Code - Aster: Macro-Order CALC - GP

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Responsable : HABOUSSA David Clé : U4.82.09 Révision :

Macro-order CALC_GP

1 Goal
The object of this macro-order is to calculate, in postprocessing of a calculation of nonlinear mechanics
elastoplastic, the called parameter of energy breaking process G P . The energy approach based on this
criterion is detailed in the document [R7.02.16].

This macro-order is usable in 2D and 3D.

In 2D, it makes it possible to use the approach with a specific grid dedicated to the approach (presences of
groups of elements forming of the called particular zones chips) or a sufficiently fine free grid in which the
zones are built by the macro-order. It is important to announce that to
In 3D, only a specific grid dedicated to the approach including of the groups of elements forming of the
slices of several chips is usable.

The macro-order turns over a table containing, for each moment of required calculation:
• the name of the zone of calculation (chip) ZONE
• the elastic energy modified or not in the zone (ENER_ELTR for grid chips
or ENER_ELAS for a free grid) ,
• the length of the zone (or surfaces in 3D) DELTA_L
• the parameter GP
• an indicator specifying the place of the maximum per moment MAX_INST

The user can also ask for a restricted table in which only the lines corresponding to the maximum per
moment are given. If the user would have used the automatic construction of the zones of chips, it can ask
to obtain at exit a field making it possible to visualize the zones and to check their good definition.

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Responsable : HABOUSSA David Clé : U4.82.09 Révision :

2 Syntax
[table] = CALC_GP (
♦ RESULT = resumeca, [result]

♦ LIST_INST = moment, [l_R]

◊ PRECISION = /prec, [R]
/1E-6 [DEFECT]


#Pour the case 2D:

◊ TRANCHE_2D =_F (
= /‘YES’


♦ GROUP_MA = l_group [l_group_ma]
♦ SIZE = l_taille [l_R]


♦ SIZE = lC [R]
♦ CENTER = center [R, R, R]
♦ RAY = R [R]
♦ ANGLE =  [R]
♦ NB_ZONE = N [I]

#Pour the case 3D:

◊ TRANCHE_3D =_F (
♦ GROUP_MA = l_group [l_group_ma]
♦ SYME = /‘YES’
♦ FOND_FISS = bottom [bottom]

3 Elastoplastic model of rupture energy Gp

The energy model of prediction of the rupture in elastoplasticity is described more in detail in the reference
material [R7.02.16].

The goal of this model is to consider the loading critical of starting of cleavage in an elastoplastic structure;
it thus represents a deterministic alternative to the models based on the levels of principal constraint which
are Beremin or Bordet (also available in Code_Aster).

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Responsable : HABOUSSA David Clé : U4.82.09 Révision :

The model is based on a representation of the defect by a notch; the principle of minimization of the
potential energy of the structure compared to the projection of defect only makes it possible final to lead to
a criterion on average elastic energy present in particular zones C (l) downstream from the notch and
called commonly chips. Figure 3-1 present a definition of these zones, which are thus measured since the
bottom of the notch until a distance l ; LC represent the diameter of the notch here.

Figure 3-1 - Definition of the zone of interest.

The criterion of cleavage is written then:

 ∃l0  G P  l  G PC with
∫C ( l) Φ traction
el dΩ
G̃ P ( l ) =
where Φtraction
el = λ H (tr (ϵ)) tr(ϵ)2 +μ ∑ H (ϵi )ϵ2i , H represent the Heaviside function, ϵ represent
2 i=1
the tensor of the elastic strain, ϵi represent the principal elastic strain.and G PC is a parameter material
to be determined. In 3D, the distance l is replaced by the surface of the chip in the plan of propagation of
the notch.

In order to carry out the calculation of elastic energy in these zones called chips, two solutions exist in 2D:
• to have defined these zones in the grid Φtraction
el = λ H (tr (ϵ)) tr(ϵ)2 +μ ∑ H (ϵi )ϵ2i
2 i=1
1 −1
• to define these zones a posteriori in the free grid Φel = σ A σ

Figure 3-2 - Classical grid with definition of the chips.

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In the first case, the Figure 3-2 present a view of the grid to be used. This grid comprises 95 chips of small
(with a grid each one by 8 quadrangular finite elements), then a zone of déraffinement. With each chip a
group with meshs must then be associated.

In the second case, the Figure 3-3 present a possibility of grid around the notch. This grid must be
sufficiently fine in this zone in order to allow a reliable calculation of the parameter of the energy method.

Figure 3-3 - Free grid without definition of the chips.

In 3D, one introduces the concept of slice, each slice containing several chips. The slices follow one another
while skirting the face of defect, which is a line. In 2D, there is only one slice, the bottom of defect being
brought back to 1 point. One defines the chips of the 1st slice in the same way as in 2D, with the difference
which the meshs are voluminal and are obligatorily hexahedral; one continues the list by adding the chips of
the 2nd slice in the same way; one obtains with final list nb copeaux×nbtranches groups of meshs.

Slice n°1

Slice n°2

Figure 3-4 Definition of the slices

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Responsable : HABOUSSA David Clé : U4.82.09 Révision :

4 Operands
CALC_GP is an macro-order and thus calls in-house other orders of Code_Aster. Most keywords are
transmitted such as they are to the other orders. One will indicate thereafter in which (S) order (S) the
keywords are used.

4.1 Operand RESULT

♦ RESULT = resumeca, [result]

Indicate the result of the thermomechanical calculation for which one calculates the parameter GP .

4.2 Operand LIST_INST

♦ LIST_INST = moment, [l_R]

List of moments to which the parameter will be calculated.

Caution : the sizes from which the parameter G P is calculated being nonlinear, no temporal
extrapolation is not allowed; if one moment is specified, this one must be part of the list of moments of
filing of thermomechanical calculation.


4.3 Operand PRECISION

◊ PRECISION = /prec, [R]
/1E-6 [DEFECT]

Precision to which the list of moments must be considered.

4.4 Operand CRITERION


Indicate LE standard of precision for the determination of the list of moments.

4.5 Operand GP_MAX


Indicate if the user wishes to obtain as a result one second table, restriction of the obligatory complete
table containing only the line of the place of the maximum of the parameter G P for each moment of

4.6 Operand TRANCHE_2D

◊ TRANCHE_2D =_F (
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= /‘YES’


♦ GROUP_MA = l_group [l_group_ma]
♦ SIZE = l_taille [l_R]


♦ SIZE = size [R]
♦ CENTER = center [R, R, R]
♦ RAY = R [R]
♦ ANGLE =  [R]
♦ NB_ZONE = N [I]

Indicate the whole of the geometrical parameters necessary to calculation energy parameter.

4.6.1 Keyword ZONE_MAIL

= /‘YES’

Indicate if the grid represents the geometry of the zones of chips.

So ‘YES’, one is in the case of a grid such as on the Figure 3-2.

4.6.2 Case ZONE_MAIL = ‘YES’ Keyword GROUP_MA

♦ GROUP_MA = l_group [l_group_ma]

List of the groups of meshs on which calculations will be carried out.

Each group of meshs must correspond to a zone of chips.

Used by POST_ELEM. Keyword SIZE

♦ SIZE = l_taille [l_R]

List of sizes of the zones. This list must be same size as the list of the groups of mesh.

4.6.3 Case ZONE_MAIL = ‘NOT’

In this case, a geometrical zone of calculation is built by the macro one. The following parameters
make it possible to define it. The Figure 4-1 present the parameters of definition of these zones; it
represents a notch of center C ent , of ray R ; the third zone C 3  l  of length 3×l C is hatched.

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Responsable : HABOUSSA David Clé : U4.82.09 Révision :

Figure 4-1 - Geometrical definition of the zones in the case nonwith a grid. Keyword SIZE

♦ SIZE = lC [R]

Increment of the size of the zones. The zone N is thus of size n* lC .

Used by FORMULA. Keyword CENTER

♦ CENTER = center [R, R, R]

Indicate the coordinates of the center of the notch C ent in the total reference mark.

Used by FORMULA. Keyword RAY

♦ RAY = R [R]

Indicate the ray of the notch.

Used by FORMULA. Keyword ANGLE

♦ ANGLE =  [R]
 total reference mark.
Indicate the angle formed between the direction of the notch and the axis X
The angle must be given in degrees and measured in the trigonometrical direction.
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Responsable : HABOUSSA David Clé : U4.82.09 Révision :

Used by FORMULA Keyword NB_ZONE

♦ NB_ZONE = N [I]

Indicate the number of zones (chips) considered in calculation. Keyword CHAMP_VISU


If the user wishes it, it can ask for the exit of a field the points of Gauss representing the chips. The
value of this field is 1 in the zone of chip and 0 elsewhere. The Figure 4-2 present a visualization of
this field for the grid presented of Figure 3-3.

Figure 4-2 - Field of visualization of the chips.

4.7 Operand TRANCHE_3D

◊ TRANCHE_3D =_F (
♦ GROUP_MA = l_group [l_group_ma]

4.7.1 Keyword GROUP_MA

♦ GROUP_MA = l_group [l_group_ma]

List of the groups of meshs on which calculations will be carried out.

Each group of meshs must correspond to a zone of chips.
Each list of group of meshs corresponds to a given slice; the groups of meshs to the interor of each
list must correspond to the chips and be ordered nearer to the bottom of defect to most distant.

Used by POST_ELEM.

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Responsable : HABOUSSA David Clé : U4.82.09 Révision :

4.8 Operand SYME

#Dans the case 2D
♦ SYME = /‘YES’

Inform if a symmetry of the structure compared to the notch made it possible to carry out a grid only
half of the structure. On the figures 3-2 and 3-3, only the part of the structure higher than the notch is
defined; in this case, the user will inform SYME=' OUI' and the result indicated in the table will take
account of symmetry (multiplied by two).

4.9 Operand FOND_FISS

♦ FOND_FISS = bottom [bottom]

In 3D, the user must define a bottom of crack beforehand, with separated lip (since the defect is
represented by a notch).
This bottom of crack allows in particular the calculation of the areas (denominator of the calculation of
G p ).

5 Examples of use
One will find examples in the cases test SSNV218a, SSNP131a and SSNP131b.

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