CardGateV6-TM 001

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The document discusses CardGate payment gateway software and how to configure it.

CardGate is a payment gateway software that interfaces with Commonwealth Bank of Australia's COMMLINK system. It allows merchants to accept card payments electronically.

To configure CardGate, information like merchant ID, terminal definitions, and registry settings need to be supplied.


net Pty Ltd

Payment Gateway V6

Technical Manual

CardGate program version 6.00

20 September 2013

Issue 1 Pty Ltd

A.C.N. 086 679 950
1/200 Wellington Rd
Clayton 3168
PO Box 4297
Mulgrave 3170

Tel (03) 9582 7000

Fax (03) 9582 7001
Support (03) 9582 7099

Reference : DOC-CardGateV6-TM
Copyright© 1999-2005, 2011-13 UMD IP Pty Ltd ACN 087 361 644

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1.1 Overview 5

1.2 What is the CardGate Payment Gateway? 5

1.3 What does the Merchant need to supply? 5

1.4 Communications between CardGate and COMMLINK 5

1.5 Virtual Terminals 6

1.6 This Manual 6

1.7 Trademarks 6

1.8 Confidentiality and Copyright 6

1.9 Abbreviations 6


2.1 Win32 Registry 7

2.1.1 Strings 7
2.1.2 Registry Values 8

2.2 External Files 13

2.2.1 Terminal definition file 13
2.2.2 Sequence number files 15
2.2.3 Remembered state file 15
2.2.4 Warning bulletin file 16

2.3 Operating System Settings 16


3.1 System Partitioning 17

3.2 Interfacing with CardGate 17

3.2.1 File method 17
3.2.2 Sockets method 18

3.3 Custom Interfaces 18


4.1 Record Structure 19

4.2 CardGate Responses 19

4.3 Requests Fields 21

4.3.1 Source ID 21
4.3.2 Sequence Number 21

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4.3.3 Message Type 21
4.3.4 Merchant ID 21
4.3.5 Reference Text 22

4.4 Non-Financial Authorisation / Financial Transaction Request / Warning Bulletin Lookup 22

Additional Data 24
4.4.1 Authorisation /Financial Transaction Response 26
4.4.2 Authorisation / Financial Acknowledgment 28
4.4.3 Reversals 32

4.5 Financial Capture Transaction Request 33

Additional Data 35
4.5.1 Financial Capture Response 36
4.5.2 Financial Capture Response Acknowledgment 38

4.6 Reconciliation Advice 39

4.6.1 Reconciliation Response 40
4.6.2 Reconciliation Response Acknowledgment 41
4.6.3 Settlement Options 41

4.7 CardGate Immediate Commands 42

4.8 Training Mode / Host Emulation 47


5.1 CardGate Record Of Transaction Log 48

5.2 Monitor Log 48

5.2 Monitor Log via Socket Stream 50

5.4 Socket Request Log 50

5.5 Host Communications Log 51

5.6 Event Logging 52

5.7 Typical Anomalies 53

5.6.1 Event ID 7 and ID 37 53
5.7.2 Event ID 24 53
5.7.3 Event ID 34 53


6.1 State View 54

6.2 Console View 54




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C.1 Version 5 differences 59



F.1 CardGate Registry Settings 64


G.1 CardGate Registry Settings 65


H.1 CardGate Registry Settings 67

H.2 Set up Firewall rule for netAccess IP 66

H.3 netAccess Device Setup 68

H.3 netAccess Device Setup Error! Bookmark not defined.


I.1 Starting CardGate without logging on 70


J.1 Set up directory 71

J.2 Update the Terminal Definition File 71

J.3 Transfer state file 71

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1. Introduction

1.1 Overview
CardGate® is a payment gateway that operates exclusively with the Commonwealth Bank of
Australia's COMMLINK on-line credit card authorisation and transaction system which allows
merchants to conduct credit card transactions in real-time.
CardGate® is a PC based system that interfaces to the Commonwealth Banks’ COMMLINK
CardGate® simply interfaces with a Merchant's computer or interactive voice response (IVR)
Custom interfaces to CardGate® can be built to suit a Merchant's exacting requirements.
CardGate® takes the certification load, ie the Merchant system does not need to be
evaluated by the Commonwealth Bank prior to taking live transactions.

1.2 What is the CardGate Payment Gateway?

The CardGate Payment Gateway is a turnkey PC based package that interfaces a merchant’s
transaction system - be it a standalone PC, DOS/WINDOWS/UNIX etc based LAN, mini
computer, mainframe or IVR systems with the Commonwealth Bank’s COMMLINK™ real-
time credit and charge card authorisation system.
The package includes -
 CardGate software
's Supply of Turnkey System Agreement incorporating the
Merchant Agreement
 Consultancy, customisation, installation
 Maintenance which includes 24h x 7d support, software maintenance
updates and alerting service

1.3 What does the Merchant need to supply?

CardGate interfaces with the Merchant Application which must be modified to produce the
required files and/or communications links. The standard CardGate interfaces are described
in this manual.
The Merchant is responsible for supplying the computer connected to their local area network
with an appropriate MS-Windows operating system.
Before CardGate is supplied, the Merchant must sign's Supply of Turnkey
System Agreement which incorporates the Merchant Agreement.

1.4 Communications between CardGate and COMMLINK

CardGate communicates via Bank supplied communications links with the Commonwealth
Bank's COMMLINK host system by sending it formatted messages and receiving responses.
CardGate completely handles the communications and error processing requirements.
CardGate can use multiple communications channels, which includes Optus/TNS VPN
solution or Telstra Argent®.

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1.5 Virtual Terminals
Each Merchant ID configured on the Bank's host must have a minimum of one terminal ID
(CATID) assigned to it. A terminal can be regarded exactly like an EFTPOS terminal typically
used in retail stores. Each terminal can process only one transaction at a time which will
normally complete within a few seconds. It should be noted however that "stuck transactions"
can occur which hold up a terminal for up to half an hour (after which it is deleted from
CardGate’s state file).
The number of terminal ID's assigned to a given Merchant ID determines the number of credit
card transactions that can be handled simultaneously for that Merchant ID.
CardGate introduces the concept of "virtual terminals" where multiple Merchant ID's and
multiple terminals per Merchant ID can be handled on a single CardGate gateway. The
number of virtual terminals installed determines CardGate pricing.

1.6 This Manual

Recommendations will be highlighted in BLUE.
This manual should be read in conjunction with the Commonwealth Bank of Australia’s
COMMLINK specifications, Version 2.35 or higher.

1.7 Trademarks
Argent® is a registered trademark of Telstra.
CardGate® is a registered trademark of UMD IP Pty Ltd.
COMMLINK is a trademark of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia.
Microsoft® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation, and Windows is trademark of
Microsoft Corporation in the United States of America and other countries.
Other brand and product names are trademark or registered trademark of their respective

1.8 Confidentiality and Copyright

No part of this literary work may be reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, stored in any retrieval system
of any nature without the written permission of the copyright holder, application for which shall
be made to the copyright holder.

1.9 Abbreviations
 ABP – Asynchronous Block Protocol
 ATA – Argent Terminal Adapter
 CBA - Commonwealth Bank of Australia
 CCV – Card Check Value
 CLNP – Connectionless Network Protocol
 CSC – Card Security Code
 CVV – Card Validation Value
 DEnn - AS2805 Data Element number nn
 ENG - Enterprise Network Gateway, ie CBA's branch network, now depricated
 MTA – Managed Terminal Adapter
 PCI DSS – Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard
 ROT - Record Of Transaction
 TNS – Transaction Network Services
 TPDU - Transport Protocol Data Unit

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2. Configuring CardGate
The CardGate software is configured to suit a particular Merchant Application by:
a) the Win32 Registry
b) Configuration files
c) Operating system settings

2.1 Win32 Registry

CardGate uses registry sub-key "\\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\UMD\CardGate
PARM" to store its configuration values, where PARM is the optional command line parameter
used to call the CardGate executable. This concept of profiles is new to CardGate V4 and
proves very useful in a multi-connectivity and/or multi-session environments.
For example: you could have a Windows short cut labelled “CardGate via ENG”, with the
short cut having the target set to:
“C:\program files\cardgatev4\cardgate.exe” ENG
This would use registry sub-key:

2.1.1 Strings
Registry string values may contain the following 'escape' characters:
\\ single back slash (\)
\r carriage return ie 0Dh
\n line feed ie 0Ah
\t tab ie 09h
\nnn octal value nnn
\xhh hexadecimal value hh

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2.1.2 Registry Values
Software unlocking
Value name Type limits default
Serial Nr String max length 8 ""
This parameter is supplied by It is used to serialise the package and "unlock"
virtual terminals.

State file back up

Value name Type limits default
State Backup File String max length 40 ""
If you want the state.dat file backed up in real time, provide the file name (and path if not in the
current directory), eg “state.bak” or “d:\\cardgatebak\\state.bak”
It is recommended that a backup of this important state file be enabled.

Value name Type Limits default
Dial0 String max length 40 ""
Telephone number used to access the Bank host.

Value name Type Limits default

Line Mode 0 DWORD 0
0 = Dial up modem access
1 = Leased line modem access
2 = Serial port direct with Data Carrier Detect (DCD)
3 = Serial port direct without Data Carrier Detect (DCD)
4 = Asynchronous Block Protocol (ABP) wrapping Connectionless Network Protocol
- used by Telstra Argent® and CBA IP@POS via GHL netAccess unit
5 = Asynchronous Block Protocol (ABP) wrapping Transport Protocol Data Unit (TPDU)
…..- used by Optus/TNS Solution via MTA serial port
6 = TCP/IP, length prepending Transport Protocol Data Unit (TPDU)
…..- used by Optus/TNS Solution via MTA ethernet port
7 = TCP/IP, length prepending. CBA IP/SSL format via IP@POS. (v6)

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Value name Type Limits default
Line Nr 0 DWORD 0 ..16 0
When Line Mode 0 = 0 (ie dial up) indicates which TAPI line number to use to dial. 0 is don't care,
1 is the first line, 2 the second line and so on.

Value name Type limits default

Comms Port String "COM2"
When Line Mode 0 = 1 to 5, it indicates which communications port to use for the connection.

Value name Type Limits default

Comms Mode String "9600,N,8,2"
When Line Mode 0 = 1 to 5 this string is used as the mode command to configure the
communications port indicated in Comms Port.

Value name Type Limits Default

Refused String String max length 40 "Connection refused!"
Banner String String max length 40 "\x05"
Logon String String max length 40 “”
Logged On String 0 String max length 40 “CHANNEL 1\r\n”
Logged On String 1 String max length 40 “\x151\x81\xC55)\xFF

These strings are used in the host logon process. Upon modem connection, CardGate waits for
the receipt of the banner string. Once the banner string is received, the logon string is transmitted
and then reception of either logged on string 0 OR logged on string 1 is awaited before
proceeding with transmission of transaction requests.
Refer to the Configuration Settings Appendix relevant to the communications channel you are
using (eg Optus/TNS) as the defaults above are not relevant to all these options.

Value name Type Limits Default

Banner Timeout DWORD 1 .. 500
Used by ReadFile(). Is the initial intercharacter gap, in milliseconds, to use when logging on to
the host. Used to ensure reception of the banner string and any required delay between
transmissions of the first message.

Value name Type Limits default

Read Interval Timeout DWORD 1 .. 30 000 10
Used by the Win32 ReadFile() routine to indicate what the intercharacter time is (in milliseconds)
before returning with a buffer read

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Value name Type Limits default
No Activity Timeout DWORD 0 ..60 000 0
Time to wait in seconds before disconnecting a call when there is no activity. 0 means don't hang

Value name Type Limits default

Post Message Delay DWORD 0 .. 30 000 0
Inter message delay in milliseconds. 0 means no delay.

Value name Type Limits default

Telstra Argent® - Network Service Access Point Symbolic Host Address (supplied by the Bank)

Value name Type Limits Default

NSAP Terminal Id DWORD 0 .. 0
Telstra Argent® - Network Service Access Point Terminal Identifier (supplied by Telstra, tied to
the Terminal Adapter)

Value name Type Limits default

Listen Port DWORD 4000
TCP/IP sockets server listening port. Note that the Monitor port is this value + 1.

Value name Type Limits default

Host Address nn STRING
TCP/IP address:port (eg of the nn host – eg CBA SSL Host or iNAC
(TCP/IP Network Access Controller) for the Transact Plus TCP/IP solution

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File Mode Directories
Value name Type Limits Default
Request Directory string max length 39 "DATA\"
This is where CardGate reads in the request files. NOTE – must end directory names with “\”.

Value name Type Limits Default

Response Directory 0 string max length 39 "DATA\"
Response Directory 1 string max length 39 “”
Response Directory 2 string max length 39 “”
This is where CardGate writes the record of transaction files. Note that the same file is written out
multiple time for redundancy. An empty string indicates not to write out a file. NOTE – must end
directory names with “\”.

Warning Bulletin
Value name Type Limits Default
Warning Bulletin string max length 40 ""
This is where CardGate reads in the Warning Bulletin file. NOTE – must end directory names
with “\”.
Note that this directory should be dedicated to only holding the warning bulletin file as whenever
any file is written to this directory, the Warning Bulletin file is reloaded.

Value name Type Limits Default

Warning Bulletin File string max length 40 ""
This is the Warning Bulletin file. Blank string means no file present.

Value name Type Limits Default

Warning Bulletin DWORD 0.. 0
This is the format of the Warning Bulletin file. Only one format handled at the moment.

Value name Type Limits default
Online Log DWORD 0 .. 1
0 means to not log sockets communications.
1 means to log sockets communications as time stamped data to the
2 means to log sockets communications as time stamped data to "COMMS_YYYYMMDD.TXT"
file (V3.2)
This should normally be disabled (ie set to 0) in production as you will not be PCI DSS
COMPLIANT with logging enabled.

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Value name Type limits default
Comms Log DWORD 0 .. 0
0 means to not log received and transmitted frames, 1 means log all bytes received as raw time
stamped data to the "COMMS_YYYYMMDD.TXT" file.
This would normally be disabled (ie set to 0) in production as you will not be PCI DSS
COMPLIANT with logging enabled.

Value name Type limits default

Debug Log DWORD 0 .. 1
0 means to not log.
1 means to write the monitor output to file "MONITOR_YYYYMMDD.TXT".
This would normally be enabled (ie set to 1) in production. It is a very handy for tracking
communications issues.

Value name Type Limits default

Error Level DWORD 0 .. 0
0 means standard level of error reporting.
1 means to log socket connections lost and ‘C’ and ‘V’ acknowledgement timeouts to the Event
Note as these errors are more readily viewed in the Debug Log file if enabled, recommendation is
to leave this setting at 0.

Value name Type limits default

Event Log Server String ""
Windows NT event logging is put to the computer named here. If the string is empty, this
indicates to use the local computer's event logging service.

Host emulation
Value name Type Limits default
Test Mode DWORD 0 .. 0
0 means normal operation,
1 means simulate host response,
2 indicates to connect in usual way with host using modem, but simulate host response.

Value name Type Limits default

Success Rate DWORD 0 .. 0
When Test Mode is 1, 0 indicates to use cents part of transaction value as the Bank response
code; for example a transaction request with value $1.23 in emulation mode will respond with
emulated bank response of “23”.
Values 1 to 10 is n * 10% success rate, so 10 means 100% success rate.

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2.2 External Files

2.2.1 Terminal definition file

CardGate allows multiple Merchants and multiple virtual terminals to be defined for each
The terminal definition file "terminalv4.txt" is used to set up these virtual terminals with their
CAIC (ie Merchant ID) and CATID (ie Terminal ID) numbers, as assigned by the Bank. [NOTE
that CardGate Version 3 used file “terminal.txt” and CardGate Version 4, 5 and 6 use
file “terminalv4.txt.]
Terminalv4.txt is a TAB control character delimited text file with the following [optional]
CAIC CATID KEY FLAGS Comment [SaleLimit] [RefundLimit]
Comments may be included by starting the line with the “#” character.
FLAGS is made up of a sequence of ASCII HEXADECIMAL digits, ie '0' through ‘9', ‘A’
through ‘F’ characters. For boolean values, ‘1’ meaning ENABLE and all other values mean
Position Meaning
1 (most left hand) Refund enable, (boolean).
2 Void enable, (boolean).
3 For sockets transactions, write Record Of Transaction File
0 = Don’t write file
1 = Write file as CAIC.ROT
2 = Write file as CAIC.YYYYMM.ROT where YYYYMM =
transaction date as returned in field 013 (V4.2)
3 = Write file as CAIC.YYYYMMDD.ROT where YYYYMMDD =
transaction date as returned in field 013 (V4.2)
4 = Write file as CAIC.YYYYMM.ROT where YYYYMM =
settlement date as returned in field 015 (V4.2)
5 = Write file as CAIC.YYYYMMDD.ROT where YYYYMMDD =
settlement date as returned in field 013 (V4.2)
4 Warning Bulletin File look up, (boolean).
5 Return the Primary Account Number (PAN - ie card number) in
field 911. (V4)
0 = don’t return field 911
1 = return the PAN as the FULL card number, eg
"5353100000000000" Do not use this option in production as
you will not be PCI DSS COMPLIANT with it enabled
2 = return the TRUNCATED PAN as the first six digits, dot, last
three digits of the PAN, eg "535310.001"
3 = return the TRUNCATED PAN as the first four digits, dot, last
four digits of the PAN, eg "5353.0001"
4 = return the TRUNCATED PAN as the first 2 digits, dot, last four
digits of the PAN, eg "53.0001"
5 = return PAN as MD5 hash (refer to document CardGateV4-SM
for further information)
6 = return PAN as first half of MD5 hash (refer to document
CardGateV4-SM for further information)
7 = return PAN as second half of MD5 hash (refer to document
CardGateV4-SM for further information)
8..A = reserved
6 Return the Card Type (first two digits of the card) in field 913,

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(boolean). (V4)
7 Terminal is barred from use. Transaction attempts will return
INF_INVALID, (boolean). (V4)
8 Log sockets client IP address and Port number and authenticated
user in fields 914, 915 and 916, (boolean).
9 Authentication required for SALE above sale limit. (V4)
Unauthorised transaction attempts will return
ERR_AMOUNT_BAD, (boolean).
10 Authentication for REFUNDS (V4)
0 = Authentication not required
1 = Authentication required TO the refund limit
2 = Authentication required ABOVE the refund limit
3 = Authentication required for ANY refund
Unauthorised transaction attempts will return
11 Authentication required to view terminal status (ie perform Status
immediate command), (boolean). (V3.8)
12 Return field 917 (year), (boolean). (V4.2)
13 Return Expiry Date in field 912, (boolean). (V4.4)
14 CardGate4OCV – Client Type
15 Confirm Command Acknowledgement not required (v4.9)
16 Optionally set settlement time for this terminal for Amex
(not implemented – set to ‘0’)
17 Optionally set settlement time for this terminal for Diners
(not implemented – set to ‘0’)
18 Optionally set settlement time for this terminal for
(not implemented – set to ‘0’)
19 COMMLINK compatibility

0 = V2.2 AND LOWER

20 Point Of Service Condition Code, Data Element 25: (v5.0)


THAN V2.32)
21 Additional Data – ECM tag – first (m )value (v5.0)
0 – Unknown
1 – Telephone order
2 – Mail order
3 – Internet Order
22 Additional Data – ECM tag – second (t) value (v5.0)
0 – Unknown
1 – Single transaction

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2 – Recurring transaction
23 Additional Data – SLI tag – (v5.0)
0 – Not applicable
5 – Authenticated secure electronic commerce transaction
6 – Non Authenticated secure e-comm where card acceptor is
certified to perform authentication
7 – Non Authenticated secure e-comm where card authentication
cannot be performed. Other security mechanisms may be present.
Ex: channel encryption
8 – Non-secure transaction in the clear over an open network

# Name changed
311000062120500 82120507 76749 111021 My business
311000062120500 82120508 44366 001021 My business

311000062121300 82121300 37962 111100 Your business

311000062121300 82121301 05589 111100 Your business
311000062121300 82121302 05349 111100 Your business

# No refunds wanted on the following

311000062121300 82121301 05589 1111000002 Joes 0 50000

A sample terminal definition files is provided in the software distribution as “terminalv4-


2.2.2 Sequence number files

A sequence number file is maintained in the CardGate directory for each Merchant ID (CAIC)
that is to have file mode input to record the highest sequence number received from the
Merchant Application. The file name is simply the CAIC number with a ".TXT" extension eg:
The contents of the file is a six ASCII digit sequence number, for example:
With Version 4, this file will be automatically created if it does not exist, which will be the case
when added a new merchant facility.

2.2.3 Remembered state file

CardGate maintains the current state of each virtual terminal in file “STATE.DAT”. It is used to
ensure that any outstanding transactions are completed in the event of an outage. It is
important that this file not be deleted as it holds the Systems Trace Audit Number for
each virtual terminal.
With Version 4, every time CardGate is started, the current state.dat file is first written to a
backup file named state.YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS.dat where “YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS”
represents date and time, eg state.20050406-091431.dat. This is done BEFORE it is updated
with any new or deleted virtual terminals.
With Version 4, a registry value has been added, “State Backup File” which allows for the
state file to be mirrored to a second file. This proves useful for backup and recovery
procedures and it is recommended that this facility be enabled.

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2.2.4 Warning bulletin file
The optional warning bulletin file holds card numbers and partial card numbers that will
optionally be searched (if the Warning Bulletin Lookup flag is set in the terminal definition file)
for pre-authorisation, financial and offline transactions.
This file is also searched with the "W" warning bulletin look up transaction. All these
transactions will return INF_WARNING_LIST if a match is found in the file.
The file is ASCII text, one record per line. In the example below, 4015200000000001 and
4015200000000012 will be matched with the first record.
Here is an example of the file's layout:
401520 ALL CARDS

Note that if the Warning Bulletin Directory is set in the registry, CardGate will monitor it for any
directory changes. As soon as a new file is written to this directory, CardGate will reload the
warning bulletin file to memory. For this reason, the warning bulletin directory should only
contain one file, the warning bulletin file. This allows, for example, daily updates to the
warning bulletin list without restarting CardGate.

2.3 Operating System Settings

CardGate PC must be using the TCP/IP protocol stack if the sockets interface is to be used.
The modem device driver and settings must be set up if dial up access is required.

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3. Interapplication Communications

3.1 System Partitioning

Merchant Applications can connect with the CardGate Payment Gateway in a variety of ways:
Merchant Application--LAN--CardGate—Comms--COMMLINK
Merchant Application--Custom Interface--CardGate--Comms--COMMLINK

3.2 Interfacing with CardGate

There are two methods of inter-application communication provided by CardGate, file and

3.2.1 File method

The Merchant Application may communicate with CardGate by writing standard tab delimited
ASCII text Request files (name with file extension ".REQ") to the Request directory (as
configured in the registry). The gateway reads these request files, performs the transactions
and responds by writing a Record Of Transaction response file with the ".ROT" extension.
These files hold all bank responses and CardGate rejected requests. Once the request file
has been completely read, its' extension is renamed from ".REQ" to ".FIN".
Request Directory = REQUEST\
Response Directory 0 = RESPONSE\


 renamed on completion  REQUEST\SAMPLE.REQ
of read

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3.2.2 Sockets method
CardGate provides a standard "sockets" interface to allow inter-application communications
with a Merchant system over a TCP/IP network. It acts as a sockets server, listening on a
user configurable TCP/IP port (default is port 4000).
The sockets interface is typically used when a "real-time" response is required, for example to
respond to a card holder waiting on the end of a telephone conversation for confirmation of a
credit card payment request.
Some pseudo code follows:
// create the socket
sh = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM,…);
// Initialise host socket address to connect with
sa.sin_addr = ""; // IP address of CardGate PC
sa.sin_port = 4000; // port number used by CardGate

// seek a connection
ok = connect(sh,sa)
if ok == 0 do
{ SeqNr = SeqNr + 1; // Bump SeqNr
// get request for credit card transaction
send(sh, request); // send to host
ok = recv(sh,response); // receive from host

if (ok > 0)
{ // we have a response - act on it
// acknowledge receipt of response to CardGate
send(sh, 'C'+ RxSeqNr);

if (timeout)
{ // timed out - ask CardGate to reverse
// original transaction
send(sh, 'V' + SeqNr);
// Let the requesting process know we had a problem
} while(not finished);

To learn more about sockets programming, refer to "Windows Sockets Network

Programming" by Bob Quinn and Dave Shute, published by Addison Wesley. Microsoft's web
site also has extensive information on Winsock programming. A sample Visual Basic 5 client
application is listed in Appendix D.

3.3 Custom Interfaces

Custom Interfaces can be written to interface a Merchant Application with CardGate. They will
typically be written to connect a Merchant Application which is not readily modifiable to
communicate directly with CardGate.
Reference client applications, including source, are provided here:

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4. Merchant Application Data Interchange
The Merchant Application initiates all exchanges of messages with CardGate, passing a
request to CardGate to perform a task. On completion of the task, CardGate passes back a
The response is written to a Record Of Transaction file and/or the socket interface (if this is
where the request came from).

4.1 Record Structure

Merchant Application requests and CardGate responses use simple tab delimited ASCII text
records. The format of these records are:
a) fields made up of printable ASCII characters (ie 20h to 7Fh)
b) tab (<HT>) control characters (ie 09h) which act as field
delimiters, and,
c) carriage return/line feed (ie 0Dh/0Ah) control character pairs that
act as record delimiters.
This record format was chosen as it provides a universal format which is independent of
machine, operating system and other program specifics.

4.2 CardGate Responses

CardGate responses consist of :
a) ASCII representation of the raw response from the Bank host.
b) CardGate generated fields.
Each response field is prepended with a three ASCII digit "bit number" followed by the "="
symbol. For example, bit 11 is the systems trace audit number, an example being
Each field is returned in bit number ascending order, with bit "000" being the message type
identifier. Refer to the Commonwealth Bank specifications for an explanation of bit numbers
and the responses expected.
Bit numbers 900 and above are generated by CardGate, not the Bank network.
All fields may not necessarily be returned, eg bit 910 will only be returned when bit 039 is
Bit No Field Length Contents
900 Source ID ..20 From the request, eg "PC23"
901 Sequence number 6 From the request, eg "001345". Note, formatted
to six digits, zero filled. So, in this example, the
request could have had "1345".
902 Reference text ..40 From the request, eg "Invoice 123"
903 CardGate Error Code ..6 eg 20
904 CardGate Response Text ..80 eg "ERR CHECK DIGIT"
910 Bank suggested ..80 Bank suggested message to display for the
response bank response given in bit 039 eg "Do not
911 Primary Account Number ..19 Optional field (refer to flags in terminal definition
From the request. Is either the FULL PAN with
blanks, etc removed. Eg "5353100000000000",

CardGateV6-TM.001.doc Commercial-in-confidence Issue 1 - Page 19 of 71

the TRUNCATED PAN, eg first six digits, dot,
last three digits of the PAN, eg
912 Expiry date 4 Optional field (refer to flags in terminal definition
From the request. YYMM format. (V3.2)
913 Card Type 2 Optional field (refer to flags in terminal definition
From the request. Is the first two digits of the
PAN. (V3.8)
914 Client IP Address 11 Optional field (refer to flags in terminal definition
TCP/IP address in nnn.nnn.nnn format of the
sockets client which made the request. (V3.8)
915 Client Port Address 5 Optional field (refer to flags in terminal definition
TCP/IP port number in nnnnn format of the
sockets client which made the request. (V3.8)
916 Client user id ..16 Optional field (refer to flags in terminal definition
Authenticated user id.(V3.8)
917 Year 4 Optional field (refer to flags in terminal definition
Year returned by PC’s real-time clock.(V4.2)
920 Summary of Transactions “Merchant Side” totals sent out with
Reconciliation request
930 Command response Response to immediate command (V3.2)

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An example of a Record Of Transaction with no CardGate generated errors (prior to
COMMLINK v2.32):
000=0210 003=003000 004=000000001250 011=006301 012=092245 013=0113
015=1030 039=39 041=82121300 042=311000062121300 900=ME 901=001234
902=Invoice 123 910=NO CREDIT ACCOUNT
An example of a Record Of Transaction with no CardGate generated errors (COMMLINK
v2.32 and higher) and extra fields 911, 912, 913 and 917:
000=0210 003=003000 004=000000002201 011=076687 012=114212 013=0705
015=0621 038=999000 039=00 041=82121701 042=311000062121706 047=CCVM\
900=0 901=000000 902=82755 910=Transaction Approved
911=456485xxxxxxx147 912=1301 913=45 917=2011

An example of a Record Of Transaction with a CardGate generated error:

900=001 901=001234 902=Invoice 123 903=20 904=Check Digit Invalid!

4.3 Requests Fields

All requests to CardGate have five common fields : source id, sequence number, message
type, merchant id and reference text.

4.3.1 Source ID
When there are multiple Merchant Applications (ie clients) communicating with CardGate, the
"source id" field is used to identify which client generated the request. This field is not used by
CardGate for any other purpose other than providing traceability and therefore each client
instance should be given a unique source id.
This field is always returned with the response unchanged.

4.3.2 Sequence Number

A Merchant Application sends a request to CardGate with its own unique six digit sequence
number to identify the request. CardGate responds to the request with the same sequence
number and is used to determine which response it belongs to. A sequence number of
"000000" means don't care and should only be used with file method of input for test
With file input, the unique sequence number is used to ensure that file transactions are not
processed twice. The sequence number enables a request file to be partially processed, then
input again into CardGate without fear that transactions will be doubly processed. This is
achieved by holding the highest sequence number processed on file. If a higher sequence
number is received, this number is stored to file, otherwise, if the number is less than that on
file, it is rejected with the CardGate error code 21 - "Sequence number too low!". The file used
to store these sequence numbers has the CAIC (merchant id) number as its name, eg
This field is returned with the response (beware that it may be reformatted).

4.3.3 Message Type

The Message Type field is used to indicate the sort of request.

4.3.4 Merchant ID
The Message ID (Card Acceptor Identification Code) is used by the host to determine which
merchant the transaction is for.

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4.3.5 Reference Text
This field is simply returned with the response. It is use for private purposes by the Merchant
Application, typically to provide a key to the originating transaction.

4.4 Non-Financial Authorisation / Financial Transaction Request /

Warning Bulletin Lookup
A non-financial authorisation request is where the card issuer's pre-approval of a transaction
is sought. When this approval is given, an approval code is provided as proof of the approval.
The pre-authorised transaction is not captured for settlement. This request is commonly
referred to as a "Pre-Authorisation".
A financial transaction request is where the card issuer's approval of a sale transaction is
sought. If approved, the transaction is used for settlement. This request is commonly referred
to as "Financial or For Value" request.
With CardGate Version 3 and upwards, the "W" warning bulletin lookup message type has
been added. This command instructs CardGate to verify the check digit of the card number,
the expiry date and look up the optional Warning Bulletin file (refer to 2.2.3 Warning Bulletin
file). With this command, a CardGate error response is always returned. If the card number
passes all checks, INF_NO_WARNING will be returned; INF_WARNING_LIST if found in the
warning bulletin file, INF_EXPIRY_DATE if the expiry date is not valid or INF_CHECK_DIGIT
if the card number is in error.
As these requests require essentially the same data they are grouped together in this
Po Field Name Length Contents
0 Source ID ..20 Returned with response as bit number 900.
This field is typically used as the Merchant Application
originated source id that uniquely identifies which application
or client generated this transaction, eg "PC23"
1 Sequence 6 Returned with response as bit number 901 (formatted as six
Number digits, zero filled)
This is the Merchant Application originated transaction
sequence number. When combined with the Source ID it
uniquely identifies the transaction for a given online client. In
the file method, it is used ensure that batches are not doubly
processed for a given Merchant ID. This number remains
unchanged throughout the duration of the transaction. The
sequence number will be incremented by the Merchant
Application for every new transaction. It starts from "000001"
and increments upto "999999" and wraps around to "000001"
"0" means don't care.
2 Message Type 1 "A" - Pre-Authorisation Request; "a" - Training Mode
"F" - Financial Transaction Request; "f" - Training Mode
"W" - CardGate Warning Bulletin lookup and Card Number /
Expiry Date check

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3 Card Acceptor 15 Supplied by the bank. This code must be listed in the terminal
Identification configuration file.
4 Reference text ..40 Returned with response as bit number "902"
5 Transaction 1..
"S" – SALE


LOWER (DE25=15)
6 Primary Account ..19 eg "535001231123345". May contain blanks or "-" characters
7 Amount ..12 Whole cents eg "1234" for $12.34
8 Expiry Date 4 YYMM eg "9610"
9 Additional Data Optional. Refer to section “Additional Data”

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Additional Data
The optional “Additional Data” field in Non-Financial Authorisation and Financial Transaction
requests is used to fill the AS2805 Data Element 47, “Additional Data, National”. This Data
Element is now mandatory in COMMLINK V2.32 and higher.
Data Element 47 consists of several sub-elements. Each sub data element consists of a three
character tag, followed by data and terminated with the ‘\’ (backslash) character.
E-commerce transactions are required to include CCV and SLI tags.
Other transactions such as mail/telephone order are encouraged to also capture CCV data
however this is optional and CCV and SLI tags can be omitted when CCV is not captured.
ECM tag must be provided for e-commerce, moto, recurring transactions for all card types
(Visa, MasterCard, Amex, JCB, Diners), ie for all COMMLINK transactions.
When used, this field shall contain the following information, in the order set out below:
CCV Card Check Value AN 8 Value ‘CCVxxxx\’ where xxxx is the CVV2/CVC2/CID value.

The length of the entered value is variable and is terminated by

the ‘\’ character. Typically, the CCV is three digits except for
Amex which is 4 digits, although there is no standard defined

CCI Card Check Indicator AN 5 Value ‘CCIn\’ is used as CCV presence indicator. Where ‘n’ can
contain the following values:

0 – CCV value is not provided

1 – CCV value is present
2 – CCV value is on the card but is illegible
9 – Cardholder states that the card has no CCV printed

ECM Electronic commerce AN 6 Value ‘ECMmt\’ is used as e-commerce/moto/recurring

and Mail/Telephone indicator.
order Indicator
Where ‘m’ can contain the following values:
0 – Unknown
1 – Telephone order (eg call centre, IVR)
2 – Mail order
3 – Internet order

And where ‘t’ can contain the following values:

0 – Unknown
1 – Single transaction
2 – Recurring transaction

SLI Security Level AN 6 Value ‘SLInn\’ is used as CCV presence indicator. Where ‘nn’
Indicator can contain the following values:

00 – Not applicable
05 – Authenticated secure electronic commerce transaction
(Not relevent for COMMLINK transactions)
06 – Non Authenticated secure e-comm where card acceptor is
certified to perform authentication
(Not relevent for COMMLINK transactions)
07 – Non Authenticated secure e-comm where card
authentication cannot be performed. Other security
mechanisms may be present. Ex: channel encryption
(eg SSL, SSH)
08 – Non-secure transaction in the clear over an open network
(eg call centre, IVR, mail order)

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CardGate simplifies filling of Data Element 47:
1. No Additional Data field provided in the request: the “Additional Data” flags set in the
CardGate terminal configuration file terminalv4.txt for the facility is used to configure the
Data Element 47 sub-elements.
Mail Order/Telephone Order transactions (as indicated by “Additional Data – ECM tag –
first (m )value” config flag) will have the ECM tag only. Internet Order (ie Electronic
Commerce) transactions will have CCI, ECM and SLI tags.
This maintains compatibility for CardGatev4 clients who would naturally not be supplying
the Additional Data field.
2. Additional Data field comprises numeric digits for the CCV (Card Check Value) (variously
known as CVC, CVC2, CVV2 and CID): the “Additional Data” flags set in the CardGate
terminal configuration file terminalv4.txt for the facility are used to configure Data Element
47 sub-fields.
Mail Order/Telephone Order transactions (as indicated by “Additional Data – ECM tag –
first (m )value” config flag) will have CCV, CCI and ECM tags. Internet Order (ie
Electronic Commerce) transactions will have CCV, CCI, ECM and SLI tags.
This method will be used by the majority of merchants who have dedicated a merchant
facility to a specific delivery channel (eg the facility is used solely for e-commerce
3. Additional Data comprises verbatim Data Element 47 sub-elements. For example
This method will be used by merchants who have different transaction delivery channels
using a single merchant facility.

Merchants are encouraged to seek advice in implementing CSC and setting the
Additional Data flags in the terminal configuration file and Data Element 47 sub-elements

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4.4.1 Authorisation /Financial Transaction Response
The following is CardGate's response to an authorisation request/financial transaction
request, when there is no CardGate generated error.
For sockets interface requests, CardGate optionally writes the response to a "Record Of
Transaction" log file named after the requesting Merchant ID appended with the ".ROT"
extension, eg "311000062121706.ROT". This option is enabled in the flags field in the
terminal.txt configuration file.
Note that the fields with bit numbers 0 to 128 are what the bank returns and are not
manipulated by CardGate (other than reformatting them into ASCII and appending the bit
number). The Commonwealth Bank specification should be referred to.
Bit No Field Length Contents
000 Message Type 4 "0110" for Non-Financial Authorisation Request
Response "0210" for Financial Transaction Request
Response "0430" for Reversal Advice Response
003 Processing Code 6 as set in the request (hidden), ie "003000" for
transaction authorisation or sale transaction.
"203000" for refund "223000" for void of transaction
004 Amount Transaction 12 eg "000000001234" for $12.34 as in request
011 Systems Trace Audit 6 Uniquely identifies the transaction as in request
No. (hidden)
012 Time, local 6 hhmmss eg "120254"
013 Date, local 4 mmdd eg "1129"
015 Date Settlement 4 mmdd eg "1130" Date on which settlement with the
merchant is to occur.
037 Retrieval Reference 12 This number is generated by the host and shall be
No. used to reference a transaction for further
038 Authorisation ID 6 When the Response Code is "00" (approved), this
response field contains the approval code for the transaction.
When the Response Code is "02", this field contains
the Bank referral number. This field will not be
present for Message Type "0430" - Reversal Advice
039 Response Code 2 See Appendix A for details eg "05".
041 Card Acceptor 8
System ID
042 Card Acceptor Id 15
044 Additional Response ..25 This optional field may contain the identity of the
Data host system that generated the response as follows:
"00" – unspecified
"01" - Response from terminal host
"02" - Response from stand-in processor.
047 Additional Data … When the request message contains CCV data, this
National data element shall be used to carry the CCV
verification response provided from the issuer. The
sub data element used consists of a 3 character

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code, followed by the data and terminated by the ‘\’
When used, this field shall contain the following
Value ‘CCVx\’ where x is the CCV verification result
code and can contain the following values:
M – matched
N – not matched
P – not processed
S – Suspicious/CCV should be on card
U – CCV unverified (Mastercard use) / Issuer is not Visa certified
for CCV (Visa use)

900 Source ID ..20 From the request

901 Sequence Number 6 From the request but formatted as six digits, zero
902 Reference ..40 From the request
910 Response Text ..80 Generated by CardGate. Provides textual
description to Bank response code. See Appendix A
911 Primary Account ..19 Optional field (refer to flags in terminal definition
Number file).
From the request. Is either the FULL PAN with
blanks, etc removed. Eg "5353100000000000",
is the TRUNCATED PAN, ie the first six digits, dot,
last three digits of the PAN, eg "535310.001" (V3.2)
912 Expiry Date 4 Optional field (refer to flags in terminal definition
From the request. YYMM format. (V3.2)
913 Card Type 2 Optional field (refer to flags in terminal definition
From the request. Is the first two digits of the PAN.
914 Client IP Address 11 Optional field (refer to flags in terminal definition
TCP/IP address in nnn.nnn.nnn format of the
sockets client which made the request. (V3.8)
915 Client Port Address 5 Optional field (refer to flags in terminal definition
TCP/IP port number in nnnnn format of the sockets
client which made the request. (V3.8)
916 Client user id ..16 Optional field (refer to flags in terminal definition
Authenticated user id.(V3.8)
917 Year 4 Optional field (refer to flags in terminal definition
Year returned by PC’s real-time clock.(V4.2)

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4.4.2 Authorisation / Financial Acknowledgment
When using the sockets method for interfacing with CardGate, it is the Merchant system's
responsibility to positively acknowledge reception of an Authorisation or Financial
Response from CardGate.
This requirement for positive acknowledgment is imposed by CardGate. The methodology
has been designed to ensure that the Merchant system has concluded the transaction, and
has left the card holder understanding the outcome of the transaction. This is particularly
important in fully automated Internet and Interactive Voice Response systems. For example, if
a card holder prematurely hangs up a call before the Bank response is received, then the
Merchant system should not accept payment as the service has not been delivered.
Upon receiving a Bank a "0110" or "0210" message type response to an Authorisation or
Financial request, the Merchant system must acknowledge reception by sending a 'C' positive
acknowledgment message as detailed below.
If this message is not received by CardGate within 30 seconds, or a 'V' negative
acknowledgment message is sent instead of the 'C' message, the original request is
automatically reversed (ie a 0420 message is sent). A reversal with response code of 00
means that the financial capture was cancelled with the Bank. Note that for successful
authorisation/financial request the authorisation (ie reservation of funds) is NOT cancelled by
a reversal.
Upon initiating a reversal, CardGate will send the socket a reversal pending message (see
the next section) to the Merchant Application. When the reversal is concluded by the Bank, it
will respond with a 0430 'Reversal Advice Response' message.
Field No Field Length Contents
0 Source ID ..20 As in the request.
1 Sequence Number 6 As in the request
2 Message Type 1 "C" - Confirm (ie Positive Acknowledgment)
"V" – Reverse Financial request
(ie Negative Acknowledgment)
3 Card Acceptor 15 Supplied by the bank. This code must be listed in
Identification Code the terminal configuration file.
4 Card Acceptor 8 For Message Type ‘C’ only.
Terminal ID This field is optional but it is should be used.
If the CATID field is supplied, then this is used
instead of the Source ID and Sequence Number
fields to identify which Virtual Terminal to clear.
5 Systems Trace 6 Indicates that this is an “Enhanced Confirm”
Audit Number command (V4.06)
This is the STAN of the transaction that is being
confirmed. Will ellicit a response from CardGate.

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Here is an example of the message protocol:
Merchant App CardGate Host Comments
Case 1 – normal
‘F’Request 1 ->
0200 -> Financial Request
<- 0210 Financial Response
<-000=0210 Record Of Transaction
Received by merchant
‘C’ -> Confirm command
Trans#1 completed

Case 2 – negative ack

‘F’Request 2 ->
0200 -> Financial Request
<- 0210 Financial Response
<-000=0210 Record Of Transaction
Cardholder hangs up or
message not received
‘V’ -> Negative acknowledgement
<-903=25 904=Reversal Pending CardGate Response
0420 -> Reversal Request
<- 0430 Reversal Response
<-000=0430 Record Of Transaction
Trans#2 reversed

Case 3 – no ack
‘F’Request 3 ->
0200 -> Financial Request
<- 0210 Financial Response
<-000=0210 Record Of Transaction
Cardholder hangs up or
message not received
30 seconds No acknowledgement
<-903=25 904=Reversal Pending CardGate Response
0420 -> Reversal Request
<- 0430 Reversal Response
<-000=0430 Record Of Transaction
Trans#3 reversed Enhanced Confirm
The “Enhanced Confirm” command has been added with Version 4.06 of CardGate. It is
designed for use when there is, for example, unreliable socket communications (eg via the
Internet) between the Merchant Application and the CardGate payment gateway. When this
command is used, CardGate will acknowledge receipt of the command by responding with a
CardGate Response, ie an acknowledgement of the acknowledgement.
The normal Confirm command is changed to a Enhanced Confirm command by adding the
STAN in field five.

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Here is an example of the message protocol using the “Enhanced Confirm” command:
Merchant App CardGate Host Comments
Case 4 – normal
‘F’Request 4 ->
0200 -> Financial Request
<- 0210 Financial Response
<-000=0210 011=000004 Record Of Transaction
Received by merchant
‘C’…’000004’ -> Enhanced Confirm
<-903=60 904=OK Trans#4 committed so
CardGate Acknowledges
Confirm received
Trans#4 completed

Case 5 – Confirm not received by CardGate

‘F’Request 5 ->
0200 -> Financial Request
<- 0210 Financial Response
<-000=0210 011=000005
Record Of Transaction
Received by merchant
‘C’…’000005’ -X Enhanced Confirm sent
Not received by CardGate!
10 second timeout No response received by
Merchant – resends after
10 second timeout.
‘C’…’000005’ -> Enhanced Confirm resent
<-903=60 904=OK Trans#5 committed so
CardGate Acknowledges
Confirm Received
Trans#5 completed

Case 6 – CardGate Acknowledgement not received

‘F’Request 6 ->
0200 -> Financial Request
<- 0210 Financial Response
<-000=0210 011=000006 Record Of Transaction
Received by merchant
‘C’…’000006’ -> Enhanced Confirm sent
X-903=60 904=OK Trans#6 committed so
CardGate Acknowledges
Confirm Received,
BUT it is not received
by merchant
10 second timeout No response received by
Merchant – resends after
10 second timeout.
‘C’…’000006’ -> Enhanced Confirm resent
<-903=60 904=OK CardGate Acknowledges
Confirm Received
Trans#6 completed

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Case 7 – Late Enhanced Confirms
‘F’Request 7 ->
0200 -> Financial Request
<- 0210 Financial Response
<-000=0210 011=000007 Record Of Transaction
‘C’…’000007’ -X Enhanced Confirm sent but
Not received by CardGate!
10 second timeout No response received by
Merchant – resends after
10 second timeout.
‘C’…’000007’ -X Enhanced Confirm resent but
Not received by CardGate!
10 second timeout
‘C’…’000007’ -X Enhanced Confirm resent but
Not received by CardGate!
10 second timeout
‘C’…’000007’ -X Enhanced Confirm resent but
Not received by CardGate!
10 second timeout
As Enhanced Confirm not
received by Cardgate
30 sec CardGate timeout
<-903=25 904=Reversal Pending CardGate Response
0420 -> Reversal Request
‘C’…’000007’ -> Late Enhanced Confirm sent
<-903=25 904=Reversal Pending CardGate Response
<- 0430 Reversal Response
<-000=0430 Record Of Transaction
Trans#7 reversed
‘C’…’000007’ -> Late Enhanced Confirm sent
<-903=7 904=SLOT CLASH CardGate Response

‘F’Request 8 ->
0200 -> Financial Request
<- 0210 Financial Response
<-000=0210 011=000008 Record Of Transaction
Received by merchant
‘C’…’000007’ -> Late Enhanced Confirm sent
(note STAN is for tran#7
not 8)
<-903=51 904=STAN not found! CardGate Response
30 sec CardGate timeout
<-903=25 904=Reversal Pending CardGate Response
<- 0430 Reversal Response
<-000=0430 Record Of Transaction
Trans#8 reversed
In summary, CardGate responses to the Enhanced Confirm command are:
Response Code Response Text Meaning
(field 903) (field 904)
60 OK Transaction completed okay
25 Reversal Pending Transaction is about to be reversed
7 SLOT CLASH Transaction has been reversed
51 STAN not found! A new transaction has been
initiated on this terminal

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4.4.3 Reversals
Whenever the host does not respond to a 0100 or 0200 request within a 30 second timeout
period, or the confirm command has not been received from the merchant application,
CardGate will automatically send a reversal request message to the host. With sockets
connections, upon initiating a reversal, CardGate will also send a "reversal pending" (error
code 25) error message to the Merchant Application socket so that it may continue on with
other processing if desired.
Should a reversal advice response from the host not be received within the agreed timeout
period, a repeat reversal request message shall be sent at regular intervals until a response is
received. After five minutes of no response, the transaction is classed as "sticky" and reported
to the record of transaction file or online sockets connection with a CardGate error “Sticky
transaction, possibly stuck” (error code 23). After 30 minutes of no response, the sending of
repeat reversal requests is aborted and the transaction is marked as "stuck" and reported to
the Windows Event Logging service as well as the record of transaction file or sockets
connection as a CardGate error “Stuck transaction being cleared from system! REPORT
DETAILS TO BANK!” (error code 24). [Note that merchants typically do not report stuck
transactions to the Bank!]
Note that for successful authorisation/financial request the authorisation (ie reservation of
funds) is NOT cancelled by a reversal, just the financial capture.

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4.5 Financial Capture Transaction Request
A financial capture transaction request is where the card issuer's approval of a sale
transaction is sought. If approved, the transaction is used for settlement.
This request is commonly referred to as an "Offline Transaction", or “Forced Post Auth”.

Po Field Name Length Contents

0 Source ID ..20 Returned with response as bit number 900.
This field is typically used as the Merchant Application
originated source id that uniquely identifies which application
or client generated this transaction, eg "PC23"
1 Sequence 6 Returned with response as bit number 901, formatted as six
Number digits, zero filled.
This is the Merchant Application originated transaction
sequence number. When combined with the Source ID it
uniquely identifies the transaction for a given online client. In
the file method, it is used ensure that batches are not doubly
processed for a given Merchant ID. This number remains
unchanged throughout the duration of the transaction. The
sequence number will be incremented by the Merchant
Application for every new transaction. It starts from "000001"
and increments upto "999999" and wraps around to "000001"
"0" means don't care.
2 Message Type 1 "O" - Financial Capture Transaction Request
"o" - Training Mode - Financial Capture Transaction Request

3 Card Acceptor 15 Supplied by the bank. This code must be listed in the terminal
Identification configuration file.
4 Reference text ..40 Returned with response as bit number "902"
5 Transaction 1 "S" - Sale
Type "R" – Refund

To override the default Point Of Service Condition Code

(DE25) as set for the facility in the terminal configuration file,
use the following format:
“S:p” – Sale, set DE25 according to p
“R:p” – Refund, set DE25 according to p
where p is:
'0' - use for CBA COMMLINK v2.2 and lower (DE25=15)
'1' or ‘M’ - Mail or telephone order (including IVR, recurring
and non-internet based transactions) (DE25=08)
'2' or ‘E’ - Electronic Commerce/Internet (DE25=48)
For example:
“S:2” – e-Commerce/Internet sale
“S:M” – Mail order sale
6 Primary Account ..19 eg "535001231123345". May contain blanks or "-" characters
7 Amount ..12 Whole cents eg "1234" for $12.34

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8 Expiry Date 4 YYMM eg "9610"
9 Authorisation ID 6 Optional field. Should be used where possible. Alphanumeric
approval code - assumed to be the same as that for a prior
authorisation (bit 38).
10 Additional ..12 This optional field may contain the tip amount. The tip amount
Amount is included in the amount transaction. Whole cents eg
"100" for $1.00
11 Additional Data Optional. Refer to section “Additional Data”

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Additional Data
The optional “Additional Data” field in Financial Capture requests is used to fill the AS2805
Data Element 47, “Additional Data, National” field. This field is now mandatory in COMMLINK
V2.32 and higher.
Data Element 47 consists of several sub-elements. Each sub data element consists of a three
character tag, followed by data and terminated with the ‘\’ (backslash) character.
E-commerce transactions are required to include SLI tags.
Other transactions such as mail/telephone order are encouraged to also capture CCV data
however this is optional and CVV and SLI tags can be omitted when CCV is not captured.
ECM tag must be provided for e-commerce, moto, recurring transactions for all card types
(Visa, MasterCard, Amex, JCB, Diners), ie for all COMMLINK transactions.
When used, this field shall contain the following information, in the order set out below:
ECM Electronic commerce AN 6 Value ‘ECMmt\’ is used as e-commerce/moto/recurring
and Mail/Telephone indicator.
order Indicator
Where ‘m’ can contain the following values:
0 – Unknown
1 – Telephone order (eg call centre, IVR)
2 – Mail order
3 – Internet order

And where ‘t’ can contain the following values:

0 – Unknown
1 – Single transaction
2 – Recurring transaction

SLI Security Level AN 6 Value ‘SLInn\’ is used as CCV presence indicator. Where ‘nn’
Indicator can contain the following values:

00 – Not applicable
05 – Authenticated secure electronic commerce transaction
(Not relevent for COMMLINK transactions)
06 – Non Authenticated secure e-comm where card acceptor is
certified to perform authentication
(Not relevent for COMMLINK transactions)
07 – Non Authenticated secure e-comm where card
authentication cannot be performed. Other security
mechanisms may be present. Ex: channel encryption
(eg SSL, SSH)
08 – Non-secure transaction in the clear over an open network
(eg call centre, IVR, mail order)

CardGate simplifies filling of Data Element 47:

1. No Additional Data field provided in the request: the “Additional Data” fields set in the
CardGate terminal configuration file terminalv4.txt for the facility is used to configure the
ECM, CCI, and SLI Data Element 47 sub-fields. This maintains compatibility for
CardGatev4 clients who would naturally not be supplying the Additional Data field and the
majority of CardGatev5 merchants who have dedicated a merchant facility to a specific
delivery channel (eg facility used solely for e-commerce or recurring processing).
2. Additional Data comprises verbatim Data Element 47 sub-elements. For example
“CCV1234\CCI1\ECM31\SLI07\”. This method will be used by merchants who have
different modes/delivery of traffic over a single merchant facility.

Merchants are encouraged to seek advice in implementing CSC and setting the
Data Element 47 sub-elements appropriately.

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4.5.1 Financial Capture Response
The following is CardGate's response to a financial capture transaction request, when there is
no CardGate generated error.
Bit No Field Length Contents
000 Message Type 4 "0230" for Financial Capture Response
003 Processing Code 6 As set in the request (hidden), ie "003000" for sale
completion or offline sale transaction; "203000" for
an off-line refund transaction.
004 Amount Transaction 12 eg "000000001234" for $12.34 as in request
011 Systems Trace Audit 6 Uniquely identifies the transaction as in request
No. (hidden)
012 Time, local transaction 6 Hhmmss eg "120254"
013 Date, local transaction 4 Mmdd eg "1129"
015 Date Settlement 4 Mmdd eg "1130" Date on which settlement with the
merchant is to occur.
037 Retrieval Reference 12 This field is optional (typically not returned). This
No. number is generated by the host and shall be used
to reference a transaction for further processing. It
is assumed that the retrieval reference number for
these transactions will be the same number used
on any prior authorisation or transaction
039 Response Code 2 See Appendix A for details eg "00".
041 Card Acceptor System 8
042 Card Acceptor Id 15
044 Additional Response ..25 This optional field may contain the identity of the
Data host system that generated the response as
"00" - unspecified
"01" - Response from host
"02" - Response from stand-in processor
900 Source ID ..20 From the request
901 Sequence Number 6 From the request but formatted as six digits, zero
902 Reference ..40 From the request
910 Response Text ..80 Generated by CardGate. Provides textual
description to Bank response code. See Appendix
911 Primary Account ..19 Optional field (refer to flags in terminal definition
Number file).
From the request. Is either the FULL PAN with
blanks, etc removed. Eg "5353100000000000",
OR, is the TRUNCATED PAN, ie the first six digits,
dot, last three digits of the PAN, eg "535310.001"
912 Expiry Date 4 Optional field (refer to flags in terminal definition

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From the request. YYMM format. (V3.2)
913 Card Type 2 Optional field (refer to flags in terminal definition
From the request. Is the first two digits of the PAN.
914 Client IP Address 11 Optional field (refer to flags in terminal definition
TCP/IP address in nnn.nnn.nnn format of the
sockets client which made the request. (V3.8)
915 Client Port Address 5 Optional field (refer to flags in terminal definition
TCP/IP port number in nnnnn format of the sockets
client which made the request. (V3.8)
916 Client user id ..16 Optional field (refer to flags in terminal definition
Authenticated user id.(V3.8)
917 Year 4 Optional field (refer to flags in terminal definition
Year returned by PC’s real-time clock.(V4.2)

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4.5.2 Financial Capture Response Acknowledgment
When using the sockets method for interfacing with CardGate, it is the Merchant system's
responsibility to positively acknowledge reception of a Financial Capture Response from
This requirement for positive acknowledgment is imposed by CardGate. Upon receiving a
Bank a "0230" message type response to a Financial Capture request, the Merchant system
must acknowledge reception by sending a 'C' positive acknowledgment message as detailed
For 0230 Financial Capture responses, if the 'C' positive acknowledgement message is not
received by CardGate within 30 seconds, the original request is automatically repeated (ie
sent as a 0221 Financial Capture Repeat).

Po Field Name Length Contents

0 Source ID ..20 As in the request.
1 Sequence Number 6 As in the request
2 Message Type 1 "C" - Confirm receipt (ie Positive Acknowledgment)
3 Card Acceptor 15 Supplied by the bank. This code must be listed in the
Identification Code terminal configuration file.
4 Card Acceptor 8 This field is optional but it is preferred that it is used.
Terminal ID
If the CATID field is supplied, then this is used instead
of the Source ID and Sequence Number fields to
identify which Virtual Terminal to clear.

Note that the 0220 messages protocol is fundamentally different to the protocol used
with 0100/0200 messages. Here repeat messages (0221) are sent UNTIL a 0230
response is received. There is no "reversal" capability.
This means that if the Merchant Application does not get a response for whatever
reason, it should not re-send the offline transaction as it may cause the cardholder to
be multiply debited as there is a possibility that the Bank has responded to the stuck
transaction. Please contact for further advice.
Here is an example of the message protocol:
Merchant Application CardGate Comments
"O" Request 1  0220 Request sent to Bank
 0230 Bank Response
Response 1 Received ok
Positive Acknowledgment Transaction 1 completed ok

"O" Request 2  0220 Request sent to Bank

 0230 Bank Response
Message not received by Merchant
No acknowledgment  0221 Request Repeat sent to Bank
 0230 Bank Response Transaction 2 completed

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4.6 Reconciliation Advice
A reconciliation advice is sent to the host to advise that the Merchant has changed business
Po Field name Length Contents
0 Source ID ..20
1 Sequence Number 6
2 Message Type 1 "R" - Reconciliation Advice
3 Card Acceptor 15
Identification Code
4 Reference text ..40
5 Card Acceptor Terminal 8 eg "82517000"
6 Settlement Date 4 mmdd. The date on which settlement with the
merchant is to occur, eg "1130". This field is
optional. If left out, CardGate will send the system
7 Summary Of 36 This field shall contain information from the
Transactions Merchant's point of view:
Debit count - 6 chars - the number of debits
Debit amount - 12 chars - the total amount of debit
transactions in the system (ie accumulation of the
amount transaction fields of all debit transactions)
Credit count - 6 chars - the number of credits
Credit amount - 12 chars - the total amount of credit
transactions in the system (ie accumulation of the
amount transaction fields of all credit transactions)

If this field is left blank, then CardGate will use its

own internally maintained Summary Of Transactions
New file name 0 ..40 Optional parameter. If this parameter is provided, it
indicates to rename the record of transaction file
(which, for online transactions is CAIC.ROT where
CAIC is the CAIC number eg
311000062000000.ROT, or, for Batch transactions,
the name of the request file) in Response Directory
0 to contents of this field AFTER receipt of the
reconciliation response from the Bank. (V3.2)
9 New file name 1 ..40 Optional parameter. As field 8, but for Response
Directory 1. (V3.2)
10 New file name 2 ..40 Optional parameter. As field 8, but for Response
Directory 2. (V3.2)

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4.6.1 Reconciliation Response
The following is CardGate's response to an reconciliation advice request when there is no
CardGate generated error.
Bit No Field Length Contents
000 Message Type 4 "0530" for Reconciliation Response
011 Systems Trace Audit No. 6 Uniquely identifies the transaction as in request
012 Time, local transaction 6 hhmmss eg "120254"
013 Date, local transaction 4 mmdd eg "1129"
015 Date Settlement 4 mmdd eg "1130"
039 Response Code 2 See Appendix A for details eg "97".
041 Card Acceptor System 8
042 Card Acceptor Id Code 15
062 Summary Of
Transactions number
063 Summary Of 36 This field shall contain information from the host's
Transactions point of view:
Debit count - 6 chars - the number of debits
Debit amount - 12 chars - the total amount of debit
transactions in the system (ie accumulation of the
amount transaction fields of all debit transactions)
Credit count - 6 chars - the number of credits
Credit amount - 12 chars - the total amount of
credit transactions in the system (ie accumulation
of the amount transaction fields of all credit
900 Source ID ..20 From the request
901 Sequence Number 6 From the request but formatted as six digits, zero
902 Reference ..40 From the request
910 Response Text ..80 Generated by CardGate. Provides textual
description to Bank response code. See Appendix
920 Merchant View This field shall contain information from the
Summary of Transaction Merchant's point of view:
Debit count - 6 chars - the number of debits
Debit amount - 12 chars - the total amount of debit
transactions in the system (ie accumulation of the
amount transaction fields of all debit transactions)
Credit count - 6 chars - the number of credits
Credit amount - 12 chars - the total amount of
credit transactions in the system (ie accumulation
of the amount transaction fields of all credit

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4.6.2 Reconciliation Response Acknowledgment
When using the sockets method for interfacing with CardGate, it is the Merchant system's
responsibility to positively acknowledge reception of a Reconciliation Response from
This requirement for positive acknowledgment is imposed by CardGate. Upon receiving a
Bank a "0530" message type response to a Reconciliation request, the Merchant system
must acknowledge reception by sending a 'C' positive acknowledgment message as detailed
For 0530 Reconciliation responses, if the 'C' positive acknowledgement message is not
received by CardGate within 30 seconds, the original request is automatically repeated (ie
sent as a 0521 Reconciliation Repeat).

Po Field Name Length Contents

0 Source ID ..20 As in the request.
1 Sequence Number 6 As in the request
2 Message Type 1 "C" - Confirm receipt (ie Positive Acknowledgment)
3 Card Acceptor 15 Supplied by the bank. This code must be listed in the
Identification Code terminal configuration file.
4 Card Acceptor 8 This field is optional but it is preferred that it is used.
Terminal ID
If the CATID field is supplied, then this is used instead
of the Source ID and Sequence Number fields to
identify which Virtual Terminal to clear.

Note that the 0520 messages protocol is fundamentally different to the protocol used
with 0100/0200 messages. Here repeat messages (0521) are sent UNTIL a 0530
response is received. There is no "reversal" capability.

4.6.3 Settlement Options

There are a number of options for settlement with the Bank's host.
a) Forced by the Bank. This occurs at roughly 2145hrs each banking day. With this option
the Bank does not send a specific message to the Merchant containing totals. To obtain
the totals, the Merchant must issue a reconcile request after the reconciliation has
b) Fixed Time. This operates as above but occurs at time nominated by the Merchant
(between 0100hrs and 2145hrs).
c) Your Option. Settlement request is initiated by the Merchant at a time of their choosing,
which the Bank responds to with a totals message.
In every case the Merchant will know that settlement has occurred because the settlement
date field (bit 015) of the NEXT transaction will have "clicked over" to the following business

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4.7 CardGate Immediate Commands
With Version 3, "immediate commands" have been introduced. These allow commands to be
sent to CardGate in a similar fashion to the Bank transaction requests. Typically these would
be sent from a Telnet session to the Listen Port, which is typically port 4000.
All immediate commands have the following format:
Po Field name Length Contents
0 Source ID ..20 Returned with response as bit number 900.
1 Sequence Number 6 Returned with response as bit number 901
2 Message Type 1 "0" - CardGate Immediate Command
3 Sub Command 1 See table below
4 Parameter 1 ..20 Optional - depends on sub-command
5 Parameter 2 ..20 Optional - depends on sub-command
6 Parameter 3 ..20 Optional - depends on sub-command
7 Parameter 4 ..20 Optional - depends on sub-command

Sub Description
C Close (ie shutdown) CardGate application. (V3.8)
Authentication level “system control” required to perform this command.
Parameter 1 is mandatory and is the exit code to be used by the program.
Returns response codes:
INF_INVALID – Parameter 1 missing
INF_FAIL – not authorised to perform this command
F Set flags/variables. (V3.7). Parameter 1 indicates which volatile variable to set
to Parameter 2.
Parameter 1 meanings:
0 – don't set any variable - return values of each variable.
1 - set CommsLog to Parameter 2
2 - set DebugLog to Parameter 2
3 - set OnlineLog to Parameter 2
Command Response field 930 is returned with further fixed length, comma
delimited and labelled status fields:
Returns response codes:
INF_FAIL – not authorised to perform this command
INF_INVALID - Parameter 1 invalid
G Global status of CardGate. (V3.2)
Returns response code : INF_OK

Command Response field 930 is returned with a comma delimited and labelled
dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss.mmm, Sockets=n, Active=n, ReversalPend=n, Stuck%=n,
Approved=n, Declined-01=n, Declined-05=n, Declined-91=n, Uptime=n

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dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss.mmm – current time and date
Sockets is the number of socket connections
Active is the number of transacting virtual terminals
ReversalPend is the number of outstanding reversals
Stuck% is the percentage of transactions that are currently being reversed ie
ReversalPend * 100/Active
Approved is the number of transactions approved since CardGate started
Declined-nn is the number of transactions declined with response code nn since
CardGate started
Uptime is the number of seconds since CardGate was started.
H Hold All - forces all virtual terminals to return BUSY when a request is made.
Returns response codes :
INF_FAIL – not authorised to perform this command
INF_PENDING – at least one terminal was pending a response
H Hold Merchant Facility (Parameter 1 = CAIC) - forces all virtual terminals
associated with merchant id CAIC to return BUSY when a request is made.
Returns response codes :
INF_FAIL – not authorised to perform this command
INF_PENDING – at least one terminal was pending a response
INF_INVALID – Merchant id/CAIC not found

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K Kill stuck terminal (Parameter 1=CATID)- ie stops repeating reversals and logs
to EventLog. (V3.05) Returns response codes:
INF_FAIL – not authorised to perform this command
INF_INVALID if CATID not found
L Login /logout user. (V3.09)
If logged in and no parameters, then this command logs out the user.
Parameter 1=user id
Parameter 2=authenticator
Parm3=random (optional)
Parm4=encryption key (optional) – indicates to encrypt this channel

Returns response codes:

INF_FAIL – not authorised to log in
INF_INVALID – number of paramaters incorrect
INF_OK – logged in okay
M Get Modem Status (Parameter 1 empty or 0). Returns response codes:
INF_NOT_READY - hung up
INF_PENDING – is dialling
INF_REVERSAL_PENDING – online, but last transaction is reversal pending
INF_OK – online
M Hangup Modem (Parameter 1 = 1). Returns response codes:
INF_FAIL – not authorised to perform this command
M Dial Modem (Parameter 1 = 2). Returns response codes:
INF_FAIL – not authorised to perform this command
N Rename file Parameter 1 in all three response sub-directories. (V3.5)
Parameter 2 = new name for ResponseDirectory0 file
Parm3 = new name for ResponseDirectory1 file
Parm4 = new name for ResponseDirectory2 file
Returns response codes:
Q Closes the socket that this request has come from. (V3.3)
Returns response code: INF_PEND.
R Release All – releases all virtual terminals from the Hold state.
Returns response code:
INF_FAIL – not authorised to perform this command
R Release Merchant Facility (Parameter 1 = CAIC) - releases all virtual terminals
associated with merchant id CAIC from the Hold state. (V4.2)
Returns response code:
INF_FAIL – not authorised to perform this command
INF_INVALID – Merchant id/CAIC not found

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S Return status of Virtual Terminal (Parameter 1 = CATID or virtual terminal
number (1..)). (V3.2)
Returns response codes:
INF_FAIL – not authorised to perform this command
INF_INVALID – Terminal number/CATID not found
INF_NOT_READY - waiting for host connection
INF_IDLE – Ready
INF_PENDING – Waiting on response
INF_REVERSAL_PENDING - Waiting on reversal response
Command Response field 930 is returned with further fixed length, comma
delimited and labelled status fields:
dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss.mmm - current date & time
CATID=nnnnnnnn - CATID of terminal being interrogated
STAN=nnnnnn – Systems trace audit number
InUse=n - 0 if idle, 1 if in use
State=nn - where nn =
04 reserved

Retries=nnn – number of retries

SecsLeft=nnn – countdown timer - seconds before timeout
Debits=nnnnnnnnn - number of debit transactions since last forced
DebitAmt=nnnnnnnnnnnn - amount in cents of debit transactions since last
forced reconciliation
Credits=nnnnnnnnn - number of credit transactions since last forced
CreditAmt=nnnnnnnnnnnn - amount in cents of credit transactions since last
forced reconciliation
Label=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - comment field from terminal.txt
U Update virtual terminals from terminal.txt file. (Parameter 1 empty or 0) (V3.6)
Returns response codes:
INF_BUSY - if could not proceed due to terminals being busy
INF_FAIL – not authorised to perform this command
U Update access control list from cardgate.acl file. (Parameter 1 not 0) (V3.9)
Returns response codes:
INF_FAIL – not authorised to perform this command
V Add virtual terminal to terminal.txt file. (V3.7) Parameters 1onwards represent
each tab delimited field in the text file, ie Parameter 1= CAIC, Parameter
2=CATID, Parm3=Key, Parm3=Flags, Parm4=Comment, Parm5=Spare
Returns response codes
INV_INVALID - not enough fields (must have at least Parameter 1..Parm3)

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For example, to hang up the modem, issue the following:
0 0 0 M 1
The response would be:
900=0 901=000000 902=CMD[M,1,0,,,] 903=60 904=OK
914= 915=3814 916=myid
To return the status of virtual terminal with CATID 82512345, issue this:
0 0 0 S 82512345
If the state of the virtual terminal is waiting for a reversal, the response would be:
900=0 901=000000 902=CMD[S,82512345,,,] 903=25
904=Reversal Pending! 914= 915=3814
916=myid 930=20/04/2001

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4.8 Training Mode / Host Emulation
To aid in the integration process, CardGate provides Training Mode with the Pre-
Authorisation, Financial and Financial Capture transactions. Here, Bank responses are
emulated when the appropriate message type (ie "a", "f" or "o") is used. Note that for sockets
communications, the emulated response is NOT saved to the Record Of Transaction file,
thereby allowing Training Mode to be safely used with a LIVE CardGate system for
development and training purposes.
Test Mode is another integration facility provided by setting the registry entry "Test Mode" to
1. Here CardGate emulates host responses for ALL requests put to it.
With both Training and Test modes, the responses will differ from a live response in a number
of ways.
A) The Systems Trace Audit Number is "000000", which is illegal in the LIVE system.
B) Bit 37, Retrieval Reference Number, is returned for approved transactions as
"999999999999". It is typically not returned in LIVE responses.
C) Bit 38 is not returned for approved transactions, whereas it typically is in LIVE responses.
D) The response will consistently come back within 2 seconds.
Training and Test modes were not designed to be used for advanced testing of Merchant
Systems. The Bank's development system should be used for this. It was provided to assist in
the early stages of systems integration and debugging. For example, Training and Test
Modes don't handle reversals or reconciliation requests.
When the Success Rate registry value is set to 0, if the card number ends in an even digit (eg
0, 2, 4…) the transaction will be TEST APPROVED. If the card number ends in an odd digit
(eg 1, 3, 5 …) the cents portion of the amount determines the emulated response code 39.
For example, $1.05 will return response code 05. The following cent portion values return non
numeric response codes:
85 Q5
86 Z2
87 Z3
88 NO
89 N7

A cents portion value of 99 will emulate non-response from the Bank.

Also, the last digit of the amount is also used to determine the DE47, Additional Data,
response for emulated declined transactions:
Otherwise CCVN\

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5. Traceability, Logging and Anomalies

5.1 CardGate Record Of Transaction Log

CardGate keeps a Record Of Transaction (ROT) log file of all bank responses and CardGate
error responses for rejected requests for batch files. Record of Transaction files are also
optionally written for sockets connections (as flagged in the terminal.txt configuration file) (this
is highly recommended).
Each of these log records has the Merchant Application's originating source id/sequence
number and Merchant Application's originating reference text appended.
The bank traces transactions by way of the Systems Trace Audit Number (STAN) and the
Card Acquirer Terminal ID (CATID) pair. These numbers are assigned by CardGate to each
request sent to the bank.
Transactions can be traced through the system from the Merchant Application's end by using
the reference text (typically a customer or invoice number) and matching it in the Record Of
Transaction log to the assigned CATID and STAN. Conversely, given a transaction from the
bank side, using the CATID and STAN, one can trace this back to the originating request.

5.2 Monitor Log

CardGate optionally maintains a local time stamped log file of high level transactional details.
It is a standard ASCII text file that can be viewed with the Windows Notepad text editor. This
log file is "MONITOR_YYYYMMDD.TXT" (where YYYYMMDD represents the date).
It is recommended that this logging facility be enabled as it proves most useful in tracking
down production issues. To enable it, you set the registry value “Debug Log” to 1.
Each line in the log is time stamped and represents an activity of note. Here is a typical line:
04/04/2005 13:00:49.653 Tx(0100,23000001,000011,00,test)

The activities logged are:

Meaning Template
Message sent to host Tx(MessageType,CATID,STAN,00,Comment)
Message received from host Tx(MessageType,CATID,STAN,ResponseCode,Comment)
Acknowledgement from Ak(Type,CATID,STAN,Comment)
Merchant Application Where type = CONF, CONFE, VOID, VOIDE, NONE, LATE,

CONF – Confirm command received okay

CONFE – Enhance Confirm command received okay
VOID – Void command received
VOIDE – Enhance Void command received
NONE - acknowledgement NOT been received from the
merchant application within 30 seconds
LATE – Confirm command received too late,
transaction has been reversed
BADSTAN – STAN in confirm command not found.
Terminal busy, cannot send Busy(CAIC,Comment)
accept transaction request Eg:
Busy(3110000620000, DEV)
Simulated Message to host ST(MessageType,CATID,STAN,00,Comment)

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Simulated Message received SR(MessageType,CATID,STAN,ResponseCode,Comment)
Message could not be WA(slot,CATID,STAN,Comment)
transmitted as waiting on
ACK from communications
Connected state Disconnected
Connected state Connect
Data Carrier Detect DCD Down
Data Carrier Detect DCD Up
Reset Modem ResetModem
Asserting Data Terminal Assert DTR/RTS
Ready/Request To Send pins
on communications port
Update command issued and Global(Hold,Update Cmd)
have held all terminals
(return Busy!)
Update command completed and Global(Release,Update Cmd)
have released all terminals
Hold command issued Global(Hold,Hold Cmd)
Release command issued Global(Release,Release Cmd)
Hold all terminals (return Global(Hold,Write Fault)
Busy!) as could not write
out to any Record Of
Transaction files
Confirm CONF

The monitor log proves to be most useful for tracking issues. A number of examples are
provided below in tracking various scenarios.
Normal pre-authorisaton transaction sequence. You can determine turnaraound time for
host response, the transaction was declined with response code 56:
04/04/2005 13:00:49.653 Tx(0100,23000001,000011,00,test)
04/04/2005 13:00:59.267 Rx(0110,23000001,000011,56,test)
04/04/2005 13:00:59.397 Ak(CONF,23000001,000011,test)

Normal financial transaction sequence.

04/04/2005 16:20:24.407 Tx(0200,23000001,000014,00,TEST)
04/04/2005 16:20:25.599 Rx(0210,23000001,000014,56,TEST)
04/04/2005 16:20:25.719 Ak(CONF,23000001,000014,TEST)

Communications adapter going offline and then back on:

04/04/2005 12:10:27.648 DCD Down
04/04/2005 12:10:27.658 Disconnected
04/04/2005 12:14:25.660 DCD Up
04/04/2005 12:14:25.670 Connect
04/04/2005 12:25:13.712 DCD Down
04/04/2005 12:25:13.712 Disconnected
04/04/2005 12:25:45.297 DCD Up
04/04/2005 12:25:45.297 Connect

No bank response after timeout, so reversal request sent and then reversal response
04/04/2005 12:56:59.402 Tx(0100,23000001,000142,00,test)
04/04/2005 12:57:27.442 Tx(0420,23000001,000142,01,test)
04/04/2005 12:57:57.496 Tx(0421,23000001,000142,02,test)
04/04/2005 12:57:59.198 Rx(0430,23000001,000142,21,test)

No bank response at all, so reversal request sent followed by multiple reversal

request repeats:
04/04/2005 16:24:07.207 Tx(0200,23000001,000015,00,test)
04/04/2005 16:24:37.371 Tx(0420,23000001,000015,01,test)
04/04/2005 16:25:07.414 Tx(0421,23000001,000015,02,test)

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04/04/2005 16:25:37.457 Tx(0421,23000001,000015,03,test)
04/04/2005 16:26:07.490 Tx(0421,23000001,000015,04,test)
04/04/2005 16:26:37.524 Tx(0421,23000001,000015,05,test)
04/04/2005 16:27:07.587 Tx(0421,23000001,000015,06,test)
04/04/2005 16:27:37.620 Tx(0421,23000001,000015,07,test)
04/04/2005 16:28:07.653 Tx(0421,23000001,000015,08,test)
04/04/2005 16:28:37.696 Tx(0421,23000001,000015,09,test)
04/04/2005 16:29:07.750 Tx(0421,23000001,000015,10,test)
04/04/2005 16:29:37.793 Tx(0421,23000001,000015,11,test)
04/04/2005 16:34:38.255 Tx(0421,23000001,000015,12,test)
04/04/2005 16:39:38.657 Tx(0421,23000001,000015,13,test)
04/04/2005 16:44:39.079 Tx(0421,23000001,000015,14,test)
04/04/2005 16:49:39.521 Tx(0421,23000001,000015,15,test)
04/04/2005 16:54:39.943 Tx(0421,23000001,000015,16,test)
04/04/2005 16:59:40.385 Tx(0421,23000001,000015,17,test)

Ran out of available virtual terminsl as indicated by Busy()

15/03/2005 17:38:14.629 Tx(0200,23000001,000025,00,test)
15/03/2005 17:38:14.629 Busy(311000062000000,test)
15/03/2005 17:38:16.912 Rx(0210,23000001,000025,00,test)
15/03/2005 17:38:16.972 Ak(CONF,23000001,000025,test)

Normal transaction sequence, but no acknowledgement received from the merchant

application as indicated by Ak(NONE…. This leads to a reversal request being raised.
In this case, it is an “Approved Reversal” (funds taken, then reversal):
05/04/2005 02:14:13.544 Tx(0200,23000001,073444,00,test)
05/04/2005 02:14:20.564 Rx(0210,23000001,073444,00,test)
05/04/2005 02:14:46.281 Ak(NONE,23000001,073444,test)
05/04/2005 02:14:46.321 Tx(0420,23000001,073444,00,test)
05/04/2005 02:14:50.888 Rx(0430, 23000001,073444,00,test)

5.2 Monitor Log via Socket Stream

As well as optionally writing to the monitor log file, CardGate Version 4 will write the monitor
log output to socket clients (eg telnet terminal such as Windows Hyperterminal) that have
connected to the CardGate monitor TCP/IP port. The monitor port is the listen port configured
in the registry plus one. As the default listen port is 4000, then the default monitor port is
This enables one to remotely view the real-time status of transactions by simply “telnetting” to
port 4001 (say). An example command line to run a telnet session to do this is:
telnet 4001

5.4 Socket Request Log

CardGate optionally maintains a local time stamped log file of all sockets requests to aid
tracking of online transactions. It is a standard ASCII text file that can be viewed with the
Windows Notepad text editor. This log file is "ONLINE_YYYYMMDD.TXT" (where
YYYYMMDD represents the date).
This logging facility should normally only be enabled during integration testing phases of the
implementation and is disabled by default. To enable it, you set the registry value “Online
Log” to 1.
The example below shows a typical sockets transaction - at 14:31:43 CardGate received a
Financial request from the Merchant Application. At 14:31:44, CardGate passed on the Bank
response to the Merchant Application. At 14:31:45, the Merchant Application sent a Confirm
positive acknowledgment response.
13/11/1997 14:31:43.310 6000006E O/L Rx 021 037462
F 311000062320900 JVD9MVC44BS12GTX00LHR40S11 S
4532667109000088 500 9912
13/11/1997 14:31:44.401 6000006F O/L Tx 000=0210
003=003000 004=000000000500 011=048268 012=143048 013=1113
015=0225 039=05 041=82320905 042=311000062320900

CardGateV6-TM.001.doc Commercial-in-confidence Issue 1 - Page 50 of 71

900=021 901=037462 902=JVD9MVC44BS12GTX00LHR40S11
910=Do not honour

13/11/1997 14:31:45.403 6000006E O/L Rx 021 037462

C 311000062320900 82320905
It is highly recommended that this log be disabled in full production as it:
a) contains card numbers in the clear
b) slows down processing
c) grows quickly

5.5 Host Communications Log

CardGate optionally maintains a local time stamped log file of all communications to and from
the host computer. It is a standard ASCII text file that can be viewed with the Windows
Notepad text editor. This log file is "COMMS_YYYYMMDD.TXT" (where YYYYMMDD
represents the date).
This logging facility should normally only be enabled during integration testing phases of the
implementation and is disabled by default. To enable it, you set the registry value “Comms
Log” to 1.
Note that three lines are printed for each buffer dump: the first line is the time stamp, the
second the hexadecimal value of each character and the third line the ASCII representation of
each character.
The example below shows a transaction - at 14:31:43 CardGate sent an 0200 Financial
request message to the host. At 14:31:44, CardGate received an 0210 Financial response
message fromt the host.
13/11/1997 14:31:43.430 60000065 Tx 60 bytes

. . p $ . . . . . . . E 2 $ q . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . 8 2 3 2 0 9 0 6 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 6 2 3 2 0 9 0 0 .

13/11/1997 14:31:44.291 60000064 Rx 1 bytes

13/11/1997 14:31:44.381 60000064 Rx 59 bytes

. . . . . . 0 : . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . h . 0 H . .
. % 0 5 8 2 3 2 0 9 0 5 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 6 2 3 2 0 9 0 0 .
It is recommended that this log be disabled in full production as it:
d) contains card numbers in the clear
e) slows down processing
f) grows quickly

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5.6 Event Logging
CardGate makes extensive use of Windows NT Event logging to log application level errors.
Event Logging provides a standard, centralized way for applications (and the operating
system) to record important software and hardware events. It also supplies a standard user
interface for viewing the logs and a programming interface for examining the logs.
The Event viewer is found under the following NT menu structure:
Start:Programs:Administrative Tools(common):Event Viewer.
The Event viewer should be utilised whenever there are problems to be traced. A list of
response codes generated by CardGate is provided in Appendix B. Note that CardGate only
puts "system" and "data error" errors to the NT event log. The following error codes are NOT
logged :

The NT event will provide the following information:

- Time and date of event.
- Source of the event. This is "CardGate" for CardGate generated events.
- Event id. This corresponds to either a CardGate response code or an operating system
error code, eg event id 13 is INF_STARTUP.
- Description. For CardGate response codes, this will contain the corresponding response
description as given in Appendix B. It will also give the name of the function that in which
the event was generated, eg "Application starting! InitCG() Win NT".
- Data. Certain events will display binary data that corresponds to important information
that will help resolve the anomaly. Typically the event description will contain the text
"Data is …" to indicate what the binary data represents, eg "Data is rx buffer" indicates
that the contents of the communications receive buffer is displayed.

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5.7 Typical Anomalies

5.6.1 Event ID 7 and ID 37

Event ID 7 (ERR_SLOT_CLASH) " Virtual Terminal was found to be NOT in use.
ActOnFrame() - Frame received has problem. Data is rx buffer (incl TPDU): "
Event ID 37 (ERR_MSG_TYPE_BAD) "Message Type Identifier unexpected! ActOnFrame() -
Frame received has problem. Date is rx buffer (incl TPDU):"
These events indicate that an unexpected response has been received. Typically this is due
to the host being slow to respond, as shown in the following examples:
Tx Rx
0210  Event ID 7 error - rejected and never seen by Merchant Application
0430  Event ID 7 error - rejected and never seen by Merchant Application

0200 #1
0420 #1
0421 #1
0430 #1
0200 #2
0210 #1  Event ID 37 error - rejected and never seen by Merchant
0210 #2

5.7.2 Event ID 24
Event ID 24 (ERR_STUCK_TRANSACTION) "Stuck transaction being cleared from system!
This event indicates that the 30 minute time out period has expired without a response from
the host for a transaction. This is termed a "STUCK TRANSACTION" and the details should
be reported to the Bank, ESPECIALLY for 0221 Financial Capture Advice.

5.7.3 Event ID 34
Event ID 34 (ERR_TPDU_BAD) "Bad TPDU header! Data is rx buffer"

This event indicates that garbage has been received on the communications line. CardGate
will recover if it is not received during a transaction.

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6. User Interface
CardGate's user interface consists of two windows
- the graphical "state view" which shows the state of the application, and,
- the textual "console view", which show events as they happen on a time basis.

6.1 State View

The state view provides a method of viewing the real-time activity on the first eight virtual
terminals (as defined in the terminalv4.txt file). For each terminal, the CATID, state of the
protocol, the count down timer, retry count and comment is displayed.
The View:Terminal menu option allows the transaction details of a specified terminal to be
The state view also shows the number of messages sent to, and received from, the host. In
the ideal situation, the host messages sent will equal the number of messages received.
An open socket count is also displayed for client, monitor and host (not implemented)

6.2 Console View

The console view provides a simple textual log of events as they occur. This provides a
means of tracking activity in real time which proves to be useful in production as well as
during integration testing.

7. Support provides 24 hour x 7 days per week telephone support via (03) 9582 7099. For
non-urgent problem rectification, email
The Bank provides 24 hour help desk to support COMMLINK and communications related
issues only (ie anything past the computer). Telephone 1800 022 966 and have your
Merchant ID (CAIC) or Terminal Number (CATID) ready.
Daily reconciliation reports, report number CM5070, can be ordered from the Bank by
phoning Merchant Enquiries on 1800 230 177. This report contains the STAN and truncated
credit card numbers for each transaction.

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8. Revision History
Issue Date By Comments
1 20/09/13 HR Copied Issue 4 (28/02/13) of CardGatev5-TM.
Updated to meet with CBA Commlink v2.35 and CardGatev6

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Appendix A. COMMLINK Response Codes
The Merchant Application should only accept a financial transaction if the response code
returned is '00'.
Code Description Response Text
00 Transaction approved APPROVAL CODE auth no
01 Phone card issuer PLEASE CALL ISSUER
03 Phone the Authorisation Referral Centre ERROR - S/E NUMBER
05 Credit transaction is not allowed DO NOT HONOUR
12 Invalid Transaction - declined ERROR-INVLD TRAN
13 The Transaction Amount is invalid ERROR-INVLD AMOUNT
14 The Card Number is invalid ERROR-INVLD CARD
19 Enter the Transactin again RE-ENTER TRANSACTION
21 No Action is taken for this transaction no message...
25 The Terminal is not Active or Able ERROR-TERM. INACTIVE
30 The message contains invalid Data ERROR-INVLD FORMAT
31 The Card is not accepted by the ERROR - N S
39 No credit Account attached to Card NO CREDIT ACCOUNT
51 Not sufficient Funds in the Account DECLINED
54 The Card has Expired EXPIRED CARD
56 No record exists for this Card NO CARD RECORD
57 The transaction is not permitted for the Card TRANS NOT PERMITTED
58 The transaction is not allowed at the terminal TRANS NOT ALLOWED
61 The withdrawal limit has been exceeded LIMIT EXCEEDED
76 An incorrect descriptor has been entered ERROR - DESCRIPTOR
91 The Host is currently unavailable - try later ERROR - HOST UNAVAIL.
94 The Sequence Number is incorrect or the ERROR - SEQUENCE NO
transaction is out of sequence
95 The Reconciliation Totals have not matched No message...
97 Reconciliation Totals have been reset No message...
N0 CSC not provided – credit transaction is not DO NO HONOUR
N7 Decline for CVV2 failure (for Visa cards only) DO NO HONOUR
Q5 Already settled - can't settle twice in a day SYSTEM ALREADY SETTLED
Z2 The transaction has already been reversed No message…
Z3 Transaction amount is greater than authorised AMOUNT TOO LARGE

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Appendix B. CardGate Response Codes

Status Code Response Text Severity

(Field 903) (Field 904)
1 Software error trap #0! ERR
2 Software error trap #1! ERR
3 Too long! ERR
4 Not numeric! ERR
5 Invalid! ERR
6 Busy! INF
7 Virtual Terminal was found to be NOT in use. ERR
8 Date invalid! INF
9 Reversal requested from Payment Application. RET
10 Acknowledgement received from Payment RET
11 Must be in ONLINE mode, not Batch! ERR
12 Refunds and Voids barred! ERR
13 Application starting! INF
14 Unable to unlock using key! ERR
15 Not found! ERR
16 Application closing! INF
20 Card number invalid! INF
21 Expiry date exceeded! INF
22 Command Code invalid! ERR
23 Sticky transaction, possibly stuck! ERR
24 Stuck transaction being cleared from system! ERR
25 Reversal pending! ERR
26 Reversal! ERR
27 Missing field or paramet ERR
28 Warning Bulletin Alert! INF
29 No Warning Bulletin! INF
30 Timeout! ERR
31 Bad frame! ERR
32 Unexpected! ERR
33 Communications error! ERR
34 Bad TPDU header! ERR
35 CATID unexpected! ERR
36 CAIC unexpected! ERR
37 Command Code Identifier unexpected! ERR
38 Processing Code unexpected! ERR
39 Amount unexpected! ERR
40 INI File/Registry parameter of bad type! ERR
41 INI File/Registry parameter out of range! ERR
42 Sockets error! ERR
50 Requested CAIC not installed! ERR
51 STAN not found! ERR
52 Sequence number too low! INF
53 Sequence number not found! ERR

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100 Rx Frame INF
101 Tx Frame INF
110 Rx Online Rec INF
111 Tx Online Rec INF
120 Wait aborted! INF
121 Wait timed out! INF

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Appendix C. Version Differences

C.1 Version 5 differences

Version 5 adds a number of improvements. For full details refer to the version history file

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Appendix D. Sample Reference Visual Basic Client
' R288C - CardGate Example Client Application (Written in VB5)
' Connects to UMD Server/ CardGate using sockets.
' Operator inputs Reference, Card Number, Expiry date and amount
' then waits for response from CardGate.
' Note that this application is a reference example only,
' requires production facilities such as configuration parameters.
' Version History
' 11/07/97 - HR
' - Created
' 14/07/97 - HR
' - Form_Load() now sets up registry keys BEFORE connecting
' 04/03/98 - HR
' - Confirm command now matches V2.17 CardGate
' - Now confirms 0530 messages as well as 0210

Dim gstrClientID, gstrCAIC, gstrSeqNr As String

Dim gTransactionState As Integer

' Constants used by gTransactionState

Const tsIdle = 0
Const tsRequest = 1
Const tsAcking = 2
Const tsReversing = 3
Const tsCompleted = 4

Private Sub Form_Load()

' The name of the Winsock control is Winsock1.
' Note: to specify a remote host, you can use either the IP address (ex:
' or the computer's "friendly" name
Dim strEntry As String
Dim rc, intEntry As Integer

' Get registry settings for this session

gstrClientID = GetSetting("UMD", "UMDR288C", "Client ID", "000")

' Having a Client ID of 0 implies that this is a new installation

' so set up the registry with new keys
If (gstrClientID = 0) Then
SaveSetting "UMD", "UMDR288C", "Seq Nr", 1
SaveSetting "UMD", "UMDR288C", "Client ID", "001"
SaveSetting "UMD", "UMDR288C", "CAIC", "000000000000000"
SaveSetting "UMD", "UMDR288C", "Remote Host", ""
SaveSetting "UMD", "UMDR288C", "Remote Port", 4000
rc = MsgBox("Have set up default Registry keys", vbOKOnly, "UMD CardGate
End If

gstrCAIC = GetSetting("UMD", "UMDR288C", "CAIC", "ERR NOT DEFINED")

gTransactionState = tsIdle

' Get host/port details for socket communications

' eg ""
Winsock1.RemoteHost = GetSetting("UMD", "UMDR288C", _
"Remote Host", "")
Winsock1.RemotePort = GetSetting("UMD", "UMDR288C", _
"Remote Port", "4000")
TextIP.Text = Winsock1.LocalIP ' display who we are

TextStatus.Text = Winsock1.State

End Sub

Private Sub Winsock1_Connect()

' Winsock Connect event action
TextStatus.Text = "Connected"
End Sub

Private Sub SubmitButton_Click()

CardGateV6-TM.001.doc Commercial-in-confidence Issue 1 - Page 60 of 71

' Submits the request
' ie operator has clicked submit button after filling out all fields
Dim strRequest As String
Dim SeqNr As Long
Dim rc As Integer

TextStatus.Text = Winsock1.State
If (Winsock1.State = sckConnected) Then
' Stop sending another transaction unless the last was completed
If (gTransactionState <> tsCompleted) And (gTransactionState <> tsIdle) Then
rc = MsgBox("Last transaction not complete. Wait!", _
vbOKOnly + vbInformation, _
" CardGate Client Error")
Exit Sub
End If

TextResponse.Text = ""
TextMessage.Text = ""

' Get unique sequence number from registry and bump and save back
SeqNr = GetSetting("UMD", "UMDR288C", "Seq Nr")
gstrSeqNr = Format(SeqNr, "000000") ' eg convert SeqNr to "nnnnnn"

SeqNr = SeqNr + 1
If SeqNr > 999999 Then SeqNr = 1
SaveSetting "UMD", "UMDR288C", "Seq Nr", SeqNr

' Build request record - "F" for financial transaction, "S" for sale
strRequest = gstrClientID & vbTab & _
gstrSeqNr & vbTab & _
"F" & vbTab & _
gstrCAIC & vbTab & _
TextRef.Text & vbTab & _
"S" & vbTab & _
TextPAN.Text & vbTab & _
TextAmount.Text & vbTab & _
TextExpDate.Text & vbCr

' Send request to CardGate

gTransactionState = tsRequest
Winsock1.SendData strRequest

Else ' could not submit - display error

rc = MsgBox("Could not submit request. WSAState=" & Winsock1.State, _
vbOKOnly + vbCritical, _
" CardGate Client Error")
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Winsock1_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)

' Winsock DataArrival event action.
' We have recieved a response from CardGate
Dim strData As String
Dim strField As String
Dim strCATID As String
Dim rc, State As Integer

TextStatus.Text = "Response received"

Winsock1.GetData strData, vbString
TextResponse.Text = strData

' Display CardGate error message or CBA suggested response text

If ParseROT(strField, strData, 904) Then
TextMessage.Text = strField ' Display CardGate error text
' See if this is a "Reversal Pending!" response from CardGate.
' If it is, then this means that we now await the Reversal response
If ParseROT(strField, strData, 903) Then
If StrComp(strField, "25") = 0 Then
gTransactionState = tsReversing
Exit Sub
End If
End If

GoTo TransCompleted ' as no need to acknowledge CardGate


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If ParseROT(strField, strData, 910) Then '910=CBA suggested response
If strField = "" Then strField = "Blank CBA message"
TextMessage.Text = strField ' Display CBA suggested response
Else ' No CardGate error text or CBA suggested response
' We should not get this! Is a system error
TextMessage.Text = "No message - system error"
End If
End If

' Was this a 0210 or 530 response? If so, then we need to acknowledge CardGate
' with a "CONFIRM" command that we have successfully received

' To get here, must have had a CBA response, so no field "000" is
' a system error of some sort?
State = 0
If ParseROT(strField, strData, 0) = 0 Then GoTo SanityFail

' We have a CBA Message - extract Message Type

If (StrComp(strField, "0210") <> 0) And _
(StrComp(strField, "0530") <> 0) Then GoTo TransCompleted

' We have a 0210/0530 response - respond with 'C' Confirm command

' but some sanity checks first

' Sanity check 1 - does ClientID match that sent?

State = 1
If ParseROT(strField, strData, 900) = 0 Then GoTo SanityFail
State = 2
If StrComp(strField, gstrClientID) <> 0 Then GoTo SanityFail

' Sanity check 2 - does SeqNr match that sent?

State = 3
If ParseROT(strField, strData, 901) = 0 Then GoTo SanityFail
State = 4
If StrComp(strField, gstrSeqNr) <> 0 Then GoTo SanityFail

' Sanity check 3 - have we got a CATID?

State = 5
If ParseROT(strCATID, strData, 41) = 0 Then
rc = MsgBox("SEE SUPERVISOR - RESPONSE NOT FOR ME! State=" & State, _
vbOKOnly + vbCritical, " CardGate Client Error")
gTransactionState = tsCompleted
TextStatus.Text = "Completed"
Exit Sub
End If

' Okay - passed sanity checks - send 'C' command

If (Winsock1.State = sckConnected) Then
gTransactionState = tsAcking ' Indicate waiting on ACK to complete
Winsock1.SendData gstrClientID & vbTab & _
gstrSeqNr & vbTab & _
"C" & vbTab & _
gstrCAIC & vbTab & _
strCATID & vbCr
Else ' Problem! Could not acknowledge 0210 - BEWARE this means that
' the 210 message will be reversed...
Winsock1.State, _
vbOKOnly + vbCritical, " CardGate Client Error")

End If
End Sub

Private Sub Winsock1_SendComplete()

' Winsock SendComplete event action.
' This either means
' a) Financial Request was sent okay
' b) An ACK to a Financial Response was sent okay
' c) A VOID command was sent okay
' Display status of transaction to operator
If (gTransactionState = tsRequest) Or _
(gTransactionState = tsReversing) Then
TextStatus.Text = "Waiting for response..."
ElseIf gTransactionState = tsAcking Then

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TextStatus.Text = "Completed" ' ACK sent ok!
gTransactionState = tsCompleted
TextStatus.Text = "Send completed..." ' confusion here!
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Winsock1_Error(ByVal Number As Integer, Description As String, ByVal Scode

As Long, ByVal Source As String, ByVal HelpFile As String, ByVal HelpContext As Long,
CancelDisplay As Boolean)
' Winsock Error event action
TextStatus.Text = "Err:" & Description
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)

End Sub

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Appendix F. Optus/TNS Configuration
After May 2005, the Bank will have phased out their Enterprise Network Gateway service for
leased line access to their COMMLINK host. In its place is the Optus/Transaction Network
Services (TNS) secure VPN solution which uses TCP/IP with an ADSL service over a PSTN
line. The ADSL connection, router and Managed Terminal Adapter ("MTA") will be provided
by Optus, with the merchant providing the telephone line.
The MTA connects to the Optus managed router via Ethernet and the CardGate PC connects
to the MTA using it's serial port. This means that you will not need to install a router/firewall in
front of the ADSL router as there is no practical connection between your TCP/IP network and
the ADSL VPN solution.
It is suggested that CardGate be started with a command line parameter that reflects the
mode of communication, eg
cardgate TNS
This would use registry sub-key:

F.1 CardGate Registry Settings

The following are the CardGate registry settings that need to be set for connection to the
Optus/TNS solution:
Value name Type Default SET TO
Line Mode 0 DWORD 0 5
5 = Asynchronous Block Protocol (ABP) wrapping Transport Protocol Data Unit (TPDU)
…..- used by Optus/TNS Solution via MTA serial port

Value name Type Default SET TO

Comms Port string "COM2" As appropriate
When Line Mode 0 = 1 to 5, it indicates which communications port to use for the connection.

Value name Type Default SET TO

Comms Mode string "9600,N,8,2" "9600,N,8,2"
When Line Mode 0 = 1 to 5 this string is used as the mode command to configure the
communications port indicated in Comms Port.

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Appendix G. Telstra Argent Configuration
The CardGate Payment Gateway can also connect to Telstra’s Argent® service.
The Argent Terminal Adapter (ATA) connects to the Telstra managed network and the
CardGate PC connects to the ATA using it's serial port.
It is suggested that CardGate be started with a command line parameter that reflects the
mode of communication, eg
cardgate Argent.
This would use registry sub-key:

G.1 CardGate Registry Settings

The following are the CardGate registry settings that need to be set for connection to the
Telstra/Argent® solution:
Value name Type Default SET TO
Line Mode 0 DWORD 0 4
4 = Asynchronous Block Protocol (ABP) wrapping Connectionless Network Protocol (CLNP)
- used by Telstra Argent®

Value name Type Default SET TO

Comms Port string "COM2" As appropriate
When Line Mode 0 = 1 to 5, it indicates which communications port to use for the connection.

Value name Type Default SET TO

Comms Mode string "9600,N,8,2" "9600,N,8,2"
When Line Mode 0 = 1 to 5 this string is used as the mode command to configure the
communications port indicated in Comms Port.

Value name Type Limits default

Telstra Argent® - Network Service Access Point Symbolic Host Address (supplied by the Bank).
Typically supplied as a hexadecimal number, eg hexadecimal 82805100

Value name Type Limits Default

NSAP Terminal Id DWORD 0 .. 0
Telstra Argent® - Network Service Access Point Terminal Identifier (supplied by Telstra, tied to
the Terminal Adapter). Typically supplied as a hexadecimal number, eg hexadecimal 68f6e

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Appendix H. CBA IP@POS Configuration
The CardGate Payment Gateway also connects to CBA’s IP @ POS service which allows
transactions to be conducted over the public internet.

H.1 CBA IP@POS Mandate

CBA is providing a secure direct telco agnostic IP/SSL connection to their new IP@POS

As of February 2013, IP@POS is the Bank preferred channel for COMMLINK traffic:
The Bank is decommissioning all legacy mainframe Front End Processors (FEP’s) which
have been servicing their direct connect X25, Optus/TNS MTA’s and Argent ATA’s customers
for many years. All COMMLINK customers must be migrated to GHL IP/SSL before the
end of April 2013.

H.2 GHL netAccess Payment Router

The Bank will provide a communications appliance, the GHL Systems netAccess L-100 or L-
200 3G Payment Router, to COMMLINK merchants. The GHL connects to the merchant’s
LAN to gain access to the internet and the CardGate server connects to it via its serial port.

H.3 Set up Firewall rules for GHL IP

As the GHL connects to the public internet, it should sit behind the merchant’s firewall. Here
are the firewall rules that need to be implemented:
Rule#1 - Allow <GHL DHCP IP address or subnet> to using TCP 5222
(Note: The GHL device will periodically contact the GHL Management Console, notifying it’s status)

Rule#2 - Allow <GHL DHCP IP address or subnet > to NTP Primary
( using UDP 123

Rule#3 - Allow <GHL DHCP IP address or subnet > to NTP Secondary
( using UDP 123

Rule#4 - Allow <GHL DHCP IP address or subnet > to Google DNS,, and using

Rule#5 - Allow <GHL DHCP IP address or subnet > to using TCP

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H.4 CardGate Registry Settings
It is suggested that CardGate be started with a command line parameter that reflects the
mode of communication, eg
cardgate IP@POS
CardGate would then use registry sub-key:
The following are the CardGate registry settings that need to be set for connection to the
Bank’s IP @ POS solution:
Value name Type Default SET TO
Line Mode 0 DWORD 0 4
4 = Asynchronous Block Protocol (ABP) wrapping Connectionless Network Protocol (CLNP)
- used by Telstra Argent® and CBA IP@POS

Value name Type Default SET TO

Comms Port string "COM2" As appropriate
When Line Mode 0 = 1 to 5, it indicates which communications port to use for the connection.

Value name Type Default SET TO

Comms Mode string "9600,N,8,2" "9600,N,8,2"
When Line Mode 0 = 1 to 5 this string is used as the mode command to configure the
communications port indicated in Comms Port.

Value name Type Limits SET TO

NSAP SHA DWORD 0 .. 82805100
Network Service Access Point Symbolic Host Address (supplied by the Bank).

Value name Type Limits Default

NSAP Terminal Id DWORD 0 .. 0
Network Service Access Point Terminal. This is ignored by the GHL.

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H.3 GHL Device Setup

General Setup
- Connect the GHL ETH Ethernet port to your LAN
- Connect the GHL Serial Port 3 (located above the ETH port) using the supplied serial
cable to your Cardgate server’s serial port as selected in the “Comms Port” registry value
- If you were supplied with a 3G mobile SIM (held in the SIM1 position located at the front
of the GHL), and you do not intend to use 3G mobile communications fallback should
your LAN connection fail, simply remove the SIM. Note: DO NOT remove SIM 2 from the
back of the GHL!
- Connect power to the GHL

How to setup the GHL with a static IP

By default, the GHL uses DHCP. Should you want to configure it to have a static IP address,
follow this section:
1. Change the IP address of your PC to \
2. Temporarily connect a 'cross-over' Ethernet cable between your PC's
Ethernet port and the ETH port on the GHL unit (Note: If you don't have a
'cross-over' Ethernet cable connect both the GHL Unit and the PC to the
same Ethernet hub or switch)
3. Open a web browser on your PC then browse to http:\\ (Note: This
is the secondary IP address of the device which is only used for configuration
4. Enter the system password. This must be obtained from
support by telephoning (03) 9582 7099.
5. Go to the 'System Tools' tab then set the Primary IP/Subnet Mask and
Gateway as per your static IP address requirements.
6. Click 'Set'.
7. Click 'Restart netRouter'.
8. Remove cross-over cable then plug the GHL ETH port directly into your
Ethernet LAN, i.e.
COMMLINK/Cardgate Server (COM Port) <-> GHL Serial Port (ie. port
above ETH) <-> GHL ETH Port to Ethernet LAN <-> Ethernet LAN to
ISP/Firewall <-> CBA IP@POS.
9. Power off the device and then back on

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10. OPTIONAL – how do I validate the firewall rules and GHL connectivity?
From a PC on GHL’s Ethernet LAN segment, logon to the GHL at http://<GHL
static primary ip> or the secondary interface on, and browse
System Tools > Test > Ping
Enter a public internet address such as

You can also test connectivity to the CBA IP@POS host by browsing to
System Tools > Test > Connect Test
and entering (ie port

You could also try, from a PC on the LAN segment:

telnet 9001
or telnet 9001
in order to confirm that the GHL can connect through your firewall to our CBA
IP@POS host.

11. OPTIONAL - How do I validate the static IP address?

From a PC on GHL’s Ethernet LAN segment, at the 'Start -> Run -> cmd'
command prompt type 'ping <GHL static primary ip> -t'. Where the static
address is what was entered in step5.

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Appendix I. Configuring Windows

I.1 Starting CardGate without logging on

To enable auto logging on, edit the registry using REGEDIT.EXE or REGEDT32 programs.
Edit registry sub-key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current
Version\WinLogon" setting:
AutoAdminLogon: "1"
DefaultDomainName: domain
DefaultUserName: username
DefaultPassword: password
DontDisplayLastUserName : "0"

CardGateV6-TM.001.doc Commercial-in-confidence Issue 1 - Page 70 of 71

Appendix J. Upgrading from Version 4 to 5
The following provides a suggested upgrade path from Version 4 to 5. Other methods and
sequences can readily be envisaged. Please call for advice!

J.1 Set up directory

If you are upgrading CardGate Version 4 to 5 on the same machine, it is suggested that a
new directory be created “c:\Program Files\CardGateV5”. Copy the contents of the archive into it.

J.2 Update the Terminal Definition File

Copy the terminal definition file “terminalv4.txt” from your current CardGate installation in the
new directory. Edit it, copying its contents into the clipboard. Next, open terminalv4-sample.txt
in your text editor and paste the clipboard contents at the bottom of the file. Save the file as
“terminalv4.txt”. This is your new terminal definition file. [It is suggested that you go through
this process so that you incorporate the flag definition comments from the sample terminal
Next, enhance each terminal definition line with comments and refund/sale limits (even if you
will not be enabling this new feature). Enable the new Version 5 features that you want by
way of the flags field. For example:


311000062000000 23000001 85765 112
New terminal definition:
311000062000000 23000001 85765 112020010001 samplemerch 300000

J.3 Transfer state file

Once you are ready to go live, copy the “state.dat” from the old installation to the new. This is
important as it file holds the highest Systems Trace Audit Number (STAN) for each terminal. If
the STAN’s are too low, the Bank host will not respond to transaction requests.

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