Marriages Break
Marriages Break
Marriages Break
4 Introduction
7 Rules of Engagement
12 Enlisting Help
14 Setting Limits
28 Authors
W hen we marry, we envision that we will happily grow old with our
spouse at our side. Yet, sometimes the brokenness in this world
injects itself into our lives and fractures our hopes and dreams. In an instant,
our world can come crumbling down, leaving us struggling to see God and
his care for us. A husband announces that he is running off with a colleague
from the office. A wife decides she is tired of trying to make a marriage
Our prayer is that this book will be a resource to help you make sense of
a terrible situation. We pray it might guide relationships back to a place of
healing or help strengthen your faith as you make the difficult decision to
move forward without your marriage.
Every marriage encounters bumps along the way, but sometimes those
obstacles are difficult and may even be insurmountable. We want to help
you find hope and see God at work through these hard times.
We pray these writings are a blessing to your life and that your
relationships will experience the blessing of healing.
When Your Spouse Walks Out
Acknowledge the loss Self care also becomes critically important because
we can’t care for others without caring for ourselves.
When a spouse walks out or wants to end a Recognize that you are in a difficult season. You may
relationship, it can set our minds awhirl with concern. need to say “no” to outside commitments in order
Losing a foundational relationship shakes our world to manage the chaos brewing on the home front.
and leaves us with so many things to process. Our Making time to speak with a counselor is a healthy
emotions can sometimes get the best of us in times exercise in self care.
of distress. We can lash out in anger or withdraw in
despair. The root of our pain is often sadness, we
have a loss that we need to process and grieve. A
trusted counselor can help keep us from getting stuck
“God does not define us
in despair. Journaling feelings can also be a helpful
practice. And sometimes, just allowing time to have
by the pain of our past,
a good cry might be the release that is needed. but loves us as one of
Acknowledge, name, and confront the pain—the loss
is real. Seize the moments you have to process and his precious children.”
use them well to begin moving back toward peace.
Don’t despair Seek God
When a spouse leaves, a world of negative Relationships often reach a breaking point because
emotions can be triggered. Their absence raises one party or both has wandered away from living
feelings of abandonment and triggers self-doubt faithfully according to God’s word. When something
and despair. These negative thoughts can lead to occurs as drastic as a spouse leaving, it is an
depression if we don’t realize that our hope will opportunity to reset your compass. Point yourself in
never be found in an earthly relationship—it can be the direction of following Christ and living the life he
found only in Jesus Christ. We may grieve the loss has called you to. God is always ready to welcome
of a marriage that never lived up to our hopes and us back and give us his comfort and guidance. God
dreams, but we still have hope for the future because has promised to walk with us through the darkest of
we are not defined by a failed relationship. God does valleys (Psalm 23). He assures us that he will will not
not define us by the pain of our past, but loves us as fail us or forsake us (Joshua 1:5), in fact nothing can
one of his precious children. You may feel isolated and separate us from his love (Romans 8:38-39), and he
alone, but God has promised that he will never leave will be with us until the end of time (Matthew 28:20).
you nor forsake you (Deut 31:8). God will never leave you, lean on him and he will get
you through whatever you face.
Rules of Engagement
“Saving your marriage
indeed, how he then enables us to pour ourselves into
from collapse requires Perhaps you are sitting in a barren place today. You
that you demonstrate aren’t sure if your marriage can come back—or even if
you have the energy to invest in bringing it back. Don’t
your love for your give up! God meets his children in the wilderness.
With his help, you and your spouse may be on a long,
husband or your wife, but fruitful journey towards streams in the desert —
loving and being loved, as God desires for you.
even when they don’t
acknowledge it, don’t
deserve it, or don’t
reciprocate it.”
Owning Your Contribution
When trust is undermined in a marriage, it
True healing rarely comes without repentance
takes time to find healing and rebuild what was
before God. We will never be ready for a new
lost. Transparency is important for rebuilding
relationship or find healing in a current relationship
trust in relationships. Maybe that means sharing
until we take ownership of the part we played in the
passwords and calendars, or providing access to
conflict and commit to change our ways. It is too
computers and cell phones. It also means being
easy to blame someone else without considering how
emotionally transparent and sharing your feelings.
our behavior factored into the equation. Sometimes
“Being vulnerable is an
Restoration of the relationship may not happen
essential building block for every marriage, but personal restoration can
come as we own our shortcomings and ask God to
for restoring intimacy in redeem them for his purposes. Personal restoration
Enlisting Help
Professional counsel
When things break down in life we usually call in
an expert. We find a physician to care for our illness “There is no shame
or a mechanic to repair our broken car. In the same
way, relationships in crisis often require the guidance in asking for help;
of a trained professional who is outside of the drama.
Get counseling help to restore your marriage. If that’s as members of a
not successful, a counselor can offer perspective to
help you move past the crisis and plant your feet
community we have a
on solid ground. With a willingness to engage in calling to care for one
counseling, personal growth can occur and a new kind
of relationship can be forged. Even if only one person another.”
seeks counseling, that person can work towards
healing and access resources to help them make
decisions about the future.
Legal advice
Church community Sometimes when tempers flare, behavior can
spiral out of control necessitating legal intervention
A family of faith can be a tremendous resource in
for the protection and safety of those involved. Police
times of crisis, though congregations are notorious
may need to be called to diffuse an argument or
for taking sides when a marriage splits. Hopefully, the
a restraining order may be needed for protecting
response of the church can have a significant impact
one’s safety. Finances may need to be separated to
avoid one spouse from draining a bank account or help, as members of a community we have a calling
from running up excessive amounts of debt. Use the to care for one another.
resources available to protect your safety.
Separation and divorce can be isolating and
stepping into a new, uncertain chapter of life can
be difficult, but God does not leave us alone. Jesus
Community resources promised that he is with us to the very end of time.
Separating a household can often cause financial As we lean on God and trust his leading, God will
distress as the limited resources that once covered guide our steps and care for us through his people.
one household, must now cover two. Some spouses Proverbs 11:14 tells us, “Where there is no guidance, a
choose to leave their families in the lurch, and the people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there
remaining spouse is left to struggle to get by. Explore is safety.”
what resources your community offers to help hurting
families. Organizations like Love in the Name of Christ
or government living assistance programs can guide
you to resources and help you make ends meet as you
get back on your feet. There is no shame in asking for
Setting Limits
Require accountability negative behavior. This means being willing to share
your phone and your computer to help reestablish
Accountability is essential for healing to occur in trust. Trust is rebuilt when there is a track record of
a damaged relationship. Involve the police to hold trust-worthy behavior and this requires transparency
your spouse accountable if your safety is endangered. over time.
Insist on accountability with a counselor or pastor to
Relationships can find healing when we commit to
either help you work toward healing the relationship
living according to the behaviors God requires of us.
or guide you to an amicable parting.
Setting loving limits is a way of investing in the future
If there was infidelity then part of rebuilding trust of your relationship and committing to a better future.
is having transparency so there is accountability for
When to Fight for Your Marriage
whole world out of be hard to imagine now, but with God all things are
possible. Even if a spouse is not initially willing to try,
nothing, imagine what they may yet be won over by your commitment to
extending grace. Sacrificial love wins the day.
he can create with
a couple of willing When you desire a stable
hearts.” foundation for your children
Choosing to ensure a stable foundation for your
children is more than just “staying together for the
kids.” It means choosing to address your marital
When you value your issues and create a home where commitment and
commitment communication are valued. A high conflict marriage
can be destructive to children caught in the crossfire,
We should never take lightly the promises we but most marriage dissolutions are actually low
make before God. When we stood before God at our conflict. Couples simply drift apart and the task of
wedding, we pledged to work at our relationship over rebuilding feels too daunting. In these situations,
a lifetime, in good times and in bad, through sickness putting in the hard work can not only revive your
and in health. So it is important that we are not quick
marriage but also establish a stable and healthy role in the breakdown of your marriage, you can begin
foundation for your children. to make needed and important changes.
When to End a Marriage
it is destructive to your family. Boundaries need to
be placed around addictive behaviors. If a spouse
When you have earnestly
is willing to seek treatment and honor boundaries worked at repair
related to recovery, you can work on getting well
As soon as your marriage feels like it’s in trouble,
together. But if a spouse is unwilling to seek treatment
getting advice from a counselor is a wise choice. A
and work on treating both the addiction and the
counselor can guide you through what’s normal for
underlying causes, hard boundaries may ultimately be
stressed couples and help you navigate good choices
necessary to shield you or your children from harm.
around bad behavior. And when you have invested the
time and energy into seeking earnestly to repair your
relationship without success, a counselor can also
When an unbelieving spouse help you recognize when your relationship is no longer
has walked away salvageable, but has instead become destructive.
A marriage that damages more than it helps is a
1 Corinthians 7:15 talks about letting an unbelieving
hard truth, but one that is easier to live with if you
spouse walk away if they have had enough. A
can honestly say that you tried every means at your
believing spouse is encouraged to stick with a
disposal to work toward healing.
marriage if their unbelieving partner is willing, but
if an unbelieving spouse walks away, the Bible says
the remaining spouse should not be “enslaved” to a
marriage with an absent spouse. Abandonment can
When you can no longer
break a marriage. If your unbelieving spouse has no carry the weight alone
willingness to persist in the marriage, your paths may
It is difficult to fix a relationship when you are the
need to diverge.
only one working at it. Bearing the burden of trying
to repair a marriage alone can work for a time. All
marriages have seasons where things are difficult and
When an affair continues we sacrifice for our spouses. But over the long haul,
Adultery is extremely destructive to marriage. It’s a one-sided marriage will only result in burnout and
an obvious violation of marital vows, even explicitly probably expose you to unhealthy behaviors. Carrying
mentioned in scripture as one of the ways marriages the full weight of your relationship is an ineffective
break. Yet, marriages can survive past affairs and long term solution. A licensed counselor can help you
move toward restored trust and intimacy. But such see when the burden has become too much.
restoration can happen only if the couple is fully
Marriages break, and deciding precisely when to
re-committed to each other. The unfaithful spouse
end a marriage is never easy. Divorce is not what
must sever the ties of infidelity and change behaviors
God intended for marriage, but sometimes it is the
that led to it. Both spouses will likely need significant
best way forward. It’s never easy, but God will not
counseling together to rebuild their trust. A marriage
leave you alone in your pain. He will walk with you
requires the intimacy of a husband and wife alone.
even through the dark valley of marital conflict, and
There is no ability to move forward if a third party
by leaning on him, you can find hope and healing for
remains involved.
moving forward.
When is Divorce Okay
but with many advisers they succeed.” After divorce, Divorce is never the way God wanted things to go,
friendship, prayer, and counseling can help individuals but sometimes it is necessary. Divorce is always about
move past the pain to a place where they can wish brokenness. Sometimes divorce is the better choice
their ex-spouses well and take accountability for their and the lesser of two evils, but it is never without pain,
own role in the dissolution of the relationship. and it is never beyond the loving embrace of God.
Finding Hope Amid Marital Strife
“Our true hope will challenges separation and divorce can bring.
never be found in an
earthly relationship, it Prayer connects us with God and enables us to
can only be found in follow his leading in our lives. In prayer we lay down
our burdens and find God’s comfort for the concerns
Jesus Christ.” of our hearts. Prayer should not be your last option,
only after you have exhausted your own resources,
but rather prayer should be your first impulse, a
Recognize your source of faithful habit that gives you the strength to face each
new day.
Our true hope will never be found in an earthly
relationship, it can only be found in Jesus Christ. We Equip yourself with God’s
may grieve the loss of a marriage that never lived word
up to our hopes and dreams, but we are not defined
Claim God’s promises for your life by reciting them
by a failed relationship. God loves you as a precious
when you feel anxious or scared. As Jesus used
child. You may feel isolated and alone, but God has
scripture to defeat the devil when he was tempted,
promised that he will never leave or forsakes you.
we have God’s word to serve as our defense when life
feels overwhelming.
Reestablish routine When life feels out of control these concrete actions
can help our world to become less chaotic by resetting
When your marriage is in crisis, the effects ripple our priorities and guiding us to care for the things that
out into every area of your life. Your marriage we can control. We are reminded of the words of the
becomes the number one priority in your life, but it serenity prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr:
is important to not be pulled into panic about your
God grant me the serenity
relationship. God’s plan for your life is not lost if your
relationship falters. Hope can be found as you step to accept the things I cannot change;
out of crisis mode and recognize that God’s world is
courage to change the things I can;
still turning and his promises are still true, regardless
of your marital status. Take a deep breath and step and wisdom to know the difference.
into your life, trusting that God is walking through it
with you.
Coping as a Single Parent
God provided a new family God reopened my heart
through his church As my heart reopened to God, I slowly stepped into
new friendships and pressed into family. I suddenly
After my wife left, I started going to church…and
found I made friends much more easily. I was forming
not just on Sunday. In the darkest days of my life,
deep and lasting friendships; and I seldom felt alone.
Sharon and her daughter invited me to visit the church
Because Christ was the fabric and thread of these
in which my family worships to this day. After visiting,
friendships, they withstood hardship. What’s more,
I received another invitation: to come to a small
my parents moved closer; my mother even stayed a
group. Starved for adult company and friendship, I
few months with me. Their presence gave my family
leaped at the chance, and entered a community of
enormous support. God did not leave me in my
people who cared about each other and who cared
isolation and my loneliness. He surrounded me with
about me. When things got tough, my new church
his people.
family stepped in with support. One couple would
pick up my children from daycare when I worked late. Don’t be afraid to ask new friends and family for
Another family invited us to spend a holiday with help. Take people seriously when they offer you their
them. Someone else would babysit a sick child so I presence. God can place just the right people in our
wouldn’t have to miss work. Eventually, it hit me what lives, but when we won’t admit we need them, or
God had done: he changed my life and the lives of my humbly accept their help, we hurt only ourselves.
children through his people.
admit we need them, comfort him. All the cooking and cleaning; just one
person did it all. Bathing, dressing, putting to bed;
or humbly accept their you guessed it, me. In all of it, because of the love of
Christ, I came to understand that I was never truly
help, we hurt only alone. He was with me, just as he is with you.
Have Hope for Your Marriage
There are many unhappy marriages. No, that’s marriage is quite close, with none of the dissention
not quite right. Better to say that there are many that was once present.
marriages passing through a period of unhappiness.
The second couple, whom I’ll dub Matt and Maggie,
The first formulation makes it sound as if unhappiness
had been married for about the same period of time.
is the fixed and final state of a marriage. The
Matt distanced himself and was frequently sarcastic,
second recognizes that marriages can change, and
while Maggie spent too much money and hid her
momentary or even seasonal unhappiness can turn to
purchases—significant problems to be sure, but no
eventual satisfaction. The first phrasing is hopeless,
worse than Dale and Donna’s. Matt and Maggie were
the second, hopeful, and hope is essential for
much less hopeful, though. Each was skeptical that
repairing any troubled marriage.
the other would try to change, and each was quick
Merriam-Webster Dictionary states that to hope to give up on resolving their problems. They had little
is “to expect with confidence.” I have worked as a expectation that the marriage would improve. Each
therapist with many couples who were experiencing worked more on furthering their own interests than
marital difficulties. I’ve noticed that the hope (or lack on thinking of ways to improve the relationship. They
thereof) with which couples entered into counseling made little effort to make the changes I suggested,
makes a tremendous difference in their likelihood of and soon dropped out of therapy.
Christian experience and to marriage. They suggest assistance in developing skills
that there are three components to hope that are like communication, parenting,
important for relationships: willpower, waypower, and self-control, and other skills to
waitpower: improve their waypower.
About Family Fire
Family Fire is a Christian ministry committed to fanning the flames of the Holy
Spirit in our family relationships. Family Fire hosts an active Facebook community
( and offers a library of deeper resources on our website
( We also offer live teaching events such as marriage and parenting
retreats. Together we explore spiritual, emotional, and physical intimacy and how
we should live as members of a Spirit-fed family.
Romans 8:14-17 tells us, “For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.
For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have
received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” The Spirit
himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children,
then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in
order that we may also be glorified with him.”
Discussing God’s design for marriage and parenting, Family Fire is produced by
Pastor Steven and Deb Koster. Steven is the Director of ReFrame Media and he
is passionate about using media to build communities of faith. Deb Koster is a
producer, writer, and speaker for Family Fire. After over 25 years as a Registered
Nurse, she is following her passion for family ministry and pursuing her Master’s
degree in Ministry. The Kosters are the parents of three awesome young adults and
reside in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Forgiveness: A Guide
to Relationship Repair
By Steven & Deb Koster
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ReFrame Media is the North American ministry of Back to God Ministries International.
We reframe people’s lives with the gospel, at home and abroad, on the air and online.
3475 Mainway
Producer: Deb Koster
Editors: Steven Koster, Robin Basselin, Chris Hunt
Design and Layout by Five Q
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without permission
from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in other works or reviews.