Expt-7 - Lab Manual - TE Lab PDF
Expt-7 - Lab Manual - TE Lab PDF
Expt-7 - Lab Manual - TE Lab PDF
Communications through Satellite Technology is one of the major radio systems which are
used as a long-distance transmission network. Artificial Earth’s Satellites act as repeater
stations in the deep space (normally about 36,000 km above the surface of the earth). A long-
distance network through satellite link is designed and established through GEO satellites.
The objective of this experiment is to
• estimate the earth station-satellite-earth station link budget,
• consider both single carrier and multi-carrier per transponder,
• analyze based on specific parameters for carrier modulation, satellite and earth station.
• The satellite remains stationary with respect to one point on earth. Therefore, the earth
station antenna is not required to track the satellite periodically. Instead, the earth station
antenna beam can be accurately aimed toward the satellite by using the elevation angle
and the azimuth angle. This reduces the station's cost considerably.
• With a 5° minimum elevation angle of the earth station antenna, the geostationary
satellite can cover almost 38% of the surface of the earth.
• Three geostationary satellites (120° apart) can cover the entire surface of the earth with
some overlapping, except for the polar regions above latitudes 76°N and 76°S, assuming
a 50 minimum elevation angle.
• The Doppler shift caused by a satellite drifting in orbit (because of the gravitational
attraction of the moon and the sun) is small for all the earth stations within the
geostationary satellite coverage. This is desirable for many synchronous digital systems.
The following figures show respectively a basic satellite in system level and link level.
The transmitting earth station transmits the carrier s(t) whose power is simply the EIRP of the
carrier given by
𝐸𝐼𝑅𝑃 = 𝑃𝑡 𝐺𝑡 (7.1)
where Pt is the carrier power at antenna feed, and Gt is the transmit antenna gain.
We assume that the transmission occurs under clear-sky conditions, and that the only attenuation
the carrier s(t) suffers is the uplink free space loss, the atmospheric attenuation and the antenna
tracking loss. The uplink free space loss is given by
4πdu 2
Lu = ( ) (7.2)
du = uplink slant range (m)
λu = uplink wavelength (m)
fu = uplink carrier frequency (Hz)
c = speed of light = 3 x 108 m/s
© Dept. of EEE & CoE, Faculty of Engineering, American International University- 6
Bangladesh (AIUB)
Experiment 7 Lab Manual
If su(t) is the carrier received at the satellite, and nu(t) is the AWGN with zero mean that
contaminates the uplink carrier su(t), then the received carrier plus noise at the satellite is su(t)
+ nu(t). Taking satellite antenna gain as Gu, the uplink carrier power is
𝐶𝑢 = 𝐸[𝑠𝑢2 (𝑡)]
𝐿𝑢 𝐿
𝐸𝐼𝑅𝑃 c 2
= (4πf ) 𝐺𝑢 (7.3)
𝐿 u du
where E[·] denotes the expected value, and L is the sum of the antenna tracking loss and
atmospheric attenuation. Note that the uplink signal received by the satellite and the downlink
signal received by the earth station are very weak and affected by the ever-present AWGN.
𝑁𝑢 = 𝐸[𝑛𝑢2 (𝑡)]
= 𝑘𝑇𝑢 𝐵 (7.4)
Tu = satellite system noise temperature (K) and can be calculated from the noise temperature of
the satellite antenna (which is about 290 K since the antenna always sees a hot earth)
B = noise bandwidth of satellite channel (Hz)
k = Boltzmann's constant = 1.38 x 10-23 J/K .
(𝑁) = 𝑁𝑢
𝑢 𝑢
(𝐸𝐼𝑅𝑃) 𝐺𝑢 1
= ( 𝑇 ) (𝑘𝐵)
𝐿𝑢 𝐿 𝑢
𝐸𝐼𝑅𝑃 c 2 𝐺 1
(4πf ) ( 𝑇𝑢 ) (𝑘𝐵) (7.5)
u du 𝑢
The parameter Gu/Tu is the satellite antenna gain-to-noise temperature ratio. Note that the
carrier power flux density, Ω = 2𝐿 , so
𝐶 𝐸𝐼𝑅𝑃 𝑐 2 𝐺 1
(𝑁) = 𝐿
(4\pif ) ( 𝑇𝑢 ) (𝑘𝐵) (7.6)
𝑢 𝑢 𝑑𝑢 𝑢
So that the uplink carrier-to-noise ratio can be calculated if either the carrier EIRP is given, or
the power flux density at the satellite is given. Recall that the received carrier plus noise at the
satellite is su(t) + nu(t). This carrier-plus noise is amplified and down converted by the satellite
communications receiver down converter and then amplified again by the satellite TWTA and
retransmitted back to earth by the satellite antenna.
Denote the retransmitted carrier-plus-noise by ŝu (t ) + n̂u (t ) which possesses the same carrier-to-
noise ratio (C/N)u given before as the received carrier plus noise su(t) + nu(t). Let EIRPs be the
satellite EIRP (or power) of the retransmitted carrier ŝu (t ), that is 𝐶̂𝑢 = E [𝑠̂𝑢2 (𝑡)] =
𝐸𝐼𝑅𝑃𝑠 . Then the power of the accompanied uplink noise n̂u (t ) is
© Dept. of EEE & CoE, Faculty of Engineering, American International University- 5
Bangladesh (AIUB)
Experiment 7 Lab Manual
The received carrier plus noise at the receive earth station is ŝu (t ) + n̂u (t )+ nd (t ) where ŝu (t ) and
n̂u (t ) are the attenuated versions of ŝu (t ) and n̂ u (t ) respectively, and nd(t) is the additional
independent downlink AWGN with zero mean that further contaminates ŝu (t ) After taking into
account the free space loss Ld, the antenna tracking loss and the atmospheric attenuation on the
downlink L', and the receive antenna gain G of the earth station, the power of the carrier ŝu (t ) at
the receive earth station is
dd = downlink slant range (m)
fd = downlink carrier frequency (Hz)
L' = antenna tracking loss and atmospheric attenuation
G = receive antenna gain of the earth station
The power of the accompanied uplink noise n̂u (t ) appearing on the downlink is
𝑁𝑑 = 𝐸[𝑛𝑑2 (𝑡)]
= 𝑘𝑇𝐵 (7.7)
where T = earth station system noise temperature (K) and can be evaluated as follows where T =
Denote Ts is the noise temperature of a noise source, located at the input of a noiseless receiver,
which gives the same noise power as the original receiver, measured at the receiver output. The
equivalent noise source Ts is usually located at the input to the receiver, replacing the antenna.
𝑃𝑛 = 𝑘𝑇𝑠 𝐵𝐺 (7.8)
where G is the gain of the receiver from RF input to demodulator input. The antenna delivers a
signal power Pr to the receiver at the input to the RF section. The signal power at the
demodulator input is PrGr.
To calculate the System Noise Temperature, the noisy devices in the receiver are replaced by a
single noise source with temperature Ts. Thus amplifiers and frequency converter are noiseless.
The total noise power at the output of the IF amplifier is given by
Figure 7.4: Equivalent circuit of receiver. The noisy amplifiers and down-converter have
been replaced by noiseless units, with equivalent noise generators at their inputs.
Figure 7.5: Equivalent circuit of receiver. All noisy units have been replaced by one
noiseless amplifier, with a single noise source Ts as its input.
GIF, Gm, and GRF are the gains of the IF amplifier, mixer, and RF amplifier, and TIF, Tm, and TRF
are their equivalent noise temperatures. Tin is the noise temperature of the antenna, measured at
the receiver input. Rewriting the equation as
A single source of noise, with noise temperature Ts, would generate the same noise power Pn
at the output of the IF amplifier.
Note that succeeding stages of the receiver contribute less and less noise as the gain from
each stage is added in. Frequently, the noise contributed by the IF amplifier and later stages
can be ignored. Thus the composite noise power at the receive earth station is
The carrier-to-noise ratio of the overall satellite link (uplink and downlink) is therefore
given as follows.
By comparing (𝑁) to (𝑁) it is seen that (𝑁) is simply the downlink carrier-to-noise ratio, and
𝑑 𝑢 𝑑
the familiar parameter G/T is the antenna gain-to-noise temperature ratio of the receive earth
station. Substituting, (𝑁) into (𝑁) yields the link carrier-to-noise ratio.
𝑑 𝑢
The above equation provides the fundamental analysis of a satellite link where the satellite
transponder is a classical frequency translating repeater. In this type of satellite transponder the
uplink noise adds directly to the downlink noise, and the uplink is said to be coupled to the
Note that, if (C/N)u >>(C/N)d, then C/N ≈ (C/N)d. In this case the satellite link is said to be
downlink-limited. This is the common case in satellite communications. When the reverse
situation occurs, that is, (C/N)u <<(C/N)d, then C/N ≈ (C/N)u, and the satellite link is said to be
In link analysis, the carrier EIRP, or its power flux density Ω at the satellite and the satellite
EIRP for the retransmitted carrier are normally given with respect to the operating point of the
transponder TWTA. The operating point where the TWTA output power is maximum is called
the saturation point. In many cases the TWTA is operated below the saturation point to avoid
nonlinear distortions, especially when there are many carriers per transponder (more than one),
to reduce the power of the generated inter-modulation products that act as interference signal.
BOi implies the difference between the input power level of a single carrier, which makes a
satellite transponder saturated, and that of an actual operating point.
Let BOi and BOo be the input and output back-offs of the TWTA, respectively, which are
defined as
BOi = (7.9)
Or, BOi =
And BOo = (7.10)
EIRPsaturated = carrier EIRP required to saturate satellite TWTA
Ωsaturated = saturation power flux density
EIRPs,saturated = satellite saturation EIRP
BOo = f (BOi) and is a nonlinear function of BOi.
Pre-Lab Homework:
1. Study the theory for satellite link design and budgeting considerations.
2. Identify the necessary equations for analysis using MATLAB.
• MATLAB software.
Simulation Procedure:
As aforementioned, using those formula and equations, estimate the earth station-satellite- earth
station link budget. Consider both single carrier and multi-carrier per transponder for the link budget
estimation and carryout an analysis how multi-carrier scenario affects the link performance.
Following are parameters that considered as an example scenario to design and estimate the satellite
link performance.
Satellite parameters
• Antenna gain-to-noise ratio is -1.6 dB/K
• Satellite saturation EIRPs is 44 dB W
• Satellite TWTA BOi is 11 dB
Note that we neglect other interferences such as interference into or from adjacent satellite,
terrestrial interference, etc., and any influence by the atmosphere.
Number of carriers per transponder is 100. Find the followings using MATLAB simulator.
1. For uplink
a. Carrier EIRP
b. Free space loss
c. Satellite Gu/Tu
d. Uplink carrier-to-noise ratio, (C/N)u
2. For downlink
a. Free space loss
b. Earth station G/T
c. Downlink carrier-to-noise ratio, (C/N)d
Simulation results:
Compare the below simulation results with the shapes and comment on the differences (if
Case 01: single carrier per transponder
01:carrier EIRP in dBW = 80.0055
02:uplink free space loss in dB = 206.8463
03:uplink carrier-to-noise ratio = 216.7277
04:uplink carrier-to-noise ratio in dB = 23.3591
04:satellite EIRP in dBW = 44
05:downlink free space loss in dB =205.5074
06:downlink carrier-to-noise ratio = 308.5026
07:downlink carrier-to-noise ratio in dB = 24.8926
08:total satellite link (earth-satellite-earth) carrier-to-noise ratio = 127.2986
09:total satellite link (earth-satellite-earth) carrier-to-noise ratio in dB = 21.0482
© Dept. of EEE & CoE, Faculty of Engineering, American International University- 6
Bangladesh (AIUB)
Experiment 7 Lab Manual
10:satellite characteristics: satellite is uplink limited
Case 02: multiple carriers per transponder
11:carrier EIRP in dBW = 60.0055
12:uplink free space loss in dB = 206.8463
13:uplink carrier-to-noise ratio = 2.1673
14:uplink carrier-to-noise ratio in dB = 3.3591
15:satellite EIRP in dBW = 24
16:downlink free space loss in dB = 205.5074
17:downlink carrier-to-noise ratio = 3.085
18:downlink carrier-to-noise ratio in dB = 4.8926
19:total satellite link (earth-satellite-earth) carrier-to-noise ratio = 1.273
20:total satellite link (earth-satellite-earth) carrier-to-noise ratio in dB = 1.0482
21:satellite characteristics: Satellite is uplink limited
Interpret the data/findings and determine the extent to which the experiment was successful
in complying with the goal that was initially set. Discuss any mistake you might have made
while conducting the investigation and describe ways the study could have been improved.
% Satellite Link Design
carrier_freq_uplink=14*10^9; % in Hz
carrier_freq_downlink=12*10^9; % in Hz
%I.2:Satellite parameters
%II.6: Find the followings using MATLAB simulator for both single carrier
%multiple carrier per transponder operations
%II.6.1:For uplink
%Carrier EIRP
%Free space loss
%Satellite Gu/Tu
%II.6.2:For downlink
%Free space loss
%Earth station G/T
% ......................................................................
% Earth-Satellite Uplink Design
% ......................................................................
% Satellite-Earth Downlink Design
% Analysis of the satellite link
if C_N_uplink_abs>C_N_downlink_abs
disp('satellite is downlink limited')
disp('satellite is uplink limited')
disp(' ')
disp(' ')
%Case 02: Multi-carrier per transponder
disp('Case 02: multiple carriers per transponder')
disp(' ')
% ......................................................................
% Earth-Satellite Uplink Design
% ......................................................................
% Satellite-Earth Downlink Design
% Earth-Satellite-Earth Total link Design
% 16: Analysis of the satellite link
if C_N_uplink_abs_multiple>C_N_downlink_abs_multiple
disp('Satellite is downlink limited')
disp('Satellite is uplink limited')
%..................................end of program..........................