Into The Odd - Odditional Materials
Into The Odd - Odditional Materials
Into The Odd - Odditional Materials
In the next pages you’ll find adventures, hacks and other fanmade
oddities. They will be all different kinds of odd, yet all of them as
odd as you expect.
And of course, this is not to show “how it’s done”, but to show
“this are things that have been done”. Have fun hacking away
until the game fits your fun.
Hidden in the mountain near Bastion. Latest earthquake revealed
it. Long stairs down smoothly cut in stone. In the end there’s a
metal door sliding up with screeching sound and then get stuck
Exit leads to 2.
Toads, transparent, many colored and fluorescent. Very STR 5 DEX 10 WIL 7 HP 5 for a
territorial. Driven by need to defend. Attack in a swarm (roll
weakening poison spit (DEX save or lose
1d6+2 for number of of them) when angered. 1d6 STR
STR 8 DEX 12 WIL 10 HP 3 2d6 Little People, pale humanoid creatures with big, black
eyes and no nose. Cold to touch. Smell of iron. 1 meter height.
Wear random clothing from the earlier expedition otherwise
naked. Pretty intelligent but without understandable language.
They communicate with hisses. They try to capture opponents
alive if this doesn’t seem possible or they few of them is wounded
they escape and plot revenge.
On east wall there’s primitively drawn fluorescent alien humanoid Members of Lost Expedition
1. Samson Aubrey
face with five eyes, hypnotic eyes, no nose. Looking at the draw-
2. Adrian Sprysak
ing needs WILL save or lose 1d6 WILL. When all WILL is lost, 3. Felisa Ortega
character is mindless and stares at face till death from hunger. 4. Martin Koehler
5. Dawid Dorynek
6. Phoebe Jenkins
Before the face there are three members of earlier expeditions – 7. Amelie St Germain
8. Patricia Benett
all skin and bones now, chanting in strange language and bowing
9. Istvan Teleki
before the face. They don’t recognise characters and won’t go if 10. Sammy Cambronne
forced – they will fight to death if needed. 11. Kale Brackenberry
12. Sofia Erdman
eyes, naked and gaunty bodies, long dirty nails, lost almost all hair
(regardless of gender). May wander around aimlessly. If forced
to do anything they became aggresive and after few attacks they
Things to find in rubble Square shaped room with lots of rubble and dried blood (human
1. Whistle
and Little People). Few toads croak on the rocks. Puddles of
2. Broken musket
3. Dirty, bloodied handkerchief with strangely coloured water flow from northern passage. Digging
initials through the rubble will reveal giant centipedes (harmless) and
4. Small part of machinery (blinks with
different colors)
body of the member of the expedition (eaten by centipedes, there
5. Bones (of Little People – make it are working rifle and broken lantern, a knife, gold pocket watch).
Rubble to the east is made into barricade (partly removed).
6. Shard of ruby
7. Broken part of machinery Exits lead to 3, 8, 10 and 11 (crude stairs up).
8. Dead parrot
9. Necklace with a picture
10. Broken flask with acid 10. IMPROVISED CEMETERY
11. Scribbled map
Robbed now. In this room most of the of the expedition died.
12. Dead toad
Someone used dynamite to create hole to bury the dead and later
cover them with the rubble. There are names written on the wall.
Little People uncover mass grave and remove all the bodies and
belongings. Only a few bones remained.
Exits lead to 4 (partly barricaded) and 13 (constant sound of
machinery rumbling can be heard from there).
od d i t i o n a l m a t e r i a l s 7
Dead Priest Ghost of Little People shaman. Can be killed STR n/a DEX n/a WIL n/a HP n/a
His spiritual attacks cause WILL save or
only in Ruby Chamber by destroying the body. Stops attacks
lose 1d6 STR (paralysis)
when opponent tries to escape or cause visible losses to opponent.
Heavy Gun (two hands), d12 damage. The Aether Bombast combines technology and arcane
Cannot move and fire. Flashbang effect
forces to create a formidable weapon. An intensely hot ”bolt” of
on those not wearing eye protection
when fired. Sets target alight, d6 damage pressurized plasma is fired from a compression cylinder; it can
for 1d3 rounds. Burns through most be fired out to great distance, and very accurately. The effect on
organic matter is horrific, and the damage it can do to synthetic
materials is impressive. Rate of fire is very slow, maintenance
on the device is virtually impossible, and it should be used with
care on airships and water craft. It should never be fired in a
submarine unless self-destruction is the goal.
od d i t i o n a l m a t er i a l s 11
The Necromizer taps into dark powers beyond the edge of Turns corpses into undeads fighting
for the user. The undeads will become
our understanding and combines that with galvanic technology to
malevolent and aggressive after time.
raise the very recently dead and compel them to fight mindlessly
by your side. This is especially useful when you are the last one
standing, but can be helpful if even one or two of your party has
fallen in combat.
The Fighting Dead will mill around aimlessly for a few minutes STR 10 DEX 8 WIL 6 HP 6
damage as per weapon or d4 stran-
after the fight is over, and that is when they must be dispatched
with bullets to the head or machetes to the neck. Otherwise an Frightening to behold and vomit-
odd light will appear in their eyes, they will assume disturbing inducing to EVERYONE (except
the owner of the Necromizer) as they
facial dispositions that imply evil cunning, and they will try to have invariably soiled themselves upon
maim you and kill you, in that order. violent death and are likely to be trailing
intestines or brain matter.
Elves are Simply Better at many things Character Generation Cross your best stat with your
Dwarves know the underground and
hit points on the page in the next spread to generate your starting
have infravision
Halflings are tough and silent equipment, abilities and race.
Half-orcs and half-elves are pariahs
Thief training: normally no save
Turn Undead: Undead save WIL or flee.
Alignments can be used, or don’t – I’m not going to tell you
Cleric and MUs: the character knows how to D&D. On my end, since I’m running B/X modules, I use
extra spells and can cast each of those
the classic Law/Neutral/Chaos system.
spells once a day.
A word of warning: attempting to learn a Spellcasters can cast each of their starting spells once a day,
spell above one’s capacity (see experience
provided you spend some time in study or prayer. Each spell has
below) or to mix Cleric and Magic-user
spells can cause cranial implosion or an effect, a range, etc. This may be ad-libbed by the GM, or they
unwanted severance of the astral cord. can use a specific ruleset. Magic isn’t a science though, and you
may try to shape a spell with a WIL save. Fail this and expect
side effects, friendly fire or deadly-but-colourful explosions.
Novice ready or not, you are on your way to your first adventure. You can learn one 1st level spell.
Professional you have survived at least one adventure. You can learn 2nd level spells, and memorise a total of
3 spell levels.
Expert you have survived at least three adventures since reaching Professional level. You can learn 3rd
level spells, and memorise a total of 6 spell levels.
Veteran you have survived at least five adventures since reaching Expert level. You can learn 4th level
spells, and memorise a total of 10 spell levels.
Master you own a stronghold, academy or guild and have led followers on at least one dangerous ad-
venture since reaching Veteran level. You can learn 5th level spells, and memorise up to 15 spell
11 MU (+1 spell levels), Dagger Cleric (+2 spell levels), Turn MU (+2 spell levels), Staff (d6),
(d4), Portable laboratory, Vial undead, Warhammer (d8), Backpack (3 days rations),
of acid, 3 pouches Boiled leather (1), Satchel Speaks with birds, Feared by
(wolfsbane) dogs and cats
12 Morningstar (d8), Encrypted Thief training (hide in shadows, Halfling, Sling (d4), shortsword
spellbook, Noble clothes, Back- move silently), Blackjack (d4), (d6), 3 flasks of oil, Outcast
pack Sack (caltrops, 2 candles) tattoos
13 Crossbow (d8), knife (d4), Axe (d6), Hide armour (1), Thief training (pick pockets,
Tower shield (1), Battered Large sack (7 days rations), open locks), Fancy sword (d6),
uniform, 26gp from murder Lame dog Burghers clothes
14 Halberd (d8), Old uniform, Cleric (+2 spell levels), Sacrifi- Scimitar (d6), Burnt leather
Backpack (1 week rations, cial bludgeon (d6), Cursed by shirt (1), 23gp
rope) demons
15 Half-elf Whip (d4), 5 darts Short sword (d6), Mail shirt Staff (d6), sling (d4), Satchel
(d4), Proof of noble descent, (1), Backpack (iron spikes), (2 chickens), Bedroll, blanket,
Backpack (2 weeks rations) 11gp tent, Fur hat
16 Half-orc, Mace (d6), Forged Knife (d4), sling (d4), Large Scramasax (d6), Leather shield
mercenary papers sack (tent, traps), Lame horse (1), Horned helmet
17 Longsword (d6), Staff (d6), 3 darts (d4),
Ragged clothes, Wizard hat and robes, Split shield (1),
Old scars Small sack (sick bird), Unwieldy plate armour (1)
18 Broken stool (d4), Doppelganger, Amnesia, Knife (d4), Stolen merchant
10sp, Woodsman clothes, clothes (too small),
Permanent hangover Blood on your hands Bare feet
od d i t i o n a l m a t er i a l s 15
10 Cleric (+2 spell levels),Turn un- Thief training (stun at 0hp), Two-handed sword (d8),
dead, Warhammer (d8), Shield Two daggers (d4), Short bow Chainmail (1), Horse, Sad-
(1), Large sack (2 days rations) (d6), Scroll (cleric, 2nd level), dlebags (1 day ration, wineskin,
Backpack (2 days rations, iron spikes)
mirror, 3 candles, scroll)
11 Dwarf, Pickaxe (d6), Shield Longbow (d8), Axe (d6), Thief training (climb, hear
(1), Backpack (1 days rations, Leather shirt (1), Hat with rare noise), Shortsword (d6), 2 dag-
beer cask, rope, lantern) feathers, Small sack (1 days gers (d4), Scroll (magic-user,
rations) 1st level), Rope & grapple, 2
doses poison (paralysis at 0hp)
12 Maul (d8), Javelin (d6), 2 javelins (d6), Large sack (3 Dirk (d4), Poison (d4 extra
Breastplate (1), Satchel, Large wolf skins), Foreign hairstyle, damage), Unholy symbol (20
sack 8cp gp), Puzzling birthmark
13 Axe (d6), sling (d4), Warm Glaive guisarme (d8), Bone Dagger (d4), rusty mace (d6),
cloak and heavy boots, Wanted armour (1), Straw hat, Satchel Leather vest (1), Stolen letters,
poster, Backpack (2 waterskins) Small sack (wineskin)
14 Stolen rapier (d8), Large tent, Hand crossbow (d4), Black Mutant, Spiked club (d6), 2
Medallion with strange map leather clothes (1), Small sack wolf traps
(wig, scarf)
15 Half-elf, Antique sword (d6), Recognisable scimitar (d6), Silk Half-elf, Bent bronze sword
Stylish cloak, Toolbox clothes, Scarred hands, 25sp (d4), Bow (no arrows), Pouch
(worthless stones)
16 Staff (d6), Backpack (2 can- Half-elf, Bow (d6), Poorly Broken spear (d4), Improvised
dles, waterskin, scroll, quill) trained pet wolf buckler (1) Torch
17 Two-handed club (d6), Half-orc, Broken crossbow Cestus (d4),
Conspicuous clothes, (used as a club, d4), Smoked rat on a stick,
Bag of broken glass Whips scars on back Disgusting skin condition
18 Half-orc, Mutant, Half-orc,
Broken sword (d4), Fork (d4), Chains (d4),
Escapee tattoo on forehead Bounty dead or alive (120gp) Naked, Mute
Odd Factions
Empty floors with aggressive pigeons and dangerous stairs. Top
floor: has crystal roof (35 square metres panels worth 50s each).
On every floor, several mirrors reflect and filter starlight down
to basement, where abducted gang members and urchins are
Basement: illuminated by starlight from mirror complex. Seats
with straps. Roast pork smell.
West: archway to 5.
South: rusty ladder up to 4.
Kaleidos Copper, an humanoid with shiny prismatic STR 10 DEX 10 WIL 17 HP 9
armour 1, dense limbs d6, dazzling &
machine for a head. Wants everyone to obey Joy Machine’s law.
burning colours d8 + charm on critical
Will stop working if away from starlight for too long. damage
Small, badly ventilated with iron-reinforced ceiling.
Chests with 7 old muskets, 4 rusty pistols, 2 bombs (powder used
produces thick, red smoke). Assortment of cutlasses, canes and
cleavers. Each chest has a floating globefish that tries to escape
(blue-grey scales, inoffensive, feeds on moisture, keeps air dry).
North: rusty ladder down to 3b (noisy).
South-east: slippery stairs up to 6.
Dark stone alcove. The only light comes from outside.
Metal objects kept as food for the Copper: cutlery, pots, broken
weapons, pieces of machinery.
South: piles of rusty dejections (sorting through it will reveal 3g
worth of unconsumed gold and silver).
Unpainted arches with saltpeter. Fire pit, cushion and chairs,
tinned food on shelves, dry meat hanging from ceilings (buzzing
power cables connecting 3 to 11).
West: grilled doors to 7 (fresh air) and 8 (stale smell), creaky
stairs up to 9 (daylight, stew smell).
North-West: damp corridor to 4.
North: sewer passageway to 2
East: illusory wall to 9 (noticeable from an angle, electric shock
d12 if touched for more than two seconds).
South: hole down to 12 (bells sound).
STR 7 DEX 10 WIL 10 HP 3 5 prisoners: gang members, homeless labourers and lost
sailors, chained to pillars and waiting to be brought to the Copper.
Want to escape.
STR 18 DEX 10 WIL 10 HP 6 Strongman: towering brute with theatre face, sailor tattoos
spiked fist 1d8
covering melted flesh. Wants to keep the hideout safe.
od d i t i o n a l m a t er i a l s 21
Kitchen of the abandoned orphanage. High, iron-reinforced,
faded educational murals (“work for your wage, kill for your
keep”). Large chimney with pot of cold soup. No metal utensils.
West: walled door to ruins (breakable with appropriate tools,
noisy though).
South: barred windows (3 metres above the floor, bars eaten by
rust) to an overgrown garden home to a pack of wild dogs.
7 street artists having a quiet meal, want to protect Joy STR 10 DEX 15 WIL 9 HP 5
iron fingernails d8, smoke pistols d6
Machine’s secrets.
The choking smog over London blocks light and digital signal Sean has written a number of flash fiction
stories in the Slick Thames world. Read
alike; the corporations have pulled back into the green belt,
some of it here:
leaving the urban sprawl beside the Slick to be fought over by http://archaism.wordpress.
the different gangs. Between the day-to-day violence, each group com/tag/slick-thames/
fights to control the old wired network. There is still intermittent
CORP incursion into the factories and data nodes of the city, and
what’s left of the LAW remain brutal and controlling. There are
constant turf wars between the anarchic PUNKS and the brutal
HOODS, while the GOTHS of the lock region mostly care about
having the best stories to tell.
GOTHS are mostly clad in leathers, and are generally disre- Look: leather goth wear and bondage
garding of much else. Their entire purpose is to lead debauched,
hedonistic lives.
PUNKS are anarchistic, and have a particular flare for flame. Look: denim and spikes.
HOODS are territorial and put a lot of weight in the intimi- Look: hoodies (duh) and general
dation of weapons.
CORPS are the bad boys of the corporate world - having a Look: stylish business wear (think
American Psycho).
fun time in the inner London offices (most head offices for major
corporations exist in the green belt beyond the city).
Roll and total the d4, d6 & d8 for each of the following stats;
BRAWN acts of strength & stamina (equivalent of STR)
SINEW acts of agility & precision (equivalent of DEX)
WIT language aloud & online (equivalent of WIL)
You may swap any two scores. Then, roll a d6: this is your
NERVE – your ability to shrug off wounds (equivalent of HP).
Take the next entry if another player already has that AUGMENT.
Roll and total the d6, d8 & 4 for each of the following stats;
BRAWN acts of strength & stamina (equivalent of STR)
SINEW acts of agility & precision (equivalent of DEX)
LAW recall & uphold the Law (equivalent of WIL)
You may swap any two scores. Then, roll a d8: this is your
NERVE – your ability to shrug off wounds (equivalent of HP).
Special Training
If your highest ability score is less than 12, you can also begin
with one of these abilities:
Marksman Firearm attacks you make are Enhanced.
Authoritative Whenever you make a LAW save related to
the Law, roll two dice and take the best result.
Resilient You continue to fight on even when you suffer
Critical Damage.
If your NRV is less than 4, you may choose from these psychic
abilities. The Law doesn’t like visible augmentation, but you could
trade either of these for a subtle tactical augment (see SLICK
THAMES rules):
Telekinetic You may move objects with your mind; passing a
SNW save gives precision.
Telepathic You can read other’s thoughts; passing a LAW
save means they don’t realise you’re reading their mind.
od d i t i o n a l m a t er i a l s 27
your DNA. If any other person uses this gun, it explodes causing
d12 damage. The SPUD-gun has six types of ammunition from bullet deals d8 damage; you are assumed
a single cartridge - at the end of each combat or whenever you to have always used this bullet in any
roll maximum damage, roll Xd8 where X is the number of ammo HEATSEEKER: locks onto a specified
types you’ve used this combat: on a roll of one, the ammunition target’s heat signature; deals d6 damage.
RICOCHET: coated in rubber, this
stocks descend to d6s, then d4s, then a single bullet remaining.
will bounce off hard surfaces; deals d8
damage minus the amount of surfaces it
Street armour and helmet (provides Armour 1) struck.
INCENDIARY: bursts into flame upon
A motorcycle with bike cannons (d10 standard rounds or impact; deals d10 damage at impact and
d8 armour piercing) and basic AI allowing it to follow commands. d4 damage to immediate area, people
pass SNW saves to avoid catching fire.
The bike has BRW 13, NRV 0, ARM 2 if it is directly attacked.
Use your character’s SNW to control it under stress. titanium, d8, this bullet ignores 2 points
A baton that deals d6 damage in melee range. of Armour and deals d8 damage.
HI-EX: explodes on impact, dealing d12
Two flash-bangs that blinds anyone who fails a SNW save damage to everything in the immediate
for one minute. area.
There are more crimes being committed beside the Slick than
the Met can ever hope to respond to. Each mission should have
a primary objective and some minor objectives that support the
main goal; you should also have lots of other transgressions being
visible as they players progress - whether they become distracted
by these or not is their choice.
Sample Crims
Owlpeople are nocturnal creatures, half owl, half human. STR 10 DEX 13 WIL 8 HP 8
Beak (d6)
Males are more or less humanoid and females are more like
Driven by feeding their young and
giant owls. They can’t fly but are able to glide in the air for short control territory
distances when thrown or jumping from above. They don’t have Hypnotising Stare: WIL save or victim
acts along Owlperson unspoken wishes.
wings, Instead they just spread their arms and slowly glide. It can be broken by another WIL save
but the longer victim stays under effect
the effects are lasting and incurable.
They usually travel from place to place in a group of 10 or more,
Victim will act like an owlperson and will
staying in one place until they’re frightened off or during the go a long way to be eaten by owls.
reproductive season. They hypnotise small, young, weak humans Saliva: their saliva can close wounds.
The wounds won’t be healed but wound
to follow to them to the nest (usually an abandoned house or a will grow into scar tissue quickly. The
cave) and keep there them while eating them alive over time. person treated with saliva will get
addicted to it (STR save to avoid).
They start off with the limbs and there will be usually full of
mutilated humans acting like owlpeople and caring for them.
They mark their territory with cryptic signs. It’s not known
whether they understand it but scholars studying Owlpeople’s
signs say it’s a language in itself and can be translated. Owlpeople
like to steal and gather things. So they keep things from previous
nests and are seen wearing human clothes.
Screaming Pyramids are floating step pyramids made STR 13 DEX 8 WIL 6 HP 8
Armour 1, Suckers (d6)
of glistening, pulsing raw meat. Two meters high and of basic,
Driven by hunger.
animal intelligence, have giant mouths on each side screaming
constantly random words. They travel in groups of 1d4+1 crea-
tures and shock victims with their random screams (STR Save or
shock for 1d6 turns). Then they suck blood with suckers on their
bottom side. They stay in the area until they empty it of living
creatures and then move on.
Now and then Devil’s Balls appear again. Gates are open but
nobody come out. Not to trade, not to plunder, not anything.
Tunnels dug inside the meteorites wait for the brave.
Fete of Dreams was not the first building moved from The
Golden Lands completely, brick by brick, but it was the first one
to gather such notoriety. This one became to be known as Fete of
Chazan Creepers resemble an oily, greyish sludge, first STR 10 DEX 13 WIL 12 HP 5
stats for sludge form.
discovered during industrial digs in Chazan. This intelligent
Afraid of acid. Immune to slash-
sludge resided undisturbed between geological layers until the ing/bashing weapons.
drilling. Now sleepers awake from their sleep and ooze onto If infected lose 1d6 STR every hour until
STR becomes 0, then the victim becomes
the surface. The sludge slowly flow into a host’s body (usually a Creeper host. Before then stomach
human) and overtake it while feeding on the internal organs. pumping and purges can save the victim.
The host slowly deforms and a big, black, reflective globe forms STR 13 DEX 12 WIL 12 HP 10
stats for hosted form.
encasing the head and neck. This globe is warm and leathery to
Suckers suck body tissue of the victim
touch. The host also develops a number of pulsating black suckers and inject mild euphoric intoxicant (STR
all over their body through which they feed. save or lose 1d3 HP and be very happy
because of this).
When killed it explodes spraying sludge.
Creepers communicate using a sign language and, while aggres- Roll under DEX to avoid.
To dissolve the pact, all the still living participants must gather
again and unanimously break the pact. This will cause everybody
involved lose 1d3 WILL to satisfy spiritual parasite.
Forenames P
Maze 1
Roll once.
3 Barsaba Finn Percival 3 Boastful
4 Basil Forthwind Peregrine 4 Bored
5 Beatrix Fox Phoebe 5 Bossy
6 Bertram Godwin Piety 6 Can-do
7 Bianca Hannibal Poppy 7 Chatterb
8 Blaxton Hester Quentin 8 Chirpy
9 Chadwick Hippolyta Redmaine 9 Cryptic
10 Cleopha Jasper Silas 10 Ditz
By Ben Milton 11 Clover Jiles Silence 11 Egomani
12 Constance Jilly Stilton 12 Extravag
Introduction 13
Maze Rats is a role-playing adventure game of 15 Daphne Merrick Tenpiece 15 Flirtatiou
problem-solving and survival, in which several 16 Demona Minerva Trilby 16 Gossip
players take on the roles of penniless explorers 17 Destrian Mortimer Tuesday 17 Hard-bo
delving into dangerous, abandoned ruins in search 18 Elsbeth Odette Ursula 18 Hears voi
of treasure and glory. 19 Erasmus Ogden Webster 19 Hillbilly
20 Esme Olga Zora 20 Hothead
These rules are derived from Into the Odd, by Chris
McDowall. Other inspirations include Freebooters on
the Frontier and The Perilous Wilds by Jason Lutes,
Dungeon Crawl Classics by Joseph Goodman, and
Surnames A
World of Dungeons by John Harper. Roll once.
1-2 3-4 5-6 1-2
Character Creation 1
Acid Scar
Battle Sca
Choose one advancement from the list of options 3 Belvedere Graveworm Rumbold 3 Boney ha
on the next page. Advancements grant you one 4 Birdwhistle Greelish Rummage 4 Braided H
special ability and a hit die. Roll the hit die to find 5 Bithesea Grimeson Sallow 5 Brawny
your character’s starting maximum hit points (HP). 6 Bobich Gruger Saltmarsh 6 Broken N
7 Calaver Hardwick Silverless 7 Bulbous N
Roll 3d6 for each of your stats: Strength, Dexterity, 8 Carvolo Hitheryon Skitter 8 Burn Scar
and Will. You may choose to swap two of the 9 Chips Hovel Skorbeck 9 Bushy Br
scores. 10 Coffin Knibbs Slee 10 Chiseled
! Strength is used to avoid danger though toughness, 11 Crumpling La Marque Slitherly 11 Curly Ha
stamina, or raw strength. 12 De Rippe Loverly Stavish 12 Dark Skin
! Dexterity is used to avoid danger through stealth, 13 Digworthy Midnighter Stoker 13 Disfigure
quickness, or finesse. 14 Dregs Mitre Tarwater 14 Dishevele
! Will is used to avoid danger through willpower, per- 15 Droll Nethercoat Vandermeer 15 Filthy
ception or charisma. 16 Dunlow Oblington Villin 16 Gaunt
17 Erelong Onymous Wellbelove 17 Gap-toot
Flesh out your character’s name, personality, ap- 18 Fernsby Pestle Westergren 18 Grey Hai
pearance, weapons and gear using the tables to the 19 Fisk Phillifent Wexley 19 Groomed
right. Fill out your character sheet, and introduce 20 Gimble Relish Wilberforce 20 Hairless
your character to the other players. They start with
d20 silver (s).
Personality Weapons
Roll once or twice. Roll twice.
1-2 3-4 5-6 1-3 4-6
wald 1 Arrogant Iconoclast Self-pitying 1 Ancient Spear (d6) Longbow (d8)
pper 2 Avant-Garde Idealistic Serene 2 Arming Sword (d6) Maul (d8)
rcival 3 Boastful Illiterate Slacker 3 Battered Halberd (d8) Messer (d8)
regrine 4 Bored Jerk Slimy 4 Battleaxe (d8) Morningstar (d8)
oebe 5 Bossy Klutz Slovenly 5 Bronze Dagger (d6) Obsidian Dagger (d6)
ety 6 Can-do Love-struck Snarky 6 Bronze-tip Spear (d6) Painted Spear (d6)
ppy 7 Chatterbox Misanthrope Snitch 7 Carved Spear (d6) Pull Crossbow (d10)
uentin 8 Chirpy Mopey Snob 8 Claymore (d8) Quarterstaff (d6)
dmaine 9 Cryptic Naïve Sophist 9 Crank Crossbow (d10) Rapier (d6)
as 10 Ditz Nerd Spacey 10 Etched Glaive (d8) Recurve Bow (d6)
ence 11 Egomaniac No-nonsense Thick 11 Falchion (d8) Rusty Mace (d6)
lton 12 Extravagant Obsessive Toady 12 Flail (d8) Sling with bullets (d6)
atford 13 Fast-talker Orator Twitchy 13 Gleaming Halberd (d8) Sling with stones (d6)
bil 14 Flake Overeducated Vain 14 Hand Crossbow (d6) Spiked Club (d6)
npiece 15 Flirtatious Paranoid Vegan 15 Hatchet (d6) Steel Dagger (d6)
ilby 16 Gossip Pouty Vengeful 16 Heirloom Glaive (d8) Stone-tip Spear (d6)
esday 17 Hard-boiled Prickly Whiner 17 Hunting Bow (d6) Throwing Knives (d6)
sula 18 Hears voices Proselytizer Wild Child 18 Hunting Knife (d6) War Bow (d8)
ebster 19 Hillbilly Refined Wisecracking 19 Iron Club (d6) Warhammer (d8)
ra 20 Hothead Ruthless World-weary 20 Ivory Spear (d6) Woodman’s axe (d8)