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Python Overview
Python is a general-purpose, interpreted, high-level programming language which is widely
used nowadays .It is an open source language which was developed by Guido Van Rossum in
the late 1980s .Python Software Foundation(PSF), a non-profit organization, holds the
intellectual property rights of Python.Python was released in 1991 at Centrum Wiskunde &
Informatica (CWI) in the Netherlands as a successor to the ABC language. Rossum named this
language after a popular comedy show called 'Monty Python's Flying Circus' (and not after
Python-the snake).

In the last few years, the popularity of python has increased immensely due to its wide
apllications. According to most of the tech surveys, Python is in the top ten Most Popular
Technologies in 2019.

Official Web Site: ​

1.1. Python Version History

Currently, PSF supports two versions, Python 2.x & Python 3.x. Python 2.0 was released in
October 2000 and includes a large number of features. PSF continues to support version
Python 2 because a large body of existing code could not be forward ported to Python 3. So,
they will support Python 2 until 2020.

Python 3.0 was released on December 3rd, 2008. It was designed to rectify certain flaws in
earlier version. This version is not completely backward-compatible with previous versions.
However, many of its major features have since been back-ported to the Python 2.6.x and 2.7.x
version series. Releases of Python 3 include 2 to 3 utilities to facilitate the automation of
translation of Python 2 code to Python 3.

1.2. Python Features

● Python is an interpreter-based language, which allows execution of one instruction at a

● Extensive basic data types are supported e.g. numbers (floating point, complex, and
unlimited-length long integers), strings (both ASCII and Unicode), lists, and dictionaries.
● Variables can be strongly typed as well as dynamic typed.
● Supports object-oriented programming concepts such as class, inheritance, objects,
module, namespace etc.
● Cleaner exception handling support.
● Supports automatic memory management.

1.3. Python Advantages

● Python provides enhanced readability. For that purpose, uniform indents are used to
delimit blocks of statements instead of curly brackets, like in many languages such as C,
C++ and Java.
● Python is free and distributed as open-source software. A large programming community
is actively involved in the development and support of Python libraries for various
applications such as web frameworks, mathematical computing and data science.
● Python is a cross-platform language. It works equally on different OS platforms like
Windows, Linux, Mac OSX etc. Hence Python applications can be easily ported across
OS platforms.
● Python supports multiple programming paradigms including imperative, procedural,
object-oriented and functional programming styles.
● Python is an extensible language. Additional functionality (other than what is provided in
the core language) can be made available through modules and packages written in
other languages (C, C++, Java etc)
● A standard DB-API for database connectivity has been defined in Python. It can be
enabled using any data source (Oracle, MySQL, SQLite etc.) as a backend to the Python
program for storage, retrieval and processing of data.
● Standard distribution of Python contains the Tkinter GUI toolkit, which is the
implementation of popular GUI library called Tcl/Tk. An attractive GUI can be
constructed using Tkinter. Many other GUI libraries like Qt, GTK, WxWidgets etc. are
also ported to Python.
● Python can be integrated with other popular programming technologies like C, C++,
Java, ActiveX and CORBA.

1.4. Python Applications

Even though Python started as a general-purpose programming language with no particular

application as its focus, over last few years it has emerged as the language of choice for
developers in some application areas. Some important applications of Python are summarized

1.4.1. Data Science

Python gained a lot of popularity recently because of its Data science libraries. Huge amount of
data is being generated today by web applications, mobile applications and other devices.
Companies need business insights from this data. To analayze this data, the libraries of Python
comes quite handy.

Today Python has become the language of choice for data scientists. Python libraries like
NumPy, Pandas and Matplotlib are extensively used in the process of data analysis, including
the collection, processing and cleansing of data sets, applying mathematical algorithms and
generating visualizations for the benefit of users. Commercial and community Python
distributions by third-parties such as Anaconda and ActiveState provide all the essential libraries
required for data science.

1.4.2. Machine Learning

This is another key application area of Python. Python libraries such as Scikit-learn, Tensorflow
and NLTK are widely used for the prediction of trends like customer satisfaction, projected
values of stocks etc. Some of the real-world applications of machine learning include medical
diagnosis,sales prediction, feedback analysis etc.

1.4.3. Web Development

This is another application area in which Python is becoming very popular. Web application
framework libraries like django, Pyramid, Flask etc. make it very easy to develop and deploy
simple as well as complex web applications. These frameworks are used extensively by various
IT companies. Dropbox for example uses django as a backend to store and, synchronize local

Most of the web servers today are compatible with WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) - a
specification for the universal interface between Python web frameworks and web servers. All
leading web servers such as Apache, IIS, Nginxetc. can now host Python web applications.
Google's App Engine hosts web applications built with almost all Python web frameworks.

1.4.4. Image Processing

The OpenCV library is commonly used for face detection and gesture recognition. OpenCV is a
C++ library, but has been ported to Python. Because of the rapid development of this feature,
Python is a very popular choice from image processing.

1.4.5. Game Development

Python is a popular choice for game developers. The PyGame library is extensively used for
building games for desktop as well as for mobile platforms. It includes a huge set of computer
graphics and sound libraries. PyGame is a Python wrapper for the SDL library. SDL is a
cross-platform library for accessing computer multimedia hardware components (sound, video,
input, etc.). SDL is an extremely powerful tool for building all kinds of things, but it’s written in C,
and hence in Python, pygame is used.

1.4.6. Embedded Systems and IoT

Another important area of Python application is in embedded systems. Raspberry Pi is a very

popular yet a low-cost single-board computer. It is being extensively used in automation
products, robotics, IoT, and kiosk applications. Popular microcontrollers like Arduino are used in
many IoT products and are being programmed with Python. A lightweight version of Python
called Micropython has been developed especially for microcontrollers. A special
Micropython-compatible controller called PyBoard has also been developed.

1.4.7. App development

Python can also be used to develop Android apps. Python's Kivy library has all the
functionalities required for a mobile application.Kivy is an open-source Python library for
developing cross-platform GUI applications. It allows you to write pure-Python graphical
applications that run on the main desktop platforms (Windows, Linux, and macOS) and on iOS
& Android.

1.4.8. Automated Jobs

Python is extremely useful and widely used for automating CRON (Command Run ON) jobs.
Certain tasks like backups, defined in Python scripts can be scheduled to be invoked
automatically by the operating system scheduler to be executed at predefined times.

1.4.9. Rapid Development Tool

Standard distribution of Python as developed by Rossum and maintained by Python Software

Foundation is called Cpython which is a reference implementation. Its alternative
implementations -Jython the JRE implementation of Python and IronPython - the .NET
implementation, interact seamlessly with Java and C#, respectively. For example Jython can
use all Java libraries such as Swing etc. So the development time can be minimized by using
simpler Python syntaxes and Java libraries for prototyping the software product.

1.5. Reference Links & Videos

1. ​

Python Programming Basics

1.1 Basic Syntax

● Python syntax is highly readable.
● ​Statements in Python typically end with a new line.
● (\) is used to denote line continuation.
● Python uses indentation to indicate a block of code and gives error if indentation
is skipped.
● All the continuous lines indented with same number of spaces forms a block.
● Semicolon ( ; ) allows multiple statements on the single line.
● A group of individual statements used to make a single code block are called

1.2 Python Comments

Python allows in-code documentation by using comments.
We can comment portion of code in two ways.

1. Starting a line with a # ​: If a #is used in the beginning of a line, Python will
consider the rest of the line as a comment.

Example :

2. ​Using docstrings​ :​ ​Python docstrings provide extended documentation capabilities.

It can be a single line or multiple lines comment. Line or lines to be commented are
started and ended with triple quotes.

1.3 Identifiers in Python
● Identifier is a name used to reserved memory locations to store values of a
variable, function, class, module or other object.
● An identifier starts with a letter A to Z or a to z or an underscore (_) followed by
zero or more letters, underscores and digits (0 to 9).
● Python does not allow punctuation characters such as @, $, and % within
● Python is case sensitive; hence, Sum and sum are two different identifiers.
● In a class, an identifier with a single leading underscore indicates that the
identifier is private and an identifier with two leading underscores indicates a
strongly private identifier.

1.4 Python Variables

An identifier whose value changes during program execution.

● Variables do not need to be declared with any particular type.

● Same variable can be used to set values of different data types.
● A variable is created the moment a value is assigned to it.
● Print statement is used to output variables.
● One variable can be added to another variable using + character.

Example: ​A sample script is provided below.

1.5 Python Data Types
Following are the standard data types in python

● Numbers
● String
● List
● Tuple
● Dictionary

1.5.1 Numbers
● This data type stores numeric values.
● We can create a Number objects by assigning a value to a variable.


Var1 = 10

Count = 0

● The reference to a number object can be deleted by using the del statement.

del Var1,Count

● There are three number types.

int : ​It is a whole number, positive or negative, without decimals, of unlimited length.

Example :

X = 20

Y = 12344556677

Z = -201

float : ​It is a number, positive or negative, containing one or more decimals.

Example :

X = 20.567

Y = - 12. 5

Z = -12.5e100

complex : ​numbers are written with a "j" as the imaginary part.

Example :

X = 20.567j

Note :​ String, List, Tuples and Dictionaries are discussed in the later section.

1.5 Python Operators

Operators are the constructs used to perform operations on variables and values.
1.5.1 Operator Types

● Arithmetic Operators
● Comparison or Relational Operators
● Assignment Operators
● Logical Operators
● ​Bitwise Operators
● ​Membership Operators
● Identity Operators Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic Operators are used with numeric values to perform common mathematical

Operators are :

+ Addition

- Subtraction

/ Division

* Multiplication

% Modulus

** Exponentiation

// Floor Division Comparison or Relational Operators

Comparison operators are used to compare two values.

Operators are:

== Equal

!= Not Equal

> Greater than

< Less Than

<> Not Equal

!= Not Equal

>= Greater Than Equal

<= Less Than Equal Assignment Operator

Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables.

Operators are:

= assigns a value to a variable

+= adds right operand to the left operand and assign the result to left operand

-= subtracts right operand from the left operand and assign the result to left operand

*= multiply right operand from the left operand and assign the result to left operand
/= divides left operand with the right operand and assign the result to left operand

%= returns the remainder when left operand is divided by the right operand and assigns
the result to the left operand.

//= divides left operand with the right operand and assign the floor value result to left

**= calculate exponent value using operands and assign the result to the left operand.

&= performs AND on operands and assign value to left operand

|= performs OR on operands and assign value to left operand

^= performs bitwise XOR on operands and assign value to left operand.

>>= performs bitwise right shift on operands and store values on left operand

<<= performs bitwise left shift on operands and store values on left operand Logical Operators

These operators are used to combine conditional statements

Operators are:

and - returns true if both the statements are true

or - returns true if either of the statement is true not reverses the result

. Bitwise Operators

These are used to perform bit-by-bit operations.

Operators are:

& bitwise AND, sets each bit to 1 if both bits are 1

| bitwise OR, sets each bit to 1 if one of the bits is 1

^ bitwise XOR, sets each bit to 1 if only one of the two bits is 1.

~ bitwise NOT, inverts all bit

<< bitwise shift left

>> bitwise shift right Membership Operator

These operators are used to test if a sequence is present in an object.

Operators are:

in returns True if it finds a value in a specified sequence & False otherwise.

not in returns True if it doesn't find a value in a specified sequence & False
otherwise. Identity Operator

These operators are used to compare memory locations of two objects.

Operators are:

is returns true if both the operands are identical , that is, two values are located in the
same part of memory location is not returns true if operands are not identical.

1.5.2 Operator precedence & Associativity

To evaluate an expression comprising of several operators, python has well-defined
For example, multiplication and division have a higher precedence than addition and

Using parentheses, we can explicitly override the precedence rules.

For the detailed table stating the precedence of operators, use the following link.

In case of some operators, the precedence is same. When we use two operators with
the same precedence in an expression, associativity helps in determining the order of
their execution. Almost all the operators have lef​t-to-right associativity.

1. Conditional Constructs
Conditional constructs are used to perform different computations or actions depending
on whether the condition evaluates to true or false. The conditions usually uses
comparisons and arithmetic expressions with variables. These expressions are
evaluated to the Boolean values True or False. The statements for the decision taking
are called conditional statements, alternatively known as conditional expressions or

1.1 Types of Conditional Statements

To understand the use of different conditional constructs in Python.

● If Statement
● If .. Else Statement
● If .. Elseif .. else statement
● Nested if statement
● Switch .. case statement

1.1.1 If statement
The if statements in Python. It is made up of three main components:

● the ​if​ KEYWORD itself,

● an EXPRESSION that is tested for its true value,
● a CODE SUITE to execute if the expression evaluates to non zero or true.


if expression:


The suite of ​if ​clause, (​expr_true_suite/statements) ​will be executed only if the above
conditional expression results in a boolean TRUE value. If the conditional expression
results in a boolean FALSE value no output is obtained or the execution resumes at the
next statement following the suite.

Few important things to note about​ if ​statements:

● The colon (:) is significant. It separates the ​header ​of the ​compound statement
from the ​body​.
● The line after the colon must be indented. It is standard in Python to use four
spaces for indenting.
● All lines indented the same amount after the colon will be executed whenever the

1.1.2 if .. else statement

Like other languages, Python features an else statement that can be paired with an if
statement. The else statement identifies a block of code to be executed if the
conditional expression of the if statement resolves to a false Boolean value.

Syntax :
if expression:
statement(s) //if condition evaluates to be true
statement(s) //if condition evaluates to be false

1.1.3 If .. elif .. else statement (Chained conditions)

elif is the Python else-if statement. It allows one to check multiple expressions for truth
value and execute a block of code as soon as one of the conditions evaluates to be
true. Like the else statement, the elif statement is optional. Unlike else, there can be an
arbitrary number of elif statements following an if.

Syntax :

if expression1:
statement(s) //if expression1 evaluates to true
elif expression2:
statement(s) //if expression2 evaluates to true
elif expression3:
statement(s) //if expression3 evaluates to true
statement(s) //if none of the above conditions are true
1.1.4 Nested If statements
In Python one if condition can also be nested within another if condition. ​Indentation is
the way to figure out the level of nesting.

Syntax :

if condition:
if condition:

1.1.5 Switch case statements

A switch statement is a multiway branching statement that compares the value of a
variable to the values specified in case statements. It is a ​control statement to minimize
a bunch of If - elif statements in a program. But,​ Python does not have a switch or case
statement. To get around this fact, ​Python uses dictionary mapping to implement switch
statement in Python.

This is a Function to convert number into string. Switcher is dictionary data type here

get() method of dictionary data type returns value of passed argument if it is present in
dictionary otherwise second argument will be assigned as default value of passed

2. Iterative Constructs
A iterative construct is a structure which allows a block of statements to be executed

2.1 Types of Iterative Statements

The iterative constructs provided by python are:

● while iterative construct

● for iterative construct
2.1.1 while Iterative Construct

The while statement in Python is a conditional looping statement. It is so called the entry
controlled looping. The suite in a while clause will be executed continuously in a loop
until the given condition is no longer satisfied.

Since the test for exit of the loop is performed before the first instruction in the loop,
based on the condition it may not execute for a single time. The variables appearing in
the logical expression are initialized prior to the beginning of the while loop. This is

mandatory as the logical expression in the while loop is tested before the loop is


while expression :


The suite_to_repeat clause of the while loop will be executed continuously in a loop until
expression evaluates to Boolean False.


The value is: 0

The value is: 1

The value is: 2

The value is: 3

The value is: 4

The value is: 5

The value is: 6

The value is: 7

The value is: 8 while loop with an else

Python supports an else statement with a loop statement. When an else statement is
used with a while statement, the else statement is executed when the expression
evaluates to Boolean False.


0 is less than 5

1 is less than 5

2 is less than 5

3 is less than 5

4 is less than 5

5 is not less than 5

Note : There is no do..while loop in Python.

2.1.2 for iterative Construct
for statement represents the single most powerful looping construct in Python. The for
loop in Python is more like foreach iterative type loop in a shell scripting language.
Python's for takes an iterable and traverses each element once and terminates when all
the items are exhausted.


for iter_var in iterable:


With each loop, the iter_var iteration variable is set to the current element of the iterable
(sequence, iterator, or object that supports iteration), presumably for use in

Output: For loop with Sequence Types:

For loop works well with differenty sequence types in Python. The below example will
include string, list and tuple types.


Current Letter: P

Current Letter: y

Current Letter: t

Current Letter: h

Current Letter: o

Current Letter: n

When iterating over a string, the iteration variable will always consists of only single
characters(strings of length 1). Iterating with Sequence Item


David Victor

Paulo Victor

Wesley Victor
In the above example, a list is iterated over, and for each iteration, the
eachNamevariablecontains the list that we are on for that partricular iteration of the
loop. range() function with for statement

The built in function range() can turn the foreach-like for loop to the traditional type of for


range (start_value, end_value, increment_value)

range() will return a list where for any k, start_value <= k < end_value and k iterates
from start_value to end value in increment of increment_value. Increment value cannot
be 0, or an error will occur.


Value is: 2

Value is: 5

Value is: 8

Value is: 11

Value is: 14

Value is: 17
If the incremental_value is ommited and only two arguments are given, increment_value
takes a default value of 1.


Value is: 2

Value is: 3

Value is: 4

Value is: 5

Value is: 6

2.1.3 Break statements

With break statement in Python,the current loop is terminated and the execution is
resumed at the following statement. The most common use for break is when some
external condition is triggered, requiring a hasty exit from a llop. This could with both

and for loop.

Variable value : 7

Variable value : 6

Loop terminated

2.1.4 Continue statement

Whenever a continue statement in Python is encountered it re-starts a loop, skipping

the following statements in the block. It could be used with both while and for loops.The
while loop is conditional and the for loop is iterative, so using continue is subject to
same requirements before the next iteration of the loop can begin. Otherwise the loop

terminate normally.


Current variable value : 6

Current variable value : 4

Current variable value : 3

Current variable value : 2

Current variable value : 1

Current variable value : 0

Good bye!

2.1.5 Pass statement

One python statement not found in C is the pass statement. The pass statement does
absolutely nothing. Its a true NOP, i.e No Operation assembly.It is useful in places where the
code will eventually go, but has not been written yet.

This is more helpful during the development or debugging stages because youwant the
structure to be there while the code is being created, but you do not want it to interface with
other parts of the code. In places where you want nothing to be executed,

pass is a good tool to be used.

1. Functions
Functions are construct to structure programs and are useful to utilize code in more
than section in a program. It increases reusability of code and removes redundancy.

1.1 Basic syntax

A function is defined using the def keyword in python. The basic syntax is


def function_name(parameters):

function body (statements)

The function body consist of indented statements. To end the function body, the indent
is to be ended. Every time, a function is called the function body is executed. The
parameters in the function definition are optional.
A function may have a return statement which returns a result. Once the return
statement is executed in the function body the function is ended.


>>> def square(x):

... return x**2


1.2 Calling a function

The defined functions are needed to be called to execute the function body.

A function is called by its name by passing the required values as defined as

parameters in the function definition.


>>> function_name(value)

If we want to find the square of 9, then we can call the function like:

>>> square(9)


1.2.2 Passing Parameters in a function by reference
Here, a reference of actual parameter is passed to the function.

The advantage of it is that whenever the parameter value is modified the change
reflects back in the function call.


Note: ​In Python, scalar values are passed by-value. Lists and other objects are passed
by reference.

1.3 Arguments
The values passed in the parameters of a function are called arguments. The
arguments provided in the function definition should match while calling the function. Or
else, it will result in error.


Default Arguments:

Function arguments can be provided with default values in function definition.


Here name does not have a default value. So it is going to take the value that is
provided during the function call. But greeting has a default value and hence not needed
to be provided with any value while calling the function.

Note: ​If a function has default arguments, all the arguments to its right are to provided
as default arguments i.e. no non-default arguments can be present once a default
argument is provided.
Python Keyword Arguments:

When a function is called using some values, the values are assigned to the arguments
according to their position.

Here , in the above function, 'Hi' is assigned to greeting and 'Mark' is assigned to name
when the function greetings is called.

Python allows functions to be called using keyword arguments. When we call functions
using keyword arguments, the order of the parameters can be changed.

It is also possible to have positional arguments with keyword arguments while calling
the function.

However, the positional arguments cannot be placed after the keyword argument.
Variable length Arguments:

In Python, it is possible to provide variable arguments in a function as parameters. The

single asterisk form (*args) is used to pass a ​non-key worded​, variable-length argument
list, and the double asterisk form is used to pass a ​key worded,​ variable-length
argument list.


2. Scripts
A script is a simple program, stored in a plain text file.

In Python, we can write programs through an interactive session in Python interpreter.

However, it has the disadvantage that, i​f we quit from the interpreter and launch it again,
the code we have made are lost.
We can create a Python script to solve this problem.

● A script is a Python code file created using any text editor.

● By convention, files are stored with an extension .py.
● Python interpreter runs python scripts.

2.1 Running Python Scripts:

Python interpreter follows a multi-step process to run a script known as Python
Execution Model.

1. Interpreter processes the statements of the script in a sequential fashion.

2. Compiles the source code to an intermediate format known as bytecode.
Bytecode is a translation of the code into low level language which is platform
independent. The main purpose of a bytecode is to optimize code execution.
Once , a byte code is created, next time when the interpreter runs the code, it
can bypass this step. This is applicable only for modules, not for executable
3. The runtime engine of Python, PVM(python virtual machine) iterates over the
instructions of the bytecode to run them one by one.





where , is the file or script name having python code.

2.2 Redirecting the Output Of Script:

To store the output of the script in a file , we can redirect it to a file.


python > output.txt

This process is called stream redirection.

3. Modules in Python
A module is a set of code written in a file having extension .py. Module contains function
definitions and other statements. Module allows organize python code logically. We can make a
group of related codes by creating a module. This makes it easier to understand the code and
maintain the code. A module can define variables, functions and classes and runnable code.

3.1 Creating a Module:

To create a module, create a file with extension .py in an editor and write the code and save the


Created a file named and defined two functions as below:

Two functions welcomeUser() and calculateAvg() are defined in the module.

3.2 Using a Module:

In the python interpreter, a module is imported using import statement.



To import the module myModule created above.

After importing the module, using the module name, we can access the functions or variables
defined in that module.


Here, the function welcomeUser() defined in the module myModule is called passing “Progoti”
as the argument to print the welcome message

We can use any Python source file as a module by executing an import statement in another
Python source file. When the interpreter gets an import statement, it imports the module if it is
present in the search path. A module is loaded only once regardless of number of times it is

3.3 Using Specific Attribute from Modules:

We can import only specific attributes from a module instead of the entire module. To do this we
have to use the using from statement.

Syntax :

from import attribute1[,attribute2[,…nameN]]


To import the function calculateAvg(scores) from the module myModule to find the average of
the scores stored in the list scores,
Note:​ ​When importing an attribute of a module using the from keyword, do not use the module
name when referring to elements in the module. For E​xample , in the above code , we have
used calculateAvg(scores), not mymodule.calculateAvg(scores)

Using the dir() Function:

Built in function dir() lists the names of the attributes defined in a module.


3.4 Built-in Modules:

Python has a collection of built-in modules. Programmers can use these modules as and when
required. Using help command, we can get the list of available built-in modules.

Each built-in module contains resources for certain system-specific functionalities such as OS
management, disk IO, etc. The standard library also contains many Python scripts (with the .py
extension) containing useful utilities.

4. Packages
● A package is a bundle of Python modules.
● A package is a directory with Python files.
● A Python package can have sub-packages and modules.
● A package must have a file with the name
● It is possible to put several modules into a Package.
● Packages help in structuring files in a hierarchical structure that defines a single
Python application environment

4.1 Creating a Package:

Following are the steps to be followed to create a package.

1. Create a directory. Name of the directory will be the name of the package.
2. Create a file named inside the directory. Presence of this file in the
directory let Python know that the directory is a package.
3. Create all Python files in this directory, which will be modules or sub modules of
the package.​ ​This file is invoked when the package or a module in the package is
imported. This can be used for execution of package initialization code, such as
initialization of package-level data.
4.2 Accessing the Packages:
To access modules or functions from a package we have to use import statement.


We can use any of the following syntax.

● from import [,…]

● from import as
● import ]


Let us create a package named Books and build three modules in it namely, Novel,
Horror and General_Knowledge.

1. First created a directory Book and go to the directory.

2. Now create the modules inside this directory by creating three files, and and define code in these files.

In the file, defined function printNovels() to print a message.

In the file, defined function printHorrors() to print a message.

In the file, defined a function printGKs() to print a message.

3. Finally, we create the file inside Book directory . To make all of your
functions available when you will imported Book, you need to put explicit import
statements in as follows :

To use the package Book created, create a file in the directory where
the directory Book is present.

Now, to use the Book package,created the file as below.

When we execute this file, the functions defined in the files included in the package are
In case, the import statements are not included in the file , we have to add
them before we invoke the objects defined in the files included in the package.

For example, if we keep the file empty for the Book package created and
have to access the printNovels() function from the Book package , we have to define the
script as below:

Note: ​In the above example, we have taken example of a single function in each file, but
we can have multiple functions in each files, also define different Python classes in
those files and then can create packages of those classes.

1. Sequences
Sequences are the container data-types in Python which stores objects in a specific
order. The objects can be accessed using their position or index. Indexes are numbered
from 0 in Python.

There are six sequence types in Python and we will discuss them one by one below.

● A contiguous set of characters represented in the quotation marks is a string.
● We can use either single quotation or double quotation marks.
● Strings in Python are arrays of bytes representing unicode characters.
● Subsets of strings can be taken using the slice operator ([ ] and [:] )
● + is the string concatenation operator.
● * is the repetition operator.
● len() method returns the length of string
● upper() method converts the string to upper case
● lower() method converts the string to lower case


1.2. Lists
List is a compound data type.

● It contains items separated by commas and enclosed within square brackets ([]).
● Items belonging to a list can be of different data type.
● List is ordered and changeable.
● List allow duplicate data.
● List can be created by using the list constructor list().
● append() object method is used to add an item to the list.
● remove() object method is used to remove a specific item from the list.
● len() method is used to get a count of elements in the list.

1.3. Tuples
● A tuple is an ordered and unchangeable list or collection.
● In Python tuples are written with round brackets.
● Items in the tuple are separated by commans.
● Can use tuple() constructor to make a tuple.
● len() method returns the number of items in a tuple.

1.4. Bytes
The bytes object is a sequence of small integers. The elements of a byte object are in
the range 0 through 255, corresponding to ASCII characters. Like tuples, bytes is an
immutable sequence. Bytes can be directly stored in the memory without encoding
which is not in the case of strings. In strings, first we have to encode the data and then
store it. A byte object can be created using the byte() function or using the prefix b.

Example :

1. Creating a byte object using the prefix b

2. Creating a byte object using the byte() function

1.5 Bytearray
The main difference between byte array and byte sequence type is the byte array is
mutable anmd bytes are immutable. To crate a bytearray we can use the bytearray()

1.6 Range
The range() type is an immutable sequence of numbers in Python within a given range.

Range takes three aruments :

a. start : the starting integer of the sequence.Thsi si optional. if no start is given, Python
considers the start as 0.

b. stop : the integer before which the sequence of integers are to be considered.

c. step : step is optional parameter. It determines the value by which each integer in the
sequence is to be inserted.
Example :

1. Collections

Collections are the container data-types which stores objects in an unordered

way. Since there is no order maintained, no indexing for the elements are done.

Python offers two default collections and five high performing collections from
the collection module. We are going to discuss them one by one.

1.1 Dictionaries

● A dictionary is an unordered collection.

● It is changeable and indexed using the key.
● Dictionaries are enclosed by curly braces ({ }) and values can be assigned
and accessed using square braces ([])
● len() method to returns the number of items.
● the dict() constructor can be used to make a dictionary
● We can add an item to the dictionary by using a new index key and
assigning a value to it.
● Elements are stored in a dictionary in a key-value pair and the pair is
● We can remove item from a dictionary using the del() function.


1.2. Sets
● A set is an unordered collection​
● It is iterable, mutable and has no duplicate elements.
● Sets are enclosed by curly braces ({ }).
● A set can be created using the set constructor.
● Elements can be added to a set using the add() method.
● A frozen set is an immutable object which can be created using the
frozenset constructor.

Example :
1.3 High Performance collection datatypes
We have already discussed how we can use Python built in collections,
dictionaries and sets to group multiple values together in a collection. Here, we
are going to discuss about the collections module.

Collections module in Python, implements specialized container datatypes

providing alternatives to Python’s general purpose built-in containers list, set,
dictionary and tuple.

To use the classes available in the collections module, we have to import the
module as below.

>>>import collections

The classes available in this module are:

● Counter
● Deque
● Defaultdict
● Namedtuple
● Ordereddict

1.3.1 Counter
● Counter is a container included in the collections module of Python.
● It is a subclass of dictionary and is an unordered collection where elements
and their respective count are stored as dictionary.
● It has a method called elements() that returns an iterator over elements
repeating each as many times as its count.
● It has a method called most_common() that returns most common
elements and their counts from the most common to the least.

Counter Initialization

The constructor of counter can be called in any one of the following ways :

● With sequence of items


● With dictionary containing keys and counts


● With keyword arguments mapping string names to counts


In all three cases, the output is same.

Use of elements() and most_common() methods

elements() method returns an iterator over elements repeating each as many

times as its count. Elements are returned in arbitrary order. If an element’s count
is less than one, ​elements()​ will ignore it.


most_common() method return a list of the n most common elements and their
counts from the most common to the least.

If n is omitted , or nor none , ​it​ returns all elements in the counter. Elements with
equal counts are ordered arbitrarily.


In the above code snippet, created a counter object c and used the
most-common() method to print the elements with their counts.

In the above code snippet, printed the first 2 most common elements.

Mathematical Operations on Counter objects

Following mathematical operations are provided for combining Counter objects

to produce multisets, i.e counters that have counts greater than zero. Each
operation can accept inputs with signed counts, but the output will exclude
results with counts of zero or less.

○ Addition and subtraction combine counters by adding or subtracting

the counts of corresponding elements.
○ Intersection and union return the minimum and maximum of
corresponding counts.

Created two counter objects c and b as below:

Counter c is:

Counter b is:

Let us implement addition and subtraction to combine these two counters as


After addition the count of a is 4 , count of b is 3 and now we have c as 1 and d as

After subtraction, since the count of ‘a’ and ‘b’ has become less than one, are not
in the resultant object.

1.3.2 Deque
Double Ended Queue or deque is used as the data structure stack. In situations
where there is a requirement of ​structuring the data in a way that facilitates
quickly appending to either end or retrieving from either end then a deque can be

Deque object supports following set of methods :

● append() - used to insert the value in its argument to the right end of

● appendleft() - used to insert the value in its argument to the left end of

● pop() - used to delete an argument from the right end of deque.

● popleft() - used to delete an argument from the left end of deque.

● clear()- used to remove all elements from the deque leaving it with length 0.

● copy() – used to create a shallow copy of the deque.

● count(​x​)- used to count the number of deque elements equal to ​x.​
● extend(iterable) – used to extend the right side of the deque by appending
elements from the iterable argument.
● extendleft(iterable) – used to extend the left side of the deque by appending
elements from iterable. The series of left appends results in reversing the
order of elements in the iterable argument.
● remove(value) - used to remove the first occurrence of ​value​. If not found,
raises a ​ValueError​.
● insert(i, a) :- used to insert the value mentioned in arguments(a) at index(i)
specified in arguments.
● maxlen – used to get the maximum size of a deque.


1.3.3 Defaultdict
defaultdict is a container in the collections class of Python . This container is
similar to the usual dictionary container having only one difference. Unlike
dictionary, defaultdict allows to specify the default type of the value.

In defaultdict , we pass in the default type upon instantiation. Then we can

immediately begin setting values even if the key is not yet set.

Creating a defaultdict using list as the default factory.

In this example , created dScores a defaultdict object using the default_factory

function which returns an empty​ list

Next , in a for loop , using the list.append() operation , attached the value to the
new list. When keys are encountered again, the look-up proceeds normally
(returning the list for that key) and the list.append() operation adds another value
to the list.

1.3.4 Namedtuple
It is a Factory Function for Tuples with Named Fields. Named tuples help to have
meaning of each position in a tuple. Using it, we can increase the readability of
the code as the code becomes self-documenting.

To instantiate, we pass in the name of the type we want to create. Then we pass
in a list of field names.

Using namedtuple, ​we can grab data from a csv .

In the below example , we have a .csv file “employee.csv” having values for
employee name and salary.

Created a namedtuple and fetched data from the file as below:

1.3.5 Ordereddict
An OrderedDict is a dictionary that remembers the order of the keys that were
inserted first. If a new entry overwrites an existing entry, the original insertion
position is left unchanged. When we are iterating over the OrderedDict , the order
will reflect the order in which the keys were added.

As it is a sub class of Dictionary, all the methods of dictionary are applicable for
1. Regular Expressions
Regular expressions are used to check the existence of a pattern in a given
sequence of characters. The pattern to be checked is the regular expression.
Regular expressions are widely used in many applications to validate the user
inputs like email-ids, passwords etc.

Regular Expressions in Python is very powerful. It is supported by the re module

which needs to be first imported.

1.1. Re module in Python

The re library in Python has many functions which comes handy while using
regular expressions.

But as said, the re module is to be imported first

Lets discuss some of them which will be very useful while using regular

1.1.1 Match Function

The match function checks the text(sequence) with the pattern and returns a
matched object if they matches and a none when they do not match.

Basic Syntax:


1.1.2 Search Function

The search function scans for the pattern in the entire sequence and returns a
matched object if the pattern in found in any position in the sequence. If the
pattern is found nowhere in the sequence, then it returns None.

Basic Syntax:,sequence,flags=0)


Note: The difference between search and match is that match matches the entire
pattern with the sequence but search matches the pattern if it is anywhere
present in the sequence

​1.1.3. Substitute Function

This function substitutes the found pattern with the given pattern and replaces it
with the given new pattern and returns the new sequence. If the given pattern is
not found then it is not replaced and returned as it is.

Basic Syntax:

re.sub(pattern, replace, string, count=0, flags=0)

1.2 Basic Patterns

Basic Patterns are the easiest to use in Python. Here ordinary characters are
used as regular expressions. The ordinary characters matches themselves and
no other meaning is interpreted. They do not have any special meaning in their
regular expression syntax.

Let us try to use regular expressions to match two patterns and see the output

1.3 Wildcard Patterns(Special Characters)

Special characters are those characters which do not match themselves but have
some other meaning while matched with a sequence.

1.3.1. List of Special Characters

Below a list of most widely special characters are provided with some examples.

As it is already discussed, if a match object is returned on execution of the

statement. It means it a match.
Characte Name of Use
r the

. A Period Matches any single character in a sequence

w Lowerca Matches any single letter, number or underscore in a

se w with sequence.

\W Uppercas Matches any other character in a sequence other than the

e w with characters matched by \w(any other character than letter,
a number or underscore)

\s Lowerca Matches a single white space character in a sequence.

se s with

\S Uppercas Matches any other character that is not part of \s

e s with a
\t Lowerca Matches tab
se t

\n Lowerca Matches newline

se n

\d Lowerca Matches digits from 0-9

se d

^ Caret Matches a pattern a the beginning of a sequence

$ Dollar Matches a pattern at the end of the sequence

[a-zA-Z0- Matches any letter from a to z or A to Z or any number

9] between 0 and 9

1.3.2. Repetitions

Using Python we can handle repetitions of characters using regular expressions

very well.

Below are a list of characters which helps us to handle repetitions.

Characte Use
+ Checks for the presence of one or more characters as the same
character as its left

* Checks for the presence of zero or more characters as the same

character as its left

? Checks for the presence of zero or more characters as the same

character as its left.

{x} Repeats at least x number of times

{x,} Repeats at least x number of times or more.

{x,y} Repeats at least x number of times but not more than y number of

Let us take an example how to use the last three characters to handle repetition.

Suppose we want to validate the contact number provided. A contact number has
to be of 10 digits so we can validate it as following.

1.4 Greed and Non-Greedy Matching

When a character matches as many characters as possible, then it is called a
greedy match. If only one or zero characters are matched by a special character,
then it is a non-greedy match.

* and + characters are considered to be greedy.

1.5 Group Feature

The group feature is very useful when we want to select some portion of the
matched text. Part of the regular expression which is bounded by parentheses
are called groups
Suppose we want to view only the email address from a given sequence. Let us
see how to do it using group.

1.6. References Link


1. Comprehensions
Comprehensions are constructs that allow to build sequences from other

Python supports four types of comprehensions:

● List Comprehensions
● Dictionary Comprehensions
● Set Comprehensions

1.1.List Comprehensions

List comprehension allows creating lists.


= [ output_expr for var in input_list (​Predicate expression) ​]


output list -> the new list to be created

outpt_expr -> ​Expression​ producing elements of the output list from members of
the Input Sequence

var -> a variable representing the members of the input sequence

input_list -> the input list

Predicate expression -> a condition to be satisfied for the output element created.
This is optional.

We want to create an output list, which contains squares of all the numbers of an
input list.

Our input list may have some non-numeric values also. In that case the
expression used will not work. Hence we can put a condition in the
comprehension to check whether the element in the list is a number or not and if
so the expression will be executed and element for the output element will be

This time we have used a predicate to check whether the element of the input list
is an integer or not.

Working of the comprehension:

● Here, we have used an iterator. Iterator iterates through each member I of

the input sequence, input_list
● The predicate checks if the member is an integer
● If the member is an integer then it is passed to the output expression,
squared to become a member of the output list.

List comprehensions can contain nested loops .


[ expression for i in list1 [if condition1]

for j in list2 [if condition 2]…

for n in listN [if condition N]]

Suppose we have to create a list by taking elements from a list of lists.

1.2. Dictionary Comprehensions

Dictionary comprehension is the method of creating a new dictionary from an

existing dictionary.

We can say, using comprehension we can convert one dictionary to another

dictionary.During this transformation, items within the original dictionary can be
conditionally included in the new dictionary and each item can be transformed as

The general syntax for dictionary comprehension in Python is as below:

Output_dict = {key:value for (key,value) in input_dict.items()}

Alternatively, we can use the following syntax if we want to have predicate.

Output_dict = {key:value for (key,value) in input_dict.items() if condition }

Dictionary comprehension helps in writing compact code by substituting for

loops and lamda

Example 1:

We have a list of names of person. We have to create a dictionary of name of the

person as key and length of each name as value using dictionary comprehension.

Here, names in the input list ,name_length is the dictionary created using

Example 2:

Given two lists containing the names of students and their corresponding scores,
construct a dictionary which maps the student names with their respective

Here, studentNames list has list of names of students and studentScores list has
scores of the students. Output dictionary ,name_scores is created from
studentNames and studentsScores lists using comprehension .

Adding Conditionals to Dictionary Comprehension

We can add conditions in dictionary comprehensions to create the dictionary by
selecting items as per requirement from the input lists /dictionaries.


Suppose we need to create a new dictionary from a given dictionary of name:age

of persons as key:value pairs but with names whose age is greater than 20

Advantages of Dictionary Comprehension:

Following are the advantages of using dictionary comprehwnsions:

○ Alternative to for loop -> Nested for loops makes code confusing and
complex. Use of dictionary comprehensions are better in such
situations and can simplify the readability and your understanding of
the code.
○ Alternative to lamda functions -> Complex ,multiline lamda functions
can be replaced with a single line of code using dictionary

Nested dictionary comprehensions:

A nested dictionary is a dictionary inside another dictionary that is a collection of


into a single dictionary.


Out_​data = {outer_k: {inner_k: myfunc(inner_v) for inner_k, inner_v in

uter_v.items()} for outer_k, outer_v in outer_dict.items()}

1.3. Set Comprehension

A set comprehension produces a new set by generating a set of keys derived

from elements in a source container for elements that obey a condition.


Output_set= {expression(variable) for variable in input_set [predicate][, …]}


Output_set : the resultant new set to be created.

expression : An output expression producing members of the new set from

members of the input set that satisfy the predicate expression.

variable: a v​ariable representing members of an input set.

input_set: represents the input data set.

predicate: expression acting as a filter on members of the input set

[,…]] :nested comprehension

Except the variable and input_set, rest of the components are optional.


In the above example, a new set of names created from the existing set of names
excluding the name Shruti.

1. File Handling
File handling in python plays an essential role to work with files either to write to
a file or to read data from it. With file handling, operating on the data present in
the file becomes very easy.

1.1. File Open

The built in function to open and create a file object is:


file_object = open(name [,mode [,bufsize]])

name: It is the name of the file.

mode: mode in which the file has to be open.

bufsize: If the value is set to zero (0), no buffering will occur while

accessing a file, if the value is set to one (1), line buffering

will be per formed while accessing a file.

A file object allows us to use, access and manipulate all the user accessible files.


f = open('pyth') #opens the file pyth for reading

f = open('pyth', 'r') #opens the file pyth for reading

f = open('pyth', 'w' ) #opens the file pyth for writing

Files can also be created by calling the file object constructor , which is identical
to open().

f = file('pyth') #opens pyth for reading

f = file('pyth', 'w') #opens pyth for writing

File modes in Python:

r​ – Read mode which is used when the file is only being read.

w​ – Write mode which is used to edit and write new information to the file.

a​ – Appending mode, which is used to add new data to the end of the file; that is
new information is automatically amended to the end.

t - ​This is the default mode. It opens in text mode

x - ​Creates a new file. If file already exists, the operation fails.

The mode character can be followed by b for binary data such as 'rb' or 'wb'.

A file can be opened for updates by supplying a plus(+) such as 'r+' or 'w+'.


Name of the file: python.txt

Closed or not : False

Opening mode : wb

1.2. Read data from file


read() - This method returns the entire file as string unless an optional length
parameter is given specifying the maximum number of bytes.

readline() - This method returns the next line of input, including the terminating
newline. This methid optionally accepts a maximum line length,n. If a line length
longer than n is read, the first n bytes are returned. The remaining line data is not
discarded and will be returned on subsequent read operations.

readlines() - This method returns all the input lines as a list of strings. This
method accepts a size parameter that specifies the approximate number of bytes
to read before stopping. The actual number of bytes read may be larger than this
depending on how much data has been buffered.
xreadlines() - This method returns an iterator for reading the file line by line. This
method is only provided for backward compatibility because files can already be
used as iterators.

Output: Read String is : Python is

1.3. Write data to file



write() method writes a string to a file.

writelines() method writes a list of strings to th file. This method does not add
newline characters to the output, so the supplied list of output stringsshould
already be formatted as necessary.

In both write() and writelines() method, the string can contain binary data,
including embedded NULL characters.

1.4. Append data to file

The append() method adds an item to the existing list and increases the length of
the list by one. It does not return a new list; rather it modifies the original list.



The append() method takes a single item and adds it to the end of the list.
The item can be numbers, strings, another list, dictionary etc.


'Updated list of courses:', ['Unix', 'Python', 'Oracle', 'Java']

1.5. Close File

The close method of a file object removes any unwritten information and closes
the file object, after which no more writing can be done. Python automatically
closes a file when the reference object of a file is reassigned to another file. It is
always essential to use the close method to close a file.



1.6. Renaming and Deleting a file

Python os module provides methods to rename and delete files.

To use these methods we need to import it first.


os.rename(current_file_name, new_file_name)
You can use the remove() method to delete files by providing the name of the file

to be deleted as the argument.



1.7 File Comparison

The filecmp module provides functions, which can be used to compare files and


cmp(file1, file2[, shallow])

This compares the files file1 and file2 and returns True if they’re equal, False if
not. By default, files that have identical attributes as returned by os.stat() are
considered to be equal. If the shallow parameter is specified and is False, the
contents of the two files are compared to determine equality.

cmpfiles(dir1, dir2, common[, shallow])

This compares the contents of the files contained in the list common in the two
directories dir1 and dir2. This inturn returns a tuple containing three lists of
filenames (match, mismatch, errors). match lists the files that are the same in
both directories, mismatch lists the files that don’t match, and errors lists the
files that could not be compared for some reason.The shallow parameter has the
same meaning as for cmp().

dircmp(dir1, dir2 [, ignore[, hide]])

This creates a directory comparison object that can be used to perform various
comparison operations on the directories dir1 and dir2. ignore is a list of
filenames to ignore and hide is a list of filenames to hide.
1.8. Sample demo case study
Create and open a text file named Pyth.txt and insert any two lines into it. Make
sure the file is opened in the right mode.Then display the first 10 characters of
the file Pyth.txt. Finally append another line to the same file and display the entire
contents of the file Pyth.txt.(Sample snippet is shown below)

1. Anonymous Functions

1.1 Lambda
Lambda operators or Lambda functions are used to create small functions in
Python. This functions are anonymous and hence, only of one-time use.

A lambda function can have many arguments but only one expression. It cannot
have a return statement. It returns a function object which can be assigned to a

Basic syntax:

lambda argument(s) : expression

Small one liner python functions can be converted into lambda functions. Let us
take an example to understand it better.

Suppose we have a function to find the square of a number. The function is

defined in Python as shown in the below code snippet.

Now let us see how to convert this function into lambda and use it.

If we see the what type is of the square variable we see it is a function

1.2. Map
Maps are also anonymous functions which can be used to perform an operation
on all the input items. The arguments to be provided are a function object and
any number of iterables like list, dictionary etc. The function is then applicable for
each item of the iterable.

Basic Syntax:

map(function object, iterable 1,iterable 2,....)


Let us take a function to find the product of of the elements in a list with itself.
Let us define a normal function first for the requirement.

Now by using map we can do it by using lambda as shown below

We can pass multiple sequences to map function as shown below.

​ nd ​list2 ​will be passed as argument one by one to the

Here, each element of ​list1 a
lambda f​ unction.

Neither we can access the elements of the map object with index nor we can use
len() t​ o find the length of the map object

We can force convert the map output i.e. the map object to list as shown below:

1.3. Filter
Like Map, Filter also takes a function object and a iterable. But here, Filter can
take only one iterable as input not many which is not the case with Map.
The function object returns a boolean value. This object is called for each
element of the iterable and filter return only those elements for which the value of
the object is true.

Basic Syntax:

filter(function object,iterable)


Let us try to understand it better with the given example

Here filter returns only those values from list for which the lambda function
returns true.

Now lets try to use filter with a dictionary.

Here all the records which has a score greater than or equal to 80 are returned by
the filter.

1.4. Reduce
Reduce also takes a function object and an iterable as input. It is useful when we
want to perform s

ome operation on the list and return the result.

Basic Syntax:

reduce(function object,iterable)


Let us take an example of finding the product of a list of integers.

First of all, let us look at the normal function definition

If we use reduce to fulfill this requirement it can be done in a very simple way.

1. Exception Handling
Exception handling is used to handle unexpected errors in the programs. Even if
the statement in your code is synatctically correct, it might throw an error at the
time of execution. Hence, in that case, your program will not behave as expected.
These unexpected errors which occur during runtime are called exceptions.


A. Transferring money to your friend though mobile Application

But sufficient funds not there in your account

B. When downloading a video / picture from Whats App to your mobile

But sufficient space is not there in your mobile storage

Let us see below what happens when such exceptions are not handled in our
Python programs.

1.1. What is an Exception?

Exception is a runtime error due to incorrect implementation of logic, which will
occur while executing an application. It is an event, which occurs during the
execution of a program that disrupts the normal flow of the program's

1.2. Issues faced due to Exception

1. Application, which is being run, stops abruptly

​ ata Loss / data inconsistency might occur in

2. Data inconsistency / Data loss:D
case of an exception as the application gets crashed in the middle of the data
processing OR while updating DataBase, ie Partial update might happen.

3. Deadlock situation on common resources: ​This leads to shortage of common

resources like Memory, Scanner, Database connectivity, third party components,
Printer Resource shortage. When an exception occurs, application blocks the
resources being used. Then the application will not allow others to use the
For Example: Memory usage, Connection to external resources like printer,
Scanner,Database and ​third party components ​etc

4. End user may not understand the problem. ​There is no clarity for the end user
on the errors, like whether the exception is due to user mistake or application
behaviour.As we have seen, the impact is more on an application when an
exception occurs.

Solution for all these issues is “Handling the Exception “properly.

1.3 Handling Exception

Handling all the run time errors by conveying the user with a proper message and
bringing the application back to its previous state , is called exception handling.

Developer's responsibility for effective exception handling :

During the Application development, the programmer should know about the

-Suspicious code in the logic, which might raise an exception

-What actions needs to be performed when an exception occurs

-How to make suspicious code block to communicate with the actions block upon

To implement Exception handling , we will use try and except blocks in Python:

​ ode that may

1. Suspicious code block / try block – If you have some ​suspicious c
raise an exception, you can defend your program by placing the suspicious code
in a try block.

Let us see some scenarios, which will cause an exception to occur and as
programmers,we would need to take care of necessary measures for handling the
exceptions effectively.

Some of those measures are,

● By validating the input data before performing operations like Date, String,
Numeric validations.
● By validating the data before performing Arithmetic operations
For Ex: Denominator validation

● By appropriate memory management with a check on allocation of Memory

and Memory existence before accessing any pointer variable.
● By Checking the memory bounds reserved before accessing the
appropriate memory f

For Ex: Array index out of bounds.

● By validating the existence of Resources like DB tables, column and third

party components like library before accessing the resources in code logic
● By data validations after fetch from DB/Files to check for Data Existence,
Too many rows etc.

After identification of such suspicious codes, we need to keep the code in try
block so that whenever an exception is raised due to the code in the try block
control moves on to the exception handling block, i.e. except block.

2. Exception Handling block / Except block:

This block is mandatory block which will be executed whenever an exception

occurs, So we need to keep all the actions to be performed after exception occurs
and before the application gets closed in this block.

So this is the block, where we need to release

● All resources being used by the application like connection with third party
components like printer, scanner and libraries before application gets
● We will print custom message swhich describes the error to the


Action taken by the Except block:

● Releasing the resources blocked by the application

● Rollback the partial data updates
● Un allocating the memory, being used by the application
● Disconnect the connectivity of the third party components like Printer,
Scanner, libraries and data base connectivity
● Conveying the user with meaningful message.
3. Else block : The else block will be executed if no expection occured in the try

1.3.1. Syntax
Here is simple syntax of t​ry....except...else ​block:


#Suspicious code block


# Logic / operations here, which could be suspicious


except Exception1:

# If there is an exception (Exception1), then execute this block.

#Exception Handling block for the Exception1

except Exception2:

# If there is an exception (Exception2), then execute this block.

#Exception Handling block for the Exception2


If there is no exception then execute this block.​

​1.3.2 Examples

The output of the above code is shown below

Description on Execution Flow:

In this program, we loop until the user enters an integer that has a valid

The code that can cause exception is placed inside try block.

If no exception occurs, except block is skipped and normal flow continues.

But if any exception occurs, it is caught by the except block.

Here, we print the name of the exception using ex_info() function inside sys
module and ask the
user to try again. We can see that the values 'a' and '1.3' causes ValueError and '0'
causes ZeroDivisionerror1.


The below program describes to read the records from the ProductDetails.txt file,
Which contain

All the products in the Store.

After reading each product it will verify that, the record is if belongs to
Soap/Shampoo/Brush type,

It will Display the record for the searcher else it wont display.

As part of this process of execution, There could be chance that,

ProductDetails.txt file might not be present or does not have read access.

This leads to runtime error, So By handling this error, we will address to the user
saying that

Error: can't find file or read data,

Then user will be alerted with the mistake and check for the file or change the

So in the next run, The user would see the smooth run, without any runtime error.
1.4. Raising Exception
The raise statement is used to explicitly force an expection to occur in the code
for a particular condition. It allows you to throw an expection any time in the
code.Let us take an example to understand it better.Suppose ,if we want to check
if a user input is within a range( e.g. Between 1 and 10). If it is not within the
range, we will raise a value error saying that input is not within range.

The output of the above code is given below:

1.5. References & Video Link

1. Object Oriented Programming

Till now, we have designed our programs using functions and loops. This is called procedural way
of programming. There is another way of organizing our code into which is to combine data and
functionalities together and wrap it inside something that is called an object. This is called object
oriented approach of programming. It provides a modular structure of programming as compared
to procedural way of programming. This is very helpful while developing large programs.

Classes and Objects are the main aspects of OOP. Lets discuss them one by one.

1.1. ​Object

An object is an entity (tangible or intangible) that has well defined structure and behavior​. ​In OOP,
a program is seen as comprising of a collection of objects, that act on each other​. Each object has
a distinct role or responsibility.

1.2. Class

A class is a blueprint of an object. ​This defines a set of attributes that characterizes any object
that is instantiated from this class​.​ ​An object is a realized version of a class. It can also be defined
as an abstract datatype.

Classes Vs Objects

Class Object

Class is a type/template for similar objects Object is an instance of the class, with each
instance behaving identically

Class is purely a static concept, represented Object is dynamic/run-time entity, occupying

by program text space in memory

Class is a logical entity Object is a physical entity

1.3. ​Features of Object Oriented Programming

There are many features of OOP. Of that , we consider four of them to be the pillars of Object
Oriented Approach of Programming. They are :

a. Abstraction

c. Inheritance


Abstraction is a process where you show only “relevant” data and “hide” unnecessary details of
an object from the user. Consider your mobile phone, you just need to know what buttons are to
be pressed to send a message or make a call, What happens when you press a button, how your
messages are sent, how your calls are connected is all abstracted away from the user.

Encapsulation is the process of combining data and functions into a single unit called class. In
Encapsulation, the data is not accessed directly; it is accessed through the functions present
inside the class. In simpler words, attributes of the class are kept private and public getter and
setter methods are provided to manipulate these attributes. Thus, encapsulation makes the
concept of data hiding possible.

Abstraction and Encapsulation can be achieved using access specifiers or including files as
modules. These will be discussed elaborately in the property section in Python later.

Inheritance and Polymorphism will be discussed later.

2. ​Classes and Objects in Python

Now, let us see how to declare a class in Python

We define classes using the class keyword, similar to how we define functions using the def

2.1 Basic Syntax

class Classname:

statement 1


statement N

Objects can store data using ordinary variables that ​belong ​to the object. Variables that belong to
an object or class are referred to as fields. Objects can also have functionality by using functions
that ​belong t​ o a class. Such functions are called methods of the class. This terminology is
important because it helps us to differentiate between functions and variables which are
independent and those which belong to a class or object. Collectively, the fields and methods can
be referred to as the attributes of that class.

Fields are of two types - they can belong to each instance/object of the class or
they can belong to the class itself. They are called instance variables and class
variables respectively.

2.1. ​The self keyword

When we define a class method, a variable is needed to be provided at the beginning of the
parameter list. But whenever this method is called, no value is needed to be provided for this
parameter. Python provides it by default. This variable is nothing but the object itself which is
referred using the self keyword in the method.

Let us look at an example now.

The output of this block is as such

Note: the self variable is almost similar to the this pointer in C++ and the this reference in Java or

3. Init Method

There are various methods which have special significance in Python classes. The init method is
one such method. It is used to initialize the object of a class. As soon as an object of a is created
or instantiated, the init method is called automatically. We need not explicitly call the method.

Its almost similar to a constructor in c++ or Java.

Let us look at an example now how the init method is implemented


4. Class Variables and Object Variables

The variables (or data fields) of a class or an object are nothing but ordinary variables that are
bound to the name spaces of the classes and objects. ​This means that these names are valid
within the context of these classes and objects only.

There are two types of ​data fields-​ class variables and object variables which are classified
depending on whether the class or the object ​owns t​ he variables respectively.

Class variables are shared - they can be accessed by all instances of that class.
There is only one copy of the class variable and when any one object makes a
change to a class variable, that change will be seen by all the other instances.

Object variables are owned by each individual object/instance of the class. In this
case, each object has its own copy of the field i.e. they are not shared and are not
related in any way to the field by the same name in a different instance.

Let us look at an example which will make it a little easy to understand.

In this example, a person class is declared which has a class variable as count and a class
method is declared to get the count of employees.

There are two other functionalities, one to remove and employee and another to receive a greeting
from any employee. Both these methods are object variables i.e. they will be called by an instance
of that class. Let us look at the implementation below.

As mentioned above, we can see that the methods to greet and to remove employee are being
called by the objects employee1, employee2 and employee3. So the values returned in the output
are different for every object. But the method get_count() is called bt=y the class and hence
returns the value with respect to the class.

3. References & Video Link

Python MySQL Connector:

Python programming language can be used to develop applications having database


In Python, a database driver called "​MySQL Connector/Python" ​is used to access the MySQL
database server .

MySQL Connector/Python is an API implemented using pure Python.

We do not need to install any MySQL client library or any Python modules except the standard
library for this driver.

How to Verify MySQL Connector/Python installation:

Before using , you need to verify whether the connector has been installed in your system or

Following are the steps you need to perform to verify the installation:

1. Open Python command line

2. Type the following command

>>> import mysql.connector

>>> mysql.connector.connect(host='localhost',database='mysql',user='root',password='your

If the connector is installed in the system, you will get the following output after execution of the
above commands.

How to establish Connection:

To establish the MySQL database connectivity following steps needs to be followed:

1. First, import the mysql.connector and Error objects from the MySQL Connector/Python

2. Next, use the mysql.connector.connect() function of Connector/Python. The connect function

creates a MySQL connection and returns

a connection object. The connect() function accepts four parameters: host, database, user
and password as shown in the below

code snippet.

If all the details are correctly provided, it returns a connection object. In the above example it is

Connection can be established using the MySQLConnection Class also.

The MySQL Connection constructor initializes the attributes and tries to connect to the server. If
the connection is successfully established, a connection object is returned as shown in the
below code snippet.

The parameters in the MySQLConnection constructor can be passed as variable length

arguments also.
3. As the third step , we need to check if the connection to the MySQL database has been
established successfully by using the is_connected() method. In case of an exception such as
MySQL server not available, the database does not exist or invalid user name or password,
Python will raise an exception. The try and except block handles the exception and displays the

4. The fourth and the final step is to close the database connection using the close() method of
the MySQLConnection object.

The following code snippet shows how to handle the connection errors and finally close the
Creating tables in the MySQL database using the connector:

To create tables in the database, we need to use a handle structure called cursor, which is
available in the connection class.

To create a new table in a MySQL database , we have to follow the below steps:

● First ​connect to the MySQL database server ​by creating a new MySQLConnection
● Next initiate a MySQLCursor object from the MySQLConnectionobject.
● Then execute the CREATE statement to create the table.
● Finally, Close the database connection.

The below code shows how to create tables using cursor.

import mysql.connector as mysql

db = mysql.connect( host = "localhost", user = "root", passwd = "dbms", database = "test" )

cursor = db.cursor()

## creating a table called 'Persons' in the 'test' database

cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE PERSONS (name VARCHAR(25), address VARCHAR(35))")

Make sure you define the name of the database when you create the connection. In the above
example, ​‘test’​ is the name of the database.

How to Insert Data into a Table:

To insert new rows into a MySQL table, we have to follow the below steps:

● First ​connect to the MySQL database server ​by creating a new MySQLConnection
● Next initiate a MySQLCursor object from the MySQLConnectionobject.
● Then execute the INSERT statement to insert data into the table.
● Finally close the database connection.

MySQL Connector/Python provides API that allows insertion of one or multiple rows into a table
at a time.

The below code is an example of how to insert data in a table called PERSONS.

import mysql.connector as mysql

#database connection

connection = mysql.connect(host="localhost", user="root", passwd="", database="test")

cursor = connection.cursor()

# queries for inserting values


House' );"

insert2 = "INSERT INTO PERSONS(NAME, ADDRESS) VALUES('Sadduz', 'Geetanjali

Park,Kolkata' );"

#executing the quires



#commiting the connection then closing it.



Insert Data into a Table Using Python variables in a MySQL INSERT query ​:

Sometimes we need to insert a value stored in python variable into a table’s column.

● We can insert Python variable into the table using the prepared statement and
parameterized query.
● Using a parameterized query we can pass python variables as a query parameter in which
placeholders (%s) is used for parameters.

Following code is an example for how to insert data into a table

PERSONS using Python variables.

import​ ​mysql.connector as​ ​mysql

db = mysql.connect( host = "localhost", user = "root", passwd =

"dbms", database = "test"​ ​)

cursor = db.cursor()

## defining the Query

query = "INSERT INTO persons (name, address) VALUES (%s, %s)"

## storing values in a variable

values = ("Hafeez", "Subhash Marg,New Delhi")

## executing the query with values

cursor.execute(query, values)

## to make final output we have to run the 'commit()' method of the

database object


print(cursor.rowcount, "record inserted")

Inserting Multiple Rows

Sometimes we need to ​insert multiple rows into a table.

To insert multiple rows into the table, we have to use the executemany() method.

This method takes a query as the first argument and a list of tuples containing the data
as a second argument.

The below code is an example of how to insert multiple rows.

import​ ​mysql.connector as​ ​mysql

db = mysql.connect( host = "localhost", user = "root", passwd =

"dbms", database = "test"​ ​)

cursor = db.cursor()

## defining the Query

query = "INSERT INTO Persons (name, address) VALUES (%s, %s)"

## storing values in a variable

values = [ ("Peter","M G Marg,Delhi"), ("Amy", "New Street,Kolkata"),

("Michael", "Lane 6,Bangaluru"), ("Hennah", "NEDFi House,Guwahati") ]

## executing the query with values

cursor.executemany(query, values)

## to make final output we have to run the 'commit()' method of the

database object


print(cursor.rowcount, "records inserted")

How To Retrieve data from MySQL database using the connector:

To retrieve data in a MySQL database from Python, we need to follow the below steps:

1. First, we need to connect to the database and get a MySQLConnection object.

2. Next , we need to instantiate a MySQLCursor object from the the MySQLConnection
object and use the cursor to execute a query by calling its execute() method. We can
use fetchone() , fetchmany() or fetchall() method to fetch data from the result set.
3. Finally, we need to close the cursor as well as the database connection by calling the
close() method of the corresponding object.

The following code demonstrates how data can be fetched from database using cursor.

The following code demonstrates how data can be fetched from database using cursor, and
how the exceptions are to be taken care of.

In the code below, the "table does not exist error" is being taken care of.

If there are no errors, the data that being fetched is to be displayed one by one from the cursor.

import mysql.connector

from mysql.connector import Error


connection =

sql_select_Query = "select * from Persons"

cursor = connection.cursor()


records = cursor.fetchall()

print("Total number of rows in Persons is: ", cursor.rowcount)

print("\nPrinting each person record")

for row in records:

print("Name = ", row[0], )

print("Address = ", row[1])

except Error as e:

print("Error reading data from MySQL table", e)


if (connection.is_connected()):



print("MySQL connection is closed")

How to delete data in the MySQL database using the connector:

To delete data from a table from a Python program, we need to follow the below steps:

1. First, we have to connect to the database by creating a new MySQLConnection object.

2. Next, we need to instantiate a new cursor object and call its execute() method with the
SQL statement to be used to delete record as per requirement.
3. Next , to make the changes permanent , we have to ensure that the commit() method of
the MySQLConnection object is called after the execute() method.
4. Finally , we need to close the cursor and database connection by calling close() method
of the corresponding objects.

The following code gives a demo on how to remove unwanted data from my database by using
the unquoted %s markers and data in tuples.

Import mysql.connector

mydb = mysql.connector.connect(



​ ,


mycursor =mydb.cursor()
sql ="DELETE FROM personss WHERE address = 'Mountain 21'"



print(mycursor.rowcount, "record(s) deleted")

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