Effect of Yarn Wetting On Some Physical Properties of Polyamide 6 False-Twist Textured Yarn

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Effect of Yarn Wetting on Some Physical Properties of Polyamide 6 False-

Twist Textured Yarn

Article  in  Research Journal of Textile and Apparel · February 2010

DOI: 10.1108/RJTA-14-01-2010-B008


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4 authors, including:

Rouhollah Semnani Rahbar M.R. M. Mojtahedi

Standard Research Institute Amirkabir University of Technology


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RJTA Vol. 14 No. 1 2010

Effect of Yarn Wetting on Some Physical Properties of

Polyamide 6 False-Twist Textured Yarn
Ruhollah Semnani Rahbar*, M.R.M. Mojtahedi, M. Maroufi and Z. Masoudian
Textile Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology, P.O. Box 15875-4413, Tehran, Iran


In the present work, the effect of water on some physical properties of false-twist textured
polyamide 6 yarn was studied. A laboratory false-twist texturing machine was modified by a
water bath in order to wet the feed yarn before entering the texturing zone. Polyamide 6
yarn was textured at the texturing speeds of 51, 85 and 119 m/min and twist levels of 2165,
2559 and 2954 turns per meter, with and without water bath. The properties of textured yarn
in the aspects of crimp characteristic and tensile behavior were determined. The properties
of wet textured yarn were also compared with normal (dry) textured yarn. The results show
that the tensile and crimp property values of wet textured yarn are lower than those of
normal (dry) textured yarn. Wetting of feed yarn changes the stability of twisting–untwisting
process in false-twist texturing, and it seems that some fraction of twist is maintained in the
final textured yarn. This residual twist results in non-bulky appearance of wet textured yarn.

Keywords: False-Twist Texturing, Polyamide 6, Wetting, Tensile Properties, Crimp

Properties, Twist Liveliness

1. Introduction process. Such developments may be grouped into

the following areas: higher texturing speeds for
Synthetic continuous filament flat yarn does not better economics, quality monitoring and control
have the same hairiness, bulk, warmth of handle systems for better quality and systems for the
and absorbency as those of the yarn made from production of fancy textured yarn (Karakas and
natural fibers. They are textured to impart these Dayioglu, 2004; Weinsdorfer, 2001; Schmenk et
properties. The texturing process applied to impart al., 2002; Li et al., 1998).
additional value and quality to synthetic filament
yarn creates crimp, curls and loops, which are like Due to the great process differences between
features that natural fibers possess by nature. The spinning and texturing, these two processes are
following technologies are the major techniques generally carried out in two steps. Integration of
for texturing: false-twist texturing, stuffer-box false-twist texturing with spinning was performed
texturing and air-texturing. False-twist texturing by the development of false-twist texturing using
takes up around 76% global market share of all rotating heated cylinders instead of conventional
textured synthetic filament yarn. This texturing heaters. The process is currently successful on
process is the most popular technique for the polypropylene spin-draw-texturing due to much
production of textured yarn (Hearle et al., 2001; forgiving nature of this polymer (Demir, 2004;
Vaidya, 1988). Demir & Behery, 1997).

There had been many developments in false-twist Despite the fact that false-twist texturing creates
texturing during the last decade when the demand crimps to impart natural feel and stretch to
for synthetic filament yarn significantly increased. synthetic filament yarn, it lacks natural appearance
The most recent developments in false-twist due to monotonous geometry. In order to break up
texturing have shown that there is still the monotonous look, certain effects are imparted
considerable potential in the false-twist texturing to the false-twist textured yarn during the process

* Corresponding author. Tel.: 0098 (021) 64542600; Fax: 0098 (0021) 66400245
E-mail address: semnanirahbar@aut.ac.ir (R.S. Rahbar)
RJTA Vol. 14 No. 1 2010

by the following techniques: hot pin for color 2. Experimental

variation, controlled intermingling for color
variation, obtaining thick and thin places all over 2.1 Materials and Methods
the yarn (cotton look yarn) by the special setting
of texturing variables (Demir, 2004). Polyamide 6 fully-drawn yarn supplied by
Parsilon Co. (Iran) was used as the feed yarn.
In this study, the effect of wetting feed yarn on General physical properties of feed yarn are
some physical properties of textured yarn before shown in Table 1.
entering the texturing zone is investigated.

Table 1. General physical properties of feed yarn

Linear Tenacity Elongation at Initial modulus
density (tex) (cN/tex) break (%) (cN/tex)
Mean 7.82 42.45 38.70 270.30
SD. 2.23 4.78 3.98 5.19

Feed yarn was textured on a Scragg Shirley CS a clamp, the other end was laid over on another
12600 laboratory pin spindle false-twist texturing movable clamp, which was situated 1 meter away
machine. The texturing machine was modified by from the first clamp. A weight of 12 g was hanged
a water bath between feed roller and first heater. onto the yarn at the middle point. The movable
Two sets of experiments were carried out with and clamp was then slowly and steadily slid towards
without a water bath. Textured yarn samples were the stationary clamp until about 10 mm distance
obtained by using twist values of 2165, 2559 and was left between the two clamps. As the yarn gets
2954 turns per meter and texturing speeds of 51, slack, the yarn will snarl up to balance the internal
85 and 119 m/min. The heater temperature of 170 torque. Since the weight was hanged, the snarling
C and the winding overfeed of 3% were will oscillate and finally settle down. The twist of
maintained constant for all samples. snarl was then counted and expressed as twist per
meter. Ten measurements were made for each
2.2 Characterization Techniques sample and the average was then calculated
(Masoudian, 2004).
Yarn linear density (expressed in tex) was
determined in accordance with ASTM D 1577-96. 3. Results and Discussion
Mean values are the average of five
measurements. The changes in some physical properties of dry
and wet textured yarn including tensile and crimp
Stress-strain curves were obtained using an Instron properties are discussed in following sections. Wet
tensile tester model 5566 H1730. A gauge length textured yarn shows an interesting appearance
of 200 mm and cross-head speed of 500 mm/min which is completely different from normal (dry)
were employed. From stress-strain plots, the textured yarn. In the false-twist texturing, nearly
modulus, tenacity and breaking elongation were all twists are opened after the false-twist spindle
obtained. Ten specimens were tested for each and therefore the resultant textured yarn has no
sample. real twist. However, in the case of wet textured
yarn, some fraction of twist is not opened.
The crimp properties of textured yarn including Therefore, the appearance of wet textured yarn is
crimp contraction, crimp modulus and crimp like textured yarn, which is twisted after texturing.
stability were determined under the conditions of This effect may be due to the cohesion of moisted
DIN 53840 Part 1 standard method, 1983. Mean filaments in the texturing zone or tension
values are the average of five measurements. instability because of water.

In order to measure the twist liveliness of textured 3.1 Tensile Properties and Linear Density
yarn, approximately 1 meter of yarn was taken
from a package and while one end was fixed with Tensile properties of textured yarn as a function of
RJTA Vol. 14 No. 1 2010

yarn twist level and texturing speed are shown in Table 3. Crimp properties of dry and wet textured
Table 2 and Figures 1, 2 and 3. The tensile yarn at various twists and texturing
property values of both dry and wet textured yarn speeds
generally decreased as compared to those of feed

Texturing speed

contraction (%)

Crimp modulus

Crimp stability
yarn. This reduction is a well-known phenomenon




in the case of false-twist texturing of fully-drawn Sample specification
feed yarn. This can be related to the increase in
low molecular weight fraction, formation of
51 55.14 37.00 91.50
hidden micro defects and disorientation of

structural elements (Demir & Behery, 1997; Dry,2165TPM 85 56.21 40.60 99.36
Vaidya, 1988). 119 54.06 38.65 94.83

51 43.61 16.17 84.48

Tensile property values of wet textured yarn are
lower than those of dry (normal) textured yarn. Wet,2165TPM 85 42.17 17.44 85.69
However, the texturing speed and twist have no 119 34.12 13.51 81.34
specific effect on the tensile properties. Presence 51 68.23 51.41 96.93
of water in the process of wet texturing may cause
Dry,2559TPM 85 65.99 53.42 99.31
some changes in the yarn temperature, moisture
content and molecular structure, thus leading to 119 62.93 49.54 98.04
the reduction effect. 51 31.47 13.54 72.33

Wet,2559TPM 85 29.15 9.98 67.83

Table 2. Tensile properties of yarn textured at
119 26.42 12.00 79.57
various conditions
Tenacity (cN/tex)

51 68.37 56.30 99.70

Texturing speed

Initial modulus
Linear density

Elongation at
break (%)


Sample Dry,2954TPM 85 69.30 55.53 98.26


specification 119 70.27 58.29 98.58

51 61.14 41.89 98.58

51 8.64 35.37 31.12 80.62
Wet,2954TPM 85 61.04 48.05 97.77

Dry,2165TPM 85 7.88 39.74 26.67 90.88 119 61.00 45.88 96.69
119 8.17 37.15 30.00 100.46 †
Turns per meter
51 8.15 27.05 21.11 87.64

Wet,2165TPM 85 8.22 32.84 27.22 83.43 In the case of wet texturing, the highest contact
time (the lowest texturing speed) demonstrates the
119 8.27 28.07 26.33 88.40
largest negative effect on the tensile properties
51 8.24 36.96 33.33 99.63 (see Figures 1, 2 and 3). The longer contact time
Dry,2559TPM 85 8.32 37.85 31.67 115.16
may provide enough time for water to change the
tensile properties. From this result, it can be
119 8.22 37.35 33.89 105.73 predicted that wet high speed false-twist texturing
51 8.38 29.37 26.67 81.12 will cause a small decrease in values of tensile
properties. It should be noted that as the tensile
Wet,2559TPM 85 8.39 28.85 30.00 96.36
property loss is not too large, the wet textured yarn
119 8.25 33.45 32.22 98.44 is successfully knitted.
51 8.05 36.69 30.56 121.00
As seen from Table 2, the linear density of
Dry,2954TPM 85 8.25 36.78 29.01 110.91 textured samples in both wet and dry conditions is
119 8.19 36.88 28.89 80.65 fluctuated and it seems that water presence in yarn
does not show a distinctive effect on this property.
51 8.13 28.95 21.67 97.91
This can be attributed to errors in linear density
Wet,2954TPM 85 8.80 34.94 28.89 84.23 measuring due to high twist liveliness in textured
119 8.12 35.12 27.78 76.67 yarn.

Turns per meter
RJTA Vol. 14 No. 1 2010



Tenacity (cN/tex) Dry,51m/min
35 Wet,51m/min


2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 3100
T wist level (T PM)

Fig. 1. Tenacity of Dry and Wet Textured Yarn Versus Twist and Texturing Speed



Elongation at break (%)

30 Wet,51m/min
28 Wet,85m/min



2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 3100
T wist level (T PM)

Fig. 2. Elongation at Break of Dry and Wet Textured Yarn Versus Twist and Texturing Speed


Initial modulus (cN/tex)


105 Wet,51m/min
95 Dry,119m/min


2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 3100
T wist level (T PM)

Fig. 3. Initial Modulus of Dry and Wet Textured Yarn Versus Twist and Texturing Speed

RJTA Vol. 14 No. 1 2010

3.2 Crimp Properties may result in the reduction of crimp property

values. The results of this effect in wet texturing
The crimp properties of textured yarn at different are very similar to the tight spot which is a kind of
conditions are shown in Table 3 and Figures 4-6. defect in textured yarn. Presence of real twist in
Generally, the wet texturing process leads to a false-twist textured yarn prevents from proper
reduction of the crimp property values of textured acting of crimps, thus leading to poor crimp
yarn in comparison to the normal false-twist properties.
texturing. The compact appearance of wet textured
yarn because of the unopened twist in such yarn


Crimp contraction (%)

50 Dry,85m/min
40 Wet,119m/min


2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 3100
T wist level (T PM)

Fig. 4. Crimp Contraction of Dry and Wet Textured Yarns Versus Twist and Texturing Speed


Crimp modulus (%)

35 Dry,85m/min
25 Wet,119m/min


2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 3100
T wist level (T PM)

Fig. 5. Crimp Modulus of Dry and Wet Textured Yarn Versus Twist and Texturing Speed

Figures 4 and 5 illustrate that the higher applied limit applied in this work has no significant effect
twist results in higher crimps and therefore higher on the crimp properties. However, the larger
crimp contraction and modulus values. This change in the contact time (texturing speed) is an
increase is more apparent in the case of dry important variable influencing the crimp
texturing. As expected, changing the applied twist properties.
does not influence crimp stability (see Figure 6).
Variables affecting the heat setting (like heater 3.3 Twist Liveliness
temperature) are factors which can alter crimp
stability. Changing the texturing speed within the Twist liveliness of dry and wet textured yarn at
RJTA Vol. 14 No. 1 2010

different applied twists and texturing speeds is textured yarn. If all of the applied twists are
demonstrated in Figure 7. Twist liveliness values opened, the yarn will tend to return to its twisting
of wet textured yarn are in a lower level compared condition. Increasing the applied twist decreases
to the normal (dry) textured yarn. This may be due the twist liveliness, but the texturing speed does
to the presence of some unopened twist in wet not create any specific trend in twist liveliness.


90 Dry,51m/min
Crimp stability (%)



2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 3100
T wist level (T PM)

Fig. 6. Crimp Stability of Dry and Wet Textured Yarn Versus Twist and Texturing Speed



Twist livliness (TPM)

110 Wet,51m/min
100 Wet,85m/min



2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 3100
T wist level (T PM)

Fig. 7. Twist Liveliness of Dry and Wet Textured Yarn Versus Twist and Texturing Speed

4. Conclusions values of wet textured yarns are somewhat lower

than those of normal (dry) textured yarn. However,
In this research, the effect of feed yarn wetting on these properties are still in acceptable limit.
some physical and crimp properties of textured
yarn before entering the false-twist texturing The water presence in the wet texturing process
machine is studied. Results of the current alters yarn temperature and moisture content. The
investigation show that wet texturing of polyamide decrease in yarn tensile properties in this condition
6 yarn creates textured yarn with some amount of confirms the structural changes.
unopened twist and specific appearance. The main
appearance properties of wet textured yarn are The water in feed yarn increases filament cohesion
high twist levels and non-bulky structure. Tensile and therefore changes structured integrity of the
properties, crimp properties and twist liveliness yarn. In wet texturing, the heat setting effect in
RJTA Vol. 14 No. 1 2010

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