Child Custody PACK
Child Custody PACK
Child Custody PACK
To truly own something you MUST have the title in your name and have it authenticated and have it recorded on
the public record! Which you do by taking said title to the county recorders office or mailing it to them and telling
them you would like said title and deed (which is real private property) registered by have them record it.
One maxim of law is that anything that can be proven must be proven.
If you do not have you and your kids title authenticated you have not proven to the highest degree possible that
you do in fact own that title. Until you do so THE STATE claims ownership of YOUR title and YOUR KIDS title
which allows them to put you in jail or take your kids away etc. When you own the title by placing an
Authenticated copy with a few other documents go over more below, on the public record by having them recorded
at the county recorders office it takes you and your kids out of FEDERAL JURISDICTION which means you go on
the do not detain list and so does your kids and THE STATE knows you have registered your title which is your
Authenticate Birth Certificate and that title is YOUR “Citizenship” and your kids “Citizenship”. It is your piece on
the game board of life that they granted to you. What people call a normal CITIZEN are actually legal fictions and
as a legal fiction they have no claim to human rights or the constitution. Shocking I know but once you register your
title you because a real living man/woman Citizen with claim to human rights and the Constitution but you can't
have that until you register that title/that Citizenship/that Authenticated Birth Certificate/that game piece.
You must realize YOU and YOUR kids are NOT CITIZENS ….BUT and your kids “HAVE” a
“Citizenship” which you can use or not whenever you want but until you claim it by putting it on the public record
THE STATE thinks they still own it as their private property. So you see the ONLY power THE STATE has is the
power you consent to giving it. If you don't want THE STATE to have that power over you then all you have to do
is claim it! Get that title Authenticated and put it on the public record then you can enter the “Recording Number”
for your files which the County Recorders Office will give you, and enter that “Recording Number” into your CPS
case to show them that your kids are your private property and by God they better give you back your Private
Property because now if they don't you can sue their ass off for stealing your private property!!!
You can prove it's your private property with your “Recording Number” which will show the Authenticated BC
and THE STATE will never challenge that, THE STATE will never show a title to your kids and claim they are their
property because that would be slavery! It will never happen! It's game over for this at this point. They have no
choice but to give you back your private property.
You should authenticate ALL of your titles to anything you want to own, house, car, boat, pets, kids(certificate of
title, birth certificate and Certificates of live birth) etc.... if you do not do this then you are NOT the true owner you
are instead more along the lines of the care taker for a time, with the STATE retaining the title of true ownership.
They remain the title owners to everything until you have the title double authenticated to become the true owner
and holder in due course.
Step 1:________________________________________________________________________________________
Get a certified copy of the title you want to authenticate. It must be a CERTIFIED COPY ONLY!
Do not get just a “copy”.
If this is your Certificate of live birth/birth certificate which is a certificate of title, you can get a certified
copy of this from your local Vital Records Office. You will have to google this to see if your city or town has a local
Vital Records Office. If they don't then you can order a certified copy from "
Step 2:_______________________________________________________________________________________
The first authentication you will need to get is at the State level. This is usually done at your State Capital in the
Secretary of State office. Do a google search to find the website for your Secretary of State.
If you live close by you can drive to their office to request an authentication for your title.
If this is for your certificate of live birth/birth certificate this MUST be done in or mailed to the state that you were
born in.
If you do not live close by you can mail your certified title (certified mail), and include a prepaid big envelope for
return delivery so once your title has been authenticated they can send it back to you otherwise you won't get your
title back, you must include a prepaid envelope.
Check your Secretary of States (sos) website to see if they require a cover letter or request for authentication form.
If so it will be provided on their website just print it out and fill it out and paperclip it to your title.
If they do not require a cover letter or provide a request form you must create your own to explain WHY you
are requesting the authentication.
To ensure you get the great seal authentication and not the lesser Apostille you must check the box for, or state that
this authentication request is for travel purposes to a non-Hague Convention member country. For example
Taiwan is a non-Hague Country.
If you have any questions on your states authentication process you can have any questions answered simply by
going online to your States Secretary of States website or calling their office. Once you get your Authentication
back in the mail or handed back to you if you went down to their office in person you are now ready for step 3.
NOTE: There is a small fee for authentication but usually only about $5 or $10 so make sure you send a (money
order) for the correct amount) which you can find out on your Secretary of State website or by calling them.
Step 3:___________________________________________________________________________________________
Now you are ready for your second authentication which will be done at the Federal Level.
just like step 2 only this time you will be sending your authenticated title to the Department of State "John Kerry"
for your second authentication.
This does require a request for authentication form to be filled out. it's only 1 page. at the bottom of the form is an
empty box, write it this space why you are requesting this authentication, again, if you want the Greater Seal you
must check the box or write in (for travel purposes to a non-Hague Convention member country) or another
example would be (for travel purposes to the foreign jurisdiction of Taiwan) either are acceptable.
The Department of State authentication request form can be viewed and edited online at this link:
NOTE: make sure you include a pre-paid big envelope so they can send you back your
authenticated title or you will not get it back. Once you get your Authenticated title back
proceed to step 4.
Step 4:_________________________________________________________
This Affidavit needs to be notarized at your local notary which you can usually do at wells
fargo or another bank for free. no appointments necessary, just walk in.
you will need to do a google search to find a local notary.
Like Step 2, you will need to go to your Secretary of State for your state or mail in the
affidavit with the Secretary of State Authentication Cover letter (usually found on their
website) that states you would like the Affidavit of Beneficial Ownership authenticated "for
travel purposes to the foreign jurisdiction of JAMAICA" if you want to get the greater seal
and not just the lower Apostille which I recommend. You don't have to use Jamaica just any
country that is considered outside the hague convention and it's not lying if you-inside your
own head plan on making plans to go there or not.
If you are mailing your Affidavit for authentication to your SOS (secretary of state), as before
you will need to include a pre-paid big envelope, money order for exact fee and don't forget to
include your State Authentication cover sheet with the reason why you are requesting the
authentication which would be for travel purposes to a foreign jurisdiction of Jamaica if that's
what your plan is. Once you have gotten your Authenticated Affidavit back from your SOS
proceed to Step 5.
Step 5:________________________________________________________________
With your double authenticated title (authenticated at THE STATE and FEDERAL level)
and authenticated affidavit in hand you are almost ready to go to your local country recorders
office or mail (COPIES) to your country recorders office to be recorded on the public record.
Once you have those 4 documents together Now you are ready to have them recorded at the
County Recorders Office!
Should your local recorders office state that you do not need to have your title on the public
record or refuse to let you record your documents out of their own ignorance simply mail
copies of your documents to a country recorder in another county. You want to preferably do it
in the County where you were born, but in all essence it doesn't matter where you record them;
all that matters is that they are recorded on public record and can be used to recall if ever
needed for legal action. This will ensure your interest in your private property, your title, has
been lawfully perfected and you have become the holder in due course. The legal term for
“Holder in Due Course” is an original or any subsequent holder of a negotiable instrument (check, draft,
note, etc.) who has accepted it in good-faith and has exchanged something valuable for it. For example,
anyone who accepts a third-party check is a holder in due course. In Your case, you have “Accepted” the
Birth Certificate (Negotiable Instrument) and placed it in your private trust under YOUR control.
The simple act of holding this double authenticated title in your hand makes your interest in
your title perfected lawfully however it's always a good practice have it recorded on the
public record at your local county recorders office to have absolute proof that you are the title
owner and holder in due course which you can then take that recording number and write it
down on an affidavit and enter that affidavit containing your recording number into your CPS
case. You should have your kids back in two weeks or less after you do this most likely with
an apology and if they try to keep your kids after this you can sue or rather (bring forward a
claim) you can get paid a fat check for their several violations against you like:
Tort of Trespass for trespassing against your rights,
stealing your private property,
damaging your private property,
sever emotional distress,
violating their oath of office and the list goes on.
The violations add up to the millions.
If you decide to get a lawyer ONLY use a “private attorney”
a normal attorney does not have the power to advice you on how to proceed against THE
STATE in a claim.
If you are doing this with your certificate of live birth/birth certificate once you have the
double authenticated title in hand, in your physical possession, this very act perfects the
interest in your title and makes you the holder in due course, thus changing your status to
(private, real party of interest, on do not detain list). should you ever have to go to court for
anything you can now enter as the highest status which is (private, real party of interest). You
now have standing and don't need a lawyer to speak for you in any court in the world.
Note: do NOT take your original authenticate titles to the country recorder or they will try to
pull the pages apart to scan and record them thus destroying them. if the pages are taken apart
this will void your title. DO NOT LET THEM PULL THE PAGES APART.
If you have a scanner simply fold the pages back and scan each page then print out copies and
take the copies to be recorded. if you do not have a scanner you can go to your local officemax
or kinkos to have them scanned and copies printed but make sure you tell them
If they pull the pages apart and void your title it's not the end of the world but you will have to
do the whole process over again and you are only allowed I think 7 certified copies of your
title in a lifetime so treat them with care!
For those of you who are authenticating your certificate of live birth/birth certificate proceed
to the next step.
Step 6:___________________________________________________________________
Now you are ready to send your "Notice of Mistake" template to the Vital States Office/Vital
Records Office (Found in the Lesson Plan Packet) in the state of your birth. This will put
them on notice that you are now age of majority and your birth certificate is no longer
outstanding. you will need to do a google search to find out where your birth state Vital States
Office can be located.
Send your Notice of mistake to the appropriate address for your Vital States and send it
Registered Mail (ONLY). Put 1 extra stamp on the envelope and when at the post office ask
the post master to "bop/stamp" cancel out 1 extra postage so the extra postage is not meter
canceled. This will ensure your mail is sent private and not domestic so as to not enter into
domestic jurisdiction and makes the Post Master General a witness to the document.
You will need to send this "notice of mistake" once a month for three months in order to give
them a chance to rebut your claims. It’s very rare that this notice will be challenged however to
complete the administrative law process you must send them notice once a month for three
months and give them the opportunity to rebut/challenge your claim. once this time period has
passed your claim is cured into law and stands as law. After three months from this time period
you should be able to see that you have achieved your desired solution to your specific problem.
if you have any further questions regarding this process please email us at our contact page. We
get lots of questions and a reply may take a few a weeks. To reach us immediately in case of
emergency you can “schedule a consultation” on our website