Return To Work - Notice To Explain
Return To Work - Notice To Explain
Return To Work - Notice To Explain
This letter refers to your failure to report to work even after the lapse of your
leave since 15 February 2020. To this date, including the duration of your leave, you have
been absent for more than six (6) months without filing an appropriate leave and without
any explanation of your absences except for the leave citing your wedding as a ground.
We would like to remind you that in accordance to the AWOL Policy, pages 33-
34 of McDonald’s Crew Handbook, an employee is considered AWOL (Absence
Without Official Leave) if:
3. An employee fails to show up for work after one hour from his/her
work schedule, unless the employee is able to secure the approval of
the Manager to consider the absence as an Excused Absence (EA) or an
Excused Late (EL).
Based on the AWOL Matrix of our Crew Handbook, an AWOL of thirty (30)
days or more at 1st offence gives you a penalty of dismissal.
You are hereby directed to return to work within five (5) days from receipt of this
letter. You are also directed to explain in writing within five (5) days from your receipt of
this letter why the Company should not impose the appropriate penalty upon you for the
above-stated causes. Kindly submit your written explanation directly to the undersigned
not later than five (5) days from receipt of this letter. Your failure to return to work
within the said period, we will be constrained to consider that you have abandoned your
work and have no intention to return. Your failure to submit your written explanation will
be construed, as a waiver of your right to be heard and the investigation will proceed on
the basis of records and evidence on file.
Your written explanation, should you chose to submit one, shall form part of the
records of this case. After due deliberation, a decision shall be rendered based on the
available records.
HR Officer
Received by:
Gina Blanco
Date: __________________