Advanced Computer Networks & Computer and Network Security: Prof. Dr. Hasan Hüseyin BALIK (3 Week)
Advanced Computer Networks & Computer and Network Security: Prof. Dr. Hasan Hüseyin BALIK (3 Week)
Advanced Computer Networks & Computer and Network Security: Prof. Dr. Hasan Hüseyin BALIK (3 Week)
(3rd Week)
• 2. Computer security technology and
—2.1. Cryptographic Tools
—2.2. User Authentication
—2.3 Access Control
—2.4 Malicious Software
—2.5. Denial-of-Service Attacks
—2.6 Intrusion Detection
—2.7 Firewalls and Intrusion Prevention Systems
2.2. User Authentication
2.2. Outline
• Electronic User Authentication Principles
• Password-Based Authentication
• Token-Based Authentication
• Biometric Authentication
• Remote User Authentication
• Security Issues for User Authentication
Authentication Process
• Fundamental • Identification step
building block Presenting an
identifier to the
and primary security system
line of defense
• Verification step
Presenting or
• Basis for generating
access control information that
and user corroborates the
binding between
accountability the entity and the
Table 3.1 I dentification and Authentication Security Requirements ( SP 800-171)
• Password, PIN,
answers to • Smartcard, • Fingerprint,
prearranged electronic retina, face
questions • Voice pattern,
keycard, handwriting,
physical key typing rhythm
logic using Authentication
f rst factor logic using
second factor
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oc t i
oc t i
ot ica
ot ica
pr ent
pr ent
Pass Pass
Fail Fail
Clie n t Clie n t
• There are
three Level
concepts: Potential
Areas of
More specifically Four levels of
is defined as: assurance
Describes an
organization’s Level 1
The degree of confidence
degree of in the vetting process
•Little or no confidence in the
asserted identity's validity
used to establish the
certainty that a identity of the individual
to whom the credential Level 2
user has was issued •Some confidence in the asserted
identity’s validity
presented a
credential that Level 3
•High confidence in the asserted
The degree of confidence
refers to his or her that the individual who
identity's validity
Specific Popular Exploiting
account password user
attack attack mistakes
Password File
User ID Salt Hash code
slow hash Load •
function •
Password File
User id
User ID Salt Hash code
Select Password
slow hash
Hashed password
(b) Verifying a password
Now regarded as
• Still often required for compatibility with
existing account management software
or multivendor environments
OpenBSD uses Blowfish
block cipher based hash
algorithm called Bcrypt
•Most secure version of Unix
Much stronger hash/salt hash/salt scheme
schemes available for •Uses 128-bit salt to create
Unix 192-bit hash value
Recommended hash
function is based on MD5
•Salt of up to 48-bits
•Password length is unlimited
•Produces 128-bit hash
•Uses an inner loop with 1000
iterations to achieve slowdown
Password Cracking
Dictionary attacks Rainbow table attacks
• Develop a large dictionary • Pre-compute tables of
of possible passwords and hash values for all salts
try each against the • A mammoth table of hash
password file values
• Each password must be • Can be countered by using
hashed using each salt a sufficiently large salt
value and then compared value and a sufficiently
to stored hash values large hash length
only to
• Password checker
o Compile a large dictionary of passwords not to use
• Bloom filter
o Used to build a table based on hash values
o Check desired password against this table
Types of Cards Used as Tokens
Card Type Defining Feature Example
Embossed Raised characters only, on Old credit card
Magnetic stripe Magnetic bar on back, characters on front Bank card
Memory Electronic memory inside Prepaid phone card
Smart Electronic memory and processor inside Biometric ID card
Contact Electrical contacts exposed on surface
Contactless Radio antenna embedded inside
Memory Cards
• Can store but do not process data
• The most common is the magnetic stripe card
• Can include an internal electronic memory
• Can be used alone for physical access
o Hotel room
• Provides significantly greater security when combined
with a password or PIN
• Drawbacks of memory cards include:
o Requires a special reader
o Loss of token
o User dissatisfaction
Smart Tokens
• Physical characteristics:
o Include an embedded microprocessor
o A smart token that looks like a bank card
o Can look like calculators, keys, small portable objects
• User interface:
o Manual interfaces include a keypad and display
for human/token interaction
• Electronic interface
o A smart card or other token requires an electronic interface to
communicate with a compatible reader/writer
o Contact and contactless interfaces
• Authentication protocol:
o Classified into three categories:
• Static
• Dynamic password generator
• Challenge-response
Smart Cards
• Most important category of smart token
o Has the appearance of a credit card
o Has an electronic interface
o May use any of the smart token protocols
• Contain:
o An entire microprocessor
• Processor
• Memory
• I/O ports
• Typically include three types of memory:
o Read-only memory (ROM)
• Stores data that does not change during the card’s life
o Electrically erasable programmable ROM (EEPROM)
• Holds application data and programs
o Random access memory (RAM)
• Holds temporary data generated when applications are executed
Electronic Identity Cards
Use of a smart card as a national Most advanced deployment is the
identity card for citizens German card neuer Personalausweis
Can serve the same purposes as other national Has human-readable data printed on its
ID cards, and similar cards such as a driver’s surface
license, for access to government and •Personal data
commercial services •Document number
•Card access number (CAN)
•Machine readable zone (MRZ)
2. Se
r vice
1. User requests service r equ
3. R est
(e.g., via Web browser) edir
ect t
9. A o eI D
uthe mes
ntica sage
10. S r esul
er vi t for
ce g war
r ant ded
Biometric Feature
sensor extractor Biometric
User interface
(a) Enrollment
Name (PI N)
Biometric Feature
sensor extractor Biometric
Biometric Feature
sensor extractor Biometric
threshold (t)
imposter profile of
profile genuine user
nonmatch false
possible match
P’ P’ W’
r’, return of r password to
f(r’, h(P’))
passcode via token
r’, return of r f(r’, h(W’))
if f(r’, h(P’)) =
f(r, h(P(U))) if f(r’, h(W’)) =
yes/no then yes else no f(r, h(W(U)))
yes/no then yes else no
Client Client
Host Host
U, User U, User
r, random number r, random number
(r, E()) E(), function x, random sequence
(r, x, E())
B’ BT’ biometric E(), function
D‘ biometric device B’, x’ BS’(x’)
E(r’, D’, BT’) E(r’, BS’(x’))
r’, return of r r’, return of r
E–1E(r’, P’, BT’) = E–1E(r’, BS’(x’)) =
(r’, P’, BT’) (r’, BS’(x’))
if r’ = r AND D’ = D extract B’
AND BT’ = BT(U) from (r’, BS’(x’))
then yes else no if r’ = r AND x’ = x
AND B’ = B(U)
yes/no then yes else no
(c) Protocol for static biometric (d) Protocol for dynamic biometric
Adversary attempts to
learn the password by
some sort of attack that
Host Attacks
Denial-of-Service involves the physical
proximity of user and Directed at the user
Attempts to disable a adversary file at the host where
user authentication passwords, token
service by flooding the passcodes, or
service with numerous biometric templates
authentication are stored