Seminar: Origins of The Word
Seminar: Origins of The Word
Seminar: Origins of The Word
There are so many methods of teaching and learning process, like class – room
teaching, role plays, seminars, symposium, case presentation, journal presentation,
lecture, discussion, demonstration, simulation, symposium, workshop, projects, computer
assisted instruction etc. As we grow we learn many things daily from our parents, elders,
teachers, friends, mass media, news papers, research works experience etc. now I am
going to discuss about the lecture method, discussion demonstration and simulation.
A seminar as an instructional technique involves generating a situation for a group
to have guided interaction among themselves on a theme which is generally presented to
the group by one or more members.
any meeting for an exchange of ideas.
A course offered for a small group of advanced students.
Seminar is an instructional technique of higher learning which involves paper
reading on a theme and followed by the group discussion to clarify the complex aspects
of theme.
Seminar is generally, a form of academic instruction, either at a university or
offered by a commercial or professional organization. It has the function of bringing
together small groups for recurring meeting, focusing each time or some particular
subject, in which everyone present is requested to actively participate. This is often
accomplished through a more formal presentation of research. Normally, participants
must not be begins in the field under discussion (at US universities, seminar classes are
generally reserved for upper-classes students, although at UK and AUSTRALION
universities seminar are often used for all year). The idea behind the seminar system is to
familiarize students more extensively with the methodology of their chosen subject and
also to allow them to interact with examples of the practical problems that always crop up
– during research work. It is essentially a place where assigned readings are discussed,
questions can be raised and debates conducted. It is relatively informal at least compared
to the lecture system of academic some European universities, a seminar
may be a large lecture course, especially when conducted by a renowned thinker.
This technique is employed to realize the higher objectives of cognitive
and affective clomping which have been enumerated as follows:
1. Mini seminar
2. Main seminar
3. National seminar
4. International seminar
The seminar conducted in classroom is called Mini Seminar.
The seminar is organized at the departmental or institutional level.
Cardiology Nursing department in association with medical and surgical
department of the college of nursing can conduct a seminar on “Innovations in
cardiovascular nursing” for M.S.C. nursing students and staff nurses.
1. Cardiology nursing department &
Medical surgical nursing department are the} Organizers
1. The teacher is a leader. (Student can also function as a leader)
2. 10 - 15 members are participants.
3. The students present the topic only 15 - 20 minutes.
4. Duration is 1 to 2 hours.
5. Leader should keep the discussion within the limits of the problem discussed.
6. Students present their data in an informal way under the leadership of the
7. Care should be taken to avoid stereotype.
8. The entire member taken part in discussion in an informal way but orderly in
9. The chairman should be skilled in encouraging the participants.
10. A student secretary should record the problems, which arise, and the solution
1. Role of the student is active, it presupposes that student has background
2. If properly conducted, the seminar teaches the method of scientific analysis and
Techniques of research.
3. The group as a whole and the individual students try to solve problems.
4. Exchange of facts and attempts to crystallize the group opinion which is sound
and workable.
5. By participate in the solution of problem, the student becomes more articulate
and develops is more critical toward issue.
6. Seminar gives training in self-learning and promotes independent thinking.
7. By participation in the solution of problems the student develops skill in solving
8. Ability to see and solve our own problems is increased because personal
difficulties can be compared with those of the group.
9. Skill filly, directed, seminar promotes group spirit and co – operative.
1. Time consuming
2. Cannot be applied to new students.
3. Timid students cannot improve.
4. If subject knowledge is poor, unnecessary discussion arises.
5. The approach to problems extends to their professionals and personal activities.
The establishment of an environment that contributes to the purpose of the
seminar is of importance and requires a skilled teacher.
A motivating learning situation that is not too highly organized (OR) too relaxed
is essential.
The discussion needs to be kept active, while at the same time the orderly
o Development of the subject content should be maintained.
The teacher usually guides the seminar, however student may carry out this
o Function under the guidance of teacher.
1. Chairperson should possess in depth knowledge regarding the topic and his
Duty is to guide the seminar in a fruitful manner.
2. Seminar begins with an introductory speech by the chairperson.
3. In the introductory talk, he justifies the topic selection by stating its
relevance and importance in the current context.
4. Introduce the speaker by highlighting their achievements.
5. Introductory speech chairperson invites speakers according to the order.
6. When one speaker completes his speech he/she gives a brief summary of it
and invites next speaker to present his viewpoint.
7. Once all the speakers complete their presentation chairperson open the
discussion session by inviting participants to come out with their doubts,
clarifications and contributions.
1. Always the participants make the seminar very live and interesting.
2. The study material issued by the organizers before the seminar, will also
provide the required information.
3. participants should use discussion to enrich their knowledge rather than
testing the knowledge of the speaker (or) the chairperson.
4. Objectives of seminar are framed in accordance with the learning needs of
the participants.
International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship
Vol. 1 (2004) / Issue 1 / Articles
Medi-smart Nursing resources’.