On-the-Job Training Blueprint - Concierge
On-the-Job Training Blueprint - Concierge
On-the-Job Training Blueprint - Concierge
Training Duration
S/N Technical Skills and Competencies
1 Concierge and Uniformed Service Delivery
2 Crisis Management
7 Innovation Management
13 People Development
14 Productivity Improvement
15 Service Coaching
17 Service Innovation
18 Service Leadership
20 Staff Management
22 Threat Observation
Total Duration
Technical Skills and Range of Performance
S/N Knowledge Abilities Duration
Competencies Application Evidences
1 Concierge and • Importance of • Perform start-of- NA
Uniformed Service supervising and shift and end-of-shift
Delivery performing start-of- activities
shift and end-of-shift • Monitor concierge
activities and uniformed
• Importance and services in
benefits of reviewing accordance with
property’s activity organisational
Technical Skills and Range of Performance
S/N Knowledge Abilities Duration
Competencies Application Evidences
levels before procedures
operations • Provide support for
• Guidelines for functions and events
assigning tasks to • Handle guests’
team members and and/or customers’
workplace safety and concerns and
health feedback promptly,
• Techniques for and monitor guest
effective co- and/or customer
ordination of experiences to ensure
concierge and their satisfaction is
uniformed services met
• Importance of • Apply situational
reporting responses to
irregularities in reallocate available
operations to resources to
managers overcome critical
• Importance of and situations within tight
procedures for timelines
validating completed • Protect the integrity
staff work and confidentiality of
assignments for guests’ and/or
accuracy and customers’
completeness information
• Interpretation of • Coach, and support
event orders and training activities of
identification of key team members
activities to provide
Technical Skills and Range of Performance
S/N Knowledge Abilities Duration
Competencies Application Evidences
• Factors to consider
in planning resources
and allocating
additional duties to
staff to support
functions, events
and/or overcome
critical situations
• Guidelines for
handling irregularities
and guests’ and/or
customers’ feedback
and concerns related
to concierge and
uniformed services
• Strategies for
service recovery and
techniques to handle
irate guests and/or
• Benefits and
procedures for proper
documentation of
concierge and
uniformed services
• Techniques for
• Organisation’s duty
of care to guests
Technical Skills and Range of Performance
S/N Knowledge Abilities Duration
Competencies Application Evidences
and/or customers