The Emergence of An Electric Mobility Trajectory

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Energy Policy 52 (2013) 135–145

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The emergence of an electric mobility trajectory

Marc Dijk a,n, Renato J. Orsato b,1, René Kemp c,2
International Centre for Integrated assessment and Sustainable development (ICIS) Maastricht University, P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands
Sa~ o Paulo School of Business (EAESP), Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV), Rua Itapeva, 474 - 81 andar, 01332-000 Sao
~ Paulo (SP), Brazil
ICIS and UNU-MERIT, Maastricht University, P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands

a r t i c l e i n f o abstract

Article history: In this paper, we analyse the emergence of a trajectory of electric moblity. We describe developments
Received 15 September 2011 in electric vehicles before and after 2005. The central thesis of the paper is that electric mobility has
Accepted 13 April 2012 crossed a critical threshold and is benefitting from various developments whose influence can be
Available online 8 May 2012
expected to grow in importance: high oil prices, carbon constraints, and rise of organised car sharing
Keywords: and intermodality. We find that the development of vehicle engine technology depends on changes in
Electric cars (fueling) infrastructure, changes in mobility, changes in the global car market, evolution of energy
Socio-technical transition prices, climate policy, and changes in the electricity sector. Special attention is given to interaction of
Future pathways technological alternatives: how these work out for the future of battery electric vehicles, hybrid electric
vehicles and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.
& 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction single factors such as price or technological change, but typically

involves co-evolution between multiple developments. The per-
In the last five years there has emerged new momentum for spective is also actor-based, for it addresses actor perceptions,
(battery) electric vehicles (BEVs), after a period of dissapointment strategies, actions and interactions between car drivers, car
in BEV around the turn of the 21st century. In this paper, we manufacturing firms, policy makers and public opinion. Therefore,
describe developments in electric mobility before and after 2005 it differs from functionalistic approaches that tend to focus on
and we analyse the emergence of a trajectory of electric moblity. system functions being fulfilled (e.g., in industry sector assess-
The central thesis of the paper is that electric mobility has crossed ments and comparisons of various technologies) or pure eco-
a critical threshold and is benefitting from various developments: nomic approaches (where cost, performance, prices, incentives
some technological, both within and outside the automotive are the main variables).
sector, and some developments in the social context of car The socio-technical transition perspective is instrumental to
mobility. Special attention is given to interaction effects between explain dynamic stability and incremental change on the one
the two and how these work out for the future of battery electric hand, and radical innovations and system change on the other.
vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. To explain change, it uses concepts such as ‘niches’, which are
We adopt a socio-technical transition perspective as an instru- protected spaces where potentially radical innovations emerge,
ment for our analysis, which does not prioritize social and and ‘socio-technical landscape’, which are external developments
technical elements, but sees these as inexorably linked (Rip and that can create pressure on existing systems (or better ‘regimes’).
Kemp, 1998; Hoogma et al., 2002; Geels, 2002, 2005; Geels and To explain stability, the notion of sociotechnical regime plays an
Schot, 2007). The socio-technical approach is both structuralistic important role, which helps to describe how car mobility is locked
and actor-based, highlighting the close alignment of social and into internal combustion engines because the societal context is
technical elements, including product technology, industry, mar- adapted to their use in terms of expected speed and power,
kets, consumer behavior, policy, infrastructure, spatial arrange- training and knowledge and maintenance networks, regulations
ments and cultural meaning’ (Geels, 2005). Such a view is (e.g., safety, maximum speed), cultural acceptance, etc. The
instrumental for understanding change that is not driven by transition perspective deviates from simple drivers and linear
cause-and-effect relationships because it puts emphasis on
mutually reinforcing developments and (sometimes unexpected)
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ31 433883301. alignments, co-evolution, circular causality, knock-on effects, and
E-mail addresses: (M. Dijk), hype-disappointment cycles. (R.J. Orsato), (R. Kemp). There are various ways in which a possible transition towards
Tel.: þ 55 11 3799 3517.
Tel.: þ31 433884405.
electric car mobility could occur, and Geels and Schot (2007) have

0301-4215/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
136 M. Dijk et al. / Energy Policy 52 (2013) 135–145

suggested four generic types of ‘transition pathways’. In this 2002). With the standards, CARB intended to trigger further
paper, the term pathway is, however, necessarily broader that development and sales of electric vehicles. Since California
the pathways of Geels and Schot, since the automotive sector may represented about 4% of the world market for cars and about
not go through transition at all. Therefore we use the term 12% the US car market at that time, the ZEV Mandate was quite
pathway synonymous to scenario, for instance regarding path- important for automakers (Kemp, 2005). By 1994, four additional
ways of automobility, referring to possible future developmental states (New York, Massachusetts, Vermont and Maine) had
path of the car mobility sector (which may involve various adopted the California ZEV mandate and eight more joined the
technologies). We distinguish the related term trajectory from National Low Emissions Vehicle (NLEV) Program, approving
pathway, and we use trajectory in relation to a specific technol- stricter requirements than the federal ones from the Environ-
ogy, for instance a trajectory of electric mobility, similar to how mental Protection Agency (EPA).
various studies on technological trajectories apply the term. The organisation of the European Union with its system of
In this terminology the future pathway of a sector may thus environmental Directives made it difficult to adopt a regulatory
consist of a range of technological trajectories. framework similar to the American ZEV mandate. Although
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 explains the national or local authorities could impose a ZEV regulation, there
stability of the sector and the lack of momentum of the electric was an apparent consensus among policymakers that the use of
mobility (EM) niche before 2005 by addressing the alignment of incentives, rather than disincentives, was a more desirable
social and technical elements, including regulations, pilot projects and potentially more effective way of promoting cleaner vehicles
on the new technology, demand structures and responses in the (Nieuwenhuis and Wells 1997). In Europe, interest in BEV
industry. Section 3 analyses EM developments after 2005, what technology had its main origins in engineering schools —
we termed ‘present continuous’ to describe how the allignment of Germany, Denmark and Switzerland, in particular. Ecological-
social and technical elements is becoming more malleable conscious students and technicians in small enterprises were able
through certain trends but also through the deliberate practice to move from developing solar vehicles to the artisanal manu-
of a few specific actors. Section 4 examines prospects for the facturing of lightweight BEVs. After being showcased to the
electrification of automobility and, finally, Section 5 summarizes public, coinciding with the developments in California, these
the factors behind EM activity in recent years. vehicles motivated politicians to promote their mass production
and commercialization (Hoogma 2000). This led to the support of
R&D programmes in several Western European countries, invol-
2. The recent past: EM niche developments in the 1990s ving the sponsorship of demonstration projects, subsidies, and tax
reductions for such vehicles.
After the early appearance and decline in the late 19th and
early 20th century, interest in battery electric vehicles (BEVs)
re-emerged in the 1960s and 1970s in the USA, mainly due to the 2.2. Pilot and demonstration projects
negative effects of air pollution and rising oil prices. The 1965
Clean Air Act triggered several research institutes and firms to In the early 1990s, a few small companies outside the (high
develop electric cars, but results were poor in terms of both volume) car industry were dominating BEV-developments. These
technological performance and price compared to their gasoline niche players adopted a different design for the car body, which
counterparts (Mom, 1997). At the end of the 1970s, less than 4000 depended less on economies of scale and allowed them to be
BEVs had been sold worldwide. After a period of little activity, profitable by selling only a few hundred vehicles — even though
public interest on BEVs revived once again in the second half of their cars were relatively more expensive than conventional ones.
the 1980s and the early 1990s, bringing renewed hopes to Forced by the Californian ZEV Mandate, high volume car manu-
environmentalists that BEVs would finally become a mass market facturers showed increasing commitments to the BEV technology
reality. This was mainly due to the new regulatory push done by and, after presenting prototypes in auto shows, some started to
American State of California and, to a lesser extent, to the sell a small number of BEVs. Different from the dedicated BEV
environmental policies and programs promoted in Europe. producers, automakers opted for a low-risk, low-cost strategy of
converting existing models into BEVs (the Renault Clio and
2.1. Regulatory push and bottom-up developments of BEV Peugeot 106 are good examples).
enthusiasts Hoogma et al (2002) studied the European demonstration
experiments with electric vehicles in Germany (Rugen Island,
Following a tradition of being in the vanguard of emission 1992–1996), Switzerland (in the town of Mendriso, after 1995),
legislation, in the early 1990s the American State of California led and Norway (via the development of an BEV called Th!nk, after
a technology forcing approach for the introduction of zero emis- 1991), among others. Possibly the most remarkable project was
sions vehicles (ZEV). The California Air Resources Board (CARB) the one led by EDF, the French electric utility, which ordered 2000
had the ambition to set strict emission standards to curb health BEVs for the experiment in the city of La Rochelle in the West
problems in the Los Angeles area provoked by motor vehicles’ coast of France. The experiment initially seemed a small miracle,
toxic emissions. Coincidentally, in January of 1990, General since users loved BEVs. Public attention was high and much was
Motors presented an BEV concept car (later marketed as the EV1) learned about user acceptance and the conditions needed to
in the Los Angeles Auto Show, which greatly impressed the public support BEVs. As it turned out, however, only a few consumers
and sent signals to CARB that BEVs were ready for mass com- were willing to buy the new car outside the experiment. People’s
mercialisation. Though GM did not intend the car to be mass- willingness to pay for an BEV was not really tested by the
produced, it encouraged CARB to include BEVs in the Mandate3 , experiment.
which was adopted in September of that year (see Hoogma et al. More positive results were achieved in the large-scale pilot
and demonstration project for lightweight electric vehicles (LEVs)
The ZEV Mandate in 1990 required that 2% of all new cars sold in California
should be ‘‘zero emission’’ by 1998. In the year 2000 all new cars sold had to be (footnote continued)
either ‘‘low emission’’, ‘‘ultra low emission’’ or ‘‘zero emission’’. Moreover, by 2003 (ULEV) and 10 % zero emission vehicles (ZEV). For a more detailed analysis on how
75 % had to be low emission vehicles (LEV), 15% ultra low emission vehicles this regulation came about, see Kemp (2005).
M. Dijk et al. / Energy Policy 52 (2013) 135–145 137

in the Swiss town of Mendriso between 1995 and 2001. The aim BEVs (75% and 55%, respectively). They were dissatisfied with both
of the project, initiated by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy, was functionality and price of BEVs. Environmental impact (35%) was
to demonstrate and evaluate the usefulness of LEVs, to identify positively appraised, although to a lesser extent than by 1990.
measures of promotion and to demonstrate the electric mobility By 2000, however, there was only one salient negative attribute:
concept. By 2001 the project had helped to bring 396 BEVs onto range (71%). Overall, appreciation for BEVs in the 1990s was low.
the roads, (174 cars, 20 light duty vehicles, 97 scooters and 96 The available vehicle during that period cost twice as much as a
electric bikes), two-third of the vehicles were owned by indivi- conventional car and would take several hours to refuel.
duals and one-third by companies (Hoogma et al, 2002 p. 102). In addition, the lobbying efforts made by the auto industry to
The programme and its follow up heavily relied on subsidies loosen up regulations certainly contributed to hold back the
(50 to 60% of the purchase price). When the subsidies ceased, the commercial success of BEVs. From the early 1990s, car firms
enthusiasm for BEVs also faded away. voiced their dissatisfaction with California’s ZEV regulation and
put pressure on US federal and European legislators to limit
2.3. Doubts and disappointments emission regulations. Although there were electric vehicle asso-
ciations in Europe, US and Asia (mostly created by BEV enthu-
The interest in the early 1990s developed rapidly and rose siasts), public support for BEVs was not strong enough to
substantially above the public interest registered in previous counterbalance the industry lobby. As a result, the Mandate was
decades. Nevertheless, around the year 2000 attention shifted to relaxed in 1996 (the requirements for 1998–2002 period were
hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (FCVs), indicated by the number of abolished), and again in 1998 (ZEV credits could be earned
prototypes for BEVs and FCV (Bakker and Van Lente, 2009). BEVs through partial electric vehicles). With the Mandate watered
prototypes emerged in the 1990s, fell in the first half of 2000, down, by early 2000s the political support for BEVs in the US
rising again after 2005. FCV prototypes fell sharply after 2007, had faded away. As a result, between 1995 and 2000 only a few
which, according to the authors, shows that both types of vehicles thousands BEVs were sold worldwide, and poor sales records
are prone to cycles of optimism and pessimism. clearly reflected the market failure of BEVs in California and
All along the entire period, the interest of the car industry elsewhere, closing another BEV hype-disappointment cycle.
remained mostly on internal combustion engine (ICE) technology.
The number of patents and new product launches in the period 2.4. The only success story: Toyota Prius and hybrid technology
1990–2005 clearly indicates the focus of European automakers on
further developments of ICEs, such as the variable valve timing The only major success in the period 1997–2005 was provided
and direct fuel injection systems. On average, around 80% of the by the hybrid technology. In the second half of the 1990s,
patents were awarded to ICE-related technology, against only Toyota and Honda were the first carmakers to move towards
about 20% for technologies associated with pure battery EVs and the mass commercialization of low-carbon vehicles via alterna-
Hybrid EVs (Oltra and Saint Jean, 2009). In Japan, the number of tive powertrain technology. While automakers were relieved by
patent applications on electric vehicles began to rise sharply in the relaxation of the ZEV mandate in California in 1996, these two
the early 1990s, stabilized in 1995 and declined rapidly after- Japanese firms saw a business opportunity for the hybrid-electric
wards (Yarime et al., 2008). Overall, most firms did not regard powertrain technology, independently from regulatory measures.
electric propulsion as a profitable strategy, and strong competi- The Prius I was launched in 1997 and targeted the green market
tion on gasoline and diesel engines triggered a great refinement of niche in Japan. In part because acceleration and maximum speed
ICE performance in the 1990s. Although the efforts of regulators were compromised, the sedan had the lowest consumption in its
to make BEVs a commercial success motivated the formation of category (3.6 l/100 km). After capturing the Japanese niche, the
design and production networks, the few large-scale demonstra- Prius II was launched California in 2000. The new version had
tion projects in Europe and in the US did not seem to appeal to increased acceleration (causing consumption to grow to 5.1 l/100 km)
consumers, discouraging carmakers to scale them up. and a more attractive appearance (design). The new version was
An important reason for the disappointment in mass-commer- well received by American consumers, ramping up sales quickly
cializing BEVs is the limited technological progress achieved and motivating Toyota to go one step further and launch the third
during the 1990s, particularly in batteries. In that period, electric generation of the hybrid technology (Prius III) worldwide in 2004.
vehicles were mainly equipped with lead-acid batteries, resulting Toyota rolled out the Prius vigorously, which appealed to a broad
in very limited lifetime and range. In the late part of the decade, set of consumers, such as the tech-savvy, paving the way for
the focus of R&D shifted to nickel metal-hydrate and lithium-ion wider applications of hybrid-electric technology in other models.
batteries, which were expensive at low production volumes. Overall, the car has been a huge success for Toyota, who earned
The two-seat BEV of the company Think Nordic is a good example. the reputation of the greenest volume carmaker in the world.
At h25,000 at that time, it was simply too costly to have a chance In the period 1997–2007, Toyota sold more than one million Prius
to succeed in the marketplace. Even the efforts made by Ford to worldwide.
rump up production, who acquired Think Nordic in 1999, were In sharp contrast to Toyota and Honda, who launched their
not sufficient to make the business profitable. Ford sold Think hybrids Prius and Insight in 1997 and 1998 respectively, all other
Nordic in 2001. In Japan, several electric vehicles were released carmakers were reluctant to invest in the hybrid technology.
to the market in the middle of the 1990s by major automakers Disappointing experiences with fuel-efficient cars (the unsuccess-
(such as the Toyota RAV4 and Honda EV Plus). By the early 2000s, ful introduction of Volkswagens Lupo 3 l in 2000 is a good
however, commercial production of electric vehicles had almost example) was a factor, as this led them to believe there was no
stopped (Yarime et al., 2008). market for more expensive fuel-efficient cars. After 2005, how-
Another reason for the failure in scaling up experiments and, ever, there was a shift in perception, with most car manufacturers
broadly, for the commercial failure of BEVs in the 1990s, was investing considerable resources in R&D to catch up. Neverthe-
consumer preference. Dijk (2011) identified the main attributes less, these investments need to be viewed against car manufac-
consumers were looking for when buying cars, back in 1996. turers’ strategies and investments to improve ICE. All firms
The research was limited to The Netherlands but the results may have invested heavily in refining ICEs, and most firms have
hold true for other countries as well. Range and price were the marketed ‘eco’ versions of their ICE models, such as Volkswagen’s
most important attributes mentioned by potential consumers of Bluemotion line.
138 M. Dijk et al. / Energy Policy 52 (2013) 135–145

3. The present continuous: A new climate for eletric drive By 2012 consumers will be able to choose between the four BEV
models produced by Renault, and the BEV Leaf rolled out by
From 2005 onwards, there is a new momentum for electric Nissan in late 2010. The partnership between Renault–Nissan and
mobility (EM). This time, climate change concerns rather than Better Place provided the legitimacy of new approaches and
urban pollution are driving the efforts towards the electrification business models for the mass deployment of BEVs. Moreover, it
of mobility, with peak oil also playing a role. The aftermath the triggered a level of competition around the BEV technology
Hurricane Katrina in 2005 sensitized public opinion about the unique in the history of the car industry.
negative effects of climate change, and Al Gore’s Inconvenient The competition towards the electrification of cars could be
Truth documentary (May 2006) raised global awareness. Alto- seen in the 2009 edition of the Frankfurt Motor Show, with almost
gether, such events influenced policymakers to develop regula- every carmaker displaying BEVs prototypes (or concept cars, as
tory frameworks and market instruments to curb carbon they are known in the industry). Besides the aggressive marketing
emissions (Orsato 2009). Such instruments, as well the role of campaign around the launch of four models of BEVs by Renault–
entrepreneurs and technological development are described in Nissan, other European volume producers, such as Mercedes and
the following. Fiat presented BEV models with clear plans to be launched before
2015. General Motors, following its fall from grace in 2008, put
3.1. Climate protection policies, targets and programmes great emphasis in its plug-in hybrid Chevy Volt as a potential
saviour of its financial problems — even though most analysts
From 2005 onwards, concerns about climate change motivated think this hope is unfounded4. In the Japanese auto industry,
governments worldwide to demand the car industry to decrease Mitsubishi Motors started the mass production of its pure electric
vehicle CO2 emissions even further. In particular, the emissions vehicle (called i-MiEV) in mid-2009 at the scale of 1400 vehicles
targets of the Kyoto protocol gained momentum in this period. per year, almost at the same time when Fuji Heavy Industry
Regulatory measurers were introduced after Annex 1 countries introduced the plug-in Stella. Nissan plans to start commercial
realized that they would not meet the Kyoto targets. With the production of its BEVs Leaf, at the scale of 50,000 per year by early
looming threat of having to purchase emission allowances, many 2011, and to increase its production level to 150,000 per year by
countries started regarding EM as a means of reducing CO2 2012. The global production of electric vehicles by the Nissan–
emissions. Renault alliance will be increared to 500,000 per year by 2015
Politicians and policymakers also used climate concerns and (Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., 2011). Even the Think Nordic, the
policies promoting the diffusion of EM as a means to profile their Norwegian company, mentioned in Section 2, succeeded to
green credentials, which were high in the public agenda in that convince new investors that the time for BEVs has finally arrived,
period. Green, more fuel-efficient vehicles also featured well in avoiding bankruptcy once again5. In sum, competition for the
the packages for economic recovery policies after the financial development and mass commercialization of BEVs build up in the
crisis of 2007. In the United States, from the US$16.8 billion second half of the 2000s, which stimulated battery development
provided in the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act for the for vehicles and caused one battery developer, the Chinese
office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), US$2 company Build Your Dream, to enter the car market. Not surpriz-
billion are supposed to be used to build a domestic battery ingly, the race to develop baterry technology followed suit.
industry. Although green recovery measures certainly represent
a boost for EM developments, they also benefitted fuel-efficient
ICEs via programs such as cash for clunker, which subsidize 3.3. Collaboration for battery ttechnology development
traditional fuel-efficient ICE cars.
The European Commission has stimulated the development of More than with diesel and gasoline innovations, which have
alternative powertrain technologies through R&D programs been developed only partly by first-tier suppliers (such as Bosch,
(mainly via the 7th Framework), and England, Italy, Germany, Denso, Valeo and Delphi), EV research occurred mainly within the
and Japan introduced subsidies for the purchase of BEVs. Den- supplier network — Japanese ones in particular (Pilkington and
mark and Israel championed the incentives for BEVs by exempt- Dyerson, 2006). Because battery technology is the key to improv-
ing them of the taxes paid for ICEs. The EU’s 2008 Climate Change ing the performance of electric vehicles, automakers started to
Package requests member states to achieve 20% energy efficiency collaborate closely with battery producers to generate or
improvements and 20% of the energy supplied by renewables by strengthen competencies. For instance, Toyota and Matsushita
2020. Accomplishing the 2020 Commitment (as it is known) will (currently Panasonic), Toyota’s battery supplier at the time,
require the integration of additional wind and solar power into formed a joint venture for battery development in March 1995,
the EU grid system and, as we explore later, large BEV fleets may allowing them to share R&D costs and risks associated with
help electric utilities to optimize power-grid management. battery technology (Magnusson and Berggren, 2001). In 2007
In sum, various policies and programs in the largest economies Nissan established a joint venture (called Automotive Energy
in the world provided signals and incentives for carmakers to Supply) to produce lithium-ion batteries, with NEC and NEC Tokin
invest increasing amounts of money in R&D and acquisitions, in in the electronic industry. In 2009 Honda entered into collabora-
order to build competences in pure and hybrid EV technologies. tion for developing batteries through a joint venture (called Blue
Energy), with the specialized battery maker GS Yuasa — the same
3.2. New market enthusiasm for pure batery EVs company Mitsubishi Motors created a joint venture (called
Lithium Energy Japan) with the particular focus on lithium ion
After 2005, Nissan became more aggressive in trying to batteries, in December 2007.
commercialize pure EVs. With its French partner Renault (and While Japanese automakers basically chose to work with
main shareholder), Nissan became the main supporter of the battery makers through joint ventures, U.S. auto manufactures
battery swapping technology, described in more detail in Section preferred to maintain arms-length relationships with battery
4. Such technology is seen by some as a key solution for the suppliers (Yarime et al., 2008). Such developments indicate the
problem of limited range of BEVs (today at around 160 km).
Carlos Ghosn, the CEO of Renault–Nissan has been the main 4
Fortune Magazine (April 27, 2009). The Great Electric Car Race. Pages 28–31.
supporter of both pure EVs and the battery exchange technology. 5
For a broader explanation of the Think trajectory, see Orsato et al., 2008.
M. Dijk et al. / Energy Policy 52 (2013) 135–145 139

increasing centrality of battery technology in future of the auto services and battery reserves, when EVs are not in use. EVs also
industry. For battery manufacturers, the potential demand for EVs help to reduce carbon emissions. Even when the eventual carbon
represents a huge growth potential for existing business or new credits resulting from the move from ICEs to EVs are almost
entrants in the industry. negligible10, fleet operators can expect to reap up reputational
benefits from the decarbonisation strategies (Orsato 2009).
3.4. Investments in recharging infrastructure
3.6. The emergence of mobility operators
Whereas battery technology and costs are crucial for the
market success of EVs, commercial success also depends on the A new type of actor has emerged in the field of transport:
infrastructure for recharging. In a similar attempt to make a mobility providers or operators. Their business is to provide
transition from diesel engine to compressed natural gas vehicles mobility services rather than a vehicle or a ride. Examples of
in Tokyo, it was of critical importance that gas infrastructure new mobility providers are car sharing organisations (CSO)
providers were involved in cooperation with car makers and users offering car services in combination with public transport use.
(Yarime, 2009). In the same fashion, mainly after 2005, national Some public transport companies are developing into mobility
and local governments were deeper involved in the market companies, by adding mobility services to their portfolio. This is a
preparation and the provision of infrastructure for EV recharging, small but significant development for the future of electric
and the level of R&D funds is substantially larger than in the mobility (to which we will also retrun in section 4).
1990s6. In the period 2010–2011 there were thousands projects Car-sharing should not be confused with car-pooling, in which
with a much larger budget, compared to a few dozen projects in the vehicle is simultaneously shared by a few people. Clients of a
the 1990s7. Moreover, many local governments started providing CSO use the vehicle sequentially. The car is rented on a per ride
refuelling infrastructure, even though still in the order of dozens basis from an organisation who services and owns the car.
of refuel points, which is too little for a widespread use of EVs. Customers can choose among a wide range of vehicles, allowing
Electric utilities have been increasingly involved in EV partner- for customised choices (and therefore providing much potential
ships. Whereas in the 1990s only the French EDF regarded EVs as for BEVs which are attractive for short trips). Between 1998 and
a business opportunity, the list of utilities engaging in infrastruc- 2006, car-sharing has grown at an exponential rate, reaching
ture developments was much larger in 2010, including the Swiss 350,000 members worldwide in 200611. Car sharing started in
Energie Ouest Suisse (EOS), Oregon’s Portland General Electric, Europe but spread to the US where the world’s greatest car
San Diego’s Gas and Electric, Ireland’s ESB, Tokyo Electric Power sharing company is based, ZIPcar, founded in 1999. Following
Company, among others. These large organizations are important professionalisation, ZIPcar became the global market leader with
enablers of recharging infrastructure and their involvement in fleets in San Francisco, Chicago, Vancouver, Toronto, and London,
auto mobility seem to be gaining momentum in the early stages and its membership had soared to some 120,000. Today they
of the decade 2010–2020. serve 325,000 members, using the latest technology such as
iPhone applications to arrange car use. The success of Zipcar,
3.5. The evolving market demand of fleet operators stimulated car rental multinational Hertz to enter the market
through a subsidiary Connect. Organised car sharing is becoming
Fleet operators are emerging as a key force influencing the a highly professionalised business. CSO attract mainly non-car
directions of EV development and commercialization. In France, for owners but they also encourage people to sell their car (as much
instance, a consortium8 formed by large fleet operators, is expected as 30% of their members did).
to create the demand for at least 100,000 BEVs by 2015. This should A second type of mobility operator is the Dutch company
not be a surprise. In the early days of the automobile, BEVs were the Mobility Mixx, founded around 2000, and facilitating mobility
preferred method for delivery in the postal service and other daily- services in both multimodal and intermodal niches. Initially
route sectors, such as dairy delivery. The current average length of founded by a public bus company (Connexxion), Mobility Mixx
routes in France, for instance, is 33 km, well below the 100 km range was taken over by Lease Plan (a car leasing company). The
that is easily achievable with current BEV technologies. services are targeted at business travelers, with intermodal
At current electricity and fuel prices, the cost per km is already options combining rail, taxis, rental cars, public bikes and parking
lower for EVs than for ICEs9. Expected increases in gasoline and payment. Total passenger-km of Mobility Mixx members grew
diesel prices in the coming decades reported by the International from 15 million in 2007 to 45 million in 2009, with 75% of these
Energy Agency (IEA) will help to augment the cost difference. made on journeys with rail as the main mode and 25% with pool
Fleet operators are sensitive to such prospects, more than con- car (provided by Mobility Mixx) as the main mode. Like CSOs,
sumers are. EVs also cost less to operate and maintain and when organisations as MobilityMixx provide customers with a choice
the cars are parked there is the possibility of using the batteries from a wide range of vehicles, allowing for customised choices.
for reserve power and grid buffering. For forward looking fleet The rise of mobility operators in the field of car mobility has
owners such things are important. Although vehicle-to-grid (V2G) implications for the choice of car that is being used. Electric
entails costs in connecting and controlling batteries for bidirec- vehicles, especially battery electric vehicles, are attractive for
tional flows, fleet operators could profit from both transportation mobility operators because of low operating costs, which com-
pensates for the higher purchase prices. One new mobility
6 operator has been founded especially for electric cars: Better
For instance, Great Brittan reserved 400 million pound for the introduction
of electric vehicles, Germany 500 million euro, France 400 million for electric and Place. The company, founded in 2007 in the US, offers electric
hybrid vehicles over the next 4 years. mobility services to users. The services consist of the use of an
For instance, a 46 million European demonstration project starting in 2010,
involving 19 cities, 17 vehicle manufacturers or suppliers and 12 electricity
providers, planning to install 14,000 charging points and 9500 vehicles (see For a car that does 40 km a day 350 days a year, emitting an average of 150 g/km, at h30/t of carbon, a shift to EVs would generate h63/year. This does not
Press release from the French Ministry of Energy and Environment on 13/04/ include transaction costs, which could easily nullify the gain.
2010. Susan Shaheen and Adam Cohen, ‘‘Worldwide carsharing growth: an
Around h 5.00/100 km for EVs, and h8.30/100 km for ICEs (assuming an international Comparison’’ Transportation Research Record No. 1992, (2007): 81-89.
average of 25 kW h and h1.00/l of gasoline). See also: (September 2008).
140 M. Dijk et al. / Energy Policy 52 (2013) 135–145

electric car and electric charging services. Through investments in disillusionment, and were unable to break out their small niche.
recharging spots and battery exchange stations in major urban Neither traditional cars converted to BEVs (produced by regular
areas, the company guarantees that electric power will be avail- manufacturers) nor especially dedicated BEVs manufactured by
able to recharge EVs. Owners of EVs, who sign up for different market entrants were able to compete with vehicles with internal
types of subscription packages, will be able to recharge their combustion engine. BEVs have mostly been sold in unconven-
vehicles at home or at parking lots and to replace empty batteries tional markets: demonstration projects, fleet users committed to
by fully-charged ones in locations similar to petrol stations, green issues, with the help of subsidies.
allowing people to continue their trip on a different battery pack. The disappointing experiences of BEVs are in sharp contrast
For users, the electric mobility leasing model of Better Place with the sales of the Toyota Prius, a hybrid electric vehicle (HEV),
addresses the problem of upfront costs of batteries (around of which more than 3 million verhicles were sold globally
US$11,00012), the uncertainties associated with their lifetime, from December 1997 to March 2011 in total (Toyota Motor
and the residual value at the end of their lifetime. The company Corporation, 2011). In this section, we examine relevant devel-
includes the battery in the infrastructure, so the cost of an BEV opments and interaction effects that will determine the future of
becomes the cost of the empty car-body. In other words, Better electric mobility. The effects of relevant developments are exam-
Place will bear both the initial cost of the battery pack and its ined for three configurations of electric vehicles: battery electric
residual risk value. Better Place, established a partnership with vehicles hybrid electric vehicles (including HEV that can recharge
the State of Israel and Renault–Nissan for the mass deployment of their batteries as conventional BEV, so called plug-in HEVs), and
BEVs. Israel committed itself to implementing an appropriate tax fuel cell vehicles13 . The reasons for looking at different config-
policy, serving as a test-bed for applications elsewhere. With urations is that they compete with each other and reinforce each
more than 90% of the population driving less than 70 km/day, and other in certain ways, since the electric drive technology is
major urban centers being less than 150 km apart, Israel is common to them all. Advances in electric drive will help them
uniquely suited as a country for electric mobility. to compete against more fuel-efficient ICEV.
Public companies may also become mobility companies. An
example is the Dutch railway company NS. It offers public bicycles 4.1. Important developments for E-mobility
at a low cost to train travellers and issued a mobility card with
integrated billing services for business people. The system of public The future of E-mobility depends on developments in (1) infra-
bikes (OV fiets) proved popular: in 2009 alone the number of train structure, (2) developments in mobility, (3) developments in the
travellers using a public bicycle grew by 31%, with the typical user global car manufacturing regime, (4) developments in energy prices,
making 10 annual trips, half of them for business. NS expects a and (5) developments in the electricity sector. Each of these devel-
further increase from 0.67 to 1 million trips in 2011 (Parkhurst et al., opments is connected with (6) policy, in ways described below.
2012). Public bike systems also prove to be popular in countries
without a bike culture such as France. In the city of Paris, the Velib
4.1.1. Fuelling infrastructure and road infrastructure
public bike system was an instant success, with 25 million users in
EVs require investments in new refuelling infrastructure, charging
the first year. For the Velib users, using a public bike is not an
points in the case of BEV and HEV and hydrogen outlets in the case of
extravagant behavior of urban hippies but just another way of
FCV. Investment in fuelling infrastructure is a necessary conditions for
moving around the city. The success with bikes motivated public
FCV. For BEV two types of infrastructure solutions are possible: a
administrators of the city of Paris to extend the system to electric
battery swapping system and recharge points. Plug-in HEV also
vehicles. The City of Paris is currently in the process of developing a
require recharging points but the battery can also be recharged by
similar system for 2000 Electric cars called ‘Autolib’ (FR3 7 October,
a spinning wheel connected to a ICE. According to Köhler et al. (2010),
2008). Overall, mobility operators are a new actor in the field of
a fast build-up of a network of at least 500 filling stations (in urban
mobility, for whom electric cars and bikes are attractive and part of
areas and at highways) is very important for the market acceptance of
their product offerings.
hydrogen vehicles. The costs are considered to be quite affordable, a
In sum, the developments described in this section indicate a
fraction of the costs for subsidies for vehicles and fuel. In Europe,
positive tendency towards electric mobility (EM) Starting with
approximnately 200 million Euros are necessary for a hydrogen
government incentives and developments in battery storage
infrastructure build-up in urban areas, for highways an additional
technology, the new EM momentum is also powered by the
support is needed of approximately 100 million Euros (Köhler
enthusiasm of investors in cleantech, new market entrants such
et al., 2010). For electric charging there have been commitment
as BYD and Better Place, as well as the new powertrain diversi-
from various governments. The UK government committed itself of
fication strategies of some large automakers. Overall, the innova-
installing up to 8500 charging points across the UK by 2013, as part
tion trajectory of electric powertrain technologies centers around
of their new carbon plan. The costs of this are estimated at £30
a few distinctive electric drives, not just battery electric vehicles
million14. Besides national government, local government and
(BEVs), but also HEVs, and electrified ICEs, and the interactions
electriciy companies (such as EDF in France) are involved in the
between these trajectories and what this implies for a possible
creation of (quick) recharging points. In Israel, Better Place has
transition is explored in the next section.
committed itself to put in place 500,000 charge spots and 100
battery-swapping stations by 2015. They are also active in other
countries, such as Denmark, a country with similarly short driving
4. The future of e-mobility: Critical factors and interaction
ranges and densely populated urban areas15. When the operations
in these countries turn out to be succesful they will certainly
The retropective of BEV developments in the last 40 years
showed that BEVs have gone through cycles of hype and 13
In order words, we refer to electric mobility (‘e-mobility’) as mobility
employing one of these three configurations.
Deutsche Bank Estimates that Lithium Ion batteries, depending on which charging-points-to-be-installed-across-UK-over-next-two-years-Government-
type, will cost around US$500-600/kWh which comes to US$11,000 for a full EV to-say.html
22kWh. Deutsche Bank, Electric Cars: Plugged In-Batteries must be included, For details about Better Place, see Chapter 7 of Orsato (2009). See also
9 June, 2008.
M. Dijk et al. / Energy Policy 52 (2013) 135–145 141

spread to other countries. The diffusion of E-mobility configura- markets in Europe, Japan, and the United States, the emerging
tions will depend on infrastructure investments. ICEV obviously countries, including BRICS (Brazile, Russia, India, China, and South
have an refuelling infrastructure advantage. A second infrastruc- Africa) and the Next 11 (Iran, Indonesia, Egypt, South Korea,
ture issue is the capacity of roads. Growing infrastructure costs Turkey, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Pakistan, the Philippines, Vietnam,
may encourage policy makers to introduce car restraining policies and Mexico), are showing a significant growth in the sales of
in urban areas (e.g., zero emission zones) from which electric cars automobiles (Zhou, 2011). The emerging countries accounted for
may benefit indirectly. only 24% of the sales of automobiles in the world largest ten
markets in 2006, whereas they increased their share to 37% in
2008. In particular, China’s market is of growing importance. The
4.1.2. Developments in mobility
number of the automobiles sold in the Chinese market reached to
E-mobility depends on changes in mobility patterns. Two
18 millions in 2010, surpassing the largest sales of 17.4 million
relevant developments here are: the emergence of moblity
automobiles recorded in the U.S. market in 2000 (Zhou, 2011).
operators and systems of intermodality. It can be expected that
Although established firms currently benefit from this market
the considerable rise of Car-sharing Organizations (CSO) will
very much, Chinese competitors are also entering the market.
continue in the future, with positive effects for electric mobility.
So far these are producing largely for the home market but this may
High purchase price has been a burden for electric vehicles,
change. The Chinese automotive industry has started to develop
whereas car-sharing membership eliminates the purchase price
relatively recently, much later than the counterpart in the U.S.,
of cars and reduces the costs associated with car ownership, such
Europe, or Japan. Since ICE vehicles have been already developed
as insurance, maintenance and depreciation, while giving the
to a considerable extent by the companies in these industrialized
customers the possibility of owning several cars.
countries, the electrification of vehicles has been explicitly
In times of credit difficulties such as the one following the
encouraged in China through close collaboration between indus-
financial crisis of 2008, the elimination of the purchase costs is
try, academia, and government (Zhou, 2011). The Chinese govern-
certainly appealing to a large segment of consumers that rely on
ment has set an ambitious target of introducing 10 million
credit for the purchase of cars. A further growth of CSO will likely
electric vehicles by 2010 through various types of financial
benefit battery electric vehicles relatively more than the other
support and other types of assistance to assemblying makers as
types of vehicles, because they encourage using the type of car ‘fit
well as suppliers of parts such as batteries and motors (Shimizu
for the trip’. From Monday to Friday, for instance, a BEV to go
2010). Influenced strongly by government policies for promoting
and return from work may be just right (entailing the lowest in
electric vehicles, the Chinese industry has focused on the latest
operation cost), while a hybrid SUV may be the best choice for the
types of electric vehicles and associated batteries for its knowledge
family trip in the weekend. Connect already offers BEVs in New York
development activities. The attention given to electric propulsion
City and London, with San Francisco and Washington D.C. following
stimulates attention to (light-weight) plastic bodies; as lower weight
later in 2011. Multiple car ownership can also stimulate e-mobility,
increase the electric range of BEVs vehicles. This is important as the
when one of the cars is an electric car. When families have multiple
all-steel body is a cornerstone to the foundations of the mass
cars, the restricted range of a BEV is less of a problem, as the battery
production car industry (Nieuwenhuis and Wells, 2007).
electric car can be used for shorter trips only.
The conventional mass-market vehicles with ICEs are typically
The creation of better systems of intermodality also can be
developed and manufactured in a production system charac-
expected to affect car mobility and e-mobility. Instead of using a
terised by modular design (Christensen, 2011). As the automitive
car for the entire trip, it may be used for part of the trip, in
industry is showing a sign of gradual shift towards electrification,
combination with other transport modes. This, requires conveni-
the importance of modular design is increasingly highlighted.
ent transfer points, technically known as park-and-ride (PþR).
While the number of parts necessary for making an ICE-based car
Within transport policy, in many western countries, more and
is said to be in the range of 20 to 30 thousands, an electric vehicle
more attention is given to intermodality, to reduce the reliance on
needs new parts such as a motor and battery, but does not require
the car, especially for those trips that lack a single alternative to
other parts such as an engine and exhausted gas system, which
the car. For example, the number of P þR sites in the UK rose from
would reduce the number of parts to a range of a few hundreds to
about 20 by 1990 to more than 120 by 2006. PþR is a service
ten thousands (Zhou, 2011). That would lower the barrier for
provided to motorist to park at (usually) the periphery of an
emerging local companies to enter the automotive market in China,
urban area, where public transport operate to and from the city
without requiring the same level of coordination and collaboration
centre. These sites are increasingly accompanied by car restricting
between parts makers and assemblers as in the case of ICE vehicles.
policies in the city centre and this may continue in the future.
That is illusrated with the case of the growth and transformation of
Better modality systems and problems of congestion encourage
the domestic company BYD from a producer of batteries into one of
that cars are used in combination with other modes of transport
the major manufacturers of battery electric vehicles in China.
(traditional public transport, fast trains and electric bikes and
A final development in the global car manufacturing regime of
scooters). In many cities public transportation has been extended
importance here is,the continuous improvement of the conven-
with public bicycle schemes or even public (electric) scooter
tional ICE vehicles, which have achieved a significant reduction in
schemes, and such programs increase the quality of intermodal
energy consumption through a deliberate strategy of established,
trips (by opening the opportunity of car-bicycle or car-scooter
especially European, manufacturers after the successful introduc-
trips). Car-restraining policies can be expected to stimulate
tion of Toyota’s Prius (see end of Section 2). Apart from surging
intermodality and organised car sharing. Silent urban cars are
sales of ‘eco-tech’ ICE vehicles in Europe, these models are selling
favoured in mobility policy. E-mobility thus depends on wider
well in China, being cheaper then hybrid vehciles and where
changes in mobility which in turn depend on wider socio-
companies like VW and BMW benefit from a good brand image
economic developments.
among Chinese consumers, (Fujimoto, 2011).

4.1.3. The global car manufacturing regime

The global car manufacturing regime is changing, both in 4.1.4. Developments in energy prices
terms of market sizes and in terms of technological focus. While Oil prices are expected to rise in the coming decades, because
it is unlikely to expect much growth in the traditional automotive of higher costs involved in the exploitation of non-conventional
142 M. Dijk et al. / Energy Policy 52 (2013) 135–145

oil (oil sands and oil shale), growing demand for oil in China factor through the use of CO2 regulations, climate cities
and India, with regular price hikes because of supply shortfalls. aiming to become climate neutral and cultural criticism of
The price of electricity may increase too but is generally gasoline cars. The availablity of electric vehicles may contri-
expected to increase less than the price of oil. Carbon policies bute to cultural criticism of gasoline cars, as people can now
will add a further cost to carbon-based fuels. The overall effect of choose a climate-friendly car. Fuel-efficient gasoline cars
energy price changes is that it will stimulate E-mobility as well may suffer from a bad cultural image as they still rely on
as fuel–efficient vehicles. fossil fuels.
In Fig. 1 we have plotted how different developments in
infrastructure, policy, demand and congestion may affect and be
4.1.5. Changes in the electricity sector
affected by electric mobility. The plus ( þ) and minus (  ) signs
In the electricity sector two important developments will
that accompany the arrows in the Figure indicate influences that
affect E-mobility: the growth in renewable energy technologies
promote ( þ) or detracting (  ) the development of different
and the emergence of smart grid systems. The intermittent
powertrain technologies. It does not include every possible effect,
nature of most renewables requires electricity storage, for
but focusses on what we consider to be the most important
which batteries in vehicles may be used. With the help of
relations. As the figure suggests, compared to ICEV, the electric
smartgrid-based systems of electricity management, batteries
configurations are expected to benefit from the following devel-
can be used to store energy and serve as a reserve of power
opments: higher oil prices, better recharging systems, new busi-
during the time BEVs are idle. For electricity suppliers, the
ness propositions such as mobility leasing with battery swapping,
electrification of mobility offers off-peak demand and supply,
urban policies to restrain car traffic and promote clean and silent
which will reduce the burden on the grid system during peak
cars, better systems of intermodality and the cultural acceptance
hours. Electric vehicles may become the link between the
of electric mobility and organised car sharing. Some of the
energy and the transportation sectors (which together repre-
developments feed each other: car restraining policies can be
sent 75% of CO2 emissions). Besides creating demand and sales,
expected to stimulate intermodality which feeds on car sharing
BEVs can help utilities to reduce system inefficiencies and
and electric mobility. There are also balancing developments: the
fluctuations embedded in today’s grid. For electric utilities,
availability of cleaner ICE vehicles will slow down the diffusion of
there is a synergetic relationship between the smartgrid and
electric vehicles. Car restraining policies and motorised two-
BEVs. Furthermore, when electric vehicles are increasingly
wheeler will reduce congestion and public and private investment
integrated into smart grids, large amounts of data and informa-
in intermodality.
tion will be accessible to those who deal with the infrastructure
BEV, (P)HEV, and FCV are all benefitting from advances in
and communication systems. That would create new opportu-
electric drive technology (batteries, electric engines and con-
nities for companies in these sectors to enter the automotive
trol systems etc.) as well as from government support policies
industry, influencing the competitive positions and business
for electric mobility, plug-in infrastructure, stricter fuel econ-
strategies of the existing automakers.
omy standards, higher oil prices and consumer acceptance of
electric drives. They therefore complement each other in the
4.1.6. Climate policies and public opinion promise and thrive for near-zero emission vehicles. Although
Climate policies stimulate renewable energy generation there are certainly competitive elements too, the configura-
and E-mobility. In Europe, regulations will require the average tions can be expected to serve different markets, with BEVs
CO 2 emissions of vehicles to be reduced to 130 g/km by 2012, better suited for urban fleets (taxis, postal delivery, city
while plans to lower to 95 g/km by 2020 are underway. distribution, organised car sharing) and PHEV & FCV more
Climate concerns are likely to become an important landscape used by individual consumers and car rental companies, for

Exogenous socio-economic change: population ageing,

continuing urbanization, income growth/distribution

Climate change
Consumer +
+ Fiscal policies acceptance of E-bikes
electric mobility
Fuel economy RET
standards + E-scooters
+ H2-
- Smart grids
infrastr. + +
+ - + extra
+ +
PHEV Congestion infra.
Biofuel -
FCV + problems - +
Fuel- -
BEV + + infra.
+ + costs
+ Car restrain-
ICEV Battery ing policies
Recharging +
- + swapping
infrastructure + +
Better system
+ of intermodality
Higher oil
prices Organised car

Fig. 1. Factors promoting (þ ) or detracting (  ) the adoption of different powertrain technologies and vehicles.
M. Dijk et al. / Energy Policy 52 (2013) 135–145 143

instance. These spill-over effects strengthen the trajectory of similar to the established practice, the higher the fit, and the smaller
electrification16 . An interesting, unexpected spill-over effect is the stretch. The combination of the two dimensions allows us to
the electrification of bicycles and scooters. The significant rise place pure electric or HEVs relative to each other. Earlier studies
of e-bikes and e-scooters, especially in China, boosts the suggest that new technologies are successful only when the tech-
battery industry. Production of electric two-wheelers grew nological and behavioral discontinuity – between the old and the
from 7 million in 2004 to 24 million in 2010. Improvements in new – is not too significant and that during a transition, the niche
two-wheeler batteries may trigger advancements of electric stretches in both form and function (Geels, 2005). Our fit-stretch
vehicle batteries, whereas the use of electric two-wheelers scheme shows that we find two stylized pathways in which electric
may enhance consumer acceptance of electric mobility in propulsion plays a dinstinct role: one pathway in which alternative
general and improve systems of intermodality. fuel vehicles are simply another car in a sustained social context,
much like a technical subsitution process (not a transition) and,
4.2. Three configurations second, a pathway in which alternative fuel vehicles are, to a high
extent, used in combination with other transport modes, much
As we noted we consider three configurations of electric like a reconfiguration pathway (in the terminology of Geels and
vehicles. Hybrid electric vehicles have an auxilliary electric Schot (2007),17 ).
engine, fuelled by batteries that are charged by the internal The key difference between both pathways is the degree of
combusion engine or through infrastructure-based charging change in mobility patterns and travel behavior on the demand
points. Better batteries and power management (involving, e.g., side. In the upper path, user preferences and mobility patterns
the use of fly weel and supercapacitor-based energy storage) may remain more or less unchanged. People buy a ‘greener’ car but do
extend the electric range of HEVs. For users the main benefits, not really change their travel behavior (although high penetration
compared to pure ICE, are: electric drive in urban centres and of ICT in cars and infrastructures may change car-based travel
better fuel economy. Plug-in versions allow people to charge their experience). The second pathway assumes more change in mobi-
vehicle at home or at special locations (potentially at work). Fuel lity behavior, especially more active travel planning, mixed use of
cell vehicles (FCV) are more suitable for long-term drive, because multiple transport modes, perhaps less private car ownership and
their range is much longer than PHEV or BEV, but they require a so forth. This second path also assumes technological change of
special infrastructure. Their diffusion will critically depend on the supporting products (e.g., new ICT devices), investments in modal
costs of fossil fuel (oil), advancements of fuel effient ICEVs and transfer and parking spaces that allow the linking of transport
CO2 regulations. Battery electric vehicles (BEV) also require a modes and policy change (e.g., new taxes, subsidies, visions and
special infrastructure. Fast recharging technologies have been experimentation programs), but the main change concerns con-
developed, to compensate for the problem of slow charging at sumer behavior.
home. Small, efficient ICE may be used in BEV as range extenders. In both pathways the trajectories of the alternative electric
Range problems may also be dealt with through the use of quick configurations have their own dynamics, they partly compete
recharging technologies and battery swapping at special stations. with each other but there are also synergetic relationships: all
Prospective users of the three configurations, like their func- electric vehicles use batteries and benefit from advances in
tionality, may also be different. Prospective users for FCV and HEV battery technology, they all contribute to cultural acceptance of
would be high-mobility people driving long distances. Prospective electric mobility and help to build a constituency for electric
users of BEV would be fleet companies and urban users. It is mobility which is necessary for government support policies for
important to note that different socio-technical configurations of electric mobility. The actual pathway that the sector will take,
the powertrains are possible: a vehicle may have different will inlude elements of the two stylized pathways and is shaped
propulsion systems, a family may own and use different cars, by reinforcing and balancing effects between the vehicle engine
vehicles and batteries may be rented instead of owned and technology and the mobility user context.
vehicles may be used in combination with other modes of A strong surge of the reconfiguration pathway and correspond-
transport. BEVs, for instance, are currently more attractive as an ing dominance of BEVs will coincide with, and thus critically
urban vehicle, which is hired rather than owned. For people depend on: (1) an extensive recharging infrastructure, (2) a
wanting to own a car for reasons of immediate access and status, significant shift in mobility patterns towards shared ownership
the high cost of batteries is a big barrier, but this problem can be and intermodality, (3) the emergence of a significant and profit-
dealt with through leasing of the batteries, being the business able BEV market segment, (4) a strong increase of the oil price,
proposition of Better Place, in which people would own the car (5) ambitious climate policies and (6) a significant change of the
but not the batteries. We now turn to explore the future pathways electricity system towards variable loading by solar and wind
of these configurations more systematically. energy in combination with smartgrids. Fig. 3 plots this hypothe-
sized growth of electric mobility in combination with the growing
4.3. Future pathways links between car mobility and non-car mobility. The share of
electric drive is hypothetical but the overall evolution is fairly
The discussion of relevant developments around electric mobility certain.
above highlighted the key interaction between vehicle engine If the six trends turn out to be different, other configurations
technology and the car use context. In Fig. 2 we have mapped the will accordingly become more dominant, and we summarized
electric configurations onto a fit-stretch scheme of technology and this for the respective configurations in Table 1.
user context. The first dimension (horizontal axis) is the fit regime or In areas with a poor recharging infrastructure and only some
stretch of an innovation in terms of technical form and design; the shift to intermodality, PHEV is more likely than BEV. Regarding
second dimension (vertical axis) represents the fit or stretch in the continued use of ICE in PHEV (at least partly), this would
terms of user context and functionality. The more an innovation is
When radical innovations are initially developed in niches, but subse-
By 2015 the market value of car batteries is expected to reach h15 Billion, quently trigger further adjustments in the basic architecture of the regime, Geels
rising to 30 Billion in 2030 (Deutsche Bank. Electric Cars: Plugged In. 9 June 2008). and Schot (2007) speak of a reconfiguration transition pathway. On our second
There is some divergence about the decrease rate batteries prices, but it is certain pathway this is the case, as explained in Fig. 2, when electric propulsion triggers
that prices will reduce over time. further changes in the car use and ownership context.
144 M. Dijk et al. / Energy Policy 52 (2013) 135–145

entail only some adjustment of the electricity grid, and medium electric vehicles will wane, other developments will continue to
adaptation of car manufacturers’ practice of building steel- support electric mobility. Different from the past, electric mobility
bodied cars. is able to benefit from self-reinforcing co-dynamics.
FCV critically depends on a H2 infrastructure, but can operate well
in an individual-based car system with few intermodal trips. They
will be more prominent when energy prices rise while transformation 5. Looking back and forward
of the electricity grid and the shift in mobility patterns stalls.
If all factors turn out to be weak, ICEV have the chance to The regime around the internal combustion engine (ICE) car
remain in place as practically the only propulsion system. In has reigned for more than 100 years. One source of lock-in comes
contrast to the last 90 years, we should say this is quite unlikely from the production side: it has not been economically attractive
for the next 20 years. Especially in urban areas there are various to invest in a new technology that has been considered non-
trends reinforcing each other, such as clean air policies, car competitive in terms of costs. Competition has indeed been fierce
restricting policies, more real-time travel data, the rise of CSO, in the past decades with many large car manufactures struggling
development of plug-in infrastructure and support of zero-emis- to survive. For these companies, it has been both more attractive
sion vehicles. In contrast to the past, car companies over the world and safer to invest in innovation in the existing ICE technology
are investing now heavily in electric propulsion, battery suppliers than in technological options that carry the risk of low consumer
are focusing on the automotive industry and governments who acceptance. This yields a pattern in which car manufacturers
were originally fearful of promoting electric technologies have continuously refine the dominant design in order to improve
become strong supporters of it, in part for reasons of industrial environmental performance of ICEs (see also Dijk and Yarime
policy. All this suggests that electric mobility development has 2010). In this respect, the development of hybrid technology can
passed a critical threshold. Even when special policy support for also be seen as an attempt by car assemblers to innovate without
having to move away from their core competencies.
In the last five years (2005–2010), however, there has been a
Fit Stretch
Technical form spell of activity in electric mobility (EM), which has to do with the
gasoline and following developments:
diesel car HEV
mobility FCV
Fit Alternative fuel 1. Climate protection policies and targets that included electric
vehicle, propulsion as a source of reduction of CO2;
individually used 2. FCVs and (erspecially after 2005) BEVs becoming an icon for
and owned zero-carbon vehicles;
Stretch BEV with battery swapping
3. The peak oil expectation and the unpredictability of future
prices which brought attention to vehicles that do not depend
BEV on oil;
4. The success of the Toyota HEV Prius in the past decade,
showcasing electric drive;
User context, 5. Progress in battery technology spurred by consumer electronic
Car use in combination sector, helping to lower the costs of EVs;
with other modes
6. New offers of EVs based on battery leasing and mobility
Fig. 2. Fit-stretch pattern for powertrain technologies (based on Hoogma 2000 packages such as the one of Better Place, which aroused
and Geels (2005). consumer curiosity and widened consumer choice;

Interaction with non-Automobility (Pathway 2)

Two Two
wheelers wheelers
Public Public
Non-car Transport Transport
mobility Public
P+R Mobility
P+R operators
sharing Car-
Auto- sharing
mobility Individual, Individual,
ICE-based ICE-based

1990 2010 2030

share of electric drive

Fig. 3. The diffusion of electric drive in different mobility segments.

M. Dijk et al. / Energy Policy 52 (2013) 135–145 145

Table 1
Configurations and critical developments.

Dominant Extensiveness of Shift in car Market for electric Energy prices Climate Policy Transfor-mation
configuration recharging ownership and propulsion of electricity
infrastructure intermodality grid

BEV High High High High Strong High

PHEV Medium Medium Medium High Medium Medium
FCV High Low High-medium High Strong Low
ICEV Low Low Low Medium Weak Low

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