This document contains a compilation of 158 multiple choice questions covering various topics in medicine. The questions test knowledge in areas like obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, internal medicine, pharmacology and more. Specific topics covered include renal disease, diabetes, infectious diseases, cancer, contraception, pregnancy, neonatal conditions, psychiatry and more. The multiple choice questions are presented without answers or explanations.
This document contains a compilation of 158 multiple choice questions covering various topics in medicine. The questions test knowledge in areas like obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, internal medicine, pharmacology and more. Specific topics covered include renal disease, diabetes, infectious diseases, cancer, contraception, pregnancy, neonatal conditions, psychiatry and more. The multiple choice questions are presented without answers or explanations.
This document contains a compilation of 158 multiple choice questions covering various topics in medicine. The questions test knowledge in areas like obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, internal medicine, pharmacology and more. Specific topics covered include renal disease, diabetes, infectious diseases, cancer, contraception, pregnancy, neonatal conditions, psychiatry and more. The multiple choice questions are presented without answers or explanations.
This document contains a compilation of 158 multiple choice questions covering various topics in medicine. The questions test knowledge in areas like obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, internal medicine, pharmacology and more. Specific topics covered include renal disease, diabetes, infectious diseases, cancer, contraception, pregnancy, neonatal conditions, psychiatry and more. The multiple choice questions are presented without answers or explanations.
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CBA 8 MCQ compilation 2020
1.In what type of study is hypothesis generation
2.Gynecomastia and Hyponatremia caused by spironolactone 3.Magnesium sulfate used as prophylaxis for eclampsia. 4.Bph arises from transitional zone of prostate 5.Gleason grade for pancreatic Tumor 6.Hyper calcemia is treated by bisphosphonate 7.Rh incompatibility scenario mom negative blood group and child positive blood group. 8.Dialysis indication 9.Combined contraceptive pills contraindications 10. Grade 1 hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy survival rate 11. Crescent formation in rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis 12. Onion skin formation in malignant hypertension. 13. treatment of Pyelonephritis 14. Secondary glomerular pathological disease...diabetic nephropathy 15. Allergic reaction to blood transfusion is type 1 hypersensitivty reaction 16. 40mg Daily Iron dose in pregnancy 17. At 27 weeks how much iron is given 18. stereotypical behavior of autistic child 19. Hb 6 of a pregnant women…how will you raise hb level..options are pact cell, iv iron, oral iron( 2nd week of gestation) 20. In ADHD which part of brain is more active… answer: sensory(confirm it plz) 21. Prevention of enuresis …answer options alarm technique..confirm answer. 22. Prophylactic dose of iron 23. ABGAR score scenario of peds 24. Negative Rinne test in which disease 25. Toxoplasmosis hydrocephalus intracranial calcification 26. Bacterial vaginosis – KOH test fishy foul smell 27. Cmv 28. Upper motor neuron lesion features 29. Atonic uterus- lots of bleeding after 1 hour of delivery, what is the cause of this bleeding. 30. Neiserria gonorrhea- which culture medium is used to identify it- Thayer Martin agar 31. Drugs for cytomegalovirus...ganciclovir peds mcq 32. Heart disease patiet as to recall his history so what kind of bias is this- recall bias- comm med mcq 33. Goiter and high altitude is what kind of association- indirect association 34. Spurious association- home delivery have higher maternal deaths than hospital deliveries. 35. When does difference of hypothesis become Significant - 5 /100 36. Target couple- 2 to 3 children 37. Congenital Rubella syndrome- child born with cataract and heart defect 38. Malignant ?? 39. Eye squint- which is first test done- hirshburg, cover uncover test 40. Baby- jaundice, poor suckling, stiff back… what is diagnosis 41. Tetanus neonatorum scenario 42. Testes lymphatic drainage- para aortic lymph nodes 43. Right testicular vein drains into- inferior vena cava 44. Mumps virus affects parotid glands and- testes 45. Cannon ball secondaries in -lungs 46. Penile fracture which layer affected- tunica albugenia 47. Urethral stricture size determination by which investigation. 48. Vertex -1 ,cervix 5 cm dilated what is engagement. Options were occipitofrontobregmatic…. 49. Psommama bodies in which tumor 50. Neonate chronic renal failure cause 51. Furosemide 2 mcq heart failure 52. Mannitol given in -intra cranial haemorrage 53. Schiller duval bodies in yolk sac Tumor 54. Flushing in female, pharma mcq 55. Classical method to treat nocturnal enuresis- psychiatry 56. Child comes with Cough, runny nose, conjunctivitis- no vaccine given due to parents lack of awareness -what is causative agent ? 57. Tall t waves and qrs compex broaden- Medicine mcq- hyperkalemia 58. Hyperkalemia- treat it with calcium gluconate 59. Which organism causes UTI in female 60. Peds UTI in kids at what age 61. Diabetes complication in pregnancy 62. Treatment of torsion of testes 63. CIN screening and diagnosis test- pap smear 64. Menopause which hormone is used to confirm it- estrogen 65. High risk delivery is a women who has- 2 C section before 66. Gestational diabetes 67. Mole grape like masses passed out with mild vaginal bleeding, diagnosis- molar pregnancy. 68. Scenario of empty uterus on USG, fluid spillage in peritoneal cavity…how to treat it 69. Inevitable miscarriage 70. Threatened miscarriage scenario 71. Anti d given in how much time after delivery -3 days/72 hours. 72. Couple comes for infertility treatment and male sperm report is normal… what will u do next? 73. Iron dose -60 per day 74. Ct kub -for diagnosis of renal calculi 75. Acute pyelonephritis complication is -papillary necrosis 76. Rovsings sign done in which area 77. Alport syndrome- peds mcq 78. Mom on phenytoin, bleeding from ubilical cord, which type of haemorragic disease..its early
79. 5 alpha reductase .....fenisteride- pharma
mcq 80. Infertility which drug is given- clomephine 81. Primary mech of action of oral contraceptive drug 82. Urinary bladder carcinoma characteristics 83. Painless visible haematuria in bladder carcinoma. 84. Altitude sickness- give acetazolamide 85. Acetazolmide- hco3 and Na reabsorption inhibit 86. Difference between atn and tubular necrosis.... medicine mcq..forgotten stament and answer 87. Ovarian tumor most common cancer is 88. Wilms tumor contains which type of cell? 89. 63 yr old man complains of dysuria, prostatitis -treatment at this stage is- antibiotic 90. PSA test for prostate cancer 91. Transitional zone - bph 92. Endometrial hyperplasia is done by which hormone? 93. Range definition- comm med mcq 94. Urothelial carcinoma risk factor is -smoking 95. Most common cause of chronic renal failure in children under 5 96. Which ovarian tumor is developed from all three germ cell layers? Teratoma 97. Pt present with cerebral calcification and hydrocephlous... What is most common TORCH infection cause of this condition -peds question 98. A 45 years old female, presented with cervical carcinoma, which organism is responsible for it A) HIV B) HSV C) HPV 99. A G2P2A0 come to you with ruptured membranes for more than 18 is delivered with weight 3.1 kg 1 hour ago and now there is profuse bleeding from vagina. What can be reason endometriosis uterine injury retained placenta uterine atony uterine inversion
exposure example. 102. Which of the following is secondary glomureonephritis? Answer is diabetic neuropathy patho
103. Hall mark of bladder carcinoma..smoking
104. Size of ureteric calculus passed without surgical intervention...4,6,8,10,12mm 105. Upper motor neuron lesion Signs? Ans: Normal bulk, exaggerated reflexes, upgoing plantar, hypertonia. Other options: 1. Decreased bulk with same other features. 2, 3, 4 .. have LMN features
106. Treatment of pyonephrosis
Options percutaneous nephrostomy, aspiration and drainage, antibiotic,
109. Treatment of hyperkalemia 110. Osler nodes are found in which disease 111. Acute pyelonephritis scenario of flank pain, fever ,chills 112. Gynae- delivery done in which u deliver 1 placenra and 2 amniotic cavity So twins will be monochorionic diamniotic twins
113. Thiazide diuretic act at which location .???
114. Medicine - HAART medicine given to AIDS patient ...what else drug can be given Dont remember drugs names 115. Drug used after the delivery of shoulder of baby for the management of third staage of labor ...gynae
116. mother taking phynetoin, baby presents
with ozing of umblicus---- early stage of hemorrhagic disease 117. 18 yr old girl with hirsutism, oligomenorrahe and wt gain ...FSH/LH altered- polycystic ovarian syndrome
118. treatment of pyonephrosis
119. most common malignant ovarian tumor perimenoposal women -serous cystadenocarcinoma 120. eye squint intial test---- hirshberg test 121. inability to suck stiffed back---- tetnus 122. left testicular vein ---- left renal vein 123. how will you differentiate between pre- renal failure and tubular nephritis ----- fractional excretion of sodium (FEq Na+) 124. wilms tumor cell--- small blue cells 125. onion skin --- malignant hypertension 126. osler nodes --- infective endocarditis 127. testes lymph node ---- para aortic 128. torsion treatment ---- detortion and fixation of both testes 129. prostitis treatment--- antibiotics 130. vertaebral tuberclosis ---perinephric abcess 131. husband semen analysis done next step ----- follicular tracking 132. pelvic inflammation 133. hydronephrosis--- aseptic dialation 134. pyonephrosis--- percutaneous nephrostomy 135. ureteric stone easily pass without surgery --- 4mm 136. penis fracture--- tunica albuginea 137. left testicular vein ---- left renal vein 138. n gonorrhea medium--- thyer martin 139. macuopupular rash not vacinated---+ measles 140. shistomiasis enter through---- skin route 141. feature of urniary bladder cancer --- painless hematuria 142. cannon ball metastasis--- lungs 143. mumps other than parotid ---- testes 144. renal carcinoma benign ---- angioma 145. urtheral stricture size determination --- 146. urteric stones best diagnosis--- CT KUB 147. PDA + cataract--- rubella 148. hydrocephalus--- taxoplasmosis 149. small for gestational age maternal factor---- malnutrition 150. cytomegalovirus treatment--- gyncyclovir 151. inability to suck---- tetnus (2) 152. 2 day history of fever, red urine,---- aki 153. t peaked waves---- hyper kalemia 154. meningitis, oral thrush in aids patient---- cryptococcus 155. less than 100 leukocytes count aids patient---- tmp-smx ( case of taxoplasmosis in aids) 156. inevitable misscarriage scenerio plus mother dying ---- evacuation and curretage plus resuscitation 157. beta hcg 5000 and empty uterus --- ectopic pregnancy 158. criteria of admission to hospital after high blood pressure---+ blurring of vision 159. glands outside other than ovary---- endometriosis 160. unfavorable term--- temporal association- comm med mcq 161. post streptococcal scenario--- immune complex accumulation 162. good pasture syndrome---- antibodies against basement membrane 163. goat milk taking baby which one of the following elevates---- albumin 164. normal gomeruli effacement of foot processes --- minimal change 165. absolute contraindication of contraceptive pills--- thromboembolism 166. clinodactyle and single palmer crease --++ down syndrome 167. B2 agonist--- ritodine 168. contraceptive mechanism--+Increase musus prevent ovulation 169. prevention of fracture in osteoporosis---+ estradiol 170. thiazide diruetics use---+ hypertension 171. hyperkalemia cause ---- captopril 172. estrogen excess----endometrial carcinoma 173. which one of he following is an alarming point in CTG---- deceleration 174. Rovsing sign ... Palpate left iliac fossa 175. Hyperkalemia .. prevent immediate effect on cardiac activity 176. Onion skin .. malignant hypertension 177. Cervical cancer ..HPV 178. Gonorrhea media.. Thayer martin 179. Blood transfusion reaction immediately .. type 1 hypersensitivity reaction 180. Gram negative diplococci .. n.gonorrhea 181. Vomiting+ diarrhea .. sodium decrease creatinine raised .. DX dehydration and Renal failure 182. Chronic pyelonephritis... Papillary necrosis 183. Loss of foot processes .. minimal change disease 184. Most common cause of renal failure in children less than 5 years 185. Kimmelsteil Wilson nodules .. diabetic melitus 186. . Cresents ... Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis 187. Organism for acute pyelonephritis .. E.coli 188. Most common stones.. calcium oxalate 189. Left testicular vein drain left renal vein 190. Bladder carcinoma ass with smoking 191. Abnormal pap smear.. colposcopy 192. Endometritis .. endometrial tissues outside the uterus 193. Endometrial hyperplasia .. unopposed estrogen 194. Serous .. psammoma bodies 195. 3 germ cell layer .. teratoma 196. Schiller Duval bodies .. yolk sac tumor 197. Complete mole.. no fetal activity 198. Grape like mass pass out of the vagina... Hydatiform mole 199. Testicular torsion ma.. fix both testes
200. PSA... Tumor marker for prostatic cancer
201. Pregnant female.. fluid peritoneal cavity.. ruptured ectopic pregnancy .. laparotomy 202. Tall T waves wide QRS complex .. hyperkalemia 203. Treatment of hyperkalemia 204. Medication for preterm labour 205. Drug cause gout 206. Para aortic lymph nodes.. testes 207. Stone pass out spontaneously .. 4mm 208. Renal stones.. ct kub 209. Staging .. ct abd thorax pelvis 210. Oxytocin .. delivery of ant shoulder 211. High to low value .. range
Pocket Book of Hospital Care For Children - Guidleines For The Management of Common Illnesses With Limited Resources. (2012, World Health Organization)