It is a type of group discussion where it focuses on problem solving approach. The seminar
consists of a scientific approach to the study of a selected problem. It involves a discussion of
the problem using a small group of students and a teacher who is an expert in the field of study.
The seminar is emerging as an effective means of providing substance to the routine approach to
problem solving.
Most commonly it is used in discussions aimed at determining ways of managing problems
related to care, communication, collaboration and co-ordination functions of the nurse in clinical
Objective of seminar is to give students opportunity to participate in methods scientific analysis
and research procedures.
1. Mini Seminar:
A seminar organized to discuss a topic in class is known as mini-seminar
To train the students for organizing the seminar and play different roles.
It is stimulated situation for the students.
It can be organized before the main-seminar
2. Main Seminar:
A seminar organized at departmental level or institutional level on major theme. All the students
and staff take part in the Seminar. These seminars are organized weekly or monthly in
departments. Generally specific theme is selected for seminar.
3. National Seminar:
A seminar which is organized by the association or organization at national level. The experts
are invited on the theme of the seminar.
The examples of theme at national level are: Educational technology, trends in education, non-
formal education.
4.International Seminar:Generally such seminars are organized by UNESCO and other
international organization. The theme of seminar will be very broad. Example like Innovations
in teacher education, examination reforms.
Seminar includes small group of members’ i.e 10-15 members.
Total group will select a single problem.
The problem is shared among the group members or individual sub problems studied by
each member and presented as part of the total problem,
Duration of the seminar will be about 1-2 hrs and the sessions are provided to each
members to present his own sub problems of main problem selected for the seminar.
Seminar approaches the investigation of a presenting problem by individual library
research, data collection and analysis to produce findings for the preparation of a written
report. The presentation of the report, discussion by the group participants for further
analysis and evaluation of data leading to conclusions and recommendations.
Effectiveness of seminar depends on
- Ability of teacher to direct total process.
- Members ability to employ the problem solving skill.
- Effective use of primary data i.e library data collection etc.
- Members ability to use group discussion techniques effectively.
1. Teacher is a leader, whereas students also function as leader
2. 10-15 members are participants.
3. The topic is presented by students taking 15-20 minutes.
4. Duration is 1-2 hours
5. Leader should keep the discussion within the limits of the problems discussed.
6. A student presents their data in a formal way.
7. Care should be taken to avoid stereotype.
8. All the members take part in discussion in an informal way but orderly in manner.
9. Chairman should be skilled in encouraging participants.
10. Student secretary should record the problems which arise and the solutions given.
Following tips gives an idea of how to conduct a seminar.
- The establishment of an environment that contributes to the purpose of the seminar and
requires skilled teacher.
- A motivating learning situation that is not too highly organized or too relaxed is essential.
- Orderderly development of the subject content should be maintained.
- The teacher usually guides the seminar however student may carry out this function
under the guidance of teacher.
It can be motivating method in nursing where the learner presents a paper on some aspects of
nursing and participants in discussion with the group.
The presentation of seminar can be counted as an assignment for continuous assessment
1. Role of Organizer:
- Responsibility of organizer is to plan and prepare the whole programme of seminar
- He decides the theme of the seminar and assigns the different aspects of theme to different
persons who are speakers.
- The date, time and place are decided by him
- Generally he suggests the name of the chairman.
- He prepares total schedule of the seminar.
2. Role of Chairman or President:
- The chairman must be well aware about the theme of seminar.
- The seminar activities are conducted by him such as
i. He directs the whole program
ii. Encourages the participants to take part in discussion
iii. He keeps the discussion on the theme of seminar.
- At the end he summarizes the discussion and presents his view point on the theme
- He has to give thanks to the speaker, participant assets and observers.
3. Role of Speakers:
- They prepare the topics allotted to them thoroughly and zerox copies of the papers are prepared
and these are distributed among participants before commencement of the seminar.
- The speakers should be ready to defend the questions.
- The speaker should have the tolerance of critism of others.
4. Role of Participants:
- They should be well acquainted with the theme of seminar.
- They should be able to seek clarification and ask questions.
- They should place their own ideas regarding theme based on their experience.
- They should not put questions directly to the speakers.
- There will be 25 to 40 participants in the seminar
5. Role of Observers:
- Gests or observers are limited to observe the activities of the seminar.
- They are not permitted to participate in the discussion.
- They should be allowed at the end of discussion and present their observations by permission of
1. As students are participating it gives assumption that students has background
2. Seminar teaches the method of scientific analysis and techniques of research.
3. The group and individual students try to solve problems.
4. It brings exchange of facts.
5. Student develops skill in problem solving.
6. Student becomes more organized and develops a more critical point of view towards an
7. Seminar gives training in self-learning and promotes independent thinking.
8. Doubts can be cleared about the problem discussed because personal draughts compared
with those of the group.
9. It promotes spirit and cooperativeness among the group.
1. Time consuming
2. Cannot be applied to new students
3. Timid students cannot improve.
4. If subject knowledge is poor unnecessary discussion arises.
1. Heidgerken. L. E., “Teaching and learning in school of Nursing”. 3 rd edition, 1990, Konark
publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi Page No. 475, 476 & 482 to 485.
2. Basavantappa.B.T. “Nursing Education”, Ist edition, 2003, Jaypee Broter, EMCA House
23123B, Ansari Road, Dariyaganj, New Delhi – 110002, India, Page No. 385-387, 396-401.
3. Neeraja.K.P :Text bool of Nursing Education”, Ist Edition, 2003, Japee Brothers Medical
Publishers, Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, Page No. 279 to 282.