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Check number of Drops DROPS = PSCHREQ - MSESTULTBF

Case 1
High PREJETFI and high Drops Increase the number of fpdch and check numreqgprs

Case 2
High PREJETFI and low Drops Check for TA on cells

Case 3
Others(Low PREJETFI and Drops) 1. Check for Interference
Check PREJOTH 2. Increase GPRS power (GAMMA )
3. Check for TA on cells

If you have many TBFs sharing same PDCHs, following may help you
1) try reducing the PRIMPLIM parameter to bear minimim, this will distribute PDCH to be allocated o
instead of crowding on a same TRX

2) Increase the HR penetration, if your CS load is high

3) Keep MAXODPDCHLIMIT to 100%, ensuring that complete territory is used for data when no

4) adding TRX & Increasing number of PDCH will be the ultimate thing that could help you alleviate the

Counter Definition
PREJTFI Counter pegged when resources available are less
PREJOTH Counter pegged due to other reasons
Number of UL Temporary Block Flows (TBFs) for new
MSs (not in DTM) that have been rejected on PDCH's
carried on traffic session that have Abis congestion, for
MSESTULTBF = Number established uplink TBFs were the
MS has started to send data (at least one RLC block
pschreq = Total attempts on TBF received).


Less number of available resources If not possible to increase fpdch than share traffic of site

Site Overshooting

fpdch=16 (maxm)

this will distribute PDCH to be allocated on different TRXs primplim = number of pdch on primary dedicated pset

mplete territory is used for data when no voice exists.

te thing that could help you alleviate the PDCH sharing issue
Check for Alarms
Counters to be checked
DISETA Excesive Timing Advance

DISBSS Low Signal Strength UL/DL

Transmission Problem or Other reasons or
Others Sudden Disconnection or Disnormal
Spill Coverage

Point 1 The different drop reasons are ranked in the order excessive TA, low signal strength, high FE

Point 2 The number of drops due to other reasons is obtained by subtracting the drops with known r

Point 3 To obtain a subscriber perceived drop rate the number of drops should be compared to the n

Down tilt the cell

Increase ACCMIN
Check Interference(Frequency/maio)

Check Alarms
Apply Penalty timers for IBC

ranked in the order excessive TA, low signal strength, high FER, bad quality or sudden loss of connection. This means that

her reasons is obtained by subtracting the drops with known reasons from the total number of drops. This applies to both S

d drop rate the number of drops should be compared to the number of calls terminated in the cell, but when calculating th

The total number of dropped full-rate TCH in underlaid subcell. The counter is also available for half-rate and for ove
Number of dropped TCH/H connections in channel group zero.
Normal disconnection.When DISNORM is stepped during urgency state also the following counters are stepped:
Normal disconnection at excessive timing advance.
Normal disconnection at low signal strength.
Normal disconnection at bad quality.
Total number of dropped full-rate TCH connections at high FER on uplink in underlaid subcell i.e. worse than (above
Total number of dropped TCH connection due to bad quality based on RXQUAL on uplink in underlaid subcell i.e. w
Sudden loss of connection in underlaid subcell. Sudden loss apply when the locating algorithm indicates missing me

Check value of TALIM

Hardware Check/recomedations for new

Hardware Check/recomedations for new

DIP's in site
HCS Settings

at if connection suffers from excessive TA and low signal strength and drops, the drop reason will be registered as excessiv


his, the net sum of incoming calls via all relations have to be included.

erlaid subcells, e.g. THNDROPSUB.

e) HIGHFERULFR. Different combinations for overlaid subcell, up/down and both-way link and codec, e.g. THDISFERBLSUB
worse than (above) BADQUL. Different combinations for overlaid subcell, up/down and both ways link and half-rate, e.g. THDIS
easurement results, but none of the urgency conditions mentioned above (that is excessive TA, low signal strength, high FER o
Change Power of cell Check DIPS
Handover settings(neighbor MAXTA
parameters ,addition and deletion,BA Antenna Tilt Path loss
Output Power List) and Orientation difference Drive Test
UL interference
MRR analysis Handover definition Check DIP ,power control

Check Transmission
Handover definition

B is the bad quality drop counter for half-rate, both links in overlaid subcell. If both links have bad quality, only the both li
ISQABLSUB is the bad quality drop counter for half-rate, both links in overlaid subcell. If both links have bad quality, only
or bad quality) apply. The counter is also available for half-rate and for overlaid subcells, e.g. THSUDLOSSUB.
quality, only the both link counters are stepped.
s have bad quality, only the both link counters are stepped.
Check wether Blocking is at high or low traffic

Case 1. Traffic is low

Check Hardware if TRx are down
Check number of Trx and if any is blocked
Alarm on site

Case 2. Traffic is high

Check Neighbor sites ( If any is down )
Check utilisation, wether Traffic is high due to :
1. Handovers

2. Dense cluster

Raise for Rectification
Raise for Rectification
Raise for Rectification

Implement HR settings temporarily and Check neighbor site and escalate

High Hysteresis Implement HR settings temporarily

Increase the value Increase Change HCS
of offset on Implement ACCMIN settings(Layer
Implement HR settings neighbor cell CLS Power and Threshold)

Number of released connection on SDCCH due to TCH— and transcoder congestion in underlaid and overlaid subc
Number of assignment complete messages for all MS power classes in underlaid subcell, full-rate
Successful TCH Establishment on TCH Full Rate
Attempts for TF channel.It is stepped by one regardless of the number of channels requested in the allocation attem
Soft congestion time counter for underlaid subcell. The counter starts to increment when a channel is requested
Traffic level accumulator for full-rate TCH. The corresponding counter for half-rate is THTRALACC
Number of accumulations of traffic level counter for full-rate TCH. The corresponding counter for half-rate is TH
Number of failed channel allocation attempts at assignment or immediate assignment in underlaid subcell. The
Number of congestion at incoming handover in underlaid subcell. The counter is also available for half-rate and
Number of released TCH signalling connections due to transcoder resource congestion during immediate assignm
Number of assignment complete messages on TCH for all MS power classes
After increasing offset on
neighbor, in next step Expansion/Plan
decrease offset on site New site

underlaid and overlaid subcell. The subset for overlaid subcells is CNRELCONGSUB.
ell, full-rate

sted in the allocation attempt

hen a channel is requested but no idle channels are available. The corresponding half-rate counter for overlaid subcells is n
counter for half-rate is THNSCAN
in underlaid subcell. The counter is also available for half-rate and for overlaid subcells, e.g. THCONGSASSUB
available for half-rate and for overlaid subcells, e.g. THCONGSHOSUB
during immediate assignment on TCH. The corresponding counter for half-rate is THNRELCONG. These counters are also
r for overlaid subcells is named THTCONSUB. In the case of GPRS no consideration is made as to whether on-demand PD


G. These counters are also available for overlaid subcell as TFNRELCONGSUB and THNRELCONGSUB. TFNDROP is stepp
as to whether on-demand PDCHs exist in the cell or not i.e. both on-demand and fixed PDCHs are regarded as busy.

ONGSUB. TFNDROP is stepped at the same time

are regarded as busy.
Case 1
High PREJETFI Increase the number of fpdch

Case 2
Others 1. Check for Interference
Check PREJOTH 2. Increase GPRS power (GAMMA )
3. Check for TA on cells

Also Check and modify value of:

Edge Prioritise



Less number of available resources If not possible to increase fpdch than share traffic o

Counter pegged when resources available are less
Counter pegged due to other reasons
Number of UL Temporary Block Flows (TBFs) for new MSs
(not in DTM) that have been rejected on PDCH's carried on
traffic session that have Abis congestion, for Packet Abis.
se fpdch than share traffic of site
Check alarm and Hardware on Cell
Cluestab Check if there are more number of Location updates (Compare Count of CNLUESTB with CNESTB)
Case 1. If more updates due to location updates

Case 2. If SD Traffic is more

alarm and Hardware on Cell
ation updates (Compare Count of CNLUESTB with CNESTB)
Increase Hysteresis (CRH) on neighbor cell and if still exists decrease hysteresis (CRH) value on cell
Increase the number of SD slots
Implement Cell Load Sharing Settings
Apply Offset.
Decrease the value of MAXRET
Implement ACLC feature

Congestion counter for underlaid subcell. Stepped per congested allocation attempt. The counter for overlaid su
The counter for overlaid subcell is CCONGSSUB.
The object type CLTCH contains the counter TCHSIGThe
which counts
counter the number
CCALLS can beof TCH connections
stepped used
several times for sign
during a
Channel allocation attempt counter (on SDCCH).
For UnderLaid Cells
SD Established due to Location Updates
Total number of SD Established
on cell

ounter for overlaid subcell is CCONGSSUB.

nections used
veral times for signalling.Number
during of TCH connections
a call setup, for instance forseveral
congestion or signalling. Object
received type CLTCH.
Random Accesses (RAs) from a mobile. This co
(RAs) from a mobile. This could result in very high values for these counters in problem cells and should be considered wi
and should be considered with care in those cases. The formula below has compensated for the attempts at congestion.
e attempts at congestion.
Check for Alarms and check If Location updates are more than increase
Counters to be Checked Defination
CDISSS Low Signal Strength Output Power
CDISQA Bad Quality UL/DL Interference
CDISTA Excessive Timing Advance Downtilt

Transmission Problem or Other

reasons or Sudden Disconnection or
Others Disnormal Hardware issues

SD Drops=100*((CNDROP-CNRELCONG)/Establis

Counter Defination
CNDROP The total number of dropped SDCCH channels in a
CNRELCONG Number of released connection on SDCCH due to
CMSESTAB Successful MS establishment on SDCCH. This cou
CDISTA Dropped SDCCH connection at excessive Timing A
CDISSS Dropped SDCCH connection at low signal strength
CDISQA Dropped SDCCH connection at bad quality down—
are more than increase CRH

Hardware check Add new Sites Increase CCH power
SD Shift Change BCCH Trx UL interference ,power control
Check TA Value

Defination of parameters Border cell,More location updates


d SDCCH channels in a cell.

tion on SDCCH due to TCH— and transcoder congestion in underlaid and overlaid subcell. The subset for overlaid subcells is C
nt on SDCCH. This counter is a sum of both overlaid and underlaid. To get overlaid only, the CMSESTABSUB can be used.
n at excessive Timing Advance (TA).
n at low signal strength, on down— or uplink in underlaid subcell i.e. below LOWSSDL and/or LOWSSUL. There is also a count
n at bad quality down—or uplink per cell in underlaid subcell i.e. worse than BADQDL and/or BADQUL. There is also a counter
Check ACCMIN Check MAXret

he subset for overlaid subcells is CNRELCONGSUB. The two counters are located in CLSDCCH and CLSDCCHO respectively
CMSESTABSUB can be used.

LOWSSUL. There is also a counter for overlaid subcell, CDISSSSUB.

BADQUL. There is also a counter for overlaid subcell, CDISQASUB.
H and CLSDCCHO respectively. CNDROP is stepped at the same time.
Parameter /Counters/ Basics

* rlinkt




HCS Band Threshold

HCS Layer

* Traffic Sharing

* SDCCH Increase

* Adaptive Configuration of Logical Channels




* To check AGBLK
Access grant block for paging
It tells how many blocks are reserved in CCCH for Paging

* Value of HODUPFT Timer =10s

* Hysteresis/Handover
Hyst K ,L
low,high hyst


AW Offset

* flexhighgprs

* Sufficiency Conditions





* HR Settings



* lol parameters for same site trafiic handover from 900 to 1800

* maxret

* Penalty Timers



* Control Channels

Parameter /Counters/ Basics

radio link timer

parameter controls the Periodic Registration interval

Hierarchical Cell Structure

is the HCS traffic distribution level threshold to allow HCS handover into a cell. HCS
handover into an internal neighbour cell is allowed when the channel availability of
the neighbour cell is above or equal to its HCSIN threshold. When the default value
for HCSIN (0%) is used it is always allowed to perform HCS handover into the cell.
This parameter is only valid for internal neighbour cells. It is set per cell.
is the HCS traffic distribution level threshold to allow HCS handover out from a cell.
HCS handover out from the serving cell is allowed when the channel availability of
the serving cell is below or equal to its HCSOUT threshold. When the default value
for HCSOUT (100%) is used it is always allowed to perform HCS handover out from
the cell
is the signal strength threshold for HCS band criterion. Cells fulfilled the criterion
shall continue through the HCS evaluation. It is set per HCS band and BSC
defines which layer the cell belongs
Handover attempts due to HCS

Cell Load Sharing

Offset is to increase or decrease cell boundary
Cell Reselection Hysteresis , value if increased delays Assignment to new cell
Cell Reselection Offset

nfiguration of Logical Channels

Using Time slots of TCH channel as SD channels (Into 8SDCCH's)
defines the minimum time interval before an SDCCH/8, added by the ADLC feature,
can be reconfigured back to a TCH. One way to reduce load is to increase STIME
defines the level of remaining subchannels when an attempt to reconfigure a TCH to
an SDCCH/8 will take place.Change upon congestion will give the lowest load

Command : rldep
t block for paging
many blocks are reserved in CCCH for Paging

DUPFT Timer =10s

Hysteresis only reduces ping pong

length for Signal Strength filter specified only when SSEVALSD is in the range of 6 to 9 for Speech/Data
length for Quality filter specified only when QEVALSD is in the range of 6 to 9 for Speech /Data

for how long a cell shoul be picked for qa based handover

To prevent assignment to distant cells, which would cause unacceptable interference in

the network, Assignment to Worse Cell has to be restricted. Parameter AWOFFSET is a
signal strength offset parameter
Determines wether assignment to a worse cell is allowed from that cell
It turns on the feature Assignment to other cell On or OFF

To define wether to allocate 64k or 16k to mobile not capable of edge

Minimum required signal strength received at the BTS in a given cell to consider the cell
as a possible candidate for handover
Minimum required signal strength received at the MS in a given cell to consider the cell
as a possible candidate for handover
Sufficient signal strength received at the BTS, at the reference point, to consider the cell
selectable for further ranking according to the magnitude of the path loss
Sufficient signal strength received at the MS, at the reference point, to consider the cell
selectable for further ranking according to the magnitude of the path loss
transition offset
transition hysteresis

Command : rldhp,rldmp,rldap
is the threshold parameter for AMR HR capable MSs at channel allocation below which
an AMR MS will be allocated on a HR channel. The parameter expresses the ratio
between idle and de-blocked TCHs in percent and is set per cell
is the HR packing threshold parameter for AMR HR capable MSs. When below this
value a HR packing or dynamic mode adaptation from FR to HR is initiated
is the parameter controlling the activation of DYMA
is used to switch the quality based channel rate switching from FR to HR ON or OFF
is used to switch ON or OFF the quality based channel rate switching from HR to FR
is used to turn the feature Dynamic Half Rate Allocation ON or OFF
TO activate dynamic HR Allocation on ABIS and Dynamic FR/HR Mode adaptation

rs for same site trafiic handover from 900 to 1800

maxm number of retransmissions before drop calls

Minimum received signal level in dBm at the MS for permission to access the system
Is a temporary signal Strength penalty
Is the duration of temporary Signal Strength penalty
a punished neighbour cell is missing from the measurement report, and the number of
missing measurements exceeds MISSNM

CCCH is a combination of PCH, AGCH, NCH and RACH

The CBCH is used for transmission of the messages when the function Short
Messages Service Cell Broadcast (SMSCB) is activated in the cell
radiolink time out
Default value : 40

Command : rllhc

Command : rllhc

Command : rlhbc
Command : rllhc

Parameter : Clstime, Clslevel

Parameter : OffsetP, OffsetN
Command : rlssp
Command : rlsbp


acstate , sdcchlc

range 15 to 360 seconds

range 0 to 2 or Congestion ONLY

Ericsson 1
Ericsson 3
of 6 to 9 for Speech/Data
for Speech /Data

should be decreased to decrease handover attampts on

bad quality cells

If the MS measures SS = -80, AWOFFSET = 20 allows

assignment to neighbor with SS = -100 or stronger

Command : rllop

Command : rllop

Command : rllop

Command : rllop
Ericsson 1 locating parameter
Ericsson 1 locating parameter

For Non AMR we have DTHNAMR

For Non AMR we have DMTHNAMR

Is set per cell
Is set per cell and for AMR enabled MS it is DMQGAMR
Is applied to a neighbor cell when an attempt is already
made for a handover.

Common Control Channel

To broadcast Information,When CBCH is disabled than
one SD time slot becomes available
P is increased to delay the handover to neighbor site
range 0-14 steps of 2 difference between signals of two sites should be greater
range 0-63
Sslensi for signaling
Qlensi for signaling

Range 0-63

It takes a negative value which represents the

corresponding negative value in calculations
It takes a negative value which represents the
corresponding negative value in calculations
It takes a negative value which represents the
corresponding negative value in calculations
It takes a negative value which represents the
corresponding negative value in calculations

Value of parameters


range :0 - 63
range : 0 - 600
e between signals of two sites should be greater than hysteresis for atleast 5 min
Check if Handover Lost Count is more Handover Lost = Handove
Check for Alarms / Hardware
BCCH Conflict/BSIC+BCCH Combination
Modify Handover Defination
Counter Solutions
HOUPLQA Power Control Downtilt Site
HOEXCTA Downtilt Site Neighbor defination
HOTOHCS Penalty Layer Threshold
HOATTLSS Check Overshooting Apply Sufficiency Conditions
HOATTHSS Apply Hysteresis Apply Sufficiency Conditions

Counter Defination
HOVERCNT Count of Handover Attemptes
HOVERSUC Count of Handover Successful
HORTTOCH Count of Handover Reversions
HOSUCBCL Assignment to Best Cell
HOSUCWCL Assignment to Worst Cell
HODUPFT Handover reversion within 10 sec
HOUPLQA Handover attempts due to Poor Quality in Uplink
HODWNQA Handover attempts due to Poor Quality in Downlink
HOEXCTA Handover attempts due Excessive TA( Urgency conditions)
HOTOHCS Handover attempts due to HCS
HOATTLSS Handover attempt at Low signal strength
HOATTHSS Handover attempt at High signal strength
Handover Lost = Handover Attempts - Handover Successful - Handover Reversions
Check value of NCCPERM
Neighbor Defination
Check wether Cell Data is defined properly on Target cell and BSC of Neighbor cell fo
BA List update

HCS Parameter
Modify Power

Modify AW Offset


n within 10 sec
due to Poor Quality in Uplink
due to Poor Quality in Downlink
due Excessive TA( Urgency conditions)
due to HCS
at Low signal strength
at High signal strength
cessful - Handover Reversions

perly on Target cell and BSC of Neighbor cell for Inter BSC Handover

Apply Hysteresis
Check for
Downtilt cell

Apply Hysteresis Apply penalty

Check wether Handover defined properly
Downtilt cell
Formula for RACH Success rate

Check Hardware/Alarm on cell
Decrease the number of Maxret
Change CRH on cell Decrease on cell
Change CRO Decrease on cell
Retune BSIC
Check TA/Overshoot

Counters Defination
RAACCFA Number of Failed Random Accesses. This counter is incremented for a Random acces
CNROCNT Number of Accepted Random Accesses. This counter is also incremented for TRXT co
PDRAC The counter value is incremented when a 44.058 CHANNEL REQUIRED containing 44
ula for RACH Success rate

cremented for a Random access received with too high TA, values that are not used or in case of "software file congestion
s also incremented for TRXT connections
NNEL REQUIRED containing 44.018 CHANNEL REQUEST with establishment cause "One Phase Packet Access" or "Single Bl
of "software file congestion"

Packet Access" or "Single Block Packet Access" is received on RACH

Packet Channel Allocation Failure Rate

Increase CCCH
Increase AGBLK
Disable CBCH

Counters Defination
PAGETOOOLD Number of paging messages discarded due to being too long in t
PAGPCHCONG Number of paging messages discarded due to full cell paging que
PAGCSBSC Number of 48.018 PAGING CS messages (arriving at the BSC fro

e to being too long in the paging queue. At the point when a page is taken from the paging queue, its age is calculated an
e to full cell paging queue
(arriving at the BSC from the SGSN) with paging area including more than one cell
ueue, its age is calculated and compared to the BTS parameter AGE-OF-PAGING.Ussualy value of timer is 5 sec and if age
e of timer is 5 sec and if age of page exceeeds this then it is discarded and this counter is incr
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