Rainwater Harvesting As Per IRWM
Rainwater Harvesting As Per IRWM
Rainwater Harvesting As Per IRWM
October 2015
October 2015
Pune 411001
Preface to the Second Edition
Preface to the First Edition
We, the human beings, are largely dependent on water for our
survival. Although water is as important for survival of human beings
as much as food, air etc. but we hardly pay any attention for its
economical use and conservation of this precious resource.
Due to indiscriminate pumping of ground water, the water table
has already gone down abnormally and if we do not wake up even
now then our future generations may have to face severe crisis of
water. The rains are important source of water and if we can harvest
rain water, the scarcity of water can be eliminated altogether.
Therefore, it is our bounden duty to conserve the rain water in the
form of rain water harvesting.
The book on “Rain Water Harvesting” is an attempt by IRICEN
to propagate the concept of rain water harvesting which can be
effectively implemented in our office and residential establishments.
It is hoped that this will serve as a helpful guide to the field engineers.
Shiv Kumar
A. K. Gupta
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Hydrologic cycle
1.2 Advantages of rain water
1.3 Rain water harvesting
1.4 Advantages of rain water harvesting
1.5 From where to rain water harvesting
1.6 Rain water harvesting potential
1.7 Factors affecting run off from catchment
1.8 Important points relating to water storage
and recharging
2.2.6 Filter
2.2.7 Settlement tank
2.2.8 Storage tank
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Rain water harvesting at IRICEN hostel
It is said that “If third world war take places it will be on water”.
Already so many water disputes are going on in our country
between neighboring states for sharing river water. Same situation
of sharing river water also exists with neighboring countries like
Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh. The basic reason of all these
disputes is scarcity of water and increasing requirement for human
consumption as well as for industrialization.
50% with proper rainwater harvesting. Therefore, it is our bounden
duty to conserve the rain water in the form of rain water harvesting.
– Rebate of 6% in property tax as incentive for RWH.
• Rajasthan: RWH made mandatory for new buildings in
urban areas if plot area = 500 sqm.
• Haryana:
– HUDA has made RWH mandatory for new buildings in
urban areas irrespective of area.
– CGWA has asked all institutions and residential buildings
in notified areas of Gurgaon and adjacent industrial areas
to go for RWH.
Ministry of Railways (Railway board vide their letter dated
2013/JMB/9/1 dtd 09-9-2013 has issued policy instruction
to adopt Rain water harvesting scheme in all projects.
1.0 Introduction
Table 1.1 World-wide distribution of water
Rain Water Harvesting:
The concept of rain water harvesting means “Collecting Rain
water when and wherever it falls for future use”...It is just like
“bank account where you deposit the money when it is surplus
& with draw when it is deficient”.
Currently, about 75% to 80% of conventional water supply is
from lakes, rivers and wells. Making the most efficient use of
these limited and precious resources is essential. Otherwise,
scarcity of water will be faced by our future generations.
a. Environmental Advantage
Collecting the rain that falls on a building and using the same
for various purposes is a simple concept. Since the rain you
harvest is independent of any centralized system, you are
promoting self-sufficiency and helping to foster an appreciation
for this essential and precious resource. The collection of rain
water not only leads to conservation of water but also energy
since the energy input required to operate a centralized water
system designed to treat and pump water over a vast service
area is bypassed. Rain water harvesting also lessens local
erosion and flooding caused by runoff from impervious cover such
as pavement and roofs.
b. Qualitative Advantage
1.3 Rain Water Harvesting
(n) Rainwater can be harnessed at place of need & time of
(o) Recharged aquifers also serve as distribution system &
water can be harnessed by just putting a hand pump at
convenient location
(p) The infrastructure required for rainwater harvesting are
simple & economical.
Runoff is the term applied to the water that flows away from
catchments after falling on its surface in the form of rain. Runoff
from a particular area is dependent on various factors i.e. rainfall
pattern and quantity, catchment area characteristics etc. For
determining rainfall quantity, the rainfall data preferably for a period
of at least 10 years is required. This data can be collected from
meteorological department.
Area of catchment x Amount of rainfall = Rain water
coefficient is used to account for losses due to spillage, leakage,
infiltrations catchment surface wetting and evaporation, which
will ultimately result into reduced runoff. Runoff coefficient for
any catchment is the ratio of the volume of water that run off a
surface to the total volume of rainfall on the surface. The runoff
coefficient for various surfaces is given in table 1.3.
Consider a building with flat terrace area (A) of 100 sqm located
in Delhi. The average annual rainfall (R) in Delhi is approximately
611mm. The runoff coefficient (C) for a flat terrace may be
considered as 0.85.
Annual water harvesting potential from 100
= 100 x 0.611 x 0.85
= 51.935 cum,
i.e. 51,935 liters
In place where the rains occur throughout the year, rain water
can be stored in tanks (Fig. 2.1). However, at places where rains
are for 2 to 3 months, huge volume of storage tanks would have
to be provided. In such places, it will be more appropriate to use
rain water to recharge ground water aquifers rather than to go for
storage. If the strata is impermeable, then storing rain water in
storage tanks for direct use is a better.
Similarly, if the ground water is saline/unfit for human
consumption or ground water table is very deep, this method of
rain water harvesting is preferable.
2.1.3 Recharging ground water aquifers with runoff
from ground areas
The rain water that is collected from the open areas may be
diverted by drain pipes to a recharge dug well / bore well through
filter tanks as shown in Fig.2.3. The abandoned bore well/dug
well can be used cost effectively for this purpose. The various
methods of recharging ground water aquifers with runoff from
ground areas are discussed separately in Chapter 3.
(f) Filter
(g) Storage tank
(h) Recharge structure
The rain water yield varies with the size and texture of the
catchment area. A smooth, cleaner and more improvised roofing
material contributes to better water quality and greater quantity
with higher value of runoff coefficient. (refer table 1.3 for runoff
When roof of the house is used as the catchment for collecting
the rain water, the type of roof and the construction material
affect the runoff coefficient and quality of collected water. Roofs
made of RCC, GI sheets, corrugated sheets, tiles etc. are
preferable for roof top collection. But thatched roofs are not
preferred as these add colour and dissolved impurities to water.
Water to be used for drinking purpose should not be collected
from roof with damaged AC sheets or from roofs covered with
asphalt and lead flashing or lead based paints as the lead
contamination may occur in the collected water.
Fig. 2.4 Coarse mesh
2.2.3 Gutter
Table 2.1 Size of downspout pipe
Average rate of rain fall (in mm/hr)
of pipe
(in mm) 50 75 100 125 150 200
50 13.4 8.9 6.6 5.3 4.4 3.3
65 24.1 16.0 12.0 9.6 8.0 6.0
75 40.8 27.0 20.4 16.3 13.6 10.2
100 85.4 57.0 42.7 34.2 28.5 21.3
125 - - 80.5 64.3 53.5 40.0
150 - - - - 83.6 62.7
Fig. 2.6 First flushing device
Fig. 2.7 First flushing device.
2.2.6 Filter
be placed after first flush device but before storage tank. There
are various type of filters which have been developed all over the
country. The type and selection of filters is governed by the final
use of harvested rain water and economy. Depending upon the
filtering media used and its arrangements, various types of filters
available are described below.
Fig. 2.9 Charcoal water filter
Fig. 2.10 Dewas filter Varun
The slow sand filter (SSF) consists of fine sand in a channel
of size one sqm in cross section and eight metre in length, laid
across the tank embankment. The water after passing through
SSF is stored in a sump. From this sump water can be supplied
through pipe line or can be extracted through hand pump.
Wherever the roof top area is very large, the filters of high
capacity are designed to take care of excess flow. For large roof
tops, a system is designed with three concentric circular
chambers in which outer chamber is filled with sand, the middle
one with coarse aggregate and the inner most layer with pebbles
(Fig. 2.13). Since the sand is provided in outer chamber, the
area of filtration is increased for sand, in comparison to coarse
aggregate and pebbles. Rain water reaches the center core and
is collected in the sump where it is treated with few tablets of
chlorine and is made ready for consumption.
25 Rain water purification center
This filter can effectively remove E-coli and other bacteria from
water using Xenotex-A and active carbon cartridges along with
ultra membrane filtration modules. This filter is easy to operate
and maintain and needs no power. This operates at low gravity
pressure and maintains nearly constant volume irrespective of
water pressure. The system is capable of providing a constant
flow of about 40 lit. of rain water per hour. The Xenotex- A and
activated carbon cartridges processes up to 20,000 liters of water
and can be regenerated up to 10 times.
2.2.7 Settlement tank
the following parameters need to be considered –
Whenever the rain water collected from roof top is used directly
for various purposes, storage tank is required. The storage tank
can be cylindrical, rectangular or square in shape. The material
of construction can be RCC, ferrocement, masonry, PVC or metal
sheets. Depending upon the availability of space, the storage
tank can be above ground, partially underground or fully
underground. The design of storage tank is dependent on many
factors which are listed below:
(b) Per capita requirement – varies from household to
household, based on standard of living. The requirement
also varies with season. In summer the requirement is
more in comparison to winter. Similarly, the per capita
requirement is more in urban areas in comparison to rural
(c) Average annual rainfall.
(d) Rainfall pattern – It has a significant impact on capacity
of storage tank. If the rainfall is uniformly spread throughout
the year, the requirement of storage capacity will be less.
But if the rainfall is concentrated to a limited period in a
year, the storage tanks of higher capacity will be required.
(e) Type and size of catchment – Depending upon the type of
roofing material, the runoff coefficient varies which affect
the effective yield from a catchment area. The size of the
catchment also has a bearing on tank size. The more the
catchment area, larger the size of storage tank.
rainfall is 1290mm. The runoff coefficient for roof top is 0.85, so
for every 1mm rainfall, the quantity of water which can be harvested
is 200 x 0.001 x 0.85 = 0.170m3 or 170 liters.
30 Matching the capacity of the tank with the
quantity of water required by its users
recharge structure. It is suitable for buildings having a roof top
area more then 100 sqm . Recharge water is guided through a
pipe of 100 mm to the bottom of the well as shown in Fig. 3.3.
Well cleaning and desilting is imperative before using it.
Recharge water guided should be silt free, otherwise filter should
be provided as shown in Fig. 3.3. Well should be cleaned
periodically and chlorinated to control bacteriological
Fig. 3.1 Through recharge pit
Fig. 3.2 Recharge through abandoned hand pump
Fig. 3.3 Recharge through abandoned open well
Fig. 3.4 Through recharge trench
Fig. 3.5 Recharge through shaft
Fig. 3.6 Recharge trench with bore
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Rain Water Harvesting at IRICEN Hostel
The runoff from roof top is collected through down take pipes
/ conduits of 100mm dia. After collection through conduits, the
collected water is channelised through a network of drains
(underground) having 250/150mm dia. RCC pipes to a
settlement tank cum filter. Similarly the runoff from open area is
also collected through series of chambers constructed along
the drains and channelised to settlement tank cum filter. The
details of settlement tank cum filter are shown in Fig. 4.3.
Fig. 4.2 Rain water harvesting at IRICEN hostel
Fig. 4.3 Details of settlement tank / filter for Rain Water Harvesting
The capacity of filter cum settlement tank is 8400 liters, which
is sufficient to retain runoff from at least 15 minutes rainfall of
peak intensity. After passing through the filter media, the filtered
water enters into the 150mm dia 32m deep borewell, bored
specifically for this purpose i.e. for recharging ground water
aquifer. The overflow from settlement tank/filter enters into the
municipal sewer through the connection provided. The total
cost of implementation of the project in IRICEN hostel was
approximately Rs. 55,000 and the system was implemented in
January 2006.
The rain water is one of purest form of water and does not
contain suspended / dissolved impurities. However when this water
is collected through rain water harvesting, it gets contaminated
because of contact with roof surface/ground and some of the
impurities get mixed in it. These impurities are required to be
removed before collecting the harvested rain water in storage tank
or diverting it or recharging of ground water aquifers.
Following precautions should be taken to ensure quality of water:
The water used for drinking should comply with the provisions
of IS-10500:1991 i.e. Indian Standard “DRINKING WATER –
SPECIFICATION (First Revision)”. The important test
characteristics for drinking water as given in Table 1 of IS-
10500:1991 are reproduced in Table 5.1 for ready reference.
Table 5.1 Important test characteristics for drinking water
ii Odour Unobjectionable - - 3025 (Part-5): a) Test cold and
1983 when heated b) Test
at several dilutions
supply structures, and
promotes iron bacteria.
viii Chloride (as Cl) 250 Beyond this limit, test, 1000 3025 (Part
mg/l, Max.0.3 corrosion and palatability 32): 1988
are affected.
ix Residual free 0.2 - - 3025 (Part To be applicable only
chlorine mg/l, Min 26)1986 when water is
chlorinated. Tested at
consumer end. When
protection is required,
it should be Min
S Substance Requirement Undesirable Effect Permisible Limit Method Remarks
N Characteristics (Desirable Outside the in the Absence of Test
Limit) Desirable Limit of Alternate (Ref. to IS)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
x Fluoride (as F) 1.0 Fluoride may be kept as 1.5 23 of 3025
mg/l, Max. low as possible. High 1964
fluoride may cause
Desirable Characteristics
xi Dissolved solid 500 Beyond this palatability 2000 3025 (Part
mg/l, Max. decreases and may cause 16) 1984
gastro intestinal irritation
xii Calcium (as Ca) 75 Encrustation in 200 3025 (Part
mg/l, Max. water supply structure 40) 1991
and adverse effect on
domestic use
xiii Magnesium 30 Encrustation to water 100 16.33.34 of
(as Mg) mg/l, Max. supply structure and IS 3025 1964
adverse effect on
xiv Copper (as Cu) 0.05 domestic use Astringent 1.5 36 of 3025
mg/l, Max. taste, will be caused 1964
beyond this discoloration
and corrosion of pipes,
fitting and utensils
S Substance Requirement Undesirable Effect Permisible Limit Method Remarks
N Characteristics (Desirable Outside the in the Absence of Test
Limit) Desirable Limit of Alternate (Ref. to IS)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
xv Sulphate (as SO4) 200 Beyond this causes gas- 400 (sec. col. 3025 (Part May be extended up
tro intenstinal irritation 7) 24) 1986 400 provided
when magnesium or Magnesium (as Mg)
sodium are present. does not exceed 30
xvi Nitrate (as NO2) 45 Beyond this methaemo- No relaxation 3025 (Part
Mg/l, Max. globinemia takes place 34) 1988
xvii Cadmium (as Cd) 0.01 Beyond this, the water No relaxation See Note 1 To be tested when
Mg/l, Max. becomes toxic pollution is suspected
xviii Arsenic (as As) 0.01 Beyond this, the water No relaxation 3025 (Part To be tested when
Mg/l, Max. becomes toxic 37) 1988 pollution is suspected
xix Lead (as Pb) Mg/l, 0.05 Beyond this limit, the No relaxation See Note 1 To be tested when
Max. water becomes toxic pollution is suspected
xx Zinc (as Zn) Mg/l, 5 Beyond this limit it can 15 39 of 3925 To be tested when
Max. cause astringent taste & 1964 pollution is suspected
an opalescence in water
xxi Mineral Oil Mg/l, 0.01 Beyond this limit undesi- 0.03 Gas chromat- To be tested when
Max. rable taste and odour ographic pollution is
after chlorination take place method suspected
First Edition : August 2006
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