Performance Review Plan Template
Performance Review Plan Template
Performance Review Plan Template
In its vision document, a Place and a Promise, UBC commits to the value of 'creating an
exceptional work environment.' To enact this value, the University provides a fulfilling
environment in which to work, learn, and live; maintains our values of academic freedom, mutual
respect, integrity, dignity, and inclusivity; and encourages the open exchange of ideas and
Facilitate communication, discussion, and exchange of ideas between employees and their
Promote a high level of employee performance through consistent and formal feedback from
the supervisor.
Create alignment between employee and organizational goals and to assist individual growth
and development.
Develop a motivated, engaged, and high performing workforce that supports the work of the
Clearly articulate performance expectations to the employee.
Employee Name:
Employment Group:
Position Title:
Position Level:
Provide the employee with feedback on the following competencies. Please review the definition
of each competency, and provide detailed comments and specific supporting examples of how
the employee demonstrates the competency and discuss together how they may further develop
the competency.
The ‘Comments/Examples’ fields will expand as you type if additional space is required. If you prefer to print this
document and complete it by hand, you can increase the size of the ‘Comments/Examples’ fields by clicking or tabbing
inside the box and then pressing the ‘ENTER’ button on your keyboard until the field is the desired size.
Consider the ability of the employee to express them self clearly and
professionally both verbally and in writing, as well as their ability to
exercise tact and diplomacy. Consider the effectiveness of the
Communication / employee’s interactions with co-workers, supervisors, faculty, staff,
Interpersonal Skills students, and customers. Consider their commitment and
contributions to team success while working in a group. Consider
how well the employee gets along with and respects the rights of
colleagues and displays a cooperative spirit.
Comments/Examples (to be completed by Reviewer prior to meeting with Employee):
Consider the work habits and attitude of the employee as they apply
to working safely and the degree to which the employee complies
Safety Awareness & with University safety rules; Consider the extent to which the
Demonstration employee understands and demonstrates proper safety practices,
promotes safety and shows awareness of safety of others and
accountability for personal safety.
Comments/Examples (to be completed by Reviewer prior to meeting with Employee):
The following competencies are from the leadership model used in the ‘Managing at UBC’
course. This model is based on the idea that the act of managing requires an understanding of
both management and leadership with a focus on both tasks and people. For further information,
please see
Please review the goals and objectives established at the previous Performance Development
and Review (if applicable). Please also refer to the employee ‘Self-Assessment and Goal Setting’
document and discuss with employee. Please insert comments here regarding progress towards
those goals and identify goals/objectives being carried forward if applicable (attach additional
sheet if necessary).
Please refer to the Employee’s ‘Self-Assessment and Goal-Setting’ document, and through
dialogue with the employee mutually develop goals/objectives. Please complete the following
table during your meeting with the employee. Progress towards these goals should be reviewed
informally and the table should be updated as required throughout the upcoming review period.
(please list as many goals as you feel are appropriate)
Check-In Dates:
Check-In Dates:
Check-In Dates:
Please complete the following section prior to your meeting with the employee. Provide the
employee with an overall summary of their performance. Highlight the employee’s major
accomplishments and note the employee’s strengths and development needs as they relate to
performance. You may also comment on other areas of the employee’s performance that have
not been addressed in this document.
Acknowledgments – Signatures
Employee Name: Signature:
I would like to attach my ‘Self-Assessment’ to this * I have read and discussed this evaluation with my
document. supervisor. My signature means that I have been
I will be providing my overall comments which I advised on my performance and does not necessarily
would like to be attached to this document. imply that I agree with the contents of this review.
Reviewer Name: Signature: