Does The Online Card Payment Landscape Unwittingly Facilitate Fraud?

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The paper discusses how differences in security implementations across online merchants can enable distributed guessing attacks to generate valid payment credentials. It also notes the increasing rates of online fraud compared to overall online sales growth.

The distributed guessing attack allows an attacker to successively generate each field of a valid payment credential (e.g card number, expiration date, CVV) by exploiting differences in what fields are validated across multiple merchant payment sites.

Security measures employed by online merchants discussed in the paper include checking only the card number and expiration date, to fully-fledged centralised bank security mechanisms like 3D Secure that validate additional fields.

Ali MA, Arief B, Emms M, van Moorsel A.

Does The Online Card Payment Landscape Unwittingly Facilitate Fraud?

IEEE Security & Privacy 2017. In Press.

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Does The Online Card Payment Landscape

Unwittingly Facilitate Fraud?
Mohammed Aamir Ali, Budi Arief, Martin Emms, and Aad van Moorsel

AbstractThis article provides an extensive study of the

current practice of online payment using credit and debit cards,
and the intrinsic security challenges caused by the differences in
how payment sites operate. We investigated the Alexa top-400
online merchants payment sites, and realised that the current
landscape facilitates a distributed guessing attack. This attack
subverts the payment functionality from its intended purpose of
validating card details, into helping the attackers to generate all
security data fields required to make online transactions. We will
show that this attack would not be practical if all payment sites
performed the same security checks. As part of our responsible
disclosure measure, we notified a selection of payment sites about
our findings, and we report on their responses. We will discuss
potential solutions to the problem and the practical difficulty to
implement these, given the varying technical and business
concerns of the involved parties.
Keywordssecurity; online payment; distributed
fraudulent transactions; survey; ethical disclosure.



ards are the de facto means of paying for online purchases.

However, as the value of online sales has increased, so has
the amount of online fraud. As an example, UK 1 online
sales in 2014 was worth 45 billion, which represents a 16%
growth between 2013 and 2014 [1]. In the same time period, the
value of online fraud in the UK has increased by 33% to 217
million [1]. Online fraud is now the single largest category of
card fraud in the UK, representing 45% of the total value of the
fraud committed against UK credit and debit cards [2].
In this article, we present the online payment landscape in
detail. In particular, we aim to highlight the different manners in
which online payment is performed, and the varying security
measures put in place by online merchants from checking only
the card number and the expiry date, to fully-fledged centralised
bank security mechanisms such as 3D Secure [3][4][5]. There is
a number of questions we would like to address: does the
difference cause a security problem? if it does, how common is
the problem and can it be exploited? how much damage can be
done? and how could it be resolved in the future? To determine
the extent of the problem, we survey the online payment
landscape, creating a mapping of various merchant payment

Sales and fraud statistics from regions other than the UK are less reliable but
indicate the same pattern.

We came to an important observation that the difference in

security solutions of various websites introduces a practically
exploitable vulnerability in the overall payment system. An
attacker can exploit these differences to build a distributed
guessing attack which generates usable card payment details
(card number, expiry date, card verification value, and postal
address) one field at a time. Each generated field can be used in
succession to generate the next field by using a different
merchants website. Moreover, if individual merchants were
trying to improve their security by adding more payment fields
to be verified on their site, they potentially inadvertently weaken
the whole system by creating an opportunity to guess the value
of another field, as explained later in the article.
We demonstrate the practicability of exploiting the
vulnerabilities with software that implements the distributed
guessing attack. We will show that the potential impact of these
vulnerabilities is substantial because the card details generated
by this distributed attack can be used to transfer money from a
victims bank account to an anonymous recipient overseas using
a financial services company such as the Western Union as a
The vulnerabilities described in this article apply to cards
that do not enforce centralised checks across transactions from
different sites. Our experiments were conducted using Visa and
MasterCard only. Whereas MasterCards centralised network
detects the guessing attack after fewer than 10 attempts (even
when those attempts were distributed across multiple websites),
Visas payment ecosystem does not prevent the attack (see
Section VI.D). Because Visa is the most popular payment
network in the world, the discovered vulnerabilities greatly
affect the entire global online payments system.
We also carried out a responsible disclosure exercise with
the payment sites affected by these vulnerabilities. Of the 342
vulnerable websites, we presented our findings to the top-36 of
these sites (in terms of the severity of the vulnerabilities and the
size of their customer base), monitored their responses, and
analysed the changes these websites have implemented to deal
with our disclosure. Several websites, including some of the
largest and most popular websites in the world, changed their
approach to online payment processing after our disclosure, as
we will report later in this article. To protect the affected sites,

we refrain from specifically revealing their names and their

Finally, we discuss potential solutions to the problem. We
will see that the vulnerabilities are systemic and cannot be
protected against in isolation by any individual online merchant
or by the issuing bank through improving their own security
policies. But first, let us look into how current online payment
system operates.
An online payment site uses a customers existing credit or
debit card to transfer funds from the customers bank account
into the merchants bank account. For this to happen, the
customer needs to provide their card information during
checkout. These pieces of information are then passed to the
card issuing bank, who will process the information further
before authorising or rejecting the payment request. This process
involves a number of parties, each with different

payment page of the online merchants website (action A in Fig.

1). The merchant controls which data fields are used to authorise
the payment.
The merchant then passes the card details to their chosen
payment gateway, which provides a service of authorising and
processing the merchants payment request (action B). The
payment gateway, on behalf of the merchant, can also
implement additional security filters at this point (further details
can be found in Section VI.C). The payment gateway then
connects the merchant to the card payment network to request
payment from the customers bank account held at the card
issuing bank. The payment networks (such as Visa and
MasterCard) provide the link between payment gateways and
the thousands of card issuing banks (actions C and D).
The card-issuer holds the customers bank account and
makes the approval of the payment (action E). The issuer
maintains customers card record file, which contains
information such as account balance, customer name, full
address, and other card details not visible to the rest of the
payment network. In the final step, called a settlement, the cardissuing bank subsequently deposits the customers money to the
merchants bank account (actions F, G and H).
B. Payment Card Data Fields
An online payment is a card-not-present credit or debit
card transaction [6]. This implies the merchant cannot physically
verify that the customer actually has the card. The security of
online payment is therefore dependent upon the customer
providing data that only the owner of the card could know.
The payment card industry has developed a Payment Card
Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) [7], which provides
a comprehensive set of rules and controls for the secure handling
and storage of sensitive card data. However, there is no
requirement for the merchant to request all of the data fields
during an online payment authorisation, nor is there a mandatory
requirement for the merchant to implement any of the optional
security filters. Five pieces of information are typically used
when making an online payment:
Cardholder Name: the account holders name as printed on
the card. We found that no website checks that a name
entered is correct.
16-digit Card Number: a unique identifier printed on the
front of the card by the issuing bank. Referred to as the
Primary Account Number (PAN), it links the card to the
customers bank account.
Card Expiry Date: printed or embossed on the front of the
card. The expiry date and the PAN constitute the minimum
set of card authentication data.

Fig. 1. Actions and parties in online payment.

A. Online Payment Process and Parties Involved

Fig. 1 illustrates the actions and parties involved in
processing online payments. The process involves the
customer/cardholder entering their payment card details on the

Card Verification Value (CVV2): a 3-digit number printed

on the reverse side of the card. It is meant to be known only
to the person possessing the card. It should not be stored
electronically anywhere in the payment ecosystem [7].
Cardholder Address: not visible on the card but sometimes
used for payment authorisation purposes. Address
verification is performed only on the numerical values of the
street/house and postcode fields; any alphabetical characters

are ignored. Different websites perform varying levels of

verification on the address fields numerical digits, ranging
from verifying just the numerical digits in the postcode
(partial match), to the complete numerical digits in postcode
plus the door number (full match) [8].
To obtain card details, one can use a web merchants
payment page to guess the data: the merchants reply to a
transaction attempt will state whether the guess was correct or
not. The reason this attack works in practice is due to two
weaknesses, each not too severe on its own, but when used
together present a serious risk to the global payment system.
The first weakness is that in many settings, the current online
payment system does not detect multiple invalid payment
requests on the same card from different websites. Effectively,
this implies that practically unlimited guesses can be made by
distributing the guesses over many websites, even if individual
websites limit the number of attempts.
Secondly, the attack scales well because different web
merchants provide different fields, and therefore allow the
guessing attack to obtain the desired card information one field
at a time. To understand how essential the scaling issue is, we
look at the differences in websites in some more detail. The data
fields that web merchants use can be divided into three

2 fields: PAN + Expiry date (the absolute minimum)

3 fields: PAN + Expiry date + CVV2

4 fields: PAN + Expiry date + CVV2 + Address

Starting with a valid card number (PAN), to guess the expiry

date an attacker can utilise several merchants websites that
check only two fields: the card number and the expiry date. Once
the expiry date is known, the attacker can use it along with the
card number to guess the CVV2 information using another set
of websites that check 3 fields (the card number, the expiry date,
and the CVV2).

digits) is not as straightforward as getting the expiry date or

CVV2 because first, the attacker will need to narrow down the
possible postcodes of the cardholders address. This can be done
by querying the first six digits of a PAN through well-known
online databases such as BinDb [10] and ExactBins [11], which
will reveal the cards brand, issuing bank name, and card type.
Once the issuing bank is known, the attacker can increase the
probability of guessing the right postcode by assuming that the
victim is likely to be registered with one of the branches nearby
this is particularly relevant if the attacker uses NFC skimming
to obtain the PAN and expiry date in the first place (see Section
IV.B). Now, the attacker just needs to start brute force guesses
from a list of issuing bank postcodes for a particular city where
the card details have been skimmed from.
We implemented a set of software tools to carry out the
distributed guessing attack, using the research teams own cards
to verify that it is indeed possible and practical to obtain all the
information of the card. Included are seven Visa cards with a
spread of PAN, expiry date, and CVV2 values. We selected 400
Alexa [12] top rated commercial websites for our investigation.
These include many global websites such as iTunes, Google,
PayPal, and Amazon.
A. Software Tools
The software tools implemented for the experiments consist
of a website bot and automated scripts written in Java Selenium
browser automation framework [13]. All the experiments were
run on Mozilla Firefox web browser. Fig. 2 shows a screenshot
of the website bot, which was used to automate the process of
guessing relevant card information. The bot cycles through the
possible values for each field to find the correct information.

Guessing an expiry date takes at most 60 attempts (banks

typically issue cards that are valid for up to 60 months), and
subsequently, guessing the 3-digit CVV2 takes fewer than 1,000
attempts. Hence, expiry date and CVV2 are guaranteed to be
obtained within 60 + 1,000 = 1,060 guesses. If all merchants
would use three fields and ask for expiry date as well as CVV2,
then it may take as many as 60 x 1,000 = 60,000 attempts. The
difference between 1,060 and 60,000 is the difference between
a quick and practical attack, and a tedious, close to impractical

Fig. 2. Screenshot of the website bot, farming CVV2 from multiple sites.

For many purposes, knowing the PAN, expiry date and

CVV2 is sufficient to use a card online, but for some purchases,
an attacker would also need to obtain address information. To
guess address information, the attacker needs to use websites
that ask for 4 fields. The address field is used in a variety of
manners, based on the Address Verification System (AVS),
which validates the billing address provided by the customer
against the address information stored by the card-issuing bank
[6][8][9]. The process of getting cardholders address for the
countries that have a long postcode (more than 3 numerical

B. Obtaining Card Data

The PAN is the starting point for the generation of all of the
other card data fields. There are at least two known methods of
obtaining valid PANs. Criminals sell bulk lists of card details
online. These lists are considered less valuable when they do not
contain the CVV2; nevertheless, such a list could be used as a
source of PANs from which the expiry date, CVV2 and address
information can be generated. Another method is by exploiting
the contactless feature common in recently issued payment

cards. NFC skimming [14] provides an attacker with the PAN,

the expiry date and in some cases, the cardholders name. It is
also possible to generate PAN using the first six digits of a PAN
and the Luhns algorithm [15] and getting it verified. However,
we did not take this approach because it is crossing the boundary
of ethical researchwe only used our own cards.

these sites to guess the expiry date. 291 sites use three fields,
which one can use for guessing the CVV2, and 25 sites use four
fields, which allows one to guess the postcode of the address.
Finally, of the 389 sites, 47 merchants (i.e. 12%) had
implemented 3D Secure payments (these sites are impervious to
the distributed guessing attack, see Section VI.B).

Once the PAN is known, an attempt to obtain the expiry date

can commence. We note that sometimes the expiry date can be
obtained at the same time as the PAN, for example by using the
NFC skimming method described above. But if that is not
possible, the bot can be used to systematically guess the expiry
date of a given PAN on the websites that do not require CVV2
to be entered. The next step in card data generation involves
getting the cards CVV2. To find the correct CVV2, the bot will
simply need to cycle through the possible values starting from
001 until the payment website blocks further attempts. A
handful of payment sites allowed unlimited attempts while most
of the other payment sites allowed 5, 10 or even 50 attempts to
enter a correct CVV2. In our scenario, we farm out the brute
force guessing attack to tens or even hundreds of payment
systems, which practically means we can carry out unlimited
guesses. The final step generates the cardholders address. An
attacker can exploit the different variants of address verification
system (discussed in Section III) to find the full address of the

There is also a variation in the number of attempts allowed

at each of these sites, ranging from 4, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, or even
unlimited. In Table I, the number of sites that allow certain
number of guesses is shown in the rows, for each type of site (as
represented in the columns). We see that most sites (276) allow
between 6 and 10 attempts, but 6 sites set no limit to the number
of attempts. There were two notable outliers to this observation
in the top-10 highly popular websites, one of which allowed
unlimited attempts to guess the CVV2, while the other required
only the 16-digit card number plus the expiry date.

C. Transferring the Money

Once either two, three, or four fields of the card data have
been obtained, the attacker can use them to purchase goods on a
website. This is damaging enough for the owner of the card, but
we looked at even more impactful attacks. Rather than buying
online goods from an e-commerce website, we created an attack
scenario that uses the card details to open a money transfer
account, sends the money to an anonymous recipient abroad,
where the money is picked up within minutes of issuing the
transfer. The attacker needs to be able to clear the funds before
the issuing bank reverses the payment and thwarts the attack. It
is therefore desirable from the attackers point of view that the
funds are transferred to an account outside the country (because
it is more time consuming and costly to reverse payment across
countries) or be conducted through a wire transfer to an
anonymous cash recipient by using services such as the Western
In our experiment, the card information extracted using our
bot was used to create a bogus account from which we
transferred money to a recipient in India. Within minutes, we
received a confirmation email for the order made, and our
contact confirmed the pick-up of the money. The time it took
from the process of creating an account to collecting the money
at the destination was only 27 minutes, which is short enough to
avoid the bank reversing the payment.
D. Results
Our results (detailed in Table I) show that the distributed
guessing attack described in Section III is indeed practical and
so a credible threat. We studied and tested the payment website
of 389 of Alexas most visited sites (we looked at the Alexa top400 sites, but 11 of them did not reveal sufficient useful
information for our experiment). As shown in Table I, 26 sites
use only two fields for card payment and an attacker would use

Our experiments successfully obtained the valid expiry date

for each of our Visa test cards, without exception. We also
managed to find valid CVV2 information for our Visa test cards,
again without exception. We performed more than 11,000
CVV2 iterations using our bot and scripts, and our experiments
confirmed that there is no centrally imposed limit on the number
of CVV2 attempts when distributing guesses over multiple
websites. The final step is to obtain the address information. Our
tests performed more than 3,000 iterations on the group of
websites that verify partial address (only postcode digits), to get
numerical digits of the postcode. We extended our experiments
and run instances of our bot on another set of payment sites
(which verify the door number and the postcode digits) in order
to get the full address of all our Visa test cards.


with 2

with 3

with 4

with 3D


0 to 5



6 to 10





11 to 50













These experiments have also shown that it is possible to run

multiple bots at the same time on hundreds of payment sites
without triggering any alarms in the payment system.
Combining that knowledge with the fact that an online payment
request typically gets authorised within 2 seconds makes the
attack viable and scalable in real time. As an illustration, with
the website bot configured cleverly to run on 30 sites, an attacker
can obtain the correct information within 4 seconds.

Two weeks after we completed the distributed guessing
attack experiments, we initiated an ethical/responsible
disclosure exercise, notifying Visa and a selection of affected
sites. Based on the number of fields that a website checks, we
categorised them into three groups: expiry date, CVV2 and
postcode. Since the total number of vulnerable websites was
very high, we selected the 12 biggest players from each
category (in terms of the highest number of users), taking the
total number of notified websites to 36.
Once a suitable contact person or team for each website was
found, we presented them with the disclosure information that
featured the experiments we performed and the type of
vulnerabilities on their site. We used our official work/university
email address and this served as a means for these merchants to
trace us back, so that they can verify our authenticity. This
would also allow them to request more detailed and technical
information about our experiments should they wish to find out
We recorded the responses received from these websites
over the duration of four weeks after we disclosed the
vulnerabilities to them. Altogether, we received 20 human
responses from 10 websites and 18 websites came back to us
with machine generated response mostly confirming the receipt
of our notification. All of the human responses requested more
technical details while some asked us to suggest solutions. Out
of the 36 websites we contacted, eight never responded. When a
web merchant requested more information, we offered them an
initial draft of this article, which explained the experiments and
the attack to help them understand the actual problem. We
followed the disclosure policy requested by the websites and
anonymised the affected sites in our article.


Patching Behaviour






filter (IP


Exp. date

Exp. date

Exp. date

Exp. date





As a result of our disclosure process, eight of the 36 websites

changed their online security settings but the other 28 websites
remained unchanged four weeks after the disclosure. We call
such changes patches in what follows, and Table II illustrates
the nature of the patching of the notified websites. Of the eight

websites that modified their approach (labelled A to H), four

used two fields (labelled Exp. Date in the Information Leak
column) and four used three fields (labelled CVV2).
In most cases, we learned about the patching behaviour
through manual observations, but in two cases (Website B and
Website G), the affected websites notified us about the changes
they made. Website A and Website B patched their checkout
system by adding an address verification field. However, this
was not a good idea because it did not provide additional
security, but instead opened up a new avenue for guessing as
will be discussed at the end of this section.
Typically, an online payment request is authorised almost
instantly (within 2 seconds). From our observation, we noticed
that Website C and Website D (both with expiry date leak) had
introduced additional delays to the payment authorisation
processing times. They did it in a staggered manner: few
attempts were processed instantly but after certain incorrect
attempts had taken place, the time taken for payment
confirmation were increased. In this manner, fewer attempts
were available (at least practically speaking) to enter the right
expiry date without setting a hard upper bound to the number of
We found that Website E (one of the Alexa top-10 websites
in terms of the number of visitors) patched their checkout system
by adding PAN velocity filters, reducing the number of attempts
allowed (based on the PAN) from unlimited to 100 attempts
within 24 hours. Website F followed a similar approach and
added IP-based velocity filter to limit the number of attempts to
get CVV2 from 50 to 10 in 24 hours. Initially, Website G and
Website H added CAPTCHA on their checkout page, thus
disrupting our bot from carrying out the attack. Our experiment
protocol limited the interaction with the administrators of
notified websites. Due to complex trade-offs that payment
websites need to consider when deciding which fields and filters
to use, our ethical disclosure protocol did not volunteer advice
about what actions to take to deal with the vulnerabilities.
However, in one situation we felt we needed to depart from the
protocol, namely in the case of Websites G and H, who added a
CAPTCHA. CAPTCHAs prevent automated attempts in getting
the sensitive card information but may adversely affect the
usability of those websites [16]. To help Websites G and H to
better understand the implications of adding a CAPTCHA, we
provided these two websites with more detailed information
about the attacks. This resulted in the CAPTCHA being replaced
with IP address velocity filters, which allowed five attempts per
IP address in 24 hours (hence a mark in two cells in Table II for
these websites).
The overall result of our study on the nature of patching on
the notified websites revealed that the vast majority (78%) did
not make a change. We do not know the reason behind this and
further research will be needed to find the explanation. Of the
eight that patched, the general approach taken by merchants is
either to add a filter to make it more cumbersome to try many
times (6 of 8 sites that patched added delay or velocity filters),
or to add a field (Website A and Website B). Perhaps
surprisingly, none of the sites reacted by simply putting a hard
limit on the number of allowed attempts. The effect of these
patching behaviours is not so obvious. As we already pointed

out, the sensible measure of limiting the number of attempts will

not stop the guessing attack if it is not done on all websites.
Furthermore, adding a card validation field may be a reasonable
idea for a site for various reasons, but inadvertently may even
weaken the protection against the guessing attack of the payment
system as a whole. After all, the added field may be a welcome
opportunity to attempt guesses on this added card detail.
Improving the security of the online payment system is a
complicated challenge for a variety of reasons. One could argue
that payment card security mechanisms are bound to remain
unsatisfactory since they have not been designed for distributed
operation over the distributed Internet. Many of the solutions,
such as 3D Secure can be seen as afterthoughts, and they
struggle to gain widespread adoption. Any suggested
improvement or solution faces the challenge that the online
landscape contains many players that all have their own at
times competing incentives for or reasons against change. Any
solution would have to combine technical concerns with
financial and business operational concerns, and its adoption
will depend on legal and economic dynamics. We explore and
discuss these issues from the perspectives of the five parties
shown in Fig. 1.
A. Customer / Cardholder
Since the distributed guessing attack described in this article
uses merchant websites and card payment network to get all the
card details, there is not much a cardholder can do to prevent it.
At the same time, the cardholder is severely impacted by the
attack: money may be lost, cards may have to be blocked, and
the result is a waste of time and effort and a decreased sense of
security. Arguably, it would be beneficial for cardholders if they
could get organised as a group, or would have representatives in
various bodies, to put pressure on the other stakeholders. As an
individual, cardholders could vote with their feet and select
cards from card payment networks that are not exposed to the
distributed guessing attack. At the moment, the payment system
is too complex and non-transparent to expect customers to be
able to make such choices.
B. Online Merchant
On their own, a merchant can do very little to prevent
distributed guessing attacks. All merchants would have to agree
or be forced to use the same number of fields so that the guessing
attack cannot be staged as explained in Section III.
At the same time, a merchant can avoid being exploited in
the attack either by only using cards that use a payment network
that is not vulnerable from the attack, or by using 3D Secure
technologies recommended by the payment card industries [7],
such as the American Express SafeKey [3], Verified by Visa
[4] and MasterCard SecureCode [5]. If 3D Secure is
implemented, the card issuing bank is responsible for
authenticating a cardholder before authorising the payment and
it monitors the frequency of transactions and the total value of
purchases for each card or bank account. The system will initiate
additional security checks such as IP address and/or request an
additional password if the frequency or value of the transactions
appears to be unusual. Our experiments confirmed that 3D
Secure payments are protected from the distributed guessing

attack described in this article since the issuing bank has

visibility of all transaction requests directed at a single card,
even if those requests are distributed across many websites.
From the perspective of the merchant, 3D Secure has several
drawbacks, and these are reflected in that only 47 merchants in
the Alexa top-400 have elected to implement 3D Secure. First,
the proportion of the customers who do not complete the
transaction can be high when the customer encounters the 3D
Secure login screen: up to 43% in the United States and 55% in
China [17]. Second, there are additional costs associated with
implementing 3D Secure.
We reiterate that from the whole payment systems
perspective, we would need a very high adoption rate of 3D
Secure technology to prevent the distributed attack, because the
attack would still work as long as there are sufficient vulnerable
websites not using 3D Secure.
C. Payment Gateway
There are many payment gateways, which charge web
merchants different rates depending on the number of fields and
filters they ask to check and utilise. One cannot expect all of
these gateways to be able to coordinate sufficiently to prevent
the distributed guessing attack. Nevertheless, payment gateways
can provide advanced features to their merchants, and these
features should at least make it more difficult to exploit a
website for the attack. Most importantly, gateways may use IP
address velocity filters [6][8][9], which are implemented to
detect repeated invalid attempts made within a certain time span
from the same IP address. But with no coordination between
different gateways, these velocity filters can easily be
circumvented just by switching to a website that uses a different
payment gateway.
D. Card Payment Network
Responsibility for authorising online payment requests
ultimately resides with the bank which issued the credit / debit
card. However, our experiments have shown that distributed
guessing attack described in the paper only works on Visa cards,
independent of which bank issued the card. When the attack is
applied to a MasterCard, the distributed attack is detected. This
suggests that the payment networks have the capability to detect
and prevent a distributed attack where the network is globally
integrated [18].
The most obvious defence against the distributed guessing
attack would be at the level of the card payment network.
However, we are not in a position to know whether payment
network providers could modify their network infrastructure to
detect payment requests from multiple, globally spread payment
gateways, looking for suspicious activities on a single card
distributed across multiple merchant websites.
E. Card Issuing Banks
The bank comes into play at the final stage of the payment
process, to approve the transfer of funds, but it would not be
party to each individual guess (unless 3D Secure is used). Banks
play an important role in limiting the damage that can be done if
attackers get hold of card information. Many issuing banks are
now running intelligent fraud detection systems which detect
transactions which are outside their customers normal spending

habits [6]. The issuing bank then has the option to block the
payment, or ask the customer for confirmation, or accept the
payment taking a calculated risk that a transaction may be found
to be fraudulent later. A complicated set of considerations comes
to the fore in the banks decisions, from ease of use to financial
risks. However, one would expect that if they so desire, banks
could have considerable influence on the payment gateways and
card payment networks in protecting against the distributed
guessing attack.





In this paper, we studied 400 of the most popular ecommerce websites and surveyed their web payment interface,
identifying that different websites present different sets of fields
to identify the cardholder. It turns out that this disparity between
different websites inadvertently creates conditions for a scalable
distributed guessing attack. By conducting a guessing attack one
field at the time using a set of appropriate websites at each
stage the attack becomes practical. With the obtained data, the
attacker can make purchases or transfer funds, as we have
We showed that the attack works if the card payment
network is not able to relate card activities from different
websites. Fundamentally, much of the problem with card
payment stems from the fact that the identity of the payer needs
to be established in the card-not-present mode. This is
inherently problematic since it is at odds with the original use of
cards (where the card and cardholder are present at the moment
of purchase). It also implies that, for instance, Chip-and-PIN is
not available to establish the identity of the payer. This is
exacerbated by the fact that the Internet facilitates distribution
of guesses for data fields over many merchant sites.
To prevent the attack, either standardisation or centralisation
can be pursued (some card payment networks already provide
this). Standardisation would imply that all merchants need to
offer the same payment interface, that is, the same number of
fields. Then the attack does not scale anymore. Centralisation
can be achieved by payment gateways or card payment networks
possessing a full view over all payment attempts associated with
its network. Neither standardisation nor centralisation naturally
fit the flexibility and freedom of choice one associates with the
Internet or successful commercial activity, but they will provide
the required protection. It is up to the various stakeholders to
determine the case for and timing of such solutions.










Capability Guide,
ProductCapabilityGuide_2014.pdf, Accessed: 04 Mar 2016.
2001, Accessed: 12 May 2016.
MasterCard, MasterCard Secure Code, Merchant Implementation
Guide,, 2014, Accessed: 13 May 2016.
Visa, Card Acceptance Guidelines for Visa Merchants,, 2014, Accessed: 13 May 2016
Payment Card Industry, PCI DSS Applicability in an EMV
2010, Accessed: 13 May 2016.
yflowgateway_guide.pdf, 2014, Accessed: 11 Mar 2016.
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BinDb, Bank Identification Numbers Database - Credit Card Bin
Lookup,, Accessed: 13 May
ExactBins, Exact BIN Database,,
Accessed: 13 May 2016.
Sites,, Accessed: 13
May 2016.
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M. Emms, B. Arief, L. Freitas, J. Hannon, and A. van Moorsel,
Harvesting High-Value Foreign Currency Transactions from EMV
Contactless Credit Cards Without the PIN, In Proceedings of the 2014
ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security
(CCS14), ACM, 2014, pp. 716-726.
Symantec, Validating a Credit Card Number using Luhns Algorithm.
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A. El Ahmad, J. Yan and W. Ng, "CAPTCHA Design: Color, Usability,
and Security", IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 44-51, 2012.
Adyen, "Analysis Reveals Worldwide Impact of 3D Secure on
Transaction Conversion Rates,,
2014, Accessed: 13 May 2016.
Accessed: 12 May 2016


This material is based in part on research supported by the

UK EPSRC EP/K006568 Research Institute for Science of
SecurityChoice Architecture for Information Security.


UK Office for National Statistics, Retail Sales, February 2015,, 26 March 2015,
Accessed: 13 May 2016.
Financial Fraud Action UK, Fraud the Facts 2015: The definitive
overview of payment industry fraud and measures to prevent it, London:
2015,, Accessed: 13
May 2016.

Mohammed Aamir Ali is currently a Ph.D. research student at

the centre of cybercrime and computer security at Newcastle
University, UK. His research centres around exploiting the
potential vulnerabilities in the payment eco-system (i.e. NFC
mobile payments, payment applications and online payments).
Understanding the insidious tactics targeting the world of cyber
systems gives Mohammed an in-depth insight into the methods
and psychology of attackers. He has ongoing research which
involves landscaping the developments and security challenges
in the ecommerce payment systems. Contact him at
Budi Arief is a Lecturer in the School of Computing at the
University of Kent, England. His research interests are in

cybercrime, the security and dependability of computer-based

systems, cyber security education, and the Internet of Things,
with a strong overarching element of interdisciplinary research.
He obtained his B.Sc. in Computing Science (First Class) and
Ph.D. in Computing Science, both from Newcastle University,
England. Prior to joining the University of Kent, Budi was a
Senior Research Associate in the School of Computing Science
at Newcastle University, England. Contact him at
Martin Emms is a cyber security researcher at Newcastle
University focusing on the security impacts of new payment
technologies, user authentication using ubiquitous and IoT
technologies and related security issues caused by unintentional
privacy leakage. Martins work is enhanced by his industry

experience; working as a solutions architect in payments and as

a systems designer of safety critical embedded control systems
for MoD, satellite comms, nuclear power and transport.
Aad van Moorsel is Professor and Head of School at the School
of Computing Science in Newcastle University. His research
interests are in cyber security and cybercrime, with an emphasis
on decision making, quantification and risk management. He
received a PhD in computer science from the University of

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