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A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in

Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of

Intervention Program


Background of the Study

Founded from the perspective of Shneidman, suicide is described fundamentally as

psychological pain. The manifestation of the psychological elements in each and every case of

suicide over other major aspects is psychological pain or the ostensible psychache. Apparently,

emotional circumstances encompass anger, aggression, depression, remorse or shame,

hopelessness, anhedonia or loss of interest on things that a person used to enjoy, and others are

deemed relatable to suicide, practically as they are associated to unbearable psychological

anguish. Hence, no psychache, no suicide. Shneidman furthermore pointed out that suicide is

not an ailment, nevertheless a lot of people think it is but for Shneidman though, it is otherwise.

In general view, it may be appropriate to state that most of the times, suicide engages a person’s

tormented as well as channelled logic, particularly in a state of what he feels within himself, of

which for him, is an emotion that is unbearable (Leenaars, 2010).

Shamsaei, Yaghmaei, and Haghighi (2020) additionally provided that suicide behavior is

an outcome of intricate, complex to predict circumstances, and a phenomenon that is

multidimensional based on philosophical, clinical, and sociological studies. Accordingly,

suicidal behavior can be regarded as diversified stances from suicidal ideation to suicidal

attempts, and that of the completed suicide. Thus, as justification of the viewpoint, record has it

that lifetime prevalence rates of suicidal ideation are approximately 9.2% in global standpoint.

Suicidal ideation on the other hand is referred to a person’s actions and thoughts about

taking his own life. Mostly, suicidal ideation is found with people with mental illnesses, but also
A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
occur to those with no mental illness at all. Consequently, there are diverse factors that play part

to suicidal ideation including the feeling of hopelessness and unmanageable life or believing that

life has no meaning or purpose. However, it was further imparted that there are two sorts of

suicidal ideation: passive and the other one is active. Passive suicidal ideation happens when a

person wishes to die or he could have died, nonetheless he does not actually have the intention to

commit suicide. Active suicidal ideation alternatively, is not merely having the thought to die

but actually has the intention to commit suicide that goes along with the plan of how it should be

done (Purse, 2020).

Given the standpoints and evidences about suicide, the World Health Organization

(WHO) (2019) further claimed and justified that prevalence of suicide in global occurrences is

about 800,000 per year. The 2016 record of WHO pertaining to suicide incidents also revealed

that suicide was the second leading cause of death, particularly among 15-29 years old

worldwide. Hence, suicide became a critical public health concern. However, WHO clarifies

that suicide can be prevented through timely, evidence-based, and in general, economical


The study of Orri, et.al. (2014) additionally supported the realism about suicide, revealing

that the highest attempted suicide rate recorded was among those in the ages of 15 to 24 years

old, of which consummated suicide ratio shows an estimate of between 50:1 and 100:1. Suicide

is then considered as the global primary social and medical issue that entails to be addressed.

However, the fact about suicide is perplexed for Webb (2016). He argues that it is

somehow confusing why there are individuals who opt to end their lives while others do not.

Albeit the fact that many studies have undertaken about suicide, the foregoing concern remains

an ambiguous enquiry. Nevertheless, Webb suggested that in order to understand any particular
A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
human experience, a phenomenological question like, “what is this or that kind of experience

like?” must be addressed. It could although be noted that early scholars like Shneidmand and

Stengel posed “what is like to be suicidal?”, of which, the development in previous years has

been accounted to the phenomenology of suciadality to nearly recede from the agenda of

research, particular in this discipline.

In support of phenomenological approach in research, predominantly about suicide,

Guilbeau (2014) provides that phenomenology is a qualitative research, of which focus is in

responding to a question “what is it” instead of frequency or magnitude. Phenomenology does

not contest the quantitative method but merely asks a diverse question to additionally clarify the

significance of the phenomenon.

Webb (2016) moreover suggests that phenomenology is a philosophical approach as well

as appropriate method of enquiry wherein starting point of knowledge is experienced.

Phenomenological study additionally entails a scrupulous investigation of the peculiar

subjectivity or lived experience.

Considering the age brackets noted in the occurrences of suicide that apparently cover

teenage years, the suicidal ideation among adolescence and young adults according to

Langhinrichsen-Rohling, Lamis, and McCullars (2012) entails early intervention as well as

suicide prevention efforts. Majority of the programs as suggested may include two general

goals, which comprise of the development of protective factors along with the reduction of risk

factors and identification as well as referral of individuals who emerge as high-risk. The goals

apparently may be undertaken among high school students in several means like, provision of

suicide awareness curriculums, skills training, screening, and peer helping and gatekeeper

A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
Taking a glimpse on local context, it is perceived that rates of suicide are low in the

Philippines. However, the imminent amplification of suicide cases in the Philippines,

particularly among adolescents and young adults calls for suicide preventive programs (Redaniel,

Lebanan-Dalida, and Gunnell, 2011).

To further support the claim, Sta. Maria et.al (2015) revealed that the associated factors

of suicide ideation continue to affect the rising cases of suicide among youths in the Philippines.

Apparently, academic stress deriving from strains, anxieties, difficulties, and other complications

that are related to obtaining a formal education may stimulate suicide thoughts.

The foregoing perspectives interest the researcher to conduct a study on suicidal ideation

among senior high school students. Employing the phenomenological approach as justified

method to profoundly understand the actual connotation of peoples’ lived experience,

furthermore focuses on their encounters of a certain phenomenon, the proponent intends to raise

the gaps between suicidal ideation and the associated motives of suicide among senior high

school students in order to institute a basis towards the establishment of intervention program.

Beyond the foregoing gaps, the proponent attempts to address the call for action

pertaining to the problem of suicidal ideation. The school where the researcher is stationed has

no such clear-cut policies and well-being programs created in dealing with the problem of

suicidal ideation. In addition, the researcher who has been in the Guidance and Counselling

profession for many years and as a registered psychometrician who advocates for Mental Health

and wellness, frequently received referrals and walk-in clients with suicidal attempts, thoughts,

and tendencies even before when she was still stationed in Daram National High School, a public

school under the Department of Education, located in an island in Samar. Similar exposure and

opportunities concerning college students who also have thoughts and attempts of committing
A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
suicide when she worked as a Guidance Counsellor II at Eastern Visayas State University in

Tacloban City and until the present time where she is currently working as a Senior High School

Teacher and at the same time designated as a Guidance & Counselling Coordinator in a school

under the Department of Education in the Division of Leyte. Moreover, the local scenario of

suicidal ideation persuades the researcher to undertake a research among senior high school

students in selected secondary schools of area I Leyte Division as respondents and locale of the

study respectively.

The proponent deems that the proposed research will help to address not merely the

global concerns pertaining to suicide but most significantly in the Philippines wherein

occurrences of suicide are perceived escalating, particularly among adolescence through the

establishment of basis towards conceptualization of intervention program.

Statement of the Problem

A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
This research is about suicidal ideation among senior high school students towards the

establishment of a basis for intervention program.

Specifically, the following questions are raised:

1. What are the individual negative emotions toward self?

2. What is the perceived impasse in interpersonal relationships?

3. What are the needs to have some control over the students’ lives?

4. What are the communicative issues related to suicide attempt?

5. What intervention program could be established to address suicide ideation among senior

high school students?

Significance of the Study

In many countries suicide is one of the leading causes of death among children and

adolescents. Identifying young people at risk and offering effective intervention and preventive

program is a major concern of educational institutions. In the Philippines, although reported

cases of suicidal ideation are ambiguous, nevertheless, rising occurrences are noted, particularly

among adolescents.

Specifically, the present study is endeavoured to address the suicide ideation among

senior high school students. The proponent deems that the foregoing research will be of

significance among the:

School Administrators. Schools are perceived an appropriate venue to offer an

excellent opportunity in implementing suicide intervention and prevention strategies since it is an

institutional setting where children and adolescents spend most of their waking hours. Thus, as

forerunners in the planning and implementation of school programs intended for cases of suicidal

ideation, this research shall offer the school administrators a clear perspective of the alarming
A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
incidents of suicide and suicidal thoughts so as their impact to the learners furthermore impart

the needed safeguards. Thus, this study will provide them a guide and map in planning and

implementing a comprehensive intervention and preventive program on suicidal ideation and

student well-being, as well as provide and inspiration to the school to get involved in the

advocacy of addressing issues of suicide.

Guidance counsellors. Being in the helping profession and would often times receive

referrals of misbehaving students and cases of suicide, this research could provide the guidance

counsellors with an empirical data on the awareness, experiences on suicide of students, along

with information and knowledge pertaining to suicide as explored in the literature and theoretical

framework. These would aid them in understanding the phenomenon furthermore enhance their

abilities to understand the point of view of the students.

Teachers. The results of the study can be enormously significant in aiding faculty members

in recognizing and responding to the students having suicidal intent and become knowledgeable

in handling such cases. The study can as well extend suggestions on how to build a solid

framework of support system for the students and staff. In addition, educators can better

appreciate that providing students with a stable environment that acknowledges their distress but

also allows for a return to a normal school routine, is crucial and necessary. This study of

suicide ideation can provide a better awareness of protective factors, guidance for responding to

potentially suicidal students, and suggestion for well-designed response protocols in schools.

Students. The study is essential for the learners, particularly in Senior High School because

it can help them evaluate themselves if they are vulnerable to suicidal ideation in the past few

months. It can as well make them cognizant to their present socio-environment and psycho-

social protective factors that can help safeguard them in times of crisis and life challenges. The

findings of the study can become a relevant basis in designing an intervention scheme that will
A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
benefit the students. The assessment can as well become a form of reflections to the learners in

improving the quality of their thoughts and social connections.

Supreme Student Government. As a governing student body, they have great influence

over their fellow students especially in leading them to do worthwhile activities. With the

knowledge and understanding that they can gain from this research and from the literature

reviewed, it is hoped that this will ignite them the much needed concern on the issue; thereby

lead their fellow students in building a more caring school community and to cope with the

challenges of education.

Parents. The parents, as the immediate caregiver of the students, need to know and

understand the concept of suicide ideation so that they can be empowered to help and protect

their children and increase their participation in the measures being done by the school to prevent

and intervene with suicidal thoughts and behavior of their children. Hence, the study presents

relevant outcomes and recommendations to improve family functioning and strengthen parents’

involvement in safeguarding the youth’s predisposition to suicidal ideation. The study hopes to

enlighten the parents concerning the great responsibility that they have towards their children.

Community. Suicide often has a ripple effect, impacting not only the school but also

neighbors, peers, coaches on community sports teams, members of religious communities, and

any other organizations a student or their family members may be involved in. Interventions and

prevention to suicide cannot be carried out single handed by the School Administration alone but

is possible only through synergy. It will be easier and cost effective to combat the risks of

suicidal ideation among young learners should school and the community will collaborate. This

research will provide them the knowledge and understanding which they need regarding the

suicide situations that occur in school.

A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
Future Researchers. If ever future researchers will venture on a study along this topic in

asmuch as there is a dearth of local studies on suicide, they could repeat this study in another

locale perhaps in order to establish validity of results or do a series or a follow through. Future

researchers may also note on the recommendations based on the results of this study and conduct

another study in response to those. Another study that would fill in the limitations posed in this

particular study may also be of interest to the future researchers.

Fill in the
number of
respondents Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The present paper is a phenomenological study about suicidal ideation among senior high

school students. The study covers the School Year 2020-2021. Due to time and resources

constraints, this study will be limited to Senior High School students in selected schools in Area

I Leyte Division. Considering further that the school year is within the circumstance of the

COVID-19 pandemic, certain research protocols stated in the methodology shall strictly be


Moreover, the researcher will only cover and limited to suicidal ideation along with the

factors surrounding suicidal ideation and their impact among senior high school students only of

which, other matters about suicide and level of education do not form part of the present

research. Phenomenological research approach will be employed to ascertain the influence of

suicidal ideation among high school students.

Conclusively, the researcher attempts to embark on a study about suicidal ideation among

senior high school students for the purpose of establishing an intervention program that shall

address the urgent need of the students having suicidal ideation.

A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program

Chapter II


A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
This chapter discusses gathered information, which plays a major role in the research.

The review of literature and related studies is aimed to ultimately formed justifications toward a

consistent research about suicidal ideation among senior high school students. The theoretical

and conceptual contexts underlying in this study are also discussed in this segment.

Related Literature

Suicide and Suicidal Phenomenon. Ojagbemi (2017) provides that suicide could be

regarded as common, yet detrimental state that is also considered as emergency in as far as

general practice of mental health is concern. Complexities are perceived in suicide and deemed

innately hard to anticipate. On account of the multifaceted and lethal nature of suicidal

phenomenon, awareness along with the supportive gestures toward the immediate as well as

distant factors that may be indicative of inevitable death as a consequence of suicide may be

reflected towards the establishment of interventions the soonest before it is too late.

Manani & Preeti (2014) described suicide as a condition which is characterized by

anxiety, low self-worth, agitation, hopelessness and intense frustration in numerous individuals

causing extremely confused feelings, distorted thoughts, and disengaged frame of mind towards

the social environment. It was further emphasized by the researchers that these individuals are in

a very problematic situation which in the process makes them experience prolonged distress,

discomfort and affliction and in turn made them believe that the only way to end the agony is by

taking their own life and they have reached that point where death is the least scary idea in a

lifetime. These people have lost their interrelatedness on reality and suicide seems to be an easy

solution to end their helplessness. The future is perceived hopeless by these people who wanted

to escape the challenges of life.

A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
In addition, there are two widespread categories of suicide terminology, namely

instrumental conduct and suicide. Instrumental behaviour, instead of motivated by such things as

seeking help, punishment of people or seeking attention, consists of behaviour. The ultimate

purpose of a suicidal act is the death of an individual, who has understood and expected a fatal

outcome (Rudd, Joiner & Rajab, 2001; First, 2003; McLaughlin, 2007). PLEASE PROVIDE THE


Suicidal Behavior. In general perspective, suicidal behavior is referred to ideations,

communications, as well as behaviours encompassing degrees of intention to die. Apparently,

students encountering suicidal behavior most of the time display destructive thought patterns

because of mental concerns like, depression. In addition, thought distortions that are correlated

with suicidal behavior also include, thoughts of hopelessness, as well as helplessness, along with

worthlessness. Conversely, with regards to symptoms of suicidal behavior, there are readily

observed setting at school, which involve the lack of ability to concentrate, also to rationally

reflect, or come up with minor decisions. Aside from those behaviors, other symptoms that may

be observed among students include, finding it hard to have necessary things done, behavior that

is self-harm, withdrawing oneself from normal relationships, feeling of isolation from others, and

intensifying absenteeism in school (Hollinger, 2016).

Hollinger further elucidated that most of the time behavior is the consequence from the

interfaces with a range of factors, which include the foremost risk elements for suicide including

the history of attempt to commit suicide, background of the family about suicide along with

mental health findings like, depression. Conflict within the family, traumatic experiences,

substance of abuse, insufficiency of social support, and failure to avail of mental health services

may also consider as factors for suicide. It is further substantiated that these risks components of

suicide are more strongly related with adolescence and may further be intensified as contributed
A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
by issues about the law, relationship matters with a significant others, as well as bullying or

becoming a victim of bullying, academic adversities and challenges, or sudden separation from

friends or family.

The key distinction between harming yourself and suicide strive is that those who suffer

from suicidal ideation views death as their ultimate goal, while those who harm themselves do

not see death as their final goal. Self-threatening people attempt to deal with their lives by

causing pain, and some scientists suggest suicide and self-harm are completely opposite in that

self-threatening people cause pain to prevent suicide (Gratz & Chapman 2009). Please
Suicidal Ideation. Suicidal ideation is about diverse sorts of self-destructive thoughts the
consisting of transient wishes to die, wishes to commit suicide, impulses to die, attempts to
commit suicide, and to leave a notice of suicide regarding the impulses of suicide (Opaku, 2010).

Suicidal ideation according to Williams & Hill (2012) refers to cognitions that range

from fleeting thoughts about the importance of life and its worth, to decisive and well-planned

ideas about how we can end our life. Suicidal thoughts were found to be much more deliberate

and self destructive actions, whereas deliberate self harm takes place much more frequently than

suicide achieved.

On the other hand, Carballo et.al (2019) argue that apart from suicidal ideation along with

suicide plans are numbers of behaviours wherein intention to die is evident like, attempting to

commit suicide, the interrupted attempts to carry out suicide, and other forms of preparation for

suicide. Accordingly, suicidal behavior entails not merely the self-injurious action, but in the

same manner the presence of the suicidal intent. In contrary however, if a person take on a self-

injurious behaviors for grounds other than putting an end to his life, then this behavior is

recognized as non-suicidal self-injury.

A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
The Need for Intervention and Prevention Program. According to Ziaei et. al (2017),

risk factors of suicide that are substantially identified should be taken into consideration,

particularly in the development of appropriate interventions along with their implementation

program that are aimed to educate students on coping with stressful conditions in order to

prevent risky behaviours furthermore provide measures against suicide ideation as well as


Dahl (2015) suggests approaches in handling individuals at risk for suicide such as:

management of one’s own reactions to suicidal tendencies; analyze and reconcile the differences

alongside with the probable disputes pertaining to a suicide and the objective to eradicate

psychological pain through suicidal behavior; sustain a collaborative, non-adversarial approach;

and create a realistic evaluation of an individual’s ability and time in order to assess as well as

care for a suicidal individual.

WHO (2019) asserts the complexity of suicide therefore, prevention entails

comprehensive efforts considering that a mere approach alone cannot create an impact on a

particular issue as complex as suicide. However, WHO suggests that suicides are preventable, of

which measures can be formulated like, reduction of access to the means of suicide such as,

pesticides, firearms, and certain medicines; school-based interventions; early identification and

appropriate treatment as well as care; training of non-specialized health workers, particularly in

conducting assessment and management of suicidal behavior; and follow-up care among

individuals who had an attempt to commit suicide along with the provision of community


According to Hollinger (2016), the educational institution environment could help in the

reduction of risk factors for suicide among students. Approaches that may be conceptualized
A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
may include provision of positive teaching and learning atmosphere alongside with the support

and care deriving from teachers and school personnel. Considering further that if the school is

recognized on the provision and availability of help from teachers and school staff, it may set off

a positive approach towards the reduction of risk factors of suicide among the students.

Additionally, it is evident that students spend most of their time at school it is perceived that the

efficacy of school-based suicide intervention programs may be enhanced by way of establishing

an approach that shall understand the perspective of the adolescents and the subject of suicide,

along with the factors that may contribute on the prevention of suicide.

Estrada et.al (2019) supported the above justification of Hollinger and clarified that

schools are perceived as best setting in the implementation of intervention strategies considering

that children as well as adolescents use up most of their time at school. Thus, school may serve

as beneficial venue as adolescents mingle with their peers of which, this scenario may influence

furthermore construct diverse psychosocial settings.

Related Studies

In a study conducted by Carballo (2019), it was unveiled that failing academic

performance of students seems to be more likely to charge it on account of suicidal thinking, as

well as plans, threats, including attempts. It was furthermore revealed that perfectionism is

associated with suicidality as mediated by stressful life occurrences such as, being bullied or

possibly psychosocial features like, learned helplessness.

In the representative sample of the university students, Enfermagem (2017 ) analyzed the

factors linked to the ideation of suicide in the student population. The cross-sectional analysis

was performed with 637 students from Mato Grasso Federal University. The emergence and
A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
depressive symptoms of suicidal thoughts, demographic and socioeconomic factors, the use of

alcohol , smoking and compounds

Furthermore, an assessment was performed in the study using Major Depression

Inventory. Bivariate validation was conducted using the Poisson regression model using the Chi

Square method and multivariate analysis. The study showed that in the previous 30 days, 9.9% of

the student had suicidal ideas and, in bivariate tests, economic class variables, sexual instruction,

religious activity, family and acquaintance suicide attempts, drug consumption and depressive

symptoms were associated with suicide. Sexual preference, family suicide attempts and the

occurrence of depressive symptoms were all correlated as factors in the multivariate study. The

results are based on interpretation of the findings as a treatment for conditions, so that

instructional policies and preventive measures can be implemented on the university campus in

response to this situation (Enfermagem, 2017). These findings constitute a situational diagnosis

that higher can assist education institutions in the promotion of prevention and coping actions

regarding these questions, as well as help health professionals, who work within the campus or

attend students off site, to understand the importance of measures that identify and minimize the


Ogle (2013) offered a first look at the convictions of Peruvian college students regarding

the precipitants of suicidal thought and behaviour. The same precipitants were considered to be

suicidal ideation and behavior: traumatic events, negative feelings, negative emotions, negative

character. Additional common causes of suicide and behaviour, suicidal thoughts, negative

emotions and negative character, were reported. Such views are similar and different from those

observed in other countries by teenagers and young adults.

A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
In Philippine setting, Estrada et. al. (2019) imparted that it seems that the prevalence of

suicide is ambiguous considering the absence of country-wide suicide registry. Nevertheless, up

to date records of Global School-based Student Health Survey (GSHS) revealed that 11.6% of

Filipino adolescents aged 13 to 17 years old considered attempting suicide while 16.8%

attempted suicide at least once in the previous year.

A study on the prevalence of suicide attempts among Filipino youth showed that roughly

one in 10 of them aged 15-27 has considered suicide as an option. The growing number of highly

sensitive youth who commit suicide, both nationwide and worldwide, should be nipped in the
bud at this early stage when programs dealing with mental health should be introduced in the
provide the
Department of Education’s curriculum (Porcalla, 2018). references.

It is important to understand the salient points of the Mental Health Law as stipulated in

Section 2 of the law, which states that “The State affirms the basic right of all Filipinos to mental

health as well as the fundamental rights of people who require mental health services.” To

secure this right, the Act intends to develop and establish a national mental health care system, to

integrate mental health care in the basic health services, and to integrate strategies in promoting

mental health in educational institutions, workplace, and in communities (Roxas, 2018).

Quintos (2017), on the prevalence of suicide between Philippine youth and the family

unit reveals that about one out of three Filipino young man aged between 15-27 was thinking of

ending his life by suicide earlier, but only one in 20 was attempting. While trying to commit

suicide they frequently take the form of a violent suicide method in the form of a cutting wrist or

a type of non-violent ingestion of toxic substances because of difficulties in the family. The use

of violent methods is generally, however, more common.

A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
It was known that the study measured the prevalence of suicidal thoughts using among

Filipino youth similar to the vision of the present study. Quintos identified important

correlations between family integration and suicide in terms of factors associated with suicidal

ideation and attempts. The research highlights the importance of good relationships and

encouragement between young people and other family members in minimizing the risk of

suicide. The outcomes of the study made very salient the importance of family unit to the

welfare of the person. It stands as a strong evidence and acceptance to the main proposition of

many sociological theories of suicide that originated from the break through studies of Durkheim

(as cited by Quintos).

Sta. Maria et al (2015), who worked in Manila , Philippines, have determined suicideprovide the
prevalence and associated factors among university students. A survey was issued of 2 450

students enrolled in a private university containing things about suicidal ideation and risk factors.

For the purpose of the analysis a suicide ideation was recoded as a criterion variable, originally

calculated using a Liker-based argument. The suicide ideation prevalence among the participants

was 24%, though suicidal thoughts were small.

None of the socio-demographic variables were related to the ideation of suicide.

Multivariate analyzes have shown that students who were not happy with their romantic

relationship (OR = 2,33; 95 % CI = 1,52–3,59); students reporting low rates of parental and peer

closeness (OR = 1,68; 95% CI= 1,15–2,46); and students reporting low levels of closeness to

parents (OR = 2,56; 95% CI = 1,76–3,74) were more likely to contemplate suicide. The survey

was the first to provide significant evidence about the idea of suicide among university students

in the Philippines on the basis of the researchers' information. Moreover, the study suggests

that, at least for the private university, a preventive plan is important as suicidal activity is
A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
prevalent among student respondents. The need for reliable clinical follow-up of suicidal

students, with particular emphasis on the study's recommendations to confirm the presence of

mental health problems and to be guided to the necessary remedy accordingly. The study

highlights the significance of incorporating the roles and connections of primary social groups in

designing the program which helps at-risk students.

I deleted some of the parts (theoretical

framework) because I find that they do not apply
Theoretical Framework
on the modified title. It is also a bit long.
In the interpersonal-psychological hypothesis, a combination of a thwarted belongingness

and perceived burdensomeness is believed to be responsible for the progress of suicidal ideation

(as cited in Abbas, et. al. 2017). For this concept, Joiner 's theory of suicidal behavior popularly

known as Interpersonal-Psychological supposition is a prime theoretical basis for this research.

According to D. De Beurs, E. I. Fried, et. al (2019), it is regarded in this phenomenon

sought through research as one of the two enlightening theories within the field of suicide

prevention. The authors claimed that suicidal thoughts originate when the extent of affective

state of being a burden to others increases, also coined as perceived burdensomeness, together

with an intensified feeling of not being accepted and associated with the society. Consequently,

suicidal thoughts can only transcend into suicidal attempt when an individual builds courage or

decreased apprehension to an actual self-destruction is put forward. In recent years, conducted

meta-analysis generated evident affirmation on the association between perceived

burdensomeness and suicidal ideation while there was less evidence of thwarted belongingness

(Chu et al., 2017).

Furthermore, Chu et. al stressed that a three-way interaction of these components occurs

in the complex design of the theory. The theory in particular indicates that the combined

the year
A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
existence of the perceived burdensome and failed belongingness are enough to give rise to the

desire to die, and that this desire only results in deadly or almost lethal actions in the presence of

the acquired ability to kill.

Joiner et al. provided a broad, diverse, and representative sample of young people that

shown burdensomeness and low belonging interacted to predict suicidal ideation. In the second

study, the capacity, perceived burden-bearingness, and low level of belonging were hypothesized

to predict suicide attempt status in a young adult clinical sample.

According to Klonsky and May (2015), Shneidman's psychache theory in 1988 includes

the hypothesis that the simultaneous existence of three factors, particularly known as psychache,

press, and perturbation, is sufficient for lethal suicidal activity to occur and that the existence of

these factors would produce the highest, and most lethal, level of motivation for suicide. This

theory regarding suicidal actions of individuals who attempt suicide that varies in terms of the

extent of suicidal tendencies was challenged by Joiner 's Interpersonal Theory of Suicide.

Furthermore, Van, Orden, et. al. ( 2010) claimed that interpersonal basic research

process that indicates the unsatisfactory need to belong has a negative effect on psychological

well-being (Baumeister & Leary, 1995). Van, Orden, et. al. furthermore explicated how a loss

of the need to belong has shown the self-regulation that is being compromised (Baumeister, et.al,

2005) and the pain tolerance that increases thereafter (DeWall & Baumeister, 2006).

Accordingly, one of the most obvious findings in suicide literature is that people who die by

suicide often have social isolation before death (Van et. Al . 2010). It has also been investigated

that being the source affliction to members of the family were also strong suicide explanatory

variable in both adults (DeCatanzaro, 1995) and youth (Woznica & Shapiro, 1990).
A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
In summary, interpersonal-psychological theory of suicidal behavior indicates that it is

essential that the importance of social belongingness or social interaction to others and to

contribute towards the well-being of others is the proximal cause of suicidal desire. Suicidal

ideation is suggested as an operational aspect of the development of suicidal desire, according to

theory. The idea is that a person's wish for suicide is not enough to lead to death by suicide and

that people must also become able to inflict lethal self-injury through exposure to fear and suffer

from self-injury and therefore through habituation (Van Orden, et.al, 2010).

Thus, it is important to underpin another theoretical foundation on suicidal ideation &

reasons for living. Another theory that forms a basis in this study is Durkheim’s theory of social

integration (as cited in Jocelyn R. Droege, et.al, 2017) which has been used to explain some of

the protective factors for adolescent suicidality.

Moreover, Droege, et.al (2017) discussed that Durkheim’s theory is based on the notion

that societal flux and dysregulation, and a greater divide between prosperity and poverty, brought

on by modernization, led to a deterioration of conventionally supportive social bonds. Most

likely, community, marital, and parent-child bonds, as well as religious ties, strengthened the

extent to which individuals were socially integrated into society. Therefore, social integration

was the process by which individuals, through attachment to social groups, came together as a

cohesive, community, bound by collective moral and societal norms. It is understood that

industrialization of urban areas brought about a need to adapt and restructure to the changing

times. However, the need to break ties with families and communities, in order to adapt to the

rapidly transitioning and stressful period of modernization, grew and led to a breakdown of

social integration. This deterioration of social integration, cohesion, and support coincided with
A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
increased rates of suicide (Durkheim, E, 1951). Therefore, Durkheim purported that social

integration and cohesion were protective against suicide

Most research initiatives who anchored investigation of phenomenon to Durkheim’s

proposed causal association of social integration and suicide has shown that the latter is also a

robust protective factor for suicide-related behaviors from ideation (Bearman & Moody, 2004),

attempt (Dervic, et al., 2004) and death (Duberstein, et al., 2004) and is a possible target for the

design of suicide prevention programs.

Social network is a micro-social structural level construct, which bridges individual-level

and ecological-level constructs (Latkin & Knowlton, 2005). Social network theory helps to

characterize the structural and functional aspects of one's social world by examining the web of

social ties and the role of these ties in an individual's life (Heaney, Israel, Glanz, Rimer, &

Lewis, 2002).

Based on Durkheim’s theory (as cited in Droege, et.al, 2017), a lack of stable family and

community bonds may, thus, put adolescents at increased risk of social disintegration and

subsequent suicide. Furthermore, he claimed that social, familial, and religious factors promote

social integration and cohesion, and mitigate suicidality.

In the study, Family alliance which is described in the Reasons for Living Inventory and

is one of the protective factors considered, were identified by Durkheim as a route through which

individuals may become more socially integrated and less at-risk for suicide (Droege, et.al,

2017). Additionally, two studies found that family cohesion was protective against suicide

attempt and suicidal ideation [Colluci, et al 2007]. Also, Matlin SL, et al, (2011) has emphasized

the essential role of family, peer support and community connectedness to suicidality and

depression among african-american youth.

A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
In connection, the study aims to establish the role of the family in maintaining a stable

emotional state for the students and in suicide prevention. It envisions to examine the family

from an social integration theory perspective. It as well visualizes to make specific

recommendations on how to involve families in school-based self-harm prevention and suggest a

practical framework for guidance counselors, teachers and administrators in involving the family

in the implementation of prevention and awareness programs at school related to the


Also, Durkheim’s Social Integration theory (as cited Droege, et.al, 2017) considers

personal factors as identified protective against adolescent suicidality were age, self-esteem,

emotional well-being, academic achievement/grade point average, hope (future optimism),

ascribing to an adaptive attributional style, avoidance-oriented coping, negative attitude toward

suicide acceptability, reasons for living, purpose in life, and life satisfaction. According to

perkins and hartless (2002), Older age was protective against suicidal ideation for both male and

female adolescents of various socioeconomic backgrounds. On the contrary, younger age was

protective against suicide attempt for urban adolescents [Farrell and Bolland, 2015). Higher self-

esteem was identified as protective against suicidal ideation for males and females, and suicide

attempt for females (Bearman and Moody, 2004). Self-esteem was also protective against

suicidal ideation and attempt for male and female urban African American youth [Dupéré V, et.

al., 2009). Emotional well-being protected female adolescents from suicide attempt [Borowsky

and Resneck, 2001].

In addition, Davidson and colleagues identified a sense of hope as a protective factor for

male and female suicidal ideation (Borowsky and Resneck, 2001). Within the realm of coping

strategies, ascribing to an adaptive attributional style (i.e., external, unstable, specific attributions
A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
for negative events; internal, stable, and global attributions for positive events) protected youth

against suicide risk [Greening and Stoppelbein, 2002). Having reasons for living or adaptive

reasons that support not committing suicide was protective against female suicidal thoughts and

behaviors suicidal ideation and attempt adolescents from various socioeconomic backgrounds

and suicidal ideation among urban African American youth [Walker and Bishop, 2005; Wang

MC, et. Al, 2012).

Thus, protection can be gained from the social support and guidance acquired from the

community, personal factors and relationships that help to promote social integration. Bearman

and Moody (2004) identified dense (i.e., tightly-knit) school social networks that linked

adolescents together as protective against suicidal ideation for females and suicide attempt for

males. School connectedness/attachment, defined as students feeling happy at school, feeling that

they were a part of the school, and feeling that they were close to people at school, was found to

be protective against suicide attempt for females, males with a history of suicide attempts, and

both males and females in three separate studies of Haynie DL, et. al.,2006, Kidd S, et. al.,2006

and Resnick MD, et. al., 1997. School climate including learning environment and teacher-

student relationship was identified as a protective factor for suicidal ideation among males and

suicidal attempt among both males and females as discussed by Perkins and Hartless (2002).

While according to Bearman and Moody (2004), Transitive relationships (i.e., closed, dense

friendship networks where an adolescent’s friends are friends with each other) provided

protection against suicidal ideation for female African American adolescents. Feeling connected

to one’s peers was protective for males with a history of suicide attempts whereas feeling

supported by one’s peers was protective against suicide ideation (Martin SL.,et. al., 2011) and
A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
attempts for adolescent of varying socioeconomic backgrounds including protection against

suicide attempt for low-income, urban youth (Farrel CT.,et. al., 2015).

Perceived general social support (e.g., support from family, platonic friends, boyfriends/

girlfriends) was protective against suicidal ideation for adolescents of various socioeconomic

backgrounds [Walker RL.,et. al, 2005]. Moreover, O’Donnell and colleagues also found (2003)

that accessing a formal network (i.e., school, religious, health care, or mental health networks)

for help with problems was protective for urban adolescent suicide attempt. All of which must be

taken into consideration in designing school-based intervention program in suicide and student


Overall, identified protective factors for suicidality coincided with factors that may

promote social integration, through which one may obtain support, guidance, and protection

from suicide. Durkheim (1951) noted that familial, relational/social, and religious ties were the

mechanisms through which one achieved social integration [14]. Personal factors may contribute

to the initiation and preservation of some of the afore-mentioned relational bonds, which may

impact the feasibility of social integration. Socioecological factors play a role in social

integration theory as well, given that they may present challenges and barriers, such as an

unemployed or underemployed individual needing to move away from one’s family and

community in order to find work, possibly deterring one’s integration into society (Droege, et.al,


Another equally relevant theoretical foundation of this research is Erik Erikson’s

Psychosocial Stages of Development. Most people know that Erik Erikson was a developmental

psychologist that proposed a stage theory of human development after he found himself

unsatisfied with Freud’s psychosexual stages of development. He proposed that people went
A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
through eight stages during a life cycle, marked by different “crises” that an individual needs to

overcome to move on to the next stage

Since I am focusing on the adolescent population in this thesis, I will be outlining only

stage 5 in more detail. According to Sellars (2017), adolescence is defined by Erikson as being

from ages 12-18 years, and marked by the crisis of “identity vs. role confusion.” This stage’s

crisis “characterizes the adolescent’s search for a coherent sense of self or ‘ego identity’”

(Agronin, 2014, p. 32). During this stage of life, finding a sense of individual identity is a key

goal. A failure to do this would result in the “role confusion” status. “Role confusion can lead to

a very different human experience. It causes the individual to seriously question one’s essential

personality characteristics and one’s view of oneself. Consequently, the individual experiences

extreme doubt regarding the meaning and purpose of their existence” (Sokol, 2009).


Note: qualitative research does not normally require hypotheses.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1
A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program

Demographic Profile:
1. Age; 1. In-depth interview
2. Gender; among the
3. Household Monthly respondents that Intervention Program
Income; and seeks to explore to address Suicidal
4. Family Size participant’s views Ideation among Senior
of the phenomenon; High School Students
Individual & relational
dimensions of suicidal 2. Interpret the inputs of
ideation: interview through
1. Individual negative recognizing the
emotions toward self; difference between
2. Perceived impasse in understanding and
interpersonal interpretation.
3. The needs to have 3. Apply deep
some control over understanding about
the students’ lives. individual cases
4. Communicative through application
issues related to of phenomenological
suicide attempt. method.

Figure 1 of conceptual framework illustrates the input-process-out of the

phenomenological study about the suicidal ideation among senior high school student. Input

includes the demographic profile of the respondents to ascertain their factors on suicidal ideation.

The themes, individual and relational dimensions of suicidal ideation will also be investigated

through in-depth approach to determine the elements influencing suicidal ideation among the

senior high school student. The process on the other hand include,

Definition of Terms

The following terms are operationally defined for further understanding and clarity:
A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
Communicative Issues pertain to a set of occurrences wherein an individual expresses

suicidal feelings, thoughts, intentions, and plans, in as far as interaction with other individuals in

a social environment is concern (Owen, 2012). In this study, communicative issues as one of

the crucial factors that deems to influence suicidal ideation will be investigated through in-deep

interview to appropriately address the need towards the development of intervention program.

Negative Emotions are feelings, which cause individual to be miserable as well as sad.

The said emotions could make a person dislike himself and being dislike by others, furthermore

downgrade self confidence and self-esteem, and in broad-spectrum, life satisfaction (Ackerman,

2020). This research will impart reflective investigation on negative emotions experienced by

the senior high school students to determine their correlation to suicidal ideation

Interpersonal Relationships is referred to as an association between two or more

individuals that may range from fleeting to enduring. Interpersonal relationships may also be

created in the context of social, cultural, and further influences. Interpersonal relationships may

be regulated by custom, law, mutual agreement, and are the foundation of social groups as well

as society in general (Johnson, 2020). The very essence of interpersonal relationships will be

investigated in this study through conduct of interviews among the student-respondents of the

research to determine their impact on suicidal ideation as encountered by the senior high school


Intervention Program refers to a method of treatment used in a number of ways to

better the condition of people who have become dependent on various substances or activities.

Each intervention approach provides the subject with a collaborative treatment package, by the

help of family members and specialist, towards a happy life (Loverde, 2012). In this research,

intervention program, which is the intended output of the study is endeavored to attain in order to

address the emergent suicidal ideation confronted by the senior high school students.
A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
Suicide Behavior is any action that could cause a person to die, such as taking a drug

overdose or crashing a car on purpose (Medline Plus, 2020). Suicidal behavior in this study is

one significant variable the entails profound investigation. The review of related literature will

be philosophically examined to determine their impact to senior high school students.

Suicidal Ideation is defined as thoughts serving the agent of one’s own death. It may

vary from seriousness depending on the specificity of suicide plans and the degree of suicide

intent (American Psychiatric Association, 2003). In this study, suicidal ideation shall be

examined in order to determine an appropriate intervention program so as to minimize the cases

of suicidal attempts.

Chapter III

A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
This chapter presents and discusses the research design used in the study, its locale,

respondents, sampling procedure, description and validation of its research instrument, data

gathering procedure, method of scoring and interpretation, and the statistical treatment of data in

order to determine the suicidal ideation among senior high school students in order to establish a

basis on the formulation of intervention program.

Research Design

Phenomenological research approach will be adopted in the foregoing study. Ellis (2016)

provides that in general, phenomenological study is easily identified because it comprises in its

objectives the motive to understand the fundamental nature of an experience or a circumstance

that is broadly comparable. Apparently, a purposive sampling method is used in

phenomenological study as it selects people who have encountered the phenomenon of interest.

Moreover, in analyzing the interviews in phenomenological approach, it engages the researcher

in progress of the research from broad spectrum to a general theoretical standpoint and in a

method of grouping emerging subject matters towards a significant process. Subsequently, the

process of investigating a qualitative study is more of a procedure of judgement rather that

science. Ellis furthermore insinuates that phenomenology method is significant, particularly in

social care as it opens the gate of opportunities heading towards the world as perceived through

the eyes of the people being cared for. Thus, phenomenological approach as method of the study

about suicidal ideation among senior high school students is deemed appropriate to further

establish a basis on the formulation of intervention program.

Research Locale
A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
The locale of the study will be Area I, Leyte Division composed of seven schools. Area I

covers the seven (7) municipalities namely—Babatngon, Palo, Tolosa, Tanauan, San Miguel,

Sta. Fe and Alang-Alang. One school with the highest enrolment from each municipality were

chosen for the purpose of this study. These schools are: Alang-Alang National High School, Juan

S. Tismo National High School, Palo National High School, Tolosa National High School,

Tanauan National High School, San Miguel National High School and lastly, Sta. Fe Stand

Alone Senor High School. Figure 2 shows the map of the locale of the study.

Figure 2

Please write (in brief) some information about the schools in the locale of the study.

Fill in the number of

Research Respondents
A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
The respondents of the study are _____ Grade 12 students from selected secondary

schools offering Senior High School in Area I Leyte, S.Y. 2020-2021. The researcher focuses on

the specific respondents herein stated since these Grade 12 students are mostly young

adolescents who are susceptible to suicidal ideation as supported by previous studies. It shall

likewise be noted that the participants of the present study are also the batch of students who

would experience the transition to the new normal system in education in the Philippines in view

of the COVID-19 pandemic. The respondents of the study will also be assured that the data

gathered from them will be treated with strict confidentiality and would only serve the purpose

of the study. Since they are minors, permission from the parents or guardians of these students

would be requested as well as from their school administration.

Sampling Procedure

Purposive sampling will be employed to obtain the needed and appropriate participants

for the study, of which inclusion of the subjects continue until saturation is reached. In

phenomenological study, purposive sampling is the requirement in order to access and

profoundly understand the “first person” experience that forms phenomenology Ellis (2016)

being the research approach that is significant tool for the present study, wherein strong

justification of a belief, as well as attitude or experience from the perspective of the first person

are created.

In order to attain the necessary respondents, expert knowledge of the population will be applied

in order to select in a non-random manner a sample from elements that represents a cross-section

of the given population.

A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
Research Instrument

A survey questionnaire adopted from a study conducted by Orri et.al (2014) entitled,

Qualitative Approach to Attempted Suicide by Adolescents and Young Adults: The (Neglected)

Role of Revenge will be utilized as the main data gathering tool of the present study.

Part I of the questionnaire is focused on determining the demographic profile of the

respondents in terms of age, gender, monthly family income, and family size. Options will be

extended for each item that the respondents shall choose based on what is appropriate for them.

Part II is an in-depth interview enquiry about suicide ideation.

Validation of the Research Instrument

The instrumentation of the foregoing study was adopted from the study of Orri et.al

(2014) titled, Qualitative Approach to Attempted Suicide by Adolescents and Young Adults:

The (Neglected) Role of Revenge. The study utilized phenomenological approach to realize the

needed output. An interview guide, which is in-depth was adhered and transcribed verbatim,

along with the nuances of the respondents. The purpose of in-depth and detailed, open-ended

questions was to generate the subjects’ feelings about suicidal ideation and behaviors. In

addition, the Orri et.al conducted the in-depth interview process in order to connect themselves

in the lived world of every participant and further deal with the meaning of the live experiences

that the participants have encountered. To validate the instrument of the study, Orri et.al

consulted the specialists in the field of medicine to obtain their professional ideas pertaining to

the questionnaire.

Thus, the proponent of the present study considers that the validation carried out by Orri

et.al is sufficient to justify the soundness of the instrument that will be used in this particular

A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher shall request permission to conduct the study in the selected Senior High

Schools in Area I from the Schools Division Superintendent and School Heads. Permission from

the respondents’ parents shall also be secured before they are allowed to participate in the study.

Proper correspondences shall be observed between the parties involved to ensure the smooth data

gathering for the purpose of the study.

The researcher shall conduct the survey and utilize the questionnaire to gather the

necessary data for the study. Since the issue of suicidal ideation is a sensitive topic, the

researcher shall also seek the assistance of the schools’ guidance counsellor in administering the

questionnaire. Confidentiality shall be ensured between the researcher and the respondents.

Method of Scoring and Interpretation

The following Method of Scoring and Interpretation will be employed relative to the

demographic profile of the respondents:

Age. The age range of the Grade 12 student-respondents is categorized as:

Age Description
16 – 18 Teens
19 – 21 Approaching Adulthood
22 – 25 Young Adult

Gender. Gender of the participants is classified into:

Male or Female.
A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
Monthly Family Income. The monthly family income refers to the monthly

earnings declared by the family of the respondents. The following interpretations are provided:

Monthly Income Description

Below 10 thousand Poor
11-20 thousand Low income but not poor
21-30 thousand Middle
31-50 thousand Upper Middle
51-60 thousand High income but not rich
Over 60 thousand Rich

Family Size. The family size refers to the category that the family of the respondents

belong based on the number of household members including the parents, siblings, and other

relatives residing in their house. The categories shall be:

Family Size Description

A household with 3 to 4 Small
A household with 5 to 7 Average
A household with more than 7 Big

Statistical Treatment of


The demographic profile of the respondents shall be tabulated using frequency and

percentage following hereunder formula: P = f/n

Where: P – percentage
A Phenomenological Study on Suicidal Ideation among Senior High School Students in
Selected Secondary Schools of Area I Leyte Division: Basis on the Establishment of
Intervention Program
f – frequency

n – total number of the respondents

Ethical Consideration

A letter of consent will be secured from the university stating the purpose, limitations,

confidentiality, and process of the research. Endorsed consent letter will be distributed among

the respondents with the aid of school guidance counsellor and their respective advisers. A

separate letter will also be addressed to the respective schools stipulating the aforementioned

purpose and process. Considering the sensitivity of the study, the researcher will also provide a

letter to the parents of the respondents to allow them to participate in the foregoing research.

Moreover, confidentiality of the information and the process of the research will

thoroughly be discussed to the participants, their parents, and school personnel and assure them

that strict compliance to confidentiality will highly be observed.

In consideration of the COVID-19 pandemic, the researcher and respondents shall

observe protocols such as social distancing, wearing of mask and face shield, as well as

observance of sanitizing using alcohol before and after the interview session.

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