget that speci-
action fies how resources will be allocated to carry
out the organization’s goals.
Business functions create plans that target
Monitor and
the achievement of key performance metrics
established in step one. As such, plans describe
how each unit will contribute to or influence
2 0 0 6

the attainment of corporate performance ob- few core processes that drive business value.
jectives. This requires each business unit to As a result, the organization can disregard the
maintain an enterprisewide focus during the many processes that merely generate activity
planning process and heed the influence of and do not contribute to the long-term health
each unit’s plans for cross-functional opera- of the company. According to a survey con-
tions. Units must work together in areas where ducted by the American Management Associa-

O ne of the
they overlap to ensure that individual plans do
not contradict each other. Key performance
tion, of 203 companies ranging in size from
$27 million to $50 billion, “measurement-man-
biggest metrics enable functional units to uphold a cor- aged” companies consistently outperform their
challenges poratewide focus and avoid overlap during peers.
planning (Gregory, 2004). One of the biggest challenges to deploying
to deploying BPM is selecting the appropriate measures to
BPM is Monitor and Analyze
serve as key performance indicators. The fol-
selecting the Monitor and analyze is the third step of the lowing section discusses the challenges to de-
BPM framework. The influence and benefits of veloping metrics and presents one possible
appropriate methodology for performance measurement.
a BPM implementation become more visible in
measures to this step.This step facilitates constant monitor-
serve as key ing of performance results versus benchmark CHALLENGES AND METHODOLOGIES
performance metrics. By providing a mix of operational and FOR PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT
strategic reporting and analytics to all levels of Measurement provides a means of evaluating a
indicators. the organization, this step helps evaluate indi- company’s progress toward accomplishing its
vidual and business unit performance. Addi- goals. Through performance measurement, an
tionally, it enables users to drill down to organization can assess how well its operations
additional detailed information so that they can are aligned with business strategy. As a result,
take appropriate action. measurement plays a crucial role in translating
Both BI infrastructure and analytics support business strategy into results.
the course of action prescribed in this step. Unfortunately, most measures that organi-
Historic and real-time data in multiple transac- zations evaluate provide a misperception of the
tion processing systems are consolidated using state of the organization.They do not accurate-
data warehouse technologies.Applications that ly capture the true nature of the organization’s
enable simple query and multidimensional data progress. For example, a CEO may tally the
analysis provide a means of analyzing perfor- number of vehicles in the company parking lot
mance and comparing measures with actual on weekends as a way to determine employee
performance. Currently, the biggest growth in work commitment. Knowing this, employees
operational BI infrastructure and analytics is in may park their cars in the company lot and car-
the BPM space (White, 2005). pool to weekend ball games. As a result, the
wrong process or activity is measured, provid-
Take Corrective Action ing misleading evidence of true accomplish-
Taking corrective action is the fourth core pro- ment. Past studies suggest that close to 50
cess of the framework. This step constitutes percent of executive managers place no confi-
taking timely, appropriate action to changes in dence in the numbers presented to them (e.g.,
performance uncovered during monitoring Lingle and Schiemann, 1996). According to
and analysis. In addition to alerting users about these authors, one of the main reasons is vague
potential problems, activities in this step pro- objectives, which lead companies to measure
vide users with guidelines and suggestions on the wrong process or activity.
how to deal with problem situations that arise. There are several different approaches to
Consequently, by taking corrective actions in performance measurement. Many organiza-
an opportune timely manner, users are able to tions measure what is easily accessible and sim-
avoid problems escalating out of control. ple, such as existing finance ratios that are not
In summary, BPM bridges the gap between necessarily linked to business strategy. Over
strategy and execution. The first two steps time, these measures become the company
present strategy and planning, whereas the last standard, providing a false sense of security
two involve strategy execution and action. and of progress made. Other organizations use
With these four steps, the framework moves a myriad of measures derived from bottom-up
everyone in the organization in the same direc- initiatives that do not consider the organiza-
tion. It enables the organization to focus on the tion’s strategic objectives. They can measure
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virtually everything. For example, a sales orga- Most typical BPM projects are implemented
nization may compute the cost per sale per using a top-down approach. However, it is pos-
minute per employee as a percentage of non- sible to implement a BPM initiative through a
discretionary income in a given city. When or- bottom-up method. An example of such a BPM
ganizations are inundated with metrics, they project implementation is presented here.
become incapable of sifting through data to A bottom-up BPM approach was taken by a
identify what is important to determining orga- distribution company with a sales team that
nizational progress. One of the best approach- calls upon a small number of specialty retailers.
es to identifying the appropriate metrics (i.e., Products are then shipped to the retailers from
KPIs) is through the use of a methodology a central distribution center.
known as the Balanced Scorecard. The distribution company decided that it
The Balanced Scorecard approach provides needed to get a better handle on its data. As
executives with a comprehensive framework such, it developed a data warehouse with re-
that translates a corporation’s strategic objec- tailer, customer, and product information.
tives into a coherent set of performance mea- Once the data warehouse was operational, the
sures. Kaplan and Norton (1992) expanded the
company decided that it should measure a few
existing view of performance metrics, which
KPIs. It was determined that the initial KPIs
were then primarily financial, into four per-
would be the total number of products sold
spectives: (1) financial, (2) internal business,
and the total sales dollars.Transaction data was
(3) customer, and (4) innovation and learning.
loaded into the data warehouse and a sales
The scope of this approach is the entire organi-
dashboard was created to reflect the KPI data.
zation, and it is focused on giving users the abil-
After utilizing the dashboard for a few
ity to examine the totality of company
operations along the four perspectives. It also months, the company decided to introduce the
provides an assessment of how well the com- concept of corporate objectives. The primary
pany’s operations are strategically aligned (Bau- objective was determined to be growth; name-
er, 2004). ly, 10 percent increased revenues. The dash-
A strategy map is a powerful extension of board was modified once again to reflect the
the Balanced Scorecard framework that helps new growth objective.
organizations effectively visualize corporate The organization then decided that a better
objectives within the four perspectives. The way to work with the dashboard would be to
Balanced Scorecard process creates maps that highlight exceptions so that they would be eas-
define how strategic objectives interact to de- ier to act upon. They utilized the standard traf-
liver desired results. Strategic mapping defines fic signal convention (red, yellow, green). The
and communicates how strategy should be de- company continues to analyze and refine their
ployed and implemented in an organization by KPIs to allow them to better meet the corpo-
describing how to connect strategic objectives rate objectives.
to operational initiatives (Kaplan and Norton, This company has developed a successful
2000). As a result, it provides a clear line of BPM initiative, although that is not what they
sight into how individual business unit activi- initially set out to do. Executed carefully, the
ties are linked to the overall objectives of the bottom-up approach can work very well.
organization. Accordingly, the metrics derived
through this methodology represent KPIs that
are tied to strategic objectives.
The Balanced Scorecard framework and Both external and internal challenges currently
strategy maps provide a top-down reflection of drive organizations to improve their perfor-
the company’s mission and strategy that are mance management. One external force de-
then manifested in KPIs. Traditional measures manding improved BPM is the competitive
look at past accomplishments without indicat- business market. Specifically, the marketplace
ing how managers might improve future per- exerts pressure on organizations to be better at
formance. The KPIs resulting from the forecasting; it punishes organizations that can-
Balanced Scorecard framework enable the or- not act on timely and effective forecasts to re-
ganization to have a forward-thinking outlook act faster to dynamic business conditions
toward corporate performance assessment. It (Thomas, 2004). Consequently, the need for
helps the organization focus on the few KPIs better strategic planning and forecasting to
(i.e., usually 15 or 20 metrics) that are most im- cope with competitive forces is leading compa-
portant for the company. nies to BPM.
W I N T E R 2 0 0 6

The need to consolidate disparate data

FIGURE 2 State of the BPM Market (Meta Group, 2004) sources to facilitate better coordination among
cross-functional units is an internal need creat-
ing interest in BPM. Using a data warehouse in-
frastructure, BPM solutions integrate historic
and operational data dispersed in an enter-
Fully Nonexistent prise, leading the organization to a single ver-
integrated 15% sion of “the truth.” As a result, in addition to
across the better coordination of business units, BPM im-
18% plementation helps organizations obtain more
efficient processes that are continuously im-
proved by evaluating KPIs. Organizations that
Limited own ineffective business processes look to
implementation Planning stage BPM solutions for help to improve the execu-
23% 35% tion of strategy throughout the organization.
Although BPM is a relatively new solution
Vendor available in the market, both internal and exter-
nal drivers are leading companies to explore its
potential benefits. A recent survey conducted
by the Meta Group (2004) revealed that most
organizations are currently in the planning
stage of BPM implementations (see Figure 2).
Less than 20 percent of organizations have fully
FIGURE 3 Barriers to BPM integrated, enterprisewide BPM solutions. Fig-
ure 2 suggests that the acceptance of BPM solu-
tions has been relatively slow.
Experts suggest that the current growth
Organizational issues rate in the BPM market is mainly fueled by the
Inefficiencies/systems lack functionality pressures of regulations, such as the Sarbanes–
31% Oxley Act and the International Financial Re-
Economy/market unknowns
30% porting Standards, which require faster and
Budget/resources more reliable management processes. Howev-
Speed/pace of business er, many barriers impede the successful imple-
19% mentation of BPM solutions. Figure 3 presents
Need more/better info the results of a Geac survey of 100 executives
Growth/acquisitions about barriers to BPM success (Hartlen, 2004).
11% Almost 40 percent of those surveyed ranked or-
Goverment regulations
8% ganizational issues — defined as politics, mind-
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% set, no strategy, and bad processes — as the
key barriers to BPM.
Three organizational issues in particular
form the biggest pitfalls to any BPM initiative
Executive managers in the United States (Hartlen, 2004). The first organizational barrier
also face external pressure in the form of new is the perception that BPM implementations
accounting and regulatory standards. At are technology driven.As described in the BPM
present, company officers are required to certi- framework, a fundamental objective of BPM is
fy the accuracy of corporate information pre- linking strategy to organizational processes. Al-
sented to the public, with severe penalties for though technology supports BPM, strategically
erroneous reporting. For instance, section 409 aligned business processes drive it.The second
of the Sarbanes–Oxley Act requires organiza- challenge is discounting the impact of organi-
tions to provide real-time disclosure of material zational resistance. BPM can change the exist-
changes in financial conditions and operations ing power structures by introducing new or
that may affect performance (Nambiar, 2003). modified processes and systems, which makes
Regulations and other external pressures are information more transparent.The resulting re-
driving organizations to require greater visibili- sistance can hamper project implementation
ty into the organization to better monitor oper- and adoption. Furthermore, erroneously as-
ations. suming that the BPM project is completed once
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the technology is installed can lead to another BPM success. Effective KPIs are generally easy
set of challenges to BPM. Overlooking the im- to comprehend, provide context that shows
portance of training end users and dealing with the user what an acceptable level of perfor-
lack of user confidence in the system are post- mance is, and have standard measures. These
implementation people issues that can plague key metrics must be reviewed on a periodic ba-
BPM efforts. sis to ensure that they accurately reflect chang-
O n the
ing market conditions. Consequently, the BPM
system must be equipped to adapt to continu-
technical side, ous revisions in a seamless manner.
The factors that are critical to the successful
a key factor implementation of a BPM solution can be cate-
essential to gorized as organizational, technical, and meth- CONCLUSION
a BPM odology related. Again, organizational factors Business Performance Management is a consol-
are some of the most critical factors that facili- idation of concepts that companies have been
implementation tate an effective BPM implementation. For in- practicing for some time, such as data ware-
is consolidation stance, strong executive sponsorship is housing, business intelligence, and total quality
of dispersed essential for the life of a BPM project (Griffin, management. This single integrated concept is
2004). Sponsorship by C-level executives will focused on enhancing corporate performance.
silos of data. BPM provides an opportunity to align opera-
provide effective leadership for the project.
Consequently, these executives may also act as tions to organizational strategy and evaluates
the champion of the project throughout the or- its progress over time toward goal attainment.
ganization. The BPM framework presented here is com-
Management of resistance to BPM is anoth- posed of four core processes: the first two sup-
er organizational factor that is critical to a port strategy formulation and the last two
project. Resistance often emerges in the man- enable modification and execution of strategy.
agement ranks (Hartlen, 2004). Awareness of Organizational issues such as politics and resis-
such potential resistance enables an organiza- tance to change are key barriers to a BPM
tion to deter a major obstacle by taking correc- project. Strong sponsorship and support from
tive action early. In addition, identifying upper management are among the main critical
corporate objectives and gaining consensus success factors of BPM.
and buy-in from management early on in the ef- Currently, most BPM initiatives are seen as
fort can help establish legitimacy and visibility solutions required to handle pressures to com-
for the project through the organization. For in- ply with regulations. In the next few years, we
stance, if driven by the CEO, this process gen- expect this to change to a strategic alignment
focus that leads to enterprisewide solutions
erally moves quickly and smoothly.
On the technical side, a key factor essential that raise business performance. ▲
to a BPM implementation is consolidation of
dispersed silos of data. This is by far the most References
difficult undertaking to deploying successful Bauer, K. (2004). The KPI Profiler: CRM Case Study.
BPM. The project team must establish an inte- DM Review, November, 30.
grated repository of operational metrics BPM Standards Group (2004). Business Performance
Management: Industry Framework Document.
aligned to corporate strategy, as well as one
BPM Framework Document, 27p (retrieved on
that cuts across functional boundaries. If data April 14, 2005, from http://www.
in the BPM system is contradicted by other re-
ports and data in the organization, such data BPMFrameworkDraft-V4.0092904.pdf).
should be integrated to the system. In this man- Clayton, J. (2005). Ask the Expert. CIO, May, 23.
ner, incorporating all data sources to the sys- Drobik, A., Geishecker, L., Buytendijk, F.A., and
tem will help ensure that the BPM solution is Wood, B. (2004). Predicts 2005: Corporate
the only information source of the organiza- Performance Management. Gartner Research,
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KPIs is essential to BPM. Having an effective Performance Management: Getting Past The
methodology to identify metrics that are linked Excitement of Technology to Achieve Results.
to strategic business drivers is necessary for Business Intelligence Journal, 9 (Winter) 21–24.
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