Project of CSR Roll No 18241554 - 051
Project of CSR Roll No 18241554 - 051
Project of CSR Roll No 18241554 - 051
In the fashion industry, radical transparency is the process in which companies give
consumers a production breakdown of their garment from concept to reality.
In a 2015 Global CSR Study, they found that approximately 90% of consumers would boycott
a company if poor business practices were used. They also uncovered that 91% of global
consumers expect companies to operate responsibly to address a wide range of social and
environmental issues. This proves that these sustainable trends are not only on the rise but
becoming imperative to maintain customer loyalty.
Many larger companies SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES In investigating the catalysts
have dedicated CSR or The concept of CSR and how it for CSR engagement in small
Sustainability Managers and is relevant to SMEs has enterprises, the study
have a programme of CSR received growing attention in distinguishes between internal
academic literature especially and external factors. The main
activities. For larger
over the last 20 years (Kim, internal factors for
companies starting on their
2009). Lecoultre and Heene implementing CSR initiatives
CSR journey there is advice (2006) mentioned that CSR in are the presence of a
available from business SMEs is important for two motivated individual and the
representative main reasons; firstly, SMEs emergence of acute needs for
organisations such as constitute a large proportion action. Regarding external
Chambers Ireland and IBEC, of all businesses and factors, participation in
who are members of the contribute significantly to regional networks, impetus
CSR Stakeholder Forum. economic development. from trade associations and
Secondly, SMEs are different in local contacts are identified as
A key organisation that can
nature to large firms which being important in promoting
help larger companies on
may impact on the CSR.
their sustainability journey implementation of CSR. For
is Business in the example, most SMEs are
Community Ireland (BITCI). directly managed by owners,
BITCI is is a non-profit body are strictly linked to business
which organises a network partners and the local
of companies involved in community, and lack
CSR activities and operates resources.
the “Business Working SME is an enterprise which has
Responsibly” quality mark. less than 250 employees, less
than 50 million Euros and
The Mark provides
turnover or total balance sheet
comprehensive guidance for
of less than 43 million Euros
organisations on Corporate (European Commission, 2003).
Social Responsibility. BITCI Small and medium enterprises
also operate a number of are now recognized as the
individual schemes in which primary driver of economic
enterprises participate to development (Spence &
support societal needs, such Rutherford, 2001). Fox (2005)
as the EPIC programme and described them as the bedrock
the Ready for Work of an economy. SMEs
programme for constitute more than 90% of
disadvantaged groups, and all companies that exist
around the globe and account
the Schools Business
for between 50 and 60 per
Partnership programme. cent of employment
particularly in developing
world, so they are increasingly
responsible for the creation of
the majority of jobs
(Litkenhous, 2004; Vives,
1. Misusing company time. Whether it is covering for someone who shows up late or
altering a time sheet, misusing company time tops the list. ...
2. Abusive behaviour. ...
3. Employee theft. ...
4. Lying to employees. ...
5. Violating company internet policies.
Q6 you are great fi XYZ company and you are ask to do and make
you company roles and policies for the employees what will you do
in this regard
Being a manager, I make many rules and regulation according to code of ethics like
2. Conflicts of interest.
A company's reputation depends on the actions and integrity of its employees. It is essential that
they avoid relationships and activities that hurt, or appears to hurt, their ability to make objective
and fair decisions.
Q8 you need to list down some things that are ethical but illegal
1. Keep money that someone dropped is illegal but again it would find it unethical
2. Death plenty is also illegal in many states but multitude of individual considered it unethical
3. Smoking cigarette in public is legal in some places but some find it disrespectful and
4. Abortion is legal in some places but many considered it unethical
5. I give a certain amount of money that is definitely legal but when a person betrays me this