Licensest User Guide: For Mark Controls Platform
Licensest User Guide: For Mark Controls Platform
Licensest User Guide: For Mark Controls Platform
Public Information
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment, nor to provide for every possible
contingency to be met during installation, operation, and maintenance. The information is supplied for informational
purposes only, and GE makes no warranty as to the accuracy of the information included herein. Changes, modifications,
and/or improvements to equipment and specifications are made periodically and these changes may or may not be reflected
herein. It is understood that GE may make changes, modifications, or improvements to the equipment referenced herein or to
the document itself at any time. This document is intended for trained personnel familiar with the GE products referenced
GE may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter in this document. The furnishing of this
document does not provide any license whatsoever to any of these patents.
Public Information – This document contains non-sensitive information approved for public disclosure.
GE provides the following document and the information included therein as is and without warranty of any kind,
expressed or implied, including but not limited to any implied statutory warranty of merchantability or fitness for
particular purpose.
For further assistance or technical information, contact the nearest GE Sales or Service Office, or an authorized GE Sales
Public Information
Acronyms and Abbreviations
DMSS Device Manager Software Suite
VM Virtual Machine
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Public Information
Safety Symbol Legend
Indicates a procedure or condition that, if not strictly observed, could result in damage
to or destruction of equipment.
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Public Information
Overview GEH-6867 7
Public Information
• 64-bit Windows 7
• Windows 10
• Windows 2012R2
• Windows Server 2016
• Windows Server 2019
The supported Linux Operating Systems are:
Note The specified versions are required versions, not minimum versions.
• On Windows:
− VC redist v141 x64
− Dotnet Core runtime V3.1.0 x64
− Windows desktop runtime v3.1.0 x64
• On Linux:
− Dotnet Core runtime v3.1.0 x64
Installation GEH-6867 9
Public Information
2.4 Component Installation on Linux
• Ensure that Dotnet Core runtime v3.1.0 x64 has been installed on the machine. This prerequisite can be downloaded from
• Copy the LicenseSTLinux.tar file into the location where you want to install it.
• If you are upgrading LicenseST, the previous version must be uninstalled.
• cd ./LicenseST
• sudo ./
• cd ..
• rm -rf ./LicenseST
➢ To open the LicenseST GUI: from the Start menu, select LicenseST, and then LicenseST.
Alternatively, double-click the LicenseST Monitor icon in the system tray. This icon can be green, orange or red depending
on licensing status.
3.1 Activation
To compare the license activation types, refer to the section What is the Correct Activation Type?.
LicenseST GEH-6867 11
Public Information
The license information displays in the LicenseST main window. The license code is provided via email or from the
LicenseST GEH-6867 13
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Information about the license to be returned is displayed on the License Info tab.
2. Click Return License.
If the tool detects cloud connectivity, it returns the license to the cloud. If cloud connectivity is not detected, the deactivation
string of characters can either be copied to the clipboard or into a file. This deactivation string must be pasted into the
deactivation portal (
en-US) . On the portal page, click Deactivate to complete the return of the license activation.
➢ To Query Server for Products: from the LicenseST main window, click the Advanced tab, then click Query
Server for Product.
Do not use this option unless instructed by Customer Care or by the Development
➢ To Clean Up License Data: from the LicenseST main window, click the Advanced tab, then click Clean up
License Data.
➢ To Change Logging Settings: from the LicenseST main window, click the Advanced tab, then click Change
Logging Settings.
This window also provides an easy way to get all log files by selecting Zip Log Files.
LicenseST GEH-6867 15
Public Information
A validation happens.
➢ To Validate the Proxy Settings: from the LicenseST main window, bottom left, look at Connectivity. If it
displays Connected To Cloud, the Proxy Settings are good.
Note VMware vSphere Settings are only accessible on the VMware managed operating system. VMware vSphere Address
(es) can be a list of addresses separated by semicolons ‘;’.
The Reload button reloads the serial number from the dongle. This can be used when changing dongles.
4.1 Activation
To compare the license activation types, refer to the section What is the Correct Activation Type?.
➢ To Activate a License Online: after setting the proxy, execute the following command:
<LicenseST_Path>/LicenseSTCommandLine -activation online -code
➢ To verify what is licensed: use the show products command. Refer to the section Show Licensed Products.
➢ To verify what is licensed: use the show products command. Refer to the section Show Licensed Products.
LicenseSTCommandLine GEH-6867 17
Public Information
For ControlST it is CST, for Advanced Developer Toolkit it is ADT, and for GE Digital Products it is DIG.
2. Execute the following command:
<LicenseST_Path>/LicenseSTCommandLine -returnproduct <first_division_activation>
Note If unsure of the product use XXX for <first_division_activation> to get a list of products.
If the tool detects cloud connectivity, it returns the license to the cloud. If cloud connectivity is not detected, the console
displays a long string of deactivation characters. These deactivation characters must be pasted into the deactivation portal
( ). On the portal
page, click Deactivate to complete the return of the license activation.
Note Parameters shown in Italic are optional. vSphere settings are only used in VMware hosted Windows machines.
Note A security dongle extends the lease time for virtual machines (VM) for an offline activation. This is because VMs that
are copied are identical and this dongle provides a unique identifier.
Issue Solution
I do not have cloud connectivity • Ensure you are connected to the Internet
• If you have a proxy server, set the properties. To set the
properties, follow the instructions in section Change
Connection Settings for LicenseST and Set Connection
Settings for LicenseSTCommandLine
The lease on my online activation is not refreshing Without a proxy, the service that automatically refreshes the
lease does not know how to connect to the cloud.
• Ensure you are connected to the Internet
• If you have a proxy server, set the properties. To set the
properties, follow the instructions in section Change
Connection Settings for LicenseST and Set Connection
Settings for LicenseSTCommandLine