3 - Shortenings - Science and Technology
3 - Shortenings - Science and Technology
3 - Shortenings - Science and Technology
Bailey’s Industrial Oil and Fat Products, Sixth Edition, Six Volume Set.
Edited by Fereidoon Shahidi. Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
popularity especially for frying and baking. Shortening is also available in dry form
as powder, pellets, or flakes encapsulated in a water-soluble material. Skim milk,
cheese whey, corn syrup, soy protein isolate, and cellulose compounds have proven
feasible as encapsulating materials (1).
1.4. Functionality
Functionality is a term food technologists employ to describe how well a product
performs in a specific application. Shortening and margarine are often characterized
as highly functional products. In baking, margarine and shortening contribute to the
quality of the finished product by imparting a creamy texture and rich flavor, ten-
derness, and uniform aeration for moisture retention and size expansion. Liquid and
fluid shortenings are used in salad oils and for restaurant and industrial deep-fat and
pan frying. In frying, shortening functions as more than a heat transfer medium; it
also reacts with components in the food to develop unique, savory flavors and
TABLE 1. U.S Supply and Utilization of Shortening (in million lb) (2).
Supply Utilization
odors. Dry shortenings are convenient to store and use. Grease will not soak packa-
ging materials, and although expensive, it can be used in prepackaged cake, biscuit,
and pie crust mixes, which are free-flowing at room temperature. Those fat-based
products formulated and processed for plasticity spread readily and disperse thor-
oughly and uniformly in dough, batter, icing, and so on over a wide temperature
Figure 1. Typical solid fat indices for margarine oils. (Courtesy of Kraft Food Ingredients,
Memphis, Tennessee.) ——, Table-grade stick; - - - -, soft tub.
levels from about 30% at 10 C (50 F) to less than 5% at 33.3 C (92 F) (3). Soft tub
margarine oils have less steep SFI curves for a smooth, more plastic consistency.
The SFI curves in Figure 1 are typical for U.S. tub- and stick-type margarine.
Figure 2. Typical solid fat indices for shortening. (Courtesy of Kraft Food Ingredients, Memphis,
Tennessee.) ——, High stability frying; - - - -, all-purpose; , all-purpose emulsified; – – –,
bread; - - - - , liquid (fluid) frying.
b Type b0 Type
Soybean Cottonseed
Safflower Palm
Sunflower Tallow (beef)
Sesame Herring
Peanut Menhaden
Corn Whale
Canola Rapeseed (high erucic acid)
Olive —
Coconut Milkfat (butter oil)
Palm kernel —
Lard Modified lard
Cocoa butter —
Fats that crystallize in the b polymorphic form tend to be more coarse textured
with large granular crystals. They are poor aerators; yet they function well in pie
crust applications. Lard crystals tend to be large and grainy, but pie crusts formu-
lated from it have earned wide acceptance because of their flaky texture.
The degree to which these crystallization tendencies will be exhibited is influ-
enced somewhat by blending but more significantly by the hardness of the fat in the
formulation. For example, fluid margarine, stick products with 75–80% oil, and soft
polyunsaturated tub types can be formulated by blending a high level of liquid oil
with a low level of a high-melting-point fat. Stick and soft tub products containing
50% oil can be blends comprising an intermediate level of a liquid oil plus an
intermediate level of a moderately hard fat. Base stock blending is the basis for
the successful formulation of stick margarine using 100% soybean oil—an oil
with a definite predisposition toward b crystallization (8).
crystals that result in smooth-textured products. One reason for this behavior may
be that palm and cottonseed oils have a high ratio of symmetrical triglycerides (9).
Fat and oil are interchangeable terms. The distinguishing criterion is their phy-
sical state at ambient temperature; oils are usually thought of as liquids while fats
are considered as solids. Table 3 (10) lists the melting point, titer, and iodine value
(IV) of many oils commonly used to formulate shortening. Melting points for liquid
oils are usually not measured, but titer and iodine value are general indicators of the
relative fluidity of these oils. Titer is an analytical method for determining the con-
geal point of fats and for measuring the melting point of fatty acids. Although the
melting point of a triglyceride is not the same as its titer, it generally approximates
within a few degrees the actual melting point of harder fats. A high IV is a
TABLE 3. Melting Point, Titer, and Iodine Value of Selected Oils (10).
characteristic of a liquid oil while a low IV is indicative of a solid fat. Some fats
such as lard, palm, and cocoa butter are solids only at the highest ambient tempera-
tures while sesame, soybean, and peanut are clearly liquid except in cold climates.
To achieve shortening products with desirable physical and functional end prop-
erties, the melting and crystallization habits of commercial fats are manipulated
through hydrogenation, fractionation, interesterification, or combinations of these
processes. Each process is a legitimate topic for study. Without these processes,
or more specifically, without the modified oil products obtained from them, margar-
ine and shortening manufacture would be much more difficult. This chapter deals
briefly and only in a general way with these processes and the role of each in the
formulation of edible fat products. It is assumed that properly modified oil products
are available and used correctly.
Producers normally rely on only a few source oils indigenous to their geographic
area or that can be imported economically. Soybean is the primary oil used in the
United States while very little palm is consumed and none is produced. Canada’s
major oil is canola (low-erucic-acid rapeseed). Malaysia, Indonesia, and Central
America are the largest producers and users of palm oil. Eastern Europe, like Canada,
relies on low-erucic-acid rapeseed (LEAR), sunflower, and soybean oils. It is appar-
ent from Table 3 that it is virtually impossible to formulate products with controlled
melting and crystalline properties using only one of these oils. Even in areas where
conditions and economics justify a variety of types, modification methods other than
blending are essential to adequately control rheologic properties.
3.3. Fractionation
Gasoline, lubricating oil, fuel oil, diesel fuel, and various solvents are all familiar
products obtained from petroleum. Several processes are employed in a petroleum
oil refinery to separate and recover these useful ‘‘fractions’’ from the base oil.
Edible oils also contain liquid and solid fractions that can be separated by a frac-
tionation process. Dry fractional crystallization is a process in which two or more
components with different melting points are cooled and separated based on their
solubility or crystallization at different temperatures. Fractional crystallization is
frequently applied to palm oil to separate liquid palm olein from solid palm stearin.
Solvent fraction is a process in which the various fractions are separated by dis-
solving the triglyceride in a solvent. This solution is then carefully cooled until the
desired fraction precipitates. The precipitate is recovered by filtration. Solvent frac-
tionation can be applied to virtually any edible oil (11).
3.4. Hydrogenation
Hydrogenation is a chemical process in which hydrogen gas is reacted with oils to
increase their oxidative and thermal stability by converting liquid components to
semisolid fractions. The melting and crystalline characteristics developed are essen-
tial for formulating shortenings with specific desirable physical and functional
3.5. Interesterification
Interesterification is an effective tool for raising and/or lowering the melting points
of edible oils. Like hydrogenation, it is a catalyzed chemical reaction; however, it
alters fats by rearranging the fatty acid distributions in their triglyceride molecules.
This rearrangement can be effected in a random or directed manner. Total randomi-
zation is the most widely used practice but either randomization process results in
profoundly different triglyceride compositions, which follow the laws of probability
based on the composition of the starting triglycerides.
The random rearrangement reaction can be conducted in continuous or batch
reactors. The batch reaction vessel is agitated and fitted with a nitrogen sparger
and coils for heating and cooling. Moisture, which poisons the alkaline catalyst,
is removed by heating the fat or oil blend under vacuum. After drying and cooling
to the reaction temperature, the catalyst is added to the reaction vessel and the
oil–catalyst mixture vigorously agitated for 30–60 min. In the continuous reactor,
the fats are flash dried and the fat–oil slurry is formed continuously by adding
catalyst to the oil as it passes through coils sized to provide adequate time for
randomization. When the reaction is completed, the catalyst is neutralized with
water or acid and the salts formed or removed by filtration or centrifugation.
In directed rearrangement, the randomization process is interrupted by selec-
tively removing one or more of the reaction products through continuous distillation
or fractional crystallization. The remaining reactants continue to randomize
promoting the formation of specific glycerides.
Palm oil production has increased significantly in the last 10 years and may soon
exceed that of all other edible oils. Palm oil is also the only b0 type whose crystal
habit is not changed by interesterification. Interesterification has no effect on the
oils in the b classification either; however, randomization in the presence of another
oil can moderate their b tendency (13).
Interesterification is regularly used to process palm, palm-kernel, and coconut
oils for use in various types of confectionery, margarine, cooking and frying fats,
and as blends with lauric oils in reduced-calorie spreads. These three oils crystallize
slowly, are often difficult to chill and package, and tend to become hard and grainy
during storage. Interesterification often reduces or eliminates these undesirable
characteristics (14).
4.1. General
The ultimate consistency attainable depends on the fats and oils in the formulation,
the processes to which these have been subjected, the equipment and conditions
used to solidify them, and the conditions under which these products are stored
prior to utilization. Properly formulated liquid blends can be converted to true
plastic solids only when the apparatus employed provides controlled cooling,
crystallization, and working techniques. The manner in which these plasticity
and crystallization theories have been applied and employed in practice can be
discerned by examining commercial production apparatus.
conveyor were interspersed with blades that incorporated air while beating and
working the fat. High-pressure pumps then forced the fat through orifices, slots,
screens, and valves to break crystal aggregates and further disperse the entrapped
Figure 5 is a photograph of a roll with its ancillary equipment. Cylinder sizes
ranged from 610 mm (2 ft) in diameter by 762 mm (2.5 ft) long to 1219 mm (4 ft)
in diameter by 2743 mm (9 ft) long. Capacities for lard ranged from 454 kg/h to
6350 kg/h (1000–14,000 lb/h) and for shortening from 227 kg/h to 3175 kg/h
(500–7000 lb/h). Although still employed to produce fat flakes, the cooling roll is
now virtually extinct having been replaced almost entirely by the Votator process
for crystallizing and plasticizing shortening and margarine.
in the compressor plant to a surge drum installed above the freezing cylinder(s). A
modulating thermostatically controlled expansion valve automatically maintains the
correct refrigerant level in this vessel. The temperature of the liquid refrigerant,
even if subcooled, has no detrimental influence on the operation of this type of sys-
tem. Gravity forces the refrigerant into the cooling jacket where product heat
vaporizes a portion of the liquid while reducing the bulk density of the remainder.
The flow of vapor and this density difference combine to create the classic thermo-
syphon effect, which forces liquid refrigerant to circulate from the surge drum to the
cooler. Baffles in the surge drum effectively separate the vapor from the liquid. A
pressure-regulating valve controls the pressure in the surge drum and, consequently,
the temperature of the refrigerant in the cooling cylinder. Makeup liquid enters
through the level control and the entire cycle continues. Individual surge drums
can be provided for each cooling cylinder or a single drum can be used for as
many as three cylinders.
The gravity system protects against freeze-up through an instantaneous current
relay system. The current drawn by the heat exchanger drive motor is continuously
monitored and, at a preset but higher than desired operating level, it closes a sole-
noid valve in the line from the cylinder to the surge drum. Refrigerant circulation is
stopped and residual heat from hot metal surfaces and the product vaporizes enough
refrigerant to build sufficient pressure to instantly force any remaining liquid refrig-
erant to return to the surge drum. When the current draw returns to normal, the sole-
noid valve opens and the heat exchanger automatically resumes cooling. Optional
hot gas controls can be provided to assist in removing refrigerant for pump down.
Forced Circulation Refrigeration Systems. Forced circulation direct expansion
refrigeration systems employ principles similar to gravity systems. Refrigerant
must be physically transported to the cooling cylinder since the surge drum is
generally located below the heat exchanger. Liquid level can be regulated with thermo-
static controls or float valves. Some designs use a mechanical pump while others
depend on pressure differential and gas pressure to force the liquid to flood the heat
transfer tube. Injectors, based on Bernoulli’s theorem, take advantage of the liquid
supply pressure to transport refrigerant from the surge drum to the cylinder. Freeze-
up protection devices sense motor load and either turn off the pump or stop the
motive refrigerant flow to the injector. Since the surge drum is physically below
the cylinder, refrigerant naturally drains to it. Hot gas systems can also be provided.
Pool Boiling Refrigeration Systems. In a pool boiling system, the jacket area
surrounding the heat exchanger tube serves as the refrigerant surge drum. The
heat exchanger tube is flooded with liquid refrigerant, and a level control device
maintains this flooded condition by simply replacing the liquid as it vaporizes. A
valve in the line returning vapor to the compressor plant regulates the pressure and
temperature of the refrigerant in the jacket. This type of system is often provided
with a ‘‘drop tank’’ to which the refrigerant charge is dumped during pump down or
to prevent freeze-up. Hot gas systems are available.
Liquid Overfeed Refrigeration Systems. One commonality of all of the previous
systems is that all of the liquid refrigerant entering is intended to be returned as
vapor. Liquid overfeed (LOF) is a proven direct expansion concept in which only
25–35% of the liquid flowing to the heat exchanger is actually vaporized. A large
low-pressure receiver replaces individual surge drums. This receiver, normally
located in the compressor plant, is designed to separate the vapor from the circu-
lated liquid (15). Overload protection against freezeup is included and hot gas
systems can be provided.
Where LOF is already employed or when new installations require four or more
surge drums, economics favor LOF. Advantages include:
4.6. Crystallization
With efficient heat exchangers cooling through direct expansion refrigeration, the
product delivered is supercooled significantly below its equilibrium temperature
and primed for crystallization. A supercooled fat composition allowed to solidify
without agitation and mechanical work will solidify to form an extremely strong
crystal lattice and exhibit a narrow plastic range. This is a desirable characteristic
for stick margarine formulations but, where specific body and plasticity is neces-
sary, the plastic range can be altered and extended by mechanically working the
fat while it is crystallizing from the supercooled state (16). In general, these fats
require crystallization times with mechanical working of about 2–5 min. Votator
developed a special device for this purpose—the agitated working unit.
Figure 11. Votator agitated working unit. (Courtesy of Cherry-Burrell, Louisville, Kentucky.)
relatively small diameter shafts with pins fixed throughout the length of the shaft. A
photograph of a B unit is shown in Figure 11. Pins welded into the product cylinder
intermesh with the shaft pins as the shaft rotates. The mechanical working accom-
plished by this device during the primary crystallization period distributes the latent
heat evolved uniformly and forms fine discrete crystals throughout the crystallizing
mass. For shortening, the residence time is normally 2–3 min with standard shaft
speeds of 100–125 rpm. Margarine processing generally requires less residence
time but variable and often higher agitation speeds. Although the product tempera-
ture rises within, B units are normally not jacketed for external cooling, but it is
beneficial to jacket margarine B units with hot water to aid in melting and cleaning.
Shortening worker units can be constructed of carbon steel, but stainless steel is
required for margarine units.
4.8. Tempering
Definition. Except for table margarine, plasticized edible fats are usually packaged
and immediately transported to and stored in a constant temperature room for 24–
72 h. This quiescent heat treatment is referred to as tempering. It is generally agreed
that tempering should be conducted at about 27 C (80 F) and that it improves
plasticity and creaming properties and a plastic fat’s ability to maintain a uniform
consistency despite reasonable temperature fluctuations during storage.
Theory. Considerable confusion exists and theories abound as to exactly what
happens during tempering. One contends that low-melting-point triglycerides
dissolve and recrystallize to produce a stronger more homogeneous structure
(17). Another proposes that all crystalline forms exist initially and that conversion
to a stable polymorphic form for slowly transforming formulations requires quies-
cent holding at a temperature just below the melting point of the lowest melting
polymorph with 29 C (85 F) being an acceptable temperature compromise (18).
These products have complex triglyceride structures that can and do crystallize
in multiple polymorphic forms. Since they pass from molten oils to packaged
plastic solids in normally less than 5 min, all possible crystalline forms will be pre-
sent. Most of these, however, are not stable but, given time and sufficient energy
input, all will revert to stable structures. Whatever the mechanism, it is generally
agreed that the rheologic properties most affected by crystal transformation are
substantially stabilized during the first 48 h of tempering.
Fluid shortenings are finding increased acceptance in all segments of the bakery
industry. While fluid products based on b0 hard fats can be stabilized by normal
quiescent tempering; products based on b hard fats require tempering under agita-
tion to form a stable suspension. Votator’s current recommendation for bakery
shortening systems and fluid shortenings in general is that agitated tempering for
at least 4 and preferably 6 h is necessary to form a crystalline dispersion with a
viscosity low enough for pumping but high enough for prolonged suspension.
Constant–temperature rooms for tempering shortening are expensive to operate
and create logistic problems maintaining and rotating inventories. While it cannot
be eliminated, tempering time can be reduced in many cases by 50% or more.
Obviously, the material leaving the B unit is not completely crystallized nor has
it crystallized into a completely stable polymorphic form. Nevertheless, it must still
conform to the laws of physical chemistry. Phase equilibria dictate that, if cooled
further, additional liquid must solidify. Further cooling of this viscous crystalline
mass is possible through the use of a special scraped-surface heat exchanger or
‘‘postcooler’’ often called a C unit.
The Votator C Unit. The Votator C unit is essentially an A unit with the mutator
shaft installed 6 mm (14 in.) off the centerline of the heat transfer tube. This
‘‘eccentric’’ design forces the scraper blades into a cam-type motion with each
revolution of the mutator, and this continuous oscillation gently kneads the product
while cleaning the tube surface. Consequently, sufficient mixing is developed to
maintain efficient heat transfer even at very low shaft speeds. Since high shaft
speeds are not required, mechanical power input is minimized. The net result is
that the viscous crystalline material from the B unit can be cooled back to the
temperature achieved in the A unit. Liquid fat, which in the quiescent state would
ordinarily crystallize onto existing crystals increasing their size, is forced to crystal-
lize creating more stable individual crystals. The C unit can reduce tempering time
while also providing a means of controlling both viscosity and temperature at
the filling station.
Figure 12. Process flow diagram for a Votator model LS182 shortening system. (Courtesy of Cherry-Burrell, Louisville, Kentucky.)
(250–300 psig) inside all the A and B units. This pressure combines with the action
of the extrusion valve to ensure thorough gas dispersion and breaks any crystal
aggregates that form. A second rotary gear pump develops the pressure necessary
to transport the viscous crystalline mass to distant filling points while producing
enough pressure for final texturization by a second extrusion valve located just prior
to filling.
By varying the size and number of the coolers and working units, systems with
virtually any desired capacity can be provided. Completely engineered and
prepackaged shortening systems are available in capacities from 1361 kg/h to
9072 kg/h (3000–20,000 lb/h). Pilot plants for 91 kg/h (200 lb/h) are also available.
Figure 14. Process flow diagram for a Votator model SLS182 margarine/shortening system. (Courtesy of Cherry-Burrell, Louisville, Kentucky.)
surfaces in the feed pump, B unit, and all interconnecting valves and piping are
stainless steel as is the mounting frame. All metal product-contacted surfaces in
the Votator A units are also stainless steel except for the heat transfer product
tube, which is commercially pure nickel with a hard chromium plating inside.
Independent gear motor drives are provided for all A and B units.
The process flow diagram for the Votator model SLS182 margarine/shortening
system in Figure 13 is shown in Figure 14. A units supercool the molten oil blend
while B units work and texturize it as it crystallizes. A high-pressure stainless steel
feed pump generates sufficient pressure to overcome the resistance created during
supercooling and plasticizing and to transport this viscous product to the filling
station. A units and B units experience higher internal pressures than with the
two-pump arrangement and must be designed for at least 41 bar (600 psig). Newer
designs are currently capable of operating at 68–102 bar (1000–1500 psig). The
only option required to convert from shortening to soft margarine production are
variable-speed drives for the feed pump and B units. Because of the elimination
Figure 15. Control panel for Votator SLS margarine/shortening systems. (Courtesy of Cherry
Burrell, Louisville, Kentucky.)
of the raw material tank, one feed pump and several control valves, a Votator SLS
system is only about 20% more expensive than an all-carbon-steel Votator carbon
steel lard/shortening (LS) system despite the upgrade to all stainless steel construc-
tion and individual gear motor drives.
A completely redesigned manual control panel is shown in Figure 15. The opera-
tor panel, now a stainless steel washdown enclosure, also contains the necessary
start/stop push buttons and running lights as well as digital indicators for product
and refrigeration temperatures. The refrigeration temperature is adjustable from the
operator panel. Circuit breakers, conforming to the International Electrical Code
(IEC), have replaced fuse-protected motor starters. Motor current is sensed and
indicated on an ammeter with a digital display. Freeze-up is prevented by stopping
cooling at a factory preset current level. This power level can easily be reset in
the field.
Figure 16. Chemoreactor scraped-surface heat exchanger unit. (Courtesy of Crown Chemtech
Ltd., Reading, U.K.)
Figure 17. Gerstenberg & Agger Perfector type (2 þ 2) 92R. (Courtesy of Gerstenberg &
Agger A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark.)
Figure 18. Gerstenberg & Agger floating knife mutator shaft system for Perfector type
(2 þ 2) 92R. (Courtesy of Gerstenberg & Agger A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark.)
Figure 19. Gerstenberg & Agger Perfector type (2 þ 2) 180. (Courtesy of Gerstenberg &
Agger A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark.)
Figure 20. Gerstenberg & Agger intermediate crystallizer type 15 Ltr. for Perfector type 125.
(Courtesy of Gerstenberg & Agger A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark.)
Control of the quality and consistency of the final product depends on understand-
ing, adhering to, and applying the principles underlying cooling, crystallizing, and
texturizing to production and selecting and controlling the ingredients that consti-
tute the formulation. The Official Methods and Recommended Practices of the
American Oil Chemists’ Society (19) is the definitive analytical reference for eval-
uating raw materials and finished products in the fats and oils industry. Referred to
in the industry as simply the AOCS Methods, it is an essential tool for every ana-
lytical laboratory. The fourth edition contains approximately 1200 pages in two
heavy-duty loose-leaf ring binders, details more than 400 collaboratively tested
and verified methods, and is currently used in more than 40 countries. Procedures
and the apparatus required are described for all analyses required to properly char-
acterize shortening. Typically, analytical methods are conducted to measure crystal
size, color, solid fat index or content (SFI or SFC), iodine value, refractive index,
Wiley melting point, dropping and softening point, oxidative stability, peroxide
value, viscosity, penetration, consistency, and texture and color.
Sophisticated instruments have been developed to reduce the time needed to
measure critical factors influencing shortening’s rheologic properties. These include
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), polarized light microscopes, x-ray scatterers,
revolving laser beams, gas–liquid chromatography (GLC), high-performance liquid
Semisolid plastic shortenings are usually packaged in 0.5-kg and 1.5-kg (1-lb and
3-lb) cans, cubes, 50-kg (110-lb) cartons, and in drums containing about 175 kg
(380 lb). This type of plastic shortening is also available in ‘‘chubs,’’ prints, and
sheets ready for direct end-use application.
Cubes, comprised of cardboard cartons with plastic liners, are probably the most
popular foodservice and food processor packaging form. Systems equipped with
optical sensors assure that an empty carton is in position on a scale before filling
is initiated, and automatic controls then fill it to the correct weight. Most systems
use two scales and switch to the second carton slightly before the first finishes
filling. Cube sizes range from 10 kg to 25 kg (22 lb to 55 lb).
Chub packages are especially popular in Latin America. They are produced by
machines that form plastic into cylindrical sheets and fill the cylinders with from
0.11 kg to 5 kg (0.25 lb to 10 lb) of shortening. The chubs are sealed by crimping
both ends with metal clips.
Prints can be formed by extruding product directly into sticks or bricks with
weights ranging between approximately 0.5 kg and 5 kg (1 lb and 10 lb). Prints
can also be produced using rotary machines to fill plasticized shortening in paper-
lined containers. The quick chilled shortening is fluid enough at filling to assume
the shape of the container as it is filled but rapidly crystallizes into a rigid form.
Puff pastry shortening can be extruded in flat sheets or printed in 2-kg or 4.5-kg
(5- or 10-lb) blocks. It is usually provided in corrugated boxes containing several
sheets or slabs with paper sheets between the slabs to prevent them from sticking
Fluid and liquid shortenings are usually sold in 4-L, 8-L, and 20-L (1-gal, 2-gal,
and 5-gal) containers or in bulk 200-L (50-gal) drums and 40,000-L (10,000-gal) or
larger tanks. The 20-L (5-gal) size is available as a rigid package consisting of a soft
plastic container inserted in a corrugated paper-board box. It is best to package
liquid oil in dark containers since light catalyzes oxidation reactions in fats and
oils. However, for household use, the consumer seems to prefer clear containers
and some brands are packaged in clear glass or plastic. Polyethylene is permeable
to oxygen and, because of low turnover rates, household oil stored in clear poly-
ethylene containers frequently becomes rancid before it can be consumed. Other
oxygen-impermeable plastics such as polyvinyl chloride, opaque polyethylene,
and saran-coated polyethylene seem to be satisfactory packaging materials.
Pockets of free oil sometimes form in the package if the shortening has poor gas
dispersion, a weak plastic structure, insufficient hard fat in the formulation, or the
storage temperature is too high. If exposed to a sufficiently high temperature long
enough for the lower melting fat fractions to liquify, plastic shortenings will
Figure 21. Process flow diagram for an automatic Votator bakery shortening system. (Courtesy of Cherry-Burrell, Louisville, Kentucky.)
Figure 22. Control panel for an automatic Votator bakery shortening system. (Courtesy of
Cherry-Burrell, Louisville, Kentucky.)
Figure 23. PLC for an automatic Votator bakery shortening system. (Courtesy of Cherry-Burrell,
Louisville, Kentucky.)
Figure 24. Graphic display for an automatic Votator bakery shortening system. (Courtesy of Cherry-Burrell, Louisville, Kentucky.)
tempered and ready for use. Shortening is metered, on demand, from these tanks to
end users. A programmable logic controller (PLC) continuously monitors and
maintains product levels in the tempering tanks, filling each with the proper formu-
lation as required. For each formulation change, the system is automatically purged
to prevent intermixing. A user-friendly message center reports any anomaly and a
graphic panel displays the current system status.
The next three figures are photographs of a typical control panel, PLC, and gra-
phic display for the Votator bakery shortening system in Figure 21. Figure 22 con-
tains all of the high-voltage switch gear, motor starters, as well as an operator
control section with push button stations and running lights. The PLC is shown
in the photograph in Figure 23. Figure 24 depicts the process flow diagram in
Figure 22 and provides a visual indication of the process and equipment status.
Automation and control devices have been integrated into the system to pass
information developed in the semiautomatic system to a full-color screen-based
interface. This interface allows remote access to view, while in operation, process
flow diagrams indicating product and utility status, valve positions, motor loading
conditions, alarm status, and all other critical parameters with the ability to reset
control variables simply by touching the display screen. A fully automatic
screen-based control system is shown in Figure 25. Figure 26 is a typical screen
display of a process and instrumentation diagram.
Figure 25. Graphic screen-based fully automatic control system. (Courtesy of Cherry-Burrell,
Louisville, Kentucky.)
Figure 26. Schematic of a process flow diagram graphic screen display. (Courtesy of Cherry-Burrell, Louisville, Kentucky.)
1. T. J. Weiss, Food Oils and Their Uses, AVI Publishing Co., Westport, Connecticut, 1983,
p. 129.
2. Oil Crops Situation and Outlook, Economic Research Service, USDA, Oct. 2000, online
update 2004.
3. E. G. Latondress, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc., 58, 187 (1981).
4. A. E. Thomas III, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc., 55, 831 (1978).
5. A. E. Bailey, Industrial Oil and Fat Products, 2nd ed., Wiley-Interscience, New York,
1951, pp. 211–212.
6. P. Chawla and J. M. deMan, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc., 67, 329 (1990).
7. L. H. Wiedermann, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc., 55, 825 (1978).
8. Ref. 7, p. 826.
9. M. S. A. Kheiri, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc., 62, 414 (1985).
10. N. O. V. Sonntag in Bailey’s Industrial Oil and Fat Products, vol. 1, 4th ed., Wiley-
Interscience, New York, 1979, pp. 292–448.
11. Institute of Shortening and Edible Oils, Inc., Food Fats and Oils, 13 (1988).
12. J. Edvardsson and S. Irandoust, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc., 71(3), 235 (1994).
13. Ref. 7, p. 825.
14. S. J. Laning, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc., 62, 403 (1985).
15. American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers, Refrigera-
tion Handbook, vol. 2, 1990, pp. 2.1–2.9.
16. Ref. 7, p. 827.
17. N. T. Joyner, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc., 30, 531 (1953).
18. Ref. 4, p. 832.
19. Official Methods and Recommended Practices of the American Oil Chemists’ Society,
Champaign, Illinois.
20. L. deMan, J. M. deMan, and B. Blackman, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc., 68(2), 64 (1991).
21. W. E. Link, ed., Official and Tentative Methods of the American Oil Chemists’ Society,
American Oil Chemists’ Society, Champaign, Illinois, 1974.
22. S. Mielke, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc., 64(3), 298 (1987).