Precautionary and Common Medicines: Fingerprint Authentication Secured Android Notes
Precautionary and Common Medicines: Fingerprint Authentication Secured Android Notes
Precautionary and Common Medicines: Fingerprint Authentication Secured Android Notes
Android Project Idea: This is a good android mini project. This app is a simple
but smart idea used to secure notes with Fingerprint Authentication. It can
also be referred to as Keyless Authentication, unlike old ways where it needed
passwords to be entered. Though it doesn’t require any user registration, only
the owner of the device can access it. This App can be used to save private
notes or personal data.
The data will be stored in the device using SQLite. And for the front end and
functioning, you can use the platform of Android Studio. This app would need
biometric authentication in the device; else it can’t be used.
Here the users can add new notes, edit the old notes, and delete those that are
no more required. As biometric authentication is considered as the highest
level of security of any Phone, this app would be a good idea to store personal
Precautionary and
Common medicines
Android Project Idea: This application can be
used for the general health care of its users. It
will help its users with general medications
and awareness. It will have various
information about what to do in some critical
situations. It will let them tackle some
situations where they cannot contact the
doctors immediately.
This application will be built in Android Studio
with the help of Java and XML. It will have
information about basic human survival. It will
also have some information about basic
medicines such as fever, headaches. This
application is handy when you’re on a short
trip or a tour.
It will have only one module, which is User.
The user would need to register on the
application. They need to enter their
credentials that are age, allergies, current
medications, etc. It’ll be very helpful indeed
Food Wastage
Android Project Idea: This is a good project for
beginners. This app targets solving a very
common problem in our society. We are very
well aware of how much food gets wasted per
day, and that is the reason for this application.
It will help us manage the food that is left over
after some function or party. This app will
basically relate to the scheduled events at
organizations or a group of people.
Software requirements for this project are
Android Studio, Java, and xml. Here the users
would be required to login and register
themselves. Then they would need to give the
address of the place where the function would
be held or organized. This will make collecting
the food better and easier.
There are two modules for this project that the
Admin and the User. The user can register
themselves and add their locations. The admin
here will be able to manage all the accounts
and view the user accounts.