) Suggest a reasonable mechanism for the following Vilsmeier-Hlaak formylation reaction, © CY POCIs, HCONMe, oS ©) Propose the major products for the following reactions of indole, @ 4) Postulate a reasonable mechanism for the’gischer indole synthesis. (8) QNo.6 a) Explain that both pyridine and nitrogen containing heterocycles but pyridine behaves as a base while pyrrole has ly acidic properties. 4 +b) Suggest a reasonable mechanism for the ‘Hantzsch Synthesis of pyridine. (10) oO Bt0Oe. /COOFt wt i N ) Predict the major products of the followiakedction of pyridine, Q) Ke, a B CO eg 4) Explain the mechanism of Chichibabiu@Action of pyridine to produce 2-aminopyridine derivatives, 3 co Q.No.7 4) Suggest a reasonable mechanism for the following synthesis of imidazoles, @) Ph me oe wh Soon Page 3 of 4Allama Iqbal Open University Level: BS/M.Se. Chemistry Semestfis Spring 2017 Paper: Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry (2589) Maxim ‘Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 03 Hours Pass irks: 50/40 Note: ATTEMPT FIVE QUESTIONS (Ingluding 0.10 which is compulipr ALL CARRY EQUAL MARKS, ey Qa) Derive the fundamental equation of Lh io) mac” ein AN ca wi et rei NMR (05) Senin rene at ty ten (05) ‘Q2a) How does the phenomenon of res : 0) b) Define diamagnetic anisotropy. “S i © © Gene and ce of che cop ead fen NMR © Q3a) Define the flowing terms: Ringing an{iperation, _ 6 b) Predict the structure of the compound tonf oie mass spectrum ©{ , ALLAMA IQBAL OPEN UNIVERSITY Level: Paper, ‘Time Allowed: 03 Hours BS/MSc. Chemistry ‘Semester: ‘Spring 2017 Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds (2586) Maximum Marks: 100 Pass Marks: 50/40 Note: ATTEMPT FIVE QUESTIONS, ALL CARRY EQUAL MARKS. [ Q.No Juestions Qa 8) Assign stereochemistry to the (Mowing compounds according to E/Z system. HO » 2 CH, Hse cl 3) YT 3 =, B>Apa' Hooc™ “ 2 5) ll bY Asa ‘on 2. A ‘ ) Assign absolute configuration to(eagh stereocentre in the following structures, 33 bs Hom “ydey 2 dc ‘Coon = x 2 2 e £ toALLAMA IQBAL OPEN UNIVERSITY BS / MSc Chemistry Semester: Spring 2017 Paper: Heterocyclic Chemistry (2585) Maximum Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 03 Hours Pass Marks: 50 Note: ATTEMPT FIVE QUESTIONS. ALL QUESTIONS CARRY EQUAL MARKS. Q.No.1 a) Write down the criteria to establish base component of a polycyclic heterocyclic compound according to Hantzsch nomenclature, Explain by giving names to following heterocycles. (6) Courmee) NON 'N x7 @ = ) b) Propose a reasonable mechanism for the folfywing Corey Synthesis of oxirane. (4) ee cxyfpriso wo J HyC” CH; HC oO ©) Deoxygenation of 2,3-disubstituted oxirang§Jo olefins using triphenyl phosphine is a stereo selective reaction, Explaid by giving suitabl es. © 4) Briefly explain the structure, synthesis andigpplications of epoxy resins? 4 Q.No.2 a a) Explain by giving suitable examples that im{@Gzoles behave amphoterically? @ b) Propose a reasonable mechanism for followfag Radiszewski synthesis of imidazoles. © Pay PhO O° t + 2 I M RCH Ph’ R Pao W ©) Suggest a reasonable mechanism for the following reaction of oxazoles, © R, R, ‘N N ‘NH; Th, eT R 0" R N’ R H 4) Discuss the importance of f-lactum ring for biological activity of penicillin’s? (4) Page 1 of 3