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Journal of Pregnancy
Volume 2019, Article ID 8435019, 11 pages

Research Article
Maternal Hepatitis B Infection Burden, Comorbidity
and Pregnancy Outcome in a Low-Income Population on the
Myanmar-Thailand Border: A Retrospective Cohort Study

Marieke Bierhoff,1,2 Chaisiri Angkurawaranon ,3 Aung Myat Min,1

Mary Ellen Gilder,1 Nay Win Tun,1 Arunrot Keereevijitt,1 Aye Kyi Win,1 Elsi Win,1
Verena Ilona Carrara,1,4,5 Tobias Brummaier,1,4,5 Cindy S. Chu,1 Laurence Thielemans,1,6
Kanlaya Sriprawat,1 Borimas Hanboonkunupakarn,7 Marcus Rijken,8 François Nosten,1,9
Michele van Vugt,2 and Rose McGready1,9
Shoklo Malaria Research Unit, Mahidol-Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit, Mahidol University, Mae Sot 63110, Thailand
Division of Infectious Diseases, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Department of Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand
Department of Medicine, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel, Switzerland
Faculty of Medicine, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Neonatology-Pediatrics, Cliniques Universitaires de Bruxelles-Hôspital Erasme, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium
Mahidol-Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit, Mahidol University, Bangkok 10400, Thailand
Utrecht University Medical Centre, Utrecht, Netherlands, and Julius Centre Global Health, Utrecht 3584 CX, Netherlands
Centre for Tropical Medicine and Global Health, Nuffield Department of Medicine Research Building, University of Oxford,
Oxford OX3 7FZ, UK

Correspondence should be addressed to Chaisiri Angkurawaranon;

Received 14 November 2018; Accepted 21 January 2019; Published 25 February 2019

Academic Editor: Helena Strevens

Copyright © 2019 Marieke Bierhoff et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Objectives. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) was believed to have minimal impact on pregnancy outcomes apart from the risk of perinatal
transmission. In more recent years, there have been reports of adverse associations, most consistently preterm birth (PTB), but this
is in the context of high rates of caesarean section. The aim of this study was to explore the association of HBV on pregnancy
outcomes in marginalized, low-income populations on the Myanmar-Thailand border. Methods. HBsAg positive (+) point of
care rapid detection tests results were confirmed by immunoassays. Women with a confirmed HBsAg status, HIV- and syphilis-
negative at first antenatal care screening, singleton fetus and known pregnancy outcome (Aug-2012 to Dec-2016) were included.
Logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate associations between HBV group (controls HBsAg negative, HBsAg+/HBeAg-
, or HBsAg+/HBeAg+) and pregnancy outcome and comorbidity. Results. Most women were tested, 15,046/15,114 (99.6%) for
HBV. The inclusion criteria were not met for 4,089/15,046 (27.2%) women due mainly to unavailability of pregnancy outcome and
nonconfirmation of HBsAg+. In evaluable women 687/11,025 (6.2%) were HBsAg+, with 476/11,025 (4.3%) HBsAg+/HBeAg- and
211/11,025 (1.9%) were HBsAg+/HBeAg+. The caesarean section rate was low at 522/8,963 (5.8%). No significant associations were
observed between pregnancy comorbidities or adverse pregnancy outcomes and HBV status. Conclusions. The results highlight the
disease burden of HBV in women on the Myanmar-Thailand border and support original reports of a lack of significant associations
with HBsAg+ irrespective of HBeAg status, for comorbidity, and pregnancy outcomes in deliveries supervised by skilled birth
2 Journal of Pregnancy

1. Introduction including caesarean section, by expanding upon the previous

cohort presenting data from August 2012 to December 2016,
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is hyperendemic in South- and previously unpublished data on pregnancy outcomes.
east Asia. It is assumed that about 75-80% of the estimated
240 million HBV carriers globally live in this region [1].
In endemic areas in Southeast Asia and Africa, where the 2. Methods
most significant route of transmission is from mother to 2.1. Study Design. This is a retrospective cohort study of
child (MTCT) or from child to child, up to 90% of infected refugee and migrant women registered at antenatal clinics on
persons have a chronic course [2, 3]. In mothers who are the Myanmar-Thailand border and screened for HBV.
HBeAg positive (+) and at highest risk of transmitting HBV,
Hepatitis B immunoglobulins (HBIG) should be routinely
provided if women give birth or in the case of homebirth the 2.2. Setting. Shoklo Malaria Research Unit (SMRU) provides
infant should be presented to a clinic where this specialized humanitarian health care for marginalized populations in
vaccination is available before 72 hours of life [4, 5]. However, north western Thailand on the border with Myanmar, with
this prophylactic regimen is often not given in low-income a focus on maternal and child health. At the time of data
countries (LIC) because of cost, complexity of production, collection, antenatal care (ANC) and birthing services were
and need for a reliable cold chain [6]. Health care systems available at three sites: two migrant sites, Mawker Thai (MKT)
in LIC struggle to respond to the significant burden of and Wang-Pha (WPA), and one refugee site, Maela (MLA)
communicable infections in pregnancy and routine HBV camp. Three decades of maternal and child health care on the
testing is not always available [7]. Thailand-Myanmar border have resulted in significant trust
For many years it has been thought that maternal HBV in the services provided by SMRU among the local popu-
infection had no influence on pregnancy outcomes [8], lation. Karen/Kayin state in eastern Myanmar is a difficult
but published evidence particularly from the last 5 years geographical setting—roads become impassable in the rainy
suggests there may be an impact of HBsAg+ irrespective of season making it impossible to reach clinics [19]. Attendance
HBeAg status on preterm birth, among other outcomes [9– at ANC is voluntary and uptake is high. In the migrant popu-
14]. Preterm birth (PTB) has been highlighted as a major lation attendance and delivery have continued to increase, in
finding in three [10, 13, 14] of these publications. While part because access in rural areas to maternal and child health
there is theoretical evidence to support an increased risk of services provided in Karen and Burmese language is limited,
PTB from chronic liver disease due to increased cytokine and health care in Myanmar and Thailand is associated with
production from inflammation [15], the PTB data remains significant household expenditure [20, 21]. In rural eastern
largely observational and at risk of bias. Sources of bias Myanmar up to 3/4 women give birth at home [22].
could include inability to control use of other (social) drugs, Antiretroviral treatment of HBV in pregnancy is not
other (subclinical) infections, e.g., Hepatitis C virus, poor supported by the government in Myanmar or in Thailand in
gestational age assessment, and obstetrician preference for pregnancy, and while it could be obtained from out of pocket
caesarean section [16], a known iatrogenic risk factor for PTB. expenses this would be beyond the means of this marginal-
The leading countries contributing to data on pregnancy out- ized population. Trust in government services in Myanmar is
come according to HBV status are the USA and Europe who low with significant out-of-pocket expenditure, so most poor
have low HBV prevalence and China with a moderate to high rural populations avoid seeking care at tertiary hospitals [23].
HBV prevalence; USA and China have high rates of caesarean
section [17]. Controlling the indication for caesarean section 2.3. Participants. Participants were refugee and migrant
in data extraction for systematic review and meta-analysis women registered at SMRU ANC on the Thailand Myanmar.
can be problematic as country policy and local hospital prac-
tice may not confer. HBsAg+, irrespective of HBeAg status, 2.4. Routine ANC and Birth Procedures. Routine counseling
was associated with miscarriage in one study [11] where more and screening commenced in MKT on 08-Aug-2012, in
than 20,000 women were registered since the first trimester. WPA on16-Aug-2012, and in MLA on 28-Aug-2012. The
Other studies have not found associations between HBsAg+ HBV test was offered at the first ANC visit along with
(irrespective of HBeAg status) and pregnancy outcomes and screening for other infections, Human Immunodeficiency
pregnancy morbidity including premature rupture of mem- Virus (HIV), syphilis, common tropical infections, malaria,
branes, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), and soil transmitted helminths [22]. Women that test positive
increased risk of prematurity, lower birth weight, small- or for HBV infection do not get treated with antiviral therapy.
large for gestational age or antepartum hemorrhage [10–12]. Malaria smears were done every two weeks in the migrant
A high burden of HBV (8.3%) infection in refugees and setting and for the first three visits for refugees and at any time
migrant pregnant women on the Myanmar-Thailand border if the woman complained of malaria symptoms, had a fever,
as well as factors associated with infection (age over 25 years or had preterm labor. All women routinely received prophy-
and Karen heritage) for the period of August 2012 and April lactic supplements including ferrous sulphate 200 mg daily,
2014 has been reported [18]. In this retrospective study we folic acid 5mg per week, and vitamin B1 100 mg daily. Haema-
aimed to examine the association of HBV infection with tocrit (HCT) was measured at each visit, with most women
coinfection, pregnancy morbidity, and pregnancy outcomes, checked at least four times by delivery. Any HCT value < 30%
Journal of Pregnancy 3

was defined as anemia in pregnancy. General maternal exam- inclusion in this analysis (Figure 1). Women with a singleton
ination was performed according to a set schedule, including fetus, confirmation of positive HBsAg RDT, who screened
weight, blood pressure, and fundal height. In women with negative for HIV and syphilis, and had a known outcome of
hypertension (BP ≥140/90 mmHg), proteinuria was tested at pregnancy were included. In this highly mobile population
least twice 6 hours apart to differentiate pregnancy induced approximately 20% of women register to antenatal care but
hypertension from preeclampsia. Eclampsia was defined by move, usually for work, before the outcome of pregnancy is
hypertension and convulsions. Low (<18.5 kg/m2), normal known. Low burden of HIV 17/3,599 (0.47%, 95% CI 0.30-
(18.5-23 kg/m2), and high (≥23 kg/m2) BMI were defined 0.76) and syphilis 14/3,592 (0.39%, 95% CI 0.23-0.65) has
using WHO standards for Asian populations [24]. All women previously been reported in pregnant women in this area
were provided with an ultrasound assessment at the first ANC [31]. There was no data on Hepatitis C infections or other
visit, determining the number of fetus as well as enabling sexual transmitted diseases. Rates of multiple pregnancies in
the estimation of gestational age (EGA). Gestational Diabetes this area are low at approximately 1% and there is no assisted
Mellitus (GDM) screening with 75g oral glucose tolerance fertility treatment.
test was based on risk factors developed for this population
[25]. Miscarriage included loss of the pregnancy before 28
weeks. Preterm birth (PTB) was delivery before 37 weeks’ 2.7. Statistical Analysis. Data were analyzed using SPSS ver-
gestational age and size for gestational age was determined sion 23. Demographic characteristics of the three groups
using international standards [26]. Women were encouraged (controls, HBsAg+/HBeAg- and HBsAg+/HBeAg+) were
to deliver at SMRU clinics with skilled birth attendants [27]. compared using the Chi-squared test for categorical variables
Women requiring caesarean section were referred out to the and the Student’s t-test or Mann–Whitney-U test for contin-
nearest Thai Public Hospital; the majority of these are for uous data.
emergencies only or when booked, for clearly documented The Pearson Chi-squared test was used to examine the
pathologies such as placenta praevia. Caesarean section by association of HBV infection and comorbidity and HBV
maternal request or without a medical or obstetric indication infection and pregnancy outcome: computing crude odds
is not available. Every newborn had a physical examination ratio (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Logistic
conducted by trained clinical staff with results recorded on a regression models were used to study the association between
standard reporting form [28]. HBV infection and comorbidity and HBV infection and preg-
nancy outcomes. Bonferroni correction for multiple testing
was performed for p<0.05. The variables were checked for
2.5. Laboratory Methods. Initial screening for HBV was
confounding and effect modification for the stated pregnancy
performed using a rapid diagnostic test (RDT, Pacific Biotech,
Thailand) with a reported sensitivity of 100% (63.1-100%)
Reported demographic variables included categorical:
and specificity of 100% (98.9-100%) [29]. The high sensitivity
gravidity, parity, BMI, height; dichotomous: age younger than
and specificity are not consistent with the false positive rate
25 years, Karen ethnicity, migrant status, literacy, smoking,
of 3.1% (95% CI 1.7- 5.4) in pregnant women previously
attendance of ANC in the first trimester, underweight any-
reported by SMRU [18]. Serum from the women with RDT
time in pregnancy and in first trimester (BMI as a proxy
HBsAg-positive was sent for verification using the HBsAg
for prepregnancy weight, and in women with gravidity >1 a
electrochemiluminescence immunoassay (ECLIA) on Cobas
previous history of miscarriage and PTB). Coinfections dur-
e immunoassay analyzer (Roche Diagnostics, Indianapolis,
ing pregnancy included malaria, nonmalaria febrile illnesses
USA) and from June 2014 with the Chemiluminescence
during pregnancy (temperature of >37.5 degrees Celsius),
immunoassay (CLIA) method (Unicel DxI1800, Beckman
and soil transmitted helminths (including Hookworm as
Coulter). This was conducted independently at the local
Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale ova which
tertiary referral provincial hospital in Thailand (the assay
cannot be differentiated by microscopy, Ascaris lumbricoides
has been CE marked according to Directive 98/79/EC). The
(roundworm) or Trichuris (T.) trichiura (whipworm)). Preg-
HBeAg electrochemiluminescence immunoassay was also car-
nancy related morbidity included anemia, pregnancy induced
ried out in the external laboratory on Cobas e immunoassay
hypertension, preeclampsia and eclampsia and GDM. Avail-
analyzer (Roche Diagnostics, USA).
able pregnancy outcomes included maternal death, miscar-
HIV was screened using a one-step Anti-HIV (1&2) Tri-
riage, delivery, gestational age, PTB, stillbirth, congenital
Line Test and confirmed by a second test if the first test was
abnormality, birthweight, small for gestational age (SGA),
reported as reactive, syphilis by VDRL and TPHA, malaria
large for gestation age (LGA), delivery by caesarean section,
by microscopy of Giemsa stained thick blood smear, and
and neonatal death. For analysis related to birth weight,
declared negative if no parasites were detected in 200 high
only liveborn, congenitally normal infants with a valid birth
powered fields, and soil transmitted helminths from fecal
weight within 72 hours after birth were included.
samples were processed the same day using the formalin
concentration method for detection of helminth eggs [30].
2.8. Ethics. This study was approved by the local Tak
2.6. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria. All women who Community Advisory Board (20171028-TCAB-13), Oxford
attended the ANC of SMRU starting 16 August 2012 and had Tropical Research Ethics Committee (OXTREC 28-09), and
a delivery outcome by 31 December 2016 were screened for the Chiang Mai University Research Ethics Committee
4 Journal of Pregnancy

New ANC registration at screening commencement

16 August 2012 and pregnancy outcome by 31 Dec 2016

No HBV screening done n=68/15,114 (0.4%)

HBV screening by RDT n=15,046

Unknown pregnancy outcome n=3,531/15,046 (23.5%)

Multiple pregnancy n=125/15,046 (0.8%)

HBV screening by RDT, singleton pregnancy n=11,390

HBsAg+ and HBeAg not confirmed n=161/11,390 (1.4%)

HBV confirmed, singleton pregnancy n=11,229

Syphilis+ n=47/11,229 (0.4%); screening not done n=93/11,229 (0.8%)

HIV+ n=50/11,229 (0.4%); screening not done n=14/11,229 (0.1%)

HBV confirmed, singleton pregnancy, HIV- and Syphilis- n=11,025

HBsAg- HBsAg+ HBsAg+

HBeAg- HBeAg- HBeAg+
n=10,338 n=476 n=211

Figure 1: Inclusions and exclusions for the analyses.

(FAM-2560-05195). The patient data were anonymized before The only differences in the comparisons of demographic
accessing and entering them for this study. (S3 table) and delivery characteristics (S4 Table) for HBsAg+
confirmed (included women) and HBsAg+ unconfirmed
(excluded women) were for status where the proportion of
3. Results migrants was higher and first trimester attendees lower, in
excluded women. For HBeAg+ women who were included
The majority of women who presented to SMRU ANC
and excluded significant differences were observed in the
between August 2012 and December 2016, 15,046/15,115
mean age of excluded women, which was slightly older, and
(99.6%), were tested for HBV infection (Figure 1). The
ethnicity, as excluded women were less likely to be Karen (S5
inclusion criteria were not met for 4,089/15,046 (27.2%) of
women with the two main exclusions being unavailability of
Among the 11,025 women included in the final analyzes,
pregnancy outcome (3,531/4,089 women, 86.4%), an expected
the proportion of HBsAg+ was 687/11,025 (6.2%, 95% CI 5.7-
result in this highly mobile population, and nonconfirmation
6.7). There were 476/11,025 (4.3%) of the women grouped as
of HBsAg+ RDT (161/4,089, 3.9%).
HBsAg+/HBeAg- and 211/11,025 (1.9%) as HBsAg+/HBeAg+.
There were differences in the baseline characteristics
of women who were included and excluded (n=4,089) (S2
Table). Unavailability of pregnancy outcomes occurred in 3.1. Demographic Characteristics. The characteristics of eli-
each trimester as seen by trimester of last antenatal visit (S2 gible pregnant women according to HBV infection status
Table) and included women who left the catchment area for are presented in Table 1. Women with HBsAg+/HBeAg-
work or to deliver with more family support in their home and HBsAg+/HBeAg+ differed from controls and from each
town or from a pregnancy outcome elsewhere. It is more other. A significantly higher proportion of women with
difficult for migrant women and visitors to the refugee camp, HBsAg+/HBeAg- were of older age, whereas those with
especially those whose residence is in Myanmar, to cross HBsAg+/HBeAg+ were of younger age. Given these signifi-
the border (which is a river) to reach the birthing services, cant differences in age, variations in obstetric (gravidity, par-
than for women residing at the camp who are within walking ity, and primigravida) and BMI characteristics (overweight)
distance from the clinic (S2 Table). No significant difference are not unexpected (Table 1).
in the proportion of HBsAg+ was observed for included A higher proportion of women with Karen heritage had
687/11,025 and excluded cases 250/3,802 (6.6%), p=0.464 (S2 HBV infection, but a higher proportion of refugees were
Table). HBsAg+/HBeAg- while migrants were HBsAg+/HBeAg+
Journal of Pregnancy

Table 1: Baseline characteristics of the study population, comparing the three investigated groups with an overall p value.
All women Controls∗ HBsAg+/HBeAg- HBsAg+/HBeAg+ P value1
n=11,025 n=10,338 n=476 n=211
Age yrs, mean ± SD (min-max) 26 ± 7 (13-50) 26 ± 7 (13-50) 29 ± 7 (15-47) 23 ± 6 (15-45) <0.001
Age<25 years 5,060 (45.9) 4,782/10,338 (46.3) 134/476 (28.2) 144/211 (68.2) <0.001
Gravidity median [IQR] 2 [1-19] 2 [1-4] 3 [2-5] 2 [1-3] <0.001
Parity median [IQR] 1 [0-15] 1 [0-2] 2 [1-3] 1 [0-2] <0.001
Primigravida 3,522 (31.9) 3,349/10,338 (32.4) 90/476 (18.9) 83/211 (39.3) <0.001
Karen ethnicity 7,162 (65.0) 6,667/10,338 (64.5) 341/476 (71.6) 154/211 (73.0) 0.002
Status Migrant (not refugee) 6,452 (58.5) 6,063/10,338 (58.6) 249/476 (52.3) 140/211 (66.4) 0.002
Literate 6,728 (61.0) 6,330/10,338 (61.2) 274/476 (57.6) 124/211 (58.8) 0.219
Smoker 1,440 (13.1) 1,338/10,338 (12.9) 80/476 (16.8) 22/211 (10.4) 0.026
First ANC visit in 1st trimester 4,479 (40.6) 4,189/10,337 (40.5) 206/476 (43.3) 83/211 (39.3) 0.479
EGA in weeks at first ANC median [IQR] 17 [10-26] 17 [10-26] 16 [10-24] 18 [11-25] 0.181
Underweight2 , (BMI<18.5 kg/m2 ) 724/4,463 (16.2) 690/4,173 (16.5) 24/206 (11.7) 9/83 (10.8) 0.174
Overweight3 , (BMI≥23 kg/m2 ) 1,236/4,463 (27.7) 1,142/4,173 (27.4) 75/206 (36.4) 19/83 (22.9) <0.001
Height (cm) mean (min-max) 151 ± 5 (130-191) 151 ± 5 (130-191) 152 ± 5 (134-174) 152 ± 6 (137-174) 0.937
Previous miscarriage (Gravidity >1) 2,321/7,503 (30.9) 2,171/6,989 (31.1) 114/386 (29.5) 36/211 (28.1) 0.108
Previous PTB (Gravidity>1) 589/7,503 (7.9) 541/6,989 (7.7) 33/386 (8.5) 15/128 (11.7) 0.144

HBsAg negative.
Data are n (%), mean ± standard deviation (SD) (min-max); median inter-quartile range [IQR] (min-max). Abbreviations: ANC, antenatal clinic, BMI, body mass index, PTB, preterm birth.
Missing data: BMI missing for 38 women for all women and 16 with first ANC in trimester one. 1 P value: proportions compared by Chi-square test, means by Students t-test; median by the Mann-Whitney U test,
BMI regardless of trimester at first ANC visit; underweight - BMI <18.5 mg/kg2 compared to normal weight - BMI 18.5 to <23.5 mg/kg2.
BMI if trimester at first ANC was trimester one, as a proxy for prepregnancy weight; over weight BMI ≥23.5 mg/kg2 compared to normal weight.
6 Journal of Pregnancy

(Table 1). There was no significant difference between the The absence of adverse pregnancy outcomes observed
groups for literacy, the proportion of first ANC visits in here and reported elsewhere could be related to the chronic
first trimester, maternal height, and in multigravid women, character of HBV infection [35]. In this population we
a history of previous abortion, and PTB. expect that most of the women will have acquired their
HBV infection preconceptually or during childhood. The ear-
3.2. Pregnancy Comorbidity. The proportion of coinfections lier publications on HBV and adverse pregnancy outcomes
(malaria, soil transmitted helminths) detected by screening emphasized poor outcomes with acquisition of acute HBV
and pregnancy related morbidity that occurred over the infection in late pregnancy [36, 37]. For the women in this
course of gestation (anemia, pregnancy induced hyperten- population with an HBsAg+ and especially HBeAg+ status,
sion, eclampsia or preeclampsia, or GDM were similar the dominant risk of HBV infection in pregnancy is the
between groups) were similar between groups (Table 2). unmeasured risk of transmission of infection from mother
Nonmalaria febrile illness was lower in the HBsAg+/HBeAg- to child. This is a problem in LIC with high HBV burden as
compared to the control group (OR 0.53, 95% CI 0.31-0.89, the expanded program of immunization can be suboptimal,
p=0.017). HBIG is usually not available, and women often labor without
For individual species of soil transmitted helminths, skilled birth attendance at home [6]. There is currently a
the proportion of Hookworm and Trichuris Trichiura were shift towards consideration of alternative strategies to relying
similar by HBV status but there was a higher, nonsignificant on vaccination and HBIG to interrupt transmission, such as
proportion of Ascaris lumbricoides infection in women with antiretroviral therapy with tenofovir [6].
HBsAg+/HBeAg+: 36/177 (20.3%) compared to controls
1,245/7,8201 (15.2%) OR 1.43 (0.98-2.07), p= 0.061. 4.1. Hepatitis B Virus Burden. Although HBV is recognized
In a logistic regression model, risk factors associated with as being highly prevalent in Southeast Asia, in this sample
HBsAg+/HBeAg+ compared to controls included Ascaris of pregnant women there was a proportion of HBsAg+
lumbricoides infection aOR 1.59 (1.08-2.35), p=0.020; age less of 6.2% (95%CI 5.7-6.7) with almost one-third who were
than 25 years aOR 2.64 (1.91-3.65), p<0.001; migrant status also HBeAg+ (30.7%; 95%CI 29.8-31.6). Comparison of
aOR 1.57 (1.12-2.19); p=0.008, and Karen heritage aOR 1.79 HBV prevalence between different countries revealed that
(1.25-2.56), p=002. our estimates of HBV in Thailand are lower than those
reported for other low and middle income countries. An
3.3. Pregnancy Outcomes. The proportion of maternal mor- Asian study among 3009 samples reported a prevalence of
tality was highest in the control group compared to the HBsAg positivity of 9.4% with 121 Cambodians (10.8%), 54
HBsAg+/HBeAg- and HBsAg+/HBeAg+ groups (Table 3). Laotians (6.9%), and 107 from Myanmar (9.7%) [38]. In
In this cohort HBV was not associated with an increased high income countries the prevalence is much lower than
risk of miscarriage, PTB, stillbirth, congenital abnormality, that reported for Asia; for instance, in northern America
or neonatal death, and HBV did not have a negative effect on and western Europe, the prevalence is between 1-2%. The
mean birthweight or SGA. difference in prevalence with high income countries could be
The proportion of women who delivered by caesarean due to a better implementation of the vaccination program
section was low: 522/8,963 (5.8%). There was a higher propor- on top of the previous immunization of high risk groups
tion of women in the HBsAg+/HBeAg- group who delivered and lower population prevalence of HBV before vaccination
by caesarean section (34/379 (9.0%) compared to controls became available [39]. This is further supported by the overall
480/8,417 (5.7%) with an OR 1.61 (95%CI 1.13-2.30), p= 0.008) decrease in HBV prevalence from 1990 to 2005 in younger age
on univariate analysis, but, with Bonferroni correction for groups [40, 41].
multiple testing, the difference was no longer statistically
significant, p=0.064 (Table 3). 4.2. Pregnancy Coinfections. There was no significant associ-
ation between HBV and malaria, but the overall proportion
of women infected with malaria in this cohort was low. This
4. Discussion low level of malaria is expected given very active control
This review including more than 11,000 women from a low- programs on both sides of the border in the study area
income setting does not support an increased risk of adverse [42, 43]. There was a nonsignificant higher proportion of
birth outcomes for those women with HBsAg+ irrespective A. Lumbricoides in women with HBsAg+/HBeAg+. It is
of HBeAg status compared to controls when pregnancy out- possible that HBsAg+/HBeAg+ contributes to a reduced
comes were supervised by skilled birth attendants. In multi- immune response to helminthic infection, or vice versa [44–
gravid women who attended ANC from the first trimester, 46]. Integration of screening and deworming should be
there was no increased risk of miscarriage with HBV, which considered in studies considering ARV PMTCT of HBV in
differs from recent previous reports [11, 32]. Pregnancy asso- areas with high rates of soil transmitted helminths in the
ciated morbidity (GDM, eclampsia and preeclampsia) and population [6, 44].
outcomes of stillbirth and PTB were also not significantly dif-
ferent by HBV status in this cohort [33, 34]. Careful interpre- 4.3. Limitations. The major limitation of this analysis is the
tation of obstetric outcomes is required due to the linear asso- 27.2% of women who booked at ANC but had unavailable
ciation of HBV infection with age and with age and gravidity. pregnancy outcome or no confirmation of the positive point
Journal of Pregnancy

Table 2: Association between HBV infection and comorbidity during pregnancy.

Controls∗ HBsAg+/HBeAg- HBsAg+/HBeAg+ OR (95%CI), P value
n=10,338 n=476 n=211 control vs. HBsAg+/HBeAg- control vs. HBsAg+/HBeAg+
Malaria 273/10,338 (2.6) 6/476 (1.3) 8/211 (3.8) 0.47 (0.21-1.06), 0.070 1.45 (0.71-2.98), 0.307
Febrile illness pregnancy 599/10,338 (5.8) 15/476 (3.2) 11/211 (5.2) 0.53 (0.31-0.89), 0.119 0.89 (0.49-1.65), 0.721
Soil transmitted helminth 1957/8,201 (23.9) 86/416 (20.7) 47/177 (26.6) 0.83 (0.65-1.06), 0.136 1.15 (0.82-1.62), 0.407
Hookworm 563/8,201 (6.9) 20/416 (4.8) 9/177 (5.1) 0.73 (0.46-1.15), 0.169 0.77 (0.39-1.51), 0.447
Ascaris Lumbricoides 1,245/8,201 (15.2) 55/416 (13.2) 36/177 (20.3) 0.85 (0.64-1.14), 0.276 1.43 (0.98-2.07), 0.061
Trichuris Trichiura 377/8,201 (4.6) 13/416(3.1) 10/177 (5.6) 0.67 (0.38-1.17), 0.162 1.23 (0.65-2.37), 0.510
Anemia in pregnancy 1477/10,325 (14.3) 58/475 (12.2) 35/211 (16.6) 0.83 (0.63-1.10), 0.202 1.19 (0.83-1.72), 0.350
Pregnancy induced hypertension1 834/10,338 (8.1) 39476 (8.2) 16/211 (7.6) 1.02 (0.73-1.42), 0.921 0.94 (0.56-1.56), 0.798
Eclampsia or Preeclampsia1 1,000/10,338 (9.7) 44/476 (9.2) 21/211 (10.0) 0.95 (0.69-1.31), 0.756 1.03 (0.66-1.63), 0.890
Diabetes in pregnancy2 539/7,932 (6.8) 22/409 (5.4) 5/171(2.9) 0.78 (0.50-1.21), 0.266 0.41 (0.17-1.01), 0.053

HBsAg negative.
Abbreviations: SD, standard deviation, GDM, gestational diabetes mellitus.
Missing values: anemia (n=14), soil transmitted helminths (n=2,231) with 2137,60,34 in each group, respectively.
Pregnancy inducted hypertension and eclampsia or preeclampsia are mutually exclusive: final hypertension diagnosis was the most severe form observed in pregnancy.
Gestational diabetes screening (75g OGTT) commenced in August, 2013, hence having lower denominator; cases included 12 women in control group with diabetes at first ANC.

Table 3: Association between HBV infection and pregnancy outcomes.

Controls∗ HBsAg+/HBeAg- HBsAg+/HBeAg+ Overall P value Crude OR (95% CI), P value
control vs. control vs.
n=10,338 n=476 n=211
HBsAg+/HBeAg- HBsAg+/HBeAg+
Maternal deaths 6/10,388 (0.6%) 2/476 (0.4%) 0 too few cases too few cases too few cases
Miscarriage (1st ANC Trimester 1) 832/4,190 (19.9%) 48/206 (23.3%) 15/83 (18.1%) 0.435 1.23 (0.88-1.71), 0.226 0.94 (0.71-1.25), 0.690
Delivered n=9.326 n=419 n=188
39.0 ± 1.7 39.1 ± 1.7 39.1 ± 1.3
Gestation, weeks mean ± SD (min-max) p= 0.228 p= 0.350
(28.0-44.2) (28.1-43.2) (33.3-41.5)
Preterm birth, (<37 wks) 671/9,326 (7.2%) 26/419 (6.2%) 8/188 (4.3%) 0.230 1.17 (0.78-1.76), 0.442 1.32 (0.93-1.89), 0.126
Stillbirth 82/9,323 (0.9%) 4/419 (1.0%) 1/188 (0.5%) 0.898 1.09 (0.40-2.98), 0.872 0.60 (0.08-4.35), 0.616
Congenital abnormality 193/9,322 (2.1%) 7/418 (1.7%) 2/188 (1.1%) 0.487 0.81 (0.38-1.72), 0.577 0.71 (0.35-1.44), 0.344
If liveborn, normal singleton n=9,058 n=408 n=185
Weighed in 72 hrs of birth 8,420/9,065 (93.0%) 380/408 (93.1%) 167/185 (90.3%) 0.317 0.97 (0.66-1.44), 0.896 1.19 (0.93-1.53), 0.159
Birthweight, grams 2,998 ± 452 3,044 ± 432 3,012 ± 417
p= 0.046 p=0.670
mean ± SD (min-max) (700-5,350) (1,000-4,340) (1,840-4,140)
Small for gestational age 1,566/8,395 (18.7%) 54/378 (14.3%) 30/166 (18.1%) 0.100 0.73 (0.54-0.97), 0.264 0.98 (0.80-1.20), 0.849
Large for gestational age 196/8,395 (2.3%) 8/378 (2.1%) 4/166 (2.4%) 1.17 (0.91-1.50), 0.228 0.93 (0.44-1.98), 0.851
Delivered by Caesarean section 480/8,417 (5.7%) 34/379 (9.0%) 8/167 (4.8%) 0.329 1.61 (1.13-2.30), 0.064 0.95 (0.50-1.81), 0.876
Neonatal death 44/6,533 (0.7%) 3/324 (0.9%) 0/137 too few cases too few cases too few cases

HBsAg negative.
Data are n (%) unless otherwise stated.
Abbreviations: SD, standard deviation, GDM, gestational diabetes mellitus.
Values reported as mean ± SD were compared with t test, proportions with Chi-square test, median with Mann-Whitney U test: with Bonferroni correction for multiple testing if p<0.05.
Journal of Pregnancy
Journal of Pregnancy 9

of care rapid test result. Reassuringly there were no important Authors’ Contributions
differences between included and excluded women and in
demographic and delivery outcomes of HBsAg confirmed Conceptualization is carried out by Marieke Bierhoff, Rose
and unconfirmed women (S2–S4 Tables) reducing the risk McGready, and Michele van Vugt; methodology is done by
of bias in reported outcomes such as miscarriage and PTB. Marieke Bierhoff and Rose McGready; Software and valida-
Data needs to be considered in context and on the Thailand- tion is done by Arunrot Keereevijitt; formal analysis is carried
Myanmar border it is very unlikely that these marginalized out by Marieke Bierhoff and Rose McGready; investigation
women were able to selectively choose more sophisticated is carried out by Aung Myat Min, Mary Ellen Gilder, Nay
care for their HBV status or meet the out of pocket expendi- Win Tun, Aye Kyi Win, Elsi Win, Verena Ilona Carrara,
ture for basic mother and child health care in Myanmar [23]. Tobias Brummaier, Cindy S. Chu, Laurence Thielemans, and
GDM screening employed a risk-factor based approach Borimas Hanboonkunupakarn; Resources are contributed
due to cost constraints, so the prevalence is likely an under- by Kanlaya Sriprawat and François Nosten; data curation
estimate. Only 4/5 of women provided stool samples, so is done by Rose McGready and François Nosten; writing:
cautious interpretation of helminth data is required. Finally original draft preparation is done by Marieke Bierhoff and
only indirect markers (HBsAg and HBeAg) of HBV infection Rose McGready; writing: review and editing is carried out
were available. by Chaisiri Angkurawaranon, Verena Ilona Carrara, Marcus
In this as in other cohorts, the precise indication for Rijken, Michele van Vugt, Rose McGready, and François Nos-
caesarean section was not available, potentially leading to ten; visualization is done by Marieke Bierhoff; supervision
bias in pregnancy outcomes [17]. However, the indications is provided by Rose McGready, Michele van Vugt, Marcus
in this setting for caesarean section are for emergencies in Rijken, François Nosten, and Chaisiri Angkurawaranon;
>90% of cases and booked cases have a significant pregnancy project administration is done by François Nosten; funding
related complication, such as placenta previa. The associa- acquisition is carried out by Rose McGready and François
tions observed in this cohort are very similar to older reports Nosten.
on HBV when caesarean section rates were much lower than
current reports [47].
5. Conclusions This study was funded as part of the Wellcome-Trust Major
Overseas Program in Southeast Asia (grant number: 106698/
Overall, the results highlight the disease burden of HBV in Z/14/Z). Without the pregnant women, and cooperation
women on the Myanmar-Thailand border. The mobility of between the departments at SMRU, this work would not
these populations is significant as one in four women did not have been possible. Special thanks are due to the counselors
have their final pregnancy outcome at the clinic where they at antenatal care who are skilled in multiple languages and
registered and followed antenatal care. In births supervised by proactive in encouraging pregnant women to uptake testing
skilled birth attendants, there were no significant associations and for posttest counseling. Thanks to the cleaners, logistic
between HBsAg+ irrespective of HBeAg status for comorbid- staff, drivers, nurses, health assistants, doctors, medics, mid-
ity or for pregnancy outcomes. wives, nurses, and IT team for providing round the clock care
for 365 days per year at each of the SMRU clinics. Thanks are
Data Availability due to Luuk Gras for his statistical advice and to Judith Recht
for revision of the manuscript.
The data used to support the findings of this study may be
released upon application to the Data Access Committee at
Mahidol-Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit (MORU), Supplementary Materials
who can be contacted at Table S1. Reported associations of HBV and pregnancy out-
sharing. come from case control, systematic reviews, meta-analysis, and
large (>20,000) population based cohorts from the last 5 years.
Disclosure Abbreviations (alphabetic order). Antepartum hemorrhage:
APH, adjusted Odds Ratio: aOR, birth weight: BW, Cae-
The funders had no role in the collection, analysis and sarean Section: CS, Cohort (large >20,000 population based),
interpretation of the data, the writing of the article, or in Congenital abnormality: CA, Eclampsia: EC, intrahepatic
submission of the paper for publication. The views expressed cholestasis of pregnancy: ICP, large for gestational age: LGA,
in the paper are those of the authors and do not represent the low birth weight: LBW, meta-analysis: MA; Neonatal Jaun-
positions of their respective institutions or that of the funding dice: NJ, Odds Ratio: OR, pooled Odds Ratio: pOR, pooled
agencies. The sponsors had no role in the design, execution, Risk Ratio: pRR, Preeclampsia: Pre-EC, Pregnancy induced
interpretation, or writing of the study. hypertension (or gestational hypertension): PIH, Preterm
birth: PTB, Preterm rupture of membranous: PROM, Small
Conflicts of Interest for gestational age: SGA, Stillbirth: SB, Systematic Review: SR.
Table S2. Characteristics of all women screened for hepatitis
The authors declare no conflicts of interest. B virus. Data are n (%) unless otherwise stated, 1 p value of
10 Journal of Pregnancy

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