September 2021
September 2021
September 2021
93. Old MI - ECG shows ovaries (Inferior wall) - in II, III, aVF.
Paracrine / Autocrine signalling 0 → 0
Targets near by cell Diagram.
94. G-banding.
95. Potter Syndrome - Hypoplasia, low set case.
96. PTH function in kidney - ↓ Calcium Excretion.
97. Free fatty acid transfers the placenta – Passive Diffusion.
98. Absolute risk calculation.
99. Ductus arteriosus is b/w → Pulmonary & Aorta.
100. Lower 2/3 of vagina - Urogenital Sinus.
101. α-Linoleic Acid should be added in food as it is not present in the body.
102. RNA analysis - Northern blotting.
103. Glutaminase - Ammonia formation.
104. Bicarbonate absorbed from PCT.
105. Na+ absorbed from PCT.
106. Brunner gland present in Duodenum.
107. Anechoic Ultrasound. what is duct black space called.
108. What is Acoustic impedance.
109. D&C done for missed abortion BP-84/40.
Hb-6 all other parameters (N).
i. Blood transfusion 2 (1). ✓
ii. IV ferrous sulphate.
110. Symptoms of lichen planus - Eosin ✓
111. H/O Radiation/chemotherapy – Hypothalamic Hypogonadism.
112. Sacroiliac joint is synovial joint.
113. Blood supply to ovary transferred through - Porad Ligament.
114. Conn's disease scenario.
115. Addison's disease scenario.
116. Progesterone synthesis enzyme in ovaries from steroid synthesis charts
3βOH 17x hydroxylase.