Using Incremental Forming To Calibrate A Void Nucleation Model For Automotive Aluminum Sheet Alloys
Using Incremental Forming To Calibrate A Void Nucleation Model For Automotive Aluminum Sheet Alloys
Using Incremental Forming To Calibrate A Void Nucleation Model For Automotive Aluminum Sheet Alloys
Centre for Automotive Materials and Manufacturing, 945 Princess Street, Kingston, Ont., Canada K7L 5L9
Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Queen’s University, Nicol Hall, Kingston, Ont., Canada K7L 3N6
Alcan International Limited, Kingston Research and Development Centre, 945 Princess Street, Kingston, Ont., Canada K7L 5L9
Received 5 December 2003; received in revised form 18 February 2004; accepted 3 March 2004
Available online 12 April 2004
A novel method for the quantification of void nucleation rates in sheet material is presented. An incremental sheet forming
process is employed to create large regions of homogeneous deformation, such that material density changes can then be used to
quantify the evolution of void volume fraction with applied strain. This technique is employed to calibrate the void nucleation
behaviour of three automotive aluminum sheet alloys (AA5182, AA5754 and AA6111) for incorporation into finite element method
models which employ the Gurson–Tvergaard–Needleman (GTN) constitutive softening equations.
Ó 2004 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1359-6454/$30.00 Ó 2004 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
3002 W.B. Lievers et al. / Acta Materialia 52 (2004) 3001–3007
2.1. Incremental forming 2.4 mm2 grid. The specimen edges were clamped into a
fixture such that the base of the frustum measured
Incremental forming (IF) is a rapid prototyping 200 mm 200 mm.
process, whereby a forming tool is used to trace a pat- After forming, 50 mm diameter circular sections were
tern into a sheet blank at increasing depths [18,19]. cut from a longitudinal and transverse side of each
A schematic of the process is given in Fig. 1. It should be specimen (i.e. from two adjacent faces as indicated in
noted that the apparatus employed for the current study Fig. 2), and acetone was used to remove the gridding.
did not use a back-up tool to support the deforming The circles were then hand cut into smaller pieces, using
sheet. Hence, it is referred to as unsupported IF. While a piercing saw, for insertion into the pycnometer sample
much slower than a traditional stamping operation (i.e. cup. The material around the circumference of the sec-
the geometries produced herein required roughly 30–45 tions was excluded to reduce the influence of the circular
minutes to form), IF allows very complex convex parts cutting process on the measurements.
to be created. A further advantage is that the incre- The masses and volumes of the deformed and unde-
mental nature of the deformation distributes strain very formed materials were measured using a balance (Ac-
evenly throughout the material, allowing very large culab AL-104) and a 1 cm3 helium pycnometer
strains to be achieved. (Micromeritics Accupyc 1330), respectively. Due to the
The geometry chosen for the present study is a frus- minute differences in density, multiple measurements
tum of a quadrangular pyramid [20], as shown in Fig. 2. were obtained for each specimen. A minimum of five
The advantage of such a geometry is that it provides mass measurements and five sets of volume measure-
regions of plane strain at the center of each side in both ments were taken, with each set consisting of five indi-
the transverse and rolling directions. The sample blanks vidual measurements. Ten sets of measurements were
were 240 mm 240 mm sheet specimens gridded with a taken of the undeformed material. To further improve
the accuracy of the density measurements, a calibration
volume was measured following each sample and a de-
viation of more than 0.0005 cm3 caused the preceding
values to be rejected.
2.2. Materials
Table 1
Material descriptions for the three alloys obtained from tensile testing and the fit parameters for the Voce curve given in Eq. (1)
Alloy t (mm) R ry (MPa) rs (MPa) a b
AA5182-O 0.93 0.88 118 379 7.35 0.890
AA5754-O 1.02 0.76 93 298 7.48 0.844
AA6111-T4P 0.93 0.70 164 445 5.42 0.837
4. Results
ation strain based on the normal distribution model of dently by both Becker et al. [32] and Worswick [33]. The
Chu and Needleman [15], its value is much larger than best-fit nucleation terms for all three of these combina-
the strain level at which nucleation begins. tions are presented in Table 3.
An advantage of the strain-based nucleation formu- Sections of the deformed material were also mounted
lation is that it is independent of the material flow stress. perpendicular to the direction of deformation and pol-
As demonstrated in Fig. 8, no difference is observed for ished for metallographic examination. The micrographs
the three sets of Voce parameters presented in Table 1 in Fig. 10 show representative regions of damage for the
despite their different stress-strain behaviours. This in- three aluminum sheet alloys. For all alloys, void nucle-
dependence is important because the IF deformation ation appears to be a result of particle cracking as op-
results in strains far beyond those obtained using a posed to particle-matrix decohesion. The specimens
uniaxial tensile test. were also examined for evidence of void coalescence,
The FEM predictions are very sensitive, however, to which would confound the numerical modelling as-
the selection of the q1 and q2 fitting parameters as seen sumption of only nucleation and growth; none was
in Fig. 9. In the literature, the values of q1 and q2 are observed.
generally taken to be 1.5 and 1, respectively, as sug- Accurate quantification of void volume fraction from
gested by Tvergaard [29]. Other common combinations digital images is a non-trivial task. For example, Gui-
include values of q1 ¼ 1 and q2 ¼ 1, which reduces glionda and Poole [34], while investigating damage in an
Eq. (2) to the original Gurson yield surface, or the val- Al–Si alloy, observed that optical microscopy yielded
ues of q1 ¼ 1:25 and q2 ¼ 0:95 determined indepen- lower porosity measurements than those obtained by
density measurements and they attributed these differ-
ences to the difficulties of metallographic preparation.
Accordingly, the current study did not attempt to
quantify void damage levels from the metallographic
5. Discussion
Table 3
Best-fit nucleation parameters for three pairs of qi values
Alloy q1 ¼ 1:5, q2 ¼ 1 q1 ¼ 1, q2 ¼ 1 q1 ¼ 1:25, q2 ¼ 0:95
fn en sn fn en sn fn en sn
AA5182 0.00055 0.65 0.08 0.00080 0.70 0.11 0.00075 0.70 0.10
AA5754 0.00035 0.65 0.03 0.00055 0.75 0.12 0.00045 0.70 0.10
AA6111 0.00125 0.50 0.16 0.00170 0.55 0.18 0.00165 0.55 0.18
Fig. 10. Micrographs of the three aluminum alloys showing regions of representative damage, in which the arrows indicate voids formed through
particle cracking. Major strain applied in horizontal image direction; through-thickness sheet direction is vertical.
current work was applied to the Chu and Needleman employing this technique should focus on materials
[15] void nucleation model within the GTN constitutive having larger and/or more clustered particles.
softening equations, it could easily be used to calibrate While very few published values exist for the GTN
any void damage based model. nucleation parameters of the three aluminum sheet al-
Despite the obvious advantages to the experimental loys examined herein, previous studies by Heinstein and
methods presented herein, there are a few potential Yang [36] and Brunet et al. [37] have investigated the
sources of error. Alterations to the sheet material may alloys AA5182 and AA5754, as summarized in Table 4.
have been made during pycnometer specimen prepara- These papers do not include results for AA6111, but a
tion, through the release of residual stresses in the ma- similar alloy (AA6016) is included for comparison pur-
terial during sectioning or damage due to cutting. While poses. Parameters were chosen to fit FEM predictions
every attempt was made to reduce these effects, there is with experimental load–displacement curves obtained
no way to quantify their influence apart from in situ from smooth tensile tests and no effort was made in ei-
measurements [35]. Although the accuracy of the helium ther study to experimentally quantify the void volume
pycnometer is dependent on the volume of material fraction. The values for volume fraction of nucleating
measured, no effort was made to ensure an equivalent particles, fn , in Tables 3 and 4 differ by orders of mag-
volume was tested for each specimen. The large strains nitude. In fact, the fn values of Table 4 are greater than
achieved in the IF process lead to considerable thinning the area fraction of particles, AP , obtained for these al-
of the sheet, which made extracting equivalent sample loys and presented in Table 2. Therefore, the authors
volumes more difficult. Finally, it was assumed that the feel that the current results should be viewed much more
initially undeformed material contained no porosity. reliably, despite differences in the method of deforma-
A certain amount of ‘‘unhealed’’ damage is expected tion and questions about the transferability of nucle-
from the sheet fabrication process (e.g. rolling), but it is ation parameters from one case to the other.
difficult to quantify. As a result, f0 ¼ 0 is considered a Nevertheless, more rigorous methods must be employed
reasonable assumption. to determine values of fn , rather than simply using the
The limitations of the method must also be recog- GTN model phenomenologically.
nized. A minimum level of void damage is needed to
obtain a statistically significant measure with the pyc- Table 4
nometer system employed herein. In two of the alloys Nucleation parameters obtained by [36] and [37]
(AA5182 and AA6111), this threshold is met, producing Alloy fn en sn Reference
significant changes in density as a function of applied AA5182 0.08 0.2 0.075 [36]
deformation. However, in the AA5754 sheet, the level of AA5182 0.035 0.270 0.1 [37]
damage is very small and a trend is not clearly estab- AA5754 0.034 0.320 0.1 [37]
lished. Since void nucleation rate is observed to increase AA6016 0.036 0.276 0.1 [37]
with increasing particle size (see Table 2), future work Values of q1 ¼ 1:5 and q2 ¼ 1 were used in all cases.
W.B. Lievers et al. / Acta Materialia 52 (2004) 3001–3007 3007
Although the present study has focused exclusively of Alcan International Limited (Alcan KRDC), the
on nucleation as a function of plastic strain, a great deal Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
of evidence in the literature suggests that stress-con- Canada (NSERC) and the Centre for Automotive Ma-
trolled nucleation models [4,5,38] are more appropriate. terials and Manufacturing (CAMM). They also wish to
Indeed, the current results exhibit an increased void thank Dr. J. Jeswiet of Queen’s University for producing
nucleation rate with increasing yield strength, suggesting the IF specimens, and H. Buie (Queen’s) for preparing
a stress dependence. The decision was made to limit the and imaging the metallographic samples.
study to strain-controlled nucleation based on the ease
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