PRT - T - Vs - R - Table PDF
PRT - T - Vs - R - Table PDF
PRT - T - Vs - R - Table PDF
How to use this chart to calculate equivalent accuracy and also the sensitivity (dR/dT) found in column two for
temperature accuracy each PRT type. First, calculate resistance accuracy and then di-
A PRT readout's accuracy is specified in ohms. The equivalent vide by the PRT temperature sensitivity (dR/dT) to convert accu-
temperature accuracy depends on both the resistance and tem- racy from units of resistance to units of temperature.
perature sensitivity of the PRT at temperature (T). Use this chart EXAMPLE: The Black Stack 2560 module has an accuracy of
to estimate PRT resistance and sensitivity, for specific tempera- 25 ppm and model 5626 is a PT100 (100 Ω PRT) meeting the
tures and PRT types. First, select the row (T) with the tempera- platinum purity requirements of the ITS-90 (α = 0.003926).
ture you are interested in and the columns with the desired PRT From the table: at 600 °C, a PT100 with α = 0.003926 would
type. For each PRT type, the first column contains the PRT resis- have resistance close to 318.04 and its sensitivity would be 0.33
tance reading at specified temperatures and the second column Ω/°C, so the equivalent temperature accuracy would be calculated:
contains the associated temperature sensitivity. Readout resis- (ppm accuracy)(resistance)/(sensitivity)
tance accuracy at a specified temperature depends on the resis- = ± (25ppm)(318.04)/(0.33 Ω/°C) = (25/1000000)(318.04)/(0.33)
tance reading of the PRT, found in the first column for each PRT = ± 0.024 °C.
type. Equivalent temperature accuracy depends on the resistance
46 Thermometry