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Code_Aster default
Titre : Opérateurs AFFE_CHAR_CINE et AFFE_CHAR_CINE_F Date : 27/02/2013 Page : 1/10
Responsable : Jacques PELLET Clé : U4.44.03 Révision : 10538


1 Drank
To define a loading of the type “imposed degrees of freedom”.

This command can be used with a mechanical, thermal or acoustic model. The processing of these
“kinematical” conditions will be done without dualisation and thus without addition of degrees of
freedom of Lagrange.

1) For AFFE_CHAR_CINE (except for case EVOL_IMPO) , the affected values do not depend
on any parameter and are defined by actual values (mechanics or thermal) or complex
values (acoustics). These values can be null (blocking).
2) For AFFE_CHAR_CINE_F, the values affected are functions of one (or several) parameters
to be chosen as a whole  INST , X , Y , Z  .

Product a data structure of the char_cine_* type .

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Code_Aster default
Titre : Opérateurs AFFE_CHAR_CINE et AFFE_CHAR_CINE_F Date : 27/02/2013 Page : 2/10
Responsable : Jacques PELLET Clé : U4.44.03 Révision : 10538

2 General syntax

CH [char_cine_*] = AFFE_CHAR_CINE

( ♦MODELE = Mo , [model]

♦/MECA_IMPO = (see key word MECA_IMPO),

/THER_IMPO = (see key word THER_IMPO),
/ACOU_IMPO = (see key word ACOU_IMPO),
/EVOL_IMPO = evoimp/ [evol_ther]
/ [evol_elas]
/ [evol_noli]
◊NOM_CMP = lcmp [l_TXM]

siMECA_IMPOalors [*] meca

siEVOL_IMPOalors [*] meca or ther
(according to evoimp)

CH [char_cine_*] = AFFE_CHAR_CINE_F

( ♦MODELE = Mo , [model]

♦/MECA_IMPO = (see key word MECA_IMPO),

/THER_IMPO = (see key word THER_IMPO),

siMECA_IMPOalors [*] meca


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Code_Aster default
Titre : Opérateurs AFFE_CHAR_CINE et AFFE_CHAR_CINE_F Date : 27/02/2013 Page : 3/10
Responsable : Jacques PELLET Clé : U4.44.03 Révision : 10538

3 General information
These two commands create concepts of the char_cine_* type ( _meca/_ther ).

Command AFFE_CHAR_CINE can also create concepts of the char_cine_acou type .

These types are different from the type charges created by commands AFFE_CHAR_MECA
[U4.44.01], AFFE_CHAR_THER [U4.44.02] or AFFE_CHAR_ACOU [U4.44.04]).

The objects created are thus not interchangeable.

The advantage of the “kinematical” loads is that they do not increase the number of unknowns of the
systems to be solved, contrary to the method of dualisation by LAGRANGE multipliers, used in the
commands producing a concept of the type charges .

On the other hand, the use of these loads comprises the following limitations:

• one can use them only in the case of relation of the type “d.o.f. imposed” (and not for linear
• these loads are not yet allowed in all the global commands. Today the possible commands are:
• for a computation not using the global commands: assembly of a matrix, then resolution, the
sequence of commands to be used is more complicated than with “ordinary” loads as one can see
it in example 2 [§ 5.2].

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Code_Aster default
Titre : Opérateurs AFFE_CHAR_CINE et AFFE_CHAR_CINE_F Date : 27/02/2013 Page : 4/10
Responsable : Jacques PELLET Clé : U4.44.03 Révision : 10538

4 Operands
4.1 General information on the operands
the operands under the key keys factors MECA_IMPO , THER_IMPO and ACOU_IMPO are of two forms:
• operands specifying the geometrical entities on which the loadings are affected (key keys
GROUP_MA , GROUP_NO , NOEUD …). The arguments of these operands are identical for the two
• operands specifying the affected values ( DX , DY , DZ , etc…). The meaning of these operands is
the same one for the two operators. The arguments of these operands are all of the real type for
operator AFFE_CHAR_CINE and of the standard function (or formulates ) for operator
This is true near with an exception: the key word factor ACOU_IMPO (which does not exist in command
AFFE_CHAR_CINE_F ) is always of complex type.

We will thus not distinguish in this document, except fast mention of the opposite, two operators

In a general way, the entities on which values must be affected are defined by nodes:
1) either by the operand TOUT = “OUI' which makes it possible to indicate all the nodes of the
2) or by operand GROUP_NO allowing to indicate a list of nodes groups,
3) or by the operand NOEUD allowing to indicate one nodes list.
4) maybe by the operands GROUP_MA and MESH allowing to indicate all the nodes carried by
meshes indicated by the lists of MESH and GROUP_MA .

4.2 Behavior in the event of overload:

4.2.1 Overload within one only command AFFE_CHAR_CINE
When one uses within the same command, several occurrences of MECA_IMPO (or THER_IMPO ,…)
and that some nodes are affected several times, it is the last occurrence which precedes. For
_F (TOUT=' OUI', DX= 1. ,…)
_F (NOEUD=' N3', DX= 3. ,…)

In this case, displacement imposed DX for the N3 node is worth: 3.

4.2.2 Overload between several commands AFFE_CHAR_CINE

If several different commands are used, the behavior is different. For example:

chcin1= AFFE_CHAR_CINE (MECA_IMPO= _F (TOUT=' OUI', DX= 1. ,…)

chcin2= AFFE_CHAR_CINE (MECA_IMPO= _F (NOEUD=' N3', DX= 3. ,…)

In this case, displacement imposed DX for the N3 node is worth: 4 (because 1+3)

4.2.3 Overload between AFFE_CHAR_CINE and AFFE_CHAR_MECA

If one “mixes” commands AFFE_CHAR_MECA and AFFE_CHAR_CINE , the code will stop in fatal error (
FACTOR_41 ) by explaining why there is a superabundant relation of blocking ( NOEUD N3/DX).

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Code_Aster default
Titre : Opérateurs AFFE_CHAR_CINE et AFFE_CHAR_CINE_F Date : 27/02/2013 Page : 5/10
Responsable : Jacques PELLET Clé : U4.44.03 Révision : 10538

4.3 MODEL operand

Product concept by the operator AFFE_MODELE [U4.41.01] where definite affected ones on the mesh
the are element types finished.

4.4 Key word MECA_IMPO

4.4.1 Drank
to impose Key word factor usable, with nodes or nodes groups, a value of displacement, definite
component by component in the total reference.

These boundary conditions will be treated, thereafter, by the method known as of elimination of the
imposed degrees of freedom (i.e. without dualisation, contrary to the processing of the same type of
limiting condition by the use of operators AFFE_CHAR_MECA or AFFE_CHAR_MECA_F [U4.44.01]).

4.4.2 Syntax

/MECA_IMPO = (_F ( ♦/TOUT = ' OUI' ,

/ | NOEUD =lno ,
| GROUP_NO =lgno , [l_gr_noeud]
| NET =lma , [l_maille]
| GROUP_MA =lgma ,
♦ | DX =UX , [R]
| DY =UY , [R]
| … (see the complete listing below)


/MECA_IMPO = (_F ( ♦/TOUT = ' OUI' ,

/ | NOEUD =lno ,
| GROUP_NO =lgno , [l_gr_noeud]
| NET =lma , [l_maille]
| GROUP_MA =lgma ,
♦ | DX =u xf , [function (
| DY =u yf , [function (
| … (see the complete listing below)


function ( *
): function or formula

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Code_Aster default
Titre : Opérateurs AFFE_CHAR_CINE et AFFE_CHAR_CINE_F Date : 27/02/2013 Page : 6/10
Responsable : Jacques PELLET Clé : U4.44.03 Révision : 10538

Lists key keys available under MECA_IMPO in AFFE_CHAR_CINE :

“DRX” “DRY” “DRZ” “DX” “DY” “DZ”

“E1X” “E1Y” “E1Z” “E2X” “E2Y” “E2Z”
“E3X” “E3Y” “E3Z” “E4X” “E4Y” “E4Z”
“GONF” “GRX” “H1X” “H1Y” “H1Z” “PHI”
“PRE1” “PRE2” “NEAR” “PRES11” “PRES12” “PRES13”
“PRES21” “PRES22” “PRES23” “PRES31” “PRES32” “PRES33”
“TEMP” “UI2” “UI3” “UI4” “UI5” “UI6”
“UO2” “UO3” “UO4” “UO5” “UO6” “V11”
“V12” “V13” “V21” “V22” “V23” “V31”
“V32” “V33” “VI2” “VI3” “VI4” “VI5”
“VI6” “VO2” “VO3” “VO4” “VO5” “VO6”
“WI1” “WI2” “WI3” “WI4” “WI5” “WI6”
“WO” “WO1” “WO2” “WO3” “WO4” “WO5”
“WO6” “LH1”

List key keys available under MECA_IMPO in AFFE_CHAR_CINE_F :

“DRX” “DRY” “DRZ” “DX” “DY” “DZ”


They are the names of the degrees of freedom carried by the finite elements of the model. The
meaning of these names is to be sought in documentation of the finite elements.

4.4.3 Operands
DX = ux or uxf Value of the component of displacement
DY = uy or uyf in translation imposed
DZ = uz or uzf on the nodes Only
specified for the nodes D” a model 3D comprising of the beam elements, plates, shell, discrete:
DRX = drx or drxf Value of the component of displacement
DRY = dry or dryf in rotation imposed
DRZ = drz or drzf on the nodes specified

For the “exotic” degrees of freedom more: GRX , TEMP , NEAR and PHI , one will refer to
documentation of the command AFFE_CHAR_MECA [U4.44.01 §3.9].

It is checked that the specified degree of freedom exists in this node for at least one of the
elements of the model (key word MODELS ) which lean on this node.
Moreover, the rule of overload is observed when the same degree of freedom of the same
node is imposed several times: only the last value is retained.

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Code_Aster default
Titre : Opérateurs AFFE_CHAR_CINE et AFFE_CHAR_CINE_F Date : 27/02/2013 Page : 7/10
Responsable : Jacques PELLET Clé : U4.44.03 Révision : 10538

4.5 Key word THER_IMPO

4.5.1 Drank
Key word factor usable to impose, with nodes or nodes groups, a value of nodal temperature.
These boundary conditions will be treated, thereafter, by the method known as of elimination of the
imposed degrees of freedom (i.e.: without dualisation contrary to the processing of the same type of
condition limits by the use of operators AFFE_CHAR_THER or AFFE_CHAR_THER_F [U4.44.02])

4.5.2 Syntax

/THER_IMPO = (_F ( ♦ /TOUT = ' OUI' ,

/ | NOEUD =lno , [l_noeud]
| GROUP_NO =lgno , [l_gr_noeud]
| NET =lma , [l_maille]
| GROUP_MA =lgma , [l_gr_maille]
♦ | TEMP =T , [R]
| TEMP_INF =tinf , [R]
), ),

/THER_IMPO = (_F ( ♦/TOUT = ' OUI' ,

/ | NOEUD =lno , [l_noeud]
| GROUP_NO =lgno , [l_gr_noeud]
| NET =lma , [l_maille]
| GROUP_MA =lgma , [l_gr_maille]
♦ | TEMP =ft , [function ( *
| TEMP_SUP =ftsup , [function ( *

| TEMP_INF =ftinf , [function ( *

), ),

function ( *
): function or formula

4.5.3 Operands
Temperature imposed on the nodes (or on the average average for the thermal shells)

Temperature imposed on the lower face for the thermal shell elements.

Temperature imposed on the upper face for the thermal shell elements.

For the shells, the sides lower and higher are defined, mesh by mesh, the direction of the external
norm deduced from the numbers of the nodes: to see FACE_IMPO of AFFE_CHAR_MECA

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Code_Aster default
Titre : Opérateurs AFFE_CHAR_CINE et AFFE_CHAR_CINE_F Date : 27/02/2013 Page : 8/10
Responsable : Jacques PELLET Clé : U4.44.03 Révision : 10538

4.6 Key word ACOU_IMPO

4.6.1 Drank
Key word factor usable to impose, with nodes or nodes groups, a value of acoustic pressure.

These boundary conditions will be treated, thereafter, by the method known as of elimination of the
imposed degrees of freedom (i.e.: without dualisation contrary to the processing of the same type of
condition limits by the use of operator AFFE_CHAR_ACOU [U4.44.04]).

4.6.2 Syntax

/ACOU_IMPO = (_F ( ♦ /TOUT = ' OUI' ,

/ | NOEUD =lno ,
| GROUP_NO =lgno , [l_gr_noeud]
| NET =lma , [l_maille]
| GROUP_MA =lgma ,
♦PRES =p , [C]
), ),


No key word ACOU_IMPO because it does not have yet a complex function there.

4.6.3 Operands
Value of the acoustic pressure complexes imposed on (S) the node (S) specified (S).

4.7 Key word EVOL_IMPO = evoimp NOM_CMP = (“DX”, “DY”)

This key word allows the “structural zoom” (see for example the test zzzz230a ).

The effect of this key word is to impose all the ddls of the evolution evoimp as if they were functions
of time. This opportunity is given for the data structures evol_elas, evol_noli and evol_ther.

To make a “structural zoom”, it should not be forced the ddls that on the nodes of edge of model “the
zoom”. That wants to say that it is in general necessary to project the “coarse” computation on meshes
of edge of model “the zoom”.

If, moreover, one does not want to impose all the components, it is necessary to use key word
NOM_CMP to choose the components to be imposed (by default: all).

• Attention not to use several EVOL_IMPO on zones common (if not there will be office plurality
of the specified values)
• Attention to the use of FONC_MULT with EVOL_IMPO : result will not be can be not until one
• L'EVOL_IMPO will be used for any value of time understood enters tmin and tmax
(extreme values of times of transient EVOL_IMPO). Apart from this interval, one emits a fatal
error (prohibited extrapolation).

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Code_Aster default
Titre : Opérateurs AFFE_CHAR_CINE et AFFE_CHAR_CINE_F Date : 27/02/2013 Page : 9/10
Responsable : Jacques PELLET Clé : U4.44.03 Révision : 10538

• If l'EVOl_IMPO has only one time, one allows the “constant” prolongation and one emits
an alarm.

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Code_Aster default
Titre : Opérateurs AFFE_CHAR_CINE et AFFE_CHAR_CINE_F Date : 27/02/2013 Page : 10/10
Responsable : Jacques PELLET Clé : U4.44.03 Révision : 10538

5 Degrees of freedom
5.1 examples imposed in mechanics
_F (TOUT = “OUI' , DRZ = 0.),
_F (GROUP_NO = “bord1”, DX =0 ., DY =0 ., DZ =0 .,
DRX =0 ., DRY =0 .,)))

For this problem of plate in the plane XY , one blocks all the degrees of freedom of rotation around
Z and one embeds the plate on his edge bord1 .

5.2 Compared use of the kinematical loads and “ordinary”

5.2.1 Global commands
EXCIT = ( _F (CHARGE = ch1),
_F (CHARGE = ch2),)

There is no difference.

5.2.2 Computation “step by step”

ordinary Loads

matas=ASSE_MATRICE ( MATR_ELEM = mel…)
matas=FACTORISER ( reuse = subdued, MATR_ASSE = subdued)
U=RESOUDRE ( MATR = subdued, CHAM_NO = F)

Kinematical loads

matas=ASSE_MATRICE ( MATR_ELEM = mel,…, CHAR_CINE = ch1)
matas=FACTORISER ( reuse = subdued, MATR_ASSE = subdued,)
vcine=CALC_CHAR_CINE (…, CHAR_CINE = ch2,)
U=RESOUDRE ( MATR = subdued, CHAM_NO = F,
CHAM_CINE = vcine)

the terms induced by the kinematical loads are deferred to the second member what requires the
computation of an additional field at nodes by the command vcine CALC_CHAR_CINE [U4.61.03].

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