Builder 3 and 2 Vol 2
Builder 3 and 2 Vol 2
Builder 3 and 2 Vol 2
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This is a self-study course. By studying this course, you can improve your professional/military knowledge,
as well as prepare for the Navywide advancement-in-rate examination. It contains subject matter about day-
to-day occupational knowledge and skill requirements and includes text, tables, and illustrations to help you
understand the information. An additional important feature of this course is its reference to useful
information in other publications. The well-prepared Sailor will take the time to look up the additional
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In the normal sequence of construction events, the in this area is critical as it is the real point of departure
floor and wall activities follow the completed for actual building activities.
foundation work. In this chapter, we’ll examine
established methods of frame construction and discuss
in general how floor and wall framing members are LAYOUT
assembled. An explanation of subflooring installation,
exterior sheathing, interior partitions, and rough
The box sill is usually used in platform construction.
openings for doors and windows is also given.
It consists of a sill plate and header joist anchored to the
foundation wall. Floor joists are supported and held in
WOOD SILL FRAMING position by the box sill (fig. 1-1). Insulation material and
metal termite shields are placed under the sill if desired
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Upon completing or when specified. Sills are usually single, but double
this section, you should be able to describe sill sills are sometimes used.
layout and installation. Following construction of the foundation wall, the
sill is normally the first member laid out. The edge of
Framing of the structure begins after completion of the sill is setback from the outside face of the foundation
the foundation. The lowest member of the frame a distance equal to the thickness of the exterior
structure resting on the foundation is the sill plate, often sheathing. When laying out sills, remember the comers
called the mud sill. This sill provides a roiling base for should be halved together, but are often butted or
joists or studs resting directly over the foundation. Work mitered. If splicing is necessary to obtain required
Figure 1-2.—Anchor bolt layout.
length, you should halve the splice joint at least 2 feet Figure 1-4.—Installing termite shields.
and bolt together.
Once the required length has been determined, the
the holes; that is, X equals the thickness of the
next step is to lay out the locations of the anchor bolt
exterior sheathing.
holes. Use the following steps:
After all the holes are marked, bore the holes. Each
1. Establish the building line points at each of the
should be about 1/4 inch larger than the diameter of the
corners of the foundation.
bolts to allow some adjustment for slight inaccuracies
2. Pull a chalk line at these established points and in the layout. As each section is bored, position that
snap a line for the location of the sill. section over the bolts.
3. Square the ends of the sill stock, (Stock received
When all sill sections are fitted, remove them from
at jobsites is not necessarily squared at both
the anchor bolts. Install sill sealer (insulation) as shown
in figure 1-3. The insulation compresses, filling the
4. Place the sill on edge and mark the locations of irregularities in the foundation. It also stops drafts and
the anchor bolts. reduces heat loss. Also install a termite shield (fig. 1-4)
5. Extend these marks with a square across the if specified. A termite shield should be at least 26-gauge
width of the sill. The distance X in figure 1-2 aluminum, copper, or galvanized sheet metal. The outer
shows how far from the edge of the sill to bore edges should be slightly bent down. Replace the sills and
Figure 1-5.—Methods of sill fastening to foundations.
install the washers and nuts. As the nuts are tightened, view A) and a minimum of 7 inches into reinforced
make sure the sills are properly aligned. Also, check the concrete (view B). The length of the anchor bolt is found
distance from the edge of the foundation wall. The sill in the specifications; the spacing and location of the
must be level and straight. Low spots can be shimmied
bolts are shown on the drawings. If this information is
with wooden wedges, but it is better to use grout or
not available, anchor bolt spacing should not exceed 6
feet on center (OC). Also, a bolt must be placed within
FASTENING TO FOUNDATION WALLS 1 foot of the ends of each piece (as shown in fig. 1-6).
There are alternative ways to fasten sill plates to
Wood sills are fastened to masonry walls by
1/2-inch anchor bolts. These bolts, also known as j-bolts foundations. Location and building codes will dictate
because of their shape, should be embedded 15 inches which to use. Always consult the job specifications
or more into the wall in unreinforced concrete (fig. 1-5, before proceeding with construction.
Figure 1-7.—Basic components of floor framing.
Figure 1-8.—Floor framing on sill plates with intermediate posts and built-up girders.
The base of the steel post is bolted to the top of the pier,
as shown in figure 1-12. The post can also be bolted to
anchor bolts inserted in the slab prior to pouring.
Steel pipe columns are often used in wood-frame Wood girders may be a single piece of timber, or
construction, with both wood and steel girders. When they may be laminated (that is, built up) of more than
using wood girders, secure the post to the girder with one plank. The built-up girder in figure 1-13, for
lag bolts. For steel girders, machine bolts are required. example, consists of three 2- by 12-inch planks. The
Figure 1-14.—Spaced wood girders.
joints between the planks are staggered. In framing, a or steel, make sure it aligns from end to end and side to
built-up girder is placed so that the joints on the outside side. Also make sure the length of the bearing post under
of the girder fall directly over a post. Three 16-penny the girder is correct to ensure the girder is properly
(16d) nails are driven at the ends of the planks, and other supported.
nails are staggered 32 inches OC. As shown in figure
1-13, the top of the girder is flush with the top sill plate.
When space is required for heat ducts in a partition
supported on a girder, a spaced wood girder, such as that
shown in figure 1-14, is sometimes necessary. Solid Posts must be cut to length and set up before the
blocking is used at intervals between the two members. girders can be installed. The upper surface of the girder
A single-post support for a spaced girder usually may be in line with the foundation plate sill, or the girder
requires a bolster, preferably metal, with a sufficient ends may rest on top of the walls. Long girders must be
span to support the two members.
The ends of a girder often rest in pockets prepared
in a concrete wall (fig. 1-13). Here, the girder ends must
bear at least 4 inches on the wall, and the pocket should
be large enough to provide a 1/2-inch air space around
the sides and end of the girder. To protect against
termites, treat the ends of the girder with a preservative.
As a further precaution, line the pockets with metal.
Figure 1-17.—Lapped joists.
Header joists run along the outside walls. Three 16d Cantilevered
nails are driven through the header joists into the ends
of the common joists, as shown in figure 1-16. The Cantilevered joists are used when a floor or balcony
header and joists are toenailed to the sill with 16d nails. of a building projects past the wall below, as shown in
The header joists prevent the common joists from figure 1-19. A header piece is nailed to the ends of the
Figure 1-18.—Double joists.
Figure 1-20.—Framing for cantilevered joists.
joists. When regular floor joists run parallel to the Butted over a Girder
intended overhang, the inside ends of the cantilevered
joists are fastened to a pair of double joists (fig. 1-20). Joist ends can also be butted (rather than lapped)
Nailing should be through the first regular joist into the over a girder. The joists should then be cleated together
ends of the cantilevered joists. Framing anchors are with a metal plate or wooden cleat, as shown in
strongly recommended and often required by the
specifications. A header piece is also nailed to the
outside ends of the cantilevered joists.
Figure 1-24.—Joists supported on steel plates.
Figure 1-25.—Joists supported by S-beam using wooden blocks.
Figure 1-27.—Metal cross bridging.
Figure 1-29.—Floor joists layout.
Joists should be laid out so that the edges of edge of the building. From then on, the layout is 16
standard-size subfloor panels break over the centers of inches OC. A layout for the entire floor is shown in
the joists (see insert, fig. 1-29). This layout eliminates figure 1-30.
additional cutting of panels when they are being fitted Most of the framing members should be precut
and nailed into place. One method of laying out joists before construction begins. The joists should all be
this way is to mark the first joists 15 1/4 inches from the trimmed to their proper lengths. Cross bridging and
Figure 1-31.—Steps in framing a floor opening.
solid blocks should be cut to fit between the joists having of strength in the area of the opening. You need to frame
a common spacing. The distance between joists is the opening in a way that restores this strength. The
usually 14 1/2 inches for joists spaced 16 inches OC. procedure is shown in figure 1-31. Refer to the figure as
Blocking for the odd spaces is cut afterwards. you study the following steps:
Framing Floor Openings 1. Measure and mark the positions of the trimmers
on the outside wall and interior wall or girder.
Floor openings, where stairs rise to the floor or large
duct work passes through, require special framing. 2. Position and fasten the inside trimmers and mark
When the joists are cut for such openings, there is a loss the position of the double headers.
Figure 1-32.—Types of framing anchors.
3. Place the outside pieces between the inside board for the crown. Some crowns are too large and
trimmers. Drive three 16d nails through the cannot be turned up for use as a joist.
trimmers into the headers. Mark the position of
the tail joists on the headers (the tail joists should
follow the regular joist layout). SUBFLOOR
4. Fasten the tail joists to the outside headers with
The subfloor, also known as rough flooring, is
three 16d nails driven through the headers into
nailed to the top of the floor frame. It strengthens the
the ends of the tail joists.
entire floor unit and serves as a base for the finish floor.
5. Double the header. Drive three 16d nails through The walls of the building are laid out, framed, and raised
the trimmer joists into the ends of the doubled into place on top of the subfloor.
header pieces. Nail the doubled header pieces to
Panel products, such as plywood, are used for
each other with 16d nails staggered 16 inches
subflooring. Plywood is less labor intensive than board
6. Double the trimmer joists and fasten them
together with 16d nails staggered 16 inches OC. Plywood is the oldest type of panel product. It is still
the most widely used subfloor material in residential and
A pair of joists, called trimmers, is placed at each other light-framed construction. Other types of material
side of the opening. These trimmers support the headers. available for use as subflooring include nonveneered
The headers should be doubled if the span is more than (reconstituted wood) panels, such as structural
4 feet. Nails supporting the ends of the headers are particleboard, waferboard, oriented strandboard, and
driven through the trimmer joists into the ends of the compositeboard.
header pieces. Tail joists (cripple joists) run from the
header to a supporting wall or girder. Nails are driven Plywood is available in many grades to meet abroad
through the header into the ends of the tail joist. Various range of end uses. All interior grades are also available
metal anchors, such as those shown in figure 1-32, are with fully waterproof adhesive identical with that used
also used to strengthen framed floor openings. in exterior plywood. This type is useful where prolonged
moisture is a hazard. Examples are underlayments,
subfloors adjacent to plumbing fixtures, and roof
Crowns sheathing that may be exposed for long periods during
construction. Under normal conditions and for
sheathing used on walls, standard sheathing grades are
Most joists have a crown (a bow shape) on one side.
Each joist should be sighted before being nailed in place
to make certain the crown is turned up. The joist will Plywood suitable for the subfloor, such as standard
later settle from the weight of the floor and straighten sheathing, structural I and II, and C-C exterior grades,
out. Caution should be exercised when sighting the has a panel identification index marking on each sheet.
Figure 1-33.—Typical exterior wall.
Figure 1-34.—Corner posts.
The plate at the bottom of a wall is the soleplate, or A rough opening must be framed into a wall
wherever a door or window is planned. The dimensions
bottom plate. The plate at the top of the wall is the top
of the rough opening must allow for the final frame and
plate. A double top plate is normally used. It strengthens
the upper section of the wall and helps carry the weight for the required clearance around the frame.
of the joists and roof rafters. Since top and bottom plates Figure 1-35 shows details of rough openings for
are nailed into all the vertical wall members, they serve doors and windows in wood-frame construction. The
to tie the entire wall together. rough opening for atypical door is framed with a header,
Figure 1-35.—Rough frame openings for doors and windows.
trimmer studs, and, in some cases, top cripple studs. The opening and by how much weight is bearing down from
rough opening for a typical window includes the same the floor above.
members as for a dear, plus a rough window sill and The tops of all door and window openings in all
bottom cripples. walls are usually in line with each other. Therefore, all
A header is placed at the top of a rough opening. It headers are usually the same height from the floor. The
must be strong enough to carry the weight bearing down standard height of walls in most wind-framed buildings
on that section of the wall. The header is supported by is either 8 feet 3/4 inch or 8 feet 1 inch from the subfloor
trimmer studs fitting between the soleplate and the to the ceiling joists. The standard height of the doors is
6 feet 8 inches.
bottom of the header. The trimmer studs are nailed into
the regular studs at each side of the header. Nails are also Cripple studs are nailed between the header and the
driven through the regular studs into the ends of the double top plate of a door opening. These help carry the
header. weight from the top plate to the header. The cripple studs
are generally spaced 16 inches OC.
The header maybe either solid or built up of two 2
by 4 pieces with a 1/2-inch spacer. The spacer is needed A rough window sill is added to the bottom of a
to bring the width of the header to 3 1/2 inches. This is rough window opening. The sill provides support for the
finished window and frame to be placed in the wall. The
the actual width of a nominal 2 by 4 stud wall. A built-up
distance between the sill and the header is determined
header is as strong as or stronger than a solid piece.
by the dimensions of the window, the window frame,
The type and size of header is shown in the and the necessary clearances at the top and bottom of
blueprints. Header size is determined by the width of the the frame. Cripple studs, spaced 16 inches OC, are
Figure 1-36.—Types of bracing.
nailed between the sill and soleplate. Additional cripple requirement is an outside wall covered with structural
studs may be placed under each end of the sill. sheathing nailed according to building specifications.
This type of wall does not require bracing.
Diagonal bracing is most effective when installed at
a 45° to 60° angle. You can do this after the wall has
Diagonal bracing is necessary for the lateral been squared and still lying on the subfloor. The most
strength of a wall. In all exterior walls and main interior widely used bracing system is the 1 by 4 let-in type, as
partitions, bracing should be placed at both ends (where shown in figure 1-36. The studs are notched so that the
possible) and at 25-foot intervals. An exception to this 1 by 4 piece is flush with the surface of the studs.
Figure 1-37.—Fire blocking.
Cut-in bracing (fig. 1-36) is another type of diagonal It is not necessary to nail fire stops at the midpoint
bracing. It usually consists of 2 by 4s cut at an angle and of the wall. They can be positioned to provide additional
toenailed between studs at a diagonal from the top of a backing for nailing the edges of drywall or plywood.
corner post down to the soleplate.
Diagonal sheathing (fg. 1-36) is the strongest type CONSTRUCTION
of diagonal bracing. Each board acts as a brace for the
wall. When plywood or other panel sheathing is used,
other methods of bracing maybe omitted. All major components of a wall should be cut before
assembly. By reading the blueprints, you can determine
the number of pieces and lengths of all components. The
Fire stops different parts of the wall are then assembled. Any hard,
level surface can be used for assembly. After completing
nailing, raise the walls in place for securing.
Most local building codes require fire stops (also
known as fire blocks) in walls over 8 foot 1 inch high. Two layout procedures are used in wall layout:
Fire stops slow down fire travel inside walls. They can horizontal plate and vertical layout. In horizontal plate
be nailed between the studs before or after the wall is layout, the location of the wall is determined from the
raised. Fire stops can be nailed in a straight line or dimensions found in the floor plan of the blueprints. For
staggered for easier nailing. Figure 1-37 shows a section vertical layout, the dimension can be found in the
of a framed wall with fire stops. sectional views of the building’s blueprints.
Figure 1-38.—Layout and cutting of plates.
Figure 1-40.—First exterior wall stud layout.
Horizontal Plate Layout A procedure for marking outside and inside comers
for stud-and-block corner post construction is shown in
After all the lines are snapped, the wall plates are figure 1-39. For laying out studs for the first exterior
cut and tacked next to the lines (fig. 1-38). The plates wall, see figure 1-40. In figure 1-40, the plates are
are then marked off for corner posts and regular studs, marked for the first stud from a corner to be placed 15
1/4 inches from the end of the turner. Studs after the first
as well as for the studs, trimmers, and cripples for the
stud follow 16 inches OC layout. This ensures the edges
rough openings. All framing members must be clearly
of standard-size panels used for sheathing or wallboard
marked on the plates. This allows for efficient and fall on the centers of the studs. Cripples are laid out to
error-free framing. Figure 1-37 shows a wall with follow the layout of the studs.
framing members nailed in place according to layout A procedure for laying out studs for the second
markings. exterior wall is shown in figure 1-41. The plates are
Figure 1-42.—Starting measurement for interior wall.
marked for the first stud to be placed 15 1/4 inches from frame. Some blueprint door and window schedules give
the outside edge of the panel thickness on the first wall. the rough opening dimensions, simplifying the layout.
This layout allows the corner of the first panel on the A rough opening for a metal window often requires
second wall to lineup with the edge of the first panel on a 1/2-inch clearance around the entire frame. When the
the second wall. Also, the opposite edge of the panel on measurements are not given in the window schedule,
the second wall will break on the center of a stud. take them from the manufacturer’s installation
A procedure for laying out studs for interior walls instructions supplied with the windows.
(partitions) is shown in figure 1-42. If panels are placed A completely laid out bottom plate includes
on the exterior wall first, the wall plates for the interior markings for corner posts, rough openings, studs, and
wall are marked for the first stud to be placed 15 1/4 cripples. The corner posts are laid out first. Next, the
inches from the edge of the panel thickness on the 16-inch marks for the studs and cripples are marked, and
exterior wall. If panels are to be placed on the interior then the marks for the rough openings are made.
wall, the wall plates of the interior wall are marked for Some Builders prefer to layout the rough openings
the first stud to be placed 15 1/4 inches from the before the studs and cripples are marked. There is,
unpaneled exterior wall. however, an advantage to laying out the 16-inch OC
If drywall or other interior finish panels are to be marks first. Studs and trimmers framing a door and
nailed to an adjoining wall (fig. 1-42, view A), you must window often fall very close to a 16-inch OC stud mark
measure 15 1/4 inches plus the thickness of the material. Slightly shifting the position of the rough opening may
eliminate an unnecessary stud from the wall frame.
When panels are to be nailed on a wall first (view B),
measure and mark the 15 1/4 inches from the front
surface of the bottom plate. These procedures ensure Vertical Layout
stud alignment remains accurate throughout the nailing
process. Vertical layout is the procedure for calculating the
Rough openings for doors and windows must also lengths of the different vertical members of a
be marked on the wall plates. The rough opening wood-framed wall. This makes it possible to precut all
dimensions for a window (fig, 1-43, view A) or wood studs, trimmers, and cripples required for a building.
door (view B) are calculated based on the window or Some blueprints contain section views giving the
door width, the thickness of the finish frame, and exact rough heights of walls. The rough height is the
1/2-inch clearance for shim materials at the sides of the distance from the subfloor to the bottom of the ceiling
Figure 1-43.—Measurements for windows and doors.
joists. The rough height to the top of the door (the The distance from the bottom to the top of a rough
distance from the subfloor to the bottom of the door window opening can be found by measuring down from
header) may also be noted on the section drawing. In the bottom of the window header using dimensions
addition, it may be given in the column for rough provided in the rough opening column of the window
opening measurements on the door schedule. The rough
height to the top of the door establishes the measurement
for the rough height to the top of the window, as window Many Builders prefer to frame the door and window
headers are usually in line with door headers. openings before assembling the wall. View A of
Figure 1-44.—Framing typical door and window openings.
figure 1-44 shows typical door framing; view B shows and bottom plates at a distance slightly greater than the
typical window framing. After stud layout, cripple studs length of the studs. Position the corners and openings
are laid out (usually 16 inches OC) and nailed between between the plates according to the plate layout.
the header and top plate and rough window sill and Place studs in position with the crown side up. Nail
the plates into the studs, cripples, and trimmers. On
soleplate. It is a good practice to place a cripple stud
long walls, the breaks in the plates should occur
under each end of a sill.
over a stud or cripple.
Placing the Double Top Plate
After the corners and openings for doors and
windows have been made up, the entire wall can be The double top plate (fig. 1-46) can be placed while
nailed together .on the subfloor (fig. 1-45). Place top the wall is still on the subfloor or after all the walls have
Figure 1-45.—Assembly of wall components.
Figure 1-48.—Let-in diagional brace.
Figure 1-49.—Plumbing and aligning corners and walls.
braces are not removed until the framing and sheathing SHEATHING THE WALLS
for the entire building have been completed. Wall sheathing is the material used for the exterior
covering of the outside walls. In the past, nominal
Framing over Concrete Slabs 1-inch-thick boards were nailed to the wall horizontally
or at a 45° angle for sheathing. Today, plywood and other
types of panel products (waferboard, oriented
Often, the ground floor of a wood-framed building strandboard, compositeboard) are usually used for
is a concrete slab. In this case, the bottom plates of the sheathing. Plywood and nonveneered panels can be
walls must be either bolted to the slab or nailed to the applied much quicker than boards. They add
slab with a powder-actuated driver. If bolts are used, considerable strength to a building and often eliminate
they must be accurately set into the slab at the time of the need for diagonal bracing.
the concrete pour. Holes for the bolts are laid out and Generally, wall sheathing does not include the
drilled in the bottom plate when the wall is framed. finished surface of a wall, Siding, shingles, stucco, or
When the wall is raised, it is slipped over the bolts and brick veneer are placed over the sheathing to finish the
secured with washers and nuts. wall. Exterior finish materials are discussed later in this
Occasionally, on small projects, the soleplate is
bolted or fastened down first. The top plate is nailed to
the studs, and the wall is lifted into position. The bottom
ends of the studs are toenailed into the plate. The rest of
the framing procedure is the same as for walls nailed on Plywood is the most widely used sheathing
top of a subfloor. material. Plywood panels usually applied to exterior
Figure 1-50.-Plywood sheathing.
Although plywood is the most commonly used Metal is an alternative to wood framing. Many
material for wall sheathing, specs sometimes call for buildings are framed entirely of metal, whereas some
Figure 1-52.—Chase wall construction.
buildings are framed in a combination of metal and dry rot. Also, when combined with proper covering
wood. material, they have a high fire-resistance rating.
The metal framing members generally used are A variety of systems have been developed by
cold-formed steel, electrogalvanized to resist corrosion. manufacturers to meet various requirements of
Thicknesses range from 18 gauge to 25 gauge, the latter attachment, sound control, and fire resistance. Many of
being most common. Most metal studs have notches at the systems are designed for ease in erection, yet they
each end and knockouts located about 24 inches OC (fig. are still remountable for revising room arrangements.
1-51) to facilitate pipe and conduit installation. the size The framing members are assembled with power
of the knockout, not the size of the stud, determines the screwdrivers and using self-drilling, self-tapping
maximum size of pipe or other material that can be screws. The floor assembly is fastened to the foundation
passed through horizontally. or concrete slab with studs (special nails) driven through
Chase (or double stud) walls (fig. 1-52) are often the stud track (runner) by a powder-actuated stud driver.
used when large pipes, ducts, or other items must pass The plywood subfloor is installed over the metal floor
vertically or horizontally in the walls. Studs are framing system with self-drilling, self-tapping screws
generally available in thicknesses of 1 5/8, 2 1/2, 3 5/8, and structural adhesive. Wall sections are assembled at
4, and 6 inches. The metal runners used are also the jobsite or delivered as preassembled panels from an
25-gauge (or specified gauge) steel or aluminum, sized off-site prefabrication shop. Conventional sheathing is
to complement the studs. Both products have features attached to the framework with self-tapping screws.
advantageous to light-frame construction. The metal Door frames for both the interior partitions and
studs and runners do not shrink swell, twist, or warp. exterior walls are integral with the system. They are
Termites cannot affect them, nor are they susceptible to preprinted and may come complete with necessary
Figure 1-53.—Wood blocking for celling or wall-mounted fixtures.
or 5/8-inch single-layer wallboard; 1 1/4 inches by
1 1/4 inches for two-layer wallboard application. It is
available in 10-foot lengths.
Multiflex tape bead consists of two continuous
metal strips on the undersurface of 2 1/8-inch-wide
reinforcing tape (fig. 1-55). This protects corners
formed at any angle. Multiflex tape bead comes in
100-foot rolls.
Figure 1-57.—Expansion joint. Casing and trim beads (examples are shown in fig.
1-56) are used as edge protection and trim around
(fig. 1-53). Friction-tight insulation is installed by window and door openings and as moldings at ceiling
placing the batts (bundles of insulating material) angles. They are made from galvanized steel in three
between the studs on the exterior walls. Studs are spaced styles to fit 3/8-inch, 1/2-inch, and 5/8-inch wallboard
12, 16, or 24 inches OC as specified in the blueprints. and come in 10-foot lengths.
Standard wallboard corner bead is manufactured Expansion joints are vinyl extrusions used as
from galvanized steel with perforated flanges, as shown control joints in drywall partitions and ceilings. A typical
in figure 1-54. It provides a protective reinforcement form is shown in figure 1-57.
of straight corners. The corner bead is made with l-inch Figure 1-58 shows a typical metal frame layout and
by 1-inch flanges for 3/8- or 1/2-jnch single- use of corner and casing beads for corners, partition
layer wallboard; 1 inch by 1 1/4 inches for 1/2-inch intersections, and partition ends. It also shows a typical
Figure 1-59.—Drywall screws and fastening application.
cross section of a metal frame stud wall control joint. supports an attic area beneath a sloping (pitched) roof.
Figure 1-59 lists the different types of fasteners used in Another type serves as the framework of a flat roof.
metal frame construction and explains the application of
When a building has two or more floors, the ceiling of
each type.
a lower story is the floor of the story above.
One of the main structural functions of a ceiling
frame is to tie together the outside walls of the building.
When located under a pitched roof, the ceiling frame
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Upon completing also resists the outward pressure placed on the walls by
this section, you should be able to state the the roof rafters (fig. 1-60). The tops of interior partitions
purpose of ceiling frame members and describe
are fastened to the ceiling frame. In addition to
layout and installation procedures.
supporting the attic area beneath the roof, the ceiling
Ceiling construction begins after all walls have been frame supports the weight of the finish ceiling materials,
plumbed, aligned, and secured. One type of ceiling such as gypsum board or lath and plaster.
Figure 1-60.—Ceiling frame tying exterior walls together.
Joists are the most important framing members of Whenever possible, the ceiling joists should run in
the ceiling. Their size, spacing, and direction of travel the same direction as the roof rafters. Nailing the outside
are given on the floor plan. As mentioned earlier, the end of each ceiling joist to the heel of the rafter as well
spacing between ceiling joists is usually 16 inches OC, as to the wall plates (fig. 1-61) strengthens the tie
although 24-inch spacing is also used. The size of a between the outside walls of the building.
ceiling joist is determined by the weight it carries and
the span it covers from wall to wall. Refer to the A building maybe designed so that the ceiling joists
blueprints and specifications for size and OC spacing. do not run parallel to the roof rafters. The rafters are
therefore pushing out on walls not tied together by
Although it is more convenient to have all the joists
ceiling joists. In this case, 2 by 4 pieces are added to run
running in the same direction, plans sometimes call for
different sets of joists running at right angles to each
Interior Support
Figure 1-62.—2 by 4 ties.
Figure 1-64.—Ribband installation.
in the same direction as the rafters, as shown in with two 16d nails to the top of each ceiling joist, as
figure 1-62. The 2 by 4s should be nailed to the top of shown in figure 1-65. The strongbacks are blocked up
each ceiling joist with two 16d nails. The 2 by 4 pieces and supported over the outside walls and interior
should be spaced no more than 4 feet apart, and the ends partitions. Each strongback holds a ceiling joist in line
secured to the heels of the rafters or to blocking over the and also helps support the joist at the center of its span.
outside walls.
Roof Slope
When ceiling joists run in the same direction as the
roof rafters, the outside ends must be cut to the slope of
the roof. Ceiling frames are sometimes constructed with
stub joists (fig. 1-63). Stub joists are necessary when, in
certain sections of the roof, rafters and ceiling joists do
not run in the same direction. For example, a
low-pitched hip roof requires stub joists in the hip
section of the roof.
Ribbands and Strongbacks
Ceiling joists not supporting a floor above require
no header joists or blocking. Without the additional
header joists, however, ceiling joists may twist or bow
at the centers of their span. To help prevent this, nail a
1 by 4 piece called a ribband at the center of the spans
(fig. 1-64). The ribband is laid flat and fastened to the
top of each joist with two 8d nails. The end of each
ribband is secured to the outside walls of the building.
A more effective method of preventing twisting or
bowing of the ceiling joists is to use a strongback. A
strongback is made of 2 by 6 or 2 by 8 material nailed
to the side of a 2 by 4 piece. The 2 by 4 piece is fastened Figure 1-65.—Strongback.
Figure 1-66.—Ceiling joist spacing.
Figure 1-68.—Backing for nailing joists to ceiling frame.
Layout angle must be cut on the crown (top) side of the joist.
The prepared joists can then be handed up to the
Ceiling joists should be placed directly above the Builders working on top of the walls. The joists are
studs when the spacing between the joists is the same as spread in a flat position along the walls, close to where
between the studs. This arrangement makes it easier to the y will be nailed. Figure 1-67 shows one procedure
install pipes, flues, or ducts running up the wall and for constructing the ceiling frame. In this example, the
through the roof. However, for buildings with walls joists lap over an interior partition. Refer to the figure
having double top plates, most building codes do not as you study the following steps:
require ceiling joists to line up with the studs below.
1. Measure and mark for the ceiling joists.
If the joists are being placed directly above the
studs, they follow the same layout as the studs below 2. Install the ceiling joists on one side of the
(fig. 1-66, view A). If the joist layout is different from building.
that of the studs below (for example, if joists are laid out 3. Install the ceiling joists on the opposite side of
24 inches OC over a 16 inch OC stud layout), mark the the building.
first joist at 23 1/4 inches and then at every 24 inches 4. Place backing on walls running parallel to the
OC (fig. 1-66, view B). joists.
It is a good practice to mark the positions of the roof
5. Install 2 by 4 blocks flat between joists where
rafters at the time the ceiling joists are being laid out. If
needed to fasten the tops of inside walls running
the spacing between the ceiling joists is the same as
parallel to the joists.
between the roof railers, there will be a rafter next to
every joist. Often, the joists are laid out 16 inches OC 6. Cut and frame the attic scuttle.
and the roof rafters 24 inches OC. Therefore, every other 7. Place strongbacks at the center of the spans.
rafter can be placed next to a ceiling joist.
Fastening Walls
The tops of walls running in the same direction as
All the joists for the ceiling frame should be cut to the ceiling joists must be securely fastened to the ceiling
length before they are placed on top of the walls. On frame. The method most often used is shown in figure
structures with pitched-roofs, the outside ends of the 1-68. Blocks, 2 inches by 4 inches, spaced 32 inches OC,
joists should also be trimmed for the roof slope. This are laid flat over the top of the partition. The ends of
Figure 1-69.—Backing for interior wall plates.
each block are fastened to the joists with two 16d nails. The scuttle is framed in the same way as a floor
Two 16d nails are also driven through each block into opening. If the opening is no more than 3 feet square, it
the top of the wall. is not necessary to double the joists and headers. Scuttles
must be placed away from the lower areas of a sloping
Applying Backing roof. The opening may be covered by a piece of plywood
resting on stops. The scuttle opening can be cut out after
Walls running in the same direction as the ceiling all the regular ceiling joists have been nailed in place.
joists require backing. Figure 1-68 (insert) shows how
backing is nailed to the top plates to provide a nailing
surface for the edges of the finish ceiling material.
Lumber used for backing usually has 2-inch nominal
thickness, although l-inch boards are sometimes used. NOTE
Figure 1-68 shows backing placed on top of walls.
Although the following references
The 2 by 4 pieces nailed to the exterior wall projects
were current when this TRAMAN was
from one side of the wall. The interior wall requires a 2
published, their continued currency
by 6 or 2 by 8 piece extending from both sides of the
wall. Backing is fastened to the top plates with 16d nails cannot be assured. You therefore need
to ensure that you are studying the
spaced 16 inches OC. Backing is also used where joists
latest revisions.
run at right angles to the partition (fig. 1-69).
Carpentry, Leonard Keel, American Technical
Attic Scuttle Publishers, Alsip, Ill., 1985.
Design of Wood Frame Structures for Permanence,
The scuttle is an opening framed in the ceiling to
National Forest Products Association, Washington,
provide an entrance into the attic area. The size of the
D.C., 1988.
opening is decided by specification requirements and
should be indicated in the blueprints. It must be large Exterior and Interior Trim, John E. Ball, Delmar
enough for a person to climb through easily. Publishers, Inc., Albany, N.Y, 1975.
other types and requires more time and labor to
Figure 2-3.-Rafter terms.
rafter extending beyond the outer edge of the plate. A
measure line (fig. 2-4, view B) is an imaginary reference
line laid out down the middle of the face of a rafter. If a
portion of a roof is represented by a right triangle, the
measure line corresponds to the hypotenuse; the rise to
the altitude; and, the run to the base.
A plumb line (fig. 2-4, view C) is any line that is
vertical (plumb) when the rafter is in its proper position.
A level line (fig. 2-4, view C) is any line that is horizontal
(level) when the rafter is in its proper position.
Figure 2-6.—"Stepping off" with a framing square. Figure 2-7.–"Stepping off" with a square when the unit of run
and unit of rise are different.
the tongue and the blade even with the edge of the board.
Draw the pencil marks as shown. The distance between a general custom of the trade, unit of run is always taken
these marks, measured along the edge of the board, is as 12 inches and measured on the tongue of the framing
the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle with the square.
other sides each 12 inches long. You will find that the
Now, if the total run is 48 inches, the total rise is 48
distance, called the bridge measure, measures just under
17 inches—16.97 inches, as shown in the figure. For inches, and the unit of run is 12 inches, what is the unit
most practical Builder purposes, though, round 16.97 of rise? Well, since the sides of similar triangles are
inches to 17 inches. proportional, the unit of rise must be the value of x in
the proportional equation 48:48::12:x. In this case, the
Solving for Unit and Total Run and Rise unit of rise is obviously 12 inches.
To get the length of the brace, set the framing square
In figure 2-5, the problem could be solved by a to the unit of run (12 inches) on the tongue and to the
single set (called a cut) of the framing square. This was unit of rise (also 12 inches) on the blade, as shown in
due to the dimensions of the triangle in question lying figure 2-6. Then, “step off” this cut as many times as the
within the dimensions of the square. Suppose, though, unit of run goes into the total run. In this case, 48/12, or
you are trying to find the length of the hypotenuse of a 4 times, as shown in the figure.
right triangle with the two known sides each being 48
inches long. Assume the member whose length you are In this problem, the total run and total rise were the
trying to determine is the brace shown in figure 2-6. The same, from which it followed that the unit of run and
total run of this brace is 48 inches, and the total rise is unit of rise were also the same. Suppose now that you
also 48 inches. want to know the length of a brace with a total run of 60
To figure the length of the brace, you first reduce inches and a total rise of 72 inches, as in figure 2-7. Since
the triangle in question to a similar triangle within the the unit of run is 12 inches, the unit of rise must be the
dimensions of the framing square. The length of the value of x in the proportional equation 60:72::12.x. That
vertical side of this triangle is called unit of rise, and the is, the proportion 60:72 is the same as the proportion
length of the horizontal side is called the unit of run. By 12:x. Working this out, you find the unit of rise is
72 inches long is slightly more than 93.72 inches, but
93 3/4 inches is close enough for practical purposes.
Once you know the total length of the member, just
measure it off and make the end cuts. To make these cuts
at the proper angles, set the square to the unit of run on
the tongue and the unit of rise on the blade and draw a
line for the cut along the blade (lower end cut) or the
tongue (upper end cut).
Twelfths Scale
Figure 2-9.-Finding total rise and length when unit of run, unit
of rise, and total run are known.
Figure 2-10.—Using the octagon square.
Figure 2-11.-Brace table.
brace table, located on the back of the tongue; and the two sides 27 units long, 38.18 units; two sides 30 units
Essex board measure table, located on the back of the long, 42.43 units; and so on.
blade. Before you can use the unit length rafter table,
By applying simple arithmetic, you can use the
you must be familiar with the different types of rafters
brace table to determine the hypotenuse of a right
and with the methods of framing them. The use of the
unit length rafter table is described later in this chapter. triangle with equal sides of practically any even-unit
The other two tables are discussed below. length. Suppose you want to know the length of the
hypotenuse of a right triangle with two sides 8 inches
Brace long. The brace table shows that a right triangle with two
sides 24 inches long has a hypotenuse of 33.94 inches.
The brace table sets forth a series of equal runs and Since 8 amounts to 24/3, a right triangle with two shorter
rises for every three-units interval from 24/24 to 60/60, sides each 8 inches long must have a hypotenuse of
together with the brace length, or length of the 33.94 ÷3, or approximately 11.31 inches.
hypotenuse, for each given run and rise. The table can
be used to determine, by inspection, the length of the Suppose you want to find the length of the
hypotenuse of a right triangle with the equal shorter hypotenuse of a right triangle with two sides 40 inches
sides of any length given in the table. For example, in each. The sides of similar triangles are proportional, and
the segment of the brace table shown in figure 2-11, you any right triangle with two equal sides is similar to any
can see that the length of the hypotenuse of a right other right triangle with two equal sides. The brace table
triangle with two sides 24 units long is 33.94 units; with shows that a right triangle with the two shorter sides
Figure 2-12.-Segment of Essex board measure table.
being 30 inches long has a hypotenuse of 42.43 inches. dimensions. The inch graduations (fig. 2-12, view A)
The length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle with the above the table (1, 2, 3, 4, and so on) represent the width
two shorter sides being 40 inches long must be the value in inches of the piece to be measured. The figures under
of x in the proportional equation 30.42.43::40:x, or the 12-inch graduation (8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, and 15,
about 56.57 inches.
arranged in columns) represent lengths in feet. The
Notice that the last item in the brace table (the one figure 12 itself represents a 12-foot length. The column
farthest to the right in fig. 2-11) gives you the headed by the figure 12 is the starting point for all
hypotenuse of a right triangle with the other proportions calculations.
18:24:30. These proportions are those of the most
common type of unequal-sided right triangle, with sides To use the table, scan down the figure 12 column to
in the proportions of 3:4:5. the figure that represents the length of the piece of
lumber in feet. Then go horizontally to the figure
Essex Board directly below the inch mark that corresponds to the
width of the stock in inches. The figure you find will be
The primary use of the Essex board measure table the number of board feet and twelfths of board feet in a
is for estimating the board feet in lumber of known 1-inch-thick board.
Let’s take an example. Suppose you want to figure
the board measure of a piece of lumber 10 feet long by
10 inches wide by 1 inch thick. Scan down the column
(fig. 2-12, view B) headed by the 12-inch graduation to
10, and then go horizontally to the left to the figure
directly below the 10-inch graduation. You will find the
figure to be 84, or 8 4/12 board feet. For easier
calculating purposes, you can convert 8 4/12 to a
decimal (8.33).
To calculate the cost of this piece of lumber,
multiply the cost per board foot by the total number of
board feet. For example, a 1 by 10 costs $1.15 per board
foot. Multiply the cost per board foot ($1. 15) by the
number of board feet (8.33). This calculation is as
Figure 2-13.—Framework of a gable roof.
Common Rafters
Step 2. To change .12 of an inch to a fraction of
an inch, multiply by 16:
usually 1 1/2 inches thick, is placed between the rafters,
one-half of the ridgeboard (3/4 inch) must be deducted
from each rafter. This calculation is known as shortening
the rafter. It is done at the time the rafters are laid out.
The actual length (as opposed to the theoretical length)
of a ratler is the distance from the heel plumb line to the
shortened ridge plumb line (fig. 2-18).
LAYING OUT.— Before the rafters can be cut, the
angles of the cuts must be marked. Layout consists of
marking the plumb cuts at the ridge, heel, and tail of the
rafter, and the seat cut where the rafter will rest on the
wall. The angles are laid out with a framing square, as
Figure 2-18.—The actual (versus theoretical) length of a common shown in figure 2-19. A pair of square gauges is useful
in the procedure. One square gauge is secured to the
tongue of the square next to the number that is the same
as the unit of rise. The other gauge is secured to the blade
of the square next to the number that is the same as the
unit of run (always 12 inches). When the square is placed
on the rafter stock, the plumb cut can be marked along
the tongue (unit of rise) side of the square. The seat cut
can be marked along the blade (unit of run) side of the
Rafter layout also includes marking off the required
overhang, or tail line length, and making the shortening
calculation explained earlier. Overhang, or tail line
length, is rarely given and must be calculated before
laying out rafters. Projection, the horizontal distance
from the building line to the rafter tail, must be located
from drawings or specifications. To determine tail line
Figure 2-19.-Steel square used to lay out plumb and seat cuts.
length, use the following formula: bridge measure (in
inches) times projection (in feet) equals tail line length
SHORTENING.— Rafter length found by any of (in inches). Determine the bridge measure by using the
the methods discussed here is the measurement from the rafter table on the framing square or calculate it by using
heel plumb line to the center of the ridge. This is known the Pythagorean theorem. Using figure 2-20 as a guide,
as the theoretical length of the rafter. Since a ridgeboard, you can see there are four basic steps remaining.
Figure 2-21.-Step-off method for calculating common rafter length.
Step 1. Lay out the rafter line length. Hold the the center line of the roof. From either end
framing square with the tongue in your of this mark, measure the line length of the
right hand, the blade in the left, and the rafter and mark the edge of the rafter
heel away from your body. Place the
stock. Hold the framing square in the same
square as near the right end of the rafter
manner with the 6 on the tongue on the
as possible with the unit of rise on the
tongue and the unit of run on the blade mark just made and the 12 on the blade
along the edge of the rafter stock. Strike a along the edge. Strike a line along the
plumb mark along the tongue on the wide tongue, his mark represents the plumb
part of the material. This mark represents cut of the heel.
Step 2. Lay out the bird’s-mouth. Measure 1 1/2 from the body, place the square on the right end of
inches along the heel plumb line up from the rafter stock. Mark the ridge plumb line along the
the bottom of the rafter. Set the blade of tongue. Put a pencil line at the 12-inch point of the blade.
the square along the plumb line with the Second, with the gauges pressed lightly against the
heel at the mark just made and strike a line rafter, slide the square to the left. Line the tongue up with
along the tongue. This line represents the the last 12-inch mark and make a second 12-inch mark
seat of the bird’s-mouth. along the bottom of the blade.
Step 3. Lay out the tail line length. Measure the Third, to add the 9-inch remainder of the total run,
tail line length from the bird’ s-mouth heel place the tongue on the last 12-inch mark. Draw another
plumb line. Strike a plumb line at this mark at 9 inches on the blade. This will be the total
point in the same manner as the heel length of the rafter.
plumb line of the common rafter. Last, lay out and cut the plumb cut line and the seat
Step 4. Lay out the plumb cut at the ridgeboard. cut line.
Measure and mark the point along the line
length half the thickness of the ridge- Roof Assembly
board. (This is the ridgeboard shortening The major part of gable-roof construction is setting
allowance.) Strike a plumb line at this the common rafters in place. The most efficient method
point. This line represents the plumb cut
is to precut all common rafters, then fasten them to the
of the ridgeboard.
ridgeboard and the wall plates in one continuous
Step-Off Calculations and Layout operation.
The rafter locations should be marked on the top
The step-off method for rafter layout is old but still
wall plates when the positions of the ceiling joists are
practiced. It combines procedures for laying out the
rafters with a procedure of stepping off the length of the laid out. Proper roof layout ensures the rafters and joists
rafter (see fig. 2-21). In this example, the roof has an tie into each other wherever possible.
8-inch unit of rise, a total run of 5 feet 9 inches, and a The ridgeboard like the common rafters, should be
10-inch projection. precut. The rafter locations are then copied on the
First, set gauges at 8 inches on the tongue and ridgeboard from the markings on the wall plates
12 inches on the blade. With the tongue in the right (fig. 2-22). The ridgeboard should be the length of the
hand, the blade in the left hand, and the heel away building plus the overhang at the gable ends.
Figure 2-23.—Calculation for a collar tie.
The material used for the ridgeboard is usually 1/2-inch piece of wood fitted between them. If the
wider than the rafter stock. For example, a ridgeboard rafters are the correct length, they should fit the building.
of 2- by 8-inch stock would be used with rafters of 2- If, however, the building walls are out of line,
by 6-inch stock. Some buildings are long enough to adjustments will have to be made on the rafters.
require more than one piece of ridge material. The After the first pair of rafters is checked for accuracy
breaks between these ridge pieces should occur at the (and adjusted if necessary), one of the pair can be used
center of a rafter. as a pattern for marking all the other rafters. Cutting is
One pair of rafters should be cut and checked for usually done with a circular or radial-arm saw.
accuracy before the other rafters are cut. To check the COLLAR TIE.— Gable or double-pitch roof
first pair for accuracy, set them in position with a 1 rafters are often reinforced by horizontal members
Figure 2-25.-Setting up and bracing a ridgeboard when only a few workers are available.
called collar ties (fig. 2-23). In a finished attic, the ties Common rafter overhang can be laid out and cut
may also function as ceiling joists. before the rafters are set in place. However, many
To find the line length of a collar tie, divide the Builders prefer to cut the overhang after the rafters are
amount of drop of the tie in inches by the unit of rise of fastened to the ridgeboard and wall plates. A line is
the common rafter. This will equal one-half the length snapped from one end of the building to the other, and
of the tie in feet. Double the result for the actual length. the tail plumb line is marked with a sliding T-bevel, also
The formula is as follows: Drop in inches times 2, called a bevel square. These procedures are shown in
divided by unit or rise, equals the length in feet. figure 2-26. The rafters are then cut with a circular saw.
The length of the collar tie depends on whether the
drop is measured to the top or bottom edge of the collar
tie (fig. 2-23). The tie must fit the slope of the roof. To
obtain this angle, use the framing square. Hold the unit
of run and the unit of rise of the common rafter. Mark
and cut on the unit of run side (fig. 2-24).
Figure 2-27.-Gable-end overhang with the end wall framed under the overhang.
Figure 2-28.-Gable-end overhang with the end wall framed directly beneath the rafters.
This method guarantees that the line of the overhang will of the house, common rafters also help to support the
be perfectly straight, even if the building is not. basic rafters.
Over each gable end of the building, another Figures 2-27 and 2-28 show different methods used
overhang can be framed. The main framing members of to frame the gable-end overhang. In figure 2-27, a fascia
the gable-end overhang are the fascia, also referred to rafter is nailed to the ridgeboard and to the fascia board.
as “fly” (or “barge”) rafters. They are tied to the Blocking (not shown in the figures) rests on the end wall
ridgeboard at the upper end and to the fascia board at and is nailed between the fascia rafter and the rafter next
the lower end. Fascia boards are often nailed to the tail to it. This section of the roof is further strengthened
ends of the common rafters to serve as a finish piece at when the roof sheathing is nailed to it. In figure 2-28,
the edge of the roof. By extending past the gable ends two common rafters arc placed directly over the gable
Figure 2-29.—Calculating common difference of gable-end studs.
ends of the building. The fascia rafters (fly rafters) are The lengths of the other gable studs depend on the
placed between the ridgeboard and the fascia boards. spacing.
The gable studs should be cut to fit against the rafter The common difference in the length of the gable
above. studs may be figured by the following method:
End Framing
Gable-end studs rest on the top plate and extend to and, 2 x 6 inches (unit of rise) or 12 inches (common
the rafter line in the ends of a gable roof. They may be difference).
placed with the edge of the stud even with the outside
The common difference in the length of the gable
wall and the top notched to fit the rafter (as shown in fig.
2-28), or they maybe installed flatwise with a cut on the studs may also be laid out directly with the framing
top of the stud to fit the slope of the rafter. square (fig. 2-29, view C). Place the framing square on
The position of the gable-end stud is located by the stud to the cut of the roof (6 and 12 inches for this
squaring a line across the plate directly below the center example). Draw a line along the blade at A. Slide the
of the gable. If a window or vent is to be installed in the square along this line in the direction of the arrow at B
gable, measure one-half of the opening size on each side until the desired spacing between the studs (16 inches
of the center line and make a mark for the first stud. for this example) is at the intersection of the line drawn
Starting at this mark layout the stud spacing (that is, 16 at A and the edge of the stud. Read the dimension on the
or 24 inches on center [OC]) to the outside of the tongue aligned with the same edge of the stud (indicated
building. Plumb the gable-end stud on the first mark and by C). This is the common difference (8 inches for this
mark it where it contacts the bottom of the rafter, as example) between the gable studs.
shown in figure 2-29, view A. Measure and mark Toenail the studs to the plate with two 8d nails in
3 inches above this mark and notch the stud to the depth each side. As the studs are nailed in place, care must be
equal to the thickness of the rafter, as shown in view B. taken not to force a crown into the top of the rafter.
Figure 2-30.—Equal-pitch hip roof framing diagram.
HIP The ridge-end common rafters AC, AD, AE, BH, BJ,
and BL join the ridge at the same points.
Most hip roofs are equal pitch. This means the angle
A line indicating a rafter in the roof framing diagram
of slope on the roof end or ends is the same as the angle
is equal in length to the total run of the rafter it
of slope on the sides. Unequal-pitch hip roofs do exist,
represents. You can see from the diagram that the total
but they are quite rare. They also require special layout
run of a hip rafter (represented by lines AF-AG-BI-BK)
methods. The unit length rafter table on the framing
is the hypotenuse of a right triangle with the altitude and
square applies only to equal-pitch hip roofs. The next
base equal to the total run of a common rafter. You know
paragraphs discuss an equal-pitch hip roof.
the total run of a common rafter: It is one-half the span,
The length of a hip rafter, like the length of a or one-half the width of the building. Knowing this, you
common rafter, is calculated on the basis of bridge can find the total run of a hip rafter by applying the
measure multiplied by the total run (half span). Any of Pythagorean theorem.
the methods previously described for a common rafter
Let’s suppose, for example, that the span of the
may be used, although some of the dimensions for a hip
building is 30 feet. Then, one-half the span, which is the
rafter are different.
same as the total run of a common rafter, is 15 feet.
Figure 2-30 shows part of a roof framing diagram Applying the Pythagorean theorem, the total run of a hip
for an equal-pitch hip roof. A roof framing diagram rafter is:
may be included among the working drawings; if not,
you should lay one out for yourself. Determine what
scale will be used, and lay out all framing members
to scale. Lay the building lines out first. You can find What is the total rise? Since a hip rafter joins the
the span and the length of the building on the working ridge at the same height as a common rafter, the total
drawings. Then, draw a horizontal line along the rise for a hip rafter is the same as the total rise for a
center of the span. common rafter. You know how to figure the total rise of
In an equal-pitch hip roof framing diagram, the lines a common rafter. Assume that this roof has a unit of run
indicating the hip rafters (AF, AG, BI, and BK in figure of 12 and a unit of rise of 8. Since the total run of a
2-30) form 45° angles with the building lines. Draw common rafter in the roof is 15 feet, the total rise of
these lines at 45°, as shown. The points where they meet common rafter is the value of x in the proportional
the center line are the theoretical ends of the ridge piece. equation 12:8::15:x, or 10 feet.
Knowing the total run of the hip rafter (21.21 feet) case, is 15 feet. The length of the hip rafter is therefore
and the total rise (10 feet), you can figure the line length 18.76 x 15, or 281.40 inches—23.45 feet once
by applying the Pythagorean theorem. The line length converted.
You step off the length of an equal-pitch hip roof
just as you do the length of a common rafter, except that
you set the square to a unit of run of 16.97 inches instead
of to a unit of run of 12 inches. Since 16.97 inches is the
To find the length of a hip rafter on the basis of same as 16 and 15.52 sixteenths of an inch, setting the
bridge measure, you must first determine the bridge square to a unit of run of 17 inches is close enough for
measure. As with a common rafter, the bridge measure most practical purposes. Bear in mind that for any plumb
of a hip rafter is the length of the hypotenuse of a triangle cut line on an equal-pitch hip roof rafter, you set the
with its altitude and base equal to the unit of run and unit square to the unit of rise of a common rafter and to a unit
of rise of the rafter. The unit of rise of a hip rafter is of run of 17.
always the same as that of a common rafter, but the unit
of run of a hip rafter is a fixed unit of measure, always You step off the same number of times as there are
16.97. feet in the total run of a common rafter in the same roof;
only the size of each step is different. For every 12-inch
The unit of run of a hip rafter in an equal-pitch roof
step in a common rafter, a hip rafter has a 17-inch step.
is the hypotenuse of a right triangle with its altitude and
base equal to the unit of run of a common rafter, 12. For the roof on which you are working, the total run of
Therefore, the unit of run of a hip rafter is: common rafter is exactly 15 feet; this means that you
would step off the hip-rafter cut (17 inches and 8 inches)
exactly 15 times.
Suppose, however, that there was an odd unit in the
If the unit of run of a hip rafter is 16.97 and the unit common rafter total run. Assume, for example, that the
of rise (in this particular case) is 8, the bridge measure
total run of a common rafter is 15 feet 10 1/2 inches.
of the hip rafter must be:
How would you make the odd fraction of a step on the
hip rafter?
You remember that the unit of run of a hip rafter is
This means that for every unit of run (16.97) the the hypotenuse of a right triangle with the other side
rafter has a line length of 18.76 inches. Since the total each equal to the unit of run of a common rafter. In this
run of the rafter is 21.21 feet, the length of the rafter case, the run of the odd unit on the hip rafter must be the
must be the value of x in the proportional equation hypotenuse of a right triangle with the altitude and base
16.97:18.76::21.21:x, or 23.45 feet. equal to the odd unit of run of the common rafter (in this
Like the unit length of a common rafter, the bridge case, 10 1/2 inches). You can figure this using the
measure of a hip rafter can be obtained from the unit Pythagorean theorem
length rafter table on the framing square. If you turn
back to figure 2-16, you will see that the second line in
the table is headed LENGTH HIP OR VALLEY PER
FT RUN. This means “per foot run of a common rafter or you can set the square on a true edge to 10 1/2 inches
in the same roof.” Actually, the unit length given in the
on the blade and measure the distance between the
tables is the unit length for every 16.97 units of run of
marks. It comes to 14.84 inches. Rounded off to the
the hip rafter itself. If you go across to the unit length
nearest 1/16 inch, this equals 14 13/16 inches.
given under 8, you will find the same figure, 18.76 units,
that you calculated above. To layoff the odd unit, set the tongue of the framing
An easy way to calculate the length of an square to the plumb line for the last full step made and
equal-pitch hip roof is to multiply the bridge measure measure off 14 13/16 inches along the blade. Place the
by the number of feet in the total run of a common rafter, tongue of the square at the mark, set the square to the
which is the same as the number of feet in one-half of hip rafter plumb cut of 8 inches on the tongue and
the building span. One-half of the building span, in this 17 inches on the blade, and draw the line length cut.
Figure 2-31.-Shortening a hip rafter.
Rafter Shortening Allowance the ridge piece (fig. 2-31, view C). The 45° thickness of
stock is the length of a line laid at 45° across the
As in the case with a common rafter, the line length thickness dimension of the stock. If the hip rafter is
of a hip rafter does not take into account the thickness framed against the common rafter, the shortening
of the ridge piece. The size of the ridge-end shortening allowance is one-half of the 45° thickness of a common
allowance for a hip rafter depends upon the way the rafter.
ridge end of the hip rafter is joined to the other structural
To lay off the shortening allowance, first set the
members. As shown in figure 2-31, the ridge end of the
tongue of the framing square to the line length ridge cut
hip rafter can be framed against the ridgeboard (view A)
line. Then, measure off the shortening allowance along
or against the ridge-end common rafters (view B). To the blade, set the square at the mark to the cut of the
calculate the actual length, deduct one-half the 45° rafter (8 inches and 17 inches), draw the actual ridge
thickness of the ridge piece that fits between the rafters plumb cut line. (To find the 45° thickness of a piece of
from the theoretical length. lumber, draw a 450 line across the edge, and measure
When no common rafters are placed at the ends of the length of the line and divide by 2.)
the ridgeboard the hip rafters are placed directly against
the ridgeboard. They must be shortened one-half the Rafter Projection
length of the 45° line (that is, one-half the thickness of
the ridgeboard When common rafters are placed at the A hip or valley rafter overhang, like a common
ends of the ridgeboard (view B), the hip rafter will fit rafter overhang, is figured as a separate rafter. The
between the common rafters. The hip rafter must be projection, however, is not the same as the projection of
a common rafter overhang in the same roof. The
shortened one-half the length of the 45° line (that is,
projection of the hip or valley rafter overhang is the
one-half the thickness of the common rafter).
hypotenuse of a right triangle whose shorter sides are
If the hip rafter is framed against the ridge piece, the each equal to the run of a common rafter overhang
shortening allowance is one-half of the 45° thickness of (fig. 2-32). If the run of the common rafter overhang is
Figure 2-32.—Run of hip rafter projection.
Figure 2-34.-Backing or dropping a hip rafter: A. Marking the top (plumb) cut and the seat (level) cut of a hip rafter; B. Determining
amount of backing or drop; C. Bevel line for backing the rafter; D. Deepening the bird’s-mouth for dropping the rafter.
Bird’s-Mouth line down from the top edge of the rafter a distance equal
to the same dimension on the common rafter. This must
Laying out the bird’ s-mouth for a hip rafter is much be done so that the hip rafter, which is usually wider than
the same as for a common rafter. However, there are a a common rafter, will be level with the common rafters.
couple of things to remember. When the plumb (heel) If the bird’s-mouth on a hip rafter has the same depth
cut and level (seat) cut lines are laid out for a as the bird’s-mouth on a common rafter, the edge of the
bird’s-mouth on a hip rafter, set the body of the square hip rafter will extend above the upper ends of the jack
at 17 inches and the tongue to the unit of rise (for rafters. You can correct this by either backing or
example, 8 inches-depending on the roof pitch) dropping the hip rafter. Backing means to bevel the top
(fig. 2-34, view A). When laying out the depth of the edges of the hip rafter (see fig. 2-35). The amount of
heel for the bird’s-mouth, measure along the heel plumb backing is taken at a right angle to the roof surface on
mark and parallel to the edge (view C) indicates the
bevel angle if the rafter is to be backed. The
perpendicular distance between the line and the edge of
the rafter is the amount of the drop. This represents the
amount the depth of the hip rafter bird’s-mouth should
exceed the depth of the common rafter bird’s-mouth
(view D).
Figure 2-35.-Backing or dropping a hip rafter. The two sections of an intersecting roof mayor may
not be the same width. If they are the same width, the
roof is said to have equal spans. If they are not the same
the top edge of the hip rafters. Dropping means to width, the roof is said to have unequal spans.
deepen the bird’s-mouth so as to bring the top edge of
the hip rafter down to the upper ends of the jacks. The Spans
amount of drop is taken on the heel plumb line (fig. 2-34,
In a roof with equal spans, the height (total rise) is
view D).
the same for both ridges (fig. 2-36). That is, both
The backing or drop required is calculated, as sections are the same width, and the ridgeboards are the
shown in figure 2-34, view B. Set the framing square to same height. A pair of valley rafters is placed where the
the cut of the rafter (8 inches and 17 inches) on the upper slopes of the roof meet to form a valley between the two
edge, and measure off one-half the thickness of the rafter sections. These rafters go from the inside corners
from the edge along the blade. A line drawn through this formed by the two sections of the building to the corners
Figure 2-37.—Intersecting roof with unequal spans.
formed by the intersecting ridges. Valley jack rafters run roofs, but they are quite rare and require special framing
from the valley rafters to both ridges. Hip-valley cripple methods.
jack rafters are placed between the valley and hip rafters. In the discussion of valley rafter layout, it is
An intersecting roof with unequal spans requires a assumed that the roof is equal pitch. Also, the unit of run
supporting valley rafter to run from the inside corner and unit of rise of an addition or dormer common rafter
formed by the two sections of the building to the main are assumed to be the same as the unit of run and rise of
ridge (fig. 2-37). A shortened valley rafter runs from the a main-roof common rafter. In an equal-pitch roof, the
other inside comer of the building to the supporting valley rafters always run at 45° to the building lines and
valley rafter. Like an intersecting roof with equal spans, the ridge pieces.
one with unequal spans also requires valley jack rafters
Figure 2-38 shows an equal-span framing situation,
and hip-valley cripple jack rafters. In addition, a valley
in which the span of the addition is the same as the span
cripple jack rafter is placed between the supporting and
of the main roof. Since the pitch of the addition roof is
shortened valley rafters. Note that the ridgeboard is
the same as the pitch of the main roof, equal spans bring
lower on the section with the shorter span.
the ridge pieces to equal heights.
Figure 2-38.-Equal-span intersecting roof.
Figure 2-40.-Equal pitch but unequal span framing.
Figure 2-41.-Rafter table method.
Suppose, for example, that the span of the addition in of the addition. Since one-half the span of the addition
figure 2-40 is 30 feet and that the unit of rise of a is 15 feet, the length of the shorter valley rafter is
common rafter in the addition is 9. The total run of the 15 x 9.21 = 288.15 inches, or approximately 24.01 feet.
shorter valley rafter is: Figure 2-42 shows the long and short valley rafter
shortening allowances. Note that the long valley rafter
has a single side cut for framing to the main-roof ridge
piece, whereas the short valley rafter is cut square for
Referring to the unit length rafter table in figure framing to the long valley rafter.
2-41, you can see the bridge measure for a valley rafter Figure 2-43 shows another method of framing an
in a roof with a common rafter unit of rise of 9 is 19.21. equal-pitch unequal-span addition. In this method, the
Since the unit of run of a valley rafter is 16.97, and the inboard end of the addition ridge is nailed to a piece that
total run of this rafter is 21.21 feet, the line length must hangs from the main-roof ridge. As shown in the
be the value of x in the proportional equation framing diagram, this method calls for two short valley
16.97:19.21::21.21:x, or 24.01 feet. rafters (AB and AC), each of which extends from the
An easier way to find the length of a valley rafter is
top plate to the addition ridge.
to multiply the bridge measure by the number of feet in
one-half the span of the roof. The length of the longer
valley rafter in figure 2-40, for example, would be 19.21
times one-half the span of the main roof. The length of
the shorter valley rafter is 19.21 times one-half the span
Figure 2-46.—Arrangement and names of framing members
for dormer without sidewalls.
Figure 2-49.-Valley rafter shortening allowance for dormers
with sidewalls.
Figure 2-51.—Valley cripple Jack and hip-valley cripple jack.
The best way to figure the total runs of valley jacks
and cripple jacks is to lay out a framing diagram and
study it to determine what these runs must be. Figure
2-53 shows part of a framing diagram for a main hip roof
with a long and short valley rafter gable addition. By
studying the diagram, you can figure the total runs of
the valley jacks and cripple jacks as follows:
The run of valley jack Nos. 9 and 10 is equal to includes any overhang. For a hip main roof, however,
the spacing of jacks OC. Therefore, the length of the ridge layout requires a certain amount of calculation.
one of these jacks is equal to the common As previously mentioned, in an equal-pitch hip roof,
difference of jacks. the line length of the ridge amounts to the length of the
The run of valley jacks Nos. 11 and 12 is twice building minus the span. The actual length depends
the run of valley jacks Nos. 9 and 10, and the upon the way the hip rafters are framed to the ridge.
length of one of these jacks is therefore twice the As indicated in figure 2-54, the line length ends of
common difference of jacks. the ridge are at the points where the ridge centerline and
The run of valley cripple No. 13 is twice the the hip rafter center line cross. In the figure, the hip rafter
spacing of jacks OC, and the length is therefore is framed against the ridge. In this method of framing,
twice the common difference of jacks. the actual length of the ridge exceeds the line length, at
each end, by one-half the thickness of the ridge, plus
The run of valley cripple No. 14 is twice the run one-half the 45° thickness of the hip rafter. In the figure,
of valley cripple No. 13, and the length is there- the hip rafter is also framed between the common
fore four times the common difference of jacks. rafters. In this method of framing, the actual length of
SHORTENING ALLOWANCES.— A hip jack the ridge exceeds the line length at each end by one-half
has a shortening allowance at the upper end, consisting the thickness of a common rafter.
of one-half the 45° thickness of the hip rafter. A valley Figure 2-55, view A, shows that the length of the
jack rafter has a shortening allowance at the upper end, ridge for an equal-span addition is equal to the length of
consisting of one-half the 45° thickness of the ridge, and the addition top plate, plus one-half the span of the
another at the lower end, consisting of one-half the 45° building, minus the shortening allowance at the
thickness of the valley rafter. A hip-valley cripple has a
shortening allowance at the upper end, consisting of
one-half the 45° thickness of the hip rafter, and another
at the lower end, consisting of one-half the 45° thickness
of the valley rafter. A valley cripple has a shortening
allowance at the upper end, consisting of one-half the
45° thickness of the long valley rafter, and another at the
lower end, consisting of one-half the 45° thickness of
the short valley rafter.
SIDE CUTS.— The side cut on a jack rafter can be
laid out using the same method as for laying out the side
cut on a hip rafter. Another method is to use the fifth line
of the unit length rafter table, which is headed SIDE
CUT OF JACKS USE (fig. 2-41). If you follow that line
over to the figure under 8 (for a unit of rise of 8), you
will see that the figure given is 10. To lay out the side
cut on a jack set the square faceup on the edge of the
rafter to 12 inches on the tongue and 10 inches on the
blade, and draw the side-cut line along the tongue.
rafter is a shortened common rafter; consequently, the
bird’s-mouth and projection on a jack rafter are laid out
just as they are on a common rafter.
Ridge Layout
Figure 2-57.-Shed roof framing.
Figure 2-58.-Method of framing a shed dormer.
tables. Let’s suppose that the common rafter unit of rise
is 8. In that case, the unit length of a valley rafter is 18.76.
The total run of the longer valley rafter between the
shorter rafter tie-in and the rafter plate is the hypotenuse
of a right triangle with the altitude and base equal to
one-half of the span of the addition. Suppose the
addition is 20 feet wide. Then, the total run is:
Table 2-1.—Recommended Schedule for Nailing the Framing and Sheathing of a Wood-Frame Structure
Table 2-1.-Recommended Schedule for Nailing the Framing and Sheathing of a Wood-Frame Structure—Continued
size nails used in roof framing erection. Each crew- top edge of the jack should contact the centerline of the
member on the scaffold then end-nails the ridge to the valley rafter, as shown.
end of the rafter. They then toenail the other rafter to the
ridge and to the first rafter with two 10d nails, one on TRUSSES
each side of the rafter.
Temporary braces, like those for a wall, should be LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Upon completing
set up at the ridge ends to hold the rafter approximately this section, you should be able to describe the
plumb, after which the rafters between the end rafters types and parts of roof trusses, and explain
procedures for fabricating, handling, and
should be erected. The braces should then be released,
erecting them.
and the pair of rafters at one end should be plumbed with
a plumb line, fastened to a stick extended from the end
of the ridge. The braces should then be reset, and they Roof truss members are usually connected at the
should be left in place until enough sheathing has been joints by gussets. Gussets are made of boards, plywood,
installed to hold the rafters plumb. Collar ties, if any, are or metal. They are fastened to the truss by nails, screws,
nailed to common rafters with 8d nails, three to each end bolts, or adhesives. A roof truss is capable of supporting
of a tie. Ceiling-joist ends are nailed to adjacent rafters loads over a long span without intermediate supports.
with 10d nails.
On a hip roof, the ridge-end common rafters and
ridges are erected first, in about the same manner as for
a gable roof. The intermediate common rafters are then
filled in. After that, the ridge-end common rafters
extending from the ridge ends to the midpoints on the
end walls are erected. The hip rafters and hip jacks are
installed next. The common rafters in a hip roof do not
require plumbing. When correctly cut and installed, hip
rafters will bring the common rafters to plumb. Hip
rafters are toe nailed to plate comers with 10d nails. Hip
jacks are toe nailed to hip rafters with 10d nails.
For an addition or dormer, the valley rafters are
usually erected first. Valley rafters are toe nailed with
10d nails. Ridges and ridge-end common rafters are
erected next, other addition common rafters next, and
valley and cripple jacks last. A valley jack should be held
in position for nailing, as shown in figure 2-61. When
properly nailed, the end of a straightedge laid along the Figure 2-61.-Correct position for nailing a valley jack rafter.
Figure 2-62.—Truss construction.
Roof trusses save material and on-site labor costs. buildings require this type of truss. Generally, the slope
It is estimated that a material savings of about 30 percent of the bottom chord of a scissor truss equals one-half the
is made on roof members and ceiling joists. When you slope of the top chord.
are building with trusses, the double top plates on
interior partition walls and the double floor joists under DESIGN PRINCIPLES
interior bearing partitions are not necessary. Roof A roof truss is an engineered structural frame resting
trusses also eliminate interior bearing partitions because on two outside walls of a building. The load carried by
trusses are self-supporting. the truss is transferred to these outside walls.
The basic components of a roof truss are the top and
bottom chords and the web members (fig. 2-62). The top Weight and Stress
chords serve as roof rafters. The bottom chords act as
The design of a truss includes consideration of snow
ceiling joists. The web members run between the top and
and wind loads and the weight of the roof itself. Design
bottom chords. The truss parts are usually made of 2- by
also takes into account the slope of the roof. Generally,
4-inch or 2- by 6-inch material and are tied together with
metal or plywood gusset plates. Gussets shown in this the flatter the slope, the greater the stresses. Flatter
figure are made of plywood. slopes, therefore, require larger members and stronger
connections in roof trusses.
Roof trusses come in a variety of shapes. The ones
most commonly used in light framing are the king post,
the W-type (or fink), and the scissors. An example of
each is shown in figure 2-63.
King Post
The simplest type of truss used in frame con-
struction is the king-post truss. It consists of top and
bottom chords and a vertical post at the center.
W-Type (Fink)
The most widely used truss in light-frame con-
struction is the W-type (fink) truss. It consists of top and
bottom chords tied together with web members. The
W-type truss provides a uniform load-carrying capacity.
The scissor truss is used for building with sloping
ceilings. Many residential, church, and commercial Figure 2-63.—Truss types.
Figure 2-64.-Plywood gussets.
Figure 2-66.-Truss members fastened together with split-ring connectors.
A great majority of the trusses used are fabricated points D and E. This gives the bottom chord support
with plywood gussets (fig. 2-64, views A through E), along the outside wall span. The weight of the bottom
nailed, glued, or bolted in place. Metal gusset plates (fig. chord has a pulling-apart effect (tension) on the long
2-65) are also used. These are flat pieces usually webs.
manufactured from 20-gauge zinc-coated or galvanized
In view C, the short webs run from the intermediate
steel. The holes for the nails are prepunched. Others are
points F and G of the top chord to points D and E of the
assembled with split-ring connectors (fig. 2-66) that
prevent any movement of the members. Some trusses bottom chord. Their purpose is to provide support to the
are designed with a 2- by 4-inch soffit return at the end top chord. This exerts a downward, pushing-together
of each upper chord to provide nailing for the soffit of force (compression) on the short web.
a wide box cornice.
In view D, you can see that the overall design of the
truss roof transfers the entire load (roof weight, snow
load, wind load, and so forth) down through the outside
walls to the foundation.
Web members must be fastened at certain points
along the top and bottom chords in order to handle the
stress and weight placed upon the truss. A typical layout
for a W-type (fink) truss is shown in figure 2-68. The
points at which the lower ends of the web members
Figure 2-68.-Layout for a W-type (fink) truss.
fasten to the bottom chord divide the bottom chord into
three equal parts. Each short web meets the top chord at distances between connections are shorter, the W-truss
a point that is one-fourth the horizontal distance of the can span up to 32 feet without intermediate support, and
bottom chord. its members can be made of lower grade lumber.
The construction features of a typical W-truss are Trusses are usually spaced 24 inches OC. They must
shown in figure 2-64. Also shown are gusset cutout sizes be lifted into place, fastened to the walls, and braced.
and nailing patterns for nail-gluing. The span of this Small trusses can be placed by hand, using the procedure
truss is 26 feet and roof cut is 4/12. When spaced shown in figure 2-69. Builders are required on the two
24 inches apart and made of good- quality 2- by 4-inch opposite walls to fasten the ends of the trusses. One or
members, the trusses should be able to support a total two workers on the floor below can push the truss to an
roof load of 40 pounds per square foot. upright position. If appropriate equipment is available,
Gussets for light wood trusses are cut from 3/8- or use it to lift trusses into place.
1/2-inch standard plywood with an exterior glue line, or In handling and storing completed trusses, avoid
from sheathing-grade exterior plywood. Glue is spread placing unusual stresses on them. They were designed
on the clean surfaces of the gussets and truss members. to carry roof loads in a vertical position; thus it is
Staples are used to supply pressure until the glue is set. important that they be lifted and stored upright. If they
Under normal conditions and where the relative must be handled in a flat position, enough support
humidity of air in attic spaces tends to be high, a should be used along their length to minimize bending
resorcinol glue is applied. In areas of low humidity, a deflections. Never support the trusses only at the center
casein or similar glue is used. Two rows of 4d nails or only at each end when they are in a flat position.
are used for either the 3/8- or 1/2-inch-thick gusset. The
nails are spaced so that they are 3 inches apart and
3/4 inches from the edges of the truss members. Gussets Bracing
are nail-glued to both sides of the truss.
Plywood-gusset, king-post trusses are limited to After the truss bundles have been set on the walls,
spans of 26 feet or less if spaced 24 inches apart and they are moved individually into position, nailed down,
fabricated with 2- by 4-inch members and a 4/12 roof and temporarily braced. Without temporary bracing, a
cut. The spans are somewhat less than those allowed for truss may topple over, cause damage to the truss, and
W-trusses having the same-sized members. The shorter possibly injure workers. A recommended procedure for
span for the king-post truss is due, in part, to the bracing trusses as they are being set in place is shown
unsupported upper chord. On the other hand, because it in figure 2-70. Refer to the figure as you study the
has more members than the king-post truss and following steps:
Figure 2-71.—Permanent lateral bracing in a truss.
Figure 2-73.-Construction details for partitions that run Figure 2-74.-Construction details for partitions that run at
parallel to the bottom truss chords. right angles to the bottom of the truss chords.
between the lower chords (fig. 2-73). This blocking 2- by 6-inch blocking on top of the partition plates
should be spaced not over 4 feet OC. Nail the blocking between the trusses (fig. 2-74).
to the chords with two 16d nails in each end. To provide
nailing for lath or wallboard, nail a 1- by 6-inch or 2- by RECOMMENDED READING LIST
6-inch continuous backer to the blocking. Set the bottom
face level with the bottom of the lower truss chords.
Although the following reference
When partitions are erected tier the ceiling finish
was current when this TRAMAN was
is applied, 2- by 4-inch blocking is set with the bottom
published, its continued currency
edge level with the bottom of the truss chords. Nail the cannot be assured. You therefore need
blocking with two 16d nails in each end. to ensure that you are studying the
If the partitions run at right angles to the bottom of latest revision.
the truss chords, the partitions are nailed directly to Basic Roof Framing, Benjamin Barnow, Tab Books,
lower chord members. For applying ceiling finish, nail Inc., Blue Ridge Summit, Pa., 1986.
Open sheathing can be used under wood shingles or Installation
shakes in blizzard-free areas or damp climates. Open
Plywood sheathing is applied after rafters, collar
sheathing usually consists of 1- by 4-inch strips with the
ties, gable studs, and extra bracing (if necessary) are in
on-center (OC) spacing equal to the shingle weather
place. Make sure there are no problems with the roof
exposure, but not over 10 inches. (A 10-inch shingle
frame. Check rafters for plumb, make sure there are no
lapped 4 inches by the shingle above it is said to be laid
badly deformed rafters, and check the tail cuts of all the
6 inches to the weather.) When applying open sheathing,
rafters for alignment. The crowns on all the rafters
you should lay the boards without spacing to a point on
should be in one direction—up.
the roof above the overhang.
Figure 3-2 shows two common methods of starting
the application of sheathing at the roof eaves. In view
A, the sheathing is started flush with the tail cut of the
Nail lumber roof sheathing to each rafter with two rafters. Notice that when the fascia is placed, the top
8-penny (8d) nails. Joints must be made on the rafters edge of the fascia is even with the top of the sheathing.
just as wall sheathing joints must be made over the studs. In view B, the sheathing overlaps the tail end of the rafter
When tongue-and-groove boards are used, joints may by the thickness of the fascia material. You can see that
be made between rafters. In no case, however, should the the edge of the sheathing is flush with the fascia.
joints of adjoining boards be made over the same rafter If you choose to use the first method (view A) to
space. Also, each board should bear on at least two rafters. start the sheathing, measure the two end rafters the width
of the plywood panel (48 inches). From the rafter tail
PLYWOOD ends, and using the chalk box, strike a line on the top
Plywood offers design flexibility, construction ease, edge of all the rafters. If you use the second method,
economy, and durability. It can be installed quickly over
large areas and provides a smooth, solid base with a
minimum number of joints. A plywood deck is equally
effective under any type of shingle or built-up roof.
Waste is minimal, contributing to the low in-place cost.
Plywood is one of the most common roof sheathing
materials in use today. It comes in 4- by 8-foot sheets in
a variety of thicknesses, grades, and qualities. For
sheathing work a lower grade called CDX is usually
used. A large area (32 square feet) can be applied atone
time. This, plus its great strength relative to other
sheathing materials, makes plywood a highly desirable
The thickness of plywood used for roof sheathing is
determined by several factors. The distance between
rafters (spacing) is one of the most important. The larger
the spacing, the greater the thickness of sheathing that
should be used. When 16-inch OC rafter spacing is used,
the minimum recommended thickness is 3/8 inch. The
type of roofing material to be applied over the sheathing
also plays a role. The heavier the roof covering, the
thicker the sheathing required. Another factor
determining sheathing thickness is the prevailing
weather. In areas where there are heavy ice and snow
loads, thicker sheathing is required. Finally, you have to
consider allowable dead and live roof loads established
by calculations and tests.
These are the controlling factors in the choice of
Figure 32.—Two methods of starting the first sheet of roof
roof sheathing materials. Recommended spans and sheathing at the eaves of a roof: A. Flush with rafter;
plywood grades are shown in table 3-1. B. Overlapping rafter.
Table 3-1.-Plywood Roof Sheathing Application Specifications
measure the width of the panel minus the actual
thickness of the fascia material. Use this chalk line to
position the upper edge of the sheathing panels. If the
roof rafters are at right angles to the ridge and plates,
this line will place the sheathing panels parallel to the
outer ends of the rafters.
used for flat or low-pitched roofs in post-and-beam
construction. Single tongue-and-groove decking in
nominal 2 by 6 and 2 by 8 sizes is available with the
V-joint pattern only.
Decking comes in nominal widths of 4 to 12 inches
and in nominal thicknesses of 2 to 4 inches. Three- and
4-inch roof decking is available in random lengths of 6
to 20 feet or longer (odd and even).
Laminated decking is also available in several
different species of softwood lumber: Idaho white pine,
inland red cedar, Idaho white fir, ponderosa pine, Figure 3-4.-Ends of roof decking cut at a 2° angle.
Douglas fir, larch, and yellow pine. Because of the
laminating feature, this material may have a facing of
one wood species and back and interior laminations of
different woods. It is also available with all laminations
of the same species. For all types of decking, make sure
the material is the correct thickness for the span by
checking the manufacturer’s recommendations. Special
load requirements may reduce the allowable spans.
Roof decking can serve both as an interior ceiling finish
and as a base for roofing. Heat loss is greatly reduced
by adding fiberboard or other rigid insulation over the
wood decking.
Figure 3-5.-Plank decking span arrangements.
INSTALLATION.— Roof decking applied to a flat
roof should be installed with the tongue away from the
worker. Roof decking applied to a sloping roof should
planks is the most economical. Random-length double
be installed with the tongue up. The butt ends of the
tongue-and-groove decking is used when there are three
pieces are bevel cut at approximately a 2° angle (fig.
or more spans. It is not intended for use over single
3-4). This provides a bevel cut from the face to the back spans, and it is not recommended for use over double
to ensure a tight face butt joint when the decking is laid spans (see figure 3-5).
in a random-length pattern. If there are three or more
supports for the decking, a controlled random laying NAILING.— Fasten decking with common nails
pattern (shown in figure 3-5) can be used. This is an twice as long as the nominal plank thickness. For widths
economical pattern because it makes use of 6 inches or less, toenail once and face-nail once at each
random-plank lengths, but the following rules must be support. For widths over 6 inches, toenail once and
observed: face-nail twice. Decking 3 and 4 inches thick must be
predrilled and toenailed with 8-inch spikes. Bright
Stagger the end joints in adjacent planks as common nails may be used, but dipped galvanized
widely as possible and not less than 2 feet. common nails have better holding power and reduce the
possibility of rust streaks. End joints not over a support
Separate the joints in the same general line by at
should be side-nailed within 10 inches of each plank
least two courses.
end. Splines are recommended on end joints of 3- and
Minimize joints in the middle one-third of all 4-inch material for better alignment, appearance, and
spans. strength.
Figure 3-6.-Wood fiber roof decking at gable ends.
Table 3-3.-Lumber Sheathing Specifications and Estimating Factor
Plywood extension beyond the end wall is usually ESTIMATING SHEATHING MATERIAL
governed by the rafter spacing to minimize waste. Thus,
a 16-inch rake (gable) projection is commonly used To figure the roof area without actually getting on
when rafters are spaced 16 inches OC. Butt joints of the the roof and measuring, find the dimensions of the roof
plywood sheets should be alternated so they do not occur on the plans. Multiply the length times the width of the
on the same rafter. roof, including the overhang. Then multiply by the
factor shown opposite the rise of the roof in table 3-2.
The result will be the roof area.
DETAILS AT CHIMNEY AND For example, assume a building is 70 feet long and
VALLEY OPENINGS 30 feet wide (including the overhang), and the roof has
a rise of 5 1/2 inches: 70 feet x 30 feet = 2,100 square
feet. For arise of 5 1/2 inches, the factor on the chart is
Where chimney openings occur in the roof
structure, the roof sheathing should have a 3/4-inch 1.100:2,100 square feet x 1.100=2,310 square feet. So,
clearance on all sides from the finished masonry. Figure the total area to be covered is 2,310 square feet. Use this
3-7 shows sheathing details at the valley and chimney total area for figuring roofing needs, such as sheathing,
opening. The detail at the top shows the clearances felt underpayment, or shingles.
between masonry and wood-framing members.
Framing members should have a 2-inch clearance for Lumber Sheathing
fire protection. The sheathing should be securely nailed
to the rafters and to the headers around the opening. To decide how much lumber will be needed, first
Wood or plywood sheathing at the valleys and hips calculate the total area to be covered. Determine the size
should be installed to provide a tight joint and should be boards to be used, then refer to table 3-3. Multiply the
securely nailed to hip and valley rafters. This provides total area to be covered by the factor from the chart. For
a smooth solid base for metal flashing. example, if 1- by 8-inch tongue-and-groove sheathing
Table 3-4.-Plank Decking Estimating Factor traditional designs have considerable y more. Much of the
exterior trim, in the form of finish lumber and moldings,
is cut and fitted on the job. Other materials or
assemblies, such as shutters, louvers, railings, and posts,
are shop fabricated and arrive on the job ready to be
fastened in place.
The properties desired in materials used for exterior
trim are good painting and weathering characteristics,
easy working qualities, and maximum freedom from
warp. Decay resistance is desirable where materials may
absorb moisture. Heartwood from cedar, cypress, and
boards are to be used, multiply the total roof area by
redwood has high decay resistance. Less durable species
1.16. To determine the total number of board feet
can be treated to make them decay resistant. Many
needed, add 5 percent for trim and waste.
manufacturers pre-dip materials, such as siding,
window sash, door and window frames, and trim, with
Plywood Sheathing
a water-repellent preservative. On-the-job dipping of
To determine how much plywood will be needed, end joints or miters cut at the building site is
find the total roof area to be covered and divide by 32 recommended when resistance to water entry and
(the number of square feet in one 4-by 8-foot sheet of increased protection are desired.
plywood). This gives you the number of sheets required Rust-resistant trim fastenings, whether nails or
to cover the area. Be sure to add 5 percent for a trim and screws, are preferred wherever they may be in contact
waste allowance. with weather. These include galvanized, stainless steel,
or aluminum fastenings. When a natural finish is used,
Decking or Planking nails should be stainless steel or aluminum to prevent
staining and discoloration. Cement-coated nails are not
To estimate plank decking, first determine the area rust-resistant.
to be covered, then refer to the chart in table 3-4. In the Siding and trim are normally fastened in place with
left column, find the size planking to be applied. For a standard siding nail, which has a small flathead.
example, if 2- by 6-inch material is selected, the factor However, finish or casing nails might also be used for
is 2.40. Multiply the area to be covered by this factor some purposes. Most of the trim along the shingle line,
and add a 5 percent trim and waste allowance. such as at gable ends and cornices, is installed before
the roof shingles are applied.
Wood Fiber Roof Decking The roof overhangs (eaves) are the portions of the
roof that project past the sidewalls of the building. The
To estimate the amount of weed fiber decking cornice is the area beneath the overhangs. The upward
required, first find the total roof area to be covered. For slopes of the gable ends are called rakes. Several basic
every 100 square feet of area, you will need 6.25 panels, designs are used for finishing off the roof overhangs and
2 by 8 feet in size. So, divide the roof area by 100 and cornices. Most of these designs come under the category
multiply by 6.25. Using our previous example with a of open cornice or closed cornice. They not only add to
roof area of 2,310 square feet, you will need 145 panels. the attractiveness of a building but also help protect the
sidewalls of the building from rain and snow. Wide
EXTERIOR TRIM overhangs also shade windows from the hot summer
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Upon completing Cornice work includes the installation of the
this section, you should be able to identify the lookout ledger, lookouts, plancier (soffit), ventilation
types of cornices and material used in their screens, fascia, frieze, and the moldings at and below
construction. the eaves, and along the sloping sides of the gable end
(rake). The ornamental parts of a cornice are called
Exterior trim includes door and window trim, cornice trim and consist mainly of molding; the molding
cornice trim, facia boards and soffits, and rake or running up the side of the rakes of a gable roof is called
gable-end trim. Contemporary designs with simple gable cornice trim. Besides the main roof, the additions
cornices and moldings contain little of this material; and dormers may have cornices and cornice trim.
Figure 3-8.-Simple cornice.
Figure 3-11.-Cornice construction: A. Finish rake for boxed cornice; B. Rake soffit of a sloped box cornice.
The flat boxed cornice requires framing pieces end butted against a previously placed panel. First, nail
called lookouts. These are toenailed to the wall or to a the panel to the main supports and then along the edges.
lookout ledger and face-nailed to the ends of the rafters. Drive nails carefully so the underside of the head is just
The lookouts provide a nailing base for the soffit, which flush with the panel surface. Remember, this is finish
is the material fastened to the underside of the cornice. work; no hammer head marks please. Always read and
A typical flat boxed cornice is shown in figure 3-10, follow manufacturer’s directions and recommended
view A. For a sloped boxed cornice, the soffit material installation procedures. Cornice trim and soffit systems
is nailed directly to the underside of the rafters (fig. 3-10,
are also available in aluminum and come in a variety of
view B). This design is often used on buildings with
prefinished colors and designs.
wide overhangs.
Soffit systems made of prefinished metal panels and
The basic rake trim pieces are the frieze board, trim
attachment strips are common. They consist of three
molding, and the fascia and soffit material. Figure 3-11,
view A, shows the finish rake for a flat boxed cornice. basic components wall hanger strips (also called frieze
It requires a cornice return where the cave and rake strips); soffit panels (solid, vented, or combination); and
soffits join. View B shows the rake of a sloped boxed fascia covers. Figure 3-12 shows the typical installation
cornice. Always use rust-resistant nails for exterior configuration of the components. Soffit panels include
finish work. hey may be aluminum, galvanized, or a vented area and are available in a variety of lengths.
cadmium-plated steel.
To install a metal panel system, first snap a chalk
line on the sidewall level with the bottom edge of the
fascia board. Use this line as a guide for nailing the wall
hanger strip in place. Insert the panels, one at a time, into
the wall strip. Nail the outer end to the bottom edge of
the fascia board.
After all soffit panels are in place, cut the fascia
cover to length and install it. The bottom edge of the
cover is hooked over the end of the soffit panels. It is
then nailed in place through prepunched slots located
along the top edge. Remember to use nails compatible
with the type of material being used to avoid electrolysis
between dissimilar metals. Again, always study and
follow the manufacturer’s directions when making an
installation of this type.
Figure 3-13.-Roofing terminology: A. Surfaces; B. Slope and
Correct use of roofing terms is not only the mark of
a good worker, but also a necessity for good con-
struction. This section covers some of the more common
roofing terms you need to know.
material over the roof surface. Shingles providing single
Square coverage are suitable for re-roofing over existing roofs.
Shingles providing double and triple coverage are used
Roofing is estimated and sold by the square. A for new construction. Multiple coverage increases
square of roofing is the amount required to cover 100 weather resistance and provides a longer service life.
square feet of the roof surface.
Shingle Surfaces
The various surfaces of a shingle are shown in view
Coverage is the amount of weather protection A of figure 3-13. “Shingle width” refers to the total
provided by the overlapping of shingles. Depending on measurement across the top of either a strip type or
the kind of shingle and method of application, shingles individual type of shingle. The area that one shingle
may furnish one (single coverage), two (double overlaps a shingle in the course (row) below it is referred
coverage), or three (triple coverage) thicknesses of to as “top lap.” “Side lap” is the area that one shingle
overlaps a shingle next to it in the same course. The area galvanized steel, aluminum, copper, and tin, are
that one shingle overlaps a shingle two courses below it sometimes used. For flat or low-pitched roofs,
is known as head lap. Head lap is measured from the composition or built-up roofing with a gravel topping or
bottom edge of an overlapping shingle to the nearest top cap sheet are frequent combinations. Built-up roofing
edge of an overlapped shingle. “Exposure” is the area consists of a number of layers of asphalt-saturated felt
that is exposed (not overlapped) in a shingle. For the best mopped down with hot asphalt or tar. Metal roofs are
protection against leakage, shingles (or shakes) should sometimes used on flat decks of dormers, porches, or
be applied only on roofs with a unit rise of 4 inches or entryways.
more. A lesser slope creates slower water runoff, which
The choice of materials and the method of
increases the possibility of leakage as a result of
application are influenced by cost, roof slope, expected
windblown rain or snow being driven underneath the
service life of the roofing, wind resistance, fire
butt ends of the shingles.
resistance, and local climate. Because of the large
amount of exposed surface of pitched roofs, appearance
Slope is also important.
Table 3-5.-Underlayment Recommendations for Shingle Roofs
Figure 3-15.-Protection from ice dams A. Refreezing snow
and ice; B. Cornice ventilation.
shredded wood fibers are considered felts. They are
among the least expensive of roofing felts and are
widely used not only as roofing, but also as water and
vapor retarders. Fifteen-pound felt is used under wood
siding and exterior plaster to protect sheathing or wood
studs. It is generally used in roofing for layers or plies
in gravel-surfaced assemblies and is available
perforated. Perforated felts used in built-up roofs allow
entrapped moisture to escape during application.
Thirty-pound felt requires fewer layers in a built-up
roof. It is usually used as underlayment for heavier cap
sheets or tile on steeper roofs.
The roof edges along the eaves and rake should have Figure 3-16.-Drip edges A. Basic shapes B. At the eave; C. At
a metal drip edge, or flashing. Flashing is specially the rake.
constructed pieces of sheet metal or other materials used
to protect the building from water seepage. Flashing
must be made watertight and be water shedding.
construction. At the eaves, the underpayment should be
Flashing materials used on roofs may be
laid over the drip edge (view B). At the rake (view C),
asphalt-saturated felt, metal, or plastic. Felt flashing is
place the underpayment under the drip edge. Galvanized
generally used at the ridges, hips, and valleys. However,
metal flashing, made of aluminum, galvanized steel, or nails, spaced 8 to 10 inches apart, are recommended for
copper, is considered superior to felt. Metal used for fastening the drip edge to the sheathing.
flashing must be corrosion resistant. It should be The shape and construction of different types of
galvanized steel (at least 26 gauge), 0.019-inch-thick roofs can create different types of water leakage
aluminum, or 16-ounce copper. problems. Water leakage can be prevented by placing
Flashing is available in various shapes (fig. 3-16, flashing materials in and around the vulnerable areas of
view A), formed from 26-gauge galvanized steel. It the roof. These areas include the point of intersection
should extend back approximately 3 inches from the between roof and soil stack or ventilator, the valley of a
roof edge and bend downward over the edge. This roof, around chimneys, and at the point where a wall
causes the water to drip free of underlying cornice intersects a roof.
Figure 3-17.-Flashing around a roof projection.
Figure 3-19.-Closed valley flashing.
course. This waterproofs the joint between a sloping
roof and vertical wall. This is generally called step
As each course of shingles is laid, a metal flashing
shingle is installed and nailed at the top edge as shown.
Do not nail flashing to the wall; settling of the roof frame
could damage the seal.
Wall siding is installed after the roof is completed. Figure 3-22.-A typical 12- by 36-inch shingle.
It also serves as a cap flashing. Position the siding just
above the roof surface. Allow enough clearance to paint
the lower edges.
Roof Cements
Figure 3-24.-Laying out a shingle roof.
is 4:12 or greater. When special application methods are to achieve the proper horizontal and vertical placement
used, organic- or inorganic-base-saturated or coated- of the shingles (fig. 3-24).
strip shingles can be applied to decks having a slope of The first chalk line from the cave should allow for
4:12, but not less than 2:12. Figure 3-23 shows the the starter strip and/or the first course of shingles to
application of shingles over a double layer of overhang the drip edge 1/4 to 3/8 inch.
underpayment. Double underpayment is recommended When laying shingles from the center of the roof
under square-tab strip shingles for slopes less than 4:12. toward the ends, snap a number of chalk lines between
When roofing materials are delivered to the building the eaves and ridge. These lines will serve as reference
site, they should be handled with care and protected marks for starting each course. Space them according to
from damage. Try to avoid handling asphalt shingles in the shingle type and laying pattern.
extreme heat or cold. They are available in Chalk lines, parallel to the eaves and ridge, will help
one-third-square bundles, 27 strip shingles per bundle. maintain straight horizontal lines along the butt edge of
Bundles should be stored flat so the strips will not curl the shingle. Usually, only about every fifth course needs
after the bundles are open. To get the best performance to be checked if the shingles are skillfully applied.
from any roofing material, always study the Inexperienced workers may need to set up chalk lines
manufacturer’s directions and install as directed. for every second course.
On small roofs (up to 30 feet long), strip shingles The purpose of a starter strip is to back up the first
can be laid starting at either end. When the roof surface course of shingles and fill in the space between the tabs.
Use a strip of mineral-surfaced roofing 9 inches or wider
is over 30 feet long, it is usually best to start at the center
of a weight and color to match the shingles. Apply the
and work both ways. Start from a chalk line
strip so it overhangs the drip edge 1/4 to 3/8 inch above
perpendicular to the eaves and ridge.
the edge. Space the nails so they will not be exposed at
Asphalt shingles will vary slightly in length (plus or the cutouts between the tabs of the first course of
minus 1/4 inch in a 36-inch strip). There may also be shingles. Sometimes an inverted (tabs to ridge) row of
some variations in width. Thus, chalk lines are required shingles is used instead of the starter strip. When you
galvanized steel nails with barbed shanks. Aluminum
nails are also used. The length should be sufficient to
penetrate the full thickness of the sheathing or 3/4 inch
into the wood.
The number of nails and correct placement are both
vital factors in proper application of rooting material.
For three-tab square-butt shingles, use a minimum of
four nails per strip (fig. 3-25, view C). Specifications
may require six nails per shingle (view C). Align each
shingle carefully and start the nailing from the end next
to the one previously laid. Proceed across the shingle.
This will prevent buckling. Drive nails straight so that
the edge of the head will not cut into the shingle. The
nail head should be driven flush, not sunk into the
surface. If, for some reason, the nail fails to hit solid
sheathing, drive another nail in a slightly different
shingles are available in three standard lengths: 16, 18,
and 24 inches. The 16-inch length is the most popular.
It has five-butt thicknesses per 2 inches of width when
it is green (designated a 5/2). These shingles are packed
in bundles. Four bundles will cover 100 square feet of
wall or roof with 5-inch exposure. The 18- or
Figure 3-25.-Nails suitable for installing strip shingles, 24-inch-long shingles have thicker butts-five in 2 1/4
recommended nail lengths, and nail placement.
inches for the 18-inch shingles and four in 2 inches for
24-inch shingles. The recommended exposures for the
standard wood-shingle size are shown in table 3-6.
are laying self-sealing strip shingles in windy areas, the
starter strip is often formed by cutting off the tabs of the Figure 3-26 shows the proper method of applying a
shingles being used. These units are then nailed in place, wood-shingle roof. Underpayment or roofing felt is not
right side up, and provide adhesive under the tabs of the required for wood shingles except for protection in ice
first course. jam areas. Although spaced or solid sheathing is
optional, spaced roof sheathing under wood shingles is
Nails used to apply asphalt roofing must have a
most common. Observe the following steps when
large head (3/8- to 7/16-inch diameter) and a sharp point.
applying wood shingles:
Figure 3-25 shows standard nail designs (view A) and
recommended lengths (view B) for nominal 1-inch 1. Extend the shingles 1 1/2 inches beyond the cave
sheathing. Most manufacturers recommend 12-gauge line and 3/4 inch beyond the rake (gable) edge.
and 13 inches for 32-inch shakes. Shakes are not smooth
on both faces, and because wind-driven rain or snow
might enter, it is essential to use an underpayment
between each course. A layer of felt should be used
between each course with the bottom edge positioned
above the butt edge of the shakes a distance equal to
double the weather exposure. A 36-inch-wide strip of
the asphalt felt is used at the cave line. Solid sheathing
should be used when wood shakes are used for roofs in
areas where wind-driven snow is common.
ROLL ROOFING.— Roll roofing is made of an
organic or inorganic felt saturated with an asphalt
coating and has a viscous bituminous coating. Finely
Figure 3-26.-Installation of wood shingles. ground talc or mica can be applied to both sides of the
saturated felt to produce a smooth roofing. Mineral
granules in a variety of colors are rolled into the upper
surface while the final coating is still soft. These mineral
2. Use two rust-resistant nails in each shingle. granules protect the underlying bitumen from the
Space them 3/4 inch from the edge and 1 1/2 deteriorating effects of sun rays. The mineral aggregates
inches above the butt line of the next course. are nonflammable and increase the fire resistance and
improve the appearance of the underlying bitumen.
3. Double the first course of shingles. In all
Mineral-surfaced roll roofing comes in weights of 75 to
courses, allow 1/8- to 1/4-inch space between
90 pounds per square. Roll roofing may have one
each shingle for expansion when they are wet. surface completely covered with granules or have a
Offset the joints between the shingles at least 1 2-inch plain-surface salvage along one side to allow for
1/2 inches from the joints in the course below. laps.
In addition, space the joints in succeeding
courses so that they do not directly line up with Roll roofing can be installed by either exposed or
joints in the second course below. concealed nailing. Exposed nailing is the cheapest but
doesn’t last as long. This method uses a 2-inch lap at the
4. Where valleys are present, shingle away from side and ends. It is cemented with special cement and
them. Select and precut wide valley shingles. nailed with large-headed nails. In concealed-nailing
5. Use metal edging along the gable end to aid in installations, the roll roofing is nailed along the top of
guiding the water away from the sidewalls. the strip and cemented with lap cement on the bottom
edge. Vertical joints in the roofing are cemented into
6. Use care when nailing wood shingles. Drive the place after the upper edge is nailed. This method is used
nails just flush with the surface. The wood in when maximum service life is required.
shingles is soft and can be easily crushed and
damaged under the nail heads. Double-coverage roll roofing is produced with
slightly more than half its surface covered with granules.
Wood shakes are usually available in several types, This roofing is also known as 19-inch salvage edge. It
but the split-and-resawed type is the most popular. The is applied by nailing and cementing with special
sawed face is used as the back face and is laid flat on the adhesives or hot asphalt. Each sheet is lapped 19 inches,
roof. The butt thickness of each shake ranges between blind-nailed in the lapped salvage portion, and then
3/4 inch and 1 1/2 inches. They are usually packed in cemented to the sheet below. End laps are cemented into
bundles of 20 square feet with five bundles to the square. place.
Wood shakes are applied in much the same way as TILES.— Roofing tile was originally a thin, solid
wood shingles. Because shakes are much thicker (longer unit made by shaping moist clay in molds and drying it
shakes have the thicker butts), use long galvanized nails. in the sun or in a kiln. Gradually, the term has come to
To create a rustic appearance, lay the butts unevenly. include a variety of tile-shaped units made of clay,
Because shakes are longer than shingles, they have Portland cement, and other materials. Tile designs have
greater exposure. Exposure distance is usually 7 1/2 come down to us relatively unchanged from the Greeks
inches for 18-inch shakes, 10 inches for 24-inch shakes, and Remans. Roofing tiles are durable, attractive, and
Table 3-7.-Weight of Roofing Materials
Mission Tile.— Mission tiles are slightly tapered These are designed to restrict lateral movement and
half-round units and are set in horizontal courses. The provide weather checks between the tiles. The underside
convex and concave sides are alternated to form pans of the tile usually contains weather checks to halt
and covers. The bottom edges of the covers can be laid wind-blown water. Head locks, in the form of lugs,
with a random exposure of 6 to 14 inches to weather. overlap wood battens roiled to solid sheathing or strips
Mission tile can be fastened to the prepared roof deck of spaced sheathing. Nail holes are prepunched The
with copper nails, copper wire, or specially designed most common size of concrete tile is 123/8 by 17 inches.
brass strips. The covers can be set in portland cement This provides for maximum coverage with minimum
mortar. This gives the roof a rustic appearance, but it lapping,
adds approximately 10 pounds per square to the weight
Concrete tiles are designed for minimum roof
of the finished roof.
slopes of 2 1/2:12. For slopes up to 3 1/2:12, roof decks
Flat Tile.— Flat tile can be obtained as either flat are solidly sheeted and covered with roofing felt. For
shingle or interlocking. Single tiles are butted at the slopes greater than 3 1/2:12, the roof sheathing can be
sides and lapped shingle fashion. They are produced in spaced. Roofing felt is placed between each row to carry
various widths from 5 to 8 inches with a textured surface any drainage to the surface of the next lower course of
to resemble wood shingles, with smooth colored tile. The lugs at the top of the tiles lock over the
surfaces, or with highly glazed surfaces. Interlocking sheathing or stripping. Generally, only every fourth tile
shingle tiles have side and top locks, which permit the in every fourth row is nailed to the sheathing, except
use of fewer pieces per square. The back of this type of where roofs are exposed to extreme winds or earthquake
tile is ribbed. This reduces the weight without sacrificing conditions. The weight of the tile holds it in place.
strength. Interlocking flat tile can be used in
Lightweight concrete tile is now being produced
combination with lines of Greek pan-and-cover tile as
using fiberglass reinforcing and a lightweight perlite
aggregate. These tiles come in several colors and have
Concrete.— The acceptance of concrete tile as a the appearance of heavy cedar shakes. The weight of
roofing material has been slow in the United States. these shingles is similar to that of natural cedar shakes,
However, European manufacturers have invested so roof reinforcing is usually unnecessary.
heavily in research and development to produce a
SLATE.— Slate roofing is hand split from natural
uniformly high-quality product at a reasonable cost.
rock. It varies in color from black through blue-gray,
Concrete tile is now used on more than 80 percent of all
gray, purple, red and green. The individual slates may
new residences in Great Britain. Modern high-speed
have one or more darker streaks running across them.
machinery and techniques have revolutionized the
These are usually covered during the laying of the slate.
industry in the United States, and American-made
Most slate rooting is available in sizes from 10 by 6 to
concrete tiles are now finding a wide market,
26 by 14 inches. The standard thickness is 3/16 inch, but
particularly in the West.
thicknesses of 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, and up to 2 inches can be
Concrete roof tile, made of Portland cement, sand, obtained. Slate may be furnished in a uniform size or in
and water, is incombustible. It is also a poor conductor random widths. The surface may be left with the rough
of heat. These characteristics make it an ideal roofing hand-split texture or ground to a smoother texture.
material in forested or brushy areas subject to periodic
The weight of a slate roof ranges from 700 to 1,500
threats of fire. In addition, concrete actually gains
pounds per square, depending upon thickness. The size
strength with age and is unaffected by repeated freezing
of framing members supporting a slate roof must be
and thawing cycles.
checked against the weight of the slate and method of
Color pigments may be mixed with the basic laying. The type of underpayment used for a slate roof
ingredients during manufacture. To provide a glazed varies, depending on local codes. The requirement
surface, cementitious mineral-oxide pigments are ranges from one layer of 15-pound asphalt-saturated felt
sprayed on the tile immediately after it is extruded. This to 65-pound rolled asphalt roofing for slate over 3/4 inch
glaze becomes an integral part of the tile. The surface of thick.
these tiles may be scored to give the appearance of rustic
Slate is usually laid like shingles with each course
wood shakes.
lapping the second course below at least 3 inches. The
Most concrete tiles are formed with side laps slates can be laid in even rows or at random. Each slate
consisting of a series of interlocking ribs and grooves. is predrilled with two nail holes and is held in place with
two large-headed slaters’ nails. These are made of hard
copper wire, cut copper, or cut brass. On hips, ridges,
and in other locations where nailing is not possible, the
slates are held in place with waterproof elastic slaters’
cement colored to match the slate. Exposed nail heads
are covered with the same cement.
BITUMENS.— Hot bituminous compounds
(bitumens) are used with several types of roofing
systems. Both asphalt and coal-tar pitch are bitumens.
Although these two materials are similar in appearance,
they have different characteristics. Asphalt is usually a
product of the distillation of petroleum, whereas coal-tar
pitch is a byproduct of the coking process in the
manufacture of steel.
Some asphalts are naturally occurring or are found
in combination with porous rock. However, most
roofing asphalts are manufactured from petroleum
crudes from which the lighter fractions have been
removed. Roofing asphalts are available in a number of
different grades for different roof slopes, climatic
conditions, or installation methods.
Roofing asphalts are graded on the basis of their
softening points, which range from a low of 135°F
(57.2°C) to a high of 225°F (107.2°C). The softening
point is not the point at which the asphalt begins to flow,
but is determined by test procedures established by the
ASTM. Asphalts begin to flow at somewhat lower
temperatures than their softening points, depending on
the slope involved and the weight of the asphalt and
surfacing material.
Generally, the lower the softening point of an
asphalt, the better its self-healing properties and the less
tendency it has to crack. Dead-flat roofs, where water
may stand, or nearly flat roofs, require an asphalt that
has the greatest waterproofing qualities and the Figure 3-28.-Finish at the ridge: A. Boston ridge with strip
self-healing properties of low-softening asphalts. A shingles; B. Boston ridge with wood shingles; C. Metal
special asphalt known as dead-flat asphalt is used in
such cases. As the slope of the roof increases, the need
for waterproofing is lessened, and an asphalt that will
not flow at expected normal temperatures must be used. roof surfaces often reach temperatures of 126°F to
For steeper roofing surfaces, asphalt with a softening 147°F (52.2°C to 63.9°C) in the hot desert sun, the
point of 185°F to 205°F (85°C to 96.1°C) is used. This low-softening point of coal-tar pitch makes it unsuitable
material is classed as steep asphalt. In hot, dry climates as a roof surfacing material.
only the high-temperature asphalts can be used.
When used within its limitations on flat and
The softening point of coal-tar pitch generally low-pitched roofs in suitable climates, coal-tar pitch
ranges from 140°F to 155°F (60.0°C to 68.3°C). The provides one of the most durable roofing membranes.
softening point of coal-tar pitch limits its usefulness; Coal-tar pitch is also reputed to have cold-flow, or
however, it has been used successfully for years in the self-healing, qualities. This is because the molecular
eastern and middle western parts of the United States on structure of pitch is such that individual molecules have
dead-level or nearly level roofs. In the southwest, where a physical attraction for each other, so self-sealing is not
Figure 3-29.-Layout pattern for hip and valley shingles.
dependent on heat. Coal-tar pitch roofs are entirely formed to the roof slope and should be copper,
unaffected by water. When covered by mineral galvanized iron, or aluminum. Some metal ridges are
aggregate, standing water may actually protect the formed so that they provide an outlet ventilating area.
volatile oils. However, the design should be such that it prevents rain
or snow from blowing in.
Laying rooting on a flat surface is a relatively easy Hips and Valleys.— One side of a hip or valley
procedure. Correctly applying materials to irregular shingle must be cut at an angle to obtain an edge that
surfaces, such as ridges, hips, and valleys, is somewhat will match the line of the hip or valley rafter. One way
more complex. to cut these shingles is to use a pattern. First, select a 3
foot long 1 by 6. Determine the unit length of a common
Ridge.— The most common type of ridge and hip
rafter in the roof (if you do not already know it). Set the
finish for wood and asphalt shingles is the Boston ridge.
framing square on the piece to get the unit run of the
Asphalt-shingle squares (one-third of a 12- by 36-inch
common rafter on the blade and the unit rise of the
strip) are used over the ridge and blind-nailed (fig. 3-28,
common rafter on the tongue (fig. 3-29). Draw a line
view A). Each shingle is lapped 5 to 6 inches to give
along the tongue; then saw the pattern along this line.
double coverage. In areas where driving rains occur, use
Note: The line cannot be used as a pattern to cut a hip
metal flashing under the shingle ridge to help prevent
or valley.
seepage. The use of a ribbon of asphalt roofing cement
under each lap will also help.
Built-up Rooting
A wood-shingle roof should be finished with a
Boston ridge (fig. 3-28, view B). Shingles, 6 inches
A built-up roof, as the name indicates, is built up in
wide, are altemately lapped, fitted, and blind-nailed. As
alternate plies of roofing felt and bitumen. The bitumen
shown, the shingles are nailed in place so that the
forms a seamless, waterproof, flexible membrane that
exposed trimmed edges are alternately lapped.
conforms to the surface of the roof deck and protects all
Reassembled hip and ridge units for wood-shingle roofs
angles formed by the roof deck and projecting surfaces,
are available and save both time and money.
Without the reinforcement of the felts, the bitumens
A metal ridge can also be used on asphalt-shingle or would crack and alligator and thus lose their volatile oils
wood-shingle roofs (fig. 3-28, view C). This ridge is under solar radiation.
View B shows a three-ply built-up roof over a non-
nailable deck with a gravel or slag surface. View C
shows a four-ply built-up roof over insulation, with a
gravel or slag surface.
The temperatures at which bitumens are applied
are very critical. At high temperatures, asphalt is
seriously damaged and its life considerably shortened.
Heating asphalt to over 500°F (260°C) for a prolonged
period may decrease the weather life by as much as 50
percent. Coal-tar pitch should not be heated above
400°F (204°C). Asphalt should be applied to the roof at
an approximate temperature of 375°F to 425°F
(190.6°C to 218.3°C), and coal-tar pitch should be
applied at 275°F to 375°F (135°C to 190°C).
Figure 3-31.-Laying a five-ply built-up roof.
approximately 400 pounds per square and the slag 325 DRAINAGE.—When required, positive drainage
pounds per square. Other aggregates would be applied should be established before the installation of built-up
at a rate consistent with their weight and opacity. The roofing. This can be achieved by the use of lightweight
surface aggregate protects the bitumen from the sun and concrete or roofing insulation placed as specified with
provides a fire-resistant coating. slopes toward roof drains, gutters, or scuppers.
3. Nail a full-width (32-inch) strip over the first material is tapped off. Pieces must not be thrown into
strip, using the same nailing schedule. the melted mass, but placedon the surface, pushed under
4. Nail the next full-width strip with the outer edge slowly, and then released. If the material is not being
14 inches from the outer edges of the first two steadily tapped off, it may eventually overheat, even
strips to obtain a 2-inch overlap over the edge of with the burner flame at the lowest possible level. In that
the first strip laid. Continue laying full-width case, the burner should be withdrawn from the kettle and
strips with the same exposure (14 inches) until placed on the ground to be reinserted when the
the opposite edge of the roof is reached. Finish temperature falls. Prolonged overheating causes
off with a half-strip along this edge. This flashing and impairs the quality of the binder.
completes the two-ply dry nailer.
Asphalt or pitch must not be allowed to accumulate
5. Start the three-ply hot with one-third of a strip,
on the exterior of the kettle because it creates a fire
covered by two-thirds of a strip, and then by a
hazard. If the kettle catches fire, close the lid
full strip, as shown. To obtain a 2-inch overlap
of the outer edge of the second full strip over the immediately, shut off the pressure and burner valves,
inner edge of the first strip laid, you must and, if possible, remove the burner from the kettle.
position the outer edge of the second full strip 8 Never attempt to extinguish a kettle fire with water. Use
2/3 inches from the outer edges of the first three sand, dirt, or a chemical fire extinguisher.
strips. To maintain the same overlap, lay the
outer edge of the third full strip 10 1/3 inches A hot rooting crew consists of a mopper and as
from the outer edge of the second full strip. many felt layers, broomers, nailers, and carriers as the
Subsequent strips can be laid with an exposure size of the roof requires. The mopper is in charge of the
of 10 inches. Finish off at the opposite edge of roofing crew. It is the mopper’s personal responsibility
the roof with a full strip, two-thirds of a strip, to mop on only binder that is at the proper temperature.
and one-third of a strip to maintain three plies Binder that is too hot will burn the felt, and the layer it
throughout. makes will be too thin. A layer that is too thin will
6. Spread a layer of hot asphalt (the flood coat) eventually crack and the felt may separate from the
over the entire roof. binder. Binder that is too cold goes on too thick so more
material is used than is required.
7. Sprinkle a layer of gravel, crushed stone, or slag
over the entire roof. The felt layer must get the felt down as soon as
Melt the binder and maintain it at the proper possible after the binder has been placed. If the interval
temperature in a pressure fuel kettle. Make sure the between mopping and felt laying is too long, the binder
kettle is suitably located. Position it broadside to the will cool to the point where it will not bond well with
wind, if possible. The kettle must be set up and kept the felt. The felt layer should follow the mopper at an
level. If it is not level, it will heat unevenly, creating a interval of not more than 3 feet. The broomer should
hazard. The first duty of the kettle operator is to inspect follow immediately behind the felt layer, brooming out
the kettle, especially to ensure that it is perfectly dry. all air bubbles and embedding the felt solidly in the
Any accumulation of water inside will turn to steam binder.
when the kettle gets hot. This can cause the hot binder
to bubble over, which creates a serious fire hazard. Buckets of hot binder should never be filled more
Detailed procedure for lighting off, operating, servicing, than three-fourths full, and they should never be carried
and maintaining the kettle is given in the manufacturer’s any faster than a walk. Whenever possible, the mopper
manual. Never operate the kettle unattended, while the should work downwind from the felt layer and broomer
trailer is in transit, or in a confined area. to reduce the danger of spattering. The mopper must
The kettle operator must maintain the binder at a take every precaution against spattering at all times. The
steady temperature, as indicated by the temperature mopper should lift the mop out of the bucket, not drag
gauge on the kettle. Correct temperature is designated it across the rim. Dragging the mop over the rim may
in binder manufacturer’s specifications. For asphalt, it upset the bucket, and the hot binder may quickly spread
is about 400°F. The best way to keep an even to the feet, or worse still to the knees, of nearby members
temperature is to add material at the same rate as melted of the roofing crew.
RECOMMENDED READING LIST Design of Wood Frame Structures for Permanence,
NOTE National Forest Products Association, Washington,
D.C., 1988.
Although the following references
were current when this TRAMAN was Exterior and Interior Trim, John E. Ball, Delmar Pub.,
published, their continued currency Albany, N.Y., 1975.
cannot be assured You therefore need
to ensure that you are studying the Manual of Built-up Roof Systems, C. W. Griffin,
latest revisions. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1982.
Basic Roof Framing, Benjamin Barnow, Tab Books, Modern Carpentry, Willis H. Wagner, Goodheart-
Inc., Blue Ridge Summit, Pa., 1986. Wilcox Co., South Holland, Ill., 1983.
Because siding and other types of exterior wall Some wood siding patterns are used only hori-
covering affect the appearance and the maintenance zontally and others only vertically. Some may be used
of a structure, the material and pattern should be in either manner if adequate nailing areas are
selected carefully. Wood siding can be obtained in provided. A description of each of the general types of
many different patterns and can be finished horizontal siding follows.
naturally, stained, or painted. Wood shingles,
plywood, wood siding (paneling), fiberboard, and PLAIN BEVEL.— Plain bevel siding (fig. 4-1) can
hardboard are some of the types of material used as be obtained in sizes from 1/2 by 4 inches to 1/2 by
exterior coverings. Masonry, veneers, metal or plastic
siding, and other nonwood materials are additional
choices. Many prefinished sidings are available, and
the coatings and films applied to several types of base
materials may eliminate the need of refinishing for
many years.
8 inches and also in sizes of 3/4 by 8 inches and 3/4 by
10 inches. “Anzac” siding is 3/4 by 12 inches in size.
Usually, the finished width of bevel siding is about
one-half inch less than the size listed. One side of
beveled siding has a smooth planed surface, whereas the
other has a rough resawn surface. For a stained finish,
the rough or sawn side is exposed because wood stain
works best and lasts longer on rough wood surfaces.
DOLLY VARDEN.— Dolly Varden siding is
similar to true bevel siding except that it has shiplap
edges. The shiplap edges have a constant exposure
distance (fig. 4-1). Because it lays flat against the studs,
it is sometimes used for garages and similar buildings
without sheathing. Diagonal bracing is therefore needed
to stiffen the building and help the structure withstand
strong winds and other twist and strain forces.
DROP SIDING.— Regular drop siding can be
obtained in several patterns, two of which are shown in Figure 4-2.-Vertica1 board siding.
figure 4-1. This siding, with matched or shiplap edges,
is available in 1- by 6-inch and 1- by 8-inch sizes. It is
commonly used for low-cost dwellings and for garages, Treatment
usually without sheathing. Tests have shown that the
tongue-and-grooved (matched) patterns have greater Treating the edges of drop, matched, and shiplapped
resistance to the penetration of wind-driven rain than the sidings with water-repellent preservative helps prevent
shiplap patterns, when both are treated with a wind-driven rain from penetrating the joints exposed to
water-repellent preservative. the weather. In areas under wide overhangs or in porches
or other protected sections, the treatment is not as
Fiberboard and Hardboard important. Some manufacturers provide siding with this
treatment already applied.
Fiberboard and hardboard sidings are also available
in various forms. Some have a backing to provide Applications
rigidity and strength, whereas others are used directly
over sheathing. Plywood horizontal lap siding, with a A method of siding application, popular for some
medium-density overlaid surface, is also available as an architectural styles, uses rough-sawn boards and battens
exterior covering material. It is usually 3/8 inch thick applied vertically. These can be arranged in three ways:
and 12 or 16 inches wide. It is applied in much the same board and batten, batten and board, and board and board
(fig. 4-2).
manner as wood siding, except that a shingle wedge is
used behind each vertical joint.
Sheet Materials
A number of siding or paneling patterns can be used
horizontally or vertically (fig. 4-1). These are
A number of sheet materials are now available for
manufactured in nominal 1-inch thicknesses and in
use as siding. These include plywood in a variety of face
widths from 4 to 12 inches. Both dressed and matched
treatments and species, and hardboard. Plywood or
and shiplapped edges are available. The narrow and
paper-overlaid plywood, also known as panel siding, is
medium-width patterns are usually more satisfactory sometimes used without sheathing. Paper-overlaid
under moderate moisture content changes. Wide plywood has many of the advantages of plywood
patterns are more successful if they are vertical-grained besides providing a satisfactory base for paint. A
(to keep shrinkage to a minimum). The correct moisture medium-density overlaid plywood is not common. Stud
content is necessary in tongue-and-groove material to spacing of 16 inches requires a minimum thickness of
prevent shrinkage and tongue exposure. panel siding of three-eighths inch. However, 1/2- or
5/8-inch-thick sheets perform better because of their Installation
greater thickness and strength.
Siding can be installed only after the window and
Standard siding sheets are 4 by 8 feet; larger sizes doorframes are installed. In order to present a uniform
are available. They must be applied vertically with appearance, the siding must line up properly with the
intermediate and perimeter nailing to provide the drip caps and the bottom of the window and door sills.
desired rigidity. Most other methods of applying sheet At the same time, it must lineup at the corners. Siding
materials require some type of sheathing beneath. must be properly lapped to increase wind resistance and
Where horizontal joints are necessary, they should be watertightness. In addition, it must be installed with the
protected by simple flashing. proper nails and in the correct nailing sequence.
top of the drip cap to the bottom of the sill is
61 inches. If 12-inch-wide siding is used, the
number of courses would be 61/10 = 6.1, or six
courses. To obtain the exact exposure distance,
divide 61 by 6 and the result would be 10 1/6
2. Determine the exposure distance from the
bottom of the sill to just below the top of the
foundation wall. If this distance is 31 inches, use
three courses of 10 1/3 inches each. Thus, the
exposure distance above and below the window
would be almost the same (fig. 4-3).
When this system is not satisfactory because of big
differences in the two areas, it is preferable to use an
equal exposure distance for the entire wall height and
notch the siding at the window sill. The fit should be
tight to prevent moisture from entering.
Figure 4-4.-Nailing the siding.
the fresh cut ends of the siding in a water-repellent widths up to 12 inches. They should be applied in the
preservative before boards are roiled in place. After the same manner as lap or drop siding, depending on the
siding is in place, it is helpful to use a small pattern. Prepackaged siding should be applied
finger-actuated oil can to apply the water-repellent according to the manufacturer’s directions.
preservative to the ends and butt joints.
VERTICALLY.— Vertically applied siding and
Drop siding is installed in much the same way as lap sidings with interlapping joints should be nailed in the
siding except for spacing and nailing. Drop, Dolly same manner as those applied horizontally. However,
Varden, and similar sidings have a constant exposure they should be nailed to blocking used between studs or
distance. The face width is normally 5 1/4 inches for to wood or plywood sheathing. Blocking should be
1- by 6-inch siding and 7 1/4 inches for 1- by 8-inch spaced from 16 to 24 inches OC. With plywood or
siding. Normally, one or two nails should be used at each nominal 1-inch board sheathing, nails should be spaced
stud, depending on the width (fig. 4-4). The length of on 16-inch centers only.
the nail depends on the type of sheathing used, but
When the various combinations of boards and
penetration into the stud or through the wood backing
battens are used, they should also be nailed to blocking
should beat least 1 1/2 inches.
spaced from 16 to 24 inches OC between studs, or closer
for wood sheathing. The first boards or battens should
be fastened with nails at each blocking to provide at least
1 1/2 inches of penetration. For wide underboards, two
There are two ways to apply nonwood siding: nails spaced about 2 inches apart maybe used rather than
horizontally and vertically. Note that these are the single row along the center (fig. 4-2). Nails of the
manufactured items. Make sure you follow the top board or batten should always miss the underboards
recommended installation procedures. and should not be nailed through them (fig. 4-2). In such
HORIZONTALLY.— Horizontally applied applications, double nails should be spaced closely to
matched paneling in narrow widths should be prevent splitting if the board shrinks. It is also a good
blind-nailed at the tongue with a corrosion-resistant practice to use sheathing paper, such as 15-pound
finishing nail (fig. 4-4). For widths greater than 6 inches, asphalt felt, under vertical siding.
an additional nail should be used as shown. Exterior-grade plywood, paper-overlaid plywood,
Other materials, such as plywood, hardboard, or and similar sheet materials used for siding are usually
medium-density fiberboard, are used horizontally in applied vertically. The nails should be driven over the
studs, and the total effective penetration into the wood
should be at least 1 1/2 inches. For example, 3/8-inch
plywood siding over 3/4-inch wood sheathing would
require a 7d nail (which is 2 1/4 inches long). This would
result in a 1 1/8-inch penetration into the stud, but a total
effective penetration of 1 7/8 inches into the wood
The joints of all types of sheet material should be
caulked with mastic unless the joints are of the
interlapping or matched type of battens. It is a good
practice to place a strip of 15-pound asphalt felt under
Corner Boards
fit tightly the full depth of the miter. You should also
A type of corner finish that can be used with almost treat the ends with a water-repellent preservative before
any kind of outside-wall covering is called a corner nailing.
board. This corner board can be applied to the corner
with the siding or shingles end-or-edge-butted against Metal Corners
the board.
A corner board usually consists of two pieces of Metal corners (fig. 4-6, view C) are perhaps more
stock: one piece 3 inches wide and the other 4 inches commonly used than the mitered corner and give a
wide if an edge-butt joint between the corner boards is mitered effect. They are easily placed over each corner
used. The boards are cut to a length that will extend from as the siding is installed. The metal corners should fit
the top of the water table to the bottom of the frieze. tightly and should be nailed on each side to the sheathing
They are edge-butted and nailed together before they are or corner stud beneath. When made of galvanized iron,
nailed to the corner. This procedure ensures a good tight
they should be cleaned with a mild acid wash and primed
joint (fig. 4-5). A strip of building paper should be tacked
with a metal primer before the structure is painted to
over the corner before the corner board is nailed in
prevent early peeling of the paint. Weathering of the
position (always allow an overlap of paper to cover the
subsequent crack formed where the ends of the siding metal will also prepare it for the prime paint coat.
butts against the corner board). corner boards (fig. 4-5) of various types and sizes
may be used for horizontal sidings ofaall types. They also
Interior Corners provide a satisfactory termination for plywood and
similar sheet materials. Vertical applications of matched
Interior corners (fig. 4-6, view A) are butted against
paneling or of boards and battens are terminated by
a square corner board of nominal 1 1/4- or 1 3/8-inch
lapping one side and nailing into the edge of this
size, depending on the thickness of the siding.
member, as well as to the nailing members beneath.
Mitered Corners corner boards are usually 1 1/8 or 1 3/8 inches wide. To
give a distinctive appearance, they should be quite
Mitering the corners (fig. 4-6, view B) of bevel and narrow. Plain outside casing, commonly used for
similar sidings is often not satisfactory, unless it is window and doorframes, can be adapted for corner
carefully done to prevent openings. A good joint must boards.
Figure 4-6.-Siding details: A. Interior corners; B. Mitered corners; C. Metal corners; D. Siding return of roof.
Shingles and Shakes extending well up on the dormer wall will provide the
necessary resistance to entry of wind-driven rain. Here
Prefinished shingle or shake exteriors are some- again, a water-repellent preservative should be used on
times used with color-matched metal corners. They can the ends of the siding at the roof line.
also be lapped over the adjacent corner shingle,
alternating each course. This kind of corner treatment, GABLE ENDS
called lacing, usually requires that flashing be used
At times, the materials used in the gable ends and in
When siding returns against a roof surface, such as the walls below differ in form and application. The
at the bottom of a dormer wall, there should be a 2-inch details of construction used at the juncture of the two
clearance (fig. 4-6, view D). Siding that is cut for a tight materials should be such that good drainage is assured.
fit against the shingles retains moisture after rains and For example, when vertical boards and battens are used
usually results in peeling paint. Shingle flashing at the gable end and horizontal siding below, a drip cap
Figure 4-8.-Single coursing of sidewalls (wood shingles and
Figure 4-7.-Cable-end finish (material transition).
Figure 4-10.-Flashing of material changes: A. Stucco above, siding below, B. Vertical siding above, horizontal below.
wood backing strips or sheathing. In a single course, a One wall area that requires flashing is at the inter-
3d or 4d zinc-coated shingle nail is commonly used. In section of two types of siding materials. For example, a
a double course, where nails are exposed, a 5d stucco-finish gable end and a wood-siding lower wall
zinc-coated nail with a small flat head is used for the top should be flashed (fig. 4-10, view A). A wood molding,
course, and a 3d or 4d size for the undercourse. Use such as a drip cap, separates the two materials and is
building paper over lumber sheathing. covered by the flashing, which extends at least 4 inches
above the intersection. When sheathing paper is used, it
should lap the flashing (fig. 4-10, view A).
When a wood-siding pattern change occurs on the
same wall, the intersection should also be flashed. A
Flashing should be installed at the junction of
vertical board-sided upper wall with horizontal siding
material changes, chimneys, and roof-wall
below usually requires some type of flashing (fig. 4-10,
intersections. It should also be used overexposed doors
vie w B). A small space above the molding provides a
and windows, roof ridges and valleys, along the edge of
drip for rain. This will prevent paint peeling, which
a pitched roof, and any other place where rain and
could occur if the boards were in tight contact with the
melted snow may penetrate.
molding. A drip cap (fig. 4-7) is sometimes used as a
To prevent corrosion or deterioration where unlike terminating molding.
metals come together, use fasteners made of the same
kind of metal as the flashing. For aluminum flashing, DOOR AND WINDOW FLASHING
use only aluminum or stainless steel nails, screws,
hangers, and clips. For copper flashing, use copper nails The same type of flashing as shown in figure 4-10,
and fittings. Galvanized sheet metal or terneplate should view A, should be used over door and window openings
be fastened with galvanized or stainless steel fasteners. exposed to driving rain. However, window and door
(Terneplate is a steel plate coated with an alloy of lead heads protected by wide overhangs in a single-story
and a small amount of tin.) structure with a hip roof do not ordinarily require the
flashing. When building paper is used on the sidewalls,
it should lap the top edge of the flashing. To protect the
walls behind the window sill in a brick veneer exterior,
extend the flashing under the masonry sill up the
underside of the wood sill.
Flashing is also required at the junctions of an
exterior wall and a flat or low-pitched built-up roof (fig.
4-11). Where a metal roof is used, the metal is turned up
on the wall and covered by the siding. A clearance
should be allowed at the bottom of the siding to protect
against melted snow and rain.
Figure 4-11-Flashing at the intersection of an exterior wall Several types of gutters are available to carry the
and a flat or low-pitched roof. rainwater to the downspouts and away from the
Figure 4-13.-Gutters and downspouts: A. Half-round gutter;
B. “K” style gutter C. Round downspout; D. Rectangular
Figure 4-16.-Parts of a Six-panel door.
Figure 4-15.-Downspout installation: A. Downspout with is metal-faced with an insulated foam core. Solid-core
splash block; B. Drain to storm sewer.
doors are used as exterior doors because of the heavy
service and the additional fireproofing. Hollow-core
doors are normally used for interior applications. Wood
(fig. 4-15, view A), which carries the water away from doors are classified by design and method of
the foundation. The minimum length of a splash block construction as panel or flush doors.
should be 3 feet. In some areas, the downspout drains
directly into a tile line, which carries the water to a storm Panel Doors
sewer (view B).
A panel door, or stile-and-rail door, consists of
EXTERIOR DOORS vertical members called stiles and horizontal members
called rails. The stiles and rails enclose panels of solid
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Upon completing wood, plywood, louvers, or glass (fig. 4-16). The stiles
this section, you should be able to identify the extend the full height at each side of the door. The
types of exterior doors and describe basic vertical member at the hinged side of the door is called
exterior doorjamb installation procedures. the hinge, or hanging, stile, and the one to which the
latch, lock, or push is attached is called the closing, or
Many types of exterior doors are available to lock, stile. Three rails run across the full width of the
provide access, protection, safety, and privacy. Wood, door between the stiles: the top rail, the intermediate or
metal, plastic, glass, or a combination of these materials lock rail, and the bottom rail. Additional vertical or
are used in the manufacture of doors. The selection of horizontal members, called muntins, may divide the
door type and material depends on the degree of door into any number of panels. The rails, stiles, and
protection or privacy desired, architectural com- muntins maybe assembled with either glued dowels or
patibility, psychological effect, fire resistance, and cost. mortise-and-tenon joints.
Better quality exterior doors are of solid-core Panel doors in which one or more panels are glass
construction. The core is usually fiberglass, or the door are classed as sash (glazed) doors. Fully glazed panel
Figure 4-17.-Three types of solid-core doors.
doors with only atop and bottom rail, without horizontal This type of core is highly resistant to warpage and is
or vertical muntins, are refereed to as “casement” or more dimensionally stable than the continuous-block
“French doors.” Storm doors are lightly constructed core.
glazed doors. They are used in conjunction with exterior
In addition to the solid lumber cores, there are two
doors to improve weather resistance. Combination
types of composition solid cores. Mineral cores (see
doors consist of interchangeable or hinged glass and
fig. 4-17) consist of inert mineral fibers bonded into
screen panels.
rigid panels. The panels are framed within the wood rails
and stiles, resulting in a core that is light in weight and
Flush Doors little affected by moisture. Because of its low density,
this type of door should not be used where sound control
Flush doors are usually made up of thin sheets of is important.
veneer over a core of wood, particle board, or The other type (not shown) has particleboard,
fiberboard. The veneer faces act as stressed-skin panels flakeboard, or waferboard cores, consisting of wood
and tend to stabilize the door against warping. The face chips or vegetable fibers mixed with resins or other
veneer may be of ungraded hardwood suitable for a binders, formed under heat and pressure into solid
plain finish or selected hardwood suitable for a natural panels. This type of core requires a solid-perimeter
finish. The appearance of flush doors maybe enhanced frame. Since particleboard has no grain direction, it
by the application of plant-on decorative panels. Both provides exceptional dimensional stability and freedom
hollow-core and solid-core doors usually have solid from warpage. Because of its low screw-holding ability,
internal rails and stiles so that hinges and other hardware it is usually desirable to install wood blocks in the core
may be set in solid wood. at locations where hardware will be attached.
Two types of solid wood cores are widely used in
flush-door construction (fig. 4-17). The first type, called DOORJAMBS
a continuous-block, strip- or wood-stave core, consists
of low-density wood blocks or strips that are glued
The doorjamb is the part of the frame that fits inside
together in adjacent vertical rows, with the end joints
the masonry opening or rough frame opening. Jambs
staggered. This is the most economical type of solid
may be wood or metal. The jamb has three parts: the two
core. However, it is subject to excessive expansion and
side jambs and the head jamb across the top. Exterior
contraction unless it is sealed with an impervious skin,
doorjambs have a stop as part of the jamb. The stop is
such as a plastic laminate.
the portion of the jamb that the face of the door closes
The second type is the stile-and-rail core, in which against. The jamb is 1 1/4 inches thick with a 1/2-inch
blocks are glued up as panels inside the stiles and rails. rabbet serving as a stop.
thickness. If the jamb is not wide enough, strips of wood
are nailed on the edges to form an extension. Jambs may
also be custom made to accommodate various wall
Figure 4-19.-Thresholds.
jambs to the head jamb and sill with 10d casing nails.
Then nail the casings to the front edges of the jambs with
10d casing nails spaced 16 inches OC.
Exterior doors are 1 3/4 inches thick and not less
than 6 feet 8 inches high. The main entrance door is 3
feet wide, and the side or rear service door is 2 feet 8
inches wide. A hardwood or metal threshold (fig. 4- 19)
covers the joint between the sill and the finished floor,
The bottom of an exterior door may be equipped
with a length of hooked metal that engages with a
specially shaped threshold to provide a weatherproof
seal. Wood and metal thresholds are available with
flexible synthetic rubber tubes that press tightly
against the bottom of the door to seal out water and
cold or hot air. These applications are shown in
figure 4-20. Manufacturers furnish detailed instruction
for installation.
After the installation is complete, a piece of 1/4-or
3/8- inch plywood should be lightly tacked over the sill
to protect it during further construction work. At this
time, many Builders prefer to hang a temporary door so
the interior of the structure can be secured and provide
a place to store tools and materials.
Hanging the door and installing door hardware are
a part of the interior finishing operation and will be
described later in this TRAMAN.
When setting doorframes, never drive any LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Upon completing
of the nails completely into the wood until all this section, you should be able to identify the
nails are in place and a final check has been types of windows used in frame structures, and
made to make sure that no adjustments are describe installation procedures.
The primary purpose of windows is to allow the
Place additional wedges between the jambs and stud entry of light and air, but they may also be an important
frame in the approximate location of the lock strike plate part of the architectural design of a building. Windows
and hinges. Adjust the wedges until the side jambs are and their frames are millwork units that are usually fully
well supported and straight. Then secure the wedges by assembled at the factory, ready for use in buildings.
driving a 16d casing nail through the jamb, wedge, and These units often have the sash fitted and weather
into the trimmer stud. Finally, nail the casing in place stripped, frame assembled, and exterior casing in place,
with 16d casing nails. These nails should be placed 3/4 Standard combination storms and screens or separate
inch from the outer edges of the casing and spaced 16 units can also be included. Wood components are treated
inches OC. with a water-repellent preservative at the factory to
Figure 4-23.-Typical double-hung window.
provide protection before and after they are placed in location. Compression weather stripping, for example,
the walls. prevents air infiltration, provides tension, and acts as a
Insulated glass, used both for stationary and move- counterbalance. Several types allow the sash to be
able sash, consists of two or more sheets of spaced glass removed for easy painting or repair.
with hermetically sealed edges. It resists heat loss more The jambs (sides and top of the frames) are made of
than a single thickness of glass and is often used without nominal 1-inch lumber; the width provides for use with
a storm sash. drywall or plastered interior finish. Sills are made from
Window frames and sashes should be made from a nominal 2-inch lumber and sloped at about 3 inches in
clear grade of decay-resistant heartwood stock, or from 12 inches for good drainage. Wooden sash is normally
wood that has been given a preservative treatment. 1 3/8 inches thick. Figure 4-24 shows an assembled
Examples include pine, cedar, cypress, redwood, and window stool and apron.
Frames and sashes are also available in metal. Heat
loss through metal frames and sash is much greater than
through similar wood units. Glass blocks are sometimes
used for admitting light in places where transparency or
ventilation is not required.
Windows are available in many types. Each type has
its own advantage. The principal types are double-hung,
casement, stationary, awning, and horizontal sliding. In
this chapter, we’ll cover just the first three.
Figure 4-25.-Out-swinging casement sash.
Assembled frames are placed in the rough opening windows, and winter protection is obtained with a storm
over strips of building paper put around the perimeter to sash or by using insulated glass in the sash. One advan-
minimize air infiltration. The frame is plumbed and tage of the casement window over the double-hung type
nailed to side studs and header through the casings or is that the entire window area can be opened for
the blind stops at the sides. Where nails are exposed, ventilation.
such as on the casing, use the corrosion-resistant type. Weather stripping is also provided for this type of
Hardware for double-hung windows includes the window, and units are usually received from the factory
sash lifts that are fastened to the bottom rail. These are entirely assembled with hardware in place. Closing
sometimes eliminated by providing a finger groove in hardware consists of a rotary operator and sash lock. As
the rail. Other hardware consists of sash lockss or in the double-hung units, casement sash can be used in
fasteners located at the meeting rail. They lock the
a number of ways—as a pair or in combinations of two
window and draw the sash together to provide a
or more pairs. Style variations are achieved by divided
wind-tight fit.
lights. Snap-in muntins provide a small, multiple-pane
Double-hung windows can be arranged in a number
appearance for traditional styling.
of ways—as a single unit, doubled (or mullion), or in
groups or three or more. One or two double-hung Metal sash is sometimes used but, because of low-
windows on each side of a large stationary insulated insulating value, should be installed carefully to prevent
window are often used to create a window wall. Such condensation and frosting on the interior surfaces during
large openings must be framed with headers large cold weather. A full storm-window unit is sometimes
enough to carry roof loads. necessary to eliminate this problem in cold climates.
Figure 4-26.-Typical use of stationary window in combination
with other types.
Heat Absorbing spacers should be provided for uniform clearances on
all units set with face stops, Use metal glazing strips for
Heat-absorbing glass contains controlled quantities 1/2-inch-thick sash without face stops. Use a full bed of
of a ferrous iron admixture that absorbs much of the glazing compound in the edge clearance on the bottom
energy of the sun. Heat-absorbing glass is available in of the sash and enough at the sides and top to make a
plate, heavy plate, sheet, patterned, tempered, wired, weathertight seal. It is essential that the metal channel
and laminated types. Heat-absorbing glass dissipates at the perimeter of each unit be covered by at least 1/8
much of the heat it absorbs, but some of the heat is inch of compound. This ensures a lasting seal.
retained. Thus, heat-absorbing glass may become much
hotter than ordinary plate glass. Tempered
Because of its higher rate of expansion, heat-
absorbing glass requires careful cutting, handling, and Tempered glass is plate or patterned glass that has
glazing. Sudden heating or cooling may induce edge been reheated to just below its melting point and then
stresses, which can result in failure if edges are cooled very quickly by subjecting both sides to jets of
improperly cut or damaged. Large lights made of air. This leaves the outside surfaces, which cool faster,
heat-absorbing glass that are partially shaded or heavily in a state of compression. The inner portions of the glass
draped are subject to higher working stresses and are in tension. As a result, fully tempered glass has three
require special design consideration. to five times the strength against impact forces and
temperature changes than untempered glass has.
Glare Reducing Tempered glass chipped or punctured on any edge or
surface will shatter and disintegrate into small blunt
Glare-reducing glass is available in two types. The pieces. Because of this, it cannot be cut or drilled.
first type is transparent with a neutral gray or other color
tint, which lowers light transmission but preserves true Heat Strengthened
color vision. The second type is translucent, usually
white, which gives wide light diffusion and reduces Heat-strengthened glass is plate glass or patterned
glare. Both types absorb some of the sun’s radiant glass with a ceramic glaze fused to one side. Preheating
energy and therefore have heat-absorbing qualities. The the glass to apply the ceramic glaze strengthens the glass
physical characteristics of glare-reducing glass are quite considerably, giving it characteristics similar to
similar to those of plate glass. Although glare-reducing tempered glass. Heat-strengthened glass is about twice
glass absorbs heat, it does not require the special as strong as plate glass. Like tempered glass, it cannot
precautions that heat-absorbing glass does. be cut or drilled.
Heat-strengthened glass is available in thicknesses
Insulating of 1/4 and 5/16 inch and in limited standard sizes. It is
opaque and is most often used for spandrel glazing in
Insulating glass units consist of two or more sheets curtain wall systems. Framing members must be sturdy
of glass separated by either 3/16-, 7/32-, or 1/4-inch air and rigid enough to support the perimeter of the
space. These units are factory-sealed. The captive air is tempered glass panels. Each panel should rest on
dehydrated at atmospheric pressure. The edge seal can resilient setting blocks. When used in operating doors
be made either by fusing the edges together or with and windows, it must not be handled or opened until the
metal spacing strips. A mastic seal and metal edge glazing compound has set.
support the glass.
Insulating glass requires special installation pre- Wired
cautions. Openings into which insulating glass is
installed must be plumb and square. Glazing must be Wired glass is produced by feeding wire mesh into
free of paint and paper because they can cause a heat the center of molten glass as it is passed through a pair
trap that may result in breakage. There must be no direct of rollers. A hexagonal, diamond-shaped square, or
contact between insulating glass and the frame into rectangular pattern weld or twisted wire mesh may be
which it is installed. The glazing compound must be a used. To be given afire rating, the mesh must be at least
nonhardening type that does not contain any materials 25 gauge, with openings no larger than 1 1/8 inches.
that will attack the metal-to-glass seal of the insulating Also, the glass must be no less than 1/4 inch thick. Wired
glass. Never use putty. Resilient setting blocks and glass may be etched or sandblasted on one or both sides
to soften the light or provide privacy. It may be obtained protected with a coat of shellac, varnish, paint, or metal
with a pattern on one or both sides. (usually copper). Mirrors used in building construction
are usually either polished plate glass or tempered plate
Patterned glass.
Proper installation requires that the weight of the
Patterned glass has the same composition as
mirror be supported at the bottom. Mastic installation is
window and plate glass. It is semitransparent with
not recommended because it may cause silver spoilage.
distinctive geometric or linear designs on one or both
sides. The pattern can be impressed during the rolling
process or sandblasted or etched later. Some patterns are
also available as wired glass. pattern glass allows entry
Sheets made of thermoplastic acrylic resin
of light while maintaining privacy. It is also used for
(Plexiglas®and Luciteo, both trade names) are available
decorative screens and windows. Patterned glass must
in flat and corrugated sheets. This material is readily
be installed with the smooth side to the face of the putty.
formed into curved shapes and, therefore, is often used
in place of glass. Compared with glass, its surface is
more readily scratched; hence, it should be installed in
out-of-reach locations. This acrylic plastic is obtainable
Laminated glass is composed of two or more layers
in transparent, translucent, or opaque sheets and in a
of either sheet or polished plate glass with one or more
wide variety of colors.
layers of transparent or pigmented plastic sandwiched
between the layers. A vinyl plastic, such as plasticized
polyvinyl resin butyl 0.015 to 0.025 inch thick, is
generally used. Only the highest quality sheet or
In this section, we’ll discuss the various types of
polished plate glass is used in making laminated glass.
sealers you’ll need to install, hold fast, and seal a
When this type of glass breaks, the plastic holds the
window in its setting.
pieces of glass and prevents the sharp fragments from
shattering. When four or more layers of glass are
Wood-Sash Putty
laminated with three or more layers of plastic, the
product is known as bullet-resisting glass. Safety glass Wood-sash putty is a cement composed of fine
has only two layers of glass and one of plastic.
powdered chalk (whiting) or lead oxide (white lead)
mixed with boiled or raw linseed oil. Putty may contain
other drying oils, such as soybean or perilla. As the oil
oxides, the putty hardens. Litharge (an oxide of lead) or
Safety glass is available with clear or pigmented
special driers may be added if rapid hardening is
plastic, and either clear or heat-absorbing and
required. Putty is used in glazing to set sheets of glass
glare-reducing glass. Safety glass is used where strong
into frames. Special putty mixtures are available for
impact may be encountered and the hazard of flying
interior and exterior glazing of aluminum and steel
glass must be avoided. Exterior doors with a pane area
window sash.
greater than 6 square feet and shower tubs and
enclosures are typical applications. A good grade of wood-sash putty resists sticking to
the putty knife or glazier’s hands, yet it should not be
Glazing compounds must be compatible with the
too dry to apply to the sash. In wood sash, apply a
layers of laminated plastic. Some compounds cause
suitable primer, such as priming paints or boiled linseed
deterioration of the plastic in safety glass.
Mirrors Putty should not be painted until it has thoroughly
set. Painting forms an airtight film, which slows the
Mimers are made with polished plate, window, drying. This may cause the surface of the paint to crack
sheet, and picture glass. The reflecting surface is a thin All putty should be painted for proper protection.
coat of metal, generally silver, gold, copper, bronze, or
chromium, applied to one side of the glass. For special Metal-Sash Putty
mirrors, lead, aluminum, platinum, rhodium, or other
metals may be used. The metal film can be semi- Metal-sash putty differs from wood putty in that it
transparent or opaque and can be left unprotected or is formulated to adhere to nonporous surfaces. It is used
for glazing aluminum and steel sash either inside or working time of the material (2 to 3 hours). Toluene and
outside. It should be applied as recommended by the xylene are good solvents for this purpose.
manufacturer. Metal-sash putty should be painted
within 2 weeks after application, but should be Rubber Materials
thoroughly set and hard before painting begins.
Rubber compression materials are molded in
There are two grades of metal-sash putty: one for
various shapes. They are used as continuous gaskets and
interior and one for exterior glazing. Both wood-sash
as intermittent spacer shims. A weathertight joint
putty and metal-sash putty are known as oleoresinous
requires that the gasket be compressed at least 15
caulking compounds. The advantage of these materials
percent. Preformed materials reduce costs because
is their low cost; their disadvantages include high
careful cleaning of the glass is not necessary, and there
shrinkage, little adhesion, and an exposed life
is no waste of material.
expectancy of less than 5 years.
Elastic glazing compounds are specially formulated Always measure the length and width of the opening
from selected processed oils and pigments, which in which the glass is to fit at more than one place.
remain plastic and resilient over a longer period than the Windows are often not absolutely square. If there is a
common hard putties. Butyl and acrylic compounds are difference between two measurements, use the smaller
the most common elastics. Butyl compounds tend to and then deduct 1/8 inch from the width and length to
stain masonry and have a high shrinkage factor. allow for expansion and contraction. Otherwise, the
Acrylic-based materials require heating to 110°F before glass may crack with changes of temperature. This is
application. Some shrinkage occurs during curing. At especially true with steel casement windows.
high temperatures, these materials sag considerably in Cutting glass is a matter of confidence-and
vertical joints. At low temperatures, acrylic-based experience. You can gain both by practicing on scrap
materials become hard and brittle. The y are available in glass before trying to cut window glass to size.
a wide range of colors and have good adhesion qualities. Equipment required for glass cutting consists of a glass
cutter, a flat, solid table, a tape measure, and a wood or
Polybutane Tape metal T-square or straightedge. Look at figure 4-28. You
should lightly oil the cutting wheel (view A) with a thin
Polybutane tape is a nondrying mastic, which is
machine oil or lubricating fluid. Hold the cutter by
available in extruded ribbon shapes. It has good
resting your index finger on the flat part of the handle,
adhesion qualities, but should not be used as a substitute
as shown in view B.
or replacement for spacers. It can be used as a con-
tinuous bed material in conjunction with a polysulfide To cut a piece of glass, lay a straightedge along the
sealer compound. This tape must be pressure applied for proposed cut, as shown in view C. Hold it down firmly
proper adhesion. with one hand and with the glass cutter in the other,
make one continuous smooth stroke along the surface
Polysulfide Compounds of the glass with the side of the cutter pressed against
the straightedge (view D). The objective is to score the
Polysulfide-base products are two-part synthetic glass, not cut through it. You should be able to hear the
rubber compounds based on a polysulfide polymer. The cutter bite into the glass as it moves along. Make sure
consistency of these compounds after mixing is similar the cut is continuous and that you have not skipped any
to that of a caulking compound. The activator must be section. Going over a cut is a poor practice as the glass
thoroughly mixed with the base compound at the job. is sure to break away at that point. Snap the glass
The mixed compound is applied with either a caulking immediately after cutting by placing a pencil or long
gun or spatula. The sealing surfaces must be extremely dowel under the score line and pressing with your hands
clean. Surrounding areas of glass should be protected on each side of the cut (view E). Frosted or patterned
before glazing. Excess and spilled material must be glass should be cut on the smooth side. Wire-reinforced
removed and the surfaces cleaned promptly. Once glass can be cut the same as ordinary glass, except that
polysulfide elastomer glazing compound has cured, it is you will have to separate the wires by flexing the two
very difficult to remove. Any excess material left on the pieces up and down until the wire breaks or by cutting
surfaces after glazing should be cleaned during the the wires with side-cutting pliers.
Figure 4-28.-Glass cutting.
To cut a narrow strip from a large piece of glass, the waste. Do not nibble without first scoring a line. You
score a line and then tap gently underneath the score line can smooth off the edges of glass intended for shelving
with the cutter to open up an inch or so of the score line or tabletops with an oilstone dipped in water, as shown
(view F). Next, grasp the glass on each side of the line in view I. Rub the stone back and forth from end to end
and gently snap off the waste piece (view G). Press with the stone at a 45° angle to the glass. Rub the stone
downward away from the score mark. If the strip does side to side only, not up and down.
not break off cleanly, nibble it off with the pliers (view No attempt should be made to change the size of
H) or the notches in the cutter. Slivers less than 1/2 inch heat-strengthened, tempered, or doubled-glazed units,
wide are cut off by scoring the line and then nibbling off since any such effort will result in permanent damage.
Table 4-1.-Weight and Maximum Sizes of Sheet Glass
All heat-absobing glass must be clean cut. Nibbling to The maximum size glass that may be used in a
remove flares or to reduce oversized dimensions of particular location is governed to a great extent by wind
heat-absorbing glass is not permitted. load. Wind velocities, and consequently wind pressures,
increase with height above the ground. Various building
codes or project specifications determine the maximum
allowable glass area for wind load.
corners and fabrication intersections to make the sash
watertight. Put a coat of primer paint on all sealing
surfaces of wood sash and carbon steel sash. Use
appropriate solvents to remove grease, lacquers, and
other organic-protecting finishes from sealing surfaces
of aluminum sash.
compound after it is placed, while the interior remains
soft. This type of glazing compound is used in windows
or doors subject to twisting or vibration. It may be
painted as soon as the surface has formed.
For large panes of glass, setting blocks may be
placed between the glass edges and the frame to
maintain proper spacing of the glass in the openings. The
blocks may be of wood, lead, neoprene, or some flexible
material. For large openings, flexible shims must be set
between the face of the glass and the glazing channel to
allow for movement. Plastics and heat-absorbing or
reflective glass require more clearance to allow for
greater expansion. The shims may be in the form of a
continuous tape of a butyl-rubber-based compound,
which has been extruded into soft, tacky, ready-to-use
tape that adheres to any clean, dry surface. The tape is
applied to the frame and the glass-holding stop before
the glass is placed in a frame. Under compression, the
tape also serves as a sealant.
Glass may be held in place in the frame by spring
clips inserted in holes in the metal frame or by
continuous angles or stops attached to the frame with
screws or snap-on spring clips. The frames of metal
windows are shaped either for outside or inside glazing.
RECOMMENDED READING LIST Basic Roof Framing, Benjamin Barnow, Tab Books,
Inc., Blue Ridge Summit, Pa., 1986.
Design of Wood Frame Structures for Permanence,
National Forest Products Association, Washington,
Although the following references D.C., 1988.
were current when this TRAMAN was
Exterior and Interior Trim, John E. Ball, Delmar Pub.,
published, their continued currency
Albany, N.Y., 1975.
cannot be assured. You therefore need
to ensure that you are studying the Modern Carpentry, Willis H. Wagner, Goodheart-
latest revisions. WILCOX Co., South Holland, Ill., 1983.
Builders are responsible for finishing the interior of paneling, and similar types are also used. Many of these
the buildings of a construction project. Interior finish drywall finishes come prefinished.
consists mainly of the coverings of the rough walls,
The use of thin sheet materials, such as gypsum
ceilings, and floors, and installing doors and windows
board or plywood, requires that studs and ceiling joists
with trim and hardware. In this chapter, we’ll discuss
wall and ceiling coverings, including the closely related have good alignment to provide a smooth, even surface.
topics of insulation and ventilation. In the next chapter, Wood sheathing often corrects misaligned studs on
we’ll look at floor coverings, stairway construction, and exterior walls. A strongback (fig. 5-1) provides for
interior door and wood trim installation. alignment of ceiling joists of unfinished attics. It can
also be used at the center of a span when ceiling joists
are uneven.
COVERINGS Gypsum wallboard is the most commonly used wall
and ceiling covering in construction today. Because
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Upon completing gypsum is nonflammable and durable, it is appropriate
this section, you should be able to describe for application inmost building types. Sheets of drywall
drywall installation and finishing procedures, are nailed or screwed into place, and nail indentions or
and identify various types of wall and ceiling “dimples” are filled with joint compound. Joints
coverings and the tools, fasteners, and
between adjoining sheets are built up with special tape
accessories used in installation.
and several layers (usually three) of joint compound.
Drywall is easily installed, though joint work can be
Though lath-and-plaster finish is still used in
building construction today, drywall finish has become
the most popular. Drywall finish saves time in Drywall varies in composition, thickness, and edge
construction, whereas plaster finish requires drying time shape. The most common sizes with tapered edges are
before other interior work can be started. Drywall finish 1/2 inch by 4 feet by 8 feet and 1/2 inch by 4 feet by
requires only short drying time since little, if any, water
12 feet.
is required for application. However, a gypsum drywall
demands a moderately low moisture content of the Regular gypsum board is commonly used on walls
framing members to prevent “nail-pops.” Nail-pops and ceilings and is available in various thicknesses. The
result when frame members dry out to moisture most common thicknesses are 1/2 inch and 5/8 inch.
equilibrium, causing the nailhead to form small Type X gypsum board has special additives that make it
“humps” on the surface of the board. Stud alignment is fire resistant.
also important for single-layer gypsum finish to prevent
a wavy, uneven appearance. Thus, there are advantages
to both plaster and gypsum drywall finishes and each
should be considered along with the initial cost and
Types Drywall of 5/8-inch thickness is favored for quality
single-layer walls, especially where studs are 24 inches
MR (moisture resistant) or WR (water resistant) OC. Use 5/8-inch drywall for ceiling joists 24 inches
board is also called greenboard and blueboard. Being OC, where sheets run parallel to joists. This thickness is
water resist ant, this board is appropriate for bathrooms, widely used in multiple, fire-resistant combinations.
laundries, and similar areas with high moisture. It also There are several types of edging in common use.
provides a suitable base for embedding tiles in mastic. Tapered allows joint tape to be bedded and built up to a
MR or WR board is commonly 1/2 inch thick. flat surface. This is the most common edge used.
Sound-deadening board is a sublayer used with Tapered round is a variation on the first type. Tapered
other layers of drywall (usually type X); this board is round edges allow better joints. These edges are more
often 1/4 inch thick easily damaged, however. Square makes an acceptable
exposed edge. Beveled has an edge that, when left
Backing board has a gray paper lining on both sides. untapped, gives a paneled look.
It is used as a base sheet on multilayer applications.
Backing board is not suited for finishing and decorating.
Foil-backed board serves as a vapor barrier on
exterior walls. This board is available in various Commonly used tools in drywall application
thicknesses. include a tape measure, chalk line, level, utility and
Vinyl-surfaced board is available in a variety of drywall knives, straightedge, and a 48-inch T square
colors. It is attached with special drywall finish nails and (drywall square) or framing square. Other basic tools
is left exposed with no joint treatment. include a keyhole saw, drywall hammer (or convex head
hammer), screw gun, drywall trowel, comer trowel, and
Plasterboard or gypsum lath is used for plaster base. a foot lift. Some of these tools are shown in figure 5-2.
It is available in thickness starting at 3/8 inch, widths 16
and 24 inches, and length is usually 48 inches. Because The tape measure, chalk line, and level are used for
layout work. The utility and drywall knives,
it comes in manageable sizes, it’s widely used as a
straightedge, and squares are used for scoring and
plaster base instead of metal or wood lath for both new
breaking drywall. The keyhole saw is used for cutting
construction and renovation. This material is not
irregular shapes and openings, such as outlet box
compatible with portland cement plaster.
openings. A convex head or drywall, hammer used for
The varying lengths of drywall allow you to lay out drywall nails will “dimple” the material without tearing
sheets so that the number of seams is kept to a minimum, the paper. The screw gun quickly sinks drywall screws
End points can be a problem, however, since the ends of to the adjusted depth and then automatically disengages.
the sheets aren’t shaped (only the sides are). As sheet Drywall knives have a variety of uses. The 6-inch
length increases, so does weight, unwieldiness, and the knife is used to bed the tape in the first layer of joint
need for helpers. Standard lengths are 8, 9, 10, 12, and compound and for filling nail or screw dimples. The
14 feet. Sixteen-foot lengths are also available. Use the 12-inch finishing knife “feathers out” the second layer
thickness that is right for the job. One-half-inch drywall of joint compound and is usually adequate for the third
is the dimension most commonly used. That thickness, or “topping” layer. Knives 16 inches and wider are used
which is more than adequate for studs 16 inches on for applying the topping coat. Clean and dry drywall
center (OC), is also considered adequate where studs are knives after use. Use only the drywall knives for the
24 inches OC. Where ceiling joists are 16 inches OC, purpose intended-to finish drywall.
use 1/2-inch drywall, whether it runs parallel or The drywall trowel resembles a concrete finishing
perpendicular to joists. Where ceiling joists are 24 trowel and is manufactured with a 3/16-inch concave
inches OC, though, use 1/2-inch drywall only if the bow. This trowel, also referred to as a “flaring,”
sheets are perpendicular to joists. “feathering,” or “bow” trowel, is used when applying
Drywall of 1/4- and 3/8-inch thicknesses is used the finish layer of joint compound. A comer trowel is
effectively in renovation to cover existing finish walls almost indispensable for making clean interior comers.
with minor irregularities. Neither is adequate as a single For sanding dried joint compound smooth, use 220
layer for walls or ceiling, however. Two 1/4-inch-thick grit sandpaper. Sandpaper should be wrapped around a
plies are also used to wrap curving walls. sanding block or can be used on an orbital sander. When
Figure 5-2.—Common tools for drywall installation.
the longer nail is subject to the expansion and
contraction of a greater depth of wood.
Smooth-shank, diamond-head nails are commonly
used to attach two layers of drywall; for example, when
fireproofing a wall. Again, the mil length should be
selected carefully. Smooth-shank nails should penetrate
the base wood 1 inch. Predecorated drywall nails, which
may be left exposed, have smaller heads and are
color-matched to the drywall.
SCREWS.— Drywall screws (fig. 5-3, view B) are
the preferred method of fastening among professional
builders, cabinetmakers, and renovators. These screws
are made of high-quality steel and are superior to
conventional wood screws. Use a power screw gun or
an electric drill to drive in the screws. Because this
method requires no impact, there is little danger of
Figure 5-3.—Drywall fasteners. jarring loose earlier connections. There are two types of
drywall screws commonly used: type S and type W.
Type S.— Type S screws (fig. 5-3, view B) are
designed for attachment to metal studs. The screws are
sanding, ensure you’re wearing the required personnel
self-tapping and very sharp, since metal studs can flex
protective gear to prevent dust inhalation.
away. At least 3/8 inch of the threaded part of the screw
A foot lift helps you raise and lower drywall sheets should pass through a metal stud. Although other lengths
while you plumb the edges. Be careful when using the are available, 1-inch type S screws are commonly used
foot lift—applying too much pressure to the lift can for single-ply drywall.
easily damage the drywall.
Type W.— Type W screws (fig. 5-3, view B) hold
drywall to wood. They should penetrate studs or joists
Fasteners at least 5/8 inch. If you are applying two layers of
drywall, the screws holding the second sheet need to
Which fasteners you use depends in part upon the penetrate the wood beneath only 1/2 inch.
material underneath. The framing is usually wood or TAPE.— Joint tape varies little. The major
metal studs, although gypsum is occasionally used as a difference between tapes is whether they are perforated
base. Adhesives are normally used in tandem with or not. Perforated types are somewhat easier to bed and
screws or nails. This allows the installer to use fewer cover. New self-sticking fiber-mesh types (resembling
screws or nails, leaving fewer holes that require filling. window screen) are becoming popular. Having the mesh
For reasons noted shortly, you’ll find the drywall screw design and being self-sticking eliminates the need for
the most versatile fastener for attaching drywall to the first layer of bedding joint compound.
framing members.
JOINT COMPOUND.— Joint compound comes
NAILS.— Drywall nails (fig. 5-3, view A) are ready-mixed or in powder form. The powder form must
specially designed, with oversized heads, for greater
be mixed with water to a putty consistency.
holding power. Casing or common nailheads are too
Ready-mixed compound is easier to work with, though
small. Further, untreated nails can rust and stain a finish.
its shelf life is shorter than the powdered form. Joint
The drywall nail most frequently used is the annular ring
compounds vary according to the additive they contain.
nail. This nail fastens securely into wood studs and
Always read and follow the manufacturer’s
joists. When purchasing such nails, consider the
thickness of the layer or layers of drywall, and allow
additional length for the nail to penetrate the underlying ADHESIVES.— Adhesives are used to bond
wood 3/4 inch. Example: 1/2-inch drywall plus 3/4-inch single-ply drywall directly to the framing members,
penetration requires a 1 1/4-inch nail. A longer nail does furring strips, masonry surfaces, insulation board, or
not fasten more securely than one properly sized, and other drywall. They must be used with nails or screws.
Figure 5-4.—Corner and casing beads.
Because adhesives are matched with specific materials, specified. Casing beads are matched to the thickness of
be sure to select the correct adhesive for the job. Read the drywall used.
and follow the manufacturer’s directions.
When laying out a drywall job, keep in mind that
each joint will require taping and sanding. You therefore
A number of metal accessories have been developed
should arrange the sheets so that there will be a
to finish off or protect drywall. corner beads (fig. 5-4)
minimum of joint work. Choose drywall boards of the
are used on all exposed comers to ensure a clean finish
maximum practical length.
and to protect the drywall from edge damage. corner
bead is nailed or screwed every 5 inches through the Drywall can be hung with its length either parallel
drywall and into the framing members. Be sure the or perpendicular to joists or studs. Although both
corner bead stays plumb as you fasten it in place. Casing arrangements work sheets running perpendicular afford
beads (fig. 5-4), also called stop beads, are used where better attachment. In double-ply installation, run base
drywall sheets abut at wall intersections, wall and sheets parallel and top sheets perpendicular. For walls,
exposed ceiling intersections, or where otherwise the height of the ceiling is an important factor. When
Figure 5-5.—Single-layer application of drywall.
ceilings are 8 feet 1 inch high or less, run wall sheets First, don’t order drywall too far in advance.
horizontally. Where they are higher, run wall sheets Drywall must be stored flat to prevent damage to the
vertically, as shown in figure 5-5. edges, and it takes up a lot of space.
The sides of drywall taper, but the ends don’t, so Second, to cut drywall (fig. 5-6), you only need to
there are some layout constraints. End joints must be cut through the fine-paper surface (view A). Then, grasp
staggered where they occur. Such joints are difficult to the smaller section and snap it sharply (view B). The
feather out correctly. Where drywall is hung vertically, gypsum core breaks along the scored line. Cut through
the paper on the back (view C).
avoid side joints within 6 inches of the outside edges of
doors or windows. In the case of windows, the bevel on Third, when cutting a piece to length, never cut too
the side of the drywall interferes with the finish trim, closely. One-half-inch gaps are acceptable at the top and
and the bevel may be visible. To avoid this difficulty, lay the bottom of a wall because molding covers these gaps.
If you cut too closely, you may have difficulty getting
out vertical joints so they meet over a cripple (shortened)
the piece into place. Also, where walls aren’t square, you
stud toward the middle of a door or window opening.
may have to trim anyway.
When installing drywall horizontally and an
Fourth, snap chalk lines on the drywall to indicate
impact-resistant joint is required, you should use nailing
joists or stud centers underneath attachment is much
blocks (fig. 5-5). quicker. Remember: Drywall edges must be aligned
over stud, joist, or rafter centers.
Fifth, when cutting out holes for outlet boxes,
fixtures, and so on, measure from the nearest fixed
There are several things you can do to make point(s); for example, from the floor or edge of the next
working with drywall easier. piece of drywall. Take two measurements from each
Figure 5-7.—Spacing for single and double nailing of gypsum
Figure 5-8.—Dimpling of gypsum drywall.
convex-headed drywall hammers are available for this Ceilings can be covered by one person using two
operation, a conventional claw hammer also works tees made from 2 by 4s. This practice is acceptable when
(fig. 5-8). dealing with sheets that are 8 foot in length. Sheets over
SECURING WITH SCREWS.— Because screws this length will require a third tee, which is very
attach more securely, fewer are needed. Screws are awkward for one individual to handle. Two people
usually spaced 12 inches OC regardless of drywall should be involved with the installation of drywall on
thickness. On walls, screws maybe placed 16 inches OC ceilings.
for greater economy, without loss of strength. Don’t
WALLS.— Walls are easier to hang than ceilings,
double up screws except where the first screw seats
and it’s something one person working alone can do
poorly. Space screws around the edges the same as nails.
effectively, although the job goes faster if two people
SECURING WITH ADHESIVES.— Adhesive work together. As you did with the ceiling, be sure the
applied to wood studs allows you to bridge minor walls have sufficient blocking in corners before you
irregularities along the studs and to use about half the begin.
number of nails. When using adhesives, you can space
the nails 12 inches apart (without doubling up). Don’t Make sure the first sheet on a wall is plumb and its
alter nail spacing along end seams, however. To attach leading edge is centered over a stud. Then, all you have
sheets to studs, use a caulking gun and run a 3/8-inch to do is align successive sheets with the first sheet. The
bead down the middle of the stud. Where sheets meet foot lift shown earlier in figure 5-2 is useful for raising
over a framing member, run two parallel beads. Don’t or lowering a sheet while you level its edge. After you’ ve
make serpentine beads, as the adhesive could ooze out sunk two or three screws or nails, the sheet will stay in
onto the drywall surface. If you are laminating a second place. A gap of 1/2 inch or so along the bottom of a sheet
sheet of drywall over a fret, roll a liquid contact cement is not critical; it is easily covered by finish flooring,
with a short-snap roller on the face of the sheet already baseboards, and soon. If you favor a clean, modem line
in place. To keep adhesive out of your eyes, wear
without trim, manufactured metal or vinyl edges (casing
goggles. When the adhesive turns dark (usually within
beads) are available for finishing the edges.
30 minutes), it is ready to receive the second piece of
drywall. Screw on the second sheet as described above. During renovation, you may find that hanging
sheets horizontally makes sense. Because studs in older
CEILINGS.— Begin attaching sheets on the
ceiling, first checking to be sure extra blocking (that will buildings often are not on regular centers, the joints of
receive nails or screws) is in place above the top plates vertical sheets frequently do not align with the studs.
of the walls. By doing the ceiling first, you have Again, using the foot lift, level the top edge of the bottom
maximum exposure of blocking to nail or screw into. If sheet. Where studs are irregular, it’s even more
there are gaps along the intersection of the ceiling and important that you note positions and chalk line stud
wall, it is much easier to adjust wall pieces. centers onto the drywall face before hanging the sheet.
Figure 5-9.—Finishing drywall joints.
Applying drywall in older buildings yields a lot of between coats prevents rework that has a cost involved
waste because framing is not always standardized. Use as well as extra time.
the cutoffs in such out-of-the-way places as closets.
Where sheets of drywall join, the joints are covered
Don’t piece together small sections in areas where you’ll
with joint tape and compound (fig. 5-9). The procedure
notice seams. Never assume that ceilings are square with
is straightforward.
walls. Always measure from at least two points, and cut
accordingly. 1. Spread a swath of bedding compound about 4
inches wide down the center of the joint (fig. 5-9,
Drywall is quite good for creating or covering
view A). Press the tape into the center of the joint
curved walls. For the best results, use two layers or
with a 6-inch finish knife (fig. 5-9, view B).
1/4-inch drywall, hung horizontally. The framing
Apply another coat of compound over the first
members of the curve should be placed at intervals of
to bury the tape (fig. 5-9, view C). As you apply
no more than 16 inches OC; 12 inches is better. For an
8-foot sheet applied horizontally, an arc depth of 2 to 3 the compound over the tape, bear down so you
feet should be no problem, but do check the take up any excess. Scrape clean any excess,
manufacturer’s specifications. Sharper curves may however, as sanding it off can be tedious.
require backcutting (scoring slots into the back so that 2. When the first coat is dry, sand the edges with
the sheet can be bent easily) or wetting (wet-sponging fine-grit sand paper while wearing personal-
the front and back of the sheet to soften the gypsum). protective equipment. Using a 12-inch knife,
Results are not always predictable, though. When apply a topping of compound 2 to 4 inches wider
applying the second layer of 1/4-inch drywall, stagger than the first applications (view D).
the vertical butt joints.
3, Sand the second coat of compound when it is
dry. Apply the third and final coat, feathering it
Finishing out another 2 to 3 inches on each side of the joint.
You should be able to do this with a 12-inch
The finishing of gypsum board drywall is generally knife, Otherwise, you should use a 16-inch
a three-coat application. Attention to drying times “feathering trowel.”
Figure 5-10.—Finishing an inside corner.
When finishing an inside corner (fig. 5-10), cut your lightly and apply a second coat, feathering edges 2 to 3
tape the length of the corner angle you are going to inches beyond the first coat. A third coat maybe needed,
finish. Apply the joint compound with a 4-inch knife depending on your coverage. Feather the edges of each
evenly about 2 inches on each side of the angle. Use coat 2 or 3 inches beyond each preceding coat. Corner
sufficient compound to embed the tape. Fold the tape beads are no problem if you apply compound with care
along the center crease (view A) and firmly press it into and scrape the excess clean. Nail holes and screw holes
the corner. Use enough pressure to squeeze some usually can be covered in two passes, though shrinkage
compound under the edges. Feather the compound 2 sometimes necessitates three. A tool that works well for
inches from the edge of the tape (view B). When the first sanding hard-to-reach places is a sanding block on an
coat is dry, apply a second coat. A corner trowel (view extension pole; the block has a swivel-head joint.
C) is almost indispensable for taping comers. Feather
the edges of the compound 1 1/2 inches beyond the first
coat. Apply a third coat if necessary, let it dry, and sand
it to a smooth surface. Use as little compound as possible
at the apex of the angle to prevent hairline cracking.
When molding is installed between the wall and ceiling
intersection, it is not necessary to tape the joint (view D).
When finishing an outside corner (fig. 5-1 1), be sure
the corner bead is attached firmly. Using a 4-inch
finishing knife, spread the joint compound 3 to 4 inches
wide from the nose of the bead, covering the metal
edges. When the compound is completely dry, sand Figure 5-11.—Finishing an outside corner.
To give yourself the greatest number of decorating
options in the future, paint the finished drywall surface
with a coat of flat oil-base primer. Whether you intend
to wallpaper or paint with latex, oil-base primer adheres
best to the facing of the paper and seals it.
Figure 5-14.—Repairing a large hole In drywall.
for a window casing. Electrical boxes must also be
extended with box extensions or plaster rings.
Masonry surfaces must be smooth, clean, and dry.
Where the walls are below grade, apply a vapor barrier
of polyethylene (use mastic to attach it) and install the
furring strips. Use a power-actuated nail gun to attach
strips to the masonry. Follow all safety procedures. If
you hand nail, drive case-hardened nails into the mortar
joints. Wear goggles; these nails can fragment.
Most drywall blemishes are caused by structural
shifting or water damage. Correct any underlying
Figure 5-15.—Battens used for paneling joints.
problems before attacking the symptoms.
Popped-up nails are easily fixed by pulling them out
or by dimpling them with a hammer. Test the entire wall
for springiness and add roils or screws where needed. feather the compound approximately 16 inches, or
Within 2 inches of a popped-up nail, drive in another more. If the original drywall is 1/2 inch thick use
nail. Spackle both when the spots are dry, then sand and 3/8-inch plasterboard as a replacement on the backing
prime. piece.
To repair cracks in drywall, cut back the edges of Holes larger than 8 inches should be cut back to the
the crack slightly to remove any crumbly gypsum and centers of the nearest studs. Although you should have
to provide a good depression for a new filling of joint no problem nailing a replacement piece to the studs, the
compound. Feather the edges of the compound. When top and the bottom of the new piece must be backed. The
dry, sand and prime them. best way to install backing is to screw drywall gussets
(supports) to the back of the existing drywall. Then, put
When a piece of drywall tape lifts, gently pull until
the replacement piece in the hole and screw it to the
the piece rips free from the part that’s still well stuck.
Sand the area affected and apply anew bed of compound
for a replacement piece of tape. The self-sticking tape
mentioned earlier works well here. Feather all edges. PLYWOOD
panels with openings whenever possible. If finished pattern. Panels for wall application are usually 1/4 inch
panels are to have a grain, stand the panels around the thick.
walls and shift them until you have the most pleasing
Since hardboard is made from wood fibers, the
effect in color and grain patterns. To avoid mix-ups,
panels expand and contract slightly with changes in
number the panels in sequence after their position has
humidity. They should be installed when they are at their
been established.
maximum size. The panels tend to buckle between the
When cutting plywood panels with a portable saw, studs or attachment points if installed when moisture
mark the layout on the back side. Support the panel content is low. Manufacturers of prefinished hardboard
carefully and check for clearance below. Cut with the panels recommend that they be unwrapped and placed
saw blade upward against the panel face. This separately around the room for at least 48 hours before
minimizes splintering. This procedure is even more application.
important when working with prefinished panels.
Procedures and attachment methods for hardboard
Plywood can be attached directly to the wall studs are similar to those for plywood. Special adhesives are
with nails or special adhesives. Use 3/8-inch plywood available as well as metal or plastic molding in matching
for this type of installation. When studs are poorly colors. You should probably drill nail holes for the
aligned or when the installation is made over an existing harder types.
surface in poor condition, it is usually advisable to use
furring. Nail 1- by 3- or 1- by 4-inch furring strips PLASTIC LAMINATES
horizontally across the studs. Start at the floor line and
continue up the wall. Spacing depends on the panel Plastic laminates are sheets of synthetic material
thickness. Thin panels need more support. Install that are hard, smooth, and highly resistant to scratching
vertical strips every 4 feet to support panel edges. Level and wear. Although basically designed for table and
uneven areas by shimmying behind the furring strips. countertops, they are also used for wainscoting and wall
Prefinished plywood panels can be installed with special paneling in buildings.
adhesive. The adhesive is applied and the panels are
Since plastic laminate material is thin (1/32 to 1/16
simply pressed into place; no sustained pressure is
inch), it must be bonded to other supporting panels.
Contact bond cement is commonly used for this
Begin installing panels at a corner. Scribe and trim purpose. Manufacturers have recently developed
the edges of the first panel so it is plumb. Fasten it in prefabricated panels with the plastic laminate already
place before fitting the next panel. Allow approximately bonded to a base or backer material. This base consists
1/4-inch clearance at the top and bottom. After all panels of a 1/32-inch plastic laminate mounted on 3/8-inch
are in place, use molding to cover the space along the particleboard. Edges are tongue and grooved so that
ceiling. Use baseboards to conceal the space at the floor units can be blind-nailed into place. Various matching
line. If the molding strips, baseboards, and strips used corner and trim moldings are available.
to conceal panel joints are not prefinished, they should
be spray painted or stained a color close to the tones in SOLID LUMBER PANELING
the paneling before installation.
On some jobs, 1/4-inch plywood is installed over a Solid wood paneling makes a durable and attractive
base of 1/2-inch gypsum wallboard. This backing is interior wall surface and may be appropriately used in
recommended for several reasons. It tends to bring the nearly any type of room. Several species of hardwood
studs into alignment. It provides a rigid finished surface. and softwood are available. Sometimes, grades with
And, it improves the fire-resistant qualities of the wall. numerous knots are used to obtain a special appearance.
(The plywood is bonded to the gypsum board with a Defects, such as the deep fissures in pecky cypress, can
compatible adhesive.) also provide a dramatic effect.
The softwood species most commonly used include
HARDBOARD pine, spruce, hemlock and western red cedar. Boards
range in widths from 4 to 12 inches (nominal size) and
are dressed to 3/4 inch. Board and batten or shiplap
Through special processing, hardboard (also called joints are sometimes used, but tongue-and-groove
fiberboard) can be fabricated with a very low moisture (T&G) joints combined with shaped edges and surfaces
absorption rate. This type is often scored to form a tile are more popular.
Exterior wall constructions, where the interior
surface consists of solid wood paneling, should include
a tight application of building paper located close to the
backside of the boards. This prevents the infiltration of
wind and dust through the joints. In cold climates,
insulation and vapor barriers are important. Base,
corner and ceiling trim can be used for decorative
purposes or to conceal irregularities in joints.
Figure 5-17.—Grid system components.
Figure 5-20.—Corner treatment.
Wall Angles
The first step is to install the wall angles at the new
ceiling height. This can be as close as 2 inches below
the existing ceiling. Begin by marking a line around the
entire room to indicate wall angle height and to serve as
a level reference. Mark continuously to ensure that the
lines at intersecting walls meet. On gypsum board,
plaster, or paneled walls, install wall angles (fig. 5-19)
with nails, screws, or toggle bolts. On masonry walls,
use anchors or concrete nails spaced 24 inches apart.
Make sure the wall angle is level. Overlap or miter the
wall angle at corners (fig. 5-20). After the wall angles are
installed the next step is to attach the suspension wires.
Suspension Wires
Suspension wires are required every 4 feet along
main tees and on each side of all splices (see fig. 5-21).
Attach wires to the existing ceiling with nails or screw Figure 5-21.—Suspenslon wire installation.
Figure 5-23.—Main tee and aluminum tee splice.
Since ceiling panels are prefinished, handle them
with care. Keep their surfaces clean by using talcum
powder on your hands or by wearing clean canvas
gloves. If panels do become soiled, use an art gum eraser
to remove spots, smudges, and fingerprints. Some
panels can be lightly washed with a sponge dampened
with a mild detergent solution. However, before washing
or performing other maintenance services, such as
painting, refer to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Ceiling Tile
Ceiling tile can be installed in several ways,
Figure 5-25.—Steel cross tee assembly.
depending on the type of ceiling or roof construction.
When a flat-surfaced backing is present, such as
Most ceiling panel patterns are random and do not
between beams of a beamed ceiling in a low-slope roof,
require orientation. However, some fissured panels are
tiles are fastened with adhesive as recommended by the
designed to be installed in a specific direction and are
manufacturer. A small spot of a mastic type of con-
so marked on the back with directional arrows. When struction adhesive at each corner of a 12-by 12-inch tile
installing panels on a large project, you should work is usually sufficient. When tile is edge-matched, stapling
from several cartons. The reason for this is that the color, is also satisfactory.
pattern, or texture might vary slightly; and by working Perhaps the most common method of installing
from several cartons, you avoid a noticeable change in ceiling tile uses wood strips nailed across the ceiling
uniformity. joists or roof trusses (fig. 5-26, view A). These are
spaced a minimum of 12 inches OC. A nominal 1- by are filled or partially filled with material having a high
3-inch or 1- by 4-inch wood member can be used for insulating value, the stud space has many times the
roof or ceiling members spaced not more than 24 inches insulating ability of the air alone.
OC. A nominal 2- by 2-inch or 2- by 3-inch member
should be satisfactory for truss or ceiling joist spacing TYPES
of up to 48 inches.
Commercial insulation is manufactured in a variety
In locating the strips, first measure the width of the
of forms and types, each with advantages for specific
room (the distance parallel to the direction of the ceiling
uses. Materials commonly used for insulation can be
joists). If, for example, this is 11 feet 6 inches, use ten
grouped in the following general classes: (1) flexible
12-inch-square tiles and 9-inch-wide tile at each side
insulation (blanket and batt); (2) loose-fill insulation;
edge. The second wood strips from each side are located
(3) reflective insulation; (4) rigid insulation (structural
so that they center the first row of tiles, that can now be
and nonstructural); and (5) miscellaneous types.
ripped to a width of 9 inches. The last row will also be
9 inches, but do not rip these tiles until the last row is The insulating value of a wall varies with different
reached so that they fit tightly. The tile can be fitted and types of construction, kinds of materials used in
arranged the same way for the ends of the room. construction, and types and thicknesses of insulation. As
we just mentioned, air spaces add to the total resistance
Ceiling tiles normally have a tongue on two adjacent
of a wall section to heat transmission, but an air space
sides and a groove on the opposite adjacent sides. Start
is not as effective as the same space filled with an
with the leading edge ahead and to the open side so that
insulating material.
it can be stapled to the nailing strips. A small finish nail
or adhesive should be used at the edge of the tiles in the
first row against the wall. Stapling is done at the leading
edge and the side edge of each tile (fig. 5-26, view B).
Flexible insulation is manufactured in two types:
Use one staple at each wood strip at the leading edge
blanket and batt. Blanket insulation (fig. 5-27, view A)
and two at the open side edge. At the opposite wall, a
is furnished in rolls or packages in widths to fit between
small finish nail or adhesive must again be used to hold
studs and joists spaced 16 and 24 inches OC. It comes
the tile in place.
in thicknesses of 3/4 inch to 12 inches. The body of the
Most ceiling tile of this type has a factory finish; blanket is made of felted mats of mineral or vegetable
painting or finishing is not required after it is placed. fibers, such as rock or glass wool, wood fiber, and
Take care not to mar or soil the surface. cotton. Organic insulations are treated to make them
resistant to fire, decay, insects, and vermin. Most blanket
insulation is covered with paper or other sheet material
INSULATION with tabs on the sides for fastening to studs or joists. One
covering sheet serves as a vapor barrier to resist
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Upon completing movement of water vapor and should always face the
this section, you should be able to identify the warm side of the wall. Aluminum foil, asphalt, or plastic
types of insulation and describe the methods of laminated paper is commonly used as barrier materials.
Batt insulation (fig. 5-27, view B) is also made of
fibrous material preformed to thicknesses of 3 1/2 to
The inflow of heat through outside walls and roofs
12 inches for 16-and 24-inch joist spacing. It is supplied
in hot weather or its outflow during cold weather is a
with or without a vapor barrier. One friction type of
major source of occupant discomfort. Providing heating
fibrous glass batt is supplied without a covering and is
or cooling to maintain temperatures at acceptable limits
designed to remain in place without the normal fastening
for occupancy is expensive. During hot or cold weather,
insulation with high resistance to heat flow helps save
energy. Also, you can use smaller capacity units to
Loose Fill
achieve the same heating or cooling result, an additional
Loose-fill insulation (fig. 5-27, view C) is usually
Most materials used in construction have some composed of materials used in bulk form, supplied in
insulating value. Even air spaces between studs resist bags or bales, and placed by pouring, blowing, or
the passage of heat. However, when these stud spaces packing by hand. These materials include rock or glass
Reflective insulation used in conjunction with
foil-backed gypsum drywall makes an excellent vapor
barrier. The type of reflective insulation shown in figure
5-27, view D, includes a reflective surface. When
properly installed, it provides an airspace between other
Some insulations are not easily classified, such a
insulation blankets made up of multiple layers of
Most materials have the property of reflecting
corrugated paper. Other types, such as lightweight
radiant heat, and some materials have this property to a
vermiculite and perlite aggregates, are sometimes used
very high degree. Materials high in reflective properties
in plaster as a means of reducing heat transmission.
include aluminum foil, copper, and paper products
Other materials in this category are foamed-in-place
coated with a reflective oxide. Such materials can be
insulations, including sprayed and plastic foam types.
used in enclosed stud spaces, attics, and similar
Sprayed insulation is usually inorganic fibrous material
locations to retard heat transfer by radiation. Reflective
blown against a clean surface that has been primed with
insulation is effective only where the reflective surface
an adhesive coating. It is often left exposed for
faces an air space at least 3/4 inch deep. Where this
acoustical as well as insulating properties.
surface contacts another material, the reflective
properties are lost and the material has little or no Expanded polystyrene and urethane plastic forms
insulating value. Proper installation is the key to can be molded or foamed in place. Urethane insulation
obtaining the best results from the reflective insulation. can also be applied by spraying. Polystyrene and
Reflective insulation is equally effective whether the urethane in board form can be obtained in thicknesses
reflective surface faces the warm or cold side. from 1/2 to 2 inches.
LOCATION OF INSULATION Ventilation of attic and roof spaces is an important
adjunct to insulation. Without ventilation, an attic space
In most climates, all walls, ceilings, roofs, and may become very hot and hold the heat for many hours.
floors that separate heated spaces from unheated spaces Ventilation methods suggested for protection against
should be insulated. This reduces heat loss from the cold-weather condensation apply equally well to
structure during cold weather and minimizes air protection against excessive hot-weather roof
conditioning during hot weather. The insulation should temperatures.
be placed on all outside walls and in the ceiling. In The use of storm windows or insulated glass greatly
structures that have unheated crawl spaces, insulation reduces heat loss. Almost twice as much heat loss occurs
should be placed between the floor joists or around the through a single glass as through a window glazed with
wall perimeter. insulated glass or protected by a storm sash. Double
If a blanket or batt insulation is used, it should be glass normally prevents surface condensation and frost
well supported between joists by slats and a galvanized forming on inner glass surfaces in winter. When
wire mesh, or by a rigid board. The vapor barrier should excessive condensation persists, paint failures and
be installed toward the subflooring. Press-fit or friction decay of the sash rail can occur.
insulations fit tightly between joists and require only a
small amount of support to hold them in place. CAUTION
Reflective insulation is often used for crawl spaces,
but only dead air space should be assumed in calculating
Prior to the actual installation of the
heat loss when the crawl space is ventilated. A ground
insulation, consult the manufacturer’s specifi-
cover of roll rooting or plastic film, such as poly- cations and guidelines for personal-protection
ethylene, should be placed on the soil of crawl spaces to items required. Installing insulation is not
decrease the moisture content of the space as well as of particularly hazardous; however, there are
the wood members. some health safeguards to be observed when
Insulation should be placed along all walls, floors, working with fiberglass.
and ceilings that are adjacent to unheated areas. These
include stairways, dwarf (knee) walls, and dormers of 1
1/2 story structures. Provisions should be made for
ventilating the unheated areas.
Blanket insulation and batt insulation with a vapor
Where attic space is unheated and a stairway is
barrier should be placed between framing members so
included, insulation should be used around the stairway
that the tabs of the barrier lap the edge of the studs as
as well as in the first-floor ceiling. The door leading to
well as the top and bottom plates. This method is not
the attic should be weather stripped to prevent heat loss.
popular with contractors because it is more difficult to
Walls adjoining an unheated garage or porch should also
apply the drywall or rock lath (plaster base). However,
be insulated. In structures with flat or low-pitched roofs, it assures a minimum of vapor loss compared to the loss
insulation should be used in the ceiling area with when the tabs are stapled to the sides of the studs. To
sufficient space allowed above for cleared unobstructed protect the top and soleplates, as well as the headers over
ventilation between the joists. Insulation should be used openings, use narrow strips of vapor barrier material
along the perimeter of houses built on slabs. A vapor along the top and bottom of the wall (fig. 5-28, view A).
barrier should be included under the slab. Ordinarily, these areas are not well covered by the vapor
In the summer, outside surfaces exposed to the barrier on the blanket or batt. A hand stapler is
direct rays of the sun may attain temperatures of 50°F commonly used to fasten the insulation and the vapor
or more above shade temperatures and tend to transfer barriers in place.
this heat into the house. Insulation in the walls and in For insulation without a vapor barrier (batt), a
the attic areas retards the flow of heat and improves plastic film vapor barrier, such as 4-roil polyethylene, is
summer comfort conditions. commonly used to envelop the entire exposed wall and
Where air conditioning is used, insulation should be ceilings (fig. 5-28, views B and C). It covers the
placed in all exposed ceilings and walls in the same openings as well as the window and doorheaders and
manner as insulating against cold-weather heat loss. edge studs. This system is one of the best from the
Shading of glass against direct rays of the sun and the standpoint of resistance to vapor movement. Further-
use of insulated glass helps reduce the air-conditioning more, it does not have the installation inconveniences
load. encountered when tabs of the insulation are stapled over
Figure 5-28.—Application of insulation.
outlet boxes and other utility connections in exposed
walls to minimize condensation on cold surfaces.
Figure 5-31 .—Attic outlet vents.
A warm attic that is inadequately ventilated and lowering the temperature in these spaces. Insulation
insulated may cause formation of ice dams at the cornice should be used between ceiling joists below the attic or
(fig. 5-30, view A). During cold weather after a heavy roof space to further retard heat flow into the rooms
snowfall, heat causes the snow next to the roof to melt. below and materially improve comfort conditions.
Water running down the roof freezes on the colder It is common practice to install louvered openings
surface of the cornice, often forming an ice dam at the in the end walls of gable roofs for ventilation. Air
gutter that may cause water to backup at the eaves and movement through such openings depends primarily on
into the wall and ceiling. Similar dams often form in roof wind direction and velocity. No appreciable movement
valleys. Ventilation provides part of the solution to these can be expected when there is no wind. Positive air
problems. With a well-insulated ceiling and adequate movement can be obtained by providing additional
ventilation (fig. 5-30 view B), attic temperatures are low openings (vents) in the soffit areas of the roof overhang
and melting of snow over the attic space greatly reduced. (fig. 5-31, view A) or ridge (view B). Hip-roof
In hot weather, ventilation of attic and roof spaces structures are best ventilated by soffit vents and by outlet
offers an effective means of removing hot air and ventilators along the ridge. The differences in
temperature between the attic and the outside create an
air movement independent of the wind, and also a more
positive movement when there is wind. Turbine-type
ventilators are also used to vent attic spaces (view C).
Where there is a crawl space under the house or
porch, ventilation is necessary to remove the moisture
vapor rising from the soil. Such vapor may otherwise
condense on the wood below the floor and cause decay.
As mentioned earlier, a permanent vapor barrier on the
soil of the crawl space greatly reduces the amount of
ventilation required.
Tight construction (including storm windows and
storm doors) and the use of humidifiers have created
potential moisture problems that must be resolved by
adequate ventilation and the proper use of vapor
barriers. Blocking of soffit vents with insulation, for
example, must be avoided because this can prevent
proper ventilation of attic spaces. Inadequate ventilation
often leads to moisture problems, resulting in
unnecessary maintenance costs.
Various styles of gable-end ventilators are available.
Many are made with metal louvers and frames, whereas
others may be made of wood to more closely fit the
structural design. However, the most important factors
are to have properly sized ventilators and to locate
Figure 5-32.—Inlet vents.
ventilators as close to the ridge as possible without
affecting appearance.
Ridge vents require no special framing, only the
disruption of the top course of roofing and the removal as little as possible. Locate the opening by drilling small
of strips of sheathing. Snap chalk lines running parallel holes through the wall at each corner Snap chalk lines
to the ridge, down at least 2 inches from the peak. Using to establish the cuts made with a reciprocating saw. Cut
a linoleum cutter or a utility knife with a very stiff blade, back the siding to the width of the trim housing the
cut through the rooting along the lines. Remove the louver (or the louver-with-fan), but cut back the
roofing material and any roofing nails that remain. Set sheathing only to the dimensions of the fan housing. Box
your power saw to cut through just the sheathing (not in the rough opening itself with 2 by 4s and nail or screw
into the rafters) along the same lines. A carbide-tipped the sheathing to them. Flash and caulk a gable-end
blade is best for this operation. Remove the sheathing. louver as you would a door or a window.
Nail the ridge vent over the slot you have created, using Small, well-distributed vents or continuous slots in
gasketed roofing nails. Remember to use compatible the soffit provide good inlet ventilation. These small
materials. For example, aluminum nails should be used louvered and screened vents (see fig. 5-32, view A) are
with aluminum vent material. Because the ridge vent easily obtained and simple to install. Only small sections
also covers the top of the roofing, be sure the nails are
need to be cut out of the soffit to install these vents,
long enough to penetrate into the rafters. Caulk the
which can be sawed out before the soffit is installed. It
underside of the vent before nailing.
is better to use several small, well-distributed vents than
The openings for louvers and in-the-wall fans
(fig. 5-31, view D) are quite similar. In fact, fans are a few large ones. Any blocking that might be required
usually covered with louvers. Louver slats should have between rafters at the wall line should be installed to
a downward pitch of 45° to minimize water blowing in. provide an airway into the attic area.
As with soffit vents, a backing of corrosion-resistant A continuous screened slot vent, which is often
screen is needed to keep insects out. Ventilation fans desirable, should be located near the outer edge of the
may be manual or thermostatically controlled. soffit near the fascia (fig. 5-32, view B). This location
When installing a louver in an existing gable-end minimizes the chance of snow entering. This type of
wall, disturb the siding, sheathing, or framing members vent is also used on the overhang of flat roofs.
This chapter continues our discussion of interior in bedroom and closet areas where traffic is light.
finishing. In the previous chapter, we looked at the However, it is less dense than the hardwoods, less wear-
interior finishing of walls and ceilings, and related resistant, and shows surface abrasions more readily.
aspects of insulation and ventilation. Now, we’ll Softwoods most commonly used for flooring are
examine the common types of flooring and the southern pine, Douglas fir, redwood, and western
construction procedures for a stairway and interior hemlock.
doorframing. We’ll also discuss the types of wood trim Softwood flooring has tongue-and-groove edges
and the associated installation procedures. and may be hollow-backed or grooved. Some types are
also end-matched. Vertical-grain flooring generally has
FLOOR COVERINGS better wearing qualities than flat-grain flooring under
hard usage.
Hardwoods most commonly used for flooring are
red and white oak, beech, birch, maple, and pecan, any
this section, you should be able to identify the
of which can be prefinished or unfinished.
common types of floor coverings and describe
Hardwood strip flooring is available in widths
procedures for their placement.
ranging from 1 1/2 to 3 1/4 inches. Standard thicknesses
include 3/8, 1/2, and 3/4 inch. A useful feature of
Numerous flooring materials now available may be
used over a variety of floor systems. Each has a property hardwood strip flooring is the undercut. There is a wide
that adapts it to a particular usage. Of the practical groove on the bottom of each piece that enables it to lay
properties, perhaps durability and ease of maintenance flat and stable, even when the subfloor surface is slightly
are the most important. However, initial cost, comfort, uneven.
and appearance must also be considered. Specific These strips are laid lengthwise in a room and
service requirements may call for special properties, normally at right angles to the floor joists. A subfloor of
such as resistance to hard wear in warehouses and on diagonal boards or plywood is normally used under the
loading platforms, or comfort to users in offices and finish floor. The strips are tongue and groove and
shops. end-matched (fig. 6-1, view A). Strips are random length
There is a wide selection of wood materials used for
flooring. Hardwoods and softwoods are available as
strip flooring in a variety of widths and thicknesses, and
as random-width planks and block flooring. Other
materials include linoleum, asphalt, rubber, cork vinyl,
and tile and sheet forms. Tile flooring is also available
in a particleboard, which is manufactured with small
wood particles combined with resin and formed under
high pressure. In many areas, ceramic tile and carpeting
are used in ways not thought practical a few years ago.
Plastic floor coverings used over concrete or a stable
wood subfloor are another variation in the types of
finishes available.
and may vary from 2 to more than 16 feet. The top is
slightly wider than the bottom so that tight joints result
when flooring is laid. The tongue fits tightly into the
groove to prevent movement and floor squeaks.
Thin strip flooring (fig. 6-1. view B) is made of 3/8-
by 2-inch strips. This flooring is commonly used for
remodeling work or when the subfloor is edge-blocked
or thick enough to provide very little deflection under
Square-edged strip flooring (fig. 6-1, view C) is
also occasionally used. The strips are usually 3/8 inch
by 2 inches and laid over a substantial subfloor.
Face-nailing is required for this type of flooring.
Plank floors are usually laid in random widths. The
pieces are bored and plugged to simulate wooden pegs
originally used to fasten them in place. Today, this type
of floor has tongue-and-groove edges. It is laid similar
to regular strip flooring. Solid planks are usually
3/4 inch thick. Widths range from 3 to 9 inches in
multiples of 1 inch.
Figure 6-2.—Application of strip flooring.
Flooring should be laid after drywall, plastering, or
other interior wall and ceiling finish is completed and When the flooring is delivered, store it in the
dried out. Windows and exterior doors should be in warmest and driest place available in the building.
place, and most of the interior trim, except base, casing, Moisture absorbed after delivery to the building site is
and jambs, should be installed to prevent damage by the most common cause of open joints between flooring
wetting or construction activity. strips that appear after several months of the heating
Board subfloors should be clean and level and season.
covered with felt or heavy building paper. The felt or
paper stops a certain amount of dust, somewhat deadens Floor Squeaks
sound, and, where a crawl space is used, increases the
warmth of the floor by preventing air infiltration. As a Floor squeaks are usually caused by the movement
guide to provide nailing into the joists, wherever of one board against another. Such movement can occur
possible, mark with a chalk line the location of the joists for a number of reasons: floor joists too light, causing
on the paper. Plywood subflooring does not normally excessive deflection; sleepers over concrete slabs not
require building paper. held down tightly; loose fitting tongues; or poor nailing.
Adequate nailing is an important means of minimizing
Strip flooring should normally be laid crosswise to
squeaks. Another is to apply the finish floors only after
the floor joists (fig. 6-2, view A). In conventional
the joists have dried to 12-percent moisture content or
structures, the floor joists span the width of the building
less. A much better job results when it is possible to nail
over a center-supporting beam or wall. Thus, the finish
through the finish floor, through the subfloor, and into
flooring of the entire floor areas of a rectangular
the joists than if the finish floor is nailed only to the
structure will be laid in the same direction. Flooring with subfloor.
“L”- or “I’’-shaped plans will usually have a direction
change, depending on joist direction. As joists usually Nailing
span the short way in a room, the flooring will be laid
lengthwise to the room. This layout has a pleasing Various types of nails are used in nailing different
appearance and also reduces shrinkage and swelling of thicknesses of flooring. Before using any type of nail,
the flooring during seasonal changes. you should check with the floor manufacturer’s
Figure 6-4.—Floor detail for existing concrete construction.
of flooring, held together with glue, metal splines, or
other fasteners. Square and rectangular units are
produced. Generally, each block is laid with its grain at
right angles to the surrounding units.
Blocks, called laminated units, are produced by
gluing together several layers of wood. Unit blocks are
commonly produced in 3/4-inch thicknesses. Dimen-
sions (length and width) are in multiples of the widths
of the strips from which they are made. For example,
squares assembled from 2 1/4-inch strips are 6 3/4 by
6 3/4 inches, 9 by 9 inches, or 11 1/4 by 11 1/4 inches.
Wood block flooring is usually tongue and groove.
To install plywood underpayment, follow the same
general procedures described for hardboard. Turn the
grain of the face-ply at right angles to the framing
supports. Stagger the end joints. Nails may be spaced
farther apart for plywood but should not exceed a field
spacing of 10 inches (8 inches for 1/4- and 3/8-inch
thicknesses) and an edge spacing of 6 inches OC. You
should use ring-grooved or cement-coated nails to
install plywood underpayment.
Plywood is preferred by many for underpayment. It
is dimensionally stable, and spacing between joints is
not critical. Since a range of thicknesses is available,
alignment of the surfaces of various finish flooring
materials is easy. An example of aligning resilient
flooring with wood strip flooring is shown in figure 6-8. Figure 6-9.—Establishing center for laying floor tile.
with length 3 feet, height 4 feet, and hypotenuse 5 feet.
In a large room, a 6:8: 10-foot triangle can be used. To
establish this triangle, you can either use a chalk line or
draw the line along a straightedge.
With the centerlines established, make a trial layout
of tile along the center lines. Measure the distance
between the wall and last tile. If the distance is less than
2 inches or more than 8 inches, move the centerline half
the width of the tile (4 1/2 inches for a 9 by 9 tile) closer
to the wall. This adjustment eliminates the need to install
border tiles that are too narrow. (As you will learn
shortly, border tiles are installed as a separate
operation-after the main area has been tiled.) Check
Figure 6-10.—Layout of a border tile.
the layout along the other center line in the same way.
Since the original center line is moved exactly half the
tile size, the border tile will remain uniform on opposite
Allow the adhesive to take an initial set before a
sides of the room. After establishing the layout, you are
now ready to spread the adhesive. single tile is laid. The time required will vary from a
minimum of 15 minutes to a much longer time,
SPREADING ADHESIVE.— Before you spread
depending on the type of adhesive used. Test the surface
the adhesive, reclean the floor surface. Using a notched
with your thumb. It should feel slightly tacky but should
trowel, spread the adhesive over one-quarter of the total
not stick to your thumb.
area bringing the spread up to the chalk line but not
covering it. Be sure the depth of the adhesive is the depth LAYING THE TILE.— Start laying the tile at the
recommended by the manufacturer. center of the room. Make sure the edges of the tile align
The spread of adhesive is very important. If it is too with the chalk line. If the chalk line is partially covered
thin, the tile will not adhere properly. If too heavy, the with the adhesive, snap a new one or tack down a thin,
adhesive will bleed between the joints. straight strip of wood to act as a guide in placing the tile.
Butt each tile squarely to the adjoining tile, with the Table 6-2.—Estimating Floor Tile
comers in line. Carefully lay each tile in place. Do not
slide the tile; this causes the adhesive to work up
between the joints and prevents a tight fit. Take
sufficient time to position each tile correctly. There is
usually no hurry since most adhesives can be “worked’
over a period of several hours.
To remove air bubbles, rubber, vinyl, and linoleum
are usually rolled after a section of the floor is laid. Be
sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Asphalt tile does not need to be rolled.
After the main area is complete, set the border tile
as a separate operation. To lay out a border tile, place a
loose tile (the one that will be cut and used) over the last
tile in the outside row. Now, take another tile and place
it in position against the wall and mark a sharp pencil
line on the first tile (fig. 6-10).
Cut the tile along the marked line, using heavy-duty
shears or tin snips. Some types of tile require a special
cutter or they may be scribed and broken. Asphalt tile,
if heated, can be easily cut with snips.
Afler all sections of the floor have been completed,
install the cove along the wall and around fixtures. A
special adhesive is available for this operation. Cut the
proper lengths and make a trial fit. Apply the adhesive
to the cove base and press it into place.
Check the completed installation carefully. Remove
any spots of adhesive. Work carefully using cleaners and
procedures approved by the manufacturer.
SELF-ADHERING TILE.— Before installing
self-adhering tile, you must first ensure that the floors
are dry, smooth, and completely free of wax, grease, and
dirt. Generally, tiles can be laid over smooth-faced
resilient floors. Embossed floors, urethane floors, or
cushioned floors should be removed.
Self-adhering tile is installed in basically the same
way as previously mentioned types of tile. Remove the
paper from the back of the tile, place the tile in position
on the floor, and press it down.
tiles, to which you must add 5 percent for waste. The longest points. This will result in some waste material,
total number of tiles required is 1,028. but is safer than ordering less than what you need.
When tiling large areas, work from several different Most wall-to-wall carpeting is priced by the square
boxes of tile. This will avoid concentrating one color yard. To determine how many square yards you need,
shade variation in one area of the floor. multiply the length by the width of the room in feet and
divide the result by 9.
Because of its flexibility, vinyl flooring is very easy
to install. Since sheets are available in 6- to 12-foot Except for so-called “one-piece” and cushion-
widths, many installations can be made free of seams. backed carpeting, underpayment or padding is essential
Flexible vinyl flooring is fastened down only around the to a good carpet installation. It prolongs the life of the
edges and at seams. It can be installed over concrete, carpeting, increases its soundproofing qualities, and
plywood, or old linoleum. adds to underfoot comfort.
To install, spread the sheet smoothly over the floor. The most common types of carpet padding are latex
Let excess material turn up around the edges of the (rubber), sponge-rubber foams, soft-and-hardback vinyl
room. Where there are seams, carefully match the foams, and felted cushions made of animal hair or of a
pattern. Fasten the two sections to the floor with combination of hair and jute. Of all types, the latex and
adhesive. Trim the edges to size by creasing the vinyl vinyl foams are generally considered the most practical.
sheet material at intersections of the floor and walls and Their waffled surface tends to hold the carpet in place.
cutting it with a utility knife drawn along a straightedge. Most carpet padding comes in a standard 4 1/2-foot
Be sure the straightedge is parallel to the wall. width.
After the edges are trimmed and fitted, secure them Cushion-backed carpeting is increasing in popu-
with a staple gun, or use a band of double-faced adhesive larity, especially with do-it-yourself homeowners. The
tape. Always study the manufacturer’s directions high-density latex backing is permanently fastened to
carefully before starting the work. the carpet, which eliminates the need for a separate
underpadding. It is nonskid and heavy enough to hold
the carpet in place without the use of tacks. In addition,
the foam rubber backing keeps the edges of the carpet
from unraveling so that it need not be bound. Foam
Wall-to-wall carpeting can make a small room look rubber is mildewproof and unaffected by water, so the
larger, insulate against drafty floors, and do a certain carpet can be used in basements and other below-grade
amount of soundproofing. Carpeting is not difficult to installations. It can even be laid directly over unfinished
install. concrete.
All carpets consist of a surface pile and backing. The The key feature of this backing, however, is the
surface pile may be nylon, polyester, polypropylene, dimensional stability it imparts to the carpet. This added
acrylic, wool, or cotton. Each has its advantages and characteristic means the carpet will not stretch, nor will
disadvantages. The type you select depends on your it expand and contract from temperature or humidity
needs. Carpeting can be purchased in 9-, 12-, and changes. Because of this, these carpets can be loose-laid,
15-foot widths. with no need for adhesive or tacks to give them stability.
Measure the room in the direction in which the To lay carpets successfully on wood floors, you
carpet will be hid. To broaden long, narrow rooms, lay must ensure that the surface is free of warps, and that all
patterned or striped carpeting across the width. For nails and tacks are either removed or hammered flush.
conventional y rectangular rooms, measure the room Nail down any loose floorboards and plane down the
lengthwise. Include the full width of doorframes so the ridges of warped boards. Fill wide cracks between
carpet will extend slightly into the adjoining room. floorboards with strips of wood or wood putty. Cover
When measuring a room with alcoves or numerous wall floors that are warped and cracked beyond reasonable
projections, calculate on the basis of the widest and repair with hardboard or plywood.
batten with a number of spikes projecting at a 60° angle.
The battens are nailed to the floor around the entire
room, end to end and 1/4 inch from the baseboard, with
the spikes facing toward the wall. The spikes grip the
backing of the carpet to hold it in place. On stone or
concrete floors, the battens are glued in place with
special adhesives.
Though cushion-backed carpeting can stay in place
without fastening, securing with double-face tape is the
preferred method. Carpets can also be attached to the
floor with Velcro™ tape where the frequent
removability of the carpet for cleaning and maintenance
is a factor.
Carpet Installation
Figure 6-12.—Carpet installation using tackless fastenings.
Cut slots for pipes, fireplace protrusions, and to prevent fraying if the salvage has been trimmed off.
radiators. Trim back the padding to about 2 inches from Cement carpet tape to the backing threads with latex
the wall to leave a channel for the carpet hem. Fold the adhesive. Nonwoven or latex-backed carpet will not
hem under and tack the carpet in place with a tack every fray, but tape is still advisable to protect exposed edges.
5 inches. Be sure the tacks go through the fold Any door that drags should be removed and trimmed.
When installing carpet, use tackless fastening strips, When installing cushion-backed carpeting, you cart
as shown in figure 6-12, view A. Position and trim the
eliminate several steps. For instance, you don’t need to
padding (view B) so that it meets the strip at the wall,
use tack strips or a separate padding. Although these
but does not overlap the strip. Tack it down so it does
not move. Lay out the carpeting and, using a instructions apply to most such carpeting, read the
knee-kicker, stretch the carpet over the nails projecting manufacturer’s instructions for any deviation in
out of the tackless strip (view C). Trim the carpet, technique or use of material.
leaving a 3/8-inch overlap, which is tucked into place To install a cushioned carpet, apply 2-inch-wide
between the wall and the tackless strip (view D). (If you double-face tape flush with the wall around the entire
trim too much carpeting, lift the carpeting off the spikes room (fig. 6-13, view A). Roll out and place the carpet.
of the tackless strip and use the knee-kicker to restretch Fold back the carpet and remove the protective paper
the carpet [view E]). Protect the exposed edge of the from the tape. Press the carpet down firmly over the tape
carpet at doorways with a special metal binder strip or
and trim away excess (view B). A metal binder strip or
bar (view F). The strip is nailed to the floor at the
an aluminum saddle is generally installed in doorways
doorway and the carpet slipped under a metal lip, which
is then hammered down to grip the carpet edge. (view C). If your room is wider than the carpet, you will
Tacks can be used as an alternative to a binder strip. have to seam two pieces together. Follow the
Before tacking, tape the exposed edge of woven carpet manufacturer’s recommendations.
Figure 6-13.—Installing cushion-backed carpeting.
Figure 6-14.—Stairways.
STAIRS another. All stairs have two main parts, called treads and
stringers. The underside of a simple stairway, consisting
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Upon completing only of stringers and treads, is shown in figure 6-14,
this section, you should be able to describe a view A. Treads of the type shown are called plank treads.
stairway layout and how to frame stairs This simple type of stairway is called a cleat stairway
according to drawings and specifications. because of the cleats attached to the stringers to support
the treads.
There are many different kinds of stairs (interior and A more finished type of stairway has the treads
exterior), each serving the same purpose—the mounted on two or more sawtooth-edged stringers, and
movement of personnel and products from one floor to includes risers (fig. 6-14, view B). The stringers shown
surface to the upper subfloor surface will be the same as
the eventual distance between the finish floor surfaces.
The distance is, therefore, equal to the total rise of the
stairway. But if you are measuring up from a finish floor,
such as a concrete basement floor, then you must add to
the measured distance the thickness of the upper finish
flooring to get the total rise of the stairway. If the upper
and lower finish floors will be of different thickness,
then you must add the difference in thickness to the
measured distance between subfloor surfaces to get the
rise of the stairway. To measure the vertical distance, use
a straight piece of lumber plumbed in the stair opening
with a spirit level.
Let’s assume that the total rise measures 8 feet
11 inches, as shown in figure 6-15. Knowing this, you
can determine the unit rise as follows. First, reduce the
Figure 6-15.—Unit rise and run. total rise to inches-in this case it comes to 107 inches.
Next, divide the total rise in inches by the average unit
rise, which is 7 inches. The result, disregarding any
are cut from solid pieces of dimensional lumber (usually
fraction, is the number of risers the stairway will
2 by 12s) and are called cutout, or sawed, stringers.
have—in this case, 107/7 or 15. Now, divide the total
rise in inches by the number of risers-in this case,
107/15, or nearly 7 1/8 inches. This is the unit rise, as
shown in figure 6-15.
The first step in stairway layout is to determine the
unit rise and unit run (fig. 6-14, view B). The unit rise The unit run is calculated on the basis of the unit
is calculated on the basis of the total rise of the stairway, rise and a general architect’s rule that the sum of the unit
and the fact that the customary unit rise for stairs is run and unit rise should be 17 1/2 inches. Then, by this
7 inches. rule, the unit run is 17 1/2 inches minus 7 1/8 inches or
10 3/8 inches.
The total rise is the vertical distance between the
lower finish-floor level and the upper finish-floor level. You can now calculate the total run of the stairway.
This may be shown in the elevations. However, since The total run is the unit run multiplied by the total
the actual vertical distance as constructed may vary number of treads in the stairway. However, the total
slightly from that shown in the plans, the distance should number of treads depends upon the manner in which the
be measured. upper end of the stairway will be anchored to the header.
At the time stairs are laid out, only the subflooring In figure 6-16, three methods of anchoring the upper
is installed. If both the lower and the upper floors are to end of a stairway are shown. In view A, there is a
be covered with finish flooring of the same thickness, complete tread at the top of the stairway. This means the
the measured vertical distance from the lower subfloor number of complete treads is the same as the number of
Figure 6-17.—Layout of lower end of cutout stringer.
risers. For the stairway shown in figure 6-15, there are stairway has a total rise of 8 feet 11 inches and a total
15 risers and 15 complete treads. Therefore, the total run run of 12 feet 11 5/8 inches. The stringer must be long
of the stairway is equal to the unit run times 15, or 12 feet enough to form the hypotenuse of a triangle with sides
11 5/8 inches. of those two lengths. For an approximate length
estimate, call the sides 9 and 13 feet long. Then, the
In view B, only part of a tread is at the top of the
length of the hypotenuse will equal the square root of 9 2
stairway. If this method were used for the stairway
plus 132. This is the square root of 250, about 15.8 feet
shown in figure 6-15, the number of complete treads
or 15 feet 9 1/2 inches.
would be one less than the number of risers, or 14, The
total run of the stairway would be the product of 14 Extreme accuracy is required in laying out the
multiplied by 10 3/8, plus the run of the partial tread at stringers. Be sure to use a sharp pencil or awl and make
the top. Where this run is 7 inches, for example, the total the lines meet on the edge of the stringer material.
run equals 152 1/4 inches, or 12 feet 8 1/4 inches.
Figure 6-17 shows the layout at the lower end of the
In view C, there is no tread at all at the top of the stringer. Set the framing square to the unit run on the
stairway. The upper finish flooring serves as the top tongue and the unit rise on the blade, and draw the line
tread. In this case, the total number of complete treads AB. This line represents the bottom tread. Then, draw
is again 14, but since there is no additional partial tread, AD perpendicular to AB. Its length should be equal to
the total run of the stairway is 14 times 10 3/8 inches, or the unit rise. This line represents the bottom riser in the
145 1/4 inches, or 12 feet 1 1/4 inches. stairway. You may have noticed that the thickness of a
tread in the stairway has been ignored. This thickness is
When you have calculated the total run of the
now about to be accounted for by making an allowance
stairway, drop a plumb bob from the header to the floor
in the height of this first riser. This process is called
below and measure off the total run from the plumb bob.
“dropping the stringer.”
This locates the anchoring point for the lower end of the
stairway. As you can see in figure 6-14, view B, the unit rise
is measured from the top of one tread to the top of the
As mentioned earlier, cutout stringers for main
next for all risers except the bottom one. For the bottom
stairways are usually made from 2 by 12 stock Before
riser, unit rise is measured from the finished floor
cutting the stringer, you will first need to solve for the
surface to the surface of the first tread. If AD were cut
length of stock you need.
to the unit rise, the actual rise of the first step would be
Assume that you are to use the method of upper-end the sum of the unit rise plus the thickness of a tread.
anchorage shown in view A of figure 6-16 to lay out a Therefore, the length of AD is shortened by the
stringer for the stairway shown in figure 6-15. This thickness of a tread, as shown in figure 6-17, by the
Figure 6-18.—Layout of upper end of cutout stringer.
thickness of a tread less the thickness of the finish Figure 6-19.—Kickplate for anchoring stairs to concrete.
flooring. The first is done if the stringer rests on a finish
floor, such as a concrete basement floor. The second is
done where the stringer rests on subflooring.
When you have shortened AD to AE, draw EF
parallel to AB. This line represents the bottom horizontal
anchor edge of the stringer. Then, proceed to lay off the
remaining risers and treads to the unit rise and unit
run until you have laid off 15 risers and 15 treads.
Figure 6-18 shows the layout at the upper end of the
stringer. The line AB represents the top, the 15th tread.
BC, drawn perpendicular to AB, represents the upper
vertical anchor edge of the stringer. This edge butts
against the stairwell header.
In a given run of stairs, be sure to make all the risers
the same height and treads the same width. An unequal
riser, especially one that is too high, is dangerous.
Figure 6-20.—Finish stringer.
We have been dealing with a common straight-flight
stairway—meaning one which follows the same
direction throughout. When floor space is not extensive
enough to permit construction of a straight-flight on cutout stringers or stair-block stringers, but no risers.
stairway, a change stairway is installed-meaning one The lower ends of the stringers on porch, basement, and
which changes direction one or more times. The most other stairs anchored on concrete are fastened with a
common types of these are a 90° change and a 180° kickplate (shown in fig. 6-19).
change. These are usually platform stairways,
successive straight-flight lengths, connecting platforms When dealing with stairs, it is vitally important to
at which the direction changes 90° or doubles back 180°. remember the allowable head room. Head room is
Such a stairway is laid out simply as a succession of defined as the minimum vertical clearance required
straight-flight stairways. from any tread on the stairway to any part of the ceiling
structure above the stairway. In most areas, the local
The stairs in a structure are broadly divided into
building codes specify a height of 6 feet 8 inches for
principal stairs and service stairs. Service stairs are
main stairs, and 6 feet 4 inches for basement stairs.
porch, basement, and attic stairs. Some of these maybe
simple cleat stairways; others may be open-riser A principal stairway usually has a finished
stairways. An open-riser stairway has treads anchored appearance. Rough cutout stringers are concealed by
Treads and risers should be nailed to stringers with
6d, 8d, or 10d finish nails, depending on the thickness
of the stock,
Figure 6-26.—Doorframe and trim.
wedged area one driven so that the doorstop covers it. casing is square-edged, a butt joint maybe made at the
The opposite side jamb is then fastened in place with junction of the side and head casing (fig. 6-26, view C),
shingle wedges and finishing nails, using the first jamb If the moisture content of the casing material is high, a
as a guide in keeping a uniform width. mitered joint may open slightly at the outer edge as the
Casings should be nailed to both the jamb and the material dries. This can be minimized by using a small
framing members. You should allow about a 3/16-inch glued spline at the corner of the mitered joint. Actually,
edge distance from the face of the jamb. Use 6d or 7d use of a spline joint under any moisture condition is
finish or casing nails, depending on the thickness of the considered good practice, and some prefitted jamb,
casing. To nail into the stud, use 4d or 5d finish nails or door, and casing units are provided with splined joints.
1 1/2-inch brads to fasten the timer edge of the casing Nailing into the joint after drilling helps retain a close
to the jamb. For hardwood casing, it is advisable to fit.
predrill to prevent splitting. Nails in the casing should The door opening is now complete except for fitting
be located in pairs and spaced about 16 inches apart and securing the hardware and nailing the stops in
along the full height of the opening at the head jamb. proper position. Interior doors are normally hung with
Casing with any form of molded shape must have a two 3 1/2-by 3 1/2-inch loose-pin butt hinges. The door
mitered joint at the comers (fig. 6-26, view B). When is fitted into the opening with the clearances shown in
Some manufacturers supply prefitted doorjambs
and doors with the hinge slots routed and ready for
installation. A similar door buck (jamb) of sheet metal
with formed stops and casing is also available.
figure 6-27. The clearance and location of hinges, You should use three hinges for hanging 1 3/4-inch
lockset, and doorknob may vary somewhat, but they are exterior doors and two hinges for the lighter interior
generally accepted by craftsmen and conform to most doors. The difference in exposure on the opposite sides
of exterior doors causes a tendency to warp during the
millwork standards. The edge of the lock stile should be
winter. Three hinges reduce this tendency. Three hinges
beveled slightly to permit the door to clear the jamb
are also useful on doors that lead to unheated attics and
when swung open. If the door is to swing across heavy for wider and heavier doors that may be used within the
carpeting, the bottom clearance may need to be slightly structure. If a third hinge is required center it between
more. the top and bottom hinges.
When fitting doors, you should temporarily nail the Loose-pin butt hinges should be used and must
stop in place; this stop will be nailed in permanently be of the proper size for the door they support.
when the door has been hung. Stops for doors in For 1 3/4-inch-thick doors, use 4- by 4-inch butts; for
single-piece jambs are generally 7/16 inch thick and 1 3/8-inch doors, you should use 3 1/2- by 3 1/2-inch
butts. After the door is fitted to the tied opening with
may be 3/4 inch to 2 1/4 inches wide. They are installed
the proper clearances, hinge halves are fitted to the door.
with a mitered joint at the junction of the side and head
They are routed into the door edge with about a
jambs. A 45° bevel cut at the bottom of the stop, about 3/16-inch back distance (fig. 6-29, view A). One hinge
1 to 1 1/2 inches above the finish floor, eliminates a dirt half should be set flush with the surface and must be
pocket and makes cleaning or refinishing of the floor fastened square with the edge of the door. Screws are
easier (fig. 6-26, view A). included with each pair of hinges.
Figure 6-28.—“ Hands” of doors.
view B). A bored lockset (view C) is easy to install since
it requires only one hole drilled in the edge and one in
the face of the door. Boring jigs and faceplate markers
are available to ensure accurate installation.
The lock should be installed so that the doorknob is
36 to 38 inches above the floor line. Most sets come with
paper templates, marking the location of the lock and
Figure 6-30.—Parts of a cylinder lock. size of the holes to be drilled. Be sure to read the
manufacturer’s installation instructions carefully.
Recheck your layout measurements before you drill any
The door should now be placed in the opening and The parts of an ordinary cylinder lock for a door are
blocked up at the bottom for proper clearance. The jamb shown in figure 6-30. The procedure for installing a lock
should be marked at the hinge locations, and the of this type is as follows:
remaining hinge half routed and fastened in place. The
door should then be positioned in the opening and the 1. Open the door to a convenient working position
pins slipped in place. If you have installed the hinges and check it in place with wedges under the
correctly and the jambs are plumb, the door should bottom near the outer edge.
swing freely. 2. Measure up 36 inches from the floor (the usual
knob height), and square a line across the face
Locks and edge of the lock stile.
The types of door locks differ with regard to 3. Place the template, which is usually supplied
installation, cost, and the amount of labor required to set with a cylinder lock, on the face of the door at
them. Some types, such as mortise locks, combination the proper height and alignment with layout
dead bolts, and latch locksets, require drilling of the lines and mark the centers of the holes to be
edge and face of the door and then routing of the edge drilled. (A typical template is shown in fig.
to accommodate the lockset and faceplate (fig, 6-29, 6-31.)
Figure 6-32.—Door details.
4. Drill the holes through the face of the door and be flush with or slightly below the face of the doorjamb.
then the hole through the edge to receive the When the door is latched, its face should be flush with
latch bolt. It should be slightly deeper than the the edge of the jamb.
length of the bolt.
5. Cut again for the latch-bolt mounting plate, and Doorstops
install the latch unit.
6. Install the interior and exterior knobs. The stops that have been temporarily set during the
7. Find the position of the strike plate and install it fitting of the door and the hardware may now be nailed
in the jamb. in permanently. You should use finish nails or brads,
1 1/2 inches long. The stop at the lock side (fig. 6-32,
view B) should be nailed first, setting it tight against the
Strike Plates door face when the door is latched. Space the nails in
pairs 16 inches apart.
The strike plate, which is routed into the doorjamb, The stop behind the hinge side should be nailed
holds the door in place by contact with the latch. To next, and a 1/32-inch clearance from the door face
install, mark the location of the latch on the doorjamb should be allowed to prevent scraping as the door is
and locate the position of the strike plate by outlining it. opened. The head-jamb stop should then be nailed in
Rout out the marked outline with a chisel and also rout place. Remember that when the door and trim are
for the latch (fig. 6-32, view A). The strike plate should painted, some of the clearance will be taken up.
Figure 6-33.—Commercial hardware.
Figure 6-34.-Location of hardware for steel doors.
includes full-width metal subjambs into which the upper Most baseboards are finished with a 1/2-by 3/4-inch
and lower sash slide, replacing the parting strip. Stops base shoe (fig. 6-36, view A). A single base molding
are located against these instead of the sash to provide without the shoe is sometimes placed at the wall-floor
a small amount of pressure. The apron is cut to a length junction, especially where carpeting might be used.
equal to the outer width of the casing line (fig. 6-35, view
Square-edged baseboard should be installed with a
A). It should be nailed to the windowsill and to the 2-
butt joint at the inside comers and a mitered joint at the
by 4-inch framing sill below.
outside comers (fig. 6-36, view D). It should be nailed
When casing is used to finish the bottom of the to each stud with two 8d finishing nails. Molded
window frame, as well as the sides and top, the narrow single-piece base, base moldings, and base shoe should
stool butts against the side window jamb. Casing should have a coped joint at the inside corners and a mitered
then be mitered at the bottom comers (fig. 6-35, view joint at the outside corners. In a coped joint, the first
B) and nailed as previously described. piece is square-cut against the plaster or base and the
second piece of molding coped. This is done by sawing
a 45° miter cut and using a coping saw to trim the
molding along the inner line of the miter (fig. 6-36, view
E). The base shoe should be nailed into the baseboard
Base molding serves as a finish between the finished itself. Then, if there is a small amount of shrinkage of
wall and floor. It is available in several widths and the joists, no opening will occur under the shoe.
forms. Two-piece base consists of a baseboard topped To butt-join a piece of baseboard to another piece
with a small base cap (fig. 6-36, view A). When plaster already in place at an inside corner, set the piece to be
is not straight and true, the small base molding will joined in position on the floor, bring the end against or
conform more closely to the variations than will the near the face of the other piece, and take off the line of
wider base alone. A common size for this type of the face with a scriber (fig. 6-37). Use the same
baseboard is 5/8 inch by 3 1/4 inches or wider. One-piece procedure when butting ends of the baseboard against
base varies in size from 7/16 inch by 2 1/4 inches to the side casings of the doors.
1/2 inch by 3 1/4 inches and wider (fig. 6-36, views B
and C). Although a baseboard is desirable at the junction For miter-joining at an outside comer, proceed as
of the wall and carpeting to serve as a protective bumper, shown in figure 6-38. First, set a marker piece of
wood trim is sometimes eliminated entirely. baseboard across the wall comer, as shown view A, and
mark the floor along the edge of the piece. Then set the
piece to be mitered in place. Mark the point where the
wall corner intersects the top edge and the point where
Figure 6-38.-Miter-joining at inside corners.
Plaster and stucco are like concrete in that they are material is then ground to a fine powder. Additives are
construction materials applied in a plastic condition that used to control set, stabilization, and other physical or
harden in place. They are also basically the same chemical characteristics.
material. The fundamental difference between the two
For a type of gypsum plaster called Keene’s cement,
is location. If used internally, the material is called
the crushed gypsum rock is heated until nearly all the
plaster; if used externally, it is called stucco. Ceramic
crystallization water is removed. The resulting material,
tile is generally used to partially or entirely cover
called Keene’s cement, produces a very hard,
interior walls, such as those in bathrooms, showers,
fine-textured finish coat.
galleys, and corridors. The tile is made of clay, pressed
into shape, and baked in an oven. The removal of crystallization water from natural
gypsum is a dehydration process. In the course of
This chapter provides information on the
setting, mixing water (water of hydration) added to the
procedures, methods, and techniques used in plastering,
mix dehydrates with the gypsum, causing
stuccoing, and tile setting. Also described are various
recrystallization. Recrystallization results in hardening
tools, equipment, and materials the Builder uses when
of the plaster.
working with these materials.
Base Coats
There are four common types of gypsum base coat
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Upon completing plasters. Gypsum neat plaster is gypsum plaster without
this section, you should be able to identify aggregate, intended for mixing with aggregate and water
plaster ingredients, state the principles of mix on the job. Gypsum ready-mixed plaster consists of
design, and describe common types and uses of gypsum and ordinary mineral aggregate. On the job, you
gypsum plaster. just add water. Gypsum wood-fibered plaster consists of
calcined gypsum combined with at least 0.75 percent by
A plaster mix, like a concrete mix, is made plastic weight of nonstaining wood fibers. It maybe used as is
by the addition of water to dry ingredients (binders and or mixed with one part sand to produce base coats of
aggregates). Also, like concrete, a chemical reaction of superior strength and hardness. Gypsum bond plaster is
the binder and the water, called hydration, causes the designed to bond to properly prepared monolithic
mix to harden. concrete. This type of plaster is basically calcined
The binders most commonly used in plaster are gypsum mixed with from 2-to 5-percent lime by weight.
gypsum, lime, and portland cement. Because gypsum
plaster should not be exposed to water or severe Finish Coats
moisture conditions, it is usually restricted to interior
use. Lime and portland cement plaster maybe used both There are five common types of gypsum-finish coat
internally and externally. The most commonly used plasters.
aggregates are sand, vermiculite, and perlite.
Ready-mix gypsum-finish plasters are designed for
use over gypsum-plaster base coats. They consist of
finely ground calcined gypsum, some with aggregate
and others without. On the job, just add water.
Gypsum is a naturally occurring sedimentary gray,
white, or pink rock. The natural rock is crushed, then Gypsum acoustical plasters are designed to reduce
heated to a high temperature. This process (known as sound reverberation. Gypsum gauging plasters contain
calcining) drives off about three-quarters of the water of lime putty. The putty provides desirable setting
crystallization, which forms about 20 percent of the properties, increases dimensional stability during
weight of the rock in its natural state. The calcined drying, and provides initial surface hardness.
Gauging plasters are obtainable in slow-set, For interior base coat work, lime plaster has been
quick-set, and special high-strength mixtures. largely replaced by gypsum plaster. Lime plaster is now
used mainly for interior finish coats. Because lime putty
Gypsum molding plaster is used primarily in casting
is the most plastic and workable of the cementitious
and ornamental plasterwork. It is available neat (that is, materials used in plaster, it is often added to other less
without admixtures) or with lime. As with Portland workable plaster materials to improve plasticity. For
cement mortar, the addition of lime to a plaster mix lime plaster, lime (in the form of either dry hydrate or
makes the mix more “buttery.” lime putty) is mixed with sand, water, and a gauging
Keene’s cement is a fine, high-density plaster material. The gauging material is intended to produce
capable of a highly polished surface. It is customarily early strength and to counteract shrinkage tendencies. It
used with fine sand, which provides crack resistance. can be either gypsum gauging plaster or Keene’s cement
for interior work or portland cement for exterior work.
LIME PLASTER When using gauging plaster or Keene’s cement, mix
only the amount you can apply within the initial set time
of the material.
Lime is obtained principally from the calcining of
limestone, a very common mineral. Chemical changes
occur that transform the limestone into quicklime, a very
caustic material. When it comes in contact with water,
Portland cement plaster is similar to the Portland
a violent reaction, hot enough to boil the water, occurs.
cement mortar used in masonry. Although it may contain
Today, the lime manufacturers slake the lime as part only cement, sand, and water, lime or some other
of the process of producing lime for mortar. Slaking is plasterizing material is usually added for “butteriness.”
done in large tanks where water is added to convert the Portland cement plaster can be applied directly to
quicklime to hydrated lime without saturating it with exterior and interior masonry walls and over metal lath.
water. The hydrated lime is a dry powder with just Never apply portland cement plaster over gypsum
enough water added to supply the chemical reaction. plasterboard or over gypsum tile. Portland cement
Hydration is usually a continuous process and is done plaster is recommended for use in plastering walls and
in equipment similar to that used in calcining. After the ceilings of large walk-in refrigerators and cold-storage
hydrating process, the lime is pulverized and bagged. spaces, basements, toilets, showers, and similar areas
When received by the plasterer, hydrated lime still where an extra hard or highly water-resistant surface is
requires soaking with water. required.
In mixing medium-slaking and slow-slaking limes,
you should add the water to the lime. Slow-slaking lime
must be mixed under ideal conditions. It is necessary to
As we mentioned earlier, there are three main
heat the water in cold Magnesium lime is easily
aggregates used in plaster: sand, vermiculite, and
drowned, so be careful you don’t add too much water to
perlite. Less frequently used aggregates are wood fiber
quick-slaking calcium lime. When too little water is
and pumice.
added to calcium and magnesium limes, they can be
burned. Whenever lime is burned or drowned, a part of
it is spoiled It will not harden and the paste will not be
as viscous and plastic as it should be. To produce plastic Sand for plaster, like sand for concrete, must contain
lime putty, soak the quicklime for an extended period, no more than specified amounts of organic impurities
as much as 21 days. and harmful chemicals. Tests for these impurities and
Because of the delays involved in the slaking chemicals are conducted by Engineering Aids.
process of quicklime, most building lime is the hydrated Proper aggregate gradation influences plaster
type. Normal hydrated lime is converted into lime putty strength and workability. It also has an effect on the
by soaking it for at least 16 hours. Special hydrated lime tendency of the material to shrink or expand while
develops immediate plasticity when mixed with water setting. Plaster strength is reduced if excessive fine
and may be used right after mixing. Like calcined aggregate material is present in a mix. The greater
gypsum, lime plaster tends to return to its original quantity of mixing water required raises the
rock-like state after application. water-cement ratio, thereby reducing the dry-set
density. The cementitious material becomes over- as wood fiber and pumice, are also used. Wood fiber may
extended since it must coat a relatively larger overall be added to neat gypsum plaster, at the time of
aggregate surface. An excess of coarse aggregate manufacture, to improve its working qualities. Pumice
adversely affects workability-the mix becomes harsh is a naturally formed volcanic glass similar to perlite,
working and difficult to apply. but heavier (28 to 32 pounds per cubic foot versus 7.5
to 15 pounds for perlite). The weight differential gives
Plaster shrinkage during drying can be caused by an
perlite an economic advantage and limits the use of
excess of either fine or coarse aggregate. You can
pumice to localities near where it is produced.
minimize this problem by properly proportioning the
raw material, and using good, sharp, properly size-
graded sand.
Generally, any sand retained on a No. 4 sieve is too In plaster, mixing water performs two functions.
coarse to use in plaster. Only a small percentage of the First, it transforms the dry ingredients into a plastic,
material (about 5 percent) should pass the No. 200 sieve. workable mass. Second, it combines with the binder to
induce hardening. As with concrete, there is a maximum
Vermiculite quantity of water per unit of binder required for
complete hydration; an excess over this amount reduces
Vermiculite is a micaceous mineral (that is, each the plaster strength.
particle is laminated or made up of adjoining layers).
In all plaster mixing, though, more water is added
When vermiculite particles are exposed to intense heat,
than is necessary for complete hydration of the binder.
steam forms between the layers, forcing them apart.
The excess is necessary to bring the mix to workable
Each particle increases from 6 to 20 times in volume.
consistency. The amount to be added for workability
The expanded material is soft and pliable with a color
depends on several factors: the characteristics and age
varying between silver and gold.
of the binder, application method, drying conditions,
For ordinary plasterwork vermiculite is used only and the tendency of the base to absorb water. A porous
with gypsum plaster; therefore, its use is generally masonry base, for example, draws a good deal of water
restricted to interior applications. For acoustical plaster, out of a plaster mix. If this reduces the water content of
vermiculite is combined with a special acoustical binder. the mix below the maximum required for hydration,
incomplete curing will result.
The approximate dry weight of a cubic foot of 1:2
gypsum-vermiculite plaster is 50 to 55 pounds. The dry As a general rule, only the amount of water required
weight of a cubic foot of comparable sand plaster is 104 to attain workability is added to a mix. The water should
to 120 pounds. be potable and contain no dissolved chemicals that
might accelerate or retard the set. Never use water
Perlite previously used to wash plastering tools for mixing
plaster. It may contain particles of set plaster that may
Raw perlite is a volcanic glass that, when flash- accelerate setting. Also avoid stagnant water; it may
roasted, expands to form irregularly shaped frothy contain organic material that can retard setting and
particles containing innumerable minute air cells. The possibly cause staining.
mass is 4 to 20 times the volume of the raw partlicles.
The color of expanded perlite ranges from pearly white
to grayish white.
Perlite is used with calcined gypsum or portland LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Upon completing
cement for interior plastering. It is also used with special this section, you should be able to associate the
binders for acoustical plaster. The approximate dry names and purposes of each type of lath used
weight of a cubic foot of 1:2 gypsum-perlite plaster is as a plaster base. You should also be able to
50 to 55 pounds, or about half the weight or a cubic foot describe the procedures used in plastering,
of sand plaster. including estimating materials and the
procedures for mixing and applying plaster
Wood Fiber and Pumice bases.
Although sand, vermiculite, and perlite makeup the For plastering, there must be a continuous surface
great majority of plaster aggregate, other materials, such to which the plaster can be applied and to which it will
cling—the plaster base. A continuous concrete or
masonry surface may serve as a base without further
Wood Lath
Figure 7-3.—Keys formed with perforated gypsum board.
DIAMOND MESH.— The terms “diamond mesh”
and “expanded metal” refer to the same type of lath
(fig. 7-4). It is manufactured by first cutting staggered
slits in a sheet and then expanding or stretching the sheet
to form the screen openings. The standard diamond
mesh lath has a mesh size of 5/16 by 9/16 inch. Lath is
made in sheets of 27 by 96 inches and is packed 10 sheets
to a bundle (20 square yards).
Diamond mesh lath is also made in a large mesh.
This is used for stucco work, concrete reinforcement,
and support for rock wool and similar insulating
materials. Sheet sizes are the same as for the small mesh.
The small diamond mesh lath is also made into a
self-furring lath by forming dimples into the surface that
hold the lath approximately 1/4 inch away from the wall
surface. This lath may be nailed to smooth concrete or
masonry surfaces. It is widely used when replastering
old walls and ceilings when the removal of the old
plaster is not desired. Another lath form is paper-backed
where the lath has a waterproof or kraft paper glued to Figure 7-5.-Lath joints.
the back of the sheet. The paper acts as a moisture barrier
and plaster saver.
EXPANDED RIB.— Expanded rib lath (fig. 7-4) is staples have gained wider use (due mainly to the ready
like diamond mesh lath except that various size ribs are availability of power guns).
formed in the lath to stiffen it. Ribs run lengthwise of
the lath and are made for plastering use in 1/8-, 3/8-, and The nails used are 1 1/8 inches by 13 gauge, flat
3/4-inch rib height. The sheet sizes are 27 to 96 inches headed, blued gypsum lath nails for 3/8-inch-thick
in width, and 5-,10-, and 12-foot lengths for the 3/4-inch boards and 1 1/4 inches for 1/2-inch boards. There are
rib lath. also resin-coated nails, barbed-shaft nails, and
WIRE MESH.— Woven wire lath (fig. 7-4) is made screw-type nails in use. Staples should be No. 16 U.S.
of galvanized wire of various gauges woven or twisted gauge flattened galvanized wire formed with a
together to form either squares or hexagons. It is 7/16-inch-wide crown and 7/8-inch legs with divergent
commonly used as a stucco mesh where it is placed over points for 3/8-inch lath. For 1/2-inch lath, use
tar paper on open-stud construction or over various 1-inch-long staples.
Four nails or staples are used on each support for
INSTALLATION 16-inch-wide lath and five for 2-foot-wide lath. Some
special fire ratings, however, require five nails or staples
Let’s now look at the basic installation procedures per 16-inch board. Five nails or staples are also
for plaster bases and accessories. recommended when the framing members are spaced
24 inches apart.
Gypsum Lath
Start nailing or stapling 1/2 inch from the edges of
Gypsum lath is applied horizontally with staggered the board. Nail on the framing members falling on the
end joints, as shown in figure 7-5. Vertical end joints center of the board first, then work to either end. This
should be made over the center of studs or joists. Lath should prevent buckling.
joints over openings should not occur at the jamb line.
Insulating lath should be installed much the same as
Do not force the boards tightly together; let them butt
loosel y so the board is not under compression before the gypsum lath except that slightly longer blued nails are
plaster is applied. Use small pieces only where used. A special waterproof facing is provided on one
necessary. The most common method of attaching the type of gypsum board for use as a ceramic tile base when
boards has been the lath nail. More recently, though, the tile is applied with an adhesive.
Metal Lath
When you install metal laths at both inside and Comer beads fit over gypsum lath outside corners
outside corners, bend the lath to forma comer and carry to provide a true, reinforced comer. They are available
it at least 4 inches in or around the corner. This provides in either small-nose or bullnose types, with flanges of
the proper reinforcement for the angle or comer. either solid or perforated (fig. 7-6) metal. They are
available with expanded metal flanges.
Lath Accessories Casing beads are similar to comer beads and are
used both as finish casings around openings in plaster
A wide variety of metal accessories is produced for walls and as screeds to obtain true surfaces around doors
use with gypsum and metal lathing. Lathing accessories and windows. They are also used as stops between a
are usually installed before plastering to form true plaster surface and another material, such as masonry or
corners, act as screeds for the plasterer, reinforce wood paneling. Casing beads are available as square
possible weak points, provide control joints, and sections, modified-square sections, and quarter-rounds.
provide structural support.
Base or parting screeds are used to separate plaster
Lathing accessories consist of structural com- from other flush surfaces, such as concrete. Ventilating
ponents and miscellaneous accessories. The principal expansion screed is used on the underside of closed
use of structural components is in the construction of soffits and in protected vertical surfaces for ventilation
hollow partitions. A hollow partition is one containing of enclosed attic spaces. Drip screeds act as terminators
no building framing members, such as studs and plates. of exterior portland cement plaster at concrete
Structural components are lathing accessories that take foundation walls. They are also used on external
the place of the missing framing members supporting horizontal comers of plaster soffits to prevent drip stains
on the underside of the soffit. A metal base acts as a flush
base at the bottom of a plaster wall. It also serves as a
plaster screed.
Joint Reinforcing
Plastering Grounds
Figure 7-9.-Control joint.
Table 7-1.—Base Coat Proportions for Different Types of Work
of lime putty, or 94 pounds (one sack) of portland FINISH COAT PROPORTIONS.— A lime finish
cement. One part of aggregate means 100 pounds of can be applied over a lime, gypsum, or portland cement
sand or 1 cubic foot of vermiculite or perlite. Note: base coat. Other finishes should be applied only to base
Vermiculite and perlite are not used with lime plaster. coats containing the same cementitious material. A
While aggregate parts given for gypsum or portland
gypsum-vermiculite finish should be applied only to a
cement plaster may be presumed to refer to either sand
gypsum-vermiculite base coat.
or vermiculite/perlite, the aggregate part given for lime
plaster means sand only. Finish coat proportions vary according to whether
BASE COAT PROPORTIONS.— Two-coat the surface is to be finished with a trowel or with a float.
plasterwork consists of a single base coat and a finish (These tools are described later.) The trowel attains a
coat. Three-coat plasterwork consists of two base coats smooth finish; the float produces a textured finish.
(the scratch coat and the brown coat) and a finish coat. For a trowel-finish coat using gypsum plaster, the
Portland cement plaster cannot be applied to a recommended proportions are 200 pounds of hydrated
gypsum base. Lime plaster can, but, in practice, only lime or 5 cubic feet of lime putty to 100 pounds of
gypsum plaster is applied to gypsum lath as a base coat. gypsum gauging plaster.
For two-coat work on gypsum lath, the recommended
base coat proportions for gypsum plaster are 1:2.5. For
two-coat work on a masonry (either monolithic concrete Table 7-2.—Recommended Base Coat Proportions for Gypsum
or masonry) base, the recommended base coat
proportions are shown in table 7-1. Also shown in table
7-1 are proportions for three-coat work on a masonry
base and proportions for work on metal lath.
For three-coat work on gypsum lath, the recom-
mended base coat proportions for gypsum plaster are
shown in table 7-2.
For a trowel-finish coat using lime-Keene’s cement MIXING METHODS.— As a Builder, you will be
plaster, the recommended proportions are, for a mixing plaster either by hand or using a machine.
medium-hard finish, 50 pounds of hydrated lime or Hand Mixing.— To hand-mix plaster, you will need
100 pounds of lime putty to 100 pounds of Keene’s
a flat, shallow mixing box and a hoe. The hoe usually
cement. For a hard finish, the recommended proportions has one or more holes in the blade. Mixed plaster is
are 25 pounds of hydrated lime or 50 pounds of lime
transferred from the mixing box to a mortar board,
putty to 100 pounds of Keene’s cement.
similar to that used in bricklaying. Personnel applying
For a trowel-finish coat using lime-portland cement the plaster pick it up from the mortarboard.
plaster, the recommended proportions are 200 prods
In hand mixing, first place the dry ingredients in a
of hydrated lime or 5 cubic feet of lime putty to
mixing box and thoroughly mix until a uniform color is
94 pounds of Portland cement.
obtained. After thoroughly blending the dry ingredients,
For a finish coat using portland cement-sand plaster, you then cone the pile and add water to the mix. Begin
the recommended proportions are 300 pounds of sand mixing by pulling the dry material into the water with
to 94 pounds of Portland cement. This plaster may be short strokes. Mixing is continued until the materials
either troweled or floated. Hydrated lime up to have been thoroughly blended and proper consistency
10 percent by weight of the portland cement, or lime has been attained. With experience, a person squires a
putty up to 24 percent of the volume of the portland feel for proper consistency. Mixing should not be
cement, may be added as a plasticizer. continued for more than 10 to 15 minutes after the
For a trowel-finish coat using gypsum gauging or materials have been thoroughly blended. Excessive
gypsum neat plaster and vermiculite aggregate, the agitation may hasten the rate of solution of the
recommended proportions are 1 cubic foot of cementitious material and reduce initial set time.
vermiculite to 100 pounds of plaster. Finish-coat lime plaster is usually hand-mixed on a
5- by 5-foot mortar board called a finishing board.
Estimates Hydrated lime is first converted to lime putty by soaking
in an equal amount of water for 16 hours. In mixing the
The total volume of plaster required for a job is the plaster, you first form the lime putty into a ring on the
product of the thickness of the plaster times the net area finishing board. Next, pour water into the ring and sift
to be covered. Plaster specifications state a minimum the gypsum or Keene’s cement into the water to avoid
thickness, which you must not go under. Also, you lumping. Last, allow the mix to stand for 1 minute, then
should exceed the specs as little as possible due to the thoroughly blend the materials. Sand, if used, is then
increased tendency of plaster to crack with increased
added and mixed in,
Machine Mixing.— For a quicker, more thorough
Mixing Plaster mix, use a plaster mixing machine. A typical plaster
mixing machine (shown in fig. 7-11) consists primarily
The two basic operations in mixing plaster are of a metal drum containing mixing blades, mounted on
determining the correct proportions and the actual
mixing methods used.
PROPORTIONS.— The proper proportions of the
raw ingredients required for any plastering job are found
in the job specifications. The specs also list the types of
materials to use and the type of finish required for each
area. Hardness and durability of the plaster surface
depend upon how accurately you follow the correct
proportions. Too much water gives you a fluid plaster
that is hard to apply. It also causes small holes to develop
in the finish mortar coat. Too much aggregate in the mix,
without sufficient binder to unite the mixture, causes
aggregate particles to crumble off. Without exception,
consult the specifications prior to the commencement
of any plaster job. Figure 7-11.—Plaster mixing machine.
a chassis equipped with wheels for road towing. Sizes PLASTER APPLICATION TOOLS
range from 3 1/2 to 10 cubic feet and can be powered AND TECHNIQUES
by an electric or a gasoline motor. Mixing takes place
either by rotation of the drum or by rotation of the blades LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Upon completing
this section, you should be able to state the uses
inside the drum. Tilt the drum to discharge plaster into
of plastering tools, and describe the techniques
a wheelbarrow or other receptacle.
of plastering.
When using a plaster mixer, add the water first, then
add about half the sand. Next, add the cement and any A plaster layer must have uniform thickness to attain
admixture desired. Last, add the rest of the sand. Mix complete structural integrity. Also, a plane plaster
until the batch is uniform and has the proper surface must be flat enough to appear flat to the eye and
consistency—3 to 4 minutes is usually sufficient. Note receive surface-applied materials, such as casings and
that excessive agitation of mortar speeds up the setting other trim, without the appearance of noticeable spaces.
Specified flatness tolerance is usually 1/8 inch in 10 feet.
time. Most mixers operate at top capacity when the
mortar is about 2 inches, at most, above the blades.
When the mixer is charged higher than this, proper
mixing fails to take place. Instead of blending the Plastering requires the use of a number of tools,
materials, the mixer simply folds the material over and some specialized, including trowels, hawk, float,
over, resulting in excessively dry mix on top and too wet straight and feather edges, darby, scarifier, and
mix underneath-a bad mix. Eliminate this situation by plastering machines.
not overloading the machine.
Handling Materials
Steel trowels are used to apply, spread, and smooth
plaster. The shape and size of the trowel blade are
Personnel handling cement or lime bags should
determined by the purpose for which the tool is used and
wear recommended personnel protective gear. Always the manner of using it.
practice personal cleanliness. Never wear clothing that
The four common types of plastering trowels are
is hard and stiff with cement. Such clothing irritates the
shown in figure 7-12. The rectangular trowel, with a
skin and may cause serious infection. Any susceptibility
blade approximately 4 1/2 inches wide by 11 inches
of skin to cement and lime bums should be immediately
long, serves as the principle conveyor and manipulator
reported to your supervisor.
Figure 7-15.-Straightedge and featheredge.
Figure 7-13.—Plasterting hawk.
Figure 7-16.-Darby.
Figure 7-14.—Plastering floats. or aluminum blade. The sponge float is faced with foam
rubber or plastic, intended to attain a certain surface
of plaster. The pointing trowel, 2 inches wide and about
10 inches long, is used in places where the rectangular In addition to the floats just mentioned, other floats
trowel doesn’t fit. The margin trowel is a smaller trowel, are also used in plasterwork. A carpet float is similar to
similar to the pointing trowel, but with a square, rather a sponge float, but faced with a layer of carpet material.
than a pointed, end. The angle trowel is used for A cork float is faced with cork.
finishing comer angles formed by adjoining right-angle
plaster surfaces. Straight and Feather Edges
rotor and stator assembly in the neck of the machine. A
machine of this type has a hopper capacity of from 3 to
5 cubic feet and can deliver from 0.5 to 2 cubic feet of
plaster per minute. On a piston-pump machine, a
hydraulic, air-operated, or mechanically operated piston
supplies the force for moving the wet plaster. On a
hand-hopper machine, the dry ingredients are placed in
a hand-held hopper just above the nozzle. Hopper
capacity is usually around 1/10 cubic foot. These
machines are mainly used for applying finish plaster.
Machine application reduces the use of the hawk
and trowel in initial plaster application. However, the
Figure 7-17.-Scarifier. use of straightening and finishing hand tools remains
about the same for machine-applied plaster.
The scarifier (fig. 7-17) is a raking tool that leaves Lack of uniformity in the thickness of a plaster coat
furrows approximately 1/8 inch deep, 1/8 inch wide, and detracts from the structural performance of the plaster,
1/2 inch to 3/4 inch apart. The furrows are intended to and the thinner the coat, the smaller the permissible
improve the bond between the scratch coat and the variation from uniformity. Specifications usually
brown coat. require that plaster be finished “true and even, within
1/8-inch tolerance in 10 feet, without waves, cracks, or
Plastering Machines imperfections.” The standard of 1/8 inch appears to be
the closest practical tolerance to which a plasterer can
There are two types of plastering machines: wet mix work by the methods commonly in use.
and dry mix. The wet-mix pump type carries mixed
The importance of adhering to the recommended
plaster from the mixing machine to a hose nozzle. The
minimum thickness for the plaster cannot be over-
dry-mix machine carries dry ingredients to a mixing
stressed. A plaster wall becomes more rigid as thickness
nozzle where water under pressure combines with the
over the minimum recommended increases. As a result,
mix and provides spraying force. Most plastering
the tendency to crack increases as thickness increases.
machines are of the wet-mix pump variety.
However, tests have shown that a reduction of thickness
A wet-mix pump may be of the worm-drive, from a recommended minimum of 1/2 inch to 3/8 inch,
piston-pump, or hand-hopper type. In a worm-drive with certain plasters, decreases resistance by as much as
machine, mixed plaster is fed into a hopper and forced 60 percent, while reduction to 1/4 inch decreases it as
through the hose to the nozzle by the screw action of a much as 82 percent.
Gypsum be fog-sprayed cured for 48 hours. The finish coat
should not be applied for at least 7 days after the brown
The sequence of operations in three-coat gypsum coat. It too should be spray-cured for 48 hours.
plastering is as follows:
1. Install the plaster base.
2. Attach the grounds. Interior plaster can be finished by troweling,
floating, or spraying. Troweling makes a smooth finish;
3. Apply the scratch coat approximately 3/16 inch
floating or spraying makes a finish of a desired surface
4. Before the scratch coat sets, rake and cross
rake. Smooth Finish
5. Allow the scratch coat to set firm and hard.
Finish plaster made of gypsum gauging plaster and
6. Apply plaster screeds (if required). lime putty (called white coat or putty coat) is the most
7. Apply the brown coat to a depth of the screeds. widely used material for smooth finish coats. A putty
coat is usually applied by a team of two or more persons.
8. Using the screeds as guides, straighten the The steps are as follows:
surface with a rod.
1. One person applies plaster at the angles.
9. Fill in any hollows and rod again.
2. Another person follows immediately, straight-
10. Level and compact the surface with a darby; ening the angles with a rod or featheredge.
then rake and cross rake to receive the finish
coat. 3. The remaining surface is covered with a skim
coat of plaster. Pressure on the trowel must be
11. Define angles sharply with an angle float and a sufficient to force the material into the rough
featheredge. Trim back the plaster around the surface of the base coat to ensure a good bond.
grounds so the finish coat can be applied flush
with the grounds. 4. The surface is immediately doubled back to
bring the finish coat to final thickness.
Lime 5. All angles are floated, with additional plaster
added if required to fill hollows.
The steps for lime base coat work are similar to 6. The remaining surface is floated, and all hollows
those for gypsum work except that, for lime, an filled. This operation is called drawing up. The
additional floating is required the day after the brown hollows being filled are called cat faces.
coat is applied. This extra floating is required to increase
the density of the slab and to fill in any cracks that may 7. The surface is allowed to draw for a few minutes.
have developed because of shrinkage of the plaster. A As the plaster begins to set, the surface-water
wood float with one or two nails protruding 1/8 inch glaze disappears and the surface becomes dull.
from the sole (called a devil’s float) is used for this At this point, troweling should begin. The
plasterer holds the water brush in one hand and
the trowel in the other, so troweling can be done
Portland Cement immediately after water is brushed on.
float, after which the steel trowel is used. To avoid
excessive drawing of fines to the surface, delay
troweling of the portland cement-sand as long as
possible. For the same reason, the surface must not be
troweled too long.
The steps in float finishing are about the same as
those described for trowel finishing except, of course,
that the final finish is obtained with the float. A surface
is usually floated twice: a rough floating with a wooden
float first, then a final floating with a rubber or carpet
float. With one hand the plasterer applies with the brush,
while moving the float in the other hand in a circular
motion immediately behind the brush.
Special Textures
Some special interior-finish textures are obtained Figure 7-18.—Masonry (two-coat work directly applied).
by methods other than or in addition to floating. A few
of these are listed beow.
STIPPLED.— After the finish coat has been
applied, additional plaster is daubed over the surface
Stucco is a combination of cement or masonry
with a stippling brush or roller.
cement, sand and water, and frequently a plasticizing
SPONGE.— By pressing a sponge against the material. Color pigments are often used in the finish
surface of the finish coat, you get a very soft, irregular coat, which is usually a factory-prepared mix. The end
texture. product has all the desirable properties of concrete.
Stucco is hard strong, fire resistant, weather resistant,
DASH.— The dash texture is obtained by throwing
does not deteriorate after repeated wetting and drying,
plaster onto the surface from a brush. It produces a fairly
resists rot and fungus, and retains colors.
coarse finish that can be modified by brushing the
The material used in a stucco mix should be free of
plaster with water before it sets.
contaminants and unsound particles. Type I normal
TRAVERTINE.— The plaster is jabbed at random Portland cement is generally used for stucco, although
with a whisk broom, wire brush, or other tool that will type II, type III, and air-entraining may be used. The
form a dimpled surface. As the plaster begins to set, it plasticizing material added to the mix is hydrated lime.
is troweled intermittentl y to form a pattern of rough and Mixing water must be potable. The aggregate used in
smooth areas. cement stucco can greatly affect the quality and
PEGGLE.— A rough finish, called peggle, is performance of the finished product. It should be well
obtained by throwing small pebbles or crushed stone graded, clean, and free from loam, clay, or vegetable
against a newly plastered surface. If necessary, a trowel matter, which can prevent the cement paste from
is used to press the stones lightly into the plaster. properly binding the aggregate particles together.
Follow the project specifications as to the type of
cement, lime, and aggregate to be used.
open and sheathed frame construction requires three
coats of 3/8-inch scratch coat horizontally scored or
scratched, a 3/8-inch brown coat, and a 1/8-inch finish
Stucco is usually applied in three coats. The first
coat is the scratch coat; the second the brown coat; and
the final coat the finish coat. On masonry where no
reinforcement is used, two coats maybe sufficient. Start
at the top and work down the wall. This prevents mortar
from falling on the completed work. The first, or scratch,
coat should be pushed through the mesh to ensure the
metal reinforcement is completely embedded for
mechanical bond. The second, or brown, coat should be
applied as soon as the scratch coat has setup enough to
carry the weight of both coats (usually 4 or 5 hours). The
Figure 7-19.-Open-frame construction.
brown coat should be moist-cured for about 48 hours
and then allowed to dry for about 5 days. Just before the
application of the finish coat, the brown coat should be
(fig. 7-19), nails are driven one-half their length into the
uniformly dampened. The third, or finish, coat is
wood. Spacing should be 5 to 6 inches OC from the
frequently pigmented to obtain decorative colors.
bottom. Nails should be placed at all corners and Although the colors may be job-mixed, a factory-
openings throughout the entire structure on the exterior. prepared mix is recommended. The finish coat maybe
The next step is to place wire on the nails. This is
applied by hand or machine. Stucco finishes are
called installing the line wire. Next, a layer of water- available in a variety of textures, patterns, and colors.
proof paper is applied over the line wire. Laps should be
3 to 4 inches and nailed with roofing nails. Install wire Surface Preparation
mesh (stucco netting), which is used as the reinforce-
ment for the stucco. Before the various coats of stucco can be applied,
Furring nails (fig. 7-20) are used to hold the wire the surfaces have to be prepared. Roughen the surfaces
away from the paper to a thickness of three- eighths of of masonry units enough to provide good mechanical
an inch. Stucco or sheathed frame construction is the key, and clean off paint, oil, dust, soot, or any other
same as open frame except no line wire is required. The material that may prevent a tight bond. Joints may be
struck off flush or slightly raked. Old walls softened and
disintegrated by weather action, surfaces that cannot be
cleaned thoroughly, such as painted brickwork, and all
masonry chimneys should be covered with galvanized
metal reinforcement before applying the stucco. When
masonry surfaces are not rough enough to provide good
mechanical key, one or more of the following actions
may be taken:
hand-applied finishes). To apply stucco, begin at the top been made of ceramic tile for decorative effects
of the wall and work down. Make sure the crew has throughout buildings, both inside and outside.
sufficient personnel to finish the total wall surface
without joinings (laps or interruptions). CLASSIFICATIONS
Figure 7-22.—Tile edges.
fig. 7-22). The lugs assure easy setting and uniform while the cement mortar is fresh and plastic. After
joints. The edges available vary with the size of the tile soaking in water for at least 30 minutes, the tiles are
and the manufacturer. installed over the neat cement bond coat. This type of
Margins, comers, and base lines are finished with installation, with its thick mortar bed, permits wall and
trimmers of various shapes (fig. 7-23). A complete line floor surfaces to be sloped. This installation provides a
of shaped ceramic trim is available from manufacturers. bond strength of 100 to 200 pounds per square inch. A
Other accessories include towel bars, shelf supports, waterproof backing is sometimes required, and the
paper holders, grab rails, soap holders, tumbler holders, mortar must be damp-cured.
and combination toothbrush and tumbler holders, to list Dry-Set Mortar
a few of the more popular units.
Dry-set mortar is a thin-bed mortar of premixed
MORTARS AND ADHESIVES portland cement, sand, and admixtures that control the
setting (hardening) time of the mortar. It may be used
The resistance of ceramic tile to traffic depends over concrete, block, brick, cellular foamed glass,
primarily on base and bonding material rigidity, grout gypsum wallboard, and unpainted dry cement plaster, as
strength, hardness, and the accurate leveling and well as other surfaces. A sealer coat is often required
smoothness of the individual tiles in the installation. The when the base is gypsum plaster. It is not recommended
four basic installation methods are cement mortar (the for use over wood or wood products. Dry-set mortar can
only thick bed method), dry-set mortar, epoxy mortar, be applied in one layer 3/32 inch thick, and it provides
and organic adhesives (mastic). a bond strength of 500 pounds per square inch. This
Cement Mortar method has excellent water and impact resistance and
may be used on exteriors. The tiles do not have to be
Cement mortar for setting ceramic tiles is composed presoaked, but the mortar must be damp-cured.
of a mixture of portland cement and sand. The mix
Epoxy Mortar
proportions for floors may vary from 1:3 to 1:6 by
volume. For walls, a portland cement, sand, and Epoxy mortar can be applied in a bed as thin as 1/8
hydrated lime mix may vary from 1:3:1 to 1:5 1/2:1. inch. When the epoxy resin and hardener are mixed on
These proportion ratios are dictated by the project the job, the resulting mixture hardens into an extremely
specifications. The mortar is placed on the surface 3/4 strong, dense setting bed. Pot life, once the parts are
to 1 inch thick on walls and 3/4 inch to 1 1/4 inches thick mixed, is about 1 hour if the temperature is 82°F or
on floors. A neat cement bond coat is applied over it higher. This mortar has excellent resistance to the
Figure 7-24.-Special tile-setting tools.
corrosive conditions often encountered in industrial and texture than a plain cement. It maybe colored and used
commercial installations. It may be applied over bases in all areas subject to ordinary use. When the grout is
of wood, plywood, concrete, or masonry. This type of placed, the tiles should be wet. Moisture is required for
mortar is nonshrinking and nonporous. A bond strength proper curing.
of over 1,000 pounds per square inch is obtained with Drywall grout has the same characteristics as
this installation method. dry-set mortar and is suitable for areas of ordinary use.
Tiles to be set in drywall grout do not require wetting
Organic Adhesives except during very dry conditions.
Epoxy grout consists of an epoxy resin and
Organic adhesives (mastics) are applied in a thin
layer with a notched trowel. They are solvent-base, hardener. It produces a joint that is stainproof, resistant
rubber material. Porous materials should be primed to chemicals, hard, smooth, impermeable, and easy to
before mastic is applied to prevent some of the clean. It is used extensively in counters that must be kept
plasticizers and oils from soaking into the backing. sanitary for foods and chemicals. It has the same basic
Suitable surfaces include wood, concrete, masonry, characteristics as epoxy mortars.
gypsum wallboard, and plaster. The bond strength Furan resin grout is used in industrial areas
available varies considerably among manufacturers, but requiring high resistance to acids and weak alkalies.
the average is about 100 pounds per square inch. Special installation techniques are required with this
type of grouting.
GROUTS Latex grout is used for a more flexible and less
permeable finish than cement grout. It is made by
The joints between the tiles must be filled with a
introducing a latex additive into the Portland cement
grout selected to meet the tile requirements and
grout mix.
exposure. Tile grouts may be portland cement base,
epoxy base, furans, or latex.
Cement grout consists of portland cement and
admixtures. This is better in terms of waterproofing, A selection of special tools, shown in figure 7-24,
uniform color, whiteness, shrink resistance, and fine should be available when doing tile installation work.
A primary tool is a notched trowel with the notches extend to a greater or lesser height, but in no case more
of the depth recommended by the adhesive than 1 1/2-inch from the specified or figured height.
manufacturers. A trowel with notches on one side and Vertical joints must be maintained plumb for the entire
smooth on the other is preferred. Different sized trowels height of the tile work.
are available. All joints in wall tile should be grouted full with a
A tile cutter is the most efficient tool for cutting plastic mix of neat white cement or commercial tile
ceramic tile. The scribe on the cutter has a tungsten grout immediately after a suitable area of the tile has
carbide tip. A glass cutter can be used but quickly dulls. been set. Tool the joints slightly concave; cut off and
Use tile nippers when trimming irregular shapes. wipe excess mortar from the face of tiles. Any spaces,
Nip off very small pieces of the tile you are cutting. crevices, cracks, or depressions in the mortar joints after
Attempting to take big chunks at one time can crack the the grout has been cleaned from the surface should be
tile. roughened at once and filled to the line of the cushioned
A rubber-surfaced trowel is used to force grout into edge (if applicable) before the mortar begins to harden.
the joints of the tile. Tile bases or coves should be solidly backed with
mortar. Make all joints between wall tiles and plumbing
APPLICATION TECHNIQUES or other built-up fixtures with a light-colored caulking
compound. Immediately after the grout has set, apply a
There are three primary steps in tile installation: protective coat of noncorrosive soap or other approved
applying a mortar bed, applying adhesive, and setting protection to the tile wall surfaces.
tiles in place. The installation of wall tile over existing and
patched or new plaster surfaces in an existing building
Mortar is completed as previously described, except that an
adhesive is used as the bonding agent. Where wall tile
Before applying a mortar bed to a wall having is to be installed in areas subject to intermittent or
wooden studs, you first tack a layer of waterproof paper continual wetting, prime the wall areas with adhesive
to the studs. You then nail metal lath over the paper. The following the manufacturer’s recommendations.
first coat of mortar applied to a wall for setting tiles is a
scratch coat; the second is a float, leveling, or brown Adhesive
A scratch coat for application as a foundation coat Wall tiles may be installed either by floating or
must be at least 1/4 inch thick and composed of 1 part buttering the adhesive. In floating, apply the adhesive
cement to 3 parts sand, with the addition of 10-percent uniformly over the prepared wall surface using
hydrated lime by volume of the cement used. While still quantities recommended by the manufacturer. Use a
plastic, the scratch coat is deeply scored or scratched and notched trowel held at the proper angle to spread
cross scratched. Keep the scratch coat protected and adhesive to the required uniform thickness. Touch up
reasonably moist during the hydration period. All mortar thin or bare spots with an additional coating of adhesive.
for scratch and float coats should be used within 1 hour The area coated atone time should not be any larger than
after mixing. Do not retemper partially hardened mortar. that recommended by the manufacturer. In the buttering
Apply the scratch coat not more than 48 hours, nor less method, daub the adhesive on the back of each tile. Use
than 24 hours, before setting the tile. enough so that, when compressed, the adhesive forms a
The float coat should be composed of 1 part cement, coating not less than 1/1 6 inch thick over 60 percent of
1 part of hydrated lime, and 3 1/2 parts sand. It should the back of each tile.
be brought flush with screeds or temporary guide strips,
placed to give a true and even surface at the proper Laying Tile
distance from the finished face of the tile.
Wall tiles should be thoroughly soaked for a The key to a professional-looking ceramic tile job
minimum of 30 minutes in clean water before being set. is to start working with a squared-off area. Most rooms
Set tiles by troweling a skim coat of neat Portland do not have perfectly square comers. As a result, the first
cement mortar on the float coat, or applying a skim coat step is to mark off a square area in such a way that
to the back of each tile unit and immediately floating the fractional tiles at the comers (edges) are approximately
tiles into place. Joints must be straight, level, the same size. Begin by finding the lowest point of the
perpendicular, of even width, and not exceeding 1/16 wall you are tiling. From this corner draw a horizontal
inch. Wainscots are built of full courses. These may line one full tile height above the low point and extend
Figure 7-25.-Steps used for squaring a wall.
this line level across the entire width of the room. Refer 4. Draw vertical lines B and C perpendicular to line
to the bathroom wall example in figure 7-25 as you study A (fig. 7-25). Apply tiles to the squared-off area
the following steps: first. Then cut and apply fractional tiles.
1. Find the low point of the tub. Another method for figuring fractional tiles (edges)
2. Measure up the height of one full tile at the low is to employ the “half-tile rule.” (The stick method is
point. Draw a horizontal line A. It must be level. good for short walls, but the half-tile rule is needed for
long walls.) Take the number of full-size tiles required
3. Use a tile-measuring stick (fig. 7-26) to
determine the position of full-width tiles in such for one course, multiply this by the tile size, subtract this
away that fractional tiles at each comer or edge answer from the wall length in inches, add one full tile
are equal. size and divide by 2. The result is the size of end tiles.
After determining fractional tiles, use a piece of When the grout begins to dry, wipe the excess from
scrap wood from 36 inches to 48 inches in length to mark the tiles with a damp rag. After the grout is thoroughly
up a tile-measuring stick (fig. 7-26, view A). Mark off dry, rinse the wall and wipe it with a clean towel.
a series of lines equal to the width of a tile. Lay this stick Nonstaining caulking compound should be used at
on the wall and shift it back and forth to determine the all joints between built-in fixtures and tile work and at
starting point for laying the tiles. Make sure the the top of ceramic tile bases to ensure complete
fractional tiles at the end of each row are of equal widths waterproofing. Inside corners should be caulked before
(fig. 7-26, view B). a comer bead is applied.
Use a level to establish a line perpendicular to the Promptly replace cracked and broken tiles. This
horizontal starting line (fig. 7-26, view C). At both ends protects the edges of adjacent tiles and helps maintain
of the horizontal line, draw vertical lines to form the waterproofing and appearance. Timely pointing of
squared-off area. To make the tile application easier, you displaced joint material and spalled areas in joints is
can fasten battens to the wall on the outside of the drawn necessary to keep tiles in place.
lines. A new tile surface should be cleaned according to
the tile manufacturer’s recommendations to avoid
Use a trowel to spread the mastic over approxi-
damage to the glazed surfaces.
mately a 3- by 3-foot area of the wall. Use the notched
side to form ridges in the mastic, pressing hard against
the surface so that the ridges are the same height as the RECOMMENDED READING LIST
notches on the tool. Allow the mastic to set for 24 hours
before applying grout. Follow the manufacturer’s NOTE
mixing instructions closely and use a rubber-surfaced
trowel to spread the grout over the tile surface. Work the Although the following references
trowel in an arc, holding it at a slight angle so that grout were current when this TRAMAN was
is forced into the spaces between the tiles. published, their continued currency
cannot be assured. You therefore need
Start tiling at either of the vertical lines and tile half to ensure that you are studying the
the wall at a time, working in horizontal rows. Press each latest revisions.
tile into the mastic, but do not slide them—the mastic
Gypsum Construction Handbook, United States
may be forced up the edges onto the tile surface. After
Gypsum Company, Chicago, Ill., 1987.
each course of tile is applied, check with the level before
spreading more mastic. If a line is crooked, remove all Materials and Methods of Architectural Construction,
tiles in that line and apply fresh ones. Do not use the John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1958.
removed tiles until the mastic has been cleaned off. Plastering Skills, American Technical Publishers, Inc.,
Finish tiling the main area before fitting edge tiles. Alsip, Ill., 1984.
The final stage of most construction projects is the entering through neglected exterior surfaces. Porous
application of protective coatings, or “painting.” As masonry is attacked and destroyed by moisture. There-
with all projects, you should follow the plans and fore, paint films must be as impervious to moisture as
specifications for surface preparation and application possible to provide a protective, water-proof film over
of the finish coat. The specifications give all the infor- the surface to which they are applied. Paint also acts
mation you need to complete the tasks. But, to have a as a protective film against acids, alkalies, material
better understanding of structural coatings, you need organisms, and other damaging elements.
to know their purposes, methods of surface prepara-
tion, and application techniques. SANITATION AND
PURPOSES OF STRUCTURAL Painting is an essential part of general main-
COATINGS tenance programs for hospitals, kitchens, mess halls,
offices, warehouses, and living quarters. Paint
coatings provide smooth, nonabsorptive surfaces that
this section, you should be able to state the
are easily washed and kept free of dirt and foodstuffs.
purposes of the different types of structural
Adhering foodstuffs harbor germs and cause disease.
coatings and how each is employed.
Coating rough or porous areas seals out dust and
The protection of surfaces is the most important grease that would otherwise be difficult to remove.
consideration in determining the maintenance cost
Odorless paints are used in these areas because
of structures. Structural coatings serve as protective
conventional paint solvent odors are obnoxious to
shields between the base construction materials and
personnel. In food preparation areas, the odors maybe
elements that attack and deteriorate them. Regularly
picked up by nearby food.
programmed structural coatings offer long-range pro-
tection, extending the useful life of a structure.
PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Certain types of structural coatings delay the
The primary purpose of a structural coating is spread of fire and assist in confining a fire to its area
protection. This is provided initially with new con- of origin. Fire-retardant coatings should not be
struction and maintained by a sound and progressive considered substitutes for conventional paints. The
use of fire-retardant coatings is restricted to areas of
preventive maintenance program. Programmed paint-
ing enforces inspection and scheduling. A viable highly combustible surfaces, and must be justified and
preventive maintenance program will help ensure that governed by the specific agency’s criteria. Fire-
retardant coatings are not used in buildings containing
minor problems are detected at an early stage—before
automatic sprinkler systems.
they become major failures later. An added advantage
derived from preventive maintenance is the detection
of faulty structural conditions or problems caused by CAMOUFLAGE
leakage or moisture.
Camouflage paints have special properties,
Resistance to moisture from rain, snow, ice, and making them different from conventional paints.
condensation constitutes perhaps the greatest single Their uses are limited to special applications. Do not
protective characteristic of paint, the most common use camouflage paints as substitutes for conventional
type of structural coating. Moisture causes metal to paints. Use this paint only on exterior surfaces to
corrode and wood to swell, warp, or rot. Interior render buildings and structures inconspicuous by
wall finishes of buildings can be ruined by moisture blending them in with the surrounding environment.
ILLUMINATION AND VISIBILITY PIGMENT.— Pigments are insoluble solids,
ground finely enough to remain suspended in the
White and light-tinted coatings applied to ceilings
vehicle for a considerable time after thorough stirring
and walls reflect both natural and artificial light and
or shaking. Opaque pigments give the paint its hiding,
help brighten rooms and increase visibility. On the
or covering, capacity and contribute other properties
other hand, darker colors reduce the amount of
(white lead, zinc oxide, and titanium dioxide are
reflected light. Flat coatings diffuse, soften, and
examples). Color pigments give the paint its color.
evenly distribute illumination, whereas gloss finishes
These may be inorganic, such as chrome green,
reflect more like mirrors and may create glare. Color
chrome yellow, and iron oxide, or organic, such as
contrasts improve visibility of the painted surface,
toluidine red and phthalocyanine blue. Transparent or
especially when paint is applied in distinctive patterns.
extender pigments contribute bulk and also control the
For example, white on black, white on orange, or
application properties, durability, and resistance to
yellow on black can be seen at greater distances than
abrasion of the coating. There are other special-
single colors or other combinations of colors.
purpose pigments, such as those enabling paint to
resist heat, control corrosion, or reflect light.
VEHICLES, OR BINDERS.— The vehicle, or
Certain colors are used as standard means of binder, of paint is the material holding the pigment
identifying objects and promoting safety. For together and causing paint to adhere to a surface. In
example, fire protection equipment is painted red. general, paint durability is determined by the
Containers for kerosene, gasoline, solvents, and other resistance of the binder to the exposure conditions.
flammable liquids should be painted a brilliant yellow Linseed oil, once the most common binder, has been
and marked with large black letters to identify their replaced, mainly by the synthetic alkyd resins. These
contents. The colors of signal lights and painted signs result from the reaction of glycerol phthalate and an
help control traffic safely by providing directions and oil and may be made with almost any property desired.
other travel information. Other synthetic resins, used either by themselves or
mixed with oil, include phenolic resin, vinyl, epoxy,
urethane, polyester, and chlorinated rubber. Each has
TYPES OF COATINGS its own advantages and disadvantages. When using
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Upon completing these materials, it is particularly important that you
this section, you should be able to identify the exactly follow the manufacturers’ instructions.
types of structural coatings and finishes, and SOLVENTS, OR THINNERS.— The only
the general characteristics of each. purpose of a solvent, or thinner, is to adjust the
consistency of the material so that it can be applied
As a Builder, you must consider many factors
readily to the surface. The solvent then evaporates,
when selecting a coating for a particular job. One
contributing nothing further to the film. For this
important factor is the type of coating, which depends
reason, the cheapest suitable solvent should be used.
on the composition and properties of the ingredients.
This solvent is likely to be naphtha or mineral spirits.
Paint is composed of various ingredients, such as
Although turpentine is sometimes used, it contributes
pigment, nonvolatile vehicle, or binder, and solvent,
little that other solvents do not and costs much more.
or thinner. Other coatings may contain only a single
Synthetic resins usually require a special
In this section, we’ll cover the basic components
solvent. It is important the correct one be used;
of paint—pigment, vehicles, and solvents—and
otherwise, the paint may be spoiled entirely.
explain the characteristics of different types of paint.
Composition Types
Paint is composed of two basic ingredients: Paints, by far, comprise the largest family o f
pigment and a vehicle. A thinner may be added to structural coatings you will be using to finish
change the application characteristics of the liquid. products, both interior and exterior. In the following
section, we’ll cover some of the most commonly RUBBER-BASED.— Rubber-based paints are
encountered types. solvent thinned and should not be confused with latex
binders (often called rubber-based emulsions).
OIL-BASED PAINTS.— Oil-based paints
Rubber-based paints are lacquer-type products and
consist mainly of a drying oil (usually linseed) mixed
dry rapidly to form finishes highly resistant to water
with one or more pigments. The pigments and
and mild chemicals. They are used for coating exterior
quantities of oil in oil paints are usually selected on
masonry and areas that are wet, humid, or subject to
the basis of cost and their ability to impart to the paint frequent washing, such as laundry rooms, showers,
the desired properties, such as durability, economy, washrooms, and kitchens.
and color. An oil-based paint is characterized by easy
application and slow drying. It normally chalks in such PORTLAND CEMENT.— Portland cement
a manner as to permit recoating without costly surface mixed with several ingredients acts as a paint binder
preparation. Adding small amounts of varnish tends to when it reacts with water. The paints are supplied as a
decrease the time it takes an oil-based paint to dry and powder to which the water is added before being used.
to increase the paint’s resistance to water. Oil-based Cement paints are used on rough surfaces, such as
paints are not recommended for surfaces submerged concrete, masonry, and stucco. They dry to form hard,
in water. flat, porous films that permit water vapor to pass
through readily. When properly cured, cement paints
ENAMEL.— Enamels are generally harder, of good quality are quite durable. When improperly
tougher, and more resistant to abrasion and moisture cured, they chalk excessively on exposure and may
penetration than oil-based paints. Enamels are present problems in repainting.
obtainable in flat, semigloss, and gloss. The extent of
ALUMINUM.— Aluminum paints are available
pigmentation in the paint or enamel determines its
in two forms: ready mixed and ready to mix.
gloss. Generally, gloss is reduced by adding lower cost
Ready-mixed aluminum paints are supplied in one
pigments called extenders. Typical extenders are
package and are ready for use after normal mixing.
calcium carbonate (whiting), magnesium silicate
They are made with vehicles that will retain metallic
(talc), aluminum silicate (clay), and silica. The level
brilliance after moderate periods of storage. They are
of gloss depends on the ratio of pigment to binder.
more convenient to use and allow for less error in
EPOXY.— Epoxy paints area combined resin and mixing than the ready-to-mix form.
a polyamide hardener that are mixed before use. When Ready-to-mix aluminum paints are supplied in
mixed, the two ingredients react to form the end two packages: one containing clear varnish and the
product. Epoxy paints have a limited working, or pot, other, the required amount of aluminum paste (usually
life, usually 1 working day. They are outstanding in two-thirds aluminum flake and one-third solvent).
hardness, adhesion, and flexibility-plus, they resist You mix just before using by slowly adding the
corrosion, abrasion, alkali, and solvents. The major varnish to the aluminum paste and stirring. Ready-
uses of epoxy paints are as tile-like glaze coatings for to-mix aluminum paints allow a wider choice of
concrete or masonry, and for structural steel in vehicles and present less of a problem with storage
corrosive environments. Epoxy paints tend to chalk on stability. A potential problem with aluminum paints is
exterior exposure; low-gloss levels and fading can be moisture in the closed container. When present,
anticipated. Otherwise, their durability is excellent. moisture may react with the aluminum flake to
LATEX.— Latex paints contain a synthetic form hydrogen gas that pressurizes the container.
chemical, called latex, dispersed in water. The kinds Pressure can cause the container to bulge or even pop
the cover off the container. Check the containers of
of latex usually found in paints are styrene-butadiene
ready-mixed paints for bulging. If they do, puncture
(so-called synthetic rubber), polyvinyl acetate (PVA
the covers carefully before opening to relieve the
or vinyl), and acrylic. Latex paints differ from other
pressure. Be sure to use dry containers when mixing
paints in that the vehicle is an emulsion of binder and
aluminum paints.
water. Being water-based, latex paints have the
advantage of being easy to apply. They dry through
evaporation of the water. Many latex paints have
excellent durability. This makes them particularly In contrast to paints, varnishes contain little or no
useful for coating plaster and masonry surfaces. pigment and do not obscure the surface to which
Careful surface preparation is required for their use. applied. Usually a liquid, varnish dries to a hard,
transparent coating when spread in a thin film over a largely on the purpose, the location, and the type of
surface, affording protection and decoration. wood being covered.
Of the common types of varnishes, the most
important are the oils, including spar, flat, rubbing, SURFACE PREPARATION
and color types. These are extensively used to finish
and refinish interior and exterior wood surfaces, such LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Upon completing
as floors, furniture, and cabinets. Spar varnish is this section, you should be able to describe the
intended for exterior use in normal or marine procedures used in preparing surfaces for
environments, although its durability is limited. To painting.
increase durability, exterior varnishes are especially
The most essential part of any painting job is
formulated to resist weathering.
proper surface preparation and repair. Each type of
Varnishes produce a durable, elastic, and tough surface requires specific cleaning procedures. Paint
surface that normally dries to a high-gloss finish and will not adhere well, provide the protection necessary,
does not easily mar. Often, a lower gloss may be or have the desired appearance unless the surface is in
obtained by rubbing the surface with a very fine steel proper condition for painting. Exterior surface
wool. However, it is simpler to use a flat varnish with preparation is especially important because hostile
the gloss reduced by adding transparent-flatting environments can accelerate deterioration.
pigments, such as certain synthetic silicas. These
pigments are dispersed in the varnish to produce a
clear finish that dries to a low gloss, but still does not As a Builder, you are most likely to paint three
obscure the surface underneath (that is, you can still types of metals: ferrous, nonferrous, and galvanized.
see the grain of the wood). Improper protection of metals is likely to cause fatigue
in the metal itself and may result in costly repairs or
even replacement. Correct surface preparation, prior
to painting, is essential.
Shellac is purified lac formed into thin flakes and Ferrous
widely used as a binder in varnishes, paints, and stains.
(Lac is a resinous substance secreted by certain Cleaning ferrous metals, such as iron and steel,
insects.) The vehicle is wood alcohol. The natural involves the removal of oil, grease, previous coatings,
color of shellac is orange, although it can be obtained and dirt. Keep in mind that once you prepare a metal
in white. Shellac is used extensively as a finishing surface for painting, it will start to rust immediately
material and a sealant. Applied over knots in wood, it unless you use a primer or pretreatment to protect the
prevents bleeding. surface.
LACQUERS The nonferrous metals are brass, bronze, copper,
Lacquers may be clear or pigmented and can be tin, zinc, aluminum, nickel, and others not derived
lusterless, semigloss, or glossy. Lacquers dry or from iron ore. Nonferrous metals are generally
harden quickly, producing a firm oil- and water- cleaned with a solvent type of cleaner. After cleaning,
resistant film. But many coats are required to achieve you should apply a primer coat or a pretreatment.
adequate dry-film thickness. It generally costs more to Galvanized
use lacquers than most paints.
Galvanized iron is one of the most difficult metals
to prime properly. The galvanizing process forms a
STAINS hard, dense surface that paint cannot penetrate. Too
often, galvanized surfaces are not prepared properly,
Stains are obtainable in four different kinds: oil,
resulting in paint failure. Three steps must be taken to
water, spirit, and chemical. Oil stains have an oil
develop a sound paint system.
vehicle; mineral spirits can be added to increase
penetration. Water stains are solutions of aniline dyes 1. Wash the galvanized surface with a solvent to
and water. Spirit stains contain alcohol. Chemical remove grease, waxes, or silicones. Manufac-
stains work by means of a chemical reaction when turers sometimes apply these to resist “white
dissolved by water. The type of stain to use depends rust” that may form on galvanized sheets stored
under humid conditions. Mineral spirits or acid clear water immediately after scrubbing. Work on
washes should definitely not be used at this small areas not larger than 4 square feet. Wear rubber
stage. gloves, a rubber apron, and goggles when mixing and
applying the acid solution. In mixing the acid, always
2. Etch the surface with a mild phosphoric acid
add acid to water. Do not add water to acid; this can
wash. Etching increases paint adhesion and
cause the mixture to explode. For a very heavy
helps overcome the stress forces generated by
deposit, the acid solution may be increased to 10
expansion and contraction of the galvanized
percent and allowed to remain on the surface for 5
coating. After acid washing the surface, rinse it
minutes before it is scrubbed.
with clean water and allow to dry. When using
acid, remember the situation can represent ac- Repairing Defects
tual or potential danger to yourself and other
All defects in a concrete or masonry surface must
employees in the area. Continuous and auto-
be repaired before painting. To repair a large crack,
matic precautionary measures minimize safety
cut the crack out to an inverted-V shape and plug it
problems and improve both efficiency and
with grout (a mixture of two or three parts of mortar
morale of the crew.
sand, one part of portland cement, and enough water
3. Apply a specially formulated primer. Two basic to make it putty-like in consistency). After the grout
types of primer are in common use: zinc-bound sets, damp cure it by keeping it wet for 48 hours. If oil
and cementitious-resin. The zinc-bound type is paint is to be used, allow at least 90 days for
used for normal exposure. Most types of finish weathering before painting over a grout-filled crack.
can be used over this type of primer. Latex
emulsion paints provide a satisfactory finish.
Oil-based products should not be used over ce- Whenever possible, allow new plaster to age at
mentitious-resin primers. A minimum of two least 30 days before painting if oil-based paint is being
coats of finish is recommended over each type applied. Latex paint can be applied after 48 hours,
of primer. although a 30-day wait is generally recommended.
Before painting, fill all holes and cracks with
spackling compound or patching plaster. Cut out the
In Navy construction, concrete and masonry are material along the crack or hole in an inverted-V
normally not painted unless painting is required for shape. To avoid excessive absorption of water from
damp-proofing. Cleaning concrete and masonry the patching material, wet the edges and bottom of the
involves the removal of dirt, mildew, and efflo- crack or hole before applying the material. Fill the
rescence (a white, powdery crystalline deposit that opening to within 1/4 inch of the surface and allow the
often forms on concrete and masonry surfaces). material to set partially before bringing the level up
flush with the surface. After the material has
Dirt and Fungus
thoroughly set (depending on the type of filler used),
Dirt and fungus are removed by washing with a use fine sandpaper to smooth out the rough spots.
solution of trisodium phosphate. The strength of the Plaster and wallboard should have a sealer or a prime
solution may vary from 2 to 8 ounces per gallon of coat applied before painting. When working with old
water, depending upon the amount of dirt or mildew work, remove all loose or scaling paint, sand lightly,
on the surface. Immediately after washing, rinse off and wash off all dirt, oil, and stains. Allow the surface
all the trisodium phosphate with clear water. If using to dry thoroughly before applying the new finish coat.
oil paint, allow the surface to dry thoroughly before
Before being painted, a wood surface should be
closely inspected for loose boards, defective lumber,
For efflorescence, first remove as much of the protruding nail heads, and other defects or irregularities.
deposit as possible by dry brushing with a wire brush Loose boards should be nailed tight, defective lumber
or a stiff fiber brush. Next, wet the surface thoroughly should be replaced, and all nail heads should be counter-
with clear water; then, scrub with a stiff brush dipped sunk.
in a 5-percent solution (by weight) of muriatic acid. A dirty wood surface is cleaned for painting
Allow the acid solution to remain on the surface about by sweeping, dusting, and washing with solvent or
3 minutes before scrubbing, but rinse thoroughly with soap and water. In washing wood, take care to avoid
excessive wetting, which tends to raise the grain. Wash about a No. 2/0 grit. For fine work, such as furniture
a small area at a time, then rinse and dry it immediately. sanding, you should finish with a freer grit.
Wood that is to receive a natural finish (meaning Sap or resin in wood can stain through a coat, or
not concealed by an opaque coating) may require even several coats, of paint. Remove sap or resin by
bleaching to a uniform or light color. To bleach, apply scraping or sanding. Knots in resinous wood should be
a solution of 1 pound of oxalic acid to 1 gallon of hot treated with knot sealer.
water. More than one application may be required. After Green lumber contains a considerable amount of
the solution has dried, smooth the surface with fine water, most of which must be removed before use. This
not only prevents shrinkage after installation, but pre-
vents blistering, cracking, and loss of adhesion after
Rough wood surfaces must be sanded smooth for
applied paint. Be sure all lumber used has been properly
painting. Mechanical sanders are used for large areas,
dried and kept dry before painting.
hand sanding for small areas. For hand sanding, you
should wrap sandpaper around a rubber, wood, or metal
sanding block. For a very rough surface, start with a
coarse paper, about No. 2 or 2 1/2. Follow this with a Conditioners are often applied on masonry to seal
No, 1/2, No. 1, or No. 1 1/2. You should finish with a chalky surface to improve adhesion of water-based
topcoats. Sealers are used on wood to prevent resin Remove hardened resin by scraping or sanding. Since
running or bleeding. Fillers are used to produce a sealer is not intended as a prime coat, it should be used
smooth finish on open-grained wood and rough ma- only when necessary and applied only over the affected
sonry. Table 8-1 presents the satisfactory treatments of area. When previous paint becomes discolored over
the various surfaces. knots on pine lumber, the sealer should be applied over
Since water-thinned latex paints do not adhere well the old paint before the new paint is applied.
to chalky masonry surfaces, an oil-based conditioner is
applied to the chalky substrate before latex paint is
applied. The entire surface should be vigorously wire Fillers are used on porous wood, concrete, and
brushed by hand or power tools, then dusted to remove masonry to provide a smoother finish coat.
all loose particles and chalk residue. The conditioner is
then brushed on freely to assure effective penetration
and allowed to dry. Conditioner is not intended for use Wood fillers are used on open-grained hardwoods.
as a finish coat. In general, hardwoods with pores larger than those
found in birch should be filled. Table 8-2 lists the
SEALERS characteristics of various woods and which ones
Sealers are applied to bare wood like coats of paint. require fillers. The table also contains notes on
Freshly exuded resin, while still soft, may be scraped finishing. Filling is done after staining. Stain should
off with a putty knife and the area cleaned with alcohol. be allowed to dry for 24 hours before the filler is
applied. If staining is not warranted, natural material removed) rough concrete, concrete block,
(uncolored) filler is applied directly to the bare wood. stucco, or other masonry surfaces. The purpose is to
The filler may be colored with some of the stain to fill the open pores in the surface, producing a fairly
accentuate the grain pattern of the wood. smooth finish. If the voids on the surface are large, you
should apply two coats of filler, rather than one heavy
To apply, you first thin the filler with mineral
coat. This avoids mud cracking. Allow 1 to 2 hours
spirits to a creamy consistency, then liberally brush it
drying time between coats. Allow the final coat to dry
across the grain, followed by a light brushing along
24 hours before painting.
the grain. Allow it to stand 5 to 10 minutes until most
of the thinner has evaporated. At this time, the finish
will have lost its glossy appearance. Before it has a PAINT MIXING AND CONDITIONING
chance to set and harden, wipe the filler off across the
grain using burlap or other coarse cloth, rubbing the LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Upon completing
filler into the pores of the wood while removing the this section, you should be able to describe the
excess. Finish by stroking along the grain with clean techniques used in mixing and applying paint.
rags. All excess filler must be removed.
Most paints used in the Navy are ready-mixed,
Knowing when to start wiping is important. Wipng meaning the ingredients are already combined in the
too soon pulls the filler out of the pores. Allowing the proper proportions. When oil paint is left in storage
filler to set too long makes it hard to wipe off. A simple for long periods of time, the pigments settle to the
test for dryness consists of rubbing a finger across the bottom. These must be remixed into the vehicle before
surface. If a ball is formed, it’s time to wipe. If the filler the paint is used. The paint is then strained, if
slips under the pressure of the finger, it is still too wet necessary. All paint should be placed in the paint shop
for wiping. Allow the filler to dry for 24 hours before at least 24 hours before use. This is to bring the paint
applying finish coats. to a temperature between 65°F and 85°F.
There are three main reasons to condition and mix
paint. First, you need to redisperse, or reblend, settled
Masonry fillers are applied by brush to bare and pigment with the vehicle. Second, lumps, skins, or
previously prepared (all loose, powdery, flaking other impediments to proper application need to be
eliminated. And, third, the paint must be brought to its appearance with no evidence of varicolored swirls at
proper application temperature. the top. Neither should there be lumps of undispersed
solids or foreign matter. Figure 8-1 illustrates the basic
MIXING steps for boxing paint.
Paints should be mixed, or blended, in the paint There are only three primary true-pigmented
shop just before they are issued. Mixing procedures colors: red, blue, and yellow. Shades, tints, and hues
vary among different types of paints. Regardless of the
are derived by mixing these colors in various
procedure used, try not to overmix; this introduces too
proportions. Figure 8-2 shows a color triangle with
much air into the mixture. Table 8-3 outlines the types
of equipment and remarks for various coatings. one primary color at each of its points. The lettering
Mixing is done by either a manual or mechanical
method. The latter is definitely preferred to ensure
maximum uniformity. Manual mixing is less efficient
than mechanical in terms of time, effort, and results.
It should be done only when absolutely necessary and
be limited to containers no larger than 1 gallon.
Nevertheless, it is possible to mix 1-gallon and
5-gallon containers by hand. To do so, first pour half
of the paint vehicle into a clean, empty container. Stir
the paint pigment that has settled to the bottom of the
container into the remaining paint vehicle. Continue
to stir the paint as you return the other half slowly to
its original container. Stir and pour the paint from can
to can. This process of mixing is called boxing paint.
The mixed paint must have a completely blended Figure 8-2.—A color triangle.
in the triangle indicates the hues that result when Skins should be removed from the paint before
colors are mixed. mixing. If necessary, the next step is thinning. Finally,
the paint is strained through a fine sieve or commercial
A— Equal proportions of red and blue produce pur-
paint strainer.
B— Equal proportions of red and yellow produce Tinting
Try not to tint paint. This will reduce waste and
C— Equal proportions of blue and yellow produce
eliminate the problem of matching special colors at a
later date. Tinting also affects the properties of the
D— Three parts of red to one part of blue produce paint, often reducing performances to some extent.
carmine. One exception is the tinting of an intermediate coat to
differentiate between that coat and a topcoat; this
E— Three parts of red to one part of yellow produce
helps assure you don’t miss any areas. In this case, use
reddish orange.
only colorants of known compatibility. Try not to add
F— Three parts of blue to one part of red produce more than 4 ounces of tint per gallon of paint. If more
red-violet. is added, the paint may not dry well or otherwise
perform poorly.
G— Three parts of yellow to one part of red produce
yellowish orange. When necessary, tinting should be done in the
paint shop by experienced personnel. The paint must
H— Three parts of blue to one part of yellow pro-
be at application viscosity before tinting. Colorants
duce bluish green.
must be compatible, fresh, and fluid to mix readily.
I— Three parts of yellow to one part of blue produce Mechanical agitation helps distribute the colorants
yellowish green. uniformly throughout the paint.
Hues are known as chromatic colors, whereas
black, white, and gray are achromatic (neutral colors). APPLICATION
Gray can be produced by mixing black and white in
The common methods of applying paint are
different proportions.
brushing, rolling, and spraying. The choice of method
is based on several factors, such as speed of
Thinning application, environment, type and amount of surface,
When received, paints should be ready for type of coating to be applied, desired appearance of
application by brush or roller. Thinner can be added finish, and training and experience of painters.
for either method of application, but the supervisor or Brushing is the slowest method, rolling is much faster,
inspector must give prior approval. Thinning is often and spraying is usually the fastest by far. Brushing is
required for spray application. Unnecessary or ideal for small surfaces and odd shapes or for cutting
excessive thinning causes an inadequate thickness of in corners and edges. Rolling and spraying are
the applied coating and adversely affects coating efficient on large, flat surfaces. Spraying can also be
longevity and protective qualities. When necessary, used for round or irregular shapes.
thinning is done by competent personnel using only Local surroundings may prohibit the spraying of
the thinning agents named by the specifications or paint because of fire hazards or potential damage from
label instructions. Thinning is not done to make it over-spraying (accidentally getting paint on adjacent
easier to brush or roll cold paint materials. They surfaces). When necessary, adjacent areas not to be
should be preconditioned (warmed) to bring them up coated must be covered when spraying is performed.
to 65°F to 85°F. This results in loss of time and, if extensive, may offset
the speed advantage of spraying.
Brushing may leave brush marks after the paint is
Normally, paint in freshly opened containers does dry. Rolling leaves a stippled effect. Spraying yields
not require straining. But in cases where lumps, color the smoothest finish, if done properly. Lacquer
flecks, or foreign matter are evident, paints should be products, such as vinyls, dry rapidly and should be
strained after mixing. When paint is to be sprayed, it sprayed. Applying them by brush or roller may be
must be strained to avoid clogging the spray gun. difficult, especially in warm weather or outdoors on
breezy days. The painting method requiring the most
training is spraying. Rolling requires the least training.
in figure 8-5. The root cause of most blistering, other IMPROPER APPLICATION
than that caused by excessive heat, is inadequate
ventilation plus some structural defect allowing One particular area you, as a Builder, have
moisture to accumulate under the paint. A prime direct control over is application. It takes a lot of
source of this problem, therefore, is the use of practice, but you should be able to eliminate the two
essentially porous major construction materials that most common types of application defects: crawling
allow moisture to pass through. Insufficient drying and wrinkling.
time between coats is another prime reason for
blistering. All blisters should be scraped off, the paint Crawling
edges feathered with sandpaper, and the bare places
primed before the blistered area is repainted. Crawling (fig. 8-6) is the failure of a new coat
of paint to wet and form a continuous film over the
Prolonged Tackiness preceding coat. This often happens when latex paint
is applied over high-gloss enamel or when paints are
A coat of paint is dry when it ceases to be applied on concrete or masonry treated with a
“tacky” to the touch. Prolonged tackiness indicates silicone water repellent.
excessively slow drying. This may be caused by
insufficient drier in the paint, a low-quality vehicle in Wrinkling
the paint, applying the paint too thickly, painting
over an undercoat that is not thoroughly dry, When coatings are applied too thickly,
painting over a waxy, oily, or greasy surface, or especially in cold weather, the surface of the coat
painting in damp weather. dries to a skin over a layer of undried paint
underneath. This usually causes wrinkling (fig. 8-7).
Inadequate Gloss Wrinkling can be avoided in brush painting or roller
painting by brushing or rolling each coat of paint as
Sometimes a glossy paint fails to attain the thinly as possible. In spray painting, you can avoid
normal amount of gloss. This may be caused by wrinkling by keeping the gun in constant motion over
inadequate surface preparation, application over an the surface whenever the trigger is down.
undercoat that is not thoroughly dry, or application
in cold or damp weather. PAINT DEFECTS
Figure 8-5.—Blistering.
Figure 8-6.-Crawling.
allowing continuous repainting without making the
coating too thick for satisfactory service.
without penetrating to the substrate. The pattern is increased by proper treatment and continued
usually similar to that of a crow’s foot. Cracking is larger maintenance. Wood defects are also caused by improper
with longer breaks extending through to the substrate care after preservation treatment. All surfaces of treated
(fig. 8-10). Both result from stresses exceeding the wood that are cut or drilled to expose the untreated
strength of the coating. But, whereas checking arises interior must be treated with a wood preservative.
from stress within the paint film, cracking is caused by
stresses between the film and the substrate. APPLICATION METHODS
Cracking generally takes place to a greater extent There are two basic methods for treating wood:
on wood, due to its grain, than on other substrates. The
pressure and nonpressure. Pressure treatment is
stress in the coating is greatest across the grain, causing
cracks to form parallel to the grain of the wood. superior to nonpressure, but costly and time consuming.
Checking and cracking are aggravated by excessively Building specifications dictate which method to use.
thick coatings that have reduced elasticity. Temperature
variations, humidity, and rainfall are also concerns for Pressure
checking or cracking.
The capacity of any wood to resist dry rot, termites,
WOOD PRESERVATIVES and decay can be greatly increased by impregnating the
wood with a general-purpose wood preservative or
fungicide. It’s important to remember that good
this section, you should be able to describe how
to treat wood for protection against dry rot, pressure treatment adds to the service life of wood in
termites, and decay. contact with damp ground. It does not, however,
guarantee the wood will remain serviceable throughout
There are three destructive forces against which the life of the building it supports.
most wood protective measures are directed: biological
deterioration (wood is attacked by a number of Woods of different timber species do not treat with
organisms), fire, and physical damage. In this section, equal ease. Different woods have different capacities for
we’ll deal with protecting wood products against
absorbing preservatives or other liquids. In any given
biological deterioration.
wood, sapwood is more absorbent than heartwood.
Damage to wood buildings and other structures by Hardwoods are, in general, less absorbent than
termites, wood bores, and fungi is a needless waste. The softwoods. Naturally, the extent to which a preservative
ability of wood to resist such damage can be greatly protects increases directly with the depth it penetrates
below the surface of the wood. As we just mentioned, the
best penetration is obtained by a pressure method. Table
8-4 shows the ease of preservative penetration into
various woods. In the table, use E for easy, M for
moderate, and D for difficult.
Table 8-4.—Preservative Penetration
pressurized equipment, ladders, scaffolding, and harmful effects. Continued exposure to even small
rigging always make painting a hazardous job. amounts may cause the body to become sensitized;
Hazards may also be inherent in the very nature of the subsequent contact, even in small amounts, may cause
environment or result from ignorance or carelessness an aggravated reaction. The poisons in paint are
by the painter. definite threats to normally healthy individuals and
serious dangers to persons having chronic illnesses or
The main causes of painting accidents are unsafe
disorders. Nevertheless, health hazards can be avoided
working conditions or equipment, and careless
by a common-sense approach of avoiding unnecessary
personnel. The proper setting up and dismantling of
contact with toxic or skin-imitating materials.
equipment, the required safety checks, and the proper
care of equipment may require more time than is spent As with all tasks the Builder undertakes, safety
using it. Nevertheless, safety measures must be taken. must be a primary concern from the earliest planning
stages to the final cleanup. Shortcuts, from personnel
FIRE HAZARDS protection to equipment-related safety devices, should
not be permitted. Follow the project safety plan, and
Certain general rules regarding fire and explosion consult all applicable safety manuals when involved
hazards apply to all situations. All paint materials with any paint operation. Remember, work safe, stay
should have complete label instructions stipulating the safe.
potential fire hazards and precautions to be taken.
Painters must be advised and reminded of the fire
hazards that exist under the particular conditions of RECOMMENDED READING LIST
each job. They need to be aware of the dangers
involved and the need to work safely. Proper fire- NOTE
fighting equipment must always be readily available
in the paint shop, spray room, and other work areas Although the following references
where potential fire hazards exist. Electric wiring and were current when this TRAMAN was
equipment installed or used in the paint shop, published, their continued currency
including the storage room and spray room, must cannot be assured. You therefore need
conform to the applicable requirements of the to ensure that you are studying the
National Electrical Code (NEC) for hazardous areas. latest revisions.
The primary responsibility of the Seabees is the jigs and templates for assembling parts of similar
construction of advanced bases during the early phases trusses, frames, and so on, should also be evaluated.
of crises and other emergency situations. As Builders, Although Builders must be familiar with the layout
it is our job to move swiftly to hostility areas and build and erection procedures for both the 40- by 100-foot
temporary facilities and structures to support U.S. mili- and the 20- by 48-foot PEBs, we will use the 20- by
tary operations. We are expected to react expediently. 48-foot rigid-frame, straight-walled PEB as the model
The most widely used structure for expediency for our discussion. This building is prefabricated and
and as a temporary facility is the preengineered shipped in compact crates ready for erection. Each
building. This chapter covers the process involved structure is shipped as a complete kit, including all
with the erection of such buildings, as well as wood- materials and an instruction manual. It is extremely
frame tents, latrines, and the process of embarkation. important to follow the manual; you can easily install a
part incorrectly.
The 20- by 48-foot rigid-frame building is designed
PREENGINEERED BUILDINGS for erection with basic hand tools and a minimum
number of people. The instruction manual may suggest
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Upon completing the PEB can be erected by seven persons. For military
this section, you should be able to explain the construction, though, two teams or work crews super-
principles and procedures involved in the vised by an E-6 are recommended. The building is
preparation and erection of preengineered designed for erection on a floor system of piers, con-
metal buildings. crete blocks, or a concrete slab.
When completed, a single rigid-frame building is
The preengineered building (PEB) discussed here easy to expand for additional space. Buildings can be
is a commercially designed structure, fabricated by
erected end to end, as in figure 9-1, or side by side “in
civilian industry to conform to armed forces specifica-
multiple.” As this type of building uses only bolted
tions. A preengineered structure offers an advantage in
connections, it can be disassembled easily, moved to a
that it is designed for erection in the shortest possible
new location, and re-erected without waste or damage.
time. Each PEB is shipped as a complete building kit.
All necessary materials and instructions for erection are Component Parts
included. Preengineered structures are available from
The component parts of a prefabricated structure
various manufacturers.
are shipped knocked down (KD). A manufacturer’s
The typical PEB is a 40- by 100-foot structure. The
instruction manual accompanies each shipment. The
20- by 48-foot PEB is a smaller version of the 40- by
manual contains working drawings and detailed in-
100-foot PEB using the same erection principles. Lay-
structions on how the parts should be assembled. Direc-
out and erection of either size PEB is normally assigned
tions vary with different types of structures, but there
to Builders.
are certain basic erection procedures that should be
PREPLANNING followed in all cases.
A preplan of the erection procedures should be Working Drawings
made based on a study of the working drawings or
The working drawings show which items are not
manufacturers’ instructions. Preplanning should in-
clude the establishment of the most logical and expedi- prefabricated or included in the shipment. These must
tious construction sequence. Consideration should be be constructed in the field. Make plans in advance for
given to the manpower, equipment, rigging, and tools the procurement of necessary materials for these
required. Everything necessary for erection should then items. Foundations, for example, are often designated
be procured. The advantages of constructing and using “to be constructed in the field.”
Figure 9-1.—Two 20- by 48-foot rigid-frame, preengineered buildings erected end to end.
FOUNDATIONS the forms and carefully worked around the bolts so they
remain vertical and true.
In addition to the usual reasons for stressing the
While the foundation is being prepared, other crew-
importance of a square and level foundation, there is
members are assigned various kinds of preliminary
another reason peculiar to the erection of a pre- work. This work includes uncrating material and inven-
fabricated structure. Prefabricated parts are designed tory, bolting up rigid-frame assemblies, assembling
to fit together without forcing. If the foundation is door leaves, and glazing windows. When all prelimin-
even slightly out of square or not perfectly level, many ary work is properly completed, assembly and erection
of the parts will not fit together as designed. of the entire building are quicker and you have fewer
Continuously check the alignment of the anchor bolts problems.
prior to, during, and after concrete is poured. All materials, except paneling, should be uncrated
and laid out in an orderly manner so parts can be easily
PREELECTION WORK found. Don’t uncrate paneling until it is ready to install.
A lot of preliminary work is necessary before the When the crates are opened, don’t damage the lumber;
erection of a PEB can begin. After the building site is you can use it for scaffolding, props, and sawhorses.
selected, prepare to pour the foundation and slab. After the building foundation has been prepared,
Before concrete for the foundation piers can be and where practical, building materials should be
poured, templates for the anchor bolts are placed on the placed on the building site near the place where they
forms, and anchor bolts are inserted in the holes. The will be used. Girts, purlins, cave struts, and brace rods
threads of the bolts are greased and nuts are placed on should be equally divided along each side of the foun-
them to protect the threads from the concrete. After a dation. Panels and miscellaneous parts that will not be
last-minute check to ensure all forms are level and the used immediately should be placed on boards on each
anchor bolts are properly aligned, concrete is placed in side of the foundation and covered with tarpaulins or
similar covering until needed. Parts making up the ERECTION
rigid-frame assemblies should be laid out ready for Figure 9-2, view A, will help you identify the
assembly and in position for raising.
various structural members of a PEB and their
Always exercise care when unloading materials.
locations. View B shows the placement of liner panels.
Remember: Damaged parts can delay getting the job
done in the shortest possible time. To avoid damage, Each part serves a specific purpose and must be
lower the materials to the ground-don’t drop them. installed in the proper location to ensure a sound
Figure 9-2.—Identification of the structural members (view A) and the liner panels (view B).
structure. Never omit any part called for on the All miscellaneous parts should be centrally lo-
detailed erection drawings. Each of the members, cated.
parts, and accessories is labeled by stencil; it is not
necessary to guess which part goes where. Refer to the Panels and other parts not used immediately
erection plans and find the particular members you should be placed on boards and protected from
need as you work. the environment and jobsite debris.
High-strength steel bolts are used at rigid-frame Lay out the column and roof beams for assem-
connections: roof-beam splice and roof beam to bly, using crate lumber to block up the frames.
column. These high-strength bolts are identified by a Erect the center frame first. Use the minimum
Y stamped into the head, as shown in figure 9-3. All number of high-strength bolts to bring the
high-strength steel bolts and nuts should be tightened frame members together. Install the remaining
to give at least the required minimum bolt tension bobs to get the proper tightness.
values. The bolts may be tightened with a torque
wrench, an impact wrench, or an open-end wrench. Exterior Assembly
When a PEB is not erected on a concrete slab, a Use galvanized machine bolts to assemble the girt
floor system by the same manufacturer should be used. and purlin clips to the frame. Keep in mind that the
Read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions when end frames have girt and purlin clips on one side only.
you are installing the floor system. The center frame has girt and purlin clips on each side
of the frame.
The cave girts should be attached to the cave
After the floor system or concrete slab has been angles with 5/16-inch left-hand nuts and shoulder
prepared, the next step is to uncrate and lay out the bolts. An example is shown in figure 9-4. You will
structural parts. Lay the parts out in the following need two cave angles for each cave girt. In fastening
manner: these together, remember the short section of the cave
angle is always fastened to the left side of the cave girt.
Parts making up the frame assembly should be The long section of the cave angle is fastened to the
laid out, ready for assembly and in position for right side of the eave girt.
Use 3/8- by 1-inch galvanized machine bolts to
Girts, purlins, and base angles should be di- attach the gable angle and doorjamb top clips to the
vided (equally) along each side of the founda- bottom flange of the end frame roof beams.
A-FRAME.— To erect the frame, place A-frame
End-wall parts should be divided equally be- props in position—one 8-foot frame at each side of the
tween the two ends. building and a 10-foot frame in the center of the
building (see fig. 9-5). Prop the frame on two saw-
horses and attach tag lines to assist in raising the ridge.
Raise the frame and brace it up with the A-frames. The
end frames are erected in a similar manner, except that
they are held in position by installing purlins and girts.
BRACE RODS.— After all sidewall girts, cave
girts, and base angles have been installed, install the
brace rods. Look at figure 9-6. First, attach brace rod
clips to the floor. Then, insert the end of the brace rod
down through the hole in the sidewall girt. Connect
the top end through the cave girt and the cave girt clip.
Finally, connect the bottom end through the clip on
the floor.
As soon as the four brace rods are in position, use
them to plumb the building. To plumb the rigid frame,
tighten or loosen the rod nuts at the brace rod clips to
adjust the column to plumb condition. Don’t forget:
When you tighten one side, the other side must be
To make sure you are installing the end-wall mem-
bers correctly, snap a chalk line across the building, Figure 9-6.-Installing brace rods.
using one edge of the columns for positioning the line.
Mark the center of the building on this line. Then, drop
a plumb bob from the center of the joint of the roof the plumb bob is directly over the center mark. Brace
beams at the ridge, with the line over the same side of the roof beam in this position until the roof panels are
the roof beam as the chalk line. Adjust the frame so in place.
EXTERIOR WALLS.— Uncrate exterior panels
and distribute them near where they will be used. First,
separate and place panels for each end wall. Place
full-length wall panels for each comer. Centrally
locate lower and upper sidewall panels and above and
below window panels, along each side of the building.
Place roof and ridge panels in stacks of eight each on
the floor. Make sure you fashion all joints properly.
Next, tighten all fasteners using metal-backed
neoprene washers with all roof fasteners and with all
shoulder bolts in the sidewalls. Then, properly apply
black mastic or sealant to all roof panel side laps and
end laps.
Start paneling the end wall at one comer and work
across to the other comer. Install the comer panel,
locating the bottom of the panel over the first two
shoulder bolts in the base angle. Use a level to plumb
this panel with the other shoulder bolts located at the
center of the corrugations. Locate the “below window
panel” over the base angle shoulder bolts, and impale
over the shoulder bolts. Remove the panel and reinstall
it so that it underlaps the first panel by pulling out on
Figure 9-5.-Frame erection with A-frame props. the corrugated edge of the first panel.
For installing paneling and windows, follow the one row ahead of the ridge panels (see fig. 9-8). Before
same general instructions as those given for the end proceeding with the work, make sure you are applying
wall. However, be sure that the girts are in a straight enough black mastic or sealant. Roof paneling should
line before impaling panels onto shoulder bolts. It is continue in this order to ensure a weathertight joint at
important to block the girts in a straight line with the corner laps. However, you should check the
crating lumber cut to the correct length. The drawings drawings for the location and installation of the smoke
should be checked for proper location of shoulder stacks and ridge ventilation.
bolts. The first shoulder bolt should be 12 inches from
the center of the column, then 12 inches on center DOORS AND WINDOWS.— Doorjambs can be
(OC). hung anytime after the end-wall structural parts are
completed, But, they must be hung before installing the
Recheck the plumb of the center frame. Adjust the interior lining. A helpful hint is to hang the doors before
brace rods to plumb if necessary. Check the drawings installing the exterior end-wall paneling, This makes
for the location of base angles. adjustments on the door frame easier.
The upper wall panels must overlap the lower wall Hinges are factory-welded to the doorjamb, and the
panels for weathertightness. Remember to use entrance doors are supposed to swing to the inside of
metal-backed neoprene washers and No. 10 hex nuts the building. Remove the hinge leaf from the doorjamb
on shoulder bolts. Use machine screws (1/4 by 3/4 and attach it to the door with 1-inch No. 10 flathead
inch) for panel-to-panel connections at side laps. wood screws. Hang the door and make adjustments to
get the proper clearances at the top and sides of the door.
ROOF ASSEMBLIES.— Since the roof panels Install the lockset in the door and attach the faceplate to
are factory-punched for panel-to-purlin connection, the door with 3/4-inch No. 8 flathead wood screws.
the purlins must be accurately aligned. Spacer boards Attach the strike plate to the doorjamb with 1/2-inch
constructed from crating lumber can be used to align No. 8 flathead machine screws.
purlins, as shown in figure 9-7. Move the spacer
boards ahead to the next bay as the paneling
progresses. Before you actually start paneling the roof,
place the spacer board over the shoulder bolts and
insert nails in the 5/16-inch holes in the ridge purlins.
Start roof paneling at one end of the building.
Place the panels so the holes in the corrugation lineup
with the shoulder bolts in the roof beam, cave angles,
and ridge purlins. Install one cave panel to each side
of the building. The cave panels should be installed
Figure 9-7.-Aligning purlins with spacer board. Figure 9-8.-Installing ridge and eave panels.
Hinges are also factory-welded to screen doors,
which swing to the outside of the building. The
method used in hanging screen doors is similar to
hanging entrance doors. A spring, however, is needed
to hold the screen door closed.
Interior Assembly
Figure 9-9.-Installing hardboard.
After the exterior members have been erected,
work can begin on installing the interior assemblies.
These include the liner panels, furring, hardboard
flashing, and the trim.
LINER PANELS.— Installation of the liner panels
consists of installing furring strips, hardboard liner pan-
els, and trim and battens. Various liner panel parts were
shown earlier in view B of figure 9-2.
To install end walls properly, precut the liner
panels according to the cutting diagrams. The hard-
board must be installed with the smooth surface
exposed and with a 1/8-inch gap between panels to
allow for expansion (fig. 9-9). A scrap piece of hard-
board or batten can be used as a shim or spacer to
maintain the proper gap.
BASE FURRING.— Nail the base furring to the
floor 3 inches from each end and 2 feet 8 inches OC,
with the inside edge 7 3/8 inches from the building
structural line. You can get a better of this by referring
to figure 9-10. When base furring is to be used on a
wood floor, use 8d box nails. Use 1 1/4-inch No. 9
concrete nails for a concrete floor. Drill the 2 by 2s
and girts with a 5/32-inch bit so furring can be attached
to the sidewall and cave girt with 2-inch panhead No.
10 sheet-metal screws. Attach the hardboard to the
furring strips with 1 1/4-inch aluminum shingle nails
on 4-inch centers at the sides and ends (see fig. 9-11).
Use 8-inch centers at the intermediate furring.
VERTICAL FURRING.— The vertical furring the top and bottom hardboard flashing, as shown in
(fig. 9- 12) should be installed immediately after the figure 9-14. Insert the outside edge into the retaining
base, corner, and gable furrings are in place. The grooves in the window. Nail metal flashing angle and
center line of the furring on each side of the window hardboard to the horizontal furring with 4d aluminum
should be in line with the center line of the end-wall nails 1 foot 8 inches OC. Install side hard- board flash-
panel corrugations (shown in the inserts). After the ing and metal flashing angles using the same procedures
end-wall hardboard has been installed, attach side and discussed above.
top flashing to the door. Attach flashing to the furring The installed ceiling furring should intersect side-
with 4d aluminum nails and to the door frames with wall furring. When all the ceiling furring has been
1/2-inch No. 10 sheet-metal screws, as shown in figure installed, the hardboard liner can be installed. Remem-
9-13. ber the 1/8-inch gap between panels. The smoke stack
SIDEWALL AND CEILING FURRING.— assembly should be attached to the block- ing and
After installing the end-wall liner, install furring for furring with 4d aluminum nails. Hand trim the hard-
the sidewall and ceiling. Cut the base so the end just board flashing for the ends of the ventilator opening and
clears the inside flange of the center-frame column. attach the metal ventilator flashing (see fig. 9- 15).
Nail the furring in the same manner as the end walls. TRIM.— Install the cave molding with the
HARDBOARD FLASHING.— With the furring beveled edge against the ceiling panels. Attach each
in place, you can now install the hardboard liner. Install sidewall furring strip with 4d aluminum nails. Use
Figure 9-13.-Side and top flashing for the doors.
General Comments Marking
Don’t be careless with bolts, nuts, and miscellane- It’s obvious but worth repeating: In disassembling
ous fasteners just because they are furnished in quan- a building, be sure to clearly mark or number all parts.
tities greater than actual requirements.Be careful You will then know where the parts go when reassem-
when using these fasteners to prevent scattering them bling the building.
on the ground. Each evening, empty your pockets of
fasteners and other small parts before leaving the Steps
erection site.
There are five main steps in disassembling a PEB:
An extra amount of mastic or sealant is also fur- 1. Remove hardboard liner panels.
nished with each PEB. Here too, reasonable care in
applying mastic to roof panels and roof accessories 2. Remove windows, door leaves, and end wall.
ensures an adequate supply. 3. Remove diagonal brace angles and sag rods.
Crating lumber can be used to construct an en- 4. Remove braces, girts, and purlins.
trance platform and stairs at each end of a PEB. Figure
5. Let down frames.
9-18 shows one way this might be done.
Handling of the building components during dis-
assembly is very important. You may have to reuse
DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURES these same components again at another location. As
you complete disassembly, protect those components
Disassembly of a preengineered building should from damage. Any damaged components will have to
not be difficult once you are familiar with the erection be replaced, and time might not be on your side.
procedures. Basically, it involves accurately marking
the parts and following some basic steps.
this section, you should be able to identify the
characteristics of wood-frame tents, SEA huts,
and field-type latrines.
There are three basic types of wood-frame con-
struction of concern to Builders: tents with wood
frames for support; SEA huts (developed in Southeast
Asia during the Vietnam war); and field latrines.
field-type shower and a washroom is shown in figure 9- SEA HUT
When the 16- by 32-foot wood-frame tent is
Basically, all field structures are derived from the modified with a metal roof, extended rafters, and
16- by 32-foot wood-frame tent. However, if more tent screened-in areas, it is called a Southeast Asia (SEA)
space is needed, a 40- by 100-foot model is available. hut. An example of the completed product is shown in
This tent is not difficult to assemble because it is put figure 9-21. The SEA hut was originally developed in
Vietnam for use in tropical areas by U.S. troops for
together without a floor. It can be erected without a
berthing; but, it can readily be adapted for any use in
strongback frame since it comes complete with ridge any situation. It is also known as a strongback because
pieces, poles, stakes, and line, and does not require of the roof and sidewall materials.
framing. But no matter how easy erection may seem, The SEA hut is usually a standard prefabricated
always read and follow the instructions. unit, but the design can be easily changed to fit local
requirements, such as lengthening the floor or making
the roof higher. The standard prefabrication of a SEA
hut permits disassembly for movement to other loca-
tions when structures are needed rapidly. As with all
disassembly of buildings, ensure it is not damaged in
the process.
Temporary facilities for disposal of human waste
are one of the first things to be constructed at an advance
base. A number of field-type latrines are designed for
this purpose; a 16-by 32-foot wood-frame tent maybe
used to shelter the latrine.
Four Seat
A prefabricated four-seat latrine box is shown in Figure 9-23.-Latrine box collapsed for shipment.
figure 9-22. It can be collapsed for shipment, as shown
in figure 9-23.
Figure 9-24.-Plan view of eight-seat field-type latrine.
Eight Seat Two 4-foot 6-inch trough-type urinals are
furnished with the eight-seat latrine. Each is mounted
A plan view of an eight-seat field-type latrine is
in a frame constructed as shown in figure 9-26. A
shown in figure 9-24. Two four-seat boxes straddle a 3-
2-inch urinal drainpipe leads from the downpipe on
by 7-foot pit. After the pit is dug, but before the boxes
each urinal to a 6- by 6-foot urinal seepage pit. The
are placed, a 4-foot-wide margin around the pit is exca-
seepage pit is constructed as shown in figure 9-27.
vated to a depth of 6 inches, as shown in figure 9-25. A
layer of oil-soaked burlap is laid in this-excavation. As indicated in figure 9-24, the eight-seat field-
Then, the excavated earth is soaked with oil, replaced, type latrine can be expanded to a 16-seat field-type
and tamped down to keep surface water out. latrine.
A complete plan view of a four-hole burnout field- LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Upon completing
type latrine is shown in figure 9-28. The waste goes into this section, you should be able to identify the
removable barrels. The waste is then disposed of at components of, preparation procedures for and
another location. This type of latrine is used at most procedures used in the erection of a K-span
advanced or temporary bases. The burnout latrine is building.
kept in an orderly condition (daily) by the camp main- The K-span building is a relatively new form of
tenance personnel or the assigned sanitation crew. It can construction in the Seabee community. The intended
be easily maintained by spreading lime over the waste uses of these buildings are as flexible as the SEA huts
material or using diesel fuel to bum the waste material. discussed earlier. Training key personnel in the opera-
MAINTENANCE tion of the related equipment associated with the K-span
is essential. These same personnel, once trained, can
Once wood frame facilities are completed and oc- instruct other members of the crew in the safe erection
cupied by the tenants, maintenance becomes the major of a K-span. The following section gives you some, but
priority. The life span of a facility is greatly increased not all, of the key elements associated with K-span
with proper maintenance. Even though the majority of construction. As with other equipment, always refer to
these buildings are temporary in nature, most cart be the manufacturers’ manuals.
dismantled and reassembled at another site. Estab-
lishment of a regularly scheduled maintenance program
ensures the buildings are in a consistent state of readi- The main component of the K-span system is the
ness. trailer-mounted machinery shown in figure 9-29. This
figure shows the primary components of the trailer as figure 9-31 as a guide, consider the following items
well as general operations. The key element is the when placing the machinery:
operator’s station at the rear of the trailer (shown in
fig. 9-30). The individual selected for this station must Maneuvering room for the towing of the trailer,
be able to understand the machine operations and or leave it attached to vehicle (as shown at A);
manuals. From here, the operator controls all the Length of unit is 27 feet 8 inches long by 7 feet
elements required to form the panels. The operator 4 inches wide (B);
must remain at the controls at all times. The forming
of the panels is a complex operation that becomes Allow enough room for run-out stands to hold
easier with a thorough understanding of the manuals. straight panels. Stands have a net length of 9
From the placement of the trailer on site, to the feet 6 inches each (C);
completion of the curved panel, attention to detail is
paramount. Find point X: From center of curve, measure
distance equal to radius in line with front of
As you operate the panel, you will be adjusting the curved frame. From point X, scribe an arc equal
various machine-operating components. Make to radius. This arc will define path of curved
adjustments for thickness, radius, and the curving
panel. Add 10 feet for run-out stands and legs
machine according to the manuals. Do not permit
short cuts in adjustments. Any deviations in
adjustments, or disregard for the instructions found in Storage area required to store coil stock and
the operating manuals, will leave you with a pile of access for equipment to load onto machine (E);
useless material and an inconsistent building.
Direction curved panels must be carried after
being formed (F);
Level area required to lay panels on ground for
To avoid setup problems, preplanning of the site seaming. Building will not be consistent if pan-
layout is important. Uneven or sloped ground is not a
els are not straight when seaming (G); and
concern as long as the bed of the trailer aligns with the
general lay of the existing surface conditions. Using Space required for crane operations (H).
Figure 9-31.-Machinery placement calculations.
FOUNDATIONS noted in figure 9-32, the cross pipes are not provided in
the kit. They are provided by the contractor.
The design of the foundation for a K-span building With the foundation forms in place, and the
depends on the building’s size, existing soil conditions, building panels welded to the attaching angle (fig. 9-33)
and wind load. The foundations for the buildings are at 12 inches OC, you are ready to place the concrete.
simple and easy to construct. With the even distribution When placing the concrete, remember it is extremely
of the load in a standard arch building, the size of the important that it be well-vibrated. This helps eliminate
continuous strip footing is smaller and more economical voids under all embedded items. As the concrete begins
than the foundations for conventional buildings. to set, slope the top exterior portion of the concrete cap
The concrete forms and accessories provided are about 5 inches (fig. 9-34) to allow water to drain away
sufficient to form the foundations for a building 100 feet from the building. The elevation and type of interior
long by 50 feet wide. When a different configuration is floor are not relevant as long as the finish of the interior
required, forms are available upon request from the floor is not higher than the top of the concrete cap.
The actual footing construction is based, as all BUILDING ERECTION
project are, on the building plans and specifications. The
location of the forms, placement of steel, and the psi With the placement of the machinery and forming
(pounds per square inch) of the concrete are critical. of the building panels in progress, your next
Since the building is welded to the angle in the footer considerations are the placement and the weight-lifting
prior to the concrete placement, all aspects of the footer capabilities of the crane. Check the crane’s weight-lifting
construction must be thoroughly checked for alignment chart for its maximum weight capacity. This dictates the
and square. Once concrete is placed, there is no way to number of panels you can safely lift at the operating
correct mistakes. distance. As with all crane operations, attempting to lift
As mentioned above, forms are provided for the
more than the rated capacity can cause the crane to turn
foundation. Using table 9-1 as a guide, figure 9-32 gives
you a simple foundation layout by parts designation. As
(Each set of forms is sufficient to erect a building 100 feet NUMBER
long by 50 feet wide)
Figure 9-32.-Simple form assembly.
Figure 9-34.-Concrete foundation.
Attaching the spreader bar (fig. 9-35) to the curved With guide ropes attached (fig. 9-36) and personnel
formed panels is a critical step; failure to tightly clamp manning these ropes, lift panels for placement. When
the panel can cause the panels to slip and fall with lifting, lift only as high as necessary, position two men
potential harm to personnel and damage to the panel. at each free end to guide in place, and remind
crewmembers to keep their feet from under the ends the end-wall panels. After positioning the first set of
panels, clamp them to the angle, plumb with guide
of the arches. Never attempt lifting any sets of panels
ropes, and secure the ropes to previously anchored
in high winds.
stakes. Detach the spreader bar and continue to place
Place the first set of panels on the attaching angle panel sets. Seam each set to standing panels before
of foundation and position so there will be room for detaching spreader bar.
After about 15 panels (3 sets) are in place, measure CONSTRUCTION DETAILS
the building length at both ends (just above forms) and
The K-span building system is similar to other types
at the center of the arch. This measurement will seldom
of preengineered or prefabricated buildings in that
be exactly one foot per panel (usually slightly more), windows, doors, and roll-up doors can be installed only
but should be equal for each panel. Adjust the ends to when erection is completed. When insulation of the
equal the center measure. Panels are flexible enough to building is required, insulation boards (usually 4 by 8
adjust slightly. Check these measurements periodically feet) may be of any semirigid material that can be bent
during building construction. Since exact building to match the radius of the building. The insulation is
lengths are difficult to predict, the end wall attaching installed using clips, as shown in figure 9-37.
angle on the finishing end of building should not be put When the integrity of the end-wall panels is
in place until all panels are set. continuous from ground to roof line, the end walls
After arches are in place, set the longest end-wall become self-supporting. The installation of windows
panel in the form, plumb, and clamp it in place. Work (fig. 9-38), and aluminum and wood doors (figs. 9-39
from the longest panel outward and be careful to and 9-40, respectively), presents no problem since the
maintain plumb. integrity of the of the wall system is not interrupted.
Figure 9-37.-Insulation.
Figure 9-38.-Aluminum window installation.
Figure 9-39.-Aluminum door installation.
Figure 9-40.-Wood door installation.
Figure 9-41.-Overhead door frame.
The installation of the overhead door (fig. 9-41) does the tactical plan for landing and the scheme of
present a problem in that it does interrupt the integrity maneuvers ashore.
of the wall system. This situation is quickly overcome
Embarkation planning requires detailed
by the easily installed and adjustable (height and
knowledge of the characteristics, capabilities, and
width) door frame package that supports both the door
limitations of ships, aircraft, and amphibious vehicles,
and end wall. This door frame package is offered by
and their relationships to the troops, supplies, and
the manufacturer.
equipment to be embarked. The planner must be
Keep in mind that the information provided in this familiar with transport types of amphibious ships,
section on the K-span building is minimal. During the Military Sealift Command (MSC) ships, merchant
actual construction of this building, you must consult ships, and cargo aircraft. MSC ships and merchant
the manufacturer’s complete set of manuals. ships pose certain problems; basically, they are not
designed, equipped, or have a crew large enough for
amphibious operations. But, their use must be
EMBARKATION anticipated. The additional requirements of hatch
crews, winchmen, cargo-handling equipment, cargo
nets, assault craft, and other facilities must be
this section, you should be able to identify the
provided by the user.
procedures and techniques used in preparing
material for embarkation.
For a smooth, expedient mount-out, careful pre-
planning and organizing are required. Embarkation,
Whether by ship during amphibious operations or
whether by air, land, sea, or any combinations thereof,
by aircraft for assault force support operations, you
is an all-hands evolution. A successful move requires
must observe certain principles to ensure proper
100-percent support.
Flexibility is extremely important. Proper
First, embarkation plans must support the plan for
embarkation depends to a large extent on the mutual
landing and the scheme of maneuvers ashore.
understanding of objectives and capabilities, and full
Personnel, equipment, and supplies must be loaded so
cooperation in planning and execution by both the unit
they can be unloaded at the time and in the sequence
mobilizing and the organization providing the lift.
required to support operations ashore.
Whenever possible, early communication and
coordination between the two is extremely important. Second, embarkation plans must provide for the
highest possible degree of unit self-sufficiency.
PLANNING Troops should not be separated from their combat
equipment and supplies. Weapons crews should be
Embarkation planning involves all measures embarked on the same ship or aircraft with their
necessary to assure timely and effective out-loading weapons; radio operators with their radios; and
of the amphibious task force and portions thereof. equipment operators with their equipment. In
Planning for embarkation also applies to all unit addition, each unit should embark with sufficient
moves, regardless of the method used for movement. combat supplies, such as ammunition, gasoline, and
These measures are determined by the availability of radio batteries, to sustain its combat operations during
transportation and the transportation requirements of the initial period in the operational area. All personnel
the unit moving. In amphibious embarkation, the should have sufficient water and rations to sustain
OPNAV level in the chain of command determines themselves for 24 hours.
overall shipping requirements and the embarkation
Third, plans must provide for rapid unloading in
schedules. This enables subordinate units to prepare
the objective area. This can be achieved by a balanced
detailed loading plans for individual ships. Planning
distribution of equipment and supplies.
requires constant coordination between commanders
in the Navy and the Air Force; they must have a mutual Fourth, and last, plans must provide for dispersion
understanding of the problems of each support group. of critical units and supplies among several ships or
However, in the final analysis, the embarkation plan aircraft. The danger of not doing so is obvious. If
must support the tactical deployment plan of the unit. critical units and supplies are not dispersed, loss of one
In the case of an amphibious landing, it must support ship, or a relatively few ships or aircraft, could result
in a major loss of combat capability. Accomplishment GROUP EMBARKATION PLAN.— The group
of the mission can be seriously jeopardized. embarkation plan, prepared by the embarkation group
commander, establishes the formation for embarka-
Team Planning tion units and assigns shipping to each embarkation
unit. It contains the same information as the landing
Effective embarkation planning by the embarka- force embarkation plan, but in much greater detail.
tion team is dependent upon the early receipt of infor- The group embarkation plan has attached to it or
mation from higher authority. Detailed planning included within the embarkation organization a ship-
begins with the determination of team composition ping assignment table.
and the assignment of shipping, The following infor-
mation should be included in the team’s embarkation
barkation plan prepared by the embarkation unit com-
mander establishes the formation of embarkation
teams and assigns each embarkation team to a ship. It
Designation of the team embarkation officer(s);
contains, generally, the same information as the group
embarkation plan, but in greater detail. Attached to
Preparation and submission of basic loading
the unit embarkation plan is the unit embarkation
forms by troop units of the embarkation team;
organization and shipping assignment table. Naval
Preparation of the detailed loading plan; construction force (NCF) units embarking alone out-
side of the landing force, either by amphibious means
Designation of the ship’s platoon, billeting, or by air, should prepare an embarkation plan incor-
messing, and duty officers during the period of porating all of the information necessary for proper
the embarkation; embarkation by the unit.
Mount-Out These stocks include oil, gasoline, lubricants, rations,
and ammunition, plus a full allowance of equipment.
When constructing mount-out boxes, observe the
During a contingency mount-out, all or part of these
following considerations:
pm-positioned stocks may be used. As part of the
Screw nails (or flathead screws) and glue must planning phase, NCF units should check the plan to be
be used to assemble the boxes. supported to determine the exact amount and types of
supplies to be embarked and the location of the
Covers must be bolted to tapped metal inserts, supplies.
INST 3120.1, or an equivalent bolting method.
Box interiors may be compartmented to suit the
Gross weight of the boxes should be limited to
250 pounds each for easy handling without Although the following references
material-handling equipment. were current when this TRAMAN was
published, their continued currency
Boxes must be fabricated of 3/4-inch exterior- cannot be assured. You therefore need
grade plywood, reinforced with 2 by 4 ends. to ensure that you are studying the
latest revisions.
Special boxes for large items are authorized,
but should conform to the criteria set forth in Automatic Building Machine Type K-Span Operating
COMCBPAC/COMCBLANATINST 3120.1. Manual, MIC-120 ABM, M.I.C. Industries, Inc.
Metal comers or other protection may be in- Naval Construction Force/Seabee Chief Petty Officer,
stalled to prevent shipping damage. NAVEDTRA 10600, Naval Education and Training
Command, Pensacola, Fla., June 1989.
Pre-positioned Stocks and Supplies
Naval Construction Force/Seabee Petty Officer First
Because of the mobile nature of the NCF, it is Class, NAVEDTRA 10601, Naval Education and
necessary to pre-position certain supplies and equip- Training Command, Pensacola, Fla., December
ment in anticipation of use in contingency mount-outs. 1989.
Heavy construction includes structures made of are the substructure, consisting of the supporting
steel, timber, concrete, or a combination of these ma- members, and the superstructure, consisting of the
terials. Examples include trestles, timber piers, and decking and the stringers on which the decking is laid.
waterfront structures. The requirement for heavy con-
The substructure of a timber trestle is a series of
struction today is not as important as in earlier years;
transverse frameworks called bents. Trestle bents are
however, the need to understand this type of construc-
used on solid, dry ground, or in shallow water with a
tion still remains.
solid bottom. Pile bents are used in soft or marshy
In this chapter, we’ll examine the materials used ground, or where the water is so deep or the current so
in building heavy structures. We’ll also discuss the swift that the use of trestle bents is impossible. The
methods and techniques of heavy construction, in- posts of a pile bent are bearing piles or vertical mem-
cluding shoring and excavation. In addition, we’ll bers driven into the ground.
look at the procedures used in maintaining the struc-
Figure 10-1.-Abutment sill and footing and abutment Figure 10-2.-Placing and leveling abutment footings and
excavation. abutment sill.
bracing. Figure 10-3 shows both types for a Superstructure— The spanning structure of
two-story trestle bent. girders and decking, as distinguished from the
Cap— The uppermost transverse horizontal substructure.
structural member of a bent. It is laid across the tops Trestle Bent— A single-story bent or a multistory
of the posts. bent and the support framework or substructure of
Decking— The structure laid on the girders to form a trestle. The parts of a single-story bent are shown
the roadway across the trestle, It consists of a lower in figure 10-4. A two-story bent is shown above in
layer of timbers (flooring) and an upper layer of figure 10-3.
timbers (treadway). CONSTRUCTION
Footing— The supports placed under the sills. In After the center line of a trestle has been deter-
an all-timber trestle, the footings consist of a series mined, the next step is to locate the abutment on each
of short lengths of plank. Whenever possible, bank at the desired or prescribed elevation. The abut-
however, the footings are made of concrete, ments are then excavated to a depth equal to the com-
Girder— One of a series of longitudinal supports bined depths of the decking and the stringers, less an
for the deck, which is laid on the caps. Also called allowance for settlement. The abutment footings and
a stringer, the abutment sills are then cut, placed, and leveled (as
in fig, 10-2).
Post— One of the vertical structural members. The horizontal distance from an abutment sill to the
Sill— The bottom transverse horizontal structural first bent and from one bent to the next is controlled by
member of a trestle bent, on which the posts are the length of the girder stock. It is usually equal to the
anchored, or transverse horizontal member, which length of the stock, minus about 2 feet for overlap.
supports the ends of the girders at an abutment. Girder stock is usually in 14-foot lengths. The center-
to-center horizontal distance between bents is usually
Substructure— The supporting structure of braced
14 minus 2, or 12 feet.
trestle bents, as distinguished from the super-
To determine the locations of the seats for the trestle
bents and the heights of the bents (fig. 10-5), first stretch
a tape from the abutment along the center line. Use a
builder’s level or a line level to level the tape. Drop a
plumb bob from the 12-foot mark on the tape to the
ground. The position of the plumb bob on the ground
will be the location of the first bent. The vertical dis-
tance from the location of the bob to the horizontal tape,
Finally, measure the diagonals to determine the
lengths of the transverse diagonal braces. Cut the
braces to length and spike, lag-screw, or bolt them to
the sills, caps, and posts. Transverse diagonal bracing
is usually made of 2 by 8 stock.
Trestle Bent Erection
Figure 10-5.-Locating seats for trestle bents. After assembly, the trestle bent is moved to the
abutment, and set in place on the footings at the seat.
Carefully plumb the bent and temporarily brace it with
less the thickness of a footing, will be the height of the timbers running from the top of the bent to stakes driven
first bent. at the abutment. Lay the superstructure (girders and
Next, stretch the tape from the location of the first decking) from the abutment out to the top of the first
bent, level it as before, and again drop a plumb bob from bent. The second bent is then brought out to the end of
the 12-foot mark. The position of the plumb bob will be the superstructure and set in place. Plumb the second
the location of the section bent. The vertical distance bent and measure the diagonals to determine the lengths
from the location of the bob to the horizontal tape, plus of the longitudinal diagonal braces between the first and
the height of the first bent, less the thickness of the second bents. Then, cut the braces and spike, lag-screw,
footing, will be the height of the second bent. or bolt them in place.
Finally, stretch the tape from the location of the The superstructure is then earned out to the
second bent and proceed as before. The vertical second bent, after which the third bent is brought to
distance from the location of the bob to the horizontal the end of the superstructure. This procedure is
tape, plus the height of the second bent, less the repeated, usually by parties working out from both
thickness of a footing, will be the height of the third abutments, until the entire span is completed.
bent, and so on. SUPERSTRUCTURE
CONSTRUCTING A TRESTLE BENT Timber girders are usually 10 by 16s, 14 feet long,
When a trestle bent is laid out and constructed, the spaced 3 feet 3 1/2 inches on center (OC). Various
length of the posts is equal to the height of the bent, less methods of fastening timber stringers to timber caps
the combined depths of the cap and sill. In a four-post are shown in figure 10-6, view A. Various methods of
bent, the centers- of the two outside posts are located fastening steel girders to timber caps are shown in view
from 1 to 2 1/2 feet inboard of the ends of the sill, and B. This view also shows three ways of fastening a
the centers of the two inner posts are spaced equally
distant between the other two.
Sills, caps, and posts are commonly made of stock
that ranges in size from 12 by 12s to 14 by 16s. If a
sill or cap is not square in a cross section, the larger
dimension should be placed against the ends of the
posts. The usual length for a sill or cap is 2 feet more
than the width of the roadway on the trestle. The
minimum width for a single-lane trestle is 14 feet; for
a two-lane trestle, 18 feet.
Part of the terrain at an assembly site may be graded
flat and used as a framing yard, or a low platform may
be constructed for use as a framing platform. To assem-
ble a bent, lay the posts out parallel and properly spaced,
and set the cap and sill in position against the ends. Bore
the holes for the driftpins through the cap and the sill
into the ends of the posts, and drive in the driftpins. Cut
a pair of 2- by 8- by 18-inch scabs for each joint and Figure 10-6.-Methods of fastening timber stringers and steel
then spike, lag-screw, or bolt the scabs to the joints. girders to timber caps.
timber-nailing anchorage for flooring to the top of a
steel girder.
Timber decking consists of two layers of 3-inch
planks. The lower layer, called the flooring, is laid at
right angles to the stringers and nailed with two 60d
spikes to each stringer crossing. The upper layer, called
the tread (fig. 10-7), is laid securely and nailed at a 90°
angle to the flooring.
Most of the flooring planks and all of the tread
planks are cut to lengths that will bring the ends of the
planks flush with the outer faces of the outside stringers.
However, at 5-foot intervals along the superstructure, a Figure 10-8.-End dam.
flooring plank is left long enough to extend 2 feet 8
inches beyond the outer faces of the outside stringers,
The extension serves as support for the curb risers, the TYPES OF PILES
curb, and the handrail posts, as shown in figure 10-7. A pile is a load-bearing member made of timber,
The curb risers consist of 3-foot lengths of 6 by 6 steel, concrete, or a combination of these materials. It
timbers, one of which is set in front of each handrail is usually forced into the ground to transfer the load
post as shown. A continuous 2 by 6 handrail is nailed to underlying soil or rock layers when the surface soils
to 4 by 4 handrail posts. Each handrail post is supported at a proposed site are too weak or compressible to
by a 2 by 4 knee brace, as shown. provide enough support.
An end dam, such as that shown in figure 10-8, is
set at each end of the superstructure. This prevents the Timber Bearing
approach of the road to the trestle from washing out Timber bearing piles are usually straight tree
or eroding between the abutment and the girders. trunks cut off above ground swell with the branches
closely trimmed and the bark removed. Occasionally,
sawed timbers may be used as bearing piles.
the following characteristics:
this section, you should be able to identify the It is free of sharp bends, large or loose knots,
types of piles used in heavy construction and shakes, splits, and decay.
state the procedures for constructing a timber It is uniformly tapered from butt to tip.
The centers of the butt and tip are end points of
The principal structural members in many a straight line that lies within the body of the
waterfront structures are piles. There are different pile.
types of and uses for piles. The common terms used Cross-section dimensions for timber piles should
with piles and pile driving are explained below. be as follows:
driving cap is used, the chamfered butt must fit the cap. heavy loads or the foundations are expected to be used
When a cap is not used, the top end of the pile is wrapped over a long period of time. Steel is best suited for use
with 10 or 12 turns of wire rope at a distance of about as bearing piles where piles must be driven under any
one diameter below the head of the pile (fig, 10-9, views of the following conditions:
A and B). When a hole is bored in the butt of the pile,
double wrappings are used (view C). The pile can also Piles are longer than 80 feet.
be wrapped or clamped if the butt is crushed or split. As Column strength exceeds the compressive
an alternative to wrapping, two half-rings of 3/8-inch strength of timber.
steel are clamped around the butt (view D).
The tip of the pile is cut off perpendicular to its axis. To reach bedrock for maximum bearing surface
When driven into soft or moderately compressible soil, through overlying layers of partially decom-
the tip of the pile may be left unpointed. A blunt-end posed rock.
pile provides a larger bearing surface than a pointed-end
pile when used as an end-bearing pile. When driven, a To penetrate layers of coarse gravel or soft rock,
blunt-end pile that strikes a root or small obstruction such as coral.
may break through it. To attain great depth of penetration for stability
Where soil is only slightly compressible and must
(for example, driving piles in a rock-bedded,
be displaced, the tip of the pile is usually sharpened to
swiftly flowing stream where timber piles can-
the shape of an inverted truncated pyramid (fig. 10-9,
not be driven deeply enough for stability).
view A). The blunt end is about 4 to 6 inches square;
the length of the point is 1 1/2 to 2 times the diameter One of the most common types of steel bearing
of the pile at its foot. A crooked pile maybe pointed for piles is the pipe pile. An open-end pipe pile is open at
driving, as shown in view B. the bottom. A closed-rid pipe pile is closed at the
For hard driving, steel shoes are used to protect bottom. Another common type of steel pile is the
the pile tips. A manufactured shoe is shown in view H-type, often seen as HP. When driving HPs, a special
C, and an improvised steel shoe is shown in view D. driving cap (shown in fig. 10-10) is used.
Steel Bearing
Steel ranks next to timber in importance,
especially where the construction must accommodate
Figure 10-9.-Preparation of timber piles for driving. Figure 10-10.-HP-bearing pile and special cap for driving
A concrete bearing pile may be cast in-place or
precast. A cast-in-place concrete pile may be a shell
type or a shell-less type.
A shell type of cast-in-place pile is constructed as
shown in figure 10-11. A steel core, called a mandrel,
is used to drive a hollow steel shell into the ground.
The mandrel is then withdrawn, and the shell is filled
with concrete. If the shell is strong enough, it may be
driven without a mandrel.
A shell-less cast-in-place concrete pile is made by
placing the concrete in direct contact with the earth.
The hole for the pile may be made by driving a shell
or a mandrel and shell, or it may be simply bored with
an earth auger. If a mandrel and shell are used, the
mandrel, and usually also the shell, are removed
before the concrete is poured. In one method, how-
ever, a cylindrical mandrel and shell are used, and only
the mandrel is removed before the concrete is poured. Figure 10-12.-Procedure for cast-in-ground concrete piles.
The concrete is poured into the shell, after which the
shell is extracted. This sequence of events is shown in
figure 10-12. piles run from 6 to 24 inches square. Concrete piles
Casting in place is not usually feasible for more than 100 feet long can be cast, but are usually
concrete piles used in waterfront structures. Concrete too heavy for handling without special equipment.
piles for waterfront structures are usually precast. The
cross section of precast concrete piles is usually either Sheet
square or octagonal (eight-sided). Square-section
Sheet piles are special shapes of interlocking piles
made of steel, wood, or formed concrete. They are
widely used to form a continuous wall to resist
horizontal pressures resulting from earth or water
loads. Examples include retaining walls, cutoff walls,
trench sheathing, cofferdams, and bulkheads in
wharves, docks, or other waterfront structures.
Cofferdams exclude water and earth from an
excavation so that construction can proceed easily.
Cutoff walls are built beneath water-retaining
structures to retard the flow of water through the
Sheet piles may also be used in the construction
of piers for bridges and left in place, Here, steel piles
are driven to form a square or rectangular enclosure,
The material inside is then excavated to the desired
depth and replaced with concrete.
Figure 10-13.-General plan of an advanced base 40-foot-timber pier.
figure 10-15, a cross section for a 40-foot pier. The cross section (fig. 10- 15) shows that each bent
The drawings (examples are shown in figs. 10-13, consists of six bearing piles. The bearing piles are
10-14, and 10-15) include a bill of materials, showing braced transversely by diagonal braces. Additional
the dimensions and location of all structural members, transverse bracing for each bent is provided by a pair
driftpins, bolts, and hardware. Figures 10-13 of batter piles. The batter angle is specified as 5 in 12.
and 10-14 are parts of NAVFAC Drawing No. One pile of each pair is driven on either side of the
6028173; figure 10-15 is a part off NAVFAC Drawing bent, as shown in the general plan. The butts of the
6028174. batter piles are joined to 12-inch by 12-inch by 14-foot
longitudinal batter-pile caps. Each of these is bolted
The size of the pier is designated by its width. The
to the undersides of two adjacent bearing-pile caps
width is equal to the length of a bearing-pile cap. with bolts in the positions shown in the part plan (fig.
Each part of a pier lying between adjacent pile 10- 14). The batter-pile caps are placed 3 feet inboard
bents is called a bay, and the length of a bay is equal of the center lines of the outside bearing piles in the
to the OC spacing of the bents. The general plan (fig. bent. They are backed by 6- by 14-inch batter-pile cap
10- 13) shows that the advanced base 40-foot timber blocks, each of which is bolted to a bearing-pile cap.
pier consists of one 13-foot outboard bay, one 13-foot Longitudinal bracing between bents consists of
inboard bay, and as many 12-foot interior bays as 14-foot lengths of 3 by 10 planks, bolted to the bearing
needed to meet requirements. piles.
The superstructure (fig. 10-15) consists of a single Lengths of 8 by 10 fender pile chocks are cut to fit
layer of 4 by 12 planks laid on 19 inside stringers between the piles and bolted to the outside stringers
measuring 6 inches by 14 inches by 14 feet. The inside and the fender wales. The spacing for these bolts is
stringers are fastened to the pile caps with driftbolts. shown in the part plan. As indicated in the general
The outside stringers are fastened to the pile caps with plan, the fender system also includes two 14-pile
through-bolts. The deck planks are fastened to the dolphins, located 15 feet beyond the end of the pier.
stringers with 3/8- by 8-inch spikes. After the deck is A dolphin is an isolated cluster of piles, constructed
laid, 12-foot lengths of 8 by 10s are laid over the as shown in figure 10-16. A similar cluster attached to
outside stringers to form the curbing. The lengths of a pier is called a pile cluster.
curbing are distributed as shown in the general plan.
The curbing is bolted to the outside stringers to form PILE DRIVING TECHNIQUES
the curbing. The lengths of curbing are distributed as When driving piles of any type, always watch both
shown in the general plan. The curbing is bolted to the the pile and equipment. Care must be taken to avoid
outside stringers with bolts. damaging the pile or the driving hammer. Watch the
The pier is equipped with a fender system for piles carefully for any indications of splitting or
protection against shock, caused by contact with breaking below ground. The next section covers some
vessels coming or lying alongside. Fender piles, of the more common problems you might encounter.
spaced as shown in the part plan, are driven along both
Springing and Bouncing
sides of the pier and bolted to the outside stringers with
bolts. The heads of these bolts are countersunk below Springing means that the pile vibrates too much
the surfaces of the piles. An 8 by 10 fender wale is laterally. Springing may occur when a pile is crooked,
bolted to the backs of the fender piles with bolts. when the butt has not been squared off properly, or
Figure 10-16.-Dolphins.
when the pile is not in line with the fall of the hammer. it should be cut back to sound wood before you drive it
Always make sure the fall of the hammer is in line with any more.
the pile axis. Otherwise, the head of the pile and the
Obstruction and Refusal
hammer may be severely damaged and much of the
energy of the hammer blow lost. When a pile reaches a level where 6 blows of a drop
Excessive bouncing may be caused by a hammer hammer or 20 blows of a steam or air hammer do not
that is too light. However, it usually occurs when the drive it more than an average of 1/8 inch per blow, the
butt of the pile becomes crushed or broomed, as when pile has either hit an obstruction or has been driven to
the pile meets an obstruction or penetrates to a solid refusal. In either case, further driving is likely to break
footing. When a double-acting hammer is being used, or split the pile. Examples of typical damage are shown
bouncing may result from too much steam or air pres- if figure 10-17.
sure. With a closed-end diesel hammer, if the hammer If the lack of penetration seems to be caused by an
lifts on the upstroke of the ram piston, the throttle setting obstruction, 10 or 15 blows of less than maximum force
is probably too high. Back off on the throttle control just may be tried. This may cause the pile to displace or
penetrate the obstruction. For obstructions that cannot
enough to avoid this lifting. If the butt of the timber pile
be disposed of in this manner, it is often necessary to
has been crushed or broomed more than an inch or so,
pull (extract) the pile and clear the obstruction.
When a pile has been driven to a depth where deeper
penetration is prevented by friction, the pile has been
driven to refusal. It is not always necessary to drive a
friction pile to refusal. Such a pile needs to be driven
only to the depth where friction develops the required
load-bearing capacity.
Piles should be straightened when any mis-
alignment is noticed during driving. The accuracy of
alignment desirable for a finished job depends on vari-
ous factors. Generally, though, a pile more than a few
inches out of its plumb line should be trued. The greater
the penetration along the wrong line, the harder to get
the pile back into plumb. There are several methods of
realigning a pile.
One method of realignment is to use pull from a
block and tackle, with the impact of the hammer jarring
the pile back into line (fig. 10-18). The straightening of
steel bearing piles must include twisting the individual
piles to bring the webs of the piles parallel to the center
line of the bent.
Another method of realignment is to use a jet (fig.
10-19), either alone or with either of the other two
methods. Jetting a pile can be done with either water or
When all piles in a bent have been driven, they can Figure 10-20.-Aligning framing used for timber pile bent.
be pulled into proper spacing and alignment with a
block and tackle and an aligning frame, as shown in
figures 10-20 and 10-21.
this section, you should be able to describe the
uses of and construction methods for offshore,
alongshore, wharfage, and below the water
table construction.
Waterfront structures are broadly divided into three
main categories: offshore structures creating a sheltered
harbor; alongshore structures establishing and main-
taining a stable shoreline; and wharfage structures
allowing vessels to lie alongside for loading or unload-
Figure 10-19.-Realigning pile by jetting. ing.
Offshore structures include breakwaters and
jetties. They are alike in construction and differ
mainly in function.
For a deepwater site or one with an extreme ALONGSHORE
range between high and low tides, a rubble-mound Alongshore structures include seawalls, groins, and
breakwater or jetty may by topped with a cap struc- bulkheads. Their main purpose is to stabilize a shore-
ture to form the composite type shown in figure line.
10-23. In this case, the cap structure consists of a Seawalls
series of precast concrete boxes called caissons,
Seawalls vary widely in details of design and
each of which is floated over its final location and
materials, depending on the severity of the exposure,
sunk into place by filling with rock. A single-piece the value of the property to be protected, and other
concrete cap is then cast in place on the top of each considerations. Basically, though, they consist of
caisson. Breakwaters and jetties are sometimes built some form of barrier designed to break up or reflect
entirely of caissons. A typical caisson breakwater/ the waves and a deep, tight cutoff wall to preclude
jetty is shown in figure 10-24. A jetty may also be washing out of the sand or soil behind and under the
constructed to serve as a wharfage structure. If so, barrier. The cutoff wall is generally constructed of
it is still called a jetty. timber, steel, or concrete sheet piling. Figure 10-25
shows a rubble-mound seawall. The stone protecting or tie rods, running back to a buried anchorage
the shoreline against erosion is called riprap. There- (deadman). A timber bulkhead for a bridge abutment
fore, a rubble-stone seawall is called a riprap seawall. is shown in figure 10-26. It is made of wood sheathing
Various types of cast-in-place concrete seawalls (square-edged, single-layer planks), laid horizontally.
are the vertical-face, inclined-face, curved-face, Most bulkheads, however, are made of steel sheet
stepped-face, and combination curved-face and piles, an example of which is shown in figure 10-27.
stepped-face. The sea or harbor bottom along the toe The outer ends of the tie rods are anchored to a steel
(bottom of the outside face) of a seawall is usually wale running horizontally along the outer face of the
protected against erosion (caused by the backpull of bulkhead.
receding waves) by riprap piles against the toe.
This wale is usually made up of pairs of steel
Groins channels bolted together, back to back. A channel is a
structural steel member with a U-shaped section.
Groins, built like breakwaters or jetties, extend Sometimes the wale is placed on the inner face of the
outward from the shore. Again, they differ mainly in bulkhead, and the piles are bolted to it.
function. A groin is used where a shoreline is in danger
of erosion caused by a current or wave action running The anchorage shown in figure 10-27 is covered
obliquely against or parallel to the shoreline. It is by backfill. In stable soil above the groundwater level,
placed to arrest the current or wave action or to deflect the anchorage may consist simply of a buried timber,
it away from the shoreline. a concrete deadman, or a row of driven and buried
sheet piles. A more substantial anchorage for each tie
Groins generally consist of tight sheet piling of
rod is used below the groundwater level. Two
creosoted timber, steel, or concrete, braced with wales
common types of anchorages are shown in figure
and with round piles of considerable length. Groins
10-28. In view A, the anchorage for each tie rod
are usually built with their tops a few feet above the
sloping beach surface that is to be maintained or consists of a timber cap, supported by a batter pile. In
restored. view B, the anchorage consists of a reinforced
concrete cap, supported by a pair of batter piles. As
Bulkheads indicated in the figure, tie rods are supported by piles
located midway between the anchorage and the
A bulkhead has the same general purpose as a bulkhead.
seawall: to establish and maintain a stable shoreline.
But, whereas a seawall is self-contained, relatively Bulkheads are constructed from working
thick, and supported by its own weight, a bulkhead is drawings like those shown in figure 10-29. The detail
a relatively thin wall supported by a series of tie wires plan for the bulkhead shows that the anchorage
consists of a row of sheet piles to which the inner ends
Figure 10-26.-Timber bulkhead for bridge abutment. Figure 10-27.-Constructed steel sheet pile bulkhead.
Figure 10-28.-Two types of tie-rod anchorages for bulkheads.
They are connected to each other by a pipeline system deposited in the water. For this reason, the earthen
that heads up at a water pump. Well point engineers type is commonly combined with another type, such
determine the groundwater level and the direction of as sheathing or cribbing, to reduce the quantities of
flow of the groundwater, and the well point system is earthwork.
placed so as to cut off the flow into the construction
area. Well pointing requires highly specialized Steel is commonly used for cofferdam construct-
personnel and expensive equipment. ion. Sheet piling is manufactured in many interlocking
designs and in many weights and shapes for varying
load conditions. The piling is driven as sheeting in a
row to forma relatively tight structure surrounding the
The cofferdam is a temporary structure, usually construction area. This pile wall is supported in
built in place, and tight enough so that the water can several ways. It may be supported by a framework of
be pumped out of the structure and kept out while stringers and struts. A cofferdam wall can consist of a
construction on the foundations is in progress. double row of piles tied together with heavy steel ties
Common cofferdam types are earthen, steel sheeting, and filled with earth. This can square, rectangular,
wooden sheathing, and crib. Figure 10-30 shows a circular, or oval shape for stability around the
cofferdam under construction. construction area.
An earthen cofferdam is built by dumping earth Wooden sheathing, instead of steel, is similarly
fill into the water, shaped to surround the construction used in cofferdam constructions. Interlocking timber
area without encroaching upon it. Because swiftly sheathing is driven as a single wall and supported by
moving currents can carry the material away, earthen stringers and cross struts between walls, or it is driven
cofferdams are limited to sluggish waterways where
in double rows as a wall. The sheathing in each row is
the velocities do not exceed 5 feet per second. Use is
connected and tied with braces.
also limited to shallow waters; the quantities of
material required in deep waters would be excessive Wooden or concrete cribbing may be used in
due to the flat slopes to which the earth settles when cofferdam construction. The cribbing offers stability
to the cofferdam wall. It also provides watertightness or reinforced concrete, floated into place and then
when filled with earth and rock. filled with various materials. These are known as
floating caissons. Open caissons may be constructed
Movable cofferdams of timber, steel, or concrete
of wood or steel sheet piling.
have been built, but their uses and designs are very
similar to those discussed under boxes and open The preceding information provides only a basic
caissons, below. understanding of heavy construction. As with other
phases of construction, specialized tools and
Caissons equipment will be required. The Table of Allowance
(TOA) at your command will have these items. Follow
Caissons are boxes or chambers used for all safety rules and manufacturers’ recommendations
construction work underwater. There are three forms for operations and maintenance.
of caissons used in constructing foundations
underwater: box, open, and pneumatic caisson. If the
structure is open at the top and closed at the bottom, RECOMMENDED READING LIST
it is called a box caisson. If it is open both at the top
and the bottom, it is an open caisson. If it is open at
the bottom and closed at the top, and compressed air
is used, it is a pneumatic caisson. Although the following reference
was current when this TRAMAN was
It is sometimes difficult to distinguish between a
published, its continued currency
cofferdam and caisson. In general, if the structure is
cannot be assured. You therefore need
self-contained and does not depend upon the
to ensure that you are studying the
surrounding material for support, it is a caisson.
latest revision.
However, if the structure requires such support as
sheathing or sheet piling, it is a cofferdam. Retaining Pile Construction, Field Manual 5-134, Headquarters,
walls and piers may be built of boxes of wood, steel, Department of the Army, Washington, D.C., 1985.
BEARING PILE—A pile carrying a superimposed
vertical load.
DOLPHIN—A group of piles in water driven close
BERM—An artificial ridge of earth. (clustered) together and tied so that the group is
capable of withstanding large lateral forces from
BINDER—Hot melted pitch (or asphalt) applied
vessels and other floating objects.
between the layers of a built-up roof to bind the
layers of felt together. DRESSING—Trimming or planing; usually applied to
BIRD’S-MOUTH—A notch cut in the lower edge of
a rafter, to fit over the top wall plate. Formed by a DRY ROT—Fungus growth making wood soft or
level line and a plumb cut. brittle.
BREAKWATER—A barrier constructed to shield the DRYWALL—A system of interior wall finish using
interior waters of a harbor from wave forces. sheets of gypsum board and taped joints.
EAVE—The part of a roof projecting over the sidewall. JETTING—A method of forcing water around and
under a pile to displace and lubricate the
EFFLORESCENCE—A white powdery substance
surrounding soil.
forming on masonry surfaces. It is caused by
calcium carbide in the mortar. JETTY—A term designating various types of small
wharf structures, such as a small boat jetty or a
END-BEARING PILE—A bearing pile deriving
refueling jetty. In harbor—protection works, a rock
practically all its support from firm underlying
mound or other structure extending into a body of
water to direct and confine the stream or tidal flow
ESSEX BOARD MEASURE—A method for rapidly to a selected channel.
calculating board feet.
JOIST—Heavy pieces of lumber laid on edge
F horizontally to form the floor and ceiling support
FASCIA—The flat outside horizontal member of a
cornice placed in a vertical position. L
FERROUS—Any metal containing a high percentage
of iron. LINTEL—A support beam placed over an opening in
a wall.
FOOTING—An enlargement at the lower end of a wall
to distribute the load.
FURRING—Any extra material added to another
piece or member to bring an uneven surface to a true
MILLWORK—In woodworking, any material that has
plane and to provide additional nailing surface.
been machined, finished, and partly assembled at
the mill.
MITER—A butt joint of two members at equal angles.
GAIN—An area removed by chiseling where hinges
and locks can be mounted flush with a surface. MOLE—A massive stone or masonry breakwater
constructed of concrete or steel sheet pile and
GIRDER—A supporting beam laid crosswise to the constructed on the inner side of a jetty for unloading
building; a long tress. and loading ships.
GIRT—A horizontal brace; used on outside walls MULLION—The division between multiple windows
covered with vertical siding. or screens.
GLAZE—The process of installing glass panes in
MUNTIN—The small members dividing glass panes
window frames and doorframes and applying putty
in a window frame; vertical separators between
to hold the glass in position.
panels in a panel door.
GROIN—A bulkhead, generally made of piling, built
out from the shoreline perpendicular to the P
direction of the current or drift to cut off and prevent
the carrying of beach materials along the shore.
PARAPET—7he part of a wall above the roof line.
GUSSET—A plate connecting members of a truss
together. PEB—Preengineered building.
PILE BENT—Two or more piles driven in a row RISE—In a roof, the vertical distance between the plate
transverse to the long dimension of the structure and the ridge. In a stair, the total height of the stair.
and fastened together by capping and (sometimes)
bracing. S
QUAY—A margin wharf adjacent to the shore and STUD—The vertical members of wooden forms or
generally of solid filled construction. frames.
TRUSS—A combination of members, such as beams,
RAFTER—A sloping roof member supporting the roof bars, and ties; usually arranged in triangular units
covering and extending from the ridge or the hip of to forma rigid framework for supporting loads over
the roof to the eaves. a span.
RAKE—The inclined position of a cornice; also the
angle of slope of a roof rafter.
RIDGE—The long joining members placed at the WAINSCOT—A wall covering for the lower part of an
angle where two slopes of a roof meet at the peak. interior wall; can be wood, glass, or tile.
Chapter 1
Carpentry, Leonard Koel, American Technical Publishers, Inc., Alsip, Ill., 1985.
Design of Wood Frame Structures for Permanence, National Products Association,
Washington, D.C., 1988.
Exterior and interior Trim, John E. Ball, Delmar Publishers, Inc., Albany, N.Y.,
Chapter 2
Basic Roof Framing, Benjamin Barnow, Tab Books, Inc., Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.,
Chapter 3
Basic Roof Framing, Benjamin Barnow, Tab Books, Inc., Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.,
Design of Wood Frame Structures for Permanence, National Forest Products
Association, Washington, D.C., 1988.
Exterior and Interior Trim, John E. Ball, Delmar Publishers, Inc., Albany, N.Y.,
Manual of Built-up Roof Systems, Charles William Griffin, McGraw-Hill Book Co.,
New York, N.Y., 1982.
Modern Carpentry, Willis H. Wagner, Goodheart-Wilcox Co., South Holland, Ill.,
Chapter 4
Basic Roof Framing, Benjamin Barnow, Tab Books, Inc., Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.,
Design of Wood Frame Structures for Permanence, National Forest Products
Association, Washington, D.C., 1988.
Exterior and Interior Trim, John E. Ball, Delmar Publishers, Inc., Albany, N.Y.,
Modern Carpentry, Willis H. Wagner, Goodheart-Wilcox Co., South Holland, Ill.,
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Carpentry, Leonard Keel, American Technical Publishers, Inc., Alsip, Ill., 1985.
Exterior and Interior Trim, John E. Ball, Delmar Publishers, Inc., Albany, N.Y.,
Wood Frame House Construction, L.O. Anderson, Forest Products Laboratory, U.S.
Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., 1975.
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Advance base field structures, 9-1 Enamel paint, 8-3 Non-wood siding, 4-3
distribution and inventory, 9-5 Epoxy paint, 8-3 O
field-type latrines, 9-13 Expansion joints, 1-33
pre-engineered building (PEB), Exterior doors, 4-12 Oil-based paints, 8-3
9-1 Organic felts, 3-14
basic structural erection, 9-3 F Outside wall coverings, 4-1
disassembly procedures, 9-10 Fiber glass shingles, 3-18 P
foundations, 9-2 Fire stops, wall framing, 1-21
pre-erection work 9-2 Flashing, 3-15 Paints and preservatives, 8-1
preplanning work 9-1 Flexible insulation, 5-20 Pile, pile driving terminology, and
SEA hut, 9-12 Floor coverings, 6-1 techniques, 10-4
wood frame tents, 9-10 Floor joists, 1-8 Plaster grounds, 7-8
Aggregates, 7-2 Framing square, 2-4 Plastering, stuccoing, and ceramic
Air compressors, 8-10 tile, 7-1
Aluminum paint, 8-3 G Plywood, 3-2
Anchor bolts, 9-2 Gable roof, 2-1 Pre-engineered building, 9-1
Applying plaster, 7-12 Glass and glazing, types of, 4-21 R
Asphalt shingles, 3-18 Glass-fiber felt, 3-15
Asphalt-felt underpayment, 3-13 Groins, 10-14 Resilient floor tile, 6-5
Attic scuttle, 1-40 Gypsum lath, 7-6 Roof coverings, 3-1
Gypsum plaster, 7-1 Roof framing, 2-1
Beads, comer and casing, metal
framing, 5-5 Header joists, 1-8 Seawalls, 10-13
Bituminous roofing materials, 3-21 Heavy construction, 10-1 Sheet piles, 10-6
Board lathe, 7-4 Hip roof, 2-1 Shellac, 8-4
Bracing, wall framing, 1-17 Stairs, 6-11
Breakwaters and jetties, 10-12 J Steel bearing piles, 10-6
Bulkheads, 10-14 Jack rafter, 2-30 Subfloor, 1-16
C Joint reinforcing, 1-8 Suspended acoustic ceiling systems,
Cantilevered joists, 1-8 K
Casement windows, 4-18 T
Ceiling and wall coverings, 5-1 K-span building, 9-17
Tarred felts, 3-15
Commercial/industrial hardware, 6-22 L Timber trestles, 10-1
Concrete bearing piles, 10-6
Construction in the dry, 10-16 Lacquers, 8-4 V
Cornices, 3-8 Lathing accessories, 7-7
Light frame construction, 1-1 Varnishes, 8-3
D Lumber roof sheathing, 3-1 W
Door swings, 6-18 M
Doorframing, interior, 6-15 Wall and ceiling coverings, 5-1
Double-hung windows, 4-17 Metal framing, 1-30 Wall framing, 1-1
Downspouts and gutters, 4-10 Metal lath, 7-5 Waterfront structures, 10-11
Drywall, 5-1 Mixing plaster, 7-9 Wood preservatives, 8-14
1-1. In wood frame construction, what is 1-7. Header joists prevent common joists
the lowest member resting on the from rolling or tipping.
1. True
1. Platform 2. False
2. Plank
3. Stud 1-8. Which of the following joist types
4. Sill plate is used when the a joist projects
out over the wall below?
1-2. The edge of a sill is usually set
back from the outside edge of the 1. Common
foundation by what distance? 2. Trimmer
3. Cantilevered
1. The thickness of the sheathing 4. Cripple
2. The thickness of the header
joist 1-9. Which of the following joist spans
3. The thickness of the siding requires more than one row of
4. Twice the thickness of the bridging?
1. 16 ft
1-3. After bolt holes are drilled and 2. 14 ft
the sill properly fitted, what is 3. 12 ft
normally the next step? 4. 10 ft
1. 1 in. 1. True
2. 2 in. 2. False
3. 3 in.
4. 4 in.
1-13. When joists are laid out 16 inches 1-19. Which of the following framing
OC, the distance from the edge of members tie the entire wall
the building to the first joist together?
should be
1. Studs
1. 14 1/2 in. 2. Posts
2. 15 1/4 in. 3. Sills
3. 16 in. 4. Plates
4. 16 3/4 in.
1-20. What component is required at the
1-14. What is the main reason for special intersections and ends of a wall?
framing around large floor
openings? 1. Corner post
2. Cripple stud
1. Appearance 3. Diagonal brace
2. Provide additional nailing 4. Header
3. Strength 1-21. When you are rough framing a window
4. Prevent floor squeaks opening, the trimmer studs are
installed between what two
1-15. A pair of joists placed at each end components?
of an opening and supporting a
header is called what type of 1. Double top plate and header
joist? 2. Top plate and subfloor
3. Header and bottom plate
1. Trimmer 4. Header and subfloor
2. Double
3. Tail 1-22. A header is supported by which of
4. Common the following studs?
1. Cut-in bracing
2. Let-in bracing
3. Diagonal sheathing
4. Horizontal bracing
1-26. Diagonal bracing is most effective 1-31. The measurement from the subfloor
when installed at which of the to the bottom of the door header
following angles? can also be used to establish which
of the following measurements?
1. 25° to 35°
2. 45° to 60° 1. Rough opening width for door
3. 65° to 75° openings
4. 80° to 90° 2. Rough opening height for
1-27. What is/are the main purpose(s) of 3. Rough opening height for window
a fire stop in a wall? openings
4. Overall wall height
1. SlOW the travel of fire inside
a wall only 1-32. Which way should the crown of a
2. Provide additional backing for stud be turned on an exterior wall
nailing the edges of dry wall
or plywood only 1. Up
3. Both 1 and 2 above 2. Down
4. Stop a fire inside a wall 3. Side
1-28. The locations of walls constructed 1-33. The minimum distance between butt
in the horizontal layout method are joints in the top plate and the
found in which of the following double top plate should be
1. 24 in.
1. Floor plans 2. 32 in.
2. Specifications 3. 48 in.
3. Table of measures 4. 96 in.
4. Measurement-conversion chart
1-34. What is the recommended order in
1-29. When laying out studs 16 inches OC, raising walls?
why should you place the first stud
15 1/4 inches from the corner? 1. Long exterior, short exterior,
1. To allow for the corner post 2. Partitions, long exterior,
2. To provide additional nailing short exterior
surface for sheathing 3. Short exterior, long exterior,
3. To allow for 3/4-in. error when partitions
laying off the remaining studs 4. Long exterior, partitions,
4. To allow for the sheathing short exterior
edges to fall on the centers of
the studs 1-35. To accurately plumb a wall, you
need which of the following tools?
1-30. To determine the length of studs,
cripples and trimmers, you should 1. Straightedge only
use which of the following layouts? 2. Level only
3. Straightedge and level
1. Vertical 4. Plumb
2. Horizontal
3. Wall
4. Top plate
1-36. Compared to other exterior 1-42. All joists must run in the same
finishes, plywood panels have what direction.
1. True
1. They provide additional 2. False
strength only
2. They shorten installation time 1-43. Ceiling joists supported by a
only bearing partition should overlap
3. They eliminate the need for what minimum distance?
diagonal bracing only
4. All of the above 1. 16 in.
2. 12 in.
1-37. What size nail is recommended for 3. 8 in.
installing 5/8-inch sheathing? 4. 4 in.
1-48. Which of the following statements 1-53. Which of the following structural
is generally true of wood posts? components serve to tie the entire
wall together?
1. They are placed directly below
wood girders 1. Studs
2. The width of the post should be 2. Corner posts
equal to the girder it supports 3. Top or bottom plates
3. They are always embedded in 4. Trimmers
1-54. Bottom plate layout should include
1-49. The crawl space for a structure marks for which of the following
should have what minimum distance framing members?
between the ground and the bottom
of the girder? 1. Floor joists only
2. Corner posts only
1. 24 in. 3. Header joists only
2. 18 in. 4. All of the above
3. 16 in.
4. 12 in. 1-55. Temporary bracing used for wall
alignment should be removed at what
1-50. In platform framing, a floor joist point during construction?
rests directly on which of the
following components? 1. After wall alignment is
1. Top plate only 2. After exterior sheathing is
2. Sill plate only completed
3. Either 1 or 2 above 3. Before the ceiling joists are
4. Exterior foundation placed
4. After all framing and sheathing
1-51. What is the recommended method for are completed
connecting header and floor joists?
1-56. What is the main structural
1. Face-nailing with 12d nails function of a ceiling frame?
2. Face-nailing with 16d nails
16-in. OC 1. Support the finished ceiling
3. Face nailing with 10d nails 2. Support the top of nonbearing
16-in. OC partitions walls
4. End nailing with 16d nails 3. Tie the exterior walls together
4. Support the weight of the
1-52. What is the correct sequence for rafters
securing a subfloor and cross
bridging to the floor joists? 1-57. Backing at the top of walls serves
what purpose?
1. Nail the subfloor, then the top
and bottom of the bridging 1. Tie the walls together
2. Nail the top of bridging, then 2. Provide additional nailing area
the subfloor, and finally the for joists
bottom of the bridging 3. Keep the studs spaced properly
3. Nail the top and bottom of the 4. Provide nailing surface for the
bridging, then the subfloor edge of finish ceiling
4. Nail the bottom of the materials
bridging, then the subfloor,
and finally the top of the
2-1. Which of the following types of 2-6. What members make up the main body
roof is most commonly used in the of a roof framework?
1. Double top plates
1. Shed 2. Joists
2. Hip 3. Ceiling framework
3. Gable 4. Rafters
4. Intersecting
2-7. Rafters are a functional part of
2-2. Which of the following types of both walls and roof.
roof is considered strongest?
1. True
1. Shed 2. False
2. Hip
3. Gable 2-8. What type of rafter does not extend
4. Intersecting the full distance from the plate to
the ridgeboard?
2-3. A roof having only one slope is
considered what type? 1. Jack
2. Valley
1. Shed 3. Hip
2. Hip 4. Common
3. Gable
4. Intersecting 2-9. What type of jack is nailed between
hip and valley rafters?
2-4. In roof construction, the ratio of
unit of rise to unit of span is 1. Valley
known by what term? 2. Cripple
3. Hip
1. Total run 4. Eave
2. Line length
3. Total rise 2-10. Which of the following terms
4. Pitch describe(s) that portion of a
rafter extending beyond the outer
2-5. In roof construction, the edge of the plate?
hypotenuse of a triangle whose base
equals the total run and whose 1. Eave only
altitude equals the total rise is 2. Tail only
known by what term? 3. Overhang only
4. All of the above
1. Total run
2. Line length 2-11. When the blade of a framing square
3. Total rise is 24 inches long, the tongue
4. Span usually varies within which of the
following overall lengths?
1. 12 to 16 in.
2. 16 to 24 in.
3. 14 to 18 in.
4. 18 to 24 in.
2-12. The hypotenuse is the longest side 2-18. Which of the following framing
of a right triangle. square features is primarily used
for estimating board feet?
1. True
2. False 1. Brace table
2. Essex-board table
2-13. Which of the following framing 3. Rafter table
square scales is NOT used in roof 4. Octagon scale
2-19. On a framing square, where is the
1. Octagon brace table located?
2. Hundredths
3. Tenths 1. Back of the blade
4. Twelfths 2. Face of the blade
3. Face of the tongue
2-14. On a framing square, the longest 4. Back of the tongue
lines on the hundredths scale
indicate how many hundredths of an 2-20. A gable roof slopes in how many
inch? directions?
1. 5 1. One
2. 10 2. Two
3. 25 3. Three
4. 50 4. Four
2-15. On a framing square, where is the 2-21. The run of an overhang should be
octagon scale located? measured between what two points?
2-24. What angle should a hip rafter form 2-30. Which of the following features can
with the building line? run from valley rafters to both
1. 90°
2. 60° 1. Hip jack
3. 45° 2. Valley jack
4. 30° 3. Supporting valley
4. Common rafter
2-25. The unit of rise is always the same
for hip and common rafters, but the 2-31. Which of the following features can
unit of run for a hip rafter is run at a 45° angle to the exterior
different. walls
1. Plane the top of the hip rafter 1. One-half of the 45° thickness
2. Bevel the top edges only of the inside upper double
3. Deepen the bird’s-mouth only header only
4. Either 2 or 3 above 2. One-half of the 45° thickness
of the common rafter only
2-29. On an intersecting roof, the area 3. Both 1 and 2 above
where two or more sloped roof 4. One-half of the total thickness
sections intersect is known by what of the upper and lower double
term? headers
1. Valley
2. Ridge
3. Hip
4. Gable
2-34. In an equal-pitch framing 2-40. Which of the following truss
situation, the unit of rise of a components acts as a ceiling joist?
jack rafter is always the same as
the unit of rise of a common 1. Gusset
rafter? 2. Top cord
3. Bottom cord
1. True 4. Web
2. False
2-41. Which of the following structural
2-35. Which of the following jack rafter components is eliminated because
types extends from a hip rafter to trusses are self-supporting?
a valley rafter?
1. Interior bearing partitions
1. Valley 2. Gussets
2. Cripple 3. Double top plates
3. Valley cripple 4. Floor joists
4. Hip-valley cripple
2-42. In frame construction, what truss
2-36. When erecting a gable roof, what type(s) is/are most commonly used?
components are constructed first?
1. King post only
1. Cripple and jack rafters 2. W-type only
2. Gable-end rafters and the ridge 3. Scissors and W-types only
3. Hip rafters 4. All of the above
4. Valley rafters
2-43. DELETED.
2-37. HOW long should the temporary
bracing used in roof erection be
left in place?
2-46. Each part of a truss is in a state 2-52. In a gable roof, why is a
of compression or tension. Which ridgeboard is placed at the peak of
of the following states, if any, the roof?
describe(s) the pushing-together
force? 1. Provide a nailing surface for
the top ends of the common
1. State of tension only rafter
2. State of compression only 2. Provide a nailing surface for
3. All of the above one end of the common rafter
4. None of the above 3. Provide a starting point for
the peak of the roof
2-47. In what positions should trusses be 4. Provide the starting point for
(a) handled and (b) stored? roof sheathing
1. (a) Horizontal (b) horizontal 2-53. All common rafters for a gable roof
2. (a) Horizontal (b) vertical are the same length.
3. (a) Vertical (b) horizontal
4. (a) Vertical (b) vertical 1. True
2. False
2-48. Which of the following features
is/are necessary to resist wind 2-54. Which of the following terms is
uplift force? another name for the notch formed
by the seat and heel cut?
1. Temporary bracing
2. Gussets 1. Overhang
3. Trusses anchored to outside 2. Projection
walls 3. Bird’s mouth
4. Blocking at lower chords
2-55. When installing a roof where the
2-49. Toenailing is the most satisfactory ridgeboard is longer than one
method of securing a truss to an piece, where should the break
outside wall? between the boards occur?
2-58. Which of the following structural 2-60. What is the estimated material
members connects the joints on roof savings when using roof trusses?
1. 10%
1. Gussets 2. 20%
2. Templates 3. 30%
3. Collar ties 4. 40%
4. Truss ties
2-61. Which of the following basic
2-59. When working with roof trusses, components of a roof truss also
double top and bottom plates on acts as a ceiling joist?
interior partitions can be
eliminated. 1. Top chord
2. Bottom chord
1. True 3. Web members
2. False
3-1. Roof sheathing has what primary 3-6. In what direction relative to the
purpose? rafters should the face grain of
plywood sheathing run?
1. Appearance
2. Nailing base for shingles 1. Perpendicular
3. Insulation 2. Parallel
4. Tying rafters together 3. Diagonal
3–2 . Composition roof sheathing should 3-7. When nailing 3/4-inch plywood
be laid in which of the following sheathing to the rafters, what size
ways? nails should you use?
1. Closed 1. 10d
2. Open, horizontally only 2. 8d
3. Open, diagonally only 3. 6d
4. Open, horizontally or 4. 4d
3-8. What is the purpose of the 2° bevel
3-3. Board roof sheathing normally falls cut on the ends of plank roof
into which of the following decking?
1. To allow for expansion
1. Matched tongue and groove only 2. To ensure a tight face joint
2. Shiplapped only 3. To ensure space for adjustment
3. Shiplapped and square edged 2. To allow for quicker
only installation
4. Any of the above
3-9. What length should nails should you
3–4. Tongue-and-groove boards used for use for fastening plank decking?
closed sheathing must be supported
by what minimum number of rafters? 1. Twice the nominal plank
1. One 2. Three times the nominal plank
2. Two thickness
3. Three 3. Three and one–half times the
4. Four nominal plank thickness
4. Four times the nominal plank
3–5. When you are determining the thickness
plywood thickness for roof
sheathing, which of the following 3–l0. Roof decking extending beyond a
factors should NOT be a gable-end wall should span at least
consideration? how many rafters?
3-11. Butt joints of plywood sheets 3-18. Which of the following components
should be alternated so they do not provides a nailing base for soffit
occur on the same rafter. material?
1. True 1. Lookout
2. False 2. Frieze board
3. Rafter
3-12. What is the recommended clearance 4. Plancier
between masonry and wood framing
members at a chimney? 3-19. Wood soffit panels should be
fastened using nails in what
1. 1 in. (a) size and (b) spacing?
2. 2 in.
3. 3 in. 1. (a) 6d (b) 6 in.
4. 4 in. 2. (a) 6d (b) 8 in.
3. (a) 4d (b) 8 in.
3-13. Which of the following wood 4. (a) 4d (b) 6 in.
characteristics is least important
when selecting trim material? 3-20. What problem occurs when galvanized
nails are used with aluminum sheet
1. Knots metal?
2. Even grain
3. Natural decay-resistance 1. Spalling
4. Preservative pretreatment 2. Electrolysis
3. Rusting
3-14. For exterior trim fasteners, which 4. Peeling
of the following types of screws or
nails is/are preferred? 3-21. What is the area of a shingle that
is not over-lapped called?
1. Galvanized steel only
2. Stainless steel only 1. Top lap
3. Aluminum only 2. Exposure
4. All of the above 3. Square
4. Coverage
3-15. What part of a gable roof projects
beyond the end wall on an upward 3-22. Which of the following expressions
slope? is correct concerning the pitch of
a roof with a 6-inch-per-foot rise
1. Rake and a 32-foot span?
2. Eave
3. Fascia 1. 1/8
4. Ledger 2. 1/4
3. 1/2
3-16. On a roof with no overhang, what 4. 3/16
type of cornice is normally used?
3-23. Using roofing felt over sheathing
1. Open has what primary purpose(s)?
2. Gable
3. Closed 1. To provide a secondary barrier
4. Simple against wind-driven rain only
2. To keep the sheathing dry until
3-17. In closed-cornice construction, the shingles are applied only
underside of the eaves is exposed. 3. To protect shingles against the
effects of resinous materials
1. True released from the sheathing
2. False only
4. Each of the above
3–24. How many rolls of 30-pound felt are 3-30. The concealed nailing method of
required to cover 48,400 square installing roll roofing is used
feet? when maximum service life is
1. 121
2. 242 1. True
3. 363 2. False
4. 484
3-31. A 24-inch-long wood shingle on a
3-25. Which of the following materials roof with a 1/4 pitch should have
should be used as an underpayment? what maximum exposure?
3-26. Along cave lines where ice dams 3-32. What is/are the primary
might occur, what type of roofing difference(s) in the installation
material is recommended? of wood shakes and wood shingles?
1. 1 in. 1. Color
2. 5 in. 2. Weight per pound
3. 5/8 in. 3. Temperature at which they begin
4. 1/4 in. to flow
4. Temperature at which they begin
3-29. Flashing has what primary to soften
3-35. In built-up roofing, which of the
1. Reflect heat only following types of felts should be
2. Protect against water seepage used?
3. Both 1 and 2 above 1. Organic only
4. Act as a vapor barrier 2. Glass fiber only
3. Glass fiber and asphalt only
4. Any of the above
3-36. What is the main purpose of using 3-42. If a kettle catches fire, which of
felt paper on a built-up roof? the following is an action you
should take first?
1. To hold the bitumens together
2. To insulate 1. Remove the burner
3. To soak up excess asphalt 2. Shut off the fuel
4. To act as a vapor barrier 3. Spray water on the kettle
4. Close the lid
3-37. Asphalt should be in what
temperature range when applied? 3-43. The distance maintained between the
mopper and the felt layer should
1. 275°F to 375°F not exceed
2. 375°F to 425°F
3. 450°F to 500°F 1. 9 ft
4. 500°F to 550°F 2. 7 ft
3. 3 ft
3-38. The aggregate on a built-up roof 4. 5 ft
serves which of the following
functions? 3-44. Which of the following properties
is/are essential for wood siding?
1. Protect the bitumen from
sunlight only 1. Weathers easily
2. Increase wind and fire 2. Paints easily only
resistance only 3. Works easily only
3. Permit use of a thick surface 4. Paints and works easily
coating of bitumen only
4. Each of the above 3-45. Which of the following horizontal
sidings can be obtained with either
3-39. The first two layers of a five-ply shiplap or tongue-and-groove edges?
roof are referred to as what type
of nailer? 1. Drop
2. Bevel
1. Dry 3. Dolly Varden
2. Base
3. Bottom 3-46. In the installation of vertical
4. Back board siding, board widths range
from 2 to 4 inches.
3-40. A kettle operator should perform
what task first? 1. True
2. False
1. Fill the fuel tank
2. Fill the kettle with pieces of 3-47. When installing 4- by 8-foot
asphalt vertical plywood siding, which of
3. Inspect the kettle, making sure the following materials should you
it is dry inside apply to the joints to ensure
4. Light-off the kettle maximum watertightness?
3-48. To present a uniform appearance, 3-53. How should siding that returns
siding should line up with which of against a roof surface, such as a
the following parts? dormer, be joined?
3–51. What should be the exposure of 3-57. Full height vertical members of a
8-inch siding installed on a panel door are known by what term?
building where the overall height
of the windows is 68 inches? 1. Muntins
2. Rails
1. 5 7/8 in. 3. Stiles
2. 6 in. 4. Runners
3. 6 3/16 in.
4. 6 7/8 in. 3-58. An exterior door made of thin
plywood faces over a wood framework
3-52. The first installed course of bevel with a particle board core is what
siding is usually blocked out with type?
which of the following items?
1. Panel
1. Fridging 2. Flush
2. Flashing 3. Combination
3. A starter strip 4. Clad
4. A batten
3-59. A main entrance door is normally 3-65. What advantage does a casement
what size? window have over a double-hung
1. 1 1/2 in. thick, 2 ft 8 in.
wide, 6 ft 8 in. high 1. Provides more light
2. 1 3/4 in. thick, 3 ft 0 in. 2. Provides better insulation
wide, 6 ft 8 in. high 3. Provides better ventilation
3. 1 3/4 in. thick, 2 ft 8 in. 4. Is easier to install
wide, 6 ft 8 in. high
4. 1 3/4 in. thick, 3 ft 0 in. 3-66. What feature best distinguishes
wide, 7 ft 0 in. high sheet glass from plate glass?
3-61. Where on each side of a jamb should 3-67. Because of its high rate of
shims be located? expansion, what type of glass
requires the most careful cutting,
1. Bottom only handling, and glazing?
2. Bottom and top only
3. Center only 1. Laminated
4. Bottom, top, and center 2. Wired
3. Tempered
3-62. Heat loss through metal window 4. Heat absorbing
frames is less than through wood
window frames. 3-68. Which of the following types of
glass should be used where the
1. True hazard of flying glass must be
2. False avoided?
3-70. DELETED. 3-73. What is the primary purpose of
putty used in glazing?
Textbook Assignment: Chapter 5 - Interior Finish of Walls and Ceilings
Chapter 6 - Interior Finish of Floors, Stairs, Doors, and Trim
4-1. In drywall construction, “nail 4-6. When studs are spaced 24 inches OC,
pops” result from which of the what thickness of drywall is
following factors? recommended for quality wall
1. Stud misalignment
2. Studs drying out 1. 5/8 in.
3. Improper size nails 2. 1/2 in.
4. Chemical reaction with coatings 3. 3/8 in.
in nails 4. 1/4 in.
4-2. To align ceiling joists in an 4-7. What is best reason for using a
unfinished attic, what type of convex head hammer when driving
structural member should you use? drywall nails?
1. 5/8 in.
2. 3/4 in.
3. 1 in.
4. 1 1/8 in.
4-11. Which of the following metal beads 4-16. When you are repairing gypsum
is installed to protect drywall drywall, holes larger that what
from edge damage? minimum diameter should be cut back
to the center of the nearest studs?
1. Stop
2. Corner 1. 6 in.
3. Casing 2. 2 in.
4. Edge 3. 8 in.
4. 4 in.
4-12. When you are attaching drywall,
what is the recommended nailing 4-17. What is the recommended minimum
procedure? thickness of plywood panels used
directly over framing members?
1. Start at the top and work down
2. Start at the side joining the 1. 1/4 in.
previous sheet and work across 2. 3/8 in.
3. Start at the center and work 3. 1/2 in.
out 4. 5/8 in.
4. Start at the bottom and work up
4-18. When you are installing vertical
4-13. Single-nailed drywall should be board panels, what is the maximum
installed with what OC nail spacing spacing of furring strips?
on the (a) walls and (b) ceiling?
1. 16 in.
1. (a) 6 in. (b) 8 in. 2. 24 in.
2. (a) 8 in. (b) 6 in. 3. 36 in.
3. (a) 7 in. (b) 8 in. 4. 48 in.
4. (a) 8 in. (b) 7 in.
4-19. Most acoustical ceilings have what
4-14. After the first application of main purpose?
joint compound to a joint, what
should be the next step? 1. Sound absorption
2. Light reflection
1. Allow the joint compound to dry 3. Flame resistance
2. Feather the joint 4. Appearance enhancement
3. Tape the joint
4. Sand the joint 4-20. Assume the dimensions of a ceiling
are 16 feet 8 inches by 10 feet 2
4-15. Select from the following list the inches. When calculating the
proper sequence for taping a gypsum material requirements, what
drywall joint. dimensions should you use?
4-22. In what order should the following 4-27. When installing 12-inch-square
items be installed? ceiling tile in a 15-foot
8-inch-wide room, what pattern
A. Acoustic panels should you use in terms of rows and
B. Cross tees size?
C. Wall angles
D. Suspension wires 1. 15 full rows and two 4-in.
E. Main tees tiles
2. 15 full rows and one 8-in. tile
1. A, B, C, D, E 3. 14 full rows and one 10-in.
2. B, E, C, A, D tile
3. C, D, E, B, A 4. 14 full rows and two 10-in.
4. D, E, B, C, A tiles
4-23. Assume a new acoustical ceiling 4-28. Insulating materials are usually
will be installed 14 inches lower installed in which of the following
than the old ceiling. The locations?
suspension wires should be cut with
what minimum length? 1. Walls and ceilings only
2. Ceilings and floors only
1. 14 in. 3. Floors and walls only
2. 16 in. 4. All of the above
3. 18 in.
4. 20 in. 4-29. Into which of the following
categories should insulation be
4-24. In a suspension ceiling system, grouped?
where on the main tee should the
first tie wire be installed? 1. Blanket and loose fill only
2. Loose fill and rigid only
1. 2 ft from either end 3. Rigid and blanket only
2. 4 ft from either end 4. All of the above
3. At the first cross-tee
connection 4-30. The primary function of the asphalt
4. At the center sheet material attached to
blanket-type insulation is to
4-25. When installed, which of the resist
following components require the
use of splice plates? 1. water vapor
2. heat
1. Aluminum main tees only 3. cold
2. Steel main tees only 4. insects
3. Aluminum and steel main tees
4. Aluminum cross tees 4-31. Which of the following methods is
normally used for installing
4-26. When installing acoustical panels, loose-fill insulation?
why should you work from several
cartons at the same time? 1. Pouring only
2. Blowing only
1. All the panels may not be the 3. Hand packing only
same direction 4. Each of the above
2. Every other panel in a carton
has a different edge cut
3. The color, pattern, or texture
may vary slightly
4. Not all panels can be cut or
used as border panels
4-32. To be effective, reflective 4-38. When placing fill insulation over
insulation must have what minimum ceilings, which of the following
air space? devices should you use to ensure
uniform thickness?
1. 1/2 in.
2. 3/4 in. 1. Carpenter’s level
3. 1 in. 2. String line
4. 3 1/2 in. 3. Bottom board
4. Leveling board
4-33. Rigid insulation may be used for
which of the following structural 4-39. Which of the following materials
purposes? are effective vapor barriers
against condensation?
1. Sheathing and building boards
only 1. Aluminum foils only
2. Building boards and roof 2. Asphalt-laminated papers only
decking only 3. Plastic films only
3. Roof decking and sheathing only 4. Each of the above
4. All of the above
4-40. DELETED.
4-34. Which of the following substances
is sometimes mixed with plaster to
reduce heat transmission?
1. Vermiculite or perlite
2. Rock or glass wool
3. Sawdust
4. Shredded bark
4-35. To reduce moisture and protect wood 4-41. What is the most practical way to
frame members, what type of remove moisture from roof spaces?
material should you use as ground
cover in crawl spaces? 1. Heating the air
2. Adding more insulation
1. Roll roofing only 3. Ventilating
2. Polyethylene only 4. Installing a dehumidifier
3. Roll roofing or polyethylene
4. Blanket insulation 4-42. How are hip roofs best ventilated?
4-36. When structures are built on slabs, 1. By inlet ventilators along the
it is a good practice to install a rake and outlet ventilators
vapor barrier under the slab. along the soffits
2. By inlet ventilators along the
1. True ridge and outlet ventilators
2. False along the soffits
3. By inlet ventilators along the
4-37. When insulation is used without a soffits and outlet ventilators
vapor barrier, what material is along the ridge
normally used to envelop the entire 4. By inlet and outlet ventilators
exposed wall and ceiling? along the ridge
1. Building paper
2. Plastic film
3. Building board
4. Fiber glass
4-43. Which of the following inlet 4-49. How can you prevent splitting the
ventilation systems is recommended tongue when nailing
for use on low-pitched flat roofs tongue-and-groove flooring?
with overhangs?
1. By using cut nails
1. Continuous slot 2. By predrilling the nail holes
2. Ridge 3. By using chisel-point nails
3. Louvered 4. By waxing the nail shanks
4. Wall
4-50. A vapor barrier is installed under
4-44. DELETED. a concrete slab before it is
poured. Is any further preparation
required for the later installation
of wood flooring.
1. Yes
2. No
1. 30° to 35°
2. 35° to 40°
3. 40° to 45°
4. 45° to 50°
4-54. Before laying vinyl tile on a floor 4-59. What is the proper name for the
surface, you should square off the edge trim around an interior door
floor, apply the adhesive, and then opening?
begin laying the tile from the
1. Casing
1. center of the floor working 2. Molding
towards the walls 3. Jam
2. center of a continuous wall 4. Sill
working towards the center of
the floor 4-60. Why are louvered doors the most
3. corner of the floor working suitable for use on closets?
towards the opposite corner
4. stairway or door opening 1. They are less expensive
working towards the opposite 2. They are more durable
wall 3. They require less space
4. They allow ventilation
4-55. Which of the following factors is
an advantage of using carpeting 4-61. How should hinged doors swing or
instead of other types of floor open?
1. Against a blank wall only
1. It absorbs sound 2. Toward the natural entry only
2. It lasts longer 3. Both 1 and 2 above
3. It reduces maintenance 4. Into a hallway
4. It is cheaper
4-62. When plumbing and leveling a
4-56. How many square yards of carpet are doorframe, which of the following
required to cover a room 24 feet by materials should you use?
48 feet?
1. Casing wedges
1. 76 2. Wood shingle wedges
2. 98 3. Wood shake wedges
3. 114 4. Hairpin wedges
4. 128
4-63. What edge-distance allowance is
4-57. When installing cushioned-backed made when the casing is nailed to
carpeting, which of the following the jamb?
items is/are required?
1. 1/16 in.
1. Tack strips only 2. 1/8 in.
2. Double-faced tape only 3. 3/16 in.
3. Additional padding only 4. 3/8 in.
4. All of the above
4-64. What should you do to a mitered
4-58. Rough openings for interior doors casing joint to lessen the chance
are usually framed how much of its opening up as the casing
(a) higher and (b) wider than the material dries?
finished door size?
1. Use a glued spline
1. (a) 2 in. (b) 3 in. 2. Install wood screws
2. (a) 2 1/2 in. (b) 3 1/2 in. 3. Glue the joint
3. (a) 3 in. (b) 2 1/2 in. 4. Use a wood filler
4. (a) 3 1/2 in. (b) 3 in.
4-65. DELETED. 4-70. Which of the following devices
holds the door in place by contact
with the latch?
1. Rim
2. Vertical rod
3. Mortise
4. Strike plate
1. Apron
2. Sash stops
3. Stool
4. Window jamb
1. Butt
2. Coped
3. Mitered
4. Lapped
5–1. Which of the following plaster 5-5. When the aggregate material is
binding materials should NOT be excessively fine grain, why is the
exposed to severe moisture? plaster strength reduced?
5-9. What is the main purpose of the 5-14. To minimize shrinking and cracking
3/4-inch holes in perforated gypsum around the upper corners of doors
lath? and windows, you should install
which of the following items?
1. To allow for easy installation
2. To allow for expansion of the 1. Plaster grounds
mortar 2. Expanded metal lath strips
3. To provide ventilation for 3. Base screeds
interior walls 4. Casings beads
4. To provide a mechanical key for
the mortar 5-15. DELETED.
1. Metal
2. Gypsum
3. Wood
4. Insulation
5-11. What length of blued gypsum lath 5-16. What is the recommended type and
nail is recommended for installing proportions for two-coat plaster
1/2-inch gypsum lath? used on a masonry or concrete base?
1. To reinforce the lath and 5-18. When mortar materials are mixed by
inside corners hand, what is the maximum time that
2. To reinforce the door and mixing should continue after all
window casings the materials have been blended?
3. To provide room for expansion
between plaster edges and the 1. 5 min
edges of baseboards 2. 10 min
4. To provide a finished edge 3. 15 min
around openings 4. 20 min
5-19. After all ingredients for plaster 5-24. Which of the following statements
have been added, what minimum time is applicable to the fog-spray
should a mixing machine be allowed curing of portland cement plaster?
to mix?
1. The finish coat should be
1. 7 min applied at least 3 days after
2. 5 min the brown coat is applied
3. 3 min 2. The finish coat should be
4. 10 min spray-cured for 48 hours after
its application
5-20. Normally, what is the specified 3. The brown coat should be
flatness tolerance of a plastered fog-sprayed for 48 hours
surface? followed by the same treatment
for the scratch coat
1. 1/16 in. in 4 ft 4. The scratch coat should be
2. 1/8 in. in 10 ft fog-sprayed for 24 hours and
3. 1/4 in. in 8 ft the brown coat fog-sprayed for
4. 1/2 in. in 16 ft 36 hours
1. A rectangular trowel
2. A darby
3. An angle trowel
4. A hawk
1. Crew leader
2. Tender
3. Plasterer
4. Supervisor
5-27. Which of the following statements 5-31. Ceramic tile is normally divided
best defines stucco? into what two classifications?
5-36. In paint, which of the following 5-42. Of the following paint types, which
ingredients provides the coloring? is best suited to masonry surfaces?
1. Drier 1. Oil-base
2. Pigment 2. Enamel
3. Thinner 3. Epoxy
4. Vehicle 4. Latex
5-37. Which of the following paint 5-43. In areas that require frequent
ingredients acts as the binder? washing, which of the following
types of paint is normally
1. Pigment preferable?
2. Drier
3. Vehicle 1. Portland cement
4. Thinner 2. Latex
3. Aluminum
5-38. Which of the following chemical 4. Rubber-base
compounds are NOT synthetic resins?
5-44. When a can of ready-mix aluminum
1. Napthas paint is bulging, how should the
2. Phenolics pressure be released?
3. Epoxies
4. Chlorinated rubbers 1. Carefully remove the lid
2. Carefully puncture the lid
5-39. What is the purpose of a paint 3. Shaking the can in a vibrator
solvent? 4. Cool the can
1. Give more body to the paint 5-45. Which of the following materials
2. Prevent blistering of the paint does NOT obscure the surface to
3. Add gloss to the paint which it is applied?
4. Adjust the consistency of the
paint 1. Varnish
2. Primer
5-40. To increase resistance of oil-base 3. Enamel
paint to water and decrease drying 4. Latex
time, you should add small amounts
of what material to the paint? 5-46. Which of the following types of
varnish is intended for exterior
1. Linseed oil use?
2. Polyester
3. Varnish 1. Flat
4. Naptha 2. Spar
3. Rubbing
5-41. Which of the following ratios 4. Color
determines the level of gloss in
enamel paints? 5-47. Which of the following materials is
often used as a sealant over wood
1. Pigment to binder knots to prevent bleeding?
2. Thinner to pigment
3. Vehicle to binder 1. Lacquer
4. Binder to drier 2. Stain
3. Shellac
4. Varnish
5-48. What type of stain contains alcohol 5-53. What is the correct procedure for
as a vehicle? mixing muriatic acid and water?
5-57. Before painting, what is the 5-62. Before varnishing, you should use a
procedure for sanding a rough wood filler on which of the following
surface? open-grained woods?
5-58. When used on porous wood, concrete, 5-64. During the paint mixing process,
and masonry, which of the following what is meant by "boxing the
items produces a smooth finish paint"?
floor coat?
1. Pouring it back and forth from
1. Conditioner one container to another
2. Sealer 2. Mixing it with a mechanical
3. Filler agitator
4. Latex paint 3. Mixing it with a paddle
4. Cutting it with a suitable
5-59. When applied to chalky bases, which thinner
of the following items improves
adhesion of water-based paints? 5-65. What are the three primary or true
colors that are the basis for all
1. Conditioner subsequent shades, tints, and hues?
2. Sealer
3. Filler 1. Blue, red, and green
4. Latex paint 2. Red, black, and white
3. Black, yellow, and white
5-60. Which of the following items 4. Yellow, blue, and red
prevents resin from bleeding
through applied paint coatings 5-66. Before its application by roller, a
ready-mix paint must be thinned.
1. Conditioner
2. Sealer 1. True
3. Filler 2. False
4. Latex paint
5-67. What is the recommended maximum
5-61. Before applying filler to amount of tint for 1 gallon of
open-grained wood, stain should be paint?
applied and allowed to dry for what
minimum time? 1. 1 oz
2. 2 oz
1. 12 hr 3. 3 oz
2. 24 hr 4. 4 oz
3. 36 hr
4. 48 hr
5-68. Strong sunlight on paint surfaces 5-72. Breaks in paint film extending
is most likely to cause which of through to-the substrate indicate
the following problems? what type of paint failure?
1. Peeling 1. Checking
2. Blistering 2. Cracking
3. Alligatoring 3. Peeling
4. Chalking 4. Crawling
5-69. Inadequate bonding and what other 5-73. Spraying paint too thickly or
cause are the prime reasons for moving the spray gun too slowly are
peeling? most likely to cause which of the
following paint failures?
1. High-surface temperature
2. Improper mixing of paint 1. Chalking
3. Inferior paint 2. Peeling
4. Improper surface preparation 3. Blistering
4. Wrinkling
5-70. Temperature changes causing the
substrate and overlaying paint film 5-74. Failure of a gloss paint to attain
to expand and contract are most its normal gloss is most likely to
likely to result in which of the be caused by which of the following
following conditions? conditions?
6-1. After an ABFC shipment is arranged 6-6. While the foundation is being
in a storage area, what should be prepared for a 20- by 48-foot
the next step? rigid-frame building, which of the
following work assignments can you
1. Fit parts together perform?
2. Inventory
3. Start erection process 1. Glaze the windows only
4. Report discrepancies 2. Bolt the rigid-frame assemblies
6-2. A PEB is shipped with all materials 3. Assemble the door leaves only
and instructions necessary for 4. Any of the above
6-7. Until ready to be used, which of
1. True the following materials should
2. False remain crated?
6-10. Once all the parts have been laid 6-15. When should the doorjambs of a PEB
out and checked, erection of a be installed?
20- by 48-foot PEB should begin
with the center frame member. 1. After installing the interior
1. True 2. After end-wall structural parts
2. False are completed
3. After installing exterior
6-11. During the course of erecting a end-wall panels
PEB, when is the framework first 4. After installing the roof
plumbed? panels
1. Before the sidewall girts are 6-16. What kind of concrete nails should
installed you use to nail the base furring to
2. After the exterior panels are the concrete deck of a PEB?
3. Before the base angles are 1. 8d, box
installed 2. 2 in., No. 10
4. After all the brace rods are in 3. 1 1/4 in., No. 9
position 4. 3/4 in., No. 8 flathead
6-12. Which of the following steps must 6-17. After placing the base, corner, and
be taken before the panels of a PEB gable furrings of a PEB, what
are installed? should you install next?
6-13. When placing the upper and lower 6-18. When installing hardboard in a PEB,
wall panels of a PEB, which of the you should ensure the gap between
following operations is correct? panels is
6-21. When modified with a metal roof, 6–27. The two main components of a timber
extended rafters, and screened–in trestle are
areas, a 16- by 32–foot wood–frame
tent becomes what type of hut? 1. bents and abutments
2. substructure and superstructure
1. Southeast Asia 3. bracing and caps
2. Caribbean 4. decking and footings
3. Wood-frame
4. Tropical 6–28. Which of the following conditions
normally require(s) trestle bents?
6-22. When two 4-seat latrine boxes are
set up side by side, what size pit 1. Soft or marshy ground
is required? 2. Swift currents
3. Deep water
1. 3 by 6 ft 4. Solid dry ground or shallow
2. 2 by 6 ft water
3. 3 by 7 ft
4. 4 by 8 ft 6–29. Which of the following is
considered a vertical structural
6-23. How many trough-type urinals should member?
be furnished with an 8–seat
latrine? 1. Post
2. Cap
1. One 3. Sill
2. Two 4. Girder
3. Three
4. Four 6–30. How much overlap is figured in when
calculating center-to-center
6-24. Which of the following conditions horizontal distance between bents?
normally indicates the need for
steel piles? 1. 1 ft
2. 2 ft
1. Driving through compressible 3. 3 ft
soil 4. 4 ft
2. The requirement for 95-ft piles
3. Light loads must be supported 6-31. What is the usual length of girder
4. A retaining wall is needed stock?
1. batter piles
2. bearing piles
3. stringers
4. fender piles
6-33. What size stock is used for 6-40. The butt diameter of piles longer
transverse diagonal bracing? then 40 feet can be greater than
the distance between the pile
1. 2 x 2 leads.
2. 2 x 4
3. 2 x 6 1. True
4. 2 x 8 2. False
6-34. When placing timber girders, the OC 6-41. During a pile driving operation,
spacing is what distance? which of the following actions is
necessary to protect the pile from
1. 3 ft 3 in. damage?
2. 3 ft 3 1/4 in.
3. 3 ft 3 1/2 in. 1. Cut the pile perpendicular to
4. 3 ft 3 5/8 in. its axis
2. Use steel shoes to protect the
6-35. How many layers of planking make up pile
a timber deck? 3. Sharpen the tip of the pile
4. Cut the butt of the pile square
1. One and chamfer it
2. Two
3. Three 6-42. Which of the following piles is
4. Four required when piles of 80 feet or
longer are required?
6-36. The timber decking consists of
3-inch planks. 1. Timber
2. Steel
1. True 3. Concrete
2. False 4. Combination
6-37. At an abutment, which of the 6-43. Which of the following piles should
following items prevents the be used to form a continuous wall
approach of road from washing out to resist horizontal pressure
or eroding? resulting from earth or water
1. End cap
2. End wall 1. Sheet pile
3. End dam 2. Precast pile
4. End curb 3. Cast-in-place pile
4. Open-end pipe pile
6-38. Which of the following is a
load-bearing member made of timber, 6-44. Which of the following is
steel, concrete, or a combination constructed below water-retaining
of these materials? structures to retard the flow of
water through the foundation?
1. Coffer damn
2. Pile 1. Cofferdamns
3. Trestle 2. Bulkheads
4. Pile bent 3. Cutoff walls
4. Trench sheathing
6-39. What is the tip diameter of a pile
shorter than 40 feet?
1. 8 to 11 in.
2. 9 to 12 in.
3. 10 to 13 in.
4. 11 to 14 in.
6-45. The working drawings for timber 6-51. Waterfront structures are broadly
piers contain which of the divided into how many categories?
following information?
1. One
1. Bill of materials only 2. Two
2. Dimensions and location of all 3. Three
structural members only 4. Four
3. Required driftpins, bolts and
hardware, and bill of materials 6-52. Breakwaters and jetties fall under
only which of the following categories?
4. All of the above
1. Offshore structures
6-46. When the use of batter piles is 2. Alongside structures
required, what is the specified 3. Wharfage structures
angle? 4. Deepwater structures
6-57. Which of the following structures 6-58. How many types of caissons are used
is a relatively thin wall supported in constructing foundations
by a series of tie rods running underwater?
back to a deadman?
1. One
1. Groin 2. Two
2. Bulkhead 3. Three
3. Seawall 4. Four
4. Caisson