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Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh

Ministry of Communications
Roads and Highways Department



MAY 2001

Construction Practices and Procedures Manual

It has long been recognised that the existing departmental Contract Procedures
and related documentation, need to be up-dated in order to ensure that the
Department can operate more efficiently and effectively whilst producing field work
of a consistently high quality.

During the past few months several committees have reviewed current
departmental practices and contract documentation. These committees were
asked to formulate new procedures and documentation, which would be more in
line with recognised international forms of contract. The committees consisted of
senior RHD Officers from both Headquarters Wings and Field Zones assisted by
consultants from IDC3 and RRMP2.

The new Contract Documentation consists of the following:

Volume 1 - The Tender

Volume 2 - The Conditions of Contract
Volume 3 - Technical Specifications
Volume 4 - Drawings

Volumes 2 and 3 are standard for all new RHD contracts and are therefore issued
as printed and bound books. Volume 1 will be produced for each individual
contract but the document format and contract forms will remain unchanged.

Other documents which do not form a part of the Formal Contract Documents, but
play a vital part in the control of quality have also been produced. These include a
new RHD Standard Test Procedures Manual and explanatory guides on a number
of topics.

This Construction Practices and Procedures Manual is intended to provide a quick

field guide to the construction methods to be adopted for the most commonly used
construction items included in the Specifications

This document was prepared by consultants funded by GoB through RRMP2

funds. My thanks go to them and to the RHD Officers of BRRL who assisted in the
production of this document. My thanks are also due to the many Executive
Engineers of RHD who attended training at RHDTC under the control of Mr.
Khondoker Nurul Arefin SE (RHD) and Director RHDTC for the feedback they

May 2001 Engr. Md. Fazlul Haque

Roads and Highways Department
Sarak Bhaban Ramna, Dhaka

May 2001 I


This Procedure Manual provides a guide to the correct construction

practices and procedures for use on road contracts by the Roads and
Highways Department.

This document is not intended to be comprehensive and therefore does

not provide information on all construction activities. It refers to the
Standard Technical Specification; however, it does not replace any aspect
of that document and if there is any conflict, the Specification takes
precedence. Also for any activities not included in this Manual, refer to the
Standard or Particular Specification (if applicable) for details.

The contractor is responsible for the method of construction and quality of

the constructed works and any work not undertaken in line with the
Specification or with this document should be brought to the attention of
more senior RHD officers (the Engineer) immediately.

Throughout the site ( the area where the works are being constructed ) the
contractor is responsible for supplying all the necessary signs and other
equipment to ensure the smooth and safe flow of traffic. Also the
construction should be carried out in a safe and controlled manner to
prevent damage to vehicles and the general public from construction
equipment, site materials and activities.

This document makes reference to materials testing, for example for

determining in-situ densities, by referring to STP6.2, these are tests
included within the Standard Test Procedures Manual.

Included in the appendices of this manual are:

A summary of the material requirements and the compaction

standards for each layer refer to Appendix A and Appendix B .
The work sequence and the necessary laboratory testing for a road
embankment refer to Appendix C.
The test frequency to ensure the compliance of the material standards
for each pavement layer refer to Appendix D.

May 2001 II


1.0 Clearing, Grubbing and Excavation............................................ 1

2.0 Embankment .................................................................................. 6

3.0 Sub-grade .................................................................................... 11

4.0 Pavement Layers ........................................................................ 15

5.0 Bituminous Layers and Mixes ................................................... 25

6.0 Brick Pavement ........................................................................... 43

7.0 Concrete including Reinforcement if required ....................... 44

8.0 Brickwork .................................................................................... 52

May 2001 III



Key Points

Before any construction the roadway must be cleared of all

vegetation and trees including their roots removed.

Cross sections should be taken prior to any excavation works.

All construction works must be carried out in as safe a

manner as possible.

Excavated suitable materials should be used when possible in

the works.

Provision has to be made for drainage of the temporary and

permanent works.

Soil containing vegetable matter is not suitable as fill material.

Borrow pits should not affect the stability of the road, or any
other structure.

1.1 Clearing and Grubbing (Specification 2.1)

Before any construction starts the roadway must be cleared of

debris. Unless there are specific reasons, agreed to by the
Engineer in writing, all materials including trees, grass, crops
and structures, which fall within the road alignment must be

Also all major stumps and roots need to be removed (grubbed

out) and the holes left must be filled with compacted suitable
fill material.

Figure 1 shows an example of the clearing and grubbing

which is required.

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Figure 1. Clearing and grubbing of roadway

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1.2 Excavation (Specification 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 and 2.9)

1.2.1 General

Before any excavation, including the removal of any areas of

unsuitable materials, cross-sections should be taken of the
undisturbed ground. From this information, and the cross
sections taken of the completed road, earthwork quantities
can be calculated.

No existing material, which will remain in the completed works,

should be loosened unnecessarily during excavation.

Excavation works, along with all construction activities, must

be undertaken in as safe a manner as possible to minimise
the dangers to road users and the contractors personnel.

1.2.2 Excavated Material

Excavated materials need assessing as suitable or unsuitable.

Suitable materials should be used when possible in the works.
The excavated materials can be temporarily stockpiled, but
must cause no damage to roads, services or property and not
prevent water draining from the road or from the surrounding

Any excess suitable material, which is not required for the

construction of the Works or any material classified as
unsuitable is the property of RHD. The Contractor should
stockpile these materials separately, as directed, or place the
material in an approved location on site. To be suitable as fill
material the soil must not contain any vegetable matter. To be
suitable as road pavement the requirements for sub base or
base materials must be met. Materials excavated from existing
road pavements may meet the necessary requirements
directly, or after breaking and mixing with other materials.

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1.2.3 Drainage and Channel Excavation

During construction, ditches are required to be maintained to
ensure proper drainage at all times. Any necessary ditches
and channels should be constructed and maintained to ensure
there is no damage to the roadway section. All existing
ditches, or drainage channels, which the road crosses, need
to be closed at the edge of the embankment, unless pipes or
structures are to be constructed and, where necessary,
alternative outfalls are to be provided.

Any canals and channels which are located within the

embankment area need to be cleaned up and then back filled
with sand. The sand fill should reach a level of 500 mm above
the water level, but thereafter earthworks (as described in
Embankments below) can be placed.

1.2.4 Borrow Pits

The borrow pits should be kept as drained as possible. Borrow

pits should not be constructed where they might:-

a) Affect the stability or safety of the highway, see Figure 2,

or any railway or other structures, which may be present.
b) Prevent natural or artificial drainage or irrigation.
c) Damage adjacent property or future expansion plans for
the highway.

As materials are only paid for when included in the

embankment, there is no need to measure the volume of
material removed from any borrow pits.

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Figure 2. Borrow pits locations

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2.0 EMBANKMENT (Specification 2.6)

Key Points

All fill materials must be free from vegetable matter and the
material must be approved as suitable.

The material should be of an appropriate nature and at a

moisture content that it can be compacted to form a stable

Generally embankments should be constructed in 150 mm

compacted layers parallel to the finished grade of the road.

For each completed layer the density should be checked (One

test for each 1,000 square metres) by laboratory personnel. If
test results show the required density is not achieved further
compaction is necessary

Any soft areas must be rectified before further material is

placed. Each earthworks layer requires to be approved before
the next layer can be started.

2.1 Embankment Construction Methods

Before placing any material, clearing and grubbing and the

removal of any unsuitable materials needs to have been
completed. Also any necessary information to determine
earthwork quantities should have been collected (normally
cross sections of the original ground).

Where an existing embankment is widened, the new fill

material must be fully keyed into the old embankment by
means of benching. Steps not less than 300 mm high and 600
mm wide should be cut into the old embankment prior to any
filling, see Figure 3. Material cut from these benches may be
used as fill, if it is suitable.

May 2001 Page 6 of 52


and raising of

Peg to mark extent

of new embankment

a) Widening of existing embankment Remove vegetable matter

below widened embankment

Cut back old embankment

in steps
0.6 m 2
to 95% standard
0.3 m

Old Embankment

b) Widening procedure Compacted in steps.

Minimum two layers
of 0.15 m

Figure 3. Embankment widening procedure

May 2001 Page 7 of 52


Normally embankments should be constructed in layers

approximately parallel to the finished grade of the road. The
grade and crossfall should be maintained during construction,
as this will enable water to run off the embankment allowing
construction work to start as soon as possible after rainfall and
avoid soft spots forming.

All fill material used must be free from roots, or any vegetable
matter. Each layer of fill should be less than 150 mm on
completion of the compaction. Compaction must be
undertaken using appropriate equipment. If large rollers (very
heavy vibrating compaction) are used it may be possible to
increase the depth of the layers but this should only occur
after checking that adequate compaction is being achieved.
Generally the compaction should begin at the outer
embankment edges and gradually progress toward the centre
rolling in a longitudinal direction so that the full width is
uniformly compacted. In order to ensure proper compaction of
the embankment slope it is good practice to overfill by 150
300 mm and then trim the embankment to the specified
shape. The arisings can be re-used as fill material.

The fill material needs to be of a type and moisture content so

that it can be compacted to form stable layers. The water
content of each layer, before being compacted, must be
assessed. The material may require water to be added or be
allowed to dry to bring the moisture content close to the
optimum in order to make it possible to achieve the required
dry density and hence degree of compaction.

Normally one density test for each 1,000 square metres of

every layer should be carried out by laboratory personnel.
These tests should be carried out at random and be across
the full width of the embankment. If the test results show that
the density is less than that required, then further compaction
to obtain at least the required density is necessary. Results of
all the compaction tests undertaken should be kept on file.

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If it is not possible to arrange for compaction testing at the

appropriate time (e.g. where this would delay the contractor) a
visual check of the earthworks should be made. If the layer
appears to be satisfactorily compacted, approval maybe given.
In this case tests must be carried out on the subsequent layer.
This procedure is not acceptable for any layer within 300 mm
of the subgrade level.

As an alternative the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) can

be used to test earthworks. The DCP is a rapid in-situ method
which after correlation can be utilised to obtain CBR's and
density results.

If the embankment contains any -

- soft areas this generally means insufficient compaction has

been used. Further rolling required.
- spongy areas, (which move under the wheel of the roller)
this generally means the materials have been placed too
wet. In this case the material needs to dry out, and to
enable this to occur scarification of the surface is often

Each compacted layer requires to be approved before the

Contractor can commence on a new layer. If the Contractor
does not obtain approval before starting a new layer, or does
not follow acceptable procedures, the contractor must be
advised of the non-compliance and the Engineer informed

Adequate compaction for embankments (refer to Appendix B)

is to ensure that only limited settlement will occur with time. If
the embankment settles unevenly this will give an uneven
surface to the road. Figure 4 provides a comparison between
placing material in a single thick layer and placing thinner
layers in an approved manner. It is particularly important to
adequately compact fill material adjacent to bridges and
culverts to prevent noticeable transverse level differences
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3.0 SUBGRADE (Specification 2.7 and 2.12)

Key Points

All subgrade material must be free from vegetable matter.

The subgrade must be shaped to the required profile.

The subgrade should be of an appropriate material and at a

moisture content that it can be compacted to form a stable
layer, for the full width of the embankment.

Three tests to check the compaction for each 1,000 square

metres should be completed. If the results show the required
density is not achieved further compaction is necessary.

When specified, subgrade drains should be constructed to the

edge of the embankment.

The compacted subgrade layer requires to be approved with

any soft areas being rectified, before work can start on the

The subgrade is the layer of embankment immediately below

the pavement. This may be undisturbed local material or may
be soil excavated elsewhere and placed as fill. In either case it
has to be prepared to give added strength.

All subgrade material must be free of vegetable matter. The

material also needs to be of a type and moisture content that it
can be compacted to form a stable layer. If the material in the
subgrade level is found to be unsuitable, this must be
excavated and replaced with suitable material, which should
then be compacted.

The subgrade must be prepared over the full width of the

embankment, including the shoulders. This is generally carried
out in lengths of greater than 100 metres. In some cases to

May 2001 Page 11 of 52


maintain traffic, part width working may be necessary. If this is

the case it is vital that the full width of the embankment meets
the subgrade material and compaction requirements.

When the road is to be placed on existing material, this should

be fully loosened to a depth of 150 mm below the subgrade
level. Any lumps should be removed or broken up to be less
than 50 mm in size.

The subgrade must be compacted uniformly by use of

adequate and appropriate compaction equipment. The
material should be at a moisture content close to optimum
throughout the layer so that it can be compacted to produce a
dense compacted layer. Generally the compaction should
begin at the outer edges of the embankment and by rolling in
a longitudinal direction gradually progress towards the centre
so that each section receives equal compaction.

Three compaction tests are required for each 1,000 square

metres of subgrade. If the test results show that the density is
less than that required, further compaction will be necessary.
After which the density should be rechecked to ensure the
required dry density has been achieved.

The surface of the finished subgrade must be to the required

cross section with a tolerance of 20mm above or below the
specified level at any point. Typically the subgrade should be
checked at not greater than 25m intervals, where necessary
shorter lengths can be checked. There must be no
depressions which could form water ponding areas in the

The subgrade layer must be approved before the Contractor

can start on the construction of the road pavement.

Before any shoulder fill is placed, all subgrade preparation and

subgrade drainage work require to be completed. For the
shoulder a compaction test must be carried out for every 500
square metres of finished layer.

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3.1 Subgrade Drains

Subgrade drains are constructed to ensure that water in the

pavement, which would weaken the road, is allowed to drain

Subgrade drains should be extended to the edge of the

embankment with drains on opposite sides of the road being
staggered. In case of roads with minimal longitudinal fall it is
often better to install subgrade drains longitudinally at the
edge of the road pavement, see Figure 5.

Subgrade drains should be excavated by hand in the prepared

subgrade. The excavation should be filled with clean sand or
gravel, which contains no vegetable matter, silt or clay. The
backfill must be compacted by hand ramming and struck off
level with, or slightly above, the finished subgrade level.

The finished backfill must be immediately covered with an

approved separator material. The separator material is
normally specified and will be woven rot proof fabric,
geotextile membrane or perforated heavy duty polythene
sheeting. The separator material should extend 150mm
beyond the edges of the drain on all exposed faces. Any joints
in the fabric should overlap by at least 150mm.

Materials over the drain should be placed by hand for at least

100mm above the separator membrane prior to rolling either
the pavement or the shoulder materials.

May 2001 Page 13 of 52

Subgrade layers
150 mm

May 2001
Pavement layers including
improvement subgrade
300 mm Shoulder


Central drain
Outfalls typically
every 30m.

Drains to edge
of embankment to
drain pavement

(b) PLAN (a)

(Not to scale)

(a) Transverse subgrade drains staggered to opposite sides

Page 14 of 52

(b) Longitudinal subgrade drain with outfall


4.0 PAVEMENT LAYERS (Specification 2.8, 2.10, 2.11, 3.1,

3.2 and 3.3)

Key Points

At least seven days before a proposed material's use a

sample of the material along with laboratory test results have
to be submitted by the contractor to the Engineer for
approval. Fresh approval is required if the material is

The material for sub base and base must be graded, with
sufficient fines that they can be properly compacted. All areas
of segregated coarse or fine material must be corrected, or
removed and replaced with complying material.

Continued checks on materials must be carried out

throughout the contract period. If the materials tests indicate
changes have occurred the contractor and the Engineer must
be immediately informed.

The moisture content of the material at the time of compaction

must be appropriate to produce a dense compacted layer.

If a pavement layer, does not conform with the thickness or

tolerance required, the layer must be corrected. Once the
correction is completed the area should be rechecked to
ensure it conforms to the correct depth, cross fall and degree
of compaction.

Each layer should be tested for compaction (3 tests for each

1000 square metres). If the test results show that the required
density is not achieved, further compaction must be

Each layer of pavement must be shaped, compacted and

approved ahead of the placing of subsequent material.

May 2001 Page 15 of 52


4.1 General

On large contracts Contractors are required to make

arrangements for areas to process and stockpile pavement
materials. Therefore generally the preparation and storage of
materials along the road should not be allowed. On small
contracts, however, or when existing pavement materials are
to be used in the new works this may be allowed.

A sample for each material proposed to be used, along with

test results, has to be submitted at least seven days before
the material is used. The sample should be checked to see if
the materials conform to the Specification. If the materials
meet the requirements of the Specification, approval should
be given by the Engineer for their use.

A typical cross section showing the pavement layers through a

road is shown in Figure 6.

4.2 Materials

Improved Subgrade - Material for improved subgrade should

be locally available material which is a natural or artificial
mixture of sand or other mineral aggregate, free from
vegetable matter. The material should not be greater than 5
mm and should not contain clay or soft particles.

Sub-Base - Sub base is the secondary load spreading layer of

the pavement. The material should be a natural or artificial
aggregate (or a combination) with no vegetable matter, soft
particles or clay. The material requires to have varying sizes of
material (well graded) with sufficient fine material so that it can
be compacted to produce a close and tight surface texture.
The coarse aggregates should not appear particularly flaky or
elongated (see Figure 7).

May 2001 Page 16 of 52

May 2001
Figure 6. Pavement Layers (New Road Construction)



(Normally Dense Bituminous Surfacing)
BASE (Type 2)
SUB-BASE (Grading A or B)

1. Separate Base Type 1 and 2 are not always incorporated into road pavement,
it is common to have only one base type in the pavement.

2. Width of road pavement, shoulders and verges depends on road class selected.

Page 17 of 52

Rounded - smooth, circular particles

e.g. Gravel not generally acceptable unless broken for asphalt and concrete

Angular - sharp corner

e.g. Crushed stone. Acceptable all pavement and concrete materials.

Flaky - flat, thin pieces, easily crushed

Not acceptable for pavement or concrete materials.

Elongated - long thin particles, relatively easily broken to smaller pieces

Not acceptable for pavement or concrete materials.

Figure 7. Particle shapes

May 2001 Page 18 of 52


Aggregate Base - Aggregate base is the main load spreading

layer. It should consist of hard pieces of rock, brick or gravel
crushed to the required size, and a filler of sand or other fine
mineral matter. The material must be graded, with sufficient
fines so that it can be compacted to produce a close and tight
surface texture. The materials should not contain clay and the
coarse aggregate should not appear particularly flaky or
elongated (see Figure 7).

Figure 8 provides a comparison between uniform single sized

material and well graded materials. This illustrates that well
graded materials, provided the road is adequately rolled, will
produce a suitably compacted layer.

4.3 Construction Methods of Pavements

The grading and quality of the materials need to be monitored

throughout the works. Samples of the materials brought to site
should be regularly taken for testing (see table at back of this
report for frequency) to ensure that the materials continue to
conform with the specification. If the tests indicate changes
have occurred the contractor is to be notified of the non-
compliance and the Engineer must be informed immediately.

Each layer needs to be inspected and be acceptable

immediately prior to laying the next layer. If the previous layer
is acceptable material should be spread in layers of nearly
equal thickness up to 150mm un-compacted thickness. Where
sand and aggregates are combined together to meet the
specified grading, care should be taken to prevent separation
into fine and coarse parts (segregation). If separation occurs,
this either needs to be corrected, or the material should be
removed and replaced.

When the shoulder construction is the same as for the road,

the material should be spread, for the full width of the
pavement and shoulders at the same time.

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The moisture content at the time of spreading requires to be

appropriate to produce a dense compacted layer. This
requires that the material contains a moisture content close to
optimum throughout the layer. Additional water, or time to
allow the pavement material to dry, prior to, or during
compaction may be required. This is the contractors
responsibility and no additional payment be made.

After spreading, each layer requires to be compacted with

suitable and adequate compaction equipment, see Photo 1.
Rolling should begin from the outer edge of the placed
material and gradually progress towards the centre, rolling in
generally a longitudinal direction. Ho wever, on super-elevated
curves, the rolling should begin at the low side and progress
towards the high side.

Density of the compacted pavement layer must be determined

by laboratory personnel in accordance with STP 6.2 with at
least three tests being made for each 1,000 square metres. If
the test results show that the achieved dry density is less than
that required, further compaction is necessary. After further
compaction the layer should be tested again to ensure the
required density is achieved. Results of all the compaction
tests should be kept on file as a permanent record.

The level and thickness of each pavement layer should be

checked every 20 m. A pavement layer, which does not
conform to the requirements for that layer (thickness or
tolerance of surface, see Table 4.1), must be corrected. This
should be done by loosening the affected areas, adding or
removing materials and re-rolling, mixing and watering, if
necessary. Once this has been done the area should be
checked again to ensure it conforms to all the requirements for
that pavement layer.

May 2001 Page 21 of 52


Table 4.1 Tolerance of Surface and Thickness of Layer

Improved Sub base Base

Tolerance No point more No point more No point more
above or than 20 mm than 15 mm than 10 mm
below above or above or above or
proposed below. below. below.
Thickness of
finished layer

On average required required required

not less than thickness thickness thickness

No point 20 mm less 10 mm less 10 mm less

thinner than: than the than the than the
required required required
thickness thickness thickness

When the pavement is spread next to concrete kerbs or

gutters, care must be taken not to damage them. If they are
damaged due to the Contractors carelessness they should be
removed and replaced at the Contractors expense.

At the start of constructing the improved sub grade and sub-

base layers a field compaction trial should be carried out. This
is to determine the optimum moisture content and the required
number of passes of the compaction equipment to comply with
the Specification. This trial should also determine the
relationship between the loose and compacted thickness to
ensure the material placed is adequately compacted to the
specified density and the finished surface profile complies with
the design level and permitted tolerances. Provided the
method produces satisfactory results it should then be used
for all subsequent compaction of that material. In this case
provided the Contractor follows the agreed procedure, the
frequency of checking the compacted density of the layer may
be reduced with the Engineers approval.

May 2001 Page 22 of 52


Photo 1. Rolling Pavement Layers, suitable and adequate

compaction equipment must be used.

Photo 2. Spray Bar at the Rear of Bitumen Distributor, Spraying

Bituminous Prime Coat.

May 2001 Page 23 of 52


Photo 3. Mechanical spreader spreading aggregate on recently

sprayed bitumen surface.

Photo 4. Multi Tyre Roller (PTR).

May 2001 Page 24 of 52


5.0 BITUMINOUS LAYERS AND MIXES (Specification 3.4 to


Key Points

At least 14 days in advance of a proposed materials use,

samples of the material along with laboratory test results
should be submitted to the Engineer. If approved, the
contractor should then carry out trial mixes.

The surface upon which the bitumen or bituminous mixture is

to be placed must be thoroughly cleaned immediately before
the bitumen or mixture is placed.

Bituminous materials should be placed only when the surface

is dry, when rain does not appear imminent and when the
prepared roadbed is in a satisfactory condition.

The entire surface to be primed must be covered evenly. Prior

to any spraying, the nozzles on the spray bar of the distributor
should be checked to ensure that they are all working. Where
appropriate the distributor should be calibrated to ensure the
required rate of spray is achieved. Depending on the nature of
the surface to be primed a light application of water just prior
to priming may be beneficial to aid penetration of the
bituminous material.

No bituminous mixtures should be placed until the prime coat

has dried.

Tack coat may need to be applied to make the road surface

sticky prior to the bituminous carpeting layer being placed.

For Primer Seals and Bitumen Surface Treatments the

aggregate must be spread and rolled into bitumen
immediately after spraying, preferably rolling should be by
multi tyre rollers.

May 2001 Page 25 of 52


No dense bituminous surfacing can occur until both the job

mix formula and the trial sections have been approved.

Thereafter all asphalt work is required to follow the approved

Job Mix formula and the procedures established by the
approved trials.

Each day dense bituminous surfacing is laid, three Marshall

specimens should be prepared and tested (STP
Samples to be collected from either the plant or the laid mat,
as directed by the Engineer. Samples should also be taken
each day to determine the mix composition (Extraction of
bitumen test and grading, STP 10.4.72).

All equipment proposed to be used by the Contractor requires

to be in good condition and operated by competent and
experienced operatives.

Dense bituminous surfacing must be thoroughly compacted

as soon as the material will support the roller without undue
displacement or cracking. Excess use of water on the roller
drums is to be avoid as this cools the asphalt mat.

The surface of the mixture after compaction must be close

and tight, and free from dragging cracks. Any mixture that is
defective should be removed and replaced with fresh hot
material, which should be compacted immediately.

After final rolling, samples should be cut from areas of

bituminous surfacing for density and thickness measurement
at 50m intervals. Where samples have been taken, fresh
material must be placed and thoroughly compacted.

5.1 General

Samples of all materials proposed to be use in the works,

along with test results, should be received by the Engineer at
least 14 days before the proposed use of materials. If the
materials comply with the Specification, agreement should be
given for test mixes or trials to be undertaken. Even if the
May 2001 Page 27 of 52

initial bitumen sample provided complies with the Specification

each consignment of bitumen delivered to site must be
accompanied by a certificate. This should show the place of
manufacture and the results of standard tests carried out on
the particular batch of bitumen.

Before any bitumen is sprayed, or bituminous mixtures are

placed, the road surface requires to be inspected. Any areas
of base course, which appear broken or loose should be
removed. Either the full depth of the base course requires to
be reworked, or a bituminous rectifying layer should be placed
and thoroughly rolled until it conforms to the surrounding
surface. The surface must also be cleaned immediately before
any material is sprayed or placed. Bituminous materials
should generally be placed only when the surface is dry and
when rain does not appear imminent.

The bitumen should only be utilised at the temperature range

in Table 5.1 below:

Table 5.1

Spraying Temperatures For Bitumen

Type Grade Temperature ( C)
Cut-Backs R.C. or 30 38 57
70 57 71
250 77 94
800 99 113
3,000 118 132
Penetration 60 - 70 151 161
Grade Bitumen 80 - 100 151 161
200 - 300 138 151
Emulsion: As necessary for uniform spraying and
satisfactory penetration

May 2001 Page 27 of 52


5.2 Bituminous Prime Coat

A bituminous prime coat is a thin layer of bitumen sprayed on

to a prepared road base. Either MC 30 or MC 70 cut back
bitumen should be used, which should be sprayed within the
temperature range included in Table 5.1. The prime coat will
normally be sprayed from a spray bar at the rear of a bitumen
distributor, as shown in Photo 2, at the rate given in the
Contract Documents. Alternatively the rate can be directed by
the Engineer.

It is important that the entire surface is uniformly covered and

so prior to starting any spraying the nozzles in the spray bar
need to be checked to ensure they are working. Also the spray
bar should be at the correct height, h, and be parallel to the
road surface see Figure 9 so that each point of the road is
sprayed from three separate jets. As an alternative and only
generally on small projects the contractor can propose
equipment and methods (including labour intensive methods).

No further bituminous layers must be applied until the prime

coat has dried, this should occur within 48 hours.

5.3 Bituminous Tack Coat

A tack coat is normally applied to make the road surface sticky

prior to dense bituminous surfacing or carpeting being placed.
To ensure this occurs the tack coat should therefore only be
sprayed immediately before the carpeting is placed.

The tack coat will normally be applied by bitumen distributor

unless labour intensive methods are agreed. The tack coat
material requires to be uniformly distributed over the surface
without streaking.

May 2001 Page 28 of 52


Figure 9. Spraying a road surface with Prime Coat

NOTE. After first side sprayed (1); second run undertaken (2).
The process can be repeated as many times as required to
spray the full road width.

May 2001 Page 29 of 52


The bitumen used should either be cut back bitumen RC 30,

RC 70, or rapid setting emulsion and this should be sprayed
within the temperature range given in Table 5.1.

5.4 Primer Seal

A primer seal consists of pea gravel material rolled into a

cut back bitumen, which has been sprayed on to a
prepared surface. The Pea gravel should be graded so that
100% of the material falls within the size range of 2.4 mm to
6.3 mm. The Pea-gravel must be free from any organic matter
or clay and should be completely dust free.

The procedure to be followed is:

Cut back bitumen is sprayed on the prepared surface

Screened pea gravel aggregate spread to provide a dense

uniform cover one stone thick.

The aggregate to be rolled into the bitumen immediately using

a rubber tyred roller for at least 4 passes before the road is
opened to traffic.

5.5 Bituminous Surface Treatment

This surfacing consists of nominal single size aggregate rolled

into a bitumen layer, which has been sprayed on to a prepared
surface. This is often known as a single surface dressing. The
procedure can be repeated using a smaller single size stone
rolled into the gaps to promote a good interlock between the
layers, this is known as a double surface dressing.

The aggregate requires to be hard, crushed stone or crushed

gravel of uniform quality. This should be free from any dust
and contain no vegetable matter and should not be flaky or

May 2001 Page 30 of 52


elongated (see Figure 7). The aggregate must not be used

until it appears dry as water prevents bitumen adhering
effectively to the aggregate.

The rates of bitumen and aggregates may be specified in the

contract documents, but these are normally established from
site trials. The bitumen layer will generally be sprayed using a
bitumen distributor using the same method shown in Figure 9,
but for small areas hand spraying equipment is used. The
bitumen should generally be either RC 800 or RC 3000 cut
back bitumen or rapid setting emulsion at the appropriate
temperature given in Table 5.1.

Immediately after the bitumen is sprayed the aggregate should

be spread uniformly using a mechanical aggregate spreader,
see Photo 3. At this stage the surface requires to be inspected
and further aggregate should be placed in any insufficiently
covered areas by using the spreader or covering by hand

Immediately after spreading, the aggregate requires to be

rolled, preferably with one or more pneumatic tyred rollers. An
example of a multi tyred roller is shown in Photo 4. The rolling
must be continued, for as long as is necessary to ensure the
aggregate is firmly embedded into the bitumen. If tyred rollers
are not available steel wheeled rollers may be permitted.
However, in this case the finished surface must be checked to
ensure that the aggregate is not crushed and is being fully
embedded into the bitumen.

5.6 Dense Bituminous Surfacing (Asphalt)

A dense Bituminous Surfacing consists of graded aggregates,

including a filler, coated with bitumen. The material is laid hot
and is compacted to form a dense impervious layer. The
surfacing can either form the road surface or a seal coat can
be laid on the asphalt.

May 2001 Page 31 of 52


On large contracts the bituminous materials are manufactured,

transported and placed by plant (Section 5.6.3). On smaller
contracts, more labour intensive methods are generally used
(Section 5.6.4). In either case due to the high cost of the
materials, it is vital that the works are undertaken to the
specified quality. Therefore a job mix should be undertaken
(Section 5.6.2) and the asphalt should be to the thickness and
compaction standards as specified (Section 5.6.5).

5.6.1 Materials

Samples of materials proposed to be used with their test

results have to be received by the Engineer at least 14 days
before the materials proposed use. Full requirements for
materials are given within the Specification. If the materials
meet the Specification approval should be given (by the
Engineer) for the contractor to manufacture job mixes. The
following points, which relate to materials, should be noted
when considering whether materials are acceptable:

Crushed stone or crushed gravel should be used for the

coarse aggregate, that fraction larger than 5 mm. The
aggregate should be free from vegetable matter and the
particles should not be soft , flaky or elongated (see
Figure 7).

The fine aggregate, that fraction smaller than 5mm, should

consist of natural sand, stone screenings, or a
combination of both. The aggregate should consist of
clean angular particles, with the material being free from
vegetable matter, soft particles and dust.

In order to achieve the specified grading mineral filler may

be required. This should be either a natural rock dust or a
fine mineral matter (Portland cement or hydrated lime) and
should be dry and free from lumps.

May 2001 Page 32 of 52


The quality of the materials needs to be regularly checked

throughout the duration of the contract works. If there appears
to be any deterioration the Contractor and the Engineer should
be notified and samples of the materials should be taken and
sent for testing.

5.6.2 Formula for Job Mix

After approval of the materials the contractor must design a

job mix formula. To ensure the road surfacing performs
satisfactorily the mix must be designed to have a low
percentage of air voids and good fatigue behaviour. To ensure
these characteristics are achieved it is vital that the
proportions are established and this occurs with the
production of the job mix. The formula must provide details of
the mixing proportions of the various constituents, the
percentage of aggregate passing each sieve size and the
percentage of the bitumen which will be used.

The mix formula should also provide the methods of mixing

and heating of the materials (including means of temperature
control) and the means of transportation, laying and
compaction. A temperature for the emptying of the mixture
from the mixer, and a temperature at which the mixture is to
be delivered on the road are also required.

All the above information must be provided to the Engineer

who, if satisfied, will approve the job mix. After approval the
Contractor is required to lay trial sections of surfacing for each
formula to demonstrate that the works will be to the specified

Generally no contract surfacing works may be carried out until

the mix formula has been approved and the trial sections have
been satisfactorily completed. However, the Engineer may
allow the manufacture of asphalt to start on small contracts
(this must be approved in writing) in which case, the

May 2001 Page 34 of 52


temperature and grading of the materials requires to be

closely monitored. When a mix formula has been approved it
is vital that all the asphalt conforms to the formula within the
following tolerances:

Passing sieves 10 mm and larger. 8%

Passing sieves between 10 mm and 0.075 mm.. 5%
Passing 0.075 mm sieve 1%
Bitumen content (single test result) 0.50%
Bitumen content (three consecutive test results) . 0.40%
Temperature of mixture when emptied from mixer 15 C
Temperature of mixture at delivery on road 15 C

Each day three samples of the asphalt must be taken and

tested (Marshall specimens). Also the temperature when
emptied from the mixer and when delivered to the road should
be continuously monitored. Samples should also be taken
daily and tested in accordance with STP 10.4 (Extraction of
bitumen) to determine the composition and the percentage of
bitumen included in the mix, as well as, gradation of the mix.
When unsatisfactory results are obtained the Contractor must
take immediate corrective action, if he does not, the Engineer
must be informed.

The Engineer should also be informed if any changes in the

materials occur and he may require a new mix formula and
further trials to be undertaken

5.6.3 Asphalt (Plant Method)

Manufacture, Transportation and Placing

The Contractor must supply sufficient qualified personnel to

ensure the correct operation of the asphalt plant and the
laying of the material. All the equipment proposed to be used
by the Contractor requires to be in good condition and to be
operated by competent and experienced operatives. The
Contractor must maintain records of batch numbers and the
May 2001 Page 34 of 52

areas that are asphalt paved. This means if results later

indicate that the asphalt did not comply with the Specification
its location can be identified and if required the material can
be removed.

Trucks for hauling the asphalt must have clean and smooth
metal beds. The beds should be sprayed with limited amounts
of soapy water, thinned fuel oil, paraffin oil, or lime solution to
prevent the mixture from sticking to the beds. Each truckload
should be covered with canvas, or other suitable covering, to
protect the asphalt from the weather.

Self powered pavers, capable of spreading and finishing to the

required cross section will normally be used, as shown in
Photo 5. Photo 6 shows a truck containing asphalt backing up
to the paver to deliver the material. The paver must be able to
place the thickness of material required per square metre.
Immediately the mixture has been spread and struck off, the
surface requires to be checked and any inequalities adjusted.
In irregular sections or small areas where it is impractical to
use a paver, hand methods can be used, subject to the
approval of the Engineer.


Due to the quantity produced by asphalt plants and the

requirement to achieve satisfactory compaction a number of
rollers are required. The mixture must be thoroughly
compacted as soon as the material will support a roller without
undue displacement or cracking. Sufficient rollers should be
used so as to ensure that the required degree of compaction
of the asphalt mat (refer to Appendix B) is achieved before
the temperature falls below 107C.

The first rolling including all joints and edges, and the final
rolling should be done with a steel wheeled tandem roller,
which must be able to operate with and without vibration.

May 2000 Page 35 of 52


For initial rolling, the drive roll should be nearest the paver and
the speed of the roller should not exceed 4 km/hr. This is
illustrated by Photo 7, which shows the steel wheeled roller at
the rear of the paver, with a multi tyre roller rolling previously
placed asphalt.The second or intermediate rolling, should be
done with pneumatic tyred rollers (PTR), see Photo 4, in this
case the speed should not exceed 6 km/hr.

Rolling should generally start longitudinally at the sides and

proceed toward the centre of the pavement. Successive
passes of the roller should overlap by at least one half of the
width of the roller and alternative passes should not stop at
the same point.

The wheels of rollers must be kept properly moistened with

sufficient water to prevent adhesion of the mixture to the roller.
However, excess use of water is to be avoided as this will cool
the asphalt mat. Also, at no time should rollers be allowed to
stand on newly laid material, as the surface may deform if this
is allowed to occur.

5.6.4 Asphalt (Manual Method)

For manual methods temperature control is particularly

important and a thermometer should be located at each
mixing unit. The temperature of the bitumen, mineral
aggregates and bituminous mixture should comply with the job
mix formula (if applicable), or should be within the limits stated


The 80/100 penetration grade bitumen normally used can be

poured (albeit slowly) into a locally produced wood fired boiler.
Once the boiler is approximately 30% full the wood in the
firebox should be ignited.

Temperature control at the boiler is critical to prevent the

bitumen being over heated (cooked). When the thermometer
within the mass of bitumen reaches 150C the firebox should
May 2001 Page 36 of 52

Photo 5. Asphalt Paver.

Photo 6. Truck Containing Asphalt backing up to Paver.

May 2001 Page 37 of 52


Photo 7. Asphalt Compacted immediately by Steel Wheeled

Roller, with Multi Tyre Roller in distance.

Photo 8. Gauging Box to ensure delivery of correct volume of

Aggregate for each batch.

May 2001 Page 38 of 52


be emptied or the fire extinguished. The residual heat within

the tar boiler will continue to heat the bitumen. The
temperature should be monitored and once it starts to fall and
reaches 155 C the fire box should be re-ignited as the
temperature will soon fall below 150 C. The heating operation
should be repeated as many times as necessary to maintain
the temperature in the appropriate range. With experience an
operator can soon judge the amount of firewood required to
achieve and maintain the specified temperatures. The
temperature of the bitumen must not be allowed to exceed
163C. Any bitumen heated above this temperature is to be
discarded and the tar boiler refilled with new bitumen and the
heating process started again. Such cooked bitumen may,
with the Engineers approval, be subsequently used to make
prime coat.

Aggregate and Mixing

Gauging (measuring) boxes should be constructed for each

type of aggregate. These must be to the required size to
deliver for each batch the correct volume of aggregate to
comply with the approved job mix. An example of a gauging
box is shown in Photo 8.

The gauging boxes should be emptied into rectangular steel

pans, which have handles at each corner. These pans should
be heated on top of a metal frame under which heating is
provided by firewood and sawdust. The aggregates should be
continually raked to ensure thorough mixing and even heating.
The temperature of the aggregate must reach above 163 C,
after which the pan should be transferred to an unheated
frame. The raking should then continue until the aggregate
temperature has reduced to the maximum mixing temperature
permitted (163C).

At this stage the heated bitumen should be drawn off from the
boiler, (into gauge tins) and added to the aggregate in the pan
on the unheated frame. As the two ingredients are at
approximately the same temperature there is no risk of fire.

May 2001 Page 39 of 52


The aggregate and bitumen should then be thoroughly mixed

within the range of 135C to 163C with the temperature for
each batch being recorded and later submitted by the

Spreading and Rolling

When the mixing is satisfactorily completed, the pan should be

carried to the adjacent work for placing. The depth of the
finished surfacing can be controlled using mild steel angles as
side shutters. For example, an angle of 65 65 mm with an
uncompacted asphalt depth of 65 mm being placed, is
required to achieve a compacted 50 mm surfacing depth. The
cross-fall or super elevation should be controlled using
65 6 mm steel plate at intermediate points between the edge
and the crown of the road.

In manual methods as the speed of asphalt placement is likely

to be less in many cases only one roller is used. If the
Contractor is using a 3.5 ton vibrating roller the initial pass
should be with NO vibration. After this initial roll the side and
intermediate shutters should then be moved to their next
location while the roller, with vibration ON, completes the
compaction process.

Trials will be required to assess the number of passes to

achieve full compaction for each type of roller. Compaction is
generally achieved when all roller marks have been removed.
It is vital that the asphalt is rolled immediately after placing
when the mat can withstand the rolling and full compaction
must be achieved before the temperature drops below107C .

5.6.5 Finishing, Compaction and Tolerances

If more than one layer of asphalt is laid the longitudinal joints

in successive courses should be staggered by a minimum of
250 mm, with the joint in the top course being in the centre of

May 2001 Page 40 of 52


the road. Transverse joints should be staggered by a minimum

of 1m.

Before placing mixtures against them, all contact surfaces of

kerbs, gutters, headers, manholes etc. should be given a thin
uniform coating of hot bitumen. In locations where the use of
rollers adjacent to these fixtures is not possible hot hand or
mechanical tampers, which will give an equivalent compaction
to rollers, should be used.

After final rolling full depth samples should be cut for each
50m of completed surfacing to check the density and the
thickness of the layer by an approved coring machine. Where
samples have been taken, fresh material must be placed, and
thoroughly compacted. The density shall not be less than 97%
of the marshall density and the thickness of any individual
core shall not be less than the specified thickness by more
than 5 mm. The average thickness of the mat shall not be less
than the specified thickness.

After compaction the surface of the road should appear to be

impervious and to be free from any dragging cracks or other
surface blemishes. The surface should also be checked at
intervals not exceeding 10 m by a 3m straight edge and a
crown template. The variation between two contacts should
not exceed 5 millimetres.

Any asphalt area that is defective, including any areas where

petroleum products have been dropped or spilled, must be
removed and replaced with fresh hot mixture. This asphalt
requires to be compacted immediately and re-tested as

Lastly, ideally sections of the newly laid surfacing should be

protected from traffic until the mixture has cooled to ambient
air temperature (about 6 hours). However, in many cases it
will not be possible to allow all this time to elapse.

May 2001 Page 41 of 52


5.7 Premix Bituminous Seal Coat (Manual Method)

A seal coat consists of generally fine graded aggregates

coated with bitumen. This is placed on newly laid bituminous
carpeting or an existing bituminous surface, to seal the
surface. However, if well graded premixes, which have been
properly controlled, have been placed a seal coat may not be

The aggregates should consist of 6.3mm down graded clean

pea gravel free from any vegetable matter. Where required to
achieve the grading the aggregate should be mixed with clean
natural sand, which is non-plastic, and also contains no
vegetable matter.

A similar procedure to that detailed in Section 5.6 should be

followed. The Contractor must initially submit samples and
produce a job mix formula. Thereafter the construction should
follow the methods detailed in the relevant sections above.

The completed surfacing after compaction should appear to

be close and tight.

May 2001 Page 42 of 52


6.0 BRICK PAVEMENT (Specification 3.13)

Key Points

Prior to any bricks being placed the subgrade and / or

improved subgrade should be inspected and approved.

Only First class bricks laid in a regular manner should be


Once laid the gaps between the bricks should be filled with
sand and water should be sprinkled on the surface.

The subgrade and/or improved subgrade requires to be

prepared and compacted to the appropriate degree refer to
Appendix B of this manual. The surface should be inspected
and if acceptable, approved, before any bricks are laid on the
surface. Only First class bricks laid in a regular and uniform
manner should be used, with the bricks either complying with
End Edging, Herringbone or Flat Soling Bonds.

Once laid the interstices between the bricks should be filled by

brushing in sand and the surfacing should then be sprinkled
with water.

On completion of the brick pavement the surface should be

checked. The finished surface should not differ from the
specified level by more than 20 mm. When checked by a 3m
straight edge the surface shall not deviate by more than 10
mm, when placed parallel to the centre line, and 12 mm when
placed transversely. Any section of paving not complying shall
be corrected. This should be undertaken by removing bricks in
the unacceptable area, reshaping the underlying surface and
then replacing the bricks.

The maximum level difference between adjacent bricks shall

not exceed 3 mm after placing and bedding in.

May 2001 Page 43 of 52



(Specification 5.1 and 5.2)

Key Points

At least 14 days before a material is proposed to be used

samples of the material along with laboratory test results
should be submitted to the Engineer. If approved, the
Contractor should carry out trial mixes.

Until a trial mix for a type of concrete has been approved (by
the Engineer), no concrete of that class may be placed in the

Continued checks on materials should occur throughout the

contract period. If tests indicate changes have occurred the
Contractor must be notified and the Engineer informed

Reinforcement must be free from dirt, oil, grease, paint, and

loose or thick rust.

All reinforcement must be placed, supported and secured at

the locations shown on the Drawings prior to any concreting
operations, using pre-cast cover blocks.

At least 24 hours before any proposed pour the Contractor

must provide notification in writing. The reinforcement,
materials and equipment must then be checked and the
contractor informed of aspects that need to be corrected, or
rectified. Only after correction should the concrete pour be
allowed to proceed.

Within 20 minutes of the mixing being completed, concrete

must reach its final position in the forms. The concrete
requires to be placed to avoid segregation of the materials.

May 2001 Page 44 of 52


Concrete must be thoroughly compacted by mechanical

vibration immediately the concrete is placed in the forms.
Enough vibrators must be on site for this to be achieved.

Temperature of concrete at the time of placing shall not

exceed 35 C.

Three concrete cubes or cylinders should be taken for each

days casting, or for large pours for every 15m concrete
placed. The samples should be taken at random to ensure all
the concrete placed in the Works meets the specified

All surfaces must be kept thoroughly wet for 7 days after

concrete is placed. Thereafter the concrete must be watered
daily for the following 2 weeks to prevent the concrete drying

7.1 Materials

Samples of materials proposed to be used and their test

results have to be received at least 14 days before their
proposed use. If the samples comply with the Specification the
Engineer should give his agreement for the Contractor to
proceed with test mixes and trials.

Full material requirements are given within the Specification

for cement, water, and aggregates. However, the following site
requirements should be noted:

Bagged or bulk cement which has partially set or which

contains lumps of caked cement must be rejected. The
use of cement reclaimed from discarded or used bags is
not permitted. Any cement stored for a long time needs to
be tested before its use.

May 2001 Page 45 of 52


If accepted by the Engineer river water may be used,

however, if the waters appearance deteriorates the use of
this source of water must be stopped.

Admixtures are only allowed with the written approval of

the Engineer.

The coarse aggregate (that larger than 5 mm), with the

exception of blinding concrete, must consist of hard
durable crushed or broken rock. This should be clean, free
from dust and contain no vegetable matter and should not
appear particularly flaky or elongated (see Figure 7).

The fine aggregate (that smaller than 5mm) should consist

of either natural sand or fine aggregates. Crushed
materials from different sources of supply must not be
mixed or stored in the same pile, unless this has been

The grading and quality of the aggregates need to be

checked throughout the works. Samples of the materials
brought to site should be taken regularly and tested to
ensure that the materials continue to meet those specified.

Reinforcement needs to be handled and stored to ensure it

does not become bent out of the desired shape. When it is
placed in the works it should be free from dirt, oil, grease,
paint and loose or thick rust.

7.2 Trial Mixes for Concrete

After the cement and aggregates have been approved the

Contractor must carry out trial mixes. These must be made in
the design proportions to prove and establish the workability,
strength and water/cement ratio of the concrete. The concrete
should be made in full scale trials using the same type of plant
and equipment, which will be used for the Works. Concrete
cubes or cylinders should be taken and these should be

May 2001 Page 46 of 52

crushed after 28 days to ensure the concrete has reached the
required strength.

The Contractor is required to submit all the relevant

information to the Engineer who will approve the mix if he is
satisfied. Thereafter no changes in any of the materials or the
mix proportions are allowed. If any changes occur on site the
Contractor must be informed immediately as must also the
Engineer who may require further trial mixes to be undertaken.

Until the trial mix for a particular concrete class have been
approved, no concrete of that class may be placed in the

7.3 Construction Methods

The Contractor must maintain an adequate number of trained

and experienced supervisors at the Site to control the work.

A layer of 75mm thickness blinding concrete must be provided

for all concrete structures. This should be placed on a single
layer brick flat soling laid directly on the prepared soil.

Reinforcement bars require to be cut and bent cold to the

dimensions on the drawings. The method and the equipment
the contractor intends to use to bend reinforcement, needs to
be inspected and, if acceptable, approved. Welding of
reinforcing steel is not normally accepted and should only
occur after specific authorisation is given.

Cover blocks are required to ensure that the reinforcement is

correctly positioned, as the use of any small stones or wood
blocks within the forms is not allowed. Cover blocks should be
precast 50mm x 50mm blocks, to ensure 50mm cover or
75mm x 75mm blocks when the concrete works are below
finished ground level; unless otherwise indicated on the
contract drawings. The maximum size of aggregate should be

May 2001 Page 47 of 52


6mm and a mix proportion of one part of cement to 2 parts of

sand by weight should be used. Wire requires to be cast into
the blocks so that they can be tied to the reinforcement. The
blocks should also be fixed so that they will not overturn when
the concrete is placed.

Changes in sizes of reinforcement bars to that shown on the

drawings are only permitted if specific authorisation is given. If
bars are substituted they must have a cross sectional area
equal, or greater to, the design area. If the Contractor wishes
to use more splices than are indicated and/or necessary, the
Contractor must furnish Working Drawings for approval. Any
such changes of reinforcement that occur will not result in any
extra payments to the Contractor.

At least 24 hours before any concrete pour the Contractor

needs to inform site staff of the proposed pour in writing. At
this stage, before the concrete pour can proceed, the following
require to be checked:

Whether the reinforcement is placed, supported and

secured at the locations shown on the Drawings.
Whether the inside of the form is thoroughly clean and
there is no debris.
Whether the forms are rigid enough to maintain the
concrete in position and any voids/gaps are filled.
Whether the forms are of an appropriate material to
produce an acceptable finish.
Whether all the materials required are on site for the
completion of the concrete pour (unless concrete
manufactured elsewhere).
Whether there are sufficient vibrators and mixers on site,
which are all in working condition.

If any items above are not ready the contractor should be

informed of the measures which must be taken before the
concrete pour can proceed. Once all the conditions are
satisfied then approval for the concrete pour to proceed can
be given.

May 2001 Page 48 of 52

The correct volume of materials (cement, aggregates and
water) to comply with the approved job mix must be used for
each batch of concrete. The usual method of controlling the
quantity added is to construct measuring boxes, see Photo 8,
or other types of containers, which will provide the appropriate
volume of materials for one bag of cement.

Concrete must reach its final position in the forms within 20

minutes of mixing. The concrete must be placed in a manner,
which avoids materials separating, and which ensures there is
no movement of the reinforcement within the forms.

When the concrete is placed it requires to be thoroughly

compacted by mechanical vibration. The vibrators need to
work the concrete around the reinforcement and into the
corners and angles of the forms. The vibrators must be
inserted and withdrawn from the concrete slowly at the point
the concrete is deposited.

Sufficient working vibrators must be used to compact all the

concrete immediately it is placed in the forms. A working
vibrator will visibly affect recently placed concrete at least
450 mm from where the vibrator is located. However, vibrators
should not be used to move concrete around the forms; in this
case spades should be used. The vibration should last long
enough to thoroughly compact the concrete, but should not
continue so as to cause segregation. Any grout loss from the
forms should be immediately stopped.

At least one slump test for every 25m of concrete placed

should be carried out. Normally, unless a different value is
indicated on the drawings or in the documents, the slump
should not be greater than 75mm. Examples of slump test
results are given in Figure 10. A minimum of 3 concrete
cubes or cylinders should be taken for each days casting but
on large concrete pours these should be taken for every 15m
of concrete placed. When samples of concrete are taken the
slump of the concrete also needs to be measured.

May 2001 Page 49 of 52


8 BRICKWORK (Specification 5.5)

Key Points

Only First class bricks, which have been soaked in water for at
least three hours should be used.

Any cement mortar, which has taken initial set must not be

8.1 Materials

Only first class bricks, which are regular and uniform in size
and of good colour, should be used. The bricks should also be
free from flaws, cracks, or other blemishes.

The cement mortar used must consist of a mixture of one part

by weight of cement to two parts of sand. The cement and
sand should be mixed dry, and then the minimum water
necessary to produce a workable mixture should be added. In
no case should the water/cement ratio exceed 50% by weight.
Mortar, which has taken initial set, must not be used and the
contractor must remove the mortar from the site.

8.2 Construction Methods

Bricks must be soaked in water for at least three hours before

use. The brickwork requires to be constructed as shown on
the Drawings, by properly supervised skilled masons and

All facework bricks require to be specially selected regarding

size, shape and edges. All horizontal joints should be parallel
and level. Vertical joints in alternate courses should be directly
over one another. Joint thickness should normally be 6 mm,
and must not exceed 8 mm. All joints are to be properly
dressed and pointed. The brickwork requires to be cured for at
least seven days. The same curing method as for concrete
can be used.

May 2001 Page 52 of 52



Appendix A - Summary of Material Requirements for each


Appendix B - Compaction Standards for each layer.

Appendix C - Work Sequence and necessary laboratory

testing for a road embankment.

Appendix D - Test Frequency to ensure compliance of the

material with the specified standards for each
pavement layer.

Pavement LL PI CBR DCP ACV 10%
Layer (STP 3.2) (STP 3.2) (STP 5.1) Mm / blow (STP 7.7.1) FINES REQUIREMENT TEST
Less than (STP 7.7.2) FREQUENCY
(STP 6.2)

Type I 20 <5 80% <3.5 30 125 98% (2) 3/1000 m2

Type 2 20 <5 50% <5.0 35 90 98% (2) 3/1000 m2

Subbase 25 <6 25% <9.0 38 75 98% (2) 3/1000 m2

Subgrade 30 <9 8% <22 - - 95% (2) 3/1000 m2
Soft Shoulder 40 7-15 8% <22 - - 98% (1) 1/500 m2

Subgrade 50 <15 5% <30 - - 98% (1) 3/1000 m2

(top 150 mm)
(more than 150
mm below
Subgrade) 50 <25 3% <45 - - 95% (1) 1/1000 m2

(1) Standard Compaction (STP 4.3) to be verified by STP 6.2

(2) Vibrating Hammer (STP 4.5) to be verified by STP 6.2

The acceptance of any material, which does not meet the requirements included in the above table, requires the approval of the Engineer.

NOTE. In some locations, due to the in-situ soil characteristics it may be preferable to accept material below the stated CBR requirements. In this case the
thickness of the improved sub-grade should be increased to the depth given in the Pavement Design Manual.


2 3%
98% (1), 1/500 m 5%
Drains on opposite sides
staggered (when required)


(Normally Dense Bituminous Surfacing) (Cleared and Grubbed)
>97% of Marshall density. Air voids < 7% for base course
and <5% for wearing course, 2/100 Tonnes (3)
BASE (Type 1) - 98% (2), 3/1000 m
BASE (Type 2) - 98% (2), 3/1000 m 2
SUB-BASE (Grading A or B) - 98% (2), 3/1000 m2
IMPROVED SUB-GRADE - 95% (2), 3/1000 m
SUB-GRADE - 98% (1), 3/1000 m
EMBANKMENT - 95% (1), 1/1000 m
(more than 150 mm below subgrade)
98% (1), 1/1000 m 2
(less than 150 mm subgrade)

(1) Standard Compaction (STP 4.3) - to be verified STP 6.2

(2) Vibrating Hammer (STP 4.5) - to be verified STP 6.2
(3) Full depth cores
Base Type I and II not always incorporated into road pavement.

Work Sequence for either New Embankment

or for raising an Existing Embankment

1. Establish road way for full width and length
2. Take Cross Sections of Existing levels
3. Clear and grub, the road way
4. Excavate any unsuitable material and bench
in for widening embankments
5. Roll Formation
6. Fill earthworks maximum 150mm compacted depth CBR, LL, PI,
7. Test compaction of fill layer Compaction
8. Repeat 6 and 7, until full height
9. Place Sub-grade material CBR, LL, PI,
10. Test compaction and level of sub-grade Layer Compaction
11. Excavate for pipe and/or sub-grade drains (if necessary)
12. Place Pipe and bedding (if necessary)
13. Place appropriate Improved sub-grade material at the
correct m.c. CBR, LL, PI,
14. Test compaction & level of Improved sub-grade layer Compaction
15. Place appropriate Sub-base, at correct m.c CBR, LL, PI,
10% Fines
16. Test compaction & level of sub base layer Compaction

17. Place appropriate Base Type 2 material at correct m.c. CBR, LL, PI,
10% Fines
18. Test compaction & level of Base Type 2 layer Compaction

Work Sequence for either New Embankment

or for raising an Existing Embankment
19. Place appropriate Base Type 1 material at correct m.c. CBR, LL, PI,
10% Fines
20. Test compaction & level of Base Type 1 layer Compaction
21. Prime coat sprayed Rate of
22. Place Bituminous layer (assumed Dense Bituminous) Marshall
23. Test compaction, thickness and surface level Test
and regularity Parameters,
Notes :

1. m.c. stands for moisture content and this should be close to the
optimum so the relevant material can be adequately compacted
Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) is the moisture content at
Maximum Dry Density (MDD).

2. All layers have to be inspected and approved before work can

commence of any subsequent layer.

3. On some contracts not all pavement layers shown will be required.

For example, when improvement works are being undertaken on
existing roads, steps 4 to 8 will probably not be required. In this case
step 9 will entail loosening to a depth of 150mm below sub-grade level
and recompaction.

Laboratory Work Definitions :

CBR - California Bearing Ratio

LL - Liquid Limit
PI - Plasticity Index
MDD - Maximum Dry Density
ACV - Aggregate Crushing Value


Washed Atterberg Max Dry In-situ ACV /

Grading Limits Density / Density 10%
CBR Fines
3 3 2
Earthworks 1/2000 m 1/2000 m 1/1000 m

3 3 3 2
Improved 1/1000 m 1/1000 m 1/1000 m 3/1000 m

3 3 3 2 3
Sub-Base 1/750 m 1/750 m 1/750 m 3/1000 m 1/2000 m

3 3 3 2 3
Base 1/500 m 1/500 m 1/500 m 3/1000 m 1/1000 m

For Bituminous and Concrete Mixes 1 set of tests per 100 m of aggregate
for shape, grading, ACV / 10% Fines should be carried out.

Marshall Test and Extraction of Materials for bituminous mixes and slump
and concrete cubes / cylinder tests for concrete mixes should be carried
out as stated in the specification or directed by the Engineer.

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